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Characters The OC Revolution | NEW! 3Q 2024 Challenge: Music! (8/1, #1847, p. 74)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by OCDatabaseSock, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    It's spring, a season to change clothes.

    Clothes make the man/woman

    Tell us about the clothes your OC prefers
  2. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Bree is a clothes horse. She loves fashion and will dress not so much to be trendy but to look her best. That goes for accessories, too - she enjoys shopping for shoes or hair ornaments to go with her outfit. She tends to follow the local fashion rather than what the latest galactic trend is. She and Blue have had the occasional spat over her spending on clothes; she is used to buying whatever she wants and he doesn't see the point in having all that.

    Blue usually wears his scrubs to work. At home, casual, comfortable pants and a shirt will do. Bree buys him clothes she thinks he'll look good in and she is usually right. His only stipulation is no gray. He wore gray every day for three years and he refuses to ever wear it again.
  3. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I don't think that clothes make the person in the exact sense of that word - even though the same expression exists in my native language, but they most certainly do form the picture of us in RL, just like the first impression does online. Therefore, this discussion topic is interesting in so many ways and it opens the doors to subtext, intertextuality and various cultural interpretations of particular attire. :)

    Without further ado...

    Here's my main Human OC, Doria Vorr, as she appears in one of my current fics. This was taken abroad a ship named Sticks, on the way from planet A to planet B and you can ignore the TESB background. And Doria's Sacorrian roots effectively dictate her clothing style.

    Her hair is long, straight and not styled in any way because she's not the type to care about style at this point in her life (age 17-18), but also because - even when she is not aware of it - she takes her planet's customs as-is. A woman is more feminine with long hair and blabla, combined with an ideal common to a mostly rural planet: you're as beautiful as you are (regardless of how you WANT to look like :rolleyes:).

    Her clothes point to her student class. On Sacorria, all younglings are required to wear a yellow shirt, tesh-shirt, tesh-tunic or, if they're Drall and not keen on much clothing, a yellow collar, bow-tie or anything similar. After the first week of school, once the younglings have been taught to salute the Sacorrian Triad properly and understand the role of their magnificent, progressive world in the Corellian Sector as well as Core Worlds as whole, they're evaluated for colours. After this, they're required to wear red, orange, yellow or write until they're done with their schooling.

    Doria's orange undershirt, shirt and scarf point that she's in one of the two risky classes. The orange shirts are as smart as the not-so-numerous red shirts; but they're perceived as a threat to Progress and Unity, Sacorria's main values next to Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity. This may prevent them from getting onto the most prestigious of the universities, such as the Dorthus Tal University (DTU) or the Sacorrian University of Progressive Arts of Sublata (SUPAS). If they're considered useful, they may be offered a job in the Sacorrian Intelligence Agency (SIA) or prestigious factories such as the Agriciultural Appliances Research Institute of Sacorrata. If not, or if that cannot be determined, they may be relocated to study on another planet, such as the colony of Noleria or the neighbouring Vagran System. The Sacorrian Triad may or may not dispose of the orange shirts of past and present.



    Brace yourselves and activate whatever inner shield you have, because here comes...Maris Inesedam-Vorr. She is Doria Vorr's mother, the widow of Elesandre Vorr and Larax Antilless' niece.

    Unlike her daughter, Maris does care about her appearance. This is not to say that she's interested in finding herself another man, she is not. She just loves being pretty, as simple as that - it's something she does for herself. Her natural hair colour is reddish-brown, but she dyes it red. She does not take inspiration from Sacorrian HoloCast Network or any magazine or newsflimsi she may come across, she only reads Mistress, the magazine she gets from her aunt who lives on Vagran. In Mistress, they said that curls make it look like you have more hair (or long fur, for furred species) and she liked that idea, because her hair is otherwise very thin.

    While Maris does not necessarily agree with the Sacorrian custom of wearing black for a total of five years in order to mourn one's deceased husband, especially given the fact that she is not old or venerable, she is trying to make a compromise in order not to have problems with government organs such as Censorship, Education and Schoolarship Agency (CESA). Therefore, she will most likely be seen wearing a black skirt, dress, trousers, unitard or an apron and skirt/trousers combination. In this holo, she may as well have borrowed an orange undershirt from her daughter. The look is completed with a fashionable red vest that was, in her own words "in style among the gambling elite on Bespin, wherever that may be" and a casual silver-coloured super-thin tie.



    Doria and Maris' "style files" have been written in accordance with my fanon entry on Sacorria and what I have written in my stories so far - there is nothing new in this entry other than the hair comment.


