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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I had an idea or two for the last fanon challenge, however it was a sequel to Princess of Renatasia, and that has kind of stalled.

    Then when I signed up to the last OTP challenge, my muse thought it was at a casino card table, and went "all in".

    Story index is a great idea, however it needs to be on page one.
    Findswoman likes this.
  2. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    In my case I haven't had the time and at least two old stories I feel a need to finnish befor trying to start a new one
    Findswoman likes this.
  3. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Just one quick response for now:

    No worries, it most definitely will be on page one. I have to work out the exact form it'll be in, or whether it'll be a link to an outside document or some such, but on page one it will certainly be. :)
  4. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    I've sent the information for my stories featuring fanon elements to the Sock. Happy indexing! :D

    Also, @Findswoman has new information on the Lasat Honor Guard in our joint Lasan and the Lasat fanon post.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  5. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    That's enough stuff for a new post.

    Are there that many military academies that it needs to be acronymed? It being called just the Military Academy in short form feels more natural to me

    I say, don't care about the US ranking system, this is Lasat - it has its own ranking system that follows its own logic and naming tradition.

    Suggest that you ad a name to the acronym, like how Boeing AH-64 is named Apache.
    TheRynJedi and Findswoman like this.
  6. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    modifying my suggestion: I don't think the acronym is needed - I would just call it Honour Guard Rover - but if that's what you plan to use I would have it as ATR/HG (possibly with a number after the ATR, like ATR-3/HG) indicating that the Honour guards All-Terrain Rover is a modified version of an existing model instead of a unique model (which would be expensive in the relatively small amounts they would be manufactured).

    That's not to say that I take back my previous suggestion of adding a name to the acronym, I still think that's a good idea. Makes Lasan sound less like the dehumanising bureaucracy that the Empire is
    Last edited: May 15, 2019
  7. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I think it is a cultural thing to the US. To this overseas observer, the amount of things that get abbreviated into letters, is insane.

    Your idea that "the Military Academy" feels more natural, would feel to me, that it would only work if it was the only military academy on the planet. The amount within one country on Earth, let alone across the world, I think, would require some way to tell them apart, hence, perhaps, reducing to letters.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
    Findswoman likes this.
  8. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I just have hard time seeing there being another military academy if there exist a Royal Lasat one, it's a bit like saying that your created a military academy that is not interested defending the state if it's a not-Royal Lasat Military Academy. Now the academy might be spread out with branch facilities all over the planet, each with it's own designation (which can be a acronym, a letter number combo or maybe just the area where the facility is located) - so you would say that you were trained at K2, or at Lömhulta or something similar, to indicate that you were trained at the Royal Lasat Military Academy's K2/Lömhulta/similar facility.
  9. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Now, I don't know anything about Lasat and it's honor guard. To me, that sounds like individuals standing around protecting a VIP, or greeting visiting dignitiaries.

    With that logic, potentially flawed as it is, then seagoing naval forces could have their own military academy;
    Space forces, their own;
    The New Republic could have an academy on...Lasat?

    Going by fictional military academies in US television media, it seems like any random retired flag officer of any of their military branches can set up their own academy to meet the needs of parents who want their children to have disciplined, good quality schooling, and so the retired officer can maintain the trappings of military life after being forced into retirement, rather than attempting to adjust to civvie street (civilian life).

    Elsewhere in the Resources thread, some of us have brought up the idea of all the SW planets just having the one climate, the one culture, running with the Planet of Hats trope. This would be another example.

    However, if you and Raissa agree that this is the only one on the planet, and....actually, now I think about it, it doesn't really matter. Luke referred to where he wanted to follow Biggs to, as the Academy, and everyone knew which one he was talking about. I will leave it alone.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  10. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Re: the Academy-- given that Lasan is an arid world, @Findswoman and I used Wookieepedia's population of Tatooine (200,000) to come up with a population of 175,000. To put that in perspective, it's the population of St. Lucia, about half the population of Iceland. So there probably is just one academy of any note.

