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Fantasy OPEN The Fall of The Ryujin

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Shadowsun, Jan 21, 2023.

  1. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The Fall of the Ryujin

    In the beginning, there was nothing but the three.

    Tellus, Lord of Time

    Caelum, Lord of Space

    Pelagus, Lord of the Unseen
    So go the scholars. From them came forth Regnum: A vast, fantastical plane of existence where elves, humans, goblins, orcs, and a whole host of creatures were born.


    But perhaps their greatest creation was the Ryujin. Beings capable of transforming from their humanoid form into a dragon. Those blessed with this gift often rose to immense status and influence.

    Indeed, one such being rose to unfathomable power. That to even rival the three. Their essence a duality; one forged in fire, the other carved from ice. Their name... Sapientis. They led a group of Ryujin in rebellion against the three, an unholy civil war with cataclysmic effects. Only when united were Tellus, Caelum and Pelagus able to defeat Sapientis. Their essence spilt in twine and sealed.

    Eons have passed, the Dragon Gods no longer interact with the mortal realm. The ancient war faded to a distant memory. Regnum is filled with disparate kingdoms that fight for survival. Before the three deities departed, they spoke of the duality of Sapientis. Two halves that would arise to destroy the mortal plane, beings of Ice and Fire. That once joined would be unstoppable. Malum Dragonson, ruler of the Kingdom of Haugun seeks their return, he with his allies poses a grave danger to all of Regnum.

    Zalzabar, The Lightning Ryujin gathered together a band of warriors, and mages in an effort to track down the very weapons the Three had used to defeat Sapientis. Beginning northern cold region of Athas the group tracked their way down towards Othos, the City of Kings. It was here where those that sought the return of Sapientis laid a great siege to conquer Athas. It was here where the Ryujin fell. It was here that Zalzabar was slain.


    Malum Dragonson, King of Haugun, Lord Protector of Athas

    Where is it that you lie in the Fate of Regnum?

    The bell tolls, and the Final Battle glimmers in the distance.

    The End is near.

    Welcome to The Fall of the Ryujin! An epic of bravery, grand feats, and noble sacrifice! You play as an adventurer that exists within the world of Regnum whose fate gets caught up in the grand madness of the dreaded battles over the Return of Sapientis. Victory is not guaranteed, if our heroes were to make a foolish mistake, character death will occur. This is a world we will discover together, building it as the journey progresses.

    It is NOT required that you played the previous game in order to join this one or that you know the entirety of events, I will provide a short run down so that you as a reader understand the workings of the world.

    For a deeper understanding of the World, how Ryujin/Magic work and for examples of character sheets from the previous game you can check out the Library thread here.

    Additionally here is OOC thread.

    Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have.

    A note for returning characters:
    It has been six months or so since the previous game and I know where each of your characters were teleported to so PM me and we can discuss what your character was up to in those six months.

    Character Sheet
    Appearance (if a Ryujin includes dragon form as well):
    Class: (Ignore if not a Ryujin)
    Personal Goal:
    (GMs eyes only, do not post)

    1) Respect and Obey the TOS
    2) No god-modding
    3) Do not metagame
    4) If you need to step away please notify the GM
    5) If you have an issue with the story, a plotline or character related event notify me as soon as you can, I am human I make mistakes too. I am always willing to work with players to give them the best experience possible.
    7) The most important rule: Have Fun!
  2. Beskar_Whistle

    Beskar_Whistle Jedi Youngling

    Oct 25, 2022
    GM Approved!

    Character Sheet
    Ragrim “Goldenclaw” Mertheln
    Age: 277
    Race: Dwarf Ryujin
    Gold-trimmed green tunic, dark gray traveler cloak, carved dwarven crossbow, carved dwarven hatchet, utility knife, rucksack, canteen and rations, snowflake obsidian stone focus, various small odds and ends (collection of jewelry of different metals, flasks, small rocks, bones, etc.)

    Ryujin Adept, Healer/Enchanter Adept

    While Ragrim can be a typical dwarf, stubborn and gruff at times, he is a rather personable and compassionate person, thanks in part to his extensive exposure to the many races around the world. As an enchanter and tinker, he enjoys being a problem-solver and helping people with trouble, while his healing abilities lend him to have a good bedside manner with the injured. At the same time, he enjoys the tavern as much as the next person, and has a fondness of ales from the different corners of the world.

    Ragrim Mertheln did not grow up within the dwarven kingdom of Risova, but out among the other races. His parents moved from place to place, filling the traditional dwarven roles like smithing, crafting, and mining as needed.

    Ragrim’s talents soon revealed themselves differently, however, as his grip on magic awoke. Rather than labor at a smith’s furnace, something he was certainly trained for, he found he could channel magic into people and objects, resulting in effects like healing and imbuing said objects with power. Very quickly, Ragrim became known as the man to turn to when in need of an extra boost in productivity or if a bone is broken.

    As his ability grew, Ragrim found new and unique ways to alter items to fill a variety of purposes. Flasks that hold far more than their apparent size were just the beginning. Need to get across a wide gap? Throw a special stone to teleport when the stone strikes. Need to find the nearest mug of ale? Slip on a certain ring and the wearer will have a good idea of where to look. One of Ragrim’s favorites is a small hoop that alters the size of objects as they pass through, such as turning a pile of sticks into a stack of logs ready to be built into palisades.

    Magical abilities aside, Ragrim is naturally gifted both with a smith’s hammer and the dwarf-made weapons he carries. His crossbow and axe are handy for hunting game, but thieves are doomed to run away empty-handed if they think they can make off with his bag of enchanted trinkets easily. If they somehow manage to grab hold of his rucksack, they risk running afoul of any of the enchantments within, or simply find the bag itself is too heavy for anyone other than Ragrim to pick up.
  3. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    Character Sheet - GM Approved
    Age: 27
    Race: Human
    Nothing except a ragged black cloak
    Class: Light Ryujin (Currently cursed with wounds from Solis)
    Personality: Depressed, broken, and lost in Kathos. Used to be an arrogant prick.
    Born as Kaynus Allbright of House Kayne, young Kaynus was born into privilege. From a young age, Kaynus had access to great riches and oppurtunities. What more, he was also born a Ryujin. His father, Solis Kayne, is a powerful Ryujin himself, leading the Winter Court.

    Solis tormented Kaynus for all of his childhood, beating him and making it known that Kaynus wasnothing to Solis until he could master his Ryujin capabilities.

