Anaxagore Zalzabar’s Castle A small smile graced his face once he sensed that the boy would not be dying. “Not on my watch…” He thought to himself as he continued his ministrations. A sound he had not heard before caught his attention. The swords-woman, she had spoken. “Rebecca.” She said simply, giving her name. Anaxagore turned his head so he could see her, from one warrior to another and offered her a solid nod. His grey eyes meeting hers for a brief moment, before returning to his work. Brave Souls were the most precious, the most Noble, yet too few existed, especially among humans. ‘Man’ as the human species commonly referred itself as, had given himself over to a life of vice, abandoning all virtue in the process, effectively dooming his own species to a slow and cruel downward spiral -towards oblivion. In time, the other races would enslave all humans and eventually drive them to extinction. Anaxagore could not allow that to happen, that’s why it was so very important that the nameless boy live. The boy’s very trek to Zalzabar’s Castle spoke of untapped inner greatness, such that he was likely not even aware of. Anaxagore understood his duty as a Ryujin- as intended by ‘The Three' - and he would not fail in that duty. That’s why he had chosen the form of a human male: to inspire them, but this boy, he could accomplish so much more if given a chance. Anaxagore’s head turned once again as he sensed someone approaching, and found the form of the copper skin Ryujin elf move close to the boy and himself, magic protections flowed around her, unsurprisingly. She chuckled to herself, then took the boy’s face in her hands, and in an act that would seem almost intimate, she blew softly into his face. Feeling the flow of magic at work, Anaxagore rose to his feet, took a few steps back, and watched the magics minister on the boy, warming him and filling him with wellness. He now sensed it, the copper skin Ryujin was actually an Elder Ryujin. He had never been in the presence of one. He’d hoped that meeting the Great Zalzabar would be his first opportunity to do so, but clearly, she was also one. Incredible. "Be brave, young human. You've made it so very far. Only a little longer before we see Ole Zalzabar himself." Anaxagore smiled at her words and was about to thank yer for her kindness, but she turned to him suddenly and addressed him. "Now, get a load of you. Strapping young and strong ryujin...have you made time to mate yet?" “Wait…what?” Anaxagore exclaimed in surprised, not because he had not heard her, but rather because he could not believe she was asking ‘that’. The dark haired Ryujin’s face began to turn progressively red and would soon match the shade of ‘Rebecca’s facial paint. The Elder Ryujin gestured towards the first female elf, the fair one with onyx hair and ruby lips. "If you have not found time to mate, you must not forget to." She said, wagging a finger at Anaxagore. "Mating is incredibly important, especially for the handsome ones like you." Anaxagore’s grey eyes looked upon fair Delsanra, noticing her mutual surprise, though she was far more collected than he was about it. A sudden ‘crunch’ in the snow drew his attention towards Taella, who’d stomped her foot in annoyance, crossed her arms defensively and looked away. “Hold on, hold on….” Anaxagore stammered, caught in a very awkward situation, feeling uncomfortably hot. The copper skin Elder seemed pleased with the awkwardness she had created, then moved on, leaving him to fend for himself. “I am Esenma.” She declared. “Esenma Skydragon: Daughter of Caelum….” Anaxagore whispered in raw amazement. His awkwardness was suddenly forgotten as he bowed in reverential respect. He was in the presence of Ryujin Royalty. He held the pose for a moment and rose once another had spoken, that being Rebecca. “How many here are Ryujin?” she asked curtly, in typical warrior fashion. As the fair elf answered, Anaxagore glanced at the others, first at the nameless human boy, just to make certain he was indeed well, then his grey eyes sought after the wood elf, as he hoped she had not decided to petulantly abandon Zalzabar’s quest. Next, he searched for the half-orc, who would need guidance as a the youngest Ryujin. Anaxagore still remembered what his nascent days were like. He certainly hoped the half-orc would become a shining example for his people. “I am Ryujin.” Anaxagore declared with sharp clarity as he turned to face Rebecca. He could see the steel in her eyes, from one warrior to another - he could almost sense something more, but it was very faint at the moment, probably due to dampening effect enchanted at the entrance. All in all, this was a gathering of adventurers that made his spirits rise. In the moment, he found a grin blossoming at the thought of the great deeds they would perform together. Then a roar filled the cold skies above, drawing everyones attention. Anaxagore was able to discern a white dragon plummeting to the ground, then morphing into humanoid form at the last moment, then gliding, before landing gracefully. The figure looked like a young male from what he could discern as it approached the gathering. "Fear not, peasants! I, Lord of the Burning Light and Son of the Falling Stars, have arrived! Step aside so the rightful heir to the gods can enter this castle!" The figure bellowed to the group as it got even closer, walking with self-important swagger. ‘Rightful heir to the gods!?’ “By the Three!” Anaxagore gasped mockingly. He had heard of these ‘pretentious types’ but had never met one. Too many tavern jokes came to mind and he brought a hand to his mouth just in time to partially stifle a chuckle. Things just got a little more interesting than he really cared for. Tag: @Shadowsun, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @Ktala, @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @galactic-vagabond422 , @Master Vo'Un'Var
Cretaus IC: ~The Mountains of Mating~ Cretaus continued to just kind of lean where he was against Anaxagore, not really able to stop him. Nor was he fully aware of what was going on around him, just that the man was still trying to rub his feet for a while longer. Still not sure why. Another person, lady of dark skin that he was vaguely aware of, came before him now as well. She put her hands on his face, caressing. Why were they so touchy here? Was it a local custom? They certainly were doing the opposite of what he had always experienced back in the city. They avoided him there at all costs. Except for the guards. They tried to grab him too, but they were attempting to throw him into the jails to rot where people wouldn’t have to look at him or just tried to kill him outright and be done with it. Thankfully, they never caught him. Got close a few times though. The lady chuckled. At least, he think she did. Then she was blowing gently onto his face. Wow…the locals here are really strange… But then came the strangest feeling. It was like…like…like…It took a few moments to really compare it to something. The ice on the windows pane back in the city thawing slowly as the morning dawned. A flower blooming slowly. What was this sensation? Shamefully, it took him until it was nearly done to place it again. Warmth! He was feeling warm! How? Just what was going on? And the wind…it stopped abruptly, no longer bothering with him. Yet he saw it still affecting the others, well, not the lady. She was unaffected too it appeared. What the hell? “Be brave, young human. You’ve made it so very far. Only a little longer before we see Ole Zalzabar himself.” She let go of his face and turned to the other guy. What was his name again? Yep. Already forgot. And she had called him ‘human.’ As the warmth returned, his mind slowly unclouded once more, and he became more aware of his surroundings and what was happening. Seemed like the words were being carried a little better on the wind too. It seemed the lady who touched his face was an elf, judging by her ears. Wow. He never had actually seen an elf in person before! Perhaps this trip was worth it, just for that. “Now, get a load of you. Strapping young and strong Ryujin…have you made time to mate yet?” What? She wasn’t talking to him, but the other guy, but still…what? Cretaus blinked a few times. Ryujin, she had mentioned Ryujin. And…and…His cheeks flushed a bright red. Mating!? As in…? “If you have not found time to mate, you must not forget to. Mating is incredibly important, especially for the handsome ones like you.” She was gesturing between the guy and another woman nearby with dark hair, red lips…another elf! And…wow…She and the lady with the warm breath both were really attractive! His blush got even redder, just by being in their proximity and this particular conversation. “I am Esenma. It is a pleasure to see you all here. Please be patient, Ne’tar dear. Our brave and resilient knight is merely doing his duty and we should heed his word and wait.” Good. A couple of names finally. No idea which one was Ne’tar though. He felt like he had just been thrown down a laundry chute and tumbled a few times along the way, landing in the middle of…whatever this was. “In the meantime, between time…We should get to know each other better.” The words and the movement of her eyebrows, her voice and slight movement. They were all suggestive. Cretaus was young, but he was no kid. He understood well what was going on. She even basically spelled it out right before then. It did not help that he was right at that age when such thoughts began to explode, not that he had anything remotely resembling experience in the department of girls. Another woman nearby stomped her foot as if annoyed at something, then proceeded to briefly exchange words that he couldn’t hear with a hawk that swooped down. Wait a second. A-another elf! She was a looker too! ...Wow. She was really good looking. Cretaus mentally shook himself. W-W-What was going on here!? “How many here are Ryujin…if you feel like saying so.” This came from a fourth woman he hadn’t noticed initially and seemed more dressed as a warrior. There was even some red painted across her face intimidatingly. Now this! This was something he had more expected to see! But despite all that, her tone and facial expression, her armor and weapons…this sudden conversation that was the first one he had tuned into eschewed even that. At least for the moment. All he saw too, was briefly underneath it all. Ignoring all the warning signs. She was actually pretty attractive too, if you really looked at her. And now that other dark haired elf, the one with the robe chuckled and responded. Cretaus’ eyes were wide. Just who were these people? What was going on? And hey, they mentioned Ryujin again. How many of them were… No way. They were real? “Greetings Rebecca. Since you have decided to answer upon the call, I have no qualms of stating that I am Ryujin, though of course, you could have surmised such a thing by Esenma’s rather interesting…retorts.” This whole thing had just gotten surreal. Ryujin, attractive women (one of whom had already caressed his face out of nowhere), weird happenings in the snow, and talks of mating… He couldn’t help it anymore. Cretaus found his voice and blurted out: “I-Is that what you people are here for? Some kind of big…uh…mating…party…?” The thought was very, very odd to him and he dared not think further on it. He wasn’t sure how he’d react. “I thought this was about adventure or something! …I probably shouldn’t be here...” Cretaus stared at the snow, his face still red, his mind still reeling in befuddlement. At least the guy who had rubbed his feet, apparently also a Ryujin by his concession, was a bit surprised. And that was when the last member showed up. He hadn’t heard him approach, didn’t see his transformation, but he most definitely heard him. “Fear not, peasants! I, Lord of the Burning Light and Son of the Falling Stars, have arrived! Step aside so the rightful heir to the gods can enter this castle!” Cretaus just turned his head around to look at the newcomer. ……….. Who the hell was this effing guy? Tag: Everyone @greyjedi125 @The Jedi in the Pumas @Kurisan @galactic-vagabond422 @Ktala @Master Vo'Un'Var @Mitth_Fisto @Shadowsun
Delsanra Taenya Helestina On the outside, looking in - Zalzabar's Castle “Esenma Skydragon: Daughter of Caelum….” Anaxagore whispered in raw amazement as he bowed in a reverential respect. Delsanra had a slightly different reaction. She simply looked over. Oh, she had heard of the name before. But the name was not matching the stories she had heard. As Anaxagore began turning the most brightest shades of red, Delsanra noticed the young boy was also turning a bright red as well. “I-Is that what you people are here for? Some kind of big…uh…mating…party…?” The look on the poor childs face was priceless!! “I thought this was about adventure or something! …I probably shouldn’t be here...” The boy now stared at the snow, his face still red. ON that note, Delsanra broke into a gale of laughter. "Ah... but no, thank you," she stated while giving a wink. "We are here on other business." Suddenly something caused her magical alarms to alert. She quickly looked up. Another Ryjuin, this one in full dragon form, flew overhead. A white dragon. There was a roar, and then he plummeted to the ground, turning into a young male. By the three. Just what they needed after Esenma's last statements. Her laughter died, as she watched the young man with a sneer on his face, he called out to the gathering crowd, flinging his arms outwards as his voice boomed out. "Fear not, peasants! I, Lord of the Burning Light and Son of the Falling Stars, have arrived! Step aside so the rightful heir to the gods can enter this castle!" The figure bellowed to the group as it got even closer, walking with a self-important swagger. “By the Three!” Anaxagore gasped mockingly. Delsanra grew silent, as she silently regarded the individual. What was that old saying? Ah yes, 'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.' From his dress, she could take guess. Would the Knight be so impressed? Perhaps he was the last to arrive? That was a possible choice. Either way, they would find out quickly enough. TAG: @greyjedi125, @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @Shadowsun