    The Honor Guard's name is canon, so if it sounds too ceremonial, it's Dave Filoni's fault ;)

    I do take your point about mono-cultural and single climate planets, and we've tried to address that at least in some small ways. Lasan is arid, but some parts are hot and arid and some parts are cold and arid. @Findswoman has Zeb training in a mountain base and mentioning that he could join a Guard expedition to the poles for extreme weather training.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
  11. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Everything that @Raissa Baiard said. And apropos the name of the RLMA: even if a small town has, say, only one drugstore, that drugstore will still not be called just The Drugstore but will have a name like Mallatt’s Pharmacy or Ted’s General Store, and people will use that name to refer to it: “I’m just going to pick up a few things from Ted’s.”

    By that token, I don’t see what’s wrong with having even the planet’s only military academy being known as the Royal Lasat Military Academy (which of course has other training facilities elsewhere on Lasan), just the way there’s only one United States Naval Academy, one Sandhurst, etc. And quite frankly, I’m kind of flabbergasted that so much time has been spent picking something this small apart in such detail. Raissa and I are perfectly glad to answer questions about our fanon lore, especially for those interested in using it in stories—but I wonder if some of the more general nitpicking for nitpicking’s sake (because that’s what it feels like) might please be dialed down a bit. Thanks. :)

    Now all that having been said... what did you think of my Honor Guard hymn? :D
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
    Gamiel and Raissa Baiard like this.
  12. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    The amount of times I see lothcats being referred to in the fics, I am actually a bit surprised that this Honor Guard Rover did not get called "the Lothcat".
    Findswoman likes this.
  13. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    That would be cute, except (a) I don’t know if it would strike the right note for such a large, heavy military vehicle, and (b) it’s Lothal that Loth-cats are native to. :p
    Gamiel likes this.
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Ah. Okay.

    Well at least I have learned something.

    The Bantha?

    Hutt Transporter (disclaimer: no Hutts were harmed in the naming of this thing)

    The Findstruck. For the Gand market. Finds...people have to get around somehow.

    Given how the Findstruck looks and sounds, I have to try Awestruck as well.

    If Lasat tech ever appears in my universe, apparently Lasat / last puns are now on the table, eg. the Lasat Chance.
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I am shocked- shocked- to find that there is nitpicking of small details going on in a Star Wars thread!

    I'm actually find this discussin rather interesting since it shows the different outlooks of @Sith-I-5 and me and what we read into stuff.

    The thing is that from my perspective is the combination of 'royal' and '[planet's/nation's name]' in front of anything indicate that it's the big official one. So if something is Royal Lasat Military Academy means to me that that's the national/planetary one and would meant in most cases that's the one everybody is thinking about when they talk about a military academy on Lasat.

    Are we talking about before or after the Empire's attack regarding population numbers?

    I have to admit that I have watched very little of the Rebels series, it's shameful I know, so I'm sorry if this question is answered there but I'm confused about the Honour Guards role, is it a special unit within the Lasan military, or is it the name for the whole Lasan military?

    Maybe you have already thought/know about this but I would recommend looking at BBC's Earth, Earth II, and Human Planet and the book series Peoples of Africa from The Diagram Group, for some ideas/inspiration on have to differ arid environment, animal/plant life that lives there, words to describe it* and how people have adapted themselves to it.
    * the Peoples of Africa books are really good for this.

    Before I comment so was I wondering in what setting it's used?

    Since the Rover is partly amphibious would I suggest something like:




    Findswoman likes this.
  16. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Before. After the attack, the population is essentially 0, any survivors having either been taken prisoner or fled. (I suppose there could be someone still living in the ruins, but wow, how depressing and post-apocalyptic would that story be? :p)

    I love this! The Lasat Chance would actually be a perfect name for a ship belonging to a survivor of the siege. If Shai and Ludo ever make it out of that Imperial work camp, I can totally see them roaming the Galaxy in the Lasat Chance looking for other Lasat—and now I’m re-thinking my entire story trajectory for them, so thanks :p ;) :D
    Findswoman , Sith-I-5 and Gamiel like this.
  17. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    No worries. Happy to help. :)
    Raissa Baiard and Gamiel like this.
  18. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Zeb: Witness me!