    So long had Kaynus tried, that Solis eventually gave up completely. He banished Kaynus from his home, Haugun, and told him to never return until Kaynus had mastered his Ryujin capabilities.

    So Kaynus, believing he was some heir to the three and he was greater than everyone else, set out to master his powers. It was here he came across Zalzabar and his party.

    He greatly despised Zalzabar, and couldn't stand his cronies, especially Anaxagore. So distraught was he that none of them would appreciate his divinity, that he was often at odds with the entire crew.

    Time went on, and Kaynus was found by Solis in Athas, where the rest of Zalzabar's party resided for the time being. Shortly after, Athas fell, and Zalzabar died. Kaynus dueled with his father, Solis, but was broken, dropped to the ground with injuries that no Ryujin healing could fix.

    In the final moments of Zalzabar, each member of his party was cast out across Regnum. Kaynus has not much idea where, for he was dropped in the hellhole of Regnum they call the Kathos Wildlands.

    Here Kaynus made contact with an old man living alone in the woods, and this is where Kaynus has been staying while he licks his wounds...
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2023
  4. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    CS - GM Approved.

    Name: Ne'jin’tar
    Age: 23
    Race: Half-orc / Ryujin


    Large collection of gold, Valorous Falchion - Sword, chain mail shirt, Healing Belt, Armor Crystal (Least Crystal of Adaptation) -- Endure Elements always on, grapple hook, 100ft silk rope, crowbar, Bone Cane, 2 waterskins, whet stone, magnifying glass, flint, bedroll, backpack, scented oil, belt pouch, couple antitoxin, signal whistle,
    Liquid Sunlight - bottle of sea water that glows when shaken,Tanglefoot Bags (1), and ration sack

    Class: Ryujin Adept

    Personality: He lives loosely by the rules of his parent, priest, and tribe, following this basic tenet above all others: You will do what you have to to survive, and so shall I. Thus is his actions begotten largely, although he does have a softer side that he keeps under wraps trying to not openly let it show. What largely shows though, serving as the wrapper of his softer core, is the fact that he has had a rough life. Being a child of the desert, a half breed, and growing up with all the disadvantages possible to a young warrior he has had to rely on himself and his own strength too often to let his guard down against even those that present as friends. The few magic imbued items he has he keeps concealed, a source of shame despite their need to survive in these strange lands.
    Biography: In the middle desert of Xan were a parched and trying existence for Ne’tar. Although his mother did not want him to know, it was quickly made clear in his earliest memories that he was not like the rest of the tribe. He was different in almost every way, and his treatment by them he felt reflected it. Unlike some half-orcs that he later learned of, he was a Mother’s child as he stayed largely near her unless ordered by elder males or the sheik to other duties.

    His mother died taken by At’ar, when he was just becoming a man, she died from after a raiding party the tribe fought off, taken by Kurrukh. For several years he stayed with them despite his feelings of inadequacy and separation as he was not like them. Until one day, selling his mother’s camels, quick job in lizard pens, and taking a heavy load he left with the merchants, leaving Xan behind to see the world. It was by surprise and gleanings of their written words they left unthinking of his intelligence that he inferred they had not good intent, which lead him to slay them once the green lands were in sight during the night. He took what valuables he found useful and embarked on a new life in the Lands of Many, Many Men and Savage Beasts where he payed passage across the sea. Here he could find honor, wealth, and perhaps someday, answers to his own existence that his mother would not, or could share in the quiet removed tent of his home before she was taken.

    He received after many winters a summons to Zalzy palace. There he was tested, met many friends, and fought many battles. They fled and he as well as others feasted upon goblins, slayed a mighty Ryujin goblin, and then pressed on. Ever training they continued their journey and Ne'tar learned and grew until he learned to control his Ryujin side, and that side grew. By time they make to Athas Ne'tar earn new name! Ne'tar become Ne'jin'tar! Got new teacher, learn from Princess ways of healing.

    Ne'jin'tar fought in great battle! Fought many victories, but still Ne'jin'tar know they lost. Zalzy died, and in dying sent Ne'jin'tar far far away. Ne'jin'tar need check bank. Should get bonus.
  5. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    GM Approved!

    Name: Citalo Gamog
    Age: 34
    Race: Dark Elf

    Equipment: Twin longswords, a dagger, and a bow
    Class: Adept
    Personality: Often aloof. Citalo has a very simplistic understanding of the world and does not enjoy complicating his thoughts with more information. He does what is requested of him, at no thought of the harm to himself or others. Easily entertained by games and simple stories.
    Bio: Citalo is the adopted child of Queen Asanna of Taetus. He was born to nomadic woman who King Derius subjected to numerous experimentations during her pregnancy; of the 250 fetuses subject to experimentation, Citalo was the only that survived. His early was characterized by simple hunts with his adoptive mother and brutal experimentation and training by King Derius.

    He resides in Mirharaja, Western Taetus and is beloved by the people who view him as a simple, but dutiful protector of the Western states. He is tasked, at various times by the Witchking, with traveling to other nations as an emissary and with the elimination of powerful enemies of Taetus. In the months following the death of Zalzabar and the destruction of Othos, Citalo has been very, very busy.
  6. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    GM Approved:

    Character Sheet

    Name: Delsanra Taenya Helestina
    Age: 250 (est)Looks early 20 in human years
    Race: Snow Elf/Ryujin
    Appearance: 5'6" tall, slender with delicate elvish features. Pale skin, and the deepest dark of black hair, setting off her green eyes with purple flakes. Favors primal colors, and a black cloak whenever she leaves her land. She always wears a delicate silver chain bracelet on her left hand, that moves down to her fingers. And her lips are always of the deepest shade of red.


    Equipment:3 books, vials, mirror, candles, staff, 4 daggers, a vial of tar, a small box(magical), a slate with a writing tool, a piece of velvet, rope, silver, chalk, salt, and a few other items associated with other mages. scrolls, Dragon Orb, special Orb,

    Class: Mage - Ryujin (No longer Adpet ?)

    Personality: Delsanra has lived most of her life alone, but not lonely, for she always had her animals or books to keep her company. Magic was her companion, and when she used to have teachers, she always felt under their scrutiny. She preferred the times when she was with her books and magic.

    Bio: Delsanra has lived most of her life alone, not in the pursuit of power to bend things to her will, but for knowledge. She hopes to find the lost past of Regumn. Of their lost heritage. It has all but forgotten, but Desanra has scoured the realm, looking for items, and piecing them together to gain knowledge. Magic has always come easy to her, but she uses it sparingly, for she knows the power within those words. It was the word from the Ryujin named Zalzabar that caught her attention. Great Knowledge. Let the others have the power and riches. With knowledge, much more was possible. When she travels, she usually calls herself a sage.