The Knight of Courage The sentinel stood there silent as each traveler arrived. He made no motion or move other than the simple instruction to wait. He did however listen intently to the conversation that took place. The first to arrive was a human warrior that the knight recognized, her iconic red pigment giving her away. The Laughing Butcher. Indeed he had heard of her rather legendary prowess in battle he would be interested to see how they faired in a fight but now was not the time nor the place. She remained silent, stoic and strong, The Knight of Courage could appreciate that. The second was a seemingly human ryujin. The orb glowed slightly as he approached. One who seemed eager and excited for the journey ahead. “Wait?” He echoed incredulously, then shivered from another cold gust of wind. “For how long?” inquired the young ryujin Anaxagore. "Until I deem it ready" whatever 'it' was not clear, perhaps the group or something else. In quick succession two elven ryujin arrived, although vastly different in terms of power. The sentinel knew one of the two. A fellow elder ryujin of his master. The Lady Esenma, rumored to be blessed by Caelum himself. He remembered that she shared some of Zalzabar's eccentricities. "Oh!" She mused aloud and reached a hand out, patting the knight on his chest plate. "How are you doing, dear? Are you warm in there?" Under normal duties he would ignore such a remark, action or questions, but he had been specifically told to answer any and all questions. "I am warm and well, Lady Esenma" He spoke in a straightforward and formal tone. Meeting the bare minimum of what might be considered an 'answer' to her question. Before their conversation could continue however a third elfling emerged from the mountainside. Although this one was no ryujin and came with an earthy sense of the forest with her. “I am Taella Sparrowswift, of the Realm of Loreth. I come to serve you, and Zalzabar...” Hmm, so this one had a name, not that he was interested in such things, Zalzabar would be sure to get them all acquainted with each other. Good. She had no questions, made his life easier. He simply stated 'wait' once more and fell silent. The fifth to arrive added some more diversity from the group, straying away from the almost exclusive elven theme. A half-orc no less, one who had seemed less powerful than the other ryujin, a newborn perhaps? "Ne'tar cold. Ne'tar tired. Ne'tar wait inside. Yes?" he said as he began slowly going around the Yellow Knight who had silly elf woman draped over him. A rather stark contrast to the graceful entrance of the elf before him. Still he would not abide people trying to get in, no matter how cold they were. He made a motion with the orb, letting it rock gently back and forth. Good thing the half-orc was a newborn otherwise this might not work. The orb glowed more intensely as Ne'tar now froze still. His body now incapable of moving. "Patience is a virtue. I'm sure one of your fellow companions will warm up if you are feeling cold" The response was surprisingly kind, usually the knight would of killed the intruder if they stepped so much as a millimeter onto the castle grounds, but circumstances were different now. Now a fifth creature was stumbling along the mountain path, one who seemed more dead than alive. He could feel no magic radiating off him nor was he a ryujin. No it was a boy, a simple human boy. He made no motion to help Cretaus, his duty was not to comfort them. Only answer questions and gauge them worthy enough to pass the bridge. He did note however had kindly the others treated him. Traits he was sure Zalzabar would appreciate. What transpired next was not something the guardian was ready for. He tried to stay silent for the unexpected discussion on mating. A concept the knight was not comfortable conversing on, besides it was none of his business. He began to gaze upward, trying as best he could to ignore what was being said. He then thought about what Zalzabar might have to say on the issue...oh no. He however turned his attention back when the warrior Rebecca posed her question. "How many here are Ryujin?...if you feel like saying so." As the question was not address specifically to him, the knight remained silent save for stating plainly that he was not a ryujin. He then resumed to tune himself out of the conversation, uninterested on the topic. Although he was sure his peers would be. The last to arrive was another ryujin, this one choosing to travel in dragon form before swooping down and resuming his humanoid one, no doubt due to the effects of the orb. "Fear not, peasants! I, Lord of the Burning Light and Son of the Falling Stars, have arrived! Step aside so the rightful heir to the gods can enter this castle!" For goodness sake he thought to himself. This one would certainly prove to be a handful. Well it seemed now there was enough, eight seemed a good number and besides he could not stand the conversation much longer. "No doubt you have all been wondering what this is?" He lifted the orb in his left arm as he said this, pausing for a moment. "It is not dissimilar to what poachers use to hunt ryujin." Well rare, and often illegal in the various kingdoms across Regnum it was not unheard of for ryujin to be hunted. After all their blood was a useful ingredient in more potent potions. "It prevents ryujin from transforming into their dragon form, although if you are strong enough you can overcome this" The yellow knight gestured to Esenma as he said this, although it was not much good to her in this particular situation. "It also dampens magic, although it effects ryujins' magic much more so". He let out a small cloud of breath after he said this, no doubt not use to explaining so much information. "Now for your evaluation" He turned toward the castle, gesturing to the two knights in back. As they slowly marched forward he continued talking. "To gain admittance to the castle you must pass three simply tests. The first will be performed by me: Audacia, The Knight of Courage!" As he spoke his name he tossed the orb up into the air, where it stayed suspended. He then gripped his sword with both hands and slammed it into the snow. A large crack formed from the tip of the sword, slicing the area in two. The mountain began to quake around them, a large ice wall forming around the group, preventing escape by foot. Spikes then grew from the wall forcing them all together. Then Audacia started to grow, becoming first the size of a tree, then an adept ryujin and finally the mountain itself. He towered over all that were gathered. His dark vestige, cementing them in darkness. Any normal man would of run at this point, if he could. The orb then began to glow more intensely as an aura of maddening fear penetrated each of their souls. Their worst nightmares appearing before them in haunting images. The ground then seemed to disappear, now each of them felt like they were falling endlessly, their fears still invading their very being as they fell. It was like their essences were being feasted upon by a mad god. Their brains bleeding inside their skulls, crying out in pain. Their bones turned to mush, their skin becoming raggedy and old. Their powers stripped away from them, sucked away into oblivion. Now Audacia bellowed to them all, his voice like a skewer through their ears. His breath an icy blast. The cold before seemed like a hot summer's day in comparison. "You are nothing! You are unworthy! You deserve nothing but painful deaths!" Upon these words their bodies contorted in unnatural ways, ways impossible without breaking bones. The pain was unimaginable. It all felt so real, so vivid. How could anyone possibly survive such an ordeal? The test was indeed simple, none of what was happening was real. It was all an illusion, a mind trick generated by the orb. The test was to overcome this, realize it was all a lie. A test of courage and will. TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @The Jedi in the Pumas @Mitth_Fisto @Master Vo'Un'Var @Ktala @Kurisan OOC: You can more or less imagine or create any terrifying images you please. None of what happens after the sword plunge is real. Everyone should eventually realize it is fake but will obviously take some people more time PM me or post in OOC thread with any questions.