    With that out of my system so would I suggest that you ad at least one zero that that pre-empire population number since Lasan is not as harsh as Tatooine.
  19. Pandora

    Pandora Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    @Findswoman and @Raissa Baiard: This is just something I'm curious about, though I don't know if you've had reason to think on it in the course of writing your stories/fanon thus far--what do you see as the future of the planet Lasan, post-Empire? (And in the context of thousands of years of galactic history, I suspect Palpatine's empire, which didn't even make it thirty years, isn't going to be anything more than a footnote of an epilogue to the Old Republic, so there would be a future for it.) I have only seen about five minutes in total of Rebels, but I gather from what I have read online that those few Lasats who are left are going to ultimately settle on Lira San. They're not ever going back.

    That then leaves an entire uninhabited planet floating there in space.

    (Finally, as a related aside, I was playing with a fanon idea for a far-future story of mine of there being what are commonly known as "dead worlds," of which Lasan would be an example: worlds that were depopulated during one of the many galactic crises over the centuries--and there seem to have been a fair few of those in the EUs--and that are still capable of being inhabited, but, for any number of reasons, are not. But I don't know if this idea stands up to being put down in writing.)
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
  20. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Interstellar Planetary Preservation to the rescue! Let's rebuild that environment!

    I have actually an idea bout a depopulated word covered in ruins that is now being re-populated by all the archaeologists, and their support people, who are there working.

    Also, wrote in my timeline for the Lahara sector that Kebolar was attacked by Mandalorian war-party nearly a thousand years BBY "taking everything they want, killing the population and bombing all settlements. For hundreds of years the planet is considered illfortuned and no new colonists move to settle on it."
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
    Findswoman and Sith-I-5 like this.
  21. Pons

    Pons Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 11, 2019
    MC90 Star Battlecruiser
    Built for the New Republic Defense Fleet by Mon Calamari Shipyards, the MC90 battlecruiser was the second purpose-built warship class of its kind. Designed as a less crew-intensive replacement for the logistically demanding MC85 heavy cruiser, the MC90's extensive automation was a key advantage when it came to operating sizable capital ships during an era of limited personnel and funding.

    Following the signing of the Galactic Concordance, legacy capital ships were rapidly phased out and replaced by a smaller number of new-builds; most task forces now consisted of no more than one capital ship with a frigate or two accompanying it. This meant that the NRDF's new Naval doctrine placed far greater emphasis on the capabilities of each individual combatant than it did previously. The MC90 was thus outfitted with copious amounts of heavy-duty weapons to defend itself against a numerically superior enemy, along with redundant shielding and dense armor that granted it full immunity to its own armament. A tapered, bullet-shaped hull enabled tremendous amounts of firepower to be focused forward, more so than any prior Mon Calamari design.

    However, treaty restrictions limiting the number of guns per warship meant that the battlecruiser suffered from a total lack of smaller, more versatile weapons, the most glaring flaw being the omission of a dedicated point-defense system. Potential issues were somewhat circumvented with the addition of massive hangars housing up to 15 squadrons of starfighters and NRDF Admirals' careful assignment of escort ships to accompany every MC90 in the fleet.


    MC90 Star Battlecruiser

    18 ABY~24 ABY


    Mon Calamari Shipyards

    • Length: 3,249.99 meters
    • Width: 730.62 meters
    • Height/Depth: 501.38 meters
    Crew Complement

    • 32 quad heavy turbolaser batteries
    • 180 dual heavy turbolaser batteries
    • 144 dual heavy ion cannon emplacements
    • 16 assault proton torpedo tubes(50 torpedoes each)
    Triple-redundant, self-replenishing plasma deflector shields
    • Capable of expanding volume of outermost layer to envelop other vessels
    • Middle layer hugs surface of hull
    • Innermost layer used as backup, can be deployed to bolster other layers
    Engine Units
    13 Sublight Ion Engines

    • Primary Drive Class 1.0
    • Backup Drive Class 8.0
    Carrying Capacity
    • 9 squadrons of T-85 X-wing Space Superiority Fighters
    • 3 squadrons of RZ-2 A-wing Interceptors
    • 3 squadrons of B-wing Mk.II Bombers
    Misc. Features
    • Interface optimized for multiple species, including humans
    • Aquatic species waterways
    • Remotely operated weapon emplacements
    • Fully automated damage control systems
    • Thrust vectoring for greater sublight maneuverability
    MC90s entered service with the NRDF starting from 18 ABY, when the no.1 ship Mediator was commissioned during a grandiose ceremony on Mon Cala. Other vessels followed at a steady rate of up to a few dozen per year, with deliveries ending around 24 ABY with the Resplendent Euphony's assignment to the 5th Fleet. By then Mon Cala's planetary defense fleet had already taken delivery of its share of MC90s, and was awaiting the first batch of more advanced MC95 cruisers.