    With the death of Zalzabar, Delsanra found herself with Anaxagore within a large city.With the last of his energy, Zalzabar had flung them all in various directions. If there was a plan of why she ended up where she was, she did not know it. She took small comfort in the fact that he had shared his will with her before he left them.

    And now she would bury herself deep into her studies. She worked to become very proficient in hiding her aura. She also worked on her illusions, changing her looks slightly, so she did not look like the snow elf she was. And she used her funds to replace and upgrade her magical items. She knew they would not have long. And there was still the orb. She kept it close with the other orb, to hide its aura, while she worked hard on her growing skills. She worked daily to push her teleportation to its limits. Because she knew that the fall of one city was only the beginning.
  7. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Chapter I
    Set Adrift

    There had been endless whispers in the city of Bangor over the last few months. Tidbits, and whispered fears of a far-off war where former royalty had resurfaced. Malum Dragonson had remereged. It was something that only added to the unending uneasiness that wracked all of Zafir with a panic-stricken disease. It was certainly not something Delsanra Helestina would be able to so easily ignore. Anaxagore and herself had arrived in the city six months prior, injured in both spirit, body and mind they would be left to contemplate the final moments of the Battle of Othos. The two of them only kept company for a few days, Anaxagore had grown silent, consumed with himself and his shame. One late evening as the two of them sat on either side of the tavern table, bitter ale in front of them both he explained how he would make his way off. He needed to find the other Grey Paladins or the first one he could find, he thought it likely they would know at least something about the Eyes of the Three... that was still their mission after all, despite Zalzabar's death. He recommended that she continued her studies with the Eye she had, and if possible contact the King. Afterall if what Malum had said was true...

    Zalzabar Dragonson.

    Anaxagore still did not know how to feel about that. Despite any protests she may have given he was gone the next day, off into the grey mists from which he came. Though to return, no doubt soon.

    And so days turned to weeks, to months... a few refugees from Athas had begun turning within the city, Bangor was a hundred miles inland along the western coast, and another three hundred miles away Dyrcha, the capital of Zafir. None of the refugees were from Othos itself, no one knew exactly what had happened to it if it still even existed. The Eye of Caelum sat ever still within her bag, silent as it ever had been in the last few months though it had spoken to her to find the Blind Fae King... he supposedly held The Crown of Caelum. The research itself had been slow... and by that not helpful at all. She had discovered no new information regarding the Dragon God Weapons, or the Eyes... what she had learned was that the Dragonson line had only recently come into power. Recently in terms of Ryujin time... Hector had ruled for almost 700 hundred years as King but before him... well that had been a bloody and horrific war but many of the records within Bangor were incomplete.

    As she was contemplating all of this, the air within the inn was thick with the hustle and bustle of the day, Zalzabar had been good on his word and it had been no issue to withdraw her funds from the seemingly omnipresent bank. She would view as a familiar figure came into view, several books floated around them as they began to bellow over the cacophony of noises.

    "Magical Items for Sale! Books, potions, magic weapons! Come one, come all!"

    TAG: @Ktala
    Mention: @greyjedi125

    Loreth, Forest of the Wood Elves

    To be honest, Ne'jin'tar would likely be very surprised that it had taken them this long before they intervened. There he was, the half-orc Ryujin surrounded by a clan of wood elves their bows pointed straight at him. Esenma had separated from him quite early on, having bumped into a mysterious and odd fellow that Ne'jin'tar had been able to gather was from Taetus. It would have been of little use trying to convince Esenma to not accompany this strange elf being, but well, Zalzabar did attract a stubborn crew it seemed.

    That had been several months ago now and since then it had been a repetitive cycle of hunting for food, sleeping in a safe spot so as not to be hunted down by wild animals and travelling down south to Xan. It had not taken long for him to recognize it was the forest of Loreth after all, many had the tale been to stay away the distinctive shape of these trees, from there it have been of ease for a Xan orc like Ne'jin'tar to figure out which was South and begin moving down that way, though from there? Who knows... That had been Esenma's suggestion at least, in part because well travelling north was no option for certain Haugunite reasons and travelling west or east would lead to nothing but more ocean, the first few port cities existed in Xan, so south was the only realistic option.

    But here he was surrounded but a flock of wood elves, the hatred in their eyes clear as they all glared at him, just waiting for an excuse to let loose their arrows. A tall elf, tall even for elves, stepped forward and made a gesture for Ne'jin'tar to follow. No words were exchanged, but the message was clear in the warrior's eyes.

    Move or die.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto

    Patras, Port Town within Athas

    Ragrim Mertheln could not have perhaps had worse luck. When he had set off on his voyage seven months prior Athas was a free, thriving and independent nation. Upon his arrival, it was one of subjugation and ruin. Long banners of ebony dropped themselves over the ruined battlements of the city, their cold harsh darkness in a deafening contrast to the smooth, warm stone beneath them. As he stepped of the boat he could see the people's faces glum and sad, families had been torn apart people moved into around to various camps to fuel the Haugunite war machine. Haugun... they had only been whispered about in Ragrim's youth, a far-off, evil nation of no one's concern. Not so much now as Ragrim starred at the barren helm of a Haugunite soldier, a set of six flanking the boat as the various passengers got off.

    Ragrim would have been drawn to Athas, more specifically the capital of Othos, due to it being proclaimed as it having the greatest schools of healing in the world, and the greatest healer of perhaps all time, that of Helen, Hero of Athas. Though of course, Ragrim had no idea, until quickly piecing together in the last ten minutes, that Athas was no more. They were all taken to a large building for processing and after what had felt like hours it was finally Ragrim's turn. A cold, stern, and exhausted face groaned out a set of questions for Ragrim, not even looking toward the dwarf.

    "Name? Reason for visiting the colony of Athas and are you a ryujin?"

    From what little Ragrim knew of Haugun he would know that answering truthfully would likely be a very bad idea.

    TAG: @Beskar_Whistle

    South Kathos

    Farest flung of Zalzabar's troop, Kaynus now plunged forward in the bitter cold. The village he arrived in was small, far smaller than any village or town Kaynus had seen in his youth in Haugun. It was even smaller than Zpa village thousands of miles away in Athas. It had the bare essentials, an inn, and a general store, but no windmill or surrounding farmland. The villagers here hunted for their food, and what grains they did get they traded for with their largest export. Timber. The large and grand lumber mill was the most sophisticated structure to be seen, its old stone and wood ached with the burden of keeping the village alive.