Anaxagore Forward to the End If ‘Falling Star’s’ arrival wasn’t annoying enough, things seemingly took a turn for the worst quite quickly. Anaxagore watched as the Yellow Knight finally addressed the group of gathered adventurers, expecting him to announce that they had gained entry to Zalzabar’s Castle. Sadly, he was wrong. "No doubt you have all been wondering what this is?" He lifted the orb in his left arm as he said this, pausing for a moment. Anaxagore’s grey eyes narrowed in suspicion, his body tensing by instinct. In his 200 years of living, he already knew that questions posed in that way always led to trouble or unpleasantness. "It is not dissimilar to what poachers use to hunt ryujin." While rare, and often illegal in the various kingdoms across Regnum it was not unheard of for ryujin to be hunted. After all their blood was a useful ingredient in more potent potions. "It prevents ryujin from transforming into their dragon form, although if you are strong enough you can overcome this" The yellow knight gestured to Esenma as he said this, although it was not much good to her in this particular situation. "It also dampens magic, although it affects ryujins' magic much more so". He let out a small cloud of breath after he said this, no doubt not use to explaining so much information. Anaxagore actually snarled at the cursed item. The ‘Inhibitor Orb’ was a foul magical creation. He knew not how such an evil thing was brought into existence. The only reason he was interested in its origins was to learn how to destroy it or counter its evil magics. So far he has had no luck- however, the memory of having saved a badly wounded ryujin newborn so long ago, still burned in his memories. The question was, why would Zalzabar have one of these cursed items? Perhaps he had discovered a way to dispell them? If not, the dark haired adventurer would continue to destroy ryujin poachers on sight. Such evil doers brought swift judgement upon themselves. Anaxagore was also known as Raven Dark in other remote lands, a warrior clad in dark armor, who wielded his great sword as the hand of Retribution. "Now for your evaluation" He turned toward the castle, gesturing to the two knights in back. As they slowly marched forward he continued talking. "To gain admittance to the castle you must pass three simply tests. The first will be performed by me: Audacia, The Knight of Courage!" As he spoke his name he tossed the orb up into the air, where it stayed suspended. He then gripped his sword with both hands and slammed it into the snow. Then the world around them started to change. The Knight of Courage grew until he became impossibly large, the Inhibitor Orb’s glow became more intense, its effects now penetrating the minds of the adventurers gathered and drowning them in nightmares of their own making. The ground broke beneath Anaxagore’s feet and he began to fall into a great abyss. Out of reflex he attempted to turn into dragon form, but nothing happened, despite having fallen outside of the orb’s range of influence. Had he been cursed? Unbelievable pain began to wrack his body and mental anguish lanced at his will. Images of being tortured and indentured slavery strobed into his consciousness, but he refused to lose control of himself. Never again! The impact at the bottom was a painful one. It felt as if he had cracked several ribs, however, with one glance, he knew that was the least of his troubles. He had no idea how much time had passed, he only knew that he was utterly alone. His grey eyes looked to the east and beheld Fire for as far as his eyes could see, fire taller than a mountain range, fire that lapped the very sky. To the West, an equally titanic glacier of impossible proportions rumbled on, encompassing the entire horizon. What’s worse, a whole minefield of inhibitor orbs, a weblike network, floating in the air, balefully suppressing mages and ryujin alike. That should have been more than enough to stop his heart from beating. The terrible hour of Sapientis had come. “AARRGH!!!” Three fiery darts struck him in his back, burning him and scorching his skin. Instinctively Anaxagore moved, just in time for a fiery arrow to miss its mark. He was familiar with the dart and arrow tactic and had reacted accordingly. He was being hunted by novices, still, they were no less dangerous than their masters. Anaxagore looked before him and understood his challenge, even as his ears picked up the growing sound of a roaring horde not too far in the distance. He would have to climb up a sheer cliff face of rock and ice, to make it back to the top, while leaving his back exposed. A glance over his shoulder confirmed what he had heard. A burning legion approached. Creatures from all races bathed in fire, yet not consumed, overtaken by rage, pain, desire, strife , suffering, all dead or dying and under control of Sapientis’ fiery half. Likewise the Icy hordes of the dead would be controlled by Sapientis of Ice, all renounced to their apathy, indifference and self-despondency. Indeed, Sapientis had destroyed all heroes and bound its unliving horde to its will. Once the walls of fire and ice collided, Regnum itself would explode and cease to be. Against such odds, it would be smart to simply give up, but it would not be wise, not if there was the slimmest chance to prevent the end of everything, which meant that Anaxagore still had a choice. Summoning all his inner will, Anaxagore began to climb. He called on all the power within himself in order to enhance his climbing speed and sustain him as he went. With his senses he could hear the fiery darts and arrows as they were about to hit him. Such attacks forced him to take risky leaps as he navigated his path upwards. He knew what he had to do, for he divined a weakness, and hoped that he was right. Despite avoiding many darts and arrows, a good deal still found their mark, impaling themselves on his back, shoulders, legs and other areas- but still he clenched his teeth and persisted. The farther up he went the harder a target he would become. The rules of nature still applied, even in this situation. Anaxagore’s pain threatened to blind him, his breathing was labored, even as he continued to push forward. He chuckled as he remembered that nameless boy so long ago: a boy filled with determination and what he now realized was - desperation- to reach his goal. Anaxagore understood that moment with utmost clarity and drew inspiration from it. Shaking and in pain, he finally reached the top. Cruel and cold wind threatened to blow him backwards, but he yelled back in a warrior’s fury and refused them. He would NOT be moved from his purpose. Slowly and painfully rising to his feet, Anaxagore now narrowed his steely gaze past the bodies of dead enemies and heroes alike. He was sure he’d known their names, but none of it mattered now- even as he hobbled forward by sheer will power. His back was riddled with arrows that were still on fire, but none of that mattered now. He ignored the blood that flowed out of him and splattered when he coughed. He should not have yelled just now. A Knight of Death, guarding the ruins of Zalzabar’s castle turned to face him. Ice covering its metallic armor and fire blazing like a wreath on its head. Anaxagore snarled in defiance, as he finally drew his Scimitar. He did not look at his blood which stained the white snow, nor did his grey eyes look at his real target. He knew exactly where it was located as he hobbled forward. The Knight of Death