    The Hosnian Cataclysm saw the decimation of a large portion of the NRDF's MC90 fleet. Despite this most vessels survived to join the fight against the First Order, as they had been away on assignments as part of expeditionary fleets at the time of Starkiller's attack. The Temeraire, flagship of the 19th Expeditionary Fleet, was one of the first NRDF assets to rendezvous with Inferno Squad in the Outer Rim, while the 7th Fleet's Warspite gained notoriety by single-handedly annihilating multiple First Order convoys in a series of blitzkrieg attacks.

    Ships in Class
    • Mediator
    • Bellipotent
    • Warspite
    • Temeraire
    • Resplendent Euphony
    • Viscount
    • Lee-Char
    • Allegiance
    *Color-coded according to affiliation: yellow is NRDF, blue is Mon Cala Planetary Defense Fleet.

    External Notes
    The image is taken from Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 17: Burning Seas, Part V; although it depicts one of the earliest Mon Cal cruisers to join the Alliance as part of the Exodus Fleet, I decided to use the design as a loose representation of the MC90 because it isn't explicitly named as another class of ship. I'm planning on adding more tidbits regarding the class' history going into TRoS, especially since the new Allegiance comic series implies strong Mon Cal involvement in the events of the film. This is my first fanon entry, so I'd welcome any critique on the formatting and/or content!
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  22. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hey, everyone! Your friendly local FanonSock here, with a few announcements.

    First of all, a reminder that there are two weeks left for you to PM me the titles and links of your stories featuring fanon elements from this thread, so that I can include them in the main fanon index, per the Fanon Indexing Project. The (at least initial) deadline for that is June 10.

    Also, announcing some new and updated posts:
    • There is a new post by @Pons on the MC90 Star Battlecruiser. Welcome to the Fanon Thread, Pons, we’re glad you’re here! :)
    • @Findswoman has updated her and @Raissa Baiard ’s Lasat Fanon Post with a section on the Lasan Honor Guard, including a list of commissioned-officer ranks and the Honor Guard hymn (complete with audio and sheet music).

    Thanks so much, and keep up the great fanon work! [face_dancing]
  23. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Welcome, @Pons . Great to see another starship fanon page!

    Great idea to have water-filled corridors for acquatic species!
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
    Pons and Gamiel like this.
  24. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Planets in the Mandolorian sector
    This is mostly a repost of some stuff from my old Some fanon regarding Mandolorians and the Mandolorian sector post (now edited out of it) together with some new planets and the canon planets for easily navigation.
    Would like to thank @Bardan_Jusik and @Mia Mesharad for some help with mando'a translations

    * the Mandolorian sector is a geographical sector, not a political one, base on the old territories of the Mandalorain Imperium. This means that the planets in the sector are not all politically linked - some are part of the Mandolorian political shear while other are neutral, part of their own planetary alliances, unclaimed or even members of the Republic.


    A planet permanently shrouded in clouds and mist tinged yellow by the sulphur that bubble forth from the hot springs shattered across the whole surface. This make the air foul tasting for visitors and damaging for anybody who spends any longer amount of time outside.

    Anghkor was used by the Mandolorians of old as a dumping ground for criminals, prisoners and exiles and the ones who survived long enough banded together to form a permanent population. By the movies-era so had Anghkor have become a civilised industry world whose population live in enclosed cites that protected them from the damaging sulphur mist. The population now a-days care little about their mandalorian past and don't consider themselves allied to any faction of the mandalorians, even if they trade with them.

    The planets main export is different kinds of chemical products, which is mostly more based on sulphur.

