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Books The High Republic: Into the Dark by Claudia Gray

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Todd the Jedi , Feb 24, 2020.

  1. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    If people think about sex is it natural then they would find it odd if people DON'T have sex. They may have been trying to see what the Jedi are into. I have been asked more awkward question by someone I just meet, so if people have a goal they will just go for it.
  2. Xander Vos

    Xander Vos Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 3, 2013
    Not disagreeing per se, but for Star Wars it is odd, which is all I was getting at to start with. Particularly for a YA novel. I'm no prude but it was just a bit jarring.
    AusStig likes this.
  3. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    It wouldn't have occurred to me that anyone who's not an 18th century puritan would have thought this book was sexual in the slightest until reading this thread.
  4. ScorpioGirl

    ScorpioGirl Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2019
    I have a question, do we learn anything new about the Force or the Jedi in this or any other High Republic novel/comic?
    KerkKorpil likes this.
  5. KerkKorpil

    KerkKorpil Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 7, 2016
    We learn how other users experience the Force, primarily in “Light of the Jedi “. And in this book we learn about a new Jedi tradition.

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  6. SWpants

    SWpants Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 28, 2004
    IF they knew more about the Jedi, it wouldn't feel odd to me. It's like how people will randomly ask a Catholic priest they just met if he really doesn't have sex. What jarred me is that Affie and Leox didn't even know what Jedi were; so there was apparently a universal assumption that ALL MONKS IN THE UNIVERSE don't have sex, which is a bit odd given how vast the GFFA is.

    That isn't what bothers me about the book though--it's all those parenthetical asides and the fact that I truly don't care about what happened 25 years before. Does it add to the story? Sure, I guess? But I'm not even 200 pages in and I've been reading this 3 days and am just bored by it all. BORED! While LotJ felt bogged down at times to me and I didn't care about any of the characters I wasn't reading of at a given time (too large of a cast), at least I didn't feel bored.
    And it's not like the flashbacks are at bad times, because they're spaced apart well and there is quite a bit that is neat to read of.

    I blame everything on those parenthetical asides because I mentally trip over them and can only think of Wendig, whose writing I essentially abhor. Gray's other books in SW that I've read have been better than this.
    AusStig and Xander Vos like this.
  7. Xander Vos

    Xander Vos Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 3, 2013
    A lot of the interludes did feel quite pointless and repetitive so you're not wrong.
    AusStig likes this.
  8. Admiral_Wyvern

    Admiral_Wyvern Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 14, 2014
    About halfway through. I think it has more focused characterization than Light of the Jedi, and I like how it it gives us a better idea of how the hyperspace disaster affects ordinary people. I was kind of expecting the characters to interact more though. It feels like we have 3 storylines that don't really have much to do with each other, and I'm sure that will change by the end, but it's kind of disappointing right now.
  9. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    You know I forgot all about them except the last one. Cause aside from that they are useless.
    Xander Vos likes this.
  10. Xander Vos

    Xander Vos Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 3, 2013
    And very repetitive.
    AusStig likes this.
  11. LAJ_FETT

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Finally got this from Amazon UK - it took them forever to get it in stock.
  12. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I hope you really enjoy it.

    I thought it was wonderful myself!
    AusStig likes this.
  13. LAJ_FETT

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    I'll get to it eventually - I'm currently reading a 700-;page non-SW book so that will keep me busy for a bit. (I read fast but not fast enough to finish something like that in a day or two..)
    ZV-83 and devilinthedetails like this.
  14. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    I thought.... it rocked.
  15. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 10

    Jul 19, 1999
    Yep, it's a solid book.
  16. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    Solid, as a.... rock?
  17. raindance773

    raindance773 Jedi Master

    Feb 27, 2012
    I enjoyed it! Good book so far.

    Possible spoilers:

    Maybe a head canon, but is the young Wookie a Chewie nod? The baby would be about the right age…
    Barriss_Coffee and AusStig like this.
  18. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Recently got a position as a teen librarian.

    Purchased this book for my YA collection at the library.

    Hope the teens will like it as much as I did!
  19. LAJ_FETT

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Finally got around to reading this today as it was delayed here in the UK. I thought it was pretty good given that it was aimed at YA readers.
    On the Wookiee
    Pretty sure it was mentioned the baby was female.
    Edit - yes, the sex is mentioned on page 226.

    Edit - I got a definite Silent Running vibe from the garden droids.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
    ZV-83, Dream-Thinker, AusStig and 2 others like this.
  20. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    You.... you are awesome. I wish I had had a librarian like you.
  21. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Barriss_Coffee, Jedi Ben and AusStig like this.
  22. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    I would say you are succeeding.

    Remember do or do not.
  23. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 10

    Jul 19, 1999
    There are sections of Into The Dark to which my response was "why was this not available 30 years ago?", might be hugely helpful to teens now.
  24. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    As someone who fairly recently came to the realization that I am asexual (for most of my life, I wasn't even aware of the possibility that asexual was a thing a person could be or an identity that a person could have), it was really empowering for me to see those sections included in Into the Dark. I do hope those sort of sections might make teens more aware of what asexuality is than I was as a teen. This could be helpful to young people who might come to the same realization of their identity as I did or to just helping young people better understand the concept of asexuality even if they don't identify as asexual themselves.

    Overall, I've really appreciated the effort to incorporate diversity into the High Republic era. This era of Star Wars just feels very inclusive and welcoming to all. Like we are all the Republic indeed!

    So it is nice to be able to showcase that era and that diversity in my YA collection!
  25. Maythe14thBeWithYou

    Maythe14thBeWithYou Jedi Master star 4

    May 26, 2014
    I finished it today and didn't like it at all. I gave it 1 star on Goodreads.

    If this was the first CG novel read I'd never buy another. This was such a disappointment. I just couldn't get into it and it felt like a slog to get through in all ways. The Drengir were particularly disappointing and almost laughable that THAT was the dark force the idols were keeping at bay. It makes me wonder if this HR era is even worth buying more of.
    AusStig likes this.