lumbered in his direction, hefting its enormous two handed sword. Anaxagore moved forward, he just needed to get a little closer. The two figures continued to take fateful steps towards each other, slowly, deliberately, purposefully. Anaxagore waited, biding his time, a leer coming to his now bloodied face. Rebecca wore the blood of others, but he was wearing his own. In the fateful moment when the two were in each other’s striking range, Anaxagore called on ALL his remaining power. His eyes blazed suddenly with Dark Fire and his Scimitar blazed with in the fires of his purpose. The Death Knight lifted its massive sword, poised to strike only once, with deadly accuracy and effect. Anaxagore surged with an immeasurable strength he had felt only once, the moment he had found true love. Deftly, he held his weapon as if it were a javelin. His enemy could not know that he now targeted the original Inhibitor orb. That was the one which controlled the entire network which surpressed magic and ryujin all over Regnum. His body moved with impossible grace, arrows broke, muscled ruptured and yet- he threw the sword with All his might at his target. Not for himself, but for those who remained, for those who could still fight and maybe- just maybe- find a way to stop Sapientis from ending Regnum. Anaxagore watched as his makeshift lance sailed through the air, streaking like a black and purple bolt, towards its mark: The Inhibitor Orb. He ignored the Death Knight and his deadly Two-Handed Sword, even as the blade glinted and was swung to cleave him. The ryujin closed his eyes and smiled as thoughts of his first true kiss filled his mind with joy - and warmth, that only a blessed union could bring. By 'The Three.' Tag: @Shadowsun
[ Approved/Edited by @Shadowsun and with kind permission of @Darth_Elu ] Taella The First Challenge “To gain admittance to the castle you must pass three simple tests. The first will be performed by me: Audiacia, The Knight of Courage!” He slammed his broadsword into the snow. The mountain quaked around them and a shockwave of potent magic cleaved the air. Taella glanced around. Suddenly she was alone. There was no sign of the others. Sorcery! A wall of impenetrable ice grew up on all sides around her. Audacia, now many times his height and become a towering titan, stood atop the encircling prison walls and looked down upon her. “You are nothing! You are unworthy! You deserve nothing except painful death!” Then, emerging from the snow, two dozen shapes rose all around Taella. Orcs. Each one was dressed and armed exactly like Ne’tar. Taella grinned as they shook off their coverings of snow and charged towards her. This was a simple challenge indeed, and one she understood all too well, having been in the situation many times in the woods. She drew her longdagger and struck a ready stance. As the first Orc reached her, she flashed her blade to intercept his lunge, deflecting the heavy blow away. Then she followed up with a kick to his chest, sending him sprawling to the snow. Twirling like a ballerina, three more thrusts she turned in similar fashion. Then she leapt high, over the heads of further attackers, and ran for the ice wall. She would plunge the dagger in and use it as a lever to swing up and out of the ice prison. “Ha!” she called up to Audacia. “Too easy!” But then, something strange happened. She tried to drive her blade into the ice, but the wall was impenetrable and her thrust was turned. She blinked; what manner of ice could thwart a blade made with Elven sharpness? She had no time to ponder this further as a length of chain suddenly wrapped around her ankles. The other end was yanked hard and she was upended into the snow. She rolled to see the Orcs swarming toward her, the one holding the other end of the chain leering. He was Ne’tar. More chains snaked out of nowhere and wrapped about her arms, pulling them wide. The Orcs descended upon her with clubs and maces. By the third blow to her head, she lost consciousness… Taella gasped awake. She did not know how long she had been out – it seemed like only an instant – but she was in a different place. She was lying on her back, at the bottom of a deep pit with sheer walls of dark rock, like a cave. A dim circle of light shone down weakly from far above. She tried to rise but could not. Then she found her wrists and ankles bound with manacles. The manacles were attached to chains, and these led away to the four points of the compass, so that she was stretched out spread-eagle on the cold stone floor. The other ends of the chains were embedded into pillars of rock at the edge of the cave-pit. And the Orcs were there again; four of them, one standing over each chain, holding a long iron rod. They all looked like Ne’tar. The Orcs grinned and each slid his rod through a link in the chain. They began turning. Taella shivered with fear. She knew this procedure. She had suffered it once before, only for a short while. That had been in a corrupted forest glade. Then, the chains had been ropes, the rods stakes, the pillars trees. The turning of the levers would gradually wrap and shorten the chains, pulling them tighter, and the victim was stretched out and had their limbs slowly, inexorably, wrenched from their sockets. The Twisting, the Orcs liked to call it; the dread of all Wood Elves. Last time, picking a frayed rope had enabled Taella to get one hand free, then grab for a dagger, and make her escape. This time, they were chains. She could not break them. The manacles were biting tight. Another Orc stepped into sight and stood over her. It was Ne’tar, though he seemed to have grown huge in stature. He reached down and ripped away her thin green dress. It tore easily in his powerful claws. Taella gasped, now naked and helpless, the chains tightening further. Ne’tar grunted and positioned himself between her legs. Oh, by the Great Forest Spirit, let this not happen! Taella begged. Only now did she know that she had failed the challenge – the Orcs had bested her – and this was her punishment. Ne’tar was on her but he paused and beckoned to the others at the chains stretching her limbs. They fixed their rods and crept toward Taella. She stared wildly from one aggressor to the other, wondering how this excruciating ordeal could get any worse. “She-elf ticklish!” grunted Ne’tar, and the others laughed menacingly. Taella struggled with all her might, a dread panic seizing her heart, but she was completely helpless. Ten strong, cruel hands attacked all over her body at once. The Elves are a stoic race, known for being austere, and refined. They rarely show emotion, or raise their voices. They are considered silent and aloof, usually... Taella screamed and screamed and screamed, until her lungs burned and she could hardly breathe. Surely the deafening echoes would carry her cries to distant lands. The torment did not stop. The more she writhed and struggled, the harder they carried on. Her eyes were screwed shut, but in one blink she saw more of the Orcs lining up behind the ones upon her – waiting to take their turns when the current torturers tired. “You are nothing! You are unworthy! You deserve nothing except painful death!” The words of Audacia echoed in her mind as she approached insanity. This was a fate worse than death, to be tortured and violated for eternity… She could not breathe, she could not think straight. Then she heard a familiar voice – laughing. She opened her eyes and through her tears saw Anaxagore standing