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The Hater Community

Discussion in 'Literature' started by barnsthefatjedi, Mar 21, 2001.

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  1. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    'I hate that the stars will be gone tomorrow'

    What do you mean by that? BTW you used the word HATE, Valiento! LOL!

    Yeah, I would also like to see the Sith return.

    Emperor Barns
  2. Thanos6

    Thanos6 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 20, 1999
    Another thing I hate is Callista. The *concept* wasn't that bad, but the execution was horrible. If she had died in Darksaber by going down with the Knight Hammer, at least she would have made a sacrifice and done something worthwhile.

    But no, she leaves Luke for the most ridiculous, selfish reasons I've ever heard and then has the gall to claim it's for his own good.
  3. ImperialGirl

    ImperialGirl Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2001
    ITA, Thanos6, but the sacrifice would have been FAR more effective if she'd simply died where good storytelling (in a Mary-Sue way) dictates that she should have--at the end of Children of the Jedi!
  4. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    Bodo-Baas' membership has now been reinstated. All suspicions have been satisfied and his name has been cleared.

    Welcome to the Community, Bodo-Baas! :)
  5. General_H_Storm

    General_H_Storm Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 16, 2001
    I heard that Callista had to leave, Lucas didn't want her. I guess they had to make up some reason for her to go. It also explains why she hasn't been seen since.
  6. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    "BTW you used the word HATE, Valiento! LOL!"

    yes, i did, because it's not flaming a character but a situation that I have utter revulsion to, ;).

    By the way I may join if you want me too, just remember I'm not as hateful as some of your passionate members are, ;). Can I just put HC in my sig. I'm trying to save room for some of my other important topics.
  7. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    Valiento, at last you join! Just put 'HC Member' in your signature please. Welcome to the Community, as a member :)

    Emperor Barns
  8. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    'I heard that Callista had to leave, Lucas didn't want her. I guess they had to make up some reason for her to go. It also explains why she hasn't been seen since.'

    Really? I never knew that(but it's hardly surprising that he wanted to get rid of Callista!). Do you have any more information regarding this General_H_Storm? Perhaps WHY George Lucas didn't want her. If so, I'd really like to hear it.

    Emperor Barns
  9. Tallie

    Tallie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2001
    Thanos6, I agree with you whole heartedly, Callista repulsies me...she seems so FAKE!!!!! She a looser and a wuss, she should have staryed dead, that's what I think anyway! I mean I doubt she ever really LOVED Luke, more like infatuation if you ask me. She's like "pity poor me, I lost my powers, bye bye Lukeie!" she led him on and that isn't just right. I don't think they should ever have brought her in, she was always a distraction and she never really did accomplish anything.

    Corran9, I agree with you on Corran, he's cool. But I like Wedge too, granted he is a little invensable but it seems more like he has a lot of talent, plus he and Jansen make a great pare...Starfighters of Adumar was awesome!

    Tycho isn't one of the best in my opinion but he's ok. I do have a soft spot for fighter piolets and Jedi though.
  10. Jagged_Fel

    Jagged_Fel Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 5, 2000
    I am not a hater. I dislike some things that have been done concerning author choice and plot like a lot of other people here though.
    To me, "Hater Community" is poor word choice and "Grievences Community" would be better or something like that.

    Concerning Bria:

    Han gave precedence over her because she was basically a first serious girlfriend & that fondness never really goes away.

    She was written well I think because I liked her a lot in the first book & deeply hated her by the third. I would commend Crispin for that.

    Concerning Corran:

    He is everything kinda but he isn't completely infallible, as shown in I, Jedi & Ruin. I like his character but can see how others wouldn't.

  11. LianaMara

    LianaMara Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 30, 2000
    How can one join the Hater Community? I really hate Daala, Callista, and Bria, and would love to be able to talk bad about 'em.
  12. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    'To me, "Hater Community" is poor word choice and "Grievences Community" would be better or something like that.'

    Really? Well, we'd better change it immediately then! We can't have EUDF members being unhappy with our title now can we!

