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Arena The Official NFL Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Community' started by PRENNTACULAR, Nov 25, 2006.


Who had a worse Super Bowl?

  1. Kansas City Chiefs

  2. Drake

  1. JediCouncilMember

    JediCouncilMember Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 15, 2003
    Bears >>>>> Cowboys.

    This is all part of Lovie's plan. After the the first 5 games it became apparent that the Bears were so much better then the rest of the NFL that Lovie told Rex to start playing as bad as he could possibly play just to get a challange.

    Infact, I'm already hearing that they are planning on starting a mini-Rex next week.
  2. ApolloSmileGirl

    ApolloSmileGirl Jedi Knight star 8

    Jun 18, 2004
    108 QB rating > 1.3

    If I'm doing my math tables correctly. :D
  3. JediCouncilMember

    JediCouncilMember Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 15, 2003
    That's witch talk!

    Buuuuuurrrrnnn Heeeeeerrr!!!!


    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    Favre sucks, and the Packers suck. Because of this, I don't want the Bears to win, though I think they will. If Grossman somehow regains his magic, they are the team to beat, and not many will be up to that challenge.
  5. JediCouncilMember

    JediCouncilMember Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 15, 2003
    I'm not sure why Lovie even has the deep route as an option anymore.

    You can do more than what they did with Orton last year, but it is clear, if you just hand off to Jones and Benson, they will win. The D is guaranteed to take the ball away 2-3 times.

    It'll be interesting in the last 2 weeks when the Bears have homefield wrapped up, do you play Rex and Let him wing-it and work out the kinks in the last 2 games or do you start Griese under the guise of not wanting to get Rex hurt (maybe Rex plays the first 2 series)?

    The problem is what if Griese is awesome with the second teamers...

    I know Lovie said well Rex is 10-2 blah blah blah, but Orton was 10-5 and they pulled him last year to play Rex.

    I think Grossman has one more game to do something even remotely good (not turn the ball over) otherwise Griese will get some playing time the last few weeks when everything is locked up and they'll probably end up starting the guy who plays the best in the last 2 games.
  6. SkottASkywalker

    SkottASkywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 3, 2002
    I haven't made a post about the NFL on these boards since 11/06/2006. At that time the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS (my favorite team and home team) were 8-0.

    Since then, they have lost twice, including to the DALLAS COWBOYS (my second favorite team) and, yesterday, to the TENNESSEE TITANS, a game that me and my wife and my in-laws attended.

    It was a CHRISTMAS present from my in-laws to me and my wife for this year. They paid for a package that included a round trip from INDIANAPOLIS to NASHVILLE and back to INDIANAPOLIS, a bus trip from the airport to LP FIELD and back to the airport, tailgating before the game outside of LP FIELD with food and drinks and a TENNESSEE TITANS program.

    The COLTS are 10-2, still the best record in the NFL, but now tied with two other teams for the best record in the NFL.

    The coaching is too conservative/not aggressive enough and their seems to be a real lack of discipline on the offensive line (way too many penalties and at very inopportune times) and dumb dropped/deflected passes turning into turnovers or really hurting drives. And the defense just is not getting it done. And the defense is supposed to be Dungy's strong point. Dungy's calm demeanor can be a positive, but it also can be overdone and hurt the team.

    And the injuries are not helping. We haven't had a complete, healthy defense for any game this season. That's been close to the same for the offense, too.

    Still, the COLTS are 10-2, still have the best record in the NFL, even though they now share that distinction with two other teams.

    Even though the COLTS lost, it was a great time all around, yesterday. LP FIELD is beautiful, not a bad seat in the stadium, the TITANS fans were great, it was a great game atmosphere (although it was at times very cold where we were sitting, which some would consider perfect weather for watching a football game).

    And even though we lost, Rob Bironas' was funny in a postgame interview we COLTS fans that attended the game watched on the bus while parked outside of LP FIELD. He was aked something along the lines of whether he could remember making a kick in his career, even as far back as high school, where it was of an incredible distance and meant so much and he replied with something along the lines of "You just saw it" which even made we COLTS fans on the bus laugh in good nature and sportmanship.

    I still feel the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS are the best team this year, but they really have some things to take care of.

    As for the TENNESSEE TITANS, they have a great upside and a bright future. I like that they play and stay aggressive, don't quit and a lot of that can be attributed to Fisher. Imagine what he could do with the COLTS.

    I really like Dungy as a coach and a person, but I don't know if the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS have ever had an aggressive enough and tuff enough coach, especially once they've attained so much talent.


    THE_JEDI_GUARDIAN Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2006
    I think its safe to say any doubt anyone had about Garcia is gone.
  8. SLR

    SLR Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 20, 2002
    Except for the idiot fans at the game yesterday cheering when Garcia got injured on a play and started going nuts when it looked like Freely was coming into the game. They must not have been watching the same game I was. Garcia played a smart, mistake free game, which allowed them to win the game in the 4th quarter. Why the fans want Freely in, I don't understand. This is not the same team that Freely took to the playoffs in 2002. They don't have the same defense to ride on like they did then.

    As to the Eagles, I feel conflicted about the win last night. On the one hand, I am a huge Birds fan and love when they win and want them to do well. On the other hand, I know this coaching staff and organization. If they slip into one of the last remaining playoff spots (just because of how bad the NFC is this year), the organization will act like this team is alright and ignore all of the failings and shortcomings of this team. It will take a losing season (which they would have if they were in the AFC) to get this team to make the tough choices to rebuild themselves to an upper echelon team again.
  9. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    SD > Indianapolis

    I hope we get to see this proved in the playoffs.

    -sj loves kevin spacey
  10. NorCalBirdz

    NorCalBirdz Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 28, 2004
    At this point, my dream scenario for the season is that Eagles slip into the 6th seed and upset the 3rd seeded Cowboys at home. That is the only scenario involving the playoffs that I really hope for.
  11. s65horsey

    s65horsey Otter-loving Former EUC Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 24, 2006
    The Colts need to fix their run defense. I HATE Vince Young. He is the bane of the existence of all my teams. From A&M in College and now to the Colts in the NFL. This guy needs to be stopped!!!

    Ok I'm better now. I just hated seeing that loss, but if it makes the coaches get their heads out of certain places and fix the problems then I guess it was worth it. Though in retrospect I would've rather they lost to ANYONE else rather than Young's team, but that's just the Aggie in me talking.

    More importantly, some shake-ups need to occur on the Giants Team. I can feel the tension through the TV. That is not good for the rest of the season. Unfortunately I see this promising team going up in smoke with the lack of good leadership from the coach.

    Should be a couple of good games this weekend. Some teams with tied records or close records are playing. Dallas/Saints, Giants/Carolina.

    Go COLTS!!!!

    THE_JEDI_GUARDIAN Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2006
    I has having this argument with my friend today. Whos better, Steve Smith or Chad Johnson? I say Smith.
  13. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005

    I have a feeling Coughlin's gone after this season.
  14. Jello4Prez

    Jello4Prez Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 28, 2006
    Johnson is better.

    Smith is more entertaining, but teh Chad is better. He is versitile, can go anywhere on the feild and catch a pass. All around, he is one of the best receivers in football... Smith is good, but if you take away his speed, he has nothing.

    THE_JEDI_GUARDIAN Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2006
    Im not sure about the entire playoff picture. If a 6-6 team loses today, do they still have a chance?

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    It depends on which 6-6 teams lose.

    If it helps, nobody is sure about the playoff picture right now.

    At least not in the NFC.
  17. ApolloSmileGirl

    ApolloSmileGirl Jedi Knight star 8

    Jun 18, 2004
    I believe it'll still be a mathematical possibility. All four of the 6-6 teams are each facing two of the other current 6-6 teams in their last four games.

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    Raiders with a pick on the oppening drive.

    Cincy better start winning, or I fear they'll start shanking people.

    EDIT: Man, I'm a genious. Fumble Riaders, Cincy has it.
    jcgoble3 likes this.
  19. ApolloSmileGirl

    ApolloSmileGirl Jedi Knight star 8

    Jun 18, 2004
    The court should just appoint the Bengals the same probation officer, so that they can take the team bus when they report.
    jcgoble3 likes this.
  20. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    [face_plain] Every damn time.

    -sj loves kevin spacey
  21. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish/SFTC Bonanza star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    I hate my NFL viewing area.

  22. ApolloSmileGirl

    ApolloSmileGirl Jedi Knight star 8

    Jun 18, 2004
    Well, in the Raiders defense, they do suck marbles. :p

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    Cincy just straight up marched down the feild. The Raiders got nothin.

    Maybe their scared of winning. :p
  24. ApolloSmileGirl

    ApolloSmileGirl Jedi Knight star 8

    Jun 18, 2004
    What games do you have today?

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    I hate mine as well. Nevada/West Coast sucks for Packers fans.