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ST The Romantic Future of Kylo Ren and Rey

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Sunbloom, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. Keyra007

    Keyra007 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 2, 2016
    Adam said in an interview that he hates the helmet :D I don't think an actor like him would have signed on to play Kylo's role if he had to wear that freaking helmet on in all of the Ep. VIII, even if it is Star Wars...
    Sunbloom and ReyofLightSide like this.
  2. ReyofLightSide

    ReyofLightSide Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2016

    I hope he doesn't. He said he couldn't even see out of it.
  3. The Summer Lady

    The Summer Lady Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 29, 2015
    Just wanted to put in my tuppence worth here on the subject of KRs mental state. I've only seen the movie once, so not had the chance to cross-examine every interesting scene, but my impression at the time was that KR really did not want to kill his father. His anguish and wretched expression thoughout that scene told me he was well aware it was a wicked and unforgivable act, and made me think he had no choice (Snoke would have killed him had he NOT done it). There was no bad guy style sneer at the end of the killing, simply grief at doing what had to be done, which I felt spoke volumes about his true feelings. As far as the killing of villagers is concerned, there's an old saying that one death is a tragedy, but a million is a statistic, so KR has depersonalised his enemies in order to carry out such unspeakable acts-which deep down he is aware of and will ultimately have to absolve himself of in future movies (sacrificing himself for the Light).
  4. Sunbloom

    Sunbloom Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2015
    Maybe Kylo likes pain, and finds pleasure and power in it? And will fall deeper in love with Rey the more she hurts or beats him?
  5. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    Darkspellmaster likes this.
  6. Sunbloom

    Sunbloom Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2015
    That unfortunate lovechild of a collander and a welding mask.
  7. Sunbloom

    Sunbloom Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2015
    Thanks! Is there more of him carrying her?
  8. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    to look more unhinged?

    รก la, look at me, this did nothing to me!
  9. Keyra007

    Keyra007 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 2, 2016
    Seriously, I don't get why a Jedi can feel attracted to the dark side... when he killed his father, it made him feel weaker and weirdly, he helped Rey to acknowledge her Force when she was at the edge of the cliff. The Force works in strange ways..
    Darkspellmaster likes this.
  10. ReyKenobi

    ReyKenobi Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 29, 2015
    Maybe just the lust for power?

    But also, the side hitting thing probably was partially to numb the pain too. Putting pressure on something that hurts will make it feel better for a second.
  11. Force22

    Force22 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 2, 2013
    The link that's still there. For some reason it doesn't show as a picture.
  12. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    Oh man and we are right back. To be clear, this response is only to the poster I'm quoting. I'm not assuming anyone else in this thread doesn't understand why Rey is clearly a victim of Kylo.

    Holy. Crap. I question if you are being serious with your question. Kylo chased after Rey, who is not a soldier btw, with evil intent. Then he restrained her, mind raped her, knocked her unconscious, and kidnapped her. Then, he strapped her to a table and mind raped her again (in my theater, when he said he could take what he wanted, there were audible gasps in the crowd. No one missed the rape allusion). Rey cried and was horrified. Later, as she was escaping after being kidnapped, he stalked her with the intent of rekidnapping her and bringing her to his evil cult master. She called him a monster, deeply repulsed by the person he is. When she tried to resist him, he threw her against a tree and knocked her out. Then they fought and thankfully Rey kicked his ass.

    If this wasn't SW, I would expect her to have some form of ptsd thanks to Kylo in the next movie. Since it's SW and Rey is our badass hero, plus she put Kylo in his place, I don't expect that to happen. Now, I don't know if you're going to argue some feminist stuff about how she isn't a victim because she fought back and is a badass. Great, yeah, she fought back and is a badass. She's a hero. And yet, she didn't seek out a fight with Kylo. He stalked, kidnapped, and mind raped her. No matter how much she kicks his ass or gets revenge, Kylo Ren victimized her.
    Mars457 likes this.
  13. Sunbloom

    Sunbloom Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2015
    Ah, thanks! I just see maintenance there though :_|
  14. Force22

    Force22 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 2, 2013
    Yes it doesn't work.

    This should work:
  15. Sunbloom

    Sunbloom Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2015
    Thanks, I realized I needed to add a certain word there instead of **** LOL

    Amazing scene! She could have been carried by stormtroopers if Kylo didn't have a crush on her.
  16. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    wel, hello! you're making me feel very special!

    for a while he has the upper hand, then she does. i'm not sure how that makes her a victim. i think several people have already pointed out the 'adversariness' depicted. you might not read these posts, so i'll just say it here. they are adversaries.

    i do think you're getting your chronology wrong, but that's by the by. how many times is he raping her? and again with the clinical terminology applied.

    and you're right, i'm getting all feminist on you. that's what i do. i'm a rabid feminist with the heart of a fangirl. highly deluded, in other words.

    maybe i'm missing something obvious.

    so, do you think poe is also a victim? or is he ok because he doesn't get 'raped'? (but maybe KR is raping him too, we just aren't shown, because... disney.)