over her, looking down with a sneer of undisguised contempt. On one arm draped Delsanra, on the other, Esenma. They traded playful kisses then took turns to look down and laugh at Taella. The rough hands never left her body alone. “Ple… please… he… help… me…” Taella gasped. “You are nothing! You are unworthy! You deserve nothing except painful death!” said Anaxagore, before laughing again. It was too much. She could not bear the torture any longer. She was going insane. Taella smashed her head backwards against the stone, again and again, trying to break her skull and seek the refuge of death. Then a pair of hands grabbed her head from behind and stopped her from even doing that. She looked up. Cretaus, the human boy, looked down. His face was twisted into a cruel sneer and his eyes had turned red. He laughed and held on tight, then leaned down and gave her cheek a salacious lick. “You’re staying right here my darling!” he shouted in a coarse voice filled with lust. Then something clicked in Taella’s mind. She had barely met the boy, but in the short time had sensed that he was a simple, innocent soul. It did not make sense that he would take part in the evil being performed now. The Orcs continued their assault, the Ryujin laughed, but as she struggled physically, a realisation came, mentally. That is not Cretaus. She looked again at the Orcs and something occurred to her. They did not only wear the same clothes and look like Ne’tar. They all had the same face. They were all identical to Ne’tar. Why had she not paid attention to this before? It is not real, the realisation spoke in her mind. “It is not real,” she whispered. She summoned her last strength and yelled to the circle of light far above, “IT IS NOT REAL!” Suddenly, the hands ceased their torment, the manacles fell away, and she was soaring upwards towards the light. Taella found herself lying on her back in the snow on the mountain pathway before the Castle of Zalzabar. She sat up and saw Audacia – now his original size again – watching over her at the mouth of the bridge. She was dressed once more in her thin, leaf-green chemise. There was no sign of the others. The wind howled. “You have passed the test,” he said. She pulled up her knees tight to her chest and hugged them. The pain of before had gone, as if it had never happened, but she still shuddered at the memory of the defilement of her body. The Knight peered at her. “You are not happy?” She rocked slightly and scowled at him. “Was it really necessary to… do that to me?” Audacia said, “The spell works only with what it finds in your own mind. You had to face your worst fears.” The statement rang with truth, and Taella felt the sting of shame. “Did the others see what happened to me?” Audacia said, “No, they did not. That you ask makes me wonder if you understand how you really passed the test. You had to face your darkest fears; the fear of your freedom being taken away and violation by the Orcs is understandable, it is a real threat you face in your daily life. But look deeper, Taella, and tell me what really happened.” She considered this and hissed with annoyance. “Who does not like being chained up and tickled? It is hardly my darkest fear!” Audacia laughed. “Ha! It is clearly a weakness for you. You only fool yourself if you deny it. I suggest you guard that secret well, Taella, or beware your enemies – and even your friends – will use it against you. But you miss the point again. What was the worst moment?” She thought for a long moment then looked up at him. “The Ryujin did not help me. They… laughed at me.” “Precisely. It was the rejection, the scorn, the utter humiliation you could not stand,” said Audacia. He shifted slightly and his tone softened. “I have not seen your particular reaction to this spell before, Taella. In a way, it is commendable. You fear not death nor injury – but dishonour.” He folded his arms and continued. “Now tell me, how did you see through and break the spell?” “The Orcs, they all had the same face. They were all Ne’tar.” “Congratulations, you have found the courage to see through the ancestral hatred and prejudice you have for the Orcs. You may consider him crude, but Ne’tar is a brave and powerful warrior. Not all Orcs are alike.” “You expect me to trust him?” “You will have to make your own decision in time. The important thing is that you do so with an open mind. But you miss the point again. Think back earlier. How did you see through the spell?” “The Ryujin,” whispered Taella. “Anaxagore would never have acted like that. He is kind. You saw how he treated the boy – he took a stranger’s dirty feet in his own hands and massaged them!” “You realise that now, Taella, but do not lie. You believed it completely under the spell. Indeed, it was the fear created by your own mind. And for you in particular, your fear is a dark mirror for your desire. If it had been Anaxagore in Ne’tar’s place, would that not have been a pleasant fantasy for you?” Taella felt her cheeks flush hot. “I will not answer that!” Audacia bent down toward her. “You must learn to control your fears, Taella, and your desires. Your attention to Anaxagore will distract him. He has a higher purpose here.” “But Delsanra…” she began to protest. “QUELL YOUR JEALOUSY, GIRL!” thundered Audacia. “He is Ryujin. What will be will be, but accept there are things that may not happen.” She looked down and hugged her knees tighter. Audacia said, “And still you dodge the answer to the question. How did you break the spell?” “The human boy,” she finally admitted. “Yes, Cretaus,” said Audacia. “It is interesting, is it not? It was his purity, his innocence, that saved you. I shall tell you a secret, Taella. The others will learn it in time if they have not already guessed; he, alone, was not invited here.” Taella looked up at the knight. He continued, “He must have come upon a scroll by chance… or fate. That he got this far is a miracle. The meaning of this is not yet clear to Zalzabar, but he is watching. If you manage to pass the next tests, Taella of the Forest Realms, I want you to watch over him closely, help him, keep him safe.” “Me? But I…” “Heed my words,” the knight interrupted. “And I will tell you this; he will feel for you in a way that you feel for Anaxagore.” She shook her head and snorted. “But he’s just a juvenile human boy…” She stopped and considered her words, considered the ordeal she had endured, considered that the worst of it was the dismissal of Anaxagore of her unworthiness. “Yes, finally you understand,” said Audacia. He leaned closer. “Treat his heart gently, as you would have others treat yours.” The Knight straightened and Taella rose shakily to her feet. Audacia said, “Watch over him. Though I cannot foresee his final destiny, I see that when the time comes, he will be your saviour.” He looked over his shoulder toward the castle then returned the terrible gaze back to Taella. “You have passed the first test, but I must ask you if you wish to continue. The things that happened in the spell; some or all of them will happen to you again on this quest, for real. Are you ready to face that?” Taella considered that very carefully. She took a deep breath and nodded. “I am ready.” For the second time, reality warped, and she was back at the mouth of the bridge. This time the others were all around her, and she realised the prior conversation was also part of the test. To understand it was one thing. To have the courage to continue had been the true challenge… .
