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JCC The Royal Family Thread

Discussion in 'Community' started by AaylaSecurOWNED, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. AaylaSecurOWNED

    AaylaSecurOWNED Jedi Master star 6

    May 19, 2005

    The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James's Palace has announced.

    Members of the royal family and the duchess's family, the Middletons, are said to be delighted.

    A spokesman said the duchess has been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with very acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for several days.

    :D :D :D
  2. George Roper

    George Roper Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 31, 2012
    Actually, turns out she had just seen a few seconds of Keeping up with the Kardashians while channel surfing. But wonderful news about the pregnancy.

    EDIT: I wonder if it'll be a ginger or bald.
    Juliet316 likes this.
  3. AaylaSecurOWNED

    AaylaSecurOWNED Jedi Master star 6

    May 19, 2005
    A mysterious ginger baby would be excellent fun.
    moreorless12 likes this.
  4. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
    Kate Middleton Pregnant! Kate Middleton Pregnant! Kate Middleton Pregnant! Kate Middleton Pregnant! Kate Middleton Pregnant! Kate Middleton Pregnant! Kate Middleton Pregnant! Oh and something about a Leveson report... but Kate Middleton Pregnant! Kate Middleton Pregnant! Pay attention to that!
  5. AaylaSecurOWNED

    AaylaSecurOWNED Jedi Master star 6

    May 19, 2005
    I'm American so I still think I've got my English news priorities in the right order.
  6. Boba_Fett_2001

    Boba_Fett_2001 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 11, 2000
    I hope it's William and Kate Plus 8.
    eht13, Katya Jade and George Roper like this.
  7. Mar17swgirl

    Mar17swgirl Chosen One star 7

    Dec 26, 2000
    Wonderful! :D =D= Hope everything goes well and that the baby is born healthy.
  8. AaylaSecurOWNED

    AaylaSecurOWNED Jedi Master star 6

    May 19, 2005
    Heir and a spare and another spare and 5 more randoms.
  9. rumsmuggler

    rumsmuggler Chosen One star 7

    Aug 31, 2000
    good for them.
    Means nothing to me though..
  10. JoinTheSchwarz

    JoinTheSchwarz Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 21, 2002
    A pound of useless flesh that should be used to feed the masses.
  11. AaylaSecurOWNED

    AaylaSecurOWNED Jedi Master star 6

    May 19, 2005
    It does mean something to you, Rummy, because now you get the (undoubtedly satisfying) opportunity to tell everyone talking about it for the next 6-8 months just how much you don't care! Congratulations! You're so special.
  12. Aytee-Aytee

    Aytee-Aytee Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 20, 2008
    I clicked on this thread expecting news about Beyonce and Jay-Z.
  13. rumsmuggler

    rumsmuggler Chosen One star 7

    Aug 31, 2000
    No. I said enough on the matter ;)
  14. AaylaSecurOWNED

    AaylaSecurOWNED Jedi Master star 6

    May 19, 2005
    Which is why you felt the need to post again, obviously.
  15. rumsmuggler

    rumsmuggler Chosen One star 7

    Aug 31, 2000
  16. LAJ_FETT

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Well, that kicks Levison and Wednesday's Autumn Statement by the Chancellor off the front (and probably first 10) pages of the papers for awhile...
  17. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
    Indeed. Convenient, huh?
  18. Point Given

    Point Given Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 12, 2006
    I hoped its named Dodi.
  19. Everton

    Everton Chosen One star 10

    Jul 18, 2003
    Lovely news. :) I hope everything goes well (at least, post morning sickness :p ). I think they'll make excellent parents.
  20. TahiriVeilaSolo69

    TahiriVeilaSolo69 Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 27, 2002
  21. Katya Jade

    Katya Jade Administrator Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 19, 2002
  22. LAJ_FETT

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Cameron and the Chancellor probably high-fived behind closed doors.. :p
  23. Dark Lady Mara

    Dark Lady Mara Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 19, 1999
    I had no idea morning sickness could result in hospitalization. Or maybe Kate having to withdraw from the public eye is FURTHER EVIDENCE OF A CONSPIRACY!!!!
  24. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    I need to make a bunch of socks just so I can like all of Dani's posts multiple times, or something.

    edit: Also


    edit2: Argh, news websites, stop calling her "Princess Kate!" That's like insult to injury!
  25. AaylaSecurOWNED

    AaylaSecurOWNED Jedi Master star 6

    May 19, 2005
    Personal congratulations to you on this exciting news, Jello.