    This is Deeina Ferry, from Aurea, a little-known artist sanctuary planet in the Corellian Sector, close to Sacorria and Vagran, the end point of the Sacorria-Vagran-Aurea Pipeline. This holo was taken in the Aurean desert, close to the dwellings of the famed Mardri Soulworks Collective. Just like in Doria's case, Deeina - who also knows how to use a blaster, while Doria is only posing with it in the "oooooh, what does this button dooooo" fashion - wears items that may tell her observer a lot about her, as well as about Aurea.

    To put it simply, Aureans are GFFA's, or at least Corellian Sector's hippies. They do what they want to do and their culture encourages them to express themselves the best way they know how. For this purpose, Deeina dyed her otherwise black hair blue and hotpink and some of it is braided. According to her, these are the colours she identifies with most, as a future artist. At the Kammas High-Schooling Facility, she was allowed to wear whatever she wanted, as long as it would not mock any other species or planet's culture.

    Deeina has seem some battle, particularly when she orchestrated a bombing attack to rescue the pronk wailer-group Deeply Religious from the jail; but she refuses to get rid of the long hair that may not be practical for any kind of a fight. She is fast at tucking it underneath a helmet! And despite being a tough girl, she still likes to look classy and keep her clothes colour-coordinated.

    Other than that, since Aurea is a planet with varying climate zones, Deeina can be seen wearing clothes that match both the arid desert climate of the area surrounding Kammas and something more useful in continental or subtropic areas. If she ever bumps into Doria Vorr, she is not likely to give her advice on style, as she was taught to respect other cultures' traditions.


    The only time Deeina has to give up on her strict beliefs that ban any kind of cultural appropriation is when she has to disguise herself as a spy. This is her, visiting Blobbo the Hutt's Citadel in the hills above the town of Anaslinea-Hoc on Vagran, posing as the Dathomirian bounty hunter named Druxxa Farr, who was partly inspired by the story of one Assajj Ventress, which Deeina is not sure about being true at this point. The disguise includes body paint, make-up, special solution for shrinking hair and putting it under a scalp cap, a modified pilot suit, piece of a protocol droid's armor and black boots. Jetpack has not been pictured, but she uses one.



    Larax Antilless was born on Sacorria, but relocated to Vagran in her late twenties, because she was involved with a Selonian male named Denaro and Sacorrian system frowns upon interspecies marriage. She does not respect any Sacorrian customs anymore, she considers herself a Vagranite and therefore she wears what she wants. A former fashion designer, she got her chance to express herself the way she wanted to on Vagran, which is what she has been doing. In making her creations, Larax takes inspiration from historical figures, various Force sects and Galactic royalty.

    Deeina Ferry may take some time to understand Larax's blend of fashion, with various cultures, controversial historical figures and legends serving as inspiration for her creations.



    Morusalba Kaeni, the youngest daughter of Proto Kaeni and Laoda (Caraway) Kaeni is a no-nonsense person. When her two sisters, Salix and Kypari were sent offworld for school, she remained on Vagran to help her family run their business, a hotel named Taliore in Anaslinea-Hoc. With so many duties she has every day, she usually grabs the first pair of trousers and a comfortable top. Her clothing is elegant enough for dealing with customers, yet practical enough for dealing with chores.



    This is Kami, from another story. She runs the small spaceport, former trading post on Endor, close to the Bright Tree Village and she wears what fits the climate most.

  4. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    At last, a subject for me to get my teeth into.

    I shall be collating data for this, and based on Ewok Poet's entry, looks like some of my reference pics will get an airing.
    Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  5. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
  6. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Well to profile page...

    "She wore thranta-skin boots, and the finest nerf-spun stockings."

    But Katya wears mostly the high fashions of Naboo since that's where she is, with a palace cloak as work uniform. Of course, she also has a small wardrobe of Alderaanian things, most notably what I have up until now called the "quille" (though that could change) - the long, loose, and hooded traditional dress of Alderaan.

    Ewok Poet The sci-fi warrior one is new since I did mine on there! I'm going to have to play around with this one! Thanks!!!!
    Chyntuck, JadeLotus, Sith-I-5 and 2 others like this.
  7. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Wow. All that Sacorria stuff was very interesting.

    Did you make that up, or is it in the EU?
    Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  8. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Thanks. :)

    Made up everything you see in that fashion post, 95% of the stuff from the fanon post. The data on the planet itself is from Wook, they also cite the existence of the Sacorrian Triad and restrictions regarding marriages. That Suns of Fortune RPG sourcebook introduces a couple of non-sentient species and implies that the planet was first populated by ex-convicts and had a violent early history, but nothing else. I mashed up a couple of dictatorships and authoritarian regimes from our world, added some incredible absurdities and bits of various cultural extremes.
    leiamoody and Findswoman like this.
  9. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Couldn't get the azalea thing to work, either on Internet Explorer, or Firefox. The latter said it needed a plugin, but I could not see how to do one of those.