    The only sound that could be heard was the steady rhythm of the logs being cut, consistent as a pendulum, eerie as the howl of a wolf in the long distance. As he would wander forward to the dozen or so buildings that were there he would see a few small children dot about with keen eager eyes, and adults with cold, broken ones. Perhaps Kaynus's memories would cast back to the little boy he had help find his father back in Othos. A memory from what no doubt felt like an age away.

    A single, worn dirt road led south towards what Kaynus presumed was South Osatia, comprehensive geography had been a cornerstone of his education, though knowing Kaynus it was a minor miracle that he would recall that detail. Had not Cretaus said he was from Essatia which was just east of Kathos?

    One of the boys running by looked awfully like when Cretaus had first shown up to Zalzabar's castle. Thin, weak, but with a glint of purpose within his eye. They hopped right into the central inn named simply 'The Wolf's Head'. Inside was just as barren as the village itself, a barkeep cleaning a mug with a dirty rag, two men in the corner sharing a pint as they were off their duty at the lumber mill, and the boy that had just hopped in toward the back, likely the barkeep's son.

    Well Kaynus had wanted answers and there were certainly no signs of life around, and much to think on.

    TAG: @Master Vo (Please post you piece before responding)

    Loreth, Forest of the Wood Elves

    Citalo could feel the forest's fear and anger. It did not like that he was here, it did not like that Esenma, beside him was here either. In fact, he would be reasonably sure that several Wood Elves had been tracking them for several weeks now. Their movements and preparations had quickened in the weeks and months after the human kingdom to their north fell. Still, Citalo had been given an all-important task, in fact, a task paramount to his master.

    To locate the Necromancer known as Noxtoten, a collector of baubles and artefacts that Malum Dragonson had informed Derius would be instrumental in bringing back Sapientis. How much of this information had been relayed to Citalo was for Derius to decide, but neither of them would have expected him to come across Esenma during he search. They had made for uneasy travel companions for the last few weeks.


    As the forest grew ever thicker and darker it would be a decision for them both if they wanted to travel deeper into the heart of Loreth to find Noxtoten, or report back north to Derius. That is if Esenma did not give him the slip within a moment's notice.

    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas
  8. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017

    Kathos Wildlands

    6 Months Ago, Directly after the Battle of Othos

    The starry night was beautiful. Such tranquillity lay in the moments that Kaynus, battered and bruised, lay on the ground staring up at the cosmos. The dense fir trees surrounded him, and his blood trickled into the grass beneath him. His clothes were soaked with his crimson ichor, and his left eye forced shut from the copious bruises.

    I can't heal from this. Kaynus thought to himself as he lay transfixed on the sky above him. Everything that had happened in the past days was a complete blur. His mind was clouded with the bitter taste of defeat.

    All he could picture in his mind was his father, Solis, discarding his limp body to the ground after he had failed to defeat him.

    Everything in Kaynus' mind had changed. He was no god. He was no prince. Here, he was just a boy who had suffered a beating from his father. An insolent pup, as Solis used to call him. Rage was indeed something Kaynus felt in this moment, but those feelings were clouded with something Kaynus was all too familiar with. Emptiness, failure, and regret.

    Why, in this moment, when Kaynus was mere moments ago lying bloodied on a battlefield, where he saw Zalzabar killed, was he realising these things? Why was he so bitter about the time he now considered wasted?

    All those years he spent trying to convince others he was more than he was worth. Desperately wishing someone would give him the positive attention he so greatly desired. All of it was for nothing. He tried to defeat Solis. He tried to help his...

    Friends? Surely they couldn't be that. Those band of fools that hung on to the tailcoats of Zalzabar. Could he really consider them to be his friends? It was a bitter pill to swallow. The entirety of Kaynus' time spent with Zalzabar's party had been filled with spite and irritation. He was so sure that he hated them! But now, as Kaynus lay, he wished he was back with them. It was the closest thing Kaynus had ever gotten to a true family. By the three, Kaynus wished he had sparred with Anaxagore. That... boy, as much as the two hated each other, Kaynus felt that Anaxagore wanted him to be more than the arrogant noble he was.

    Esenma had taken up arms with Kaynus against his father, and all he had viewed her as was some bizarre old woman. An annoyance, in fact. Or what of Ne'tar? Kaynus had always found amusement in his manner of speech, but viewed him as a disgrace for being an Orc. And young Cretaus...

    Kaynus coughed, and blood dribbled down his cheeks as it was flung out of his mouth.

    Get up, Kaynus.

    He shifted his arm, and lifted his torso from the ground, supporting himself with his elbow. Never had Kaynus received a beating like this. Some of his wounds were healing, thanks to his Ryujin blood, but there was a deep pain that Kaynus understood would not heal so easily. His very own flesh and blood, his father, treated him like an insect, as Kaynus had treated his comrades. Like father, like son. He thought in bitter resentment to himself, but with greater resentment to his father.

    His entire purpose of joining Zalzabar's party was to impress the arrogant man, but once they met again, Solis treated him as if he were a mistake. Something to be ashamed of.

    Why? Why must I be born into this life? Why could I not have been born into some commoner's family? Where would I have been treated with love?

    He dropped his head back down onto the grass, as tears trickled down from his bruised eyes. All Kaynus truly wanted was love. In this moment of understanding, he didn't want to be king. He didn't want to be recognized as a god. He just wanted a family.

    Why must the Three torture him like this?

    Now he was abandoned. All of his friends had been scattered across Regnum, and Kaynus was here, alone.

    As he lay weeping in regret and sorrow, a short, stoutly man with a thick grey beard stepped into the clearing.

    "Look like you've taken quite the beating, lad."

    Kaynus looked over to the voice, gasping to try and utter some kind of sentence, but his mouth filled with blood, and his eyes began to blur, and soon he faded into unconsciousness....

    The Old Man’s Hut, Kathos Wildlands

    5 Months Ago…

    There was a faint sound of rushing water. Birds chirping. The pitter patter of animals scurrying around. A fire crackled. The sound of a hammer hitting steel rang out.

    Kaynus’ eyes snapped open. Above him was a wooden roof, each plank running horizontally from his angle. Directly beside him was a window looking out into a clearing, surrounded by massive and dense fir trees. A few feet away from whatever building he was in sat a well, and a bench. A few rabbits hopped around the well, going about their animal lives.

    The first emotion Kaynus’ felt was confusion. Where, exactly, by the Three was he? He could smell food. It was good. Some sort of bacon, and he recognized the distinct sound of eggs frying away.

    He tried to sit up, and was met with biting pain.

    “Easy there, lad, you’ve been out cold for a good month now.” came a voice somewhere in the room.

    Kaynus’ head snapped towards the direction of the voice, startled and utterly confused. There, a grey bearded, rather round man sat on a chair facing Kaynus.

    “Who exactly are you?” was all Kaynus managed to utter. His ribs ached, and his stomach felt like a thousand knives stabbed into it at once.

    “The name’s Frank. Blacksmith by trade.” the short and stout man answered.

    By the Three… ‘Frank’... If things couldn't get worse...

    “Well, Frank, do tell what I’m doing in this bed, covered with bandages.” Kaynus groaned, laying back down and rubbing his brow.

    “Found yer in the woods. Bad shape, too. Looks like you’ve been through hell and back, son.” He replied matter-of-factly.

    “And so you just… brought me here?” Kaynus asked in confusion. This was a very strange act of kindness.

    The man nodded once, scratching his beard. Kaynus looked around the room. It was rustic, with not much going for it. A stark change from the architecture of Othos and way back home, in Haugan.

    “Pray tell, where exactly are my things?” Kaynus asked, looking down at the simple trousers and bandages he was donned in, underneath the thin blankets that rested over him.

    “Threw ‘em in the furnace. Nice piece of meteorite, I might say.” he answered simply.

    Kaynus paused, and looked back at Frank.

    All of his things, his sword, his necklace, everything had been tossed into a furnace?

    “And why on Regnum would you have done that?!” he barked, running a hand through his hair. Oh by the Three, his hair! It was short, cut down from the glorious locks that Kaynus had cultivated for so long!

    “Makin’ yer a new sword!” Frank grinned, showing his rather unpleasant teeth.

    “I had a sword, why would I need a new one?” Kaynus retorted, before Frank stood and shook his head.

    “Can’t kill one o’ those wolves with that letter opener.” he returned, somewhat gruffly.

    “Listen lad, yer got a lot of questions, but let me tell yer this. Yer one of them Haugunites. I know the make when I see it. That fancy sword and necklace, psh, it screams Haugunite. And let me tell yer this as well, not many folks take kindly to Haugunites ‘round these parts. So I suggest yer shut up, rest, and we start trainin’ tomorrow.”

    “Train for what?” Kaynus asked indignantly. Frank’s smile extended from ear to ear.

    “Yer killin’ Werewolves, lad.”


    Outside Frank’s Hut, Kathos Wildlands

    Three Months Ago

    “This is ridiculous.” Kaynus gasped, as he dropped down to the ground. The massive greatsword Frank had forged for him was far too heavy, and far too impractical.

    “You’ve explained I’m indebted to you, you’ve explained that I can’t be Kaynus anymore, but this sword is absurd. I can’t use it! We’ve been trying for weeks and it’s come to no avail! Surely there has to be a better way to fight these Wolf creatures than to carry around a giant sword!” Kaynus exasperated.

    Frank scratched his beard, shaking his head.

    “Yeh said yer a Ryujin, but yeh can’t transform. That beatin’ ruined yer healing skills, and it made yer unable to transform.” Frank took a few steps towards Kaynus, throwing down a waterskin for him to drink from.

    “Drink up, reject yer sense of self, an’ keep swingin’ the damn sword, lad! Yeh no Ryujin anymore, from the looks of things.” Frank ordered, taking a few steps to stand back.

    “Fine…” Kaynus muttered, heaving the greatsword off the ground, before raising it high into the air and swinging it towards a fir tree. In one swoop, the blade sliced through the massive fir, toppling it towards the ground.

    Frank grinned, before scratching his beard again and hiding his smile.

    “Good job, lad.” He proudly said with a nod, as Kaynus let a grin escape him.

    “Now do it with one hand.” He said, stifling a chuckle, as he watched Kaynus’ face drop. He turned, and headed back into the house.

    “See tha’ yeh chop up the tree too, good firewood.” He called, before slamming the door.

    Frank’s Hut, Kathos Wildlands

    One month ago

    “Checkmate.” Frank chuckled, as he moved his queen, trapping Kaynus in the inevitable trap he planned from the beginning of the game. Kaynus groaned.

    “This game is boring. Why can’t we go back to the sword exercise?” Kaynus murmured, resting his chin on his hand.

    “Because yeh can’t just swing a sword around like an idiot! Yeh got teh have smarts, lad. That’s how yeh’ll beat them werewolves! Besides, yeh already learned that lesson an’ yeh practised today.”

    Kaynus groaned again. Surely there had to be a better way to learn how to kill giant wolves than playing chess.

    “How’s yeh crossbow trainin’ goin’?” Frank asked, raising an eye to look at Kaynus.

    “Fine, fine. I’m hungry, what’s for dinner?” Kaynus replied, lazily waving away his question.


    “What kind of stew?”

    “Yer favourite kind.”

    Kaynus groaned, he knew exactly what that meant. He prepared himself for another bland meal, putting two bowls and two spoons on the table.

    This isn’t so bad, Kaynus. Closest thing you’ve got to a home right now, and at least you finally have a friend.

    Kaynus sighed. For the most part, he had managed to block out the events of the battle. Of course, he still woke up every night screaming, and he was still in constant pain. However, he was moving on. He no longer spent the majority of days sitting in a corner and brooding. He exercised daily, and had become very good at wielding the greatsword. In fact, he was quite fond of the weapon now.

    For the first time in his life, Kaynus, as troubled as he was, being plagued by dark thoughts, had finally seemed to have found his place in the world. He didn’t want anything to change.

    Frank’s Hut, Kathos Wildlands

    One week ago

    It was a day like any other. Kaynus woke up, had breakfast, exercised, trained, and had set out on a walk. He had changed a great deal from six months ago. He had gained a great deal of muscle, and no longer treated every living being like they were some worthless piece of garbage. Albeit, it was difficult when he only lived with Frank, but it wasn’t a bad life. In the evenings, Frank and Kaynus would drink beer until they both collapsed on the floor. Frank made sure Kaynus’ equipment was always up to standard. He had taught Kaynus that he couldn’t live in the past any longer. So, Kaynus had made up his mind.

    No longer was he Kaynus Allbright.

    No longer was he of House Kayne.

    In fact, Kaynus almost completely rejected his Ryujin side. He was unable to transform into one, and his Ryujin healing wasn’t helping. While he had recovered a great deal from when Frank first found him, he was still in tremendous pain. But, he learned how to live with that pain.

    Frank told Kaynus that he would be wise to change his name. It was quite likely that now the Haugunites had taken Athas that they would be tracking down Zalzabar’s old party. Kaynus planned to, of course, but he hadn’t decided on anything that would be a good name for him. In time, it would come.

    So it was with great despair that Kaynus returned from his walk to find the door to Frank’s hut broken down. Claw marks all over.

    Worst of all was seeing Frank’s limp body. Unmoving. Not even three hours ago Kaynus had said goodbye to him, telling him he’d be back soon.

    His mentor, his friend, the only person who had been able to connect with Kaynus, was dead.

    That night, Kaynus buried Frank outside his house. Frank had pointed out the spot to Kaynus. How vividly he remembered the words. That’s me spot, lad. Make sure I get there.

    Once Kaynus had finished the burial, he grabbed his cloak, his sword, and his crossbow. He took a few coins, a few provisions, and set out.

    Frank had told him of a village nearby, and Kaynus was going to find it, and find the damn wolf that had killed Frank.


    Present Day, South Kathos

    Kaynus had spent the last week traversing through the wilds of Kathos. After an exhausting journey, he had finally arrived in a small hamlet. In fact, small would be an understatement. It was more like a loose collection of buildings, surrounded by a wall of large timber logs, sharpened at the tops into pikes, save for a gap in the wall which served at the entrance. It remained wide open, the gates not yet closed.

    He frowned. Frank had pointed out this village, and it was typically where he went to get supplies such as grain and leather. They cut their own timber back at the hut, and hunted frequently for boar, deer, and rabbits. But now Kaynus was surprised to see this measly village was even able to offer Frank the grain he usually returned with.

    Kaynus' greatsword was fixed to his back, and his long and ragged cloak concealed his body, with his hood pulled over his head, making him a very mysterious spectacle. He stepped into the village, taking in his surroundings.

    For a moment, a trick of the light made Kaynus think he saw Cretaus, and nearly called out to the boy, but realized it was just some thin child who had managed to live this long with dying of disease or malnourishment.

    He noticed the boy run into the inn, and deemed it the most likely find information on what had happened in the last six months. He doubt that the villagers here would know much about the battle in Athas, but it was always worth a try. After all, Kaynus had been living in isolation with Frank for the last six months, and if he was lucky, he would be able to gather information on the beast that killed Frank.

    He stepped inside, the sound of his footsteps echoing across the near-silent room, save for a crackling fire and small murmurs from the two, what Kaynus presumed to be, lumber workers.

    He threw a coin down on the counter.

    "Pint of stout." he muttered, taking a glance around the room before making eye contact with the barkeep.

    "What news from Osatia?" he asked as he waited for his drink.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
  9. Beskar_Whistle

    Beskar_Whistle Jedi Youngling

    Oct 25, 2022
    Patras, Athas

    Stories of the vast ocean and its beauty had always been a part of Ragrim’s youth, despite often living far away from it in the interiors of different kingdoms. While the stories always piqued his interest, he had grown to realize that most of the stories he had heard had forgotten to mention one major, no-so-glamorous detail. For many land dwellers, the ocean was also a source of nausea the likes he’d never known. Short jaunts across small waters were nothing to write home about and were a regular enough adventure for Ragrim, but the journey to reach Athas had been much more than a simple skim across a channel. His stomach had made sure to remind him of that fact early on in the voyage until he had worked out a way to settle his body. Sure, dwarves were said to have an iron fortitude, but, in his opinion, that was more concerning the tavern, and no son of stone was ever built to float above the water this long. It was…unnatural.

    Now, his stomach once again bothered him, though not for the sake of the ocean. It was the black banners and stories of conquest that made him uneasy now.

    What had started as an eager trip to learn had suddenly taken a dark turn, and Ragrim was still recovering from the mental whiplash of learning that his trip to heal had inadvertently sailed him into an occupied territory that promised very little in the way of healing. Quite the opposite, the people here seemed to be suffering under their new rulers. The evidence of it was everywhere as he disembarked the ship, from the six armored guards to the lines of people being shuffled from place to place to be organized and handled by the Huagunites.

    Now, it seemed, he was stuck right into the middle with all the refugees as he was pressed along toward a building. However, he knew he had one advantage in being from outside Athan.

    They had no idea who, or what, he was.

    "Name? Reason for visiting the colony of Athas and are you a ryujin?"

    The questions, once he had arrived at the processing station, were muttered by a someone who had clearly asked the same of hundreds before him. It was almost mechanical at this point, and Ragrim hoped the routine nature would help him pass without too much scrutiny.

    “Rathis Belenor,” he said plainly. With the walk from the dock, he had been able to think up some answers to avoid suspicion. “Trade. I was hoping to acquire ales and liquor for export to Risova.”

    It was a half lie, really. Indeed, he had hoped to experience Athan alcohol, though on a more personal level. He also hoped that a dwarf from the dwarven kingdom of Risova would garner no surprise, as it shouldn’t. It was like stating there were trees in the forest.

    “And no, I’m not a ryujin,” he added, careful not to sound too eager with this answer. Gods only knew what sort of trouble ‘yes’ would get him with this bunch. For now, his job was to be as unassuming as possible, at least until he could work out how to get back on a boat away from here. Back out on the shifting, sickening seas. Maybe the next time, his stomach would decide it was far better than sticking around here and give him a bit of rest.

    A word from the Haugunite had stuck out to him, though. Calling Athas a ‘colony’ implied it was not a campaign to destroy Athas, but a land grab. Not that it otherwise had much to do with him beyond being stuck in the middle of it all, but the question of why Haugun would be trying to expand beyond their borders jumped into his mind. Was it simply a disdain for Athas that they decided this was where they’d take? Or was there a larger play coming in the future? Would another kingdom be next in line? Why was Athas a colony, and not immediately assimilated into the Haugun kingdom?

    Too many questions, no information, and Ragrim’s focus needed to be on his current predicament. Still, it felt like there was more to this than a simple border expansion.

    greyjedi125, Master Vo and Shadowsun like this.
  10. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Ne'jin’tar
    Loreth, Forest of the Wood Elves

    Ne'jin'tar end battle in wood. Esenma nearby, left soon. Ne'jin'tar make own path through wood! Ne'jin'tar think no take more little while. Ne'jin'tar keep think that six month. Ne'jin'tar always think pointy ears come soon, never do. Ne'jin'tar glad proved right when do show!

    Many bows pointed Ne'jin'tar. Ne'jin'tar think of wait, long wait Ne'jin'tar this happen. Ne'jin'tar take many bath in wood, keep Ne'jin'tar odor down. Ne'jin'tar eat many forest creature, many bug. Ne'jin'tar water dry spots, spread heavy water lighter. Heal blight Ne'jin'tar find practice Ne'jin'tar healing. Ne'jin'tar always practice little things. Things able. Ne'jin'tar always think last thing, or Ne'jin'tar make friend tree give path out? Never happen. Ne'jin'tar hope that happen then pointy ears behind. Ne'jin'tar sigh, raise hands.

    Forest of Loreth Ne'jin'tar sure, that why Ne'jin'tar expect pointy ears. Weird trees give away, that do for Ne'jin'tar. Ne'jin'tar no make Xan. Maybe Ne'jin'tar should of tried ocean? Ne'jin'tar did want see that. Ne'jin'tar heavy sigh again at Ne'jin'tar choices.

    Tall elf, step forward, gesture Ne'jin'tar follow. Ne'jin'tar understand.

    Move, die. Choice.

    Ne'jin'tar move. "Ne'jin'tar Loreth by Zalzy." Ne'jin'tar state as follow. Head low.

    TAG: @Shadowsun
  11. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Citalo and Esenma

    Citalo had not responded to her crude humor nor had he made any attempt to stop her from leaving. Esenma was familiar with Loreth; as familiar as one who had never visited before could be. She was not worried about her own safety and, despite her general delight at seeing young ryujin warriors, she felt no such delight from having accompanied Citalo the past few days. The young man wasn’t cold in temperament or personality. He did not seem motivated or determined. He was simple and direct.

    He was skilled at tracking, she could tell, though it seemed to be an unconventional form of tracking. He did not know where he was going and when she suggested that he turn back to report back to Derius, secretly hoping to follow Citalo to an exit and then take her leave, Citalo merely mentioned that he did not know where he had come from. He was lost when they met, but she could tell he was putting it together. Citalo knew that they were being followed, even without seeing the wood elves himself. He would walk for hours during the day and at night look up at the stars for a few minutes before falling asleep.

    Citalo was tracking his location by the movements of the stars. This didn’t mean he knew where Noxtoten was and that remained his focus: he was told to find Noxtoten. That was his only goal. Finding the Elder Esenma was surprising, but it changed little. He did not suggest she stay with him yet she had.

    “Do you think these wood elves will kill me or continue to observe?” He asked Esenma as he continued forward with her on his back. She was injured when he’d found her and when she jumped on his back he only continued forward; that was the nature of their companionship so far.

    “If they wanted to kill you, they would have? You still haven’t told me what you’re here for.” She responded.

    “I shouldn’t say. I think I’ll know the individual once I find them.”

    Tag: @Shadowsun
  12. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Character Sheet
    Age: Not known (least of all to me)
    Race: Double the guessing game
    Appearance (if a Ryujin includes dragon form as well):
    Equipment: Black Coat, winning personality
    Class: (Ignore if not a Ryujin) Unsure, memory is a thing
    Personality: Oh yes, I have one of those.
    Bio: Well, it's been six months since... something. I'm an amnesiac, to be honest, and my dreams are of dragons, and my nightmares are of comrades-in-arms I've failed.

    GM Approved
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
  13. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Delsanra Taenya Helestina
    Adift in Banagor

    It was true that Delsanra had been used to being alone. But after what had happened, she had been glad to be set Adrift with Anaxagore. So when he announced that he would be moving on, she simply nodded her head. She understood that his mission took him to another path. She would miss him. She hoped he might change his mind, but in the morn, he was gone. Delsanra sighed softly. She missed Dominus, and dang the Three, she missed Zalzy and the others. How dare he gave them hope, and then send the adrift!! She knew such thoughts were not helpful, but still, she felt alone now. She would not even mind seeing Ne'tar or the annoying Kaynus at this point. But hoping would do no good. Now alone, she needed to decide what her path was now. She poured herself into her studies, and into the practices that Zalzabar had given her when he passed some of his will to her, making it her own. Those stones were now a proud reminder.

    So now, she sat in the Inn, mulling over her meal, as she decided what she needed to do next. Her funds were good for now. She would transfer some if she could to other banks, so she would be able to access it while she traveled. As she drank from a cup, she heard a noise and then saw someone who looked familiar.

    She would view as a familiar figure came into view, several books floated around them as they began to bellow over the cacophony of noises.

    "Magical Items for Sale! Books, potions, magic weapons! Come one, come all!"

    She briefly smirked, as she wondered if this was merely a clone, or indeed, it was the same one. She quickly downed her drink and walked over.

    "I need some things if you have a moment," she called to him. As she did not quite look the same, as she had before, he may not recognize her, as she ran her illusion of hiding her true skin color, along with makeup. But if he was a sharp as she believed him to be, he would know.

    TAG: @Shadowsun

    Mention: @greyjedi125
  14. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
    Sinrebirth and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  15. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The Path Forward

    South Kathos

    The innkeeper fetched a mug and poured Kaynus's drink as he mulled over his question.

    "The same as it always is..." spoke the man with a very faint smile on his lips that hung in the balance of a deep sombre sadness. "Wood goes out, grain comes in..." he mulled over that as he slid the mug over to Kaynus. "Though..." he paused for a moment as if deciding to share what he was about to say, but then with a shrug decided it made no difference.

    "The wolves have been active lately, gotta keep the youngins in before twilight even begins," he looked over at the two men in the corner, gesturing to one of them "Erik's son was mauled to death by one a couple of moons a go," his attention then refixed on Kaynus.

    "Say lad, we don't get many outsiders all the way up here, where are you from?"

    TAG: @Master Vo


    "Yes, yes, yes young lady! Another latest edition of ice magic perhaps?" spoke the being with the enthusiasm of a dog wagging its tail, the The Eye of Caelum stirred slightly, intrigued by this person, a faint oddity of energy escaped the being as its two eyes looked down at the bag where Delsanra kept the Eye.

    "Oh-ho-ho! I see I have not been the only one keeping powerful items of magic!" he spoke in a whisper before taking a seat across Delsanra. For such an unmoving figure he was practically giddy with excitement.

    "I am glad to see you are here, I'm sure you must have been in quite a pickle a few months ago. Now, now none of my business, none of my business but I'm sure my business helped in that regard. Hmm? Yes, yes now what is it you would like today?" The books continued to hover around the man, as a drink hovered over to him from the barkeep that began to pour itself into the black void of his hood.