Esenma -Not Where One Would Expect, But Accurately Where She Placed Herself "Bring The Sky Dragon Esenma another glass of Taetusian mead." The charming king demanded of the servant. Esenma's eyes were closed ever since the silly Audacia stabbed his sword into the ice, but she could tell how handsome the King was. Tall, dark, and handsome and with the amount of alcohol in her system she dared to even say he was beautiful in the way that only a mage of his caliber could be. The magic was thick with his presence around the table. Esenma opened her eyes with a smile and blew a kiss to the mage. No...that was not right. He was more than a mage by this time. "Why thank you, I can tell you were raised right, Handsome King!" She retorted with a snort. He smirked at her and gave her a playful wink. Magelord Derius, the Witchking of the North Realm. When last she saw him, he was among the most naturally talented mages she had ever come across. Now, seated in front of her, bathed in the energies of the dark realm, she could only smile at how his sole ambition (to become the most powerful magic user the earthrealm had ever seen) was near fruition. Esenma was as legendary for her magical abilities as she was for her Elder Ryujin status and she could only chuckle softly and take another sip of mead at how quickly he had surpassed her. Oh, Derius, always the overachiever. He was seated at the head of the long, elegant gold table. She was at the other end. To her right, Derius' left, was the second honored guest. Nezzarellium, the Underwater Serpent Protector of the Taetus Islands. His winding, unending body extended out of the window and coiled around the castle and the mountain it was perched upon for miles down. He had grown in strength as well. She had not seen him in his human form for several hundred years. No, this was how he existed now; More dragon than Ryujin. This was the form he had always felt more comfortable in. She blew a kiss to him as well. She was proud of how he had protected the north without asking for anything in return. She was sure Nezzarellium was on his way to becoming an Elder in time; well if he wanted to. She could see in his eyes that he was still searching for...something...something that could ignite the fire in him that Derius had possessed since birth. "Are you happy to see him again?" King Derius asked knowingly. He was not referring to Nezzarellium. He was referring to the last guest that he had summoned from the earth with a snap of his finger. The large darkness behind Derius continued to grow. Esenma raised her glass to the growing darkness and the half decayed skeleton crawling out of the ground and moaning as it placed a dirty hand on the table. "Of course! It is always nice to see my first love again." Esenma beckoned a servant over. The servants were all small black, evil dragons the size of a human hand. Dark omens, there could be none more obvious. "Please see to it that my long dead love gets something that...gets his old bones moving again." She chuckled again. The joke was partially funny, but the nervousness and sadness... she had to do something to hide it. Derius was not fooled. Neither was Nezzarellium. They both could read their mother as easily as she could read them. "It is okay, Sky Dragon Esenma. I see you've joined Zalzabar's little expedition to prevent the inevitable." Derius took no pleasure in his mother's sadness. His undead father moaned in pain at having been brought back to life against his will. Nezzarellium's large eyes could not look at his family. He was sad at the state of affairs, but said nothing. "Well, my dear, beautiful Derius, I will soon be joining your father, as you know." She rolled her eyes and blushed. "Old elves are suckers for impossible tasks." The darkness behind Derius overtook the sad, quiet Nezzarellium. Overtook the former King of the North. The entire castle was a dark abyss and the darkness would continue on to drown out the world. Only Esenma and Derius remained for the dinner. "Yes, yes, I know Sky Dragon. It will make no difference. All of this realm...It will be mine, mother. Your band of adolescent ryujins, elves, and humans...Zalzabar will lead them to their end. Tell the Elder Zalzabar that we will have our rematch and that I will fashion the bones of his followers into toothpicks for my brother and use their flesh as parchment paper to write the laws of the new world." Such a way with words! Esenma held her stomach. It hurt. Deeper than body or spirit. It hurt in a place that could not be described. The most despicable and vile being currently walking the earth was birthed from her womb. It hurt that she knew that should she fail to stop him, it would doom the world. But she would meet him, for she still loved her child. Both of them. She could never hurt her boys. "Goodbye mother." "It is never goodbye, my love. See you soon, Derius. You too, Nezzy." Esenma closed her eyes and opened them again. The older half-elf smiled sadly at Audacia and patted him again on his chestplate. "I feel less warm, Audacia. Ole Zalzabar and his tests never get old." Tag: @greyjedi125 @Kurisan @Shadowsun
IC: Ne'tar Upon the way to the bridge to the castle of the person all here to see in Zalzabar Land Ne'tar did not appreciate being frozen in place by Yellow Knight! Was everything here going to be frozen theme? If so, they can let it go. . .now! Only others were talking, none cared for poor Ne'tar's condition. Granted Ne'tar was tough, Ne'tar also had crystal to keep Ne'tar warm. They not know that though. All so selfish fawning over a frozen gnome. . .oh, wait. Ne'tar's bad. That thing child, he could tell now as strong presence woman who was fawning over Yellow Knight and then not-gnome backed up. That was human child, Ne'tar blame cold for not telling. Made smelling harder when everything was frozen. Of course then Ne’tar say anything as the topic got weird, talking of mating and how handsome ones really should. Ne’tar looked at the skinny women and the blood face as his jaw hung open letting his tusks hang out. Raising a finger tapped one of them. Sadly he had never grown the full tusks as a pure blood would, and his mother had never shared what his father had been. Only that he had impressed her in fighting and she had defeated him in a trial of passion after the battle, and Ne'tar was the unexpected gift she had taken from that instance. That is what she had said. Ne'tar knew without good tusks and no fortune he had no prospects for mating, no matter what his Mother had said about him being handsome. All mothers had to say that. One had to ask how many were the scale hides, and he waved to indicate he was shyly. Ne'tar was not proud of the fits, although it told how his Mother had ever been impressed by a tusk-less one. Now that Ne'tar thought about his fits in that light. Before he could talk about himself another came flying to the location. When Ne'tar get wings? That would of made trip faster, although then Ne'tar not sure if he could of followed trail leavings to place. Realizing he still had a finger perched on his little tusk he dropped his hand and backed up a step. Let them all talky-talk with new one. Although it was Yellow Knight that did talky talk, big talky talk! Little sphere was not night light, was why he likely no have a fit yet. If easy use, perhaps he could get one? Embarrassing to crush stools in taverns, expensive too. Ne'tar been charged more that way then breaking over head lately! Yellow Knight gave himself name and then all magic broke loose! Maybe he not supposed to be here? If Yellow Knight that strong what need for Ne'tar?!? Ne'tar not even fly nor that big. Wait, they need Ne'tar to go through small crack! Yes, Zalzabar lost relic in crack in castle, need those not swollen to fit and get! Wait, child best for that. Maybe Ne'tar not needed. As they moved together to avoid the spikes he looked with concern to whom he was close to when world turned against him. "You are nothing! You are unworthy! You deserve nothing but painful deaths!" Upon these words their bodies contorted in unnatural ways, ways impossible without breaking bones. The pain was unimaginable. Then he was beyond pain, he saw the Orcs coming for him. Racing over the sand, "Half-blood!" they all screamed as they came brandishing weapons. He knew he could not win, too many and they were not coming one on one as customary. Still he breathed deep as he looked as the ice sand fields all around and saw no escape. Ne'tar bellowed and ran to meet them. Reaching for his sword to find nothing there! He reached for his turban to find nothing there either! With fright he realized