    [I have not defined what species Anghkor’s people/s belong to so if anybody wants to use it they can pic whatever they want]


    Lay in the Mandolorian sector and have a highly crackled crust and there is no part of the surface that doesn’t suffer earthquakes or volcanic eruptions at least monthly. The natives are divided in to two groups: the surface dwelling markmän and the himlamän who live in levitating skycities. To and from the skycities is a constant flux of mobile-rigs that quickly mines the streams of ore and precious metal that the planets seismic activities have pushed up. The markmän live as nomads in mobile towns and villages, living of the land and trade with the himlamän. Most of the ore that the mobile-rigs mine are refined in the skycites and then used in Breshig’s orbital shipyards.

    Sadly most of the skycities and shipyards was destroyed or severely damaged by each other when they chose different sides in the Mandolorian Civil War.

    [I have not defined what species Breshig’s people/s belong to so if anybody wants to use it they can pic whatever they want]


    "Cheravh was covered in hard frontier country, and came under the control of the Mandalorians following their expanding conquest of the sector during their time as Mandalorian Crusaders."
    Considered a sparse backwater world.
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Cheravh]


    Concord Dawn / Concord Dawn (Legends)
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Concord Dawn]


    "Situated within the eponymous Draboon system, Draboon was a source of high-quality lapis.

    During his youth as a Padawan apprenticed to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his master were tasked with protecting the young New Mandalorian duchess, Satine Kryze. [...] their mission eventually brought them to Draboon, where Kenobi was forced to defended Kryze against a swarm of venom-mites. [...] As an adult, Duchess Kryze's private starship, the Coronet, was furnished with fine lapis from Draboon."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Draboon]


    "The planet was dominated by gangsters, and much of the galaxy's phobium was mined there. Gargon was a source of raw materials for the construction of the two Death Stars.

    The world was a noted spice production site. Sometime prior to joining the Rebel Alliance, Han Solo and Chewbacca broke into Gargon's spice vaults and received double payment as a result of the successful theft of spice.

    Grand Admiral Miltin Takel was from Gargon. Grand Admiral Josef Grunger aided Takel's second in command to patrol Gargon due to reports of albino-skinned marauders around 3 ABY. He betrayed the fellow Grand Admiral and took over the planet following the Battle of Endor. Despite an unsuccessful attempt by Takel to oust him, Grunger continued to use the planet as his headquarters, until he was killed at the Battle of Tralus in 5 ABY."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Gargon]


    "Luxurious loom-woven carpets were manufactured on Harswee, considered among the finest produced by the Mandalorian worlds. The starliner known as the Coronet—the personal starship of Duchess Satine Kryze of the New Mandalorians—made extensive use of Harswee carpeting.

    Remembered by the Mandalorian people as one of their greatest leaders, Mandalore the Binder hailed from Harswee, where he grew up the son of one of Harswee's rug weavers before ascending to the role of Mand'alor."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Harswee]


    A windswept and mostly barren planet whose strong, white daylight burns the skin and damage the eyes. Beside the relatively few city dwellers so do the majority live as mechanised nomads.

    The people are mostly humans, tan to brown skinned with blond or red hair; their eyes are usually hidden behind goggles to protect them from the harsh sun. They considered themselves allied with the New Mandalorians faction during the Mandalorian Civil Wars.

    Mainly export exotic flowers, salty sweets and fabricated standard-tech items. They used to export jewels in larger amounts but now a-days so have most jewel mines dried out.


    "The homeworld of the Jakelian race, the planet Jakelia became a target of the Mandalorian Crusaders during their era of conquest. Rather than war against the Mandalorians, however, the Jakelians welcomed the Taung warriors and Jakelia willing became a Mandalorian world, one of the first to comprise Mandalorian space.

    Under the reign of Mandalore the Ultimate [3996 BBY3960 BBY], the inhabitants of Jakelia were among the first non-Taung beings to be accepted into the Mandalorian clans as equals under the Resol'nare. Together with the legions of other Mandalorian converts, the Jakelians fought against the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars as members of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders

    Long after the end of the Mandalorian Wars, Jakelia remained a Mandalorian world. Tuft-oak wood from Jakelia was used to furnish the halls of the Coronet, a luxury starship owned by Duchess Satine Kryze, the leader of the pacifist New Mandalorian faction by the start of the Clone Wars."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Jakelia]


    A terrestrial world known for its high amount of bees, many which are of unusually large size and/or have deadly stings. Towns and cities on Khaa-Aij are built in a similar style to the cubistic one found in Sundari, except that it's hexagon shape based instead of cube shape based.

