Am I the only one that really liked the comics? I still don't see any point in adapting them, but here's hoping there's an epic battle in the Kiros city!
Unfortunately there is a risqué Ahsoka image up on the OS's slideshow for this episode. I've got a bad feeling about that. Honestly having seen the concept art for Suu Lawquane on the season 2 blu-ray, granted thats a kinda saggy adult there is definitely atleast one pervert working on the models dreaming about what Cartoon Network would let fly so I'll put nothing past them. I own a few of the comics just never read them. They were given to me as gifts before I got into the show. About six months ago I couldn't have cared less about Star Wars. I think I might read this one after the arc airs.
In a weird way I'm sort of glad Ahsoka is back. I feel dirty inside. I'm also hoping for dark side Anakin, always enjoy those bits.
Exactly, the entire show should really be on a one or two week break after the Umbara arc. Not just back to the "same old fun!". Regardless, they should at least leave Rex and the 501st out of this while the show assesses how to portray those characters going forward. It's bad enough we'll probably never get to see any mention of how the other Jedi react to the Krell situation... would love to see that conversation between Rex and Anakin.
That was.... an unpleasant google search. I need to keep safe search turned on more. [image=]
Ah ha ha ha haaaaaa. I, too, was a little disturbed when I first heard about all the fan "art" of Ahsoka and decided to google search it.
The sad part is none of it was particularly good. Usually Rule 34 can turn up something done professionally, like the stuff Elijah Wood looked at. The creepy thing is that the horrifying google search resulted in stuff that looked like it was drawn by children. I think that last part is what scares me the most.
Oh, I thought there was a picture of her from the episode itself. Maybe there's hope that the outfit will be left out! And why did you guys mention googling Ahsoka fan art? Not. Enough. Eye. Soap. In. The. WORLD.
This should of been a standalone episode, maybe ending the year on the prison break episode? Then have the 2 month hiatus for the holidays. Going from Umbara to this is unfortunate too. I hope Rex isn't gonna be the "yes sir" clone with several lines, him and Cody(he's in the arc) should get some spotlight.
Is that REX dragging her around? I haven't read the but I know Rex was disguised as a slaver.. right?
I really don't want to continue this discussion, but yes that is Rex. He's undercover as well. You're discussing all the nauseating aspects of the comic. Odds are this episode will follow the first issue of the comic. Disarming bombs, Obi-Wan elsewhere away from Anakin, exactly what the synopsis shows.
Looks like a positive arc, although the time placement is indeed odd...The streets of the Kiros capital are very neat and interesting design-wise I have to say
There was no "dark side rage" from Anakin, I.e, Force choke or angry at something, other than him having issues about slavery because he was once a slave, but that was handled quickly. IIRC there was a brief scene of Anakin fighting Ventress but he ended up leaving pretty quick.
They mentioned a while ago they were adapting a comic for Season 4. And since this looks exactly like one of the comics and the planets have the same names, well...
^ The 2nd preview trailer looks like a shot-for-shot remake of the beginning of the comic. The graphics look amazing. If they are following the comic this closely, we'll see if they had the guts to put Ahsoka in her slave costume.