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Characters The OC Revolution | NEW! 3Q 2024 Challenge: Music! (8/1, #1847, p. 74)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by OCDatabaseSock, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    All righty doo, fellow fanfictioneers! It gives me great pleasure to introduce our very first OC Revolution challenge of 2024, provided by the always fabulous @Thumper09

    1Q 2024 Challenge: The Inexplicable
    Stories will be due in eight (8) weeks, on Monday, February 26, at 11:59 pm (23:59) PST. Happy writing and all best vibes to all! :)

    The Pipecleaner by Mechalich
    Lost in the Everywhere by Kit’
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2024
  2. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Me again! We are at the one-month point with our challenge: one month is left in which to get your stories in. See the post above for details! :D
  3. Mechalich

    Mechalich Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 2, 2010
  4. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Great, thanks so much! I’ve got it in the index. Great to see our first entry come in! :)
  5. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    I thought we had until February 6th to get this done, and I was starting to panic. I'm so glad I checked...that's another 20 days I can procrastinate now :p
  6. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    A question for @OCDatabaseSock @Thumper09 : is "something so shocking/outrageous you can't make sense of it" a fair interpretation of the prompt?
  7. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    That’s an excellent question, and I’m going to let @Thumper09 field it, just to be completely safe! :D
  8. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Yup, I'd say that's perfectly fine, since I'm seeing that as a "Does. Not. Compute." reaction. :cool:
    Kahara, Mira_Jade , Chyntuck and 2 others like this.
  9. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    I forgot to put the era that it's in for my fic which means the title looks weirdly bare - but it's up!

    Chapter 1 of Lost in the Everywhere which is a Family of Scoundrels fic with Estra as the main character (for once!)
  10. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Our second entry, hooray! I’ve got it in our index now; thanks so much. If you tell me what era(s) you’d like put on there, I can add the prefixes. :)
  11. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Thank you so much! Could you please add Saga and Saga Prequel Trilogy as the eras?
  12. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    And done! :)
  13. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    You are amazing Finds, thank you :D
  14. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    You’re very welcome, glad to be of help! :)
  15. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    I meant to post yesterday and say the entire story is up now. Hopefully it works :D
  16. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Hi everyone! Just a reminder that our challenge deadline is in a week, at 11:59 pm (23:59) on February 26. We have two stories in the running right now—any more to come? :D
    Kit' and Kahara like this.
  17. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And now we’re at the three-day mark! Three days to get them in, and then it’s on to voting! :)
    earlybird-obi-wan, Kahara and Kit' like this.
  18. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And today is our last full day of the challenge before voting opens! :D
    Kit' likes this.
  19. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    All right everyone, it’s voting time for our challenge for 1Q 2024: The Inexplicable! There are two (2) stories in the running:

    The Pipecleaner by @Mechalich
    Lost in the Everywhere by @Kit'

    Please vote for one (1) of the two entries by sending this sock a PM! The usual rules for honest voting apply. Votes are due in the usual two (2) weeks, by 11:59 PM (23:59) PST on Thursday, March 14.

    Have fun, and if you have any questions, just let the sock know! :)
  20. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Hi again, everyone! Just letting you know that voting is still on for our first-quarter 2024 challenge, as described in the post quoted above. You now have one week to get your votes in; they are due on Thursday, March 14! :)
  21. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And me again, letting you know there are three days left to vote! So far two votes have come in; can we get any more by the end of the 14th? :)
    earlybird-obi-wan and Kit' like this.
  22. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And today is our last day for voting! Get ’em in, get ’em in! :D
    earlybird-obi-wan and Kit' like this.
  23. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    All righty doo, everyone! I'm pleased to announce the results of voting on our 1Q 2024 Challenge: The Inexplicable: we have a tie between our two excellent entries for this challenge! Let's hear it for both...

    Congratulations to you both on your excellent work! =D= This means that both of you get to come up with our next challenge! You can work that out however you like, and when you have something ready, please PM this sock and I'll get it ready to go as our second-quarter challenge. :)

    Thanks once again to all our writers and voters for another amazing quarter here at The OC Revolution! =D=
  24. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Congratulations to both @Kit' and @Mechalich ! Great work; I enjoyed both your stories very much. =D=
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  25. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Congratulations! =D=