    Was considered a Death Watch world during the Mandalorian Civil Wars

    Exports of honey and honey based products, among other things: mead and bee wax.


    "Krownest was a terrestrial world blanketed in ice and snow, possessing a cold climate and an atmosphere breathable to humans. The planet's terrain was largely comprised of mountainous regions dotted with forests of tall evergreen trees.

    A Mandalorian world, Krownest was the ancestral home of Clan Wren, a legendary family of Mandalorian warriors who constructed a fortified stronghold on Krownest along the banks of a frozen lake. The Wrens' complex, built from steel and glass, blended elegantly into the snowy landscape of Krownest. At least one member of Clan Wren monitored traffic around Krownest, and vessels entering the planet's airspace would be met either by a cadre of the clan's jetpack-equipped soldiers or a squadron of Fang starfighters."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Krownest]


    A gas-planet with a breathable atmosphere in some of its layers and floating rock island. Its native life-forms come in two groups: one beetle-like and the other usually resemble jellyfishes or are squid-like.

    There are around a dozen of large mining-cities on Mal’kor that mine gasses from the lower layers. Beside the miners dose there also exist tribes of techno-barbarians, who live on the floating islands, that practise ritual scarification and ride on basilisk-droid sized beetles. The techno-barbarians raid, trade and intermarry with each other and the mining-cities.

    The Mandalorian warrior-clans recruited from Mal’kor from time to time, mostly from the techno-barbarian tribes. The techno-barbarians who join any of the warrior-clans usually took with them their beetle-mounts, and/or smaller hunting/war beasts.

    Export gas and warriors. Used also to export ibrim-crystals, mined from the floating island but by the movies-era so have all ibrim-crystals large enough to worth mining seemingly been mined.

    [I have not defined what species Mal’kor’s people/s belong to so if anybody wants to use it they can pic whatever they want]


    the homeworld of the Mandallian Giants
    [In my fanon so is the the Mandallia in the Mandalore star sytem (see below) and the Mandallia which is the homeworld of the Mandallian Giants two different worlds.]


    The Mandalore star system



    1: Nog - Airless rock
    2: Akaan - Airless rock
    3: Tracyn - Terrestial world with extensive volcanic activity across its surface, nearly inhospitable
    4: Kalevala / Kalevala (Legends) - Terrestrial world
    5: Mandalore / Mandalore (Legend) - Terrestrial world with two moons; one of the moons, Concordia, is terrestrial world
    6: Mandallia - [My fanon don't have the Mandallia in the Mandalore star sytem as the homeworld of the Mandallian Giants.]
    7: Bonagal - Gas giant with 34 moons
    8: Shukut - Gas giant with 30 moons
    9: Werda - Airless ice world


    A water-world whose few islands are covered by city-structures. Tried to stay neutral during the Mandolorian Civil War but was attacked by the Death Watch and later the True Mandolorians who claimed they were there to defend Mengil from the Death Watch.

    Both the Death Watch and the True Mandolorians left many of Mengil’s island-cities notably damaged and some even in ruins at the end of the Mandolorian Civil Wars, they had not been able to fully rebuilt by the time of the Clone War when the island-cities was once again become warzones, now between the new Death Watch, the Republic and the Separatists. After that Mengil again tried to rebuild but many of the island-cites was still damaged by YJK-era.

    Mainly exported sea life base foodstuff and simpler droids, mostly class five models. After the Civil Wars was most droid factories destroyed or to damaged for Megil to manufacture droids for export in any notable amount.