    Will just have to go with regular photos.
  10. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005

    Holy cow, that's an awesome program.
  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    It's just Flash player. Download it from Adobe here and then, if you decided to stick with Internet Explorer, here is a workaround.

    Show us Anya and both Alexises. :)
    whiskers likes this.
  12. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    That program doesn't work for me in Chrome, and I already have Flash installed. Maybe it just doesn't work for some people.
  13. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005

    Ask and you will receive, at least on the first two. I still haven't gotten in my mind a definitive image of Alexis Wentlas' namesake.


    This is Alexis Wentlas shortly before her fateful flight during the Battle of Hoth. I clothed her in the closest approximation that I could make of a Rebel flight suit. The facial structure of the doll is pretty similar, but I imagine her face to look a little more like Luchadora Fabi Apache

    She's shown in a flight suit, but other wise she's been shown in an Imperial prisoner's jumpsuit, as well as the khaki pants and grey undershirt that several rebels wear when off duty. There's not a whole lot to say, because almost everything's in a military context. An award winner for Best Costume Design, I ain't.

    And here's Anya, circa 17 BBY.


    I have her in an Alderaan Defense Fleet uniform, modified for an engineer. The uniform has lots of pockets in it to store tools, datapads, etc. A nerf leather utility belt hangs from the waist. The tool only gives an option for weapons as accessories, but imagine that she has a hydrospanner in her right hand.[/quote]
    Chyntuck, Sith-I-5, Gamiel and 5 others like this.
  14. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Since I can't provide visual demonstrations, I'll just say my OC's are naked...since they aren't real, they aren't breaking any laws. :D
    Chyntuck and whiskers like this.
  15. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    What is the exact thing that happens? Does it not load or something else?

    Just in case, try the following:
    - Clean up your cache.
    - See if there is a security setting that prevents it from running.
    - See if your antivirus is blocking it.
    - See if Chrome prevented it from running because it's outdated.

    Moreover, if the hard drive is full or if the system has not been reinstalled/computer reformatted in a long time, that can cause problems. I had this happen with the Ewok Village game and now it works.
  16. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Chrome wasn't loading the plugin on my phone. But I have the most current version of Flash, so I don't know what the problem is.

    EDIT: I picked out some photos of three actors who visually represent OC's currently appearing in my DDC entry.

    Since I cannot figure out how to add individual links for photos on ImageBam, the best I can do is provide links for clicking.

    The first two photos represent Koury Vita. She tends to wear a lot of dangly things around her neck, including a bottle opener since she's a bartender. Her most recent jewelry acquisition was a gold knotted rose necklace given to her by her girlfriend, Meaithe. It's a rare necklace that represents the Cosmic Rose, a favorite symbol of Koury. It's antique, well over 500 years old, and has more personal significance for Koury than she initially realizes.

    The next two photos represent Nalieza Fejier. One has her with dyed blonde hair (since she's an actress, she had to do this for her role on a romdram). The second picture is of her natural hair color, black.

    Her normal attire is very casual during the day, mostly pants and shirts and jackets. She rarely wears dresses unless she finds one that she really likes (because being a celebrity means you are subject to random wardrobe malfunctions, including skirts that blow up in a strong wind). She prefers solid colors to patterns. Doesn't any jewelry on a daily basis except for a silver and obsidian ring with chevron patterns on her third finger, right hand which once belonged to her deceased mother.

    The last picture duo represents Meaithe Akam. The first photo has her with short hair, which she is rocking during the events of my DDC. The second photo shows her with her normal hair length. Her normal attire is caftans and robes because they're comfortable. Preferred jewelry is two silver bracelets.
  17. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Love all those images! (Except your current avatar, Leiamoody - creepy! lol). Such little details really define the characters.
    I had too much fun with the Azalea program. (Funny, that's just how I pictured Alexis, too.)
    But now that I dressed Bree up, I don't know how to post her pictures. EP, help?
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  18. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Instructions for Windows:
    1. Press Print Screen on your keyboard.
    2. Open an image editor - even the simplest one such as MS Paint will do.
    3. Open a new file.
    4. In the Edit menu, click Paste.
    5. Crop the image as desired. In more complex programs, there's a crop tool, in Paint, you just drag the right bottom edge of the image until you have what you want.
    6. Save your image. PNG-32 would be the best format, but JPG and BMP will do, though it's better to have somebody convert the BMP to one of the two other formats.
    7. Open an account on a website such as Photobucket, Imgur or Tinypic and upload your images. There is also Imageshack, which is a great service, but it's no longer free. I don't recommend hosting your images on Facebook, as the URLs tend to expire.
    8. Upload your images.

    If the above is a problem or you just don't want to mess with it, you can send me the uncropped screencap and I can do this for you. I have an Imageshack account and all necessary tools.

    Instructions for Android:
    1. Use whatever combo of keys (usually middle button and volume up) to make a screencap.
    2. Locate the resulting image on your phone/tablet/notebook and send it to your computer via Dropbox, e-mail or whatever else.
    3. Proceed according to instructions above from step 5 OR use whatever app you have to crop the image, save it and proceed from step 7.

    For Apple and Linux-based operating systems, I guess somebody else will have to help, but the overall process should be very similar.
  19. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    There's a "Save Doll" button that downloads an image to your computer, too.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  20. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    LOL! That didn't exist when I made my dolls a couple of months ago, hence not knowing about it.

    I owe comments on your characters to all of you, btw - sorry.
    whiskers likes this.
  21. JadeLotus

    JadeLotus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2005
    Ah, finally all those hours wasted on Azaleas Dolls pays off!

    My OC Valara isn't too concerned with clothes - she grew up in an orphanage where they were lucky to get a plain smock to wear. She briefly indulged in high-end, expensive and fashionable clothes when an Inquisitor, the luxury enticing after so long, but after defecting to the Rebellion she shunned that superficiality. From then on she wore practical, simple clothes without adornment, her hair tied simply.


    The only exception was when she lived on Jakku, and wore the clothes favoured by her fellow villagers and devotees of the Chuch of the Force. Simple blue homespun, with a Thread of Balance made for her by Dasha Promenti. (Please excuse the lack of facial scars in this pic, I forgot to include them!)


    And an OC I will not yet name, from my upcoming sequel to The Shadow of Fate. She's definitely into fashion, always on the cutting edge, and most of the time is a trendsetter. She's a Bright Young Thing, bohemian and a pleasure seeker, but with an impeccable head for business and uses people's perceptions to her advantage. She favours classic clothes with accents and twists - funky jewellery, a bit of bling, and a love of capes. Her hair is long at the back and intricately braided, shorn slightly at the side with a long fringe, a style emulated poorly by the Coruscant glitterati who just can't pull it off.

  22. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    I'll do another because damn, that thing is fun. I actually ended up attempting to recreate every female character I've written.


    The shifty and untrustworthy Twi'lek Portian'icole, shortened to Portia, wears a set of red body armor designed not only to protect her from vibroblades and low-powered blasters, but to also distract her male opponents. A metallic neckpiece, while appearing as nothing more than a bauble, is actually fine durasteel that can stop a vibroblade from making a decapitation strike.
    Chyntuck, Sith-I-5, JadeLotus and 2 others like this.
  23. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    There's a much simpler way by combining pasting and uploading into one step:
    1. Press Print Screen on your keyboard.
    2. Go to
    3. Press Ctrl+V.
    You can then use the simple editing tools provided to crop, draw lines and rectangles, and add text. Then just copy and paste the link provided.
    Ewok Poet and leiamoody like this.
  24. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I'm wary of Flash after reading a warning about it on the BBC news website a few months ago. Installed it for twenty minutes Monday, couldn't find what I wanted, erased it.

    Installed it for a bit longer, last night, made three girls. but it is almost daylight and I need to get some sleep.

    So here is one, and I will add the other two tonight.


    Nurse Ulrike

    Medic with the Mercs. Usually wears short-sleeved white nurse frock in Medical, but on a rare shore leave in her current roleplay, she went shopping, and purchased this black top for her favourite holoshow, Athosian Pop Idol, and pared it with a memory-foam petticoat that was hard to control.

    She is actually a fair bit older than this looks, but I suppose youngsters using dress up games won't be using older models.

    Callsign: IMOTEP (Irresistable Medic of the Ec Pands)

    RP Games: Star Wars: Intervention, Intervention: Echoes of Eternity
  25. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Flash has been around since pretty much forever and if one updates it regularly (Adobe nags me each time I turn on the computer), it's safe. Just don't download unverified programs etc. It's pretty hard to function these days without Flash, Adobe Air and .net framework on one's computer.

    Also, if you want to learn to work with the bloody thing, DON'T. It's tedious, painful and after a single course involving then-standard Action Script 2.0 and headaches from random shapes and horrible animations us beginners were making, I wanted to jump out of window.

    We totally need one of these tools to make our guys as well. :/
    whiskers, Findswoman and Sith-I-5 like this.