  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

Social The Cloud City Cantina 25.0 [Next Game Night TBD]

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by TheSilentInfluence, Mar 9, 2023.


What Star Wars creature would you want for a pet?

  1. Tuk’ata

  2. Vulptex

  3. Nexu

  4. Gundark

  5. Bantha

  6. Porg

  7. Blurrg

  8. Kowakian monkey-lizard

  9. Loth-cat

  10. Wampa

  11. Rancor

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  1. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    He was with the Stars for a while and was supposed to be a big deal, but didn’t really perform. I’m not sure if it was the system here or if he just wasn’t happy because he’s been great for the Avalanche. It’s really sad.
  2. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    Stars, Krakens. Avalanches...

    this is some sport :p
  3. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    It’s madness!!
    Psych_Jedi, Dandelo and Jedi Bluth like this.
  4. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 4, 2021
  5. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 4, 2021

    Anyone remember mash-up Monday? Well I'm bringing it back....

    Linkin Park + Imagine Dragons + Mike Shinoda - In The Natural Start (@Kill_mR_DJ MASHUP)
    Alpha-Red likes this.
  6. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Short handed goal for the Stars! This young guy is playing his backside off.
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  7. Adella7

    Adella7 Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 8, 2016
    Red Lobster is closing 50 restaurants due to bankruptcy . They need to stop selling shrimp for dinner and lunch.
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
    Lady_Belligerent likes this.
  8. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Oh wow. I had not heard that.

    Everyone to the new thread HERE
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