they had attacked Ne'tar on laundry day! Still he ran into the fray as the ice sand ate at his feet, only to find himself standing next to the elf woman! She was sprayed o'er with blood and had a hungry look in her eyes! Backing up a step, she followed, then hands hit his back and he was shoved forward. "I WANT GRANDCHILDREN!" came a loud reply. His body was bleeding, he was broken in many ways and the pain was immense, but he only now shivered in fear. "But Momma she's an elf! I don't think I c-" "I WANT GRANDCHILDREN NOW!" "Momma they'll be. . ." And then Ne'tar was being swarmed by children with mouths of sharp teeth! They were biting and chewing on Ne'tar! To his horror he saw they all partly looked like him, only none were Orcs! They were human, elf, gnome, troll, kubold, flying fairy, and more he did not even know name of! "GRANDCHILDREN!" he heard he scream in glee as Ne'tar noted. They cannot be his! Ne'tar no have children! He might never. Ne'tar would as Ne'tar chose, not with all living things like this! "No! Ne'tar not ready! Ne'tar do in own time! And. . .and. . ." Ripping off one of the biting children he threw it far in a roar, after finally saying words he never had before to his true mother. "MY MOTHER IS DEAD! SO SHALL YOU BE!" with that realization he began bashing and popping children like over-ripe fruit as he waded his way to the impostor, he knew he would die but he would not go alone! TAG: @Shadowsun
Rebecca Dragon Test of Courage Rebecca gave a long blink at the discussions of Mating, and the miscommunications therein. Such things held little interest for her. The act of physical intimacy was one she'd heard of but never experienced, though she doubted it could match the feeling of relief she felt as warm blood cooled on her face. She had no want for children, she had no wish to curse another being with her blood. Her heart was in battle in that deadly dance of steel and blood. As answers started to be given as to who and who was not a Ryujin one that was unmistakable fell from the heavens landing with pomp and circumstance casting his arms out wide as if he was someone of importance. Her hand tightened into a fist. She hated these kinds of people, those so caught up in their self importance that they didn't notice others. She'd seen many a lord swagger his way into a castle that her and her mercenary comrades had broken, acting as if it was his great achievement. They say this while stepping over the bloody bodies of those that cleared the way. While she didn't like him, she didn't have to like him to work with him. He was Ryujin, and would be powerful if directed correctly. She would have to rely on the others, those that could challenge him in raw power to keep him in line… Though maybe she wouldn't. She looked to the orb with a hungry eye, a way to level the battlefield, to rip away the powers that made the Ryujin rule over everyone else. It would almost make the combat fair. Make it just their flesh and will against hers, to see who could win, without the aid of magic, without scale and talon. It most certainly would keep the others in check, keep them from turning against her, to using their power to lord over her. She already gave her blade to jumped up little lords, did she have to bow her head to those born blessed, born with superior blood? A challenge was laid down, one of Courage. Bring on their challenges she wouldn't flinch. As the ground cracked she lept to one side of it, as the Knight grew bigger the smile deepened. A giant, that would be a challenge. In a flash her sword was drawn Held in two hands ready to fight. They wanted to test her courage, to test her might, let them. She charged headlong into the battle the ghosts of the past floated past her eyes with no recognition. Then she fell into the abyss. Her body was wracked with pain but it did little to shake her, her body was covered in scars from a life spent in combat. Just as she started to feel the anguish she found herself bound. Chains wrapping around her wrists a large spike driving into the frozen earth pinning her to a spot. She knew this, she remembered this, this feeling of helplessness against her urges. There were no hordes of enemies, no giant monsters looming over her...only a single white rabbit. It sat there rubbing its eyes with its paw, its ears twitching a little. Suddenly her blood began to burn and roil inside her. It was a pain she couldn't withstand, couldn't comprehend. The fire in her blood set her insides a flame. She felt like she was burning up from the inside. She tugged at the chains, they did not break or bend, the stake didn't even move. She tugged again this time with more force putting all her considerable power behind it. The chains rattled but they did not groan or show any signs of breaking. She could feel her wrists beginning to bruise. Her blood didn't care, it called for death it shouted for it. "Kill kill kill killkillkillkillkill KILL." It took her troubled mind a minute to find that it was her own voice, her own words coming from her mouth that rang in her ears. The rabbit remained just out of reach, she strained against the bonds, stretched out her neck gnashing her teeth. She was like a wild animal...less than really. A wild animal killed to protect or to feed, she just killed for killing's sake, because her tainted black blood demanded it. She shouted again the pain in her veins growing, feeling like a house on fire, it burned. She shouted she screamed no words, no thoughts, the pain had driven that out of her. A copper taste rose in the back of her mouth, her throat torn raw from her baying. She coughed her own blood running down the corners of her mouth. She had to kill, had to, it was the only way, the only way. Her wrists split open the chains having broken the skin, she didn't care. Her mind was lost consumed with the rabbit, consumed with the death she wanted to cause. She threw her head back in a dread howl of frustration from the pits of her soul, the need being unfulfilled. It was so close, so so close, all she needed...She looked at her wrists, the only thing holding her back. Her cry of anguish turned into one of laughter, of joy...she'd figured it was so simple. Leaning in she opened her mouth, bloodstained teeth shining in the pale light of the moon. It was so simple… Her jaw began to close around her own flesh, her teeth sinking in and starting to tear at her skin. So simple. She tasted her own blood once again the pain of rending flesh nothing compared to the inferno in her body. "Little Dragon…" A voice echoed from beyond the grave, a dead man… Her father. Not that she knew him, not in her state, her mind was overcome. Drawing his blade, the weapon she now carried. He brought his sword up and she lunged at him, bloody hands outstretched, her fiery red hair let loose from her bun and covering her face. The edge fell, and it severed her bonds. The chains fell away and the beast was loose. In a flash she set upon the small creature that tormented her tearing it to pieces with her bare hands spreading its blood across her face and her chest desperate for some relief, but none was given. No no, this had satisfied her cursed blood before why didn't it now. She tuned to the only other person there. A man she was too far gone to recognize. "Come home." As he extended his arm she lept at him tackling her own blood to the ground. She wrapped her hands around his neck watching the life fade from his eyes. A voice in her head screaming. "No No please, don't…" Her grip tightened tears of frustration and pain falling from her cheeks. If she could just, if she could. She leaned forward her red teeth barred as she went for his neck. "No, no he loves you, even as you are." The voice pleaded. Pulling back she looked down at him a smile on his face. "My Little Dragon, I hate you." Her grip tightened again, she moved in again. Opening her mouth a sob coming from her chest, one of anguish she just wanted this to stop for her blood stop hurting her. As she started to close her jaw she stopped pressing her forehead into the icy floor. "Not my Papa." She said her voice broken. She knew this scene, she'd played it out before, an old memory. The day she lost the only person she loved, and loved her. Even with his dying breath, even with her covered in blood, he still loved her. A black eagle cried from above her, a memory of those that took him from her. The illusion fell away. But the pain was still there, the anguish, the fear of losing herself so completely to her madness that she will become nothing. As reality came back to her she was still knelt in the snow cradling a ghost, her sword laