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Fanclub The Official Darth Maul Fan Club

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Evil Incarnate, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. The Togruta Jedi

    The Togruta Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 22, 2020
    Needed more screen time
    clone commander bossk likes this.
  2. clone commander bossk

    clone commander bossk Ostrich Velocity Expert star 5

    Nov 5, 2019
    And more lines.
    Erkan12 and The Togruta Jedi like this.
  3. Darth Ren 24

    Darth Ren 24 Jedi Padawan

    Jun 7, 2020
    Don’t know if this has been mentioned before but yeah I think we all agree, i would love a series on mauls life. I know its legends but The Wrath of Darth Maul, has some pretty cool insights into what maul went through to become the sith lord he became! Additionally I’ve been loving this #makesolo2happen purley because i believe its our best bet at more maul
  4. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
  5. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020
  6. clone commander bossk

    clone commander bossk Ostrich Velocity Expert star 5

    Nov 5, 2019
    Maul and Savage

    Erkan12 and Narancia like this.
  7. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    I liked the scene in Darth Maul(2000) comic when the Black Sun Iktotchi bodyguard attempts to his telepathic abilities on Maul, and Maul just in turn uses his own & turns the Iktochi into a vegetable before he kills him. He's a master telepath on TCW and Rebels too.
  8. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013

    ''Your poisons are nothing to me, your guards, mere playthings''
    clone commander bossk likes this.
  9. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    What do you guys think?

    Because this is from the new canon, the Sith needs to ''bleed'' their sabers by stealing from a Jedi.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
    clone commander bossk likes this.
  10. clone commander bossk

    clone commander bossk Ostrich Velocity Expert star 5

    Nov 5, 2019
    Yeah, I imagine Sidious just said here you go this is a lightsaber. I doubt Maul bled his crystal as Sidious never meant for maul to be his main apprentice, he was just a placeholder.
    Erkan12 likes this.
  11. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Actually he was the main apprentice, since Sidious didn't notice Anakin until Episode I.

    Lucas says Sidious shouldn't have lost his first apprentice Maul in Episode II;

    George Lucas: ''After Darth Sidious' first apprentice is killed, he has to come up with a new apprentice, and rather than coming up with some baby that he trains from birth, which is what he should have done --well, he shouldn't have gotten himself in a position of getting his apprentice killed anyways-- he's decided to make his move, so he needs somebody that was already trained.''
    ---Source: AOTC DVD Commentary

    And in the new canon also, Sidious says Maul is different than Dooku, and he says that Maul was a loss.

    Sidious: ''And my apprentices? Darth Maul was a loss. But Darth Tyranus... He was a proton torpedo.''
    ---Source: Darth Vader #20 - End of Games, Part I (2016)
  12. clone commander bossk

    clone commander bossk Ostrich Velocity Expert star 5

    Nov 5, 2019
    My mistake.
    Erkan12 likes this.
  13. Sudooku

    Sudooku Jedi Master star 4

    May 31, 2014
    Dooku - a proton torpedo! [face_rofl] And a new Star Wars curse is born.

    Thanks for providing this source. :) Once I started to read this series, but at one time I quit when I realized how long this might go. I was very upset that Vader got a twenty and more part comic series while Maul got only three or four parts miniseries. [face_frustrated]
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
    Erkan12 likes this.
  14. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013

    Perhaps it will be Sifo-Dyas?
    clone commander bossk likes this.
  15. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
  16. TX-20

    TX-20 Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 21, 2013
    Darth Maul: "I better be getting overtime for this gig!"
  17. TX-20

    TX-20 Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 21, 2013
    Darth Maul: "U mad, bro?"
  18. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
  19. Sudooku

    Sudooku Jedi Master star 4

    May 31, 2014
    Maul: "You may have been the doom of Dryden Vos, but with me: I won't let happen something likewise. Before that, I'll become your doom. Did you understand that, Qi'ra?"
    Qi'ra: "I absolutely copied that, Lord Maul!"
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  20. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
  21. TX-20

    TX-20 Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 21, 2013
    Absolutely G O R G E O U S!
  22. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
  23. TX-20

    TX-20 Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 21, 2013
    Darth Maul: "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge. Oh I almost forgot to ask, did you look at my brother's CV?"
  24. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
  25. The Togruta Jedi

    The Togruta Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 22, 2020
    No words.. no remorse… pure vengeance