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Social The Cloud City Cantina 25.0 [Next Game Night TBD]

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by TheSilentInfluence, Mar 9, 2023.


What Star Wars creature would you want for a pet?

  1. Tuk’ata

  2. Vulptex

  3. Nexu

  4. Gundark

  5. Bantha

  6. Porg

  7. Blurrg

  8. Kowakian monkey-lizard

  9. Loth-cat

  10. Wampa

  11. Rancor

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  1. jedi_master_ousley

    jedi_master_ousley Force Ghost star 8

    Jun 14, 2002
    Oh, well, I posted the edited version of the meme to try and keep it family friendly :p

    Normally it says
    BONK! Go to horny jail!

    for when people randomly post [very nice] photos like that :p
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  2. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    I'm sure that's true. Yet, I can see I'm not the only one thinking
  3. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    ok, to bring the force back into balane then.. :p

    Last edited: May 12, 2024
  4. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    Nothing like Bill Pullman! So, how are things?
  5. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019

    Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there! Hope your children made it a special day for you!

    I made my mom a brie and tomato tart plus a baby spinach salad with raspberry vinaigrette, bleu cheese, pecans, and cranberries for dinner.

    As well as a sweet chocolate lava cake for desert.

    (This is why I am her favorite;))
    Psych_Jedi, Moll, DarthIshyZ and 3 others like this.
  6. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    That sounds absolutely delicious, @devilinthedetails ! I went over to my parents' house after church to drop off my card and chat with them about my weekend. Mom and I took Linus on a walk around the block.
  7. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    The chocolate lava cake was truly decadent.

    And melted brie cheese is always delicious.

    So I was overall very pleased with how the dinner turned out.

    Glad you could see your family and spend some time with your mom on Mother's Day, Nehru! I'm sure she appreciated that!
    Psych_Jedi and Nehru_Amidala like this.
  8. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    I am sure of it, my parents are still somewhat estranged from my younger sister and her husband who live down near Monticello. They connect over text and she comes up to visit occasionally when her work brings her to DC.
  9. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    you can suggest films as well as dates and times.
  10. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    That sounds like an excellent meal @devilinthedetails! Yummy!

    @Dandelo knows how to keep us happy! Although, I totally understood the female image and it’s part of his game we are all over the moon excited about. :) You can still post all of the Bill gifs you want!!
  11. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    watching the panthers vs bruins game. im hoping the leafs can somehow come back and win this series.
  12. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Never give up!!
  13. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Jim Montgomery looks stressed… his Bruins aren’t doing well.

    That was a crap penalty!! Come on…
    Last edited: May 12, 2024
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  14. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 10x Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
  15. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    thank you :D it's gonna be awesome!! so glad you're excited for it [:D]
  16. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
  17. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    It's going to be great! :eek:
  18. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Never surrender.
    Last edited: May 12, 2024
    jedi_master_ousley likes this.
  19. Alpha-Red

    Alpha-Red Chosen One star 7

    Apr 25, 2004
  20. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    What is up with this?!? Am I in the dark enough that I don't know about some controversy with Steve Buscemi? Did he kick a puppy or voice support for the SW Holiday Special or something?
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
    Alpha-Red and Nehru_Amidala like this.
  21. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    What I saw from a different report was that it was believed to be random. :(
    Nehru_Amidala and DarthIshyZ like this.
  22. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    17 more days until Move-In

  23. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
  24. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    I love videos like this:
    Alpha-Red and Nehru_Amidala like this.
  25. Psych_Jedi

    Psych_Jedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 9, 2003
    Hello and belated Happy Mother's Day! We had a picnic lunch with my sister's family and hung out at her house for part of the afternoon. This morning we planted the rose bush we bought the other day. I'm taking care of some yard work today before the rains later.
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