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Char, NC The Charlotte Separatists Chat Thread

Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by RidingMyCarousel, Mar 27, 2005.

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  1. DarthCeltic

    DarthCeltic Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 5, 2010
    sorry to hear that jada hope all is well..

    hey all
  2. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006
    I think the board ate my last post here.

    Iceobel is doing better. She is able to go up and down the stairs by herself now and seems much more stable. Monday we will get another reading on her sugars and we are hoping they have gone down.
  3. RipRoar

    RipRoar Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 8, 2007
    Glad she is better
  4. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006
    The good news!

    Her sugars are at 88. She is perfect!

    Her liver panel is vastly improved. One value went from 172 down to 74. It is still high and indicates Cushings but she is responding to the medicine.

    Her thyroid is still low and we are increasing the dosage. She is anemic and her cholesterol is down from 1200 to 575 but needs to come down more. This is all related to her thyroid.

    These tests were the big milestone and she responded to the medicine well.

    Our baby is doing well. :D

    The news that was bad but is now ok:

    Monday my daughter started having stabbing pain in her eyes and could barely see. Being a normal parent I took her to the ER.



    What a waste of time. They scared the ever living poodoo out of her by not telling her what they were doing with the pressure pen and she thought they were sticking a needle in her eye.

    Tuesday we went to see the ophthalmologist. He took a quick look and determined that her the lenses of her eyes were swollen and angry due to overuse of her contacts. Gave her some special eyedrops and told her to lay off to contacts for a few weeks.

    And that's the story of my life! :p
  5. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002

    ...So, Cabarras county or union county schools for a child? Need to know. :S
  6. MrEBeast

    MrEBeast Jedi Youngling

    Dec 14, 2007
    My wife (who researches this endlessly...) says it's pretty much a toss-up and largely depends where exactly in those counties you buy. Union county will have a larger Hispanic population, and Cabarrus will be more redneck/low income.

  7. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006
    If I could home school my child I would but both of us would end up crazier from it. Note, crazier not crazy . . . we're already there. :p
  8. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    I like CMS. But my kid is in a full Montessori magnet. Honestly if I didn't have that option, I'd have to homeschool or go private. I don't think his learning style would work in a traditional setting.

    Depends on what you want, I don't think either Union or Cabarrus are bad, I just like having the magnet options in CMS.

    Curious as to why James is asking, although I know I'm a couple of months late on this one.

    Anyways...hi everyone. I did something I've been considering for awhile and retired my old screen name. Still me though. :p

    Got an ophthalmologist appointment next week myself. I'm guessing that he's going to confirm my suspicion that I can't see worth a fart and put me in lenses, but I've been wrong before. Sorry Christy had such a bad experience. I'm not afraid of needles but sticking one in my eye is still over the top.
  9. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006
    Good Maker I had to think with your new user name!!!!
  10. titylicker

    titylicker Jedi Youngling

    Mar 23, 2011
  11. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Yeah, who am I kidding, I haven't been a "girl" in years. :p I kept getting mistaken for a teenage Hayden fan. Which means people also assume that I like Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers.

  12. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006
    You don't have Bieber fever? :p
  13. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    I got married the same year he was born. Bieber fever would border on pedophilia for me. :p
  14. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006

    Yes, I look at some of the stars today and realize "Oh! I could be their mother!" :eek:
  15. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002
    Oh, it's moot point now. My ex was going to move in with me but hated CMS schools and I was the proactive of the two of us; I did all the research into stuff.

    Good to see you're still around though, Tracy!

    Heh, did you know that Eagle is living in Japan now? He had some pictures on facebook a while back of what the earthquake did to where he's living at. Thankfully he's okay.

    So, here's my quarterly check-in!

    sup y'all?

    ps: Jada, are you still living in Gaston Co. or did you and the hubby move closer to Charlotte yet?
  16. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    What's Greg doing in Japan?

    I'm still trying to keep up with how old everyone late-teens folks moved into your late-20s on me. :p

    Good to see you around, James. Pop in more often than quarterly. ;) :D
  17. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002
    I believe he got married. We had an apartment together back in '04; after that we moved our own ways.

    I check the forums once a week or so but usually this place is kinda dead. (I blame Jada and the phatooine group on Facebook!)

    Otherwise; how's life as a mom now? :D

    ps: God forbid but I'm almost 30 now!
  18. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Life as a mom is busy, chaotic and loads of fun.

    And almost 30? Still a young'un. I'm counting down T-minus 8 months to 40. ;)

    There's a phatooine group on Facebook?
  19. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002

    Yup, there is.

    And Tracy, think about it.. you met me when I was 18. :p

    Oh how time flies.

    PS: Phat on Facebook -- linky.
  20. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Yeah, I think I was 30. We were shopping for AOTC premiere merchandise. Good times.

    But yeah, how they fly.

  21. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002
    I wonder what happened to Clay! Holy crap, I ran into him a couple of years ago. I live near Rebel Base Toys and Comics right now.

    And yeah, we bought all of those action figures!
  22. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006
    Dude! What the frell? I've tried! You could get your arsesocks to a get together you know.
  23. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002
    Well, make one that I can attend and I'll go!

    (btw, working my job = 1 days off a week)
  24. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006
    Come by ConCarolinas - there's 3 days - Fri, Sat, Sun.

  25. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002
    I'll be at the beach that weekend unless plans change! D'oh. I went last year.
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