    [I have not defined what species Mengil’s people/s belong to so if anybody wants to use it they can pic whatever they want]


    A fortress-world created during the heydays of the Mandalorian Imperium, with six great bastion-cities placed in near perfect symmetry around the planet and many lesser fortresses and strongholds built in-between them; heavily protected landing areas for larger spaceships was also placed in-between bastion-cities, to prevent enemies from having natural landing areas near the main fortifications. Each of the great bastion-cities was not just built up- and outward but also downward with labyrinthine tunnel networks going deep underground, hiding the bastion-cities' generators, and main food sources in the form of hydroponic lakes, algae vats and larva farms. The idea was that even if the enemy against all odds would breach the upper levels so would the defenders go into the underground where they had what they needed to survive and would continue to harass the attackers.

    Now a-days so is Morut a word who's time is long past, with one of the bastion-cities in ruins and two others little more then crater after their generators was made to explode by saboteurs. The still standing bastion-cities are mostly abandoned and crumbling, with people living along the routs between the generators, the underground farms and the lower parts of the bastion-cities where you can see the sky. Small town and villages are spread out over the landscape sustaining from simple farming.

    The landscape not made up by decaying military structures is mostly made up by maquis, savannah and semidesert, with the most common planet family resemble the nettle family (great areas covered by nearly nothing but the counterpart to the stinging nettle are not unusual). Butterflies of many different sizes and colours are common.

    The natives, an overall melancholic if practical lot, use the nettles for food and fabrics.


    Has a highly elliptical orbital path creating extreme differences between the planets summer and winter (both which are long since it takes 7 standard years for Oorakadolimago to orbit its sun); the equatorial regions turn into deserts in the high-summer time and nearly becomes tundra during the high-winter. Then there is also that the gravitational forces created by it being so near it's sun during the summer create heavy tectonic activity, making summer also the season of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

    Life on Oorakadolimago have adopted for the extreme seasons with the animal-life being highly migratory and the plant-life having lifecycles that exist between the extreme parts of the planet's year.

    [I hade an idea for Oorakadolimago's population but then I lost it, if anybody want's to populate the planet and/or make up culture facts feel free.]


    "Ordo was the homeworld of the Mandalorian Clan Ordo, [...]. Mostly a barren desert planet, Ordo had some vegetation around its equator."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Ordo]


    Homeworld of the Phindian species.
    "was attacked by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, and later became affiliated with the Galactic Empire. The planet was later host to a battle during the Galactic Civil War."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Phindar]


    Once a mineral rich planet whose ecosystem was long ago damaged beyond repair by over-mining. In the movies era so have it been long abounded by miners and retaken by what little nature was left.

    Interstellar Planetary Preservation have a permanent, if small base on Shel’das that try to slowly rebuild the ecosystem and are looking for genetic material from Shel’das’ now extinct species so they can clone them and reimplant them.


    A world mainly made up by arid plateaus broken by water filled canyons, that lay at the boarders of the Mandalorian sector. Mostly known for being the place where the Huttspace warleader and Morgukai Ima-Gun Kilya slayed Mandalore Vaytus Fell-handed in personal combat, breaking Vaytus' Crusade.

    The population use sun-, wind- and waterpower for energy but lack the capacity for manufacturing larger mechanical or electronicall items; they mostly use battery and/or alcohol powered vehicles. They produce little of interest but trade food, water and information with visiting archaeologists and tourists. Their housings resemble the Ancient Pueblo peoples', if often covered in cubistic wall paintings.


    "Blanketed in grass plains, Vorpa'ya became the home of numerous nerf farms. However, as time went by and the nerf owners allowed their livestock to overgraze, the land degraded. By 25 ABY, simply landing a starship on the plains of Vorpa'ya would kick up large clouds of gritty dust"
    Lay near Concord Dawn.
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Vorpa'ya]


    Zanbar / Zanbar (Legends)
    "[Zanbar is a moon] covered with stretches of marshy plants and flora that was separated by large, colossal plateaus and mesas."
    "The Mandalorian Death Watch relocated to Zanbar and established a camp there shortly after leaving Carlac [in 20 BBY]."
    [As for now have I no fanon regarding Zanbar]


    * As usually would I love to see peoples thoughts.
  25. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    @Anedon since your Teris sector is constantly threatened by pirates/raiders/slavers so is something that might interest you the pubic-domain alien species Moon-beasts and Mi-Go, in the stories they are both raiding humans and the Moon-beasts are slavers.

    I'm surprised that not more have used it
    Last edited: May 31, 2019