    What's the point in diluting the truth? This is a place where people can discuss what they HATE or dislike about the EU. Therefore, the title is perfectly acceptable and appropriate.
  13. LianaMara

    LianaMara Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 30, 2000
    Alright, I would like to know WHY Hambly wrote Callista into the SW Universe. She was a weird character (the very way that they had her in the SW stuff was weird) but she was not a very realistic character. I mean, the way that she could use the Dark Side but not the Force just didn't make sense to me. I was glad when they had her finally disappear from the SW Universe.
  14. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001

    I think it's pretty safe to say that Callista is the most commonly hated character in the whole EU. We all have our reasons, but we all agree that she should never have existed. Good ridance to bad rubbish! [face_laugh]

    Emperor Barns
  15. Perator

    Perator Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 3, 2000
    I agree. Kill her! Kill her! Burn the witch! :p

    [face_devil] Perator
  16. sweetheart

    sweetheart Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 19, 2001
    Wait wait...What do you mean "Han gave precedence over her"? Do you mean he loves her more than Leia? Give me a break!

    I had my first serious boyfriend in university. I don't love him any more. You can replace your first love. You outgrow them and move on.
  17. Tallie

    Tallie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2001
    I think Callista should be a Vong that'de be awesome! You know they could choot her into a sun or put her in the Embrace of Pain....something cool like that.
  18. KansasNavy

    KansasNavy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 10, 2001
    Too bad they want ONLY jeedais. Perhaps she was on a certain moon that crashed into a certain planet, killing the certain person.
    Was an advisor for the Hapan Battle Fleet at Fondor.
    Living in a tree on Ithor, with no outside communications.
  19. Fire_Ice_Death

    Fire_Ice_Death Force Ghost star 7

    Feb 15, 2001
    I enact a rule that each member must in. Yes it's a cliche, and we're not really all that militaristic like the EUDF. But it works for them so let's just give it a try?
  20. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    I have to sign in? that was one of the reasons for staying neutral in the first place. Why I won't join EUDF.

    "Alright, I would like to know WHY Hambly wrote Callista into the SW Universe. She was a weird character (the very way that they had her in the SW stuff was weird) but she was not a very realistic character. I mean, the way that she could use the Dark Side but not the Force just didn't make sense to me. I was glad when they had her finally"

    I've mentioned that before, callista used the dark side when she took over that woman's mind. It's in the source books, totj in particuler that states that is one of the most heinous of darkside and sith powers. She started by using darkside powers, she was stuck with using darkside powers.

    The point is she could use any powers she very well chose, just as long as anger and hatred was behind it. Even if she masked the hatred, even from herself, and was in denial of her hatred, the hatred still existed. Hatred and Jealousy, that is why she wouldn't have the time of day with luke.

    Come to think of it she would make a perfect member of the community if she existed, ;), :).
  21. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    Nah, I disagree Grand Admiral. There's no need to 'sign in'. They just do that to up the post count, which is really quite unnecessary and pathetic. This thread will gain a high post count, without bumping it up with pointless posts.

    BTW, today is my birthday! :cool:

    Emperor Barns
  22. Fire_Ice_Death

    Fire_Ice_Death Force Ghost star 7

    Feb 15, 2001
    Happy b-day Emperor, and yes, I agree, but still....we could sign in AND post our hateness for the day.
  23. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    That's OK I suppose.

    Emperor Barns
  24. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    Here is an updated version of the HC member list. Not bad after only 13 days in operation! :)

    Emperor barnsthefatjedi

    Grand Admiral: Fire_Ice_Death
    Grand Admiral: Ben_Solo

    Master Chief: KansasNavy
    Chief Diplomat: Yanksfan
    Chief Advisor: Lord_Bane
    Chief of Intelligence: SpiderDevil
    Chief Philosopher of Hatred: eclipse
    Chief Comedian: Sithflame


    If anyone has been left out who is a member, or if anyone wishes to join, please PM me or one of the Grand Admirals.

    Emperor Barns
  25. Spiderdevil

    Spiderdevil Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 20, 2000
    We've only been active thirteen days? Seems like a lifetime of hatred...

    Spiderdevil apologizes for his absence. He was home this weekend with his girlfriend. Some things must take precedence over the hatred, you know.

    Also, my name is just Spiderdevil. There's no capital "D" on devil.
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