    TAG: @Ktala

    Loreth, Forest of the Wood Elves

    The leaves continued to flutter around the two Dark Elves as they pressed forward into the forest. Citalo would have felt it for several days at this point. The faint dark pulse within his blood compelled him to move in a certain direction. Its aura was deep and mystifying, a spectre that had watched the forests from ages prior. After a certain point the Wood Elves that had been tracking them stopped, though barely perceptible in their camouflage of the forest. The trees would then grow thin as they pressed forward, sickly and cold from the warm breath of the rest of the wood.

    An unkindness of ravens began to track the pair, dozens more perched across the dying lumber. Further still, the density of the trees would thin until a solitary oak stood tall and erect, leafless and undead in its fixture as the ravens continued to circle above. In contrast, the aura of Death grew thick and heavy, not a dissimilar scent from that of his master but older, far older.
    And then out of the Tree Line it bellowed forward, twelve feet tall, an unknown creature even to the learned Esenma bellowed at full sprint towards the pair. It was huge, the size of an Adept Ryujin, its void, blank eyes somehow fixed on Citalo as its beak opened with the promise to snap him in two.

    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas


    The sky roared as Arc's eyes fluttered open. Dragons roaring overhead, flesh, blood and bone spewing and cracking in the carnage of this all but forgotten war. Cold stone lay below Arc's feet; a hazy memory of what had happened before now rattled along within Arc's mind. His mind aching evermore if he chased after it.



    "Do you know what they call a group of Ryujin?" asked the wolf-man, his eyes carefully inspecting a butterfly that had landed on his hand.

    A twin set of dragons, enraptured in a deadly embrace, fell down through the sky in front of Arc, the maw of one sinking its teeth into the neck of the other. A clean twist of the head ensured a swift death.

    "A thunder..." resumed the wolf man, his eyes now looking down at the hooded figure.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

    Patras, Athas

    The boring and bored bureaucrat nodded, scribbled something and then ushered for Ragrim to continue along. The paved streets beyond the check-in were hushed; the downtrodden and grim defeatism stung the air. The dark armoured Haugunite's armour clung within the streets. Athraian subjects' heads were down cast as they went about their day. A dragon screamed through the air, another enforceable symbol of Haugunite dominance. Beyond, there was an inn that would be a natural gravitation point for Ragrim. He would know that Othos was to the north and thought it was an open question what would have happened to the schools of healing since Haugun's conquest.

    This question, along with countless others, could be answered within the Inn, most likely. Within it, it was called the rather unoriginal "Portside Inn", there was two Haugunite guard who noticeably stiffened at Ragrim's entrance, along with a handful of locals drinking and chatting. The atmosphere was only barely more cheerful than outside, though one could be forgiven for forgetting that they had all just been conquered.

    The barkeep himself was in a rushed state, toiling in and out of the back and continually glancing at the guards in the corner. After he was able to shake off his nervous fever he would glance toward Ragrim, silently asking what he wanted.

    TAG: @Beskar_Whistle


    There was a series of exchanged looks at the mention of a 'Zalzy' as he was led along to the den of the Elves. The trees became denser and lusher, a green as bright as emeralds lining the string of tree houses connected. Time seemed to slow down within this quiet green. A natural state of slowness and thoughtfulness washed over the orc as he continued along.

    He was then brought to a high platform within the village, the subject of many whispers and glares. Then presented to a ringed, elevated council, their sharp elven eyes appraising the orc. Half of them seemed to wish he would just simply disappear, others still disgusted that one was allowed to venture so deep to the forest. A thin thorned crown lay across the central figure's head, his eyes cast down in thought.

    "What brings you so deep within Loreth, orc?" he questioned, the chatter of the others dying down as his clear green eyes looked to Ne'jin'tar without judgement or emotion.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
  16. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005

    Ne'jin'tar follow pointy ears into the green wood. Deep to where pointy eared live. Ne'jin'tar feel peace. Calm. Relax.

    Ne'jin'tar know this not Ne'jin'tar feeling, Ne'jin'tar know Ne'jin'tar should rage. . .Or. . .something.

    Ne'jin'tar brought high, very high. Ne'jin'tar know Ne'jin'tar fly, Ne'jin'tar not. . .comfort know that. Ne'jin'tar set like feast to council long ears up higher. Ne'jin'tar wish Ne'jin'tar more clothes. Pain lover long ear with thorned crown one no stare. Odd.

    "What brings you so deep within Loreth, orc?" he questioned. Other long ears go still.

    Ne'jin'tar look around, look at pain leader. Ne'jin'tar breath deep, "Zalzy. When the city fell." Ne'jin'tar nod as that explained everything. Well, Ne'jin'tar say more. Long ears no listen good. "Lightning warriors away, far, Zalzy die. Ne'jin'tar with Granny in wood. Granny leave, Ne'jin'tar no know where Ne'jin'tar. Ne'jin'tar use sun. Ne'jin'tar go Xan. Ne'jin'tar get here." Ne'jin'tar huffed the last with wave about self. Ne'jin'tar not sure Ne'jin'tar get answer over. Ne'jin'tar know better ask pain leader question.

    TAG: @Shadowsun
    Shadowsun, Ktala and greyjedi125 like this.
  17. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Delsanra Taenya Helestina
    Banagor, Inn

    Well, that answered one question. He did remember her If he was using clones, they were smart ones. But considering the fact the being sold magic items, that could be easily taken care of. The being moved over towards her. "Oh-ho-ho! I see I have not been the only one keeping powerful items of magic!" he spoke in a whisper before taking a seat across Delsanra.

    Delsanra nodded. She felt the orb vibrate gently. So it recognized other mages. Or was it something more? Either way, she had another thought in mind. "Indeed," Delsanra spoke softly. She watched as the being continued speaking.

    "I am glad to see you are here, I'm sure you must have been in quite a pickle a few months ago. Now, now none of my business, none of my business but I'm sure my business helped in that regard. Hmm? Yes, yes now what is it you would like today?" The books continued to hover around the man, as a drink hovered over to him from the barkeep that began to pour itself into the black void of his hood.

    Delsanra chuckled softly. "I will take a look at your ice magic, but I wonder if you have another Omega bag?" she asked the being. She then tilted her head slightly. Also, can you tell me if this place has any places of the study of magic? I am interested in some elemental spells." She paused as she watch the drink pour itself into the inside of the hood. She then looked a bit more serious. "Also, any good maps? Magical or other." she asked, as she leaned back in her chair.

    TAG: @Shadowsun