    you know, he is violating her. and she violates him right back. i don't see the problem. and yes she is repulsed, she seems to have a lot of normal reactions in that situation. i kinda got the impression off of him that he is curious about her. how do you think the scene should have played? i mean, to make it less a violation? i think any non-consensual, erm, imprisonment is a violation, whether it includes rape or not. but it's because HE is doing it, that's the impression i'm getting, and because he wants to capture her, which i think was always the plan (i can't remember details of any order he is given), it's that you object to it. is that true? is it the manner or the fact?

    now that we are having this conversation to ourselves, ... did you enjoy the film? it's like we were seeing a different one *gasp*

    what i'm getting from you is a lot of projection. it's interesting in its own way, i often examine myself for projection. am i seeing this or do i just really want to see it. and i've not actually seen the film enough to make up my mind, i'm writing this on my first impression, which was also probably gasping but also finding it really intriguing. (yes, us feminists, always finding a bit of intrigue in mind rape) and then i probably thought, oh dear, **** is gonna go down :D
    Ann Louise likes this.
  17. Keyra007

    Keyra007 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 2, 2016
    Insightful comments :) Why every villain in Star Wars has to end up sacrificing himself for the Light or being killed? For a change it would be nice that the son of Han and Leia, could be redeemed, side the Light again and fiercely fight against the Force who used him as a ruthless killer.
  18. Marshall132

    Marshall132 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Dec 26, 2015

    Do you think they are going this way? They would have to devote a good amount of time in the second movie to make this change of heart believable to general audiences. Vader lucked out because he knew luke was his son for awhile and the next time they met he asked his son to join him on the dark side, so we knew there was some attachment to his son still in is dark heart Luke can pull at.

    With Kylo Ren we have no such attachment to pull at, he seems to despise his mother and killed his father who loved him. There is really no one left in his heart but snoke so I don't know how they are going to get general audiences to get on board that change.
    The Summer Lady likes this.
  19. The Summer Lady

    The Summer Lady Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 29, 2015

    I hope you're right, and I'm rooting for a story arc involving Ben Solo being redeemed via Rey, but I don't see how he can forgive himself for what he's done any other way :(
  20. Evening Star

    Evening Star Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    There's also a scene of him carrying her into his shuttle. I think Finn sees them.
  21. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    I'm pretty sure I don't have any timeline wrong. Kylo freezes her in the forest and invaded her mind against her will. Then later he invades her mind against her will while she is strapped to a table.

    Poe got mind raped by Kylo as well. If you prefer the term "tortured" that's fine too. Yeah, he is a victim of mind rape/torture by Kylo. But there he's a soldier that was taken by the other team. It's not the same as Rey.

    When you call them simply adversaries, you are kind of disturbing me. When victims of violence overpower their aggressors in general, is that how you describe it? One has power then the other does?

    It's not about gender. If Rey was a male scavenger and Kylo did everything the same, I would use the exact same psycho/victim wording to describe their interactions. That's because that is the accurate way to describe these events. Rey isn't part of the resistance. Kylo isn't doing anything to her because she fights for the opposing army he's at war with. He stalked and kidnapped her first because she's an innocent bystander with information, and second because of who she is.

    I don't know why you want to try and twist it to argue that Kylo isn't so bad. I'm kind of laughing about this debate we are having. I guess in your mind, Kylo's just a good soldier fighting the good fight? I feel like I'm in bizarro land.

    Btw I loved the movie.
    Sgt. Carver likes this.
  22. rey09

    rey09 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 20, 2015
    The excessive use of mind rape is unbelievable.

    Rape is the use of sexual intercourse forcibly on another, be it a man raping a woman, a woman raping man, man raping man. I don't think there's a word in the english dictionary that can describe what a horrible, disgusting, traumatic experience this bodes for the victim. I cannot imagine someone going through this, so I will not disrespect the countless victims by using it so casually in phrases such as "I raped that test" or in this case "mind rape." Call it something else. Mind invasion, or something, but using the word rape is going too far. Yes Kylo Ren was reading her thoughts against her wishes. Yes she felt harassed. But had it been actually "mind rape," I assure you, the scene would've actually been a twisted scene and everyone would be talking about it. In Star Wars, force sensitive people can go into people's minds, because they can. And if you're around a bad guy, he or she will use it to their advantage. There's a difference between a man raping a woman and say, a man reading a woman's diary. Both are harassing, but no doubt, one is far far worse in terms of the infliction of pain.

    I'm no expert on any of this topic, but seriously, word choice is key here. Because we're all getting labeled as rape fanatic sickos here and
  23. Evening Star

    Evening Star Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    I'll let people enjoy this fan theory (which I quite like myself) and just leave this here.


    P. S. Boy, this will all look pretty weird if it turns out they're related.
  24. The Summer Lady

    The Summer Lady Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 29, 2015

    That's just the thing. As I said I saw genuine pain at what he did to his father, and he's not yet laid eyes on his mum. I'm not convinced Snoke's grip on his heart cannot be loosened-Why would JJ include all the big emotional theatrics we've witnessed if KR's an uncomplicated bad guy?
  25. Keyra007

    Keyra007 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 2, 2016
    I guess that's the writer's job. Allegedly they're talented and have tools to lead a story whenever they want to lead it. I'm only saying that a different plot from "what everybody is expecting" would be nice, shocking, surprising... because you know, he's still Han and Leia's son and if he could be, somehow, redeemed, Han's sacrifice wouldn't feel as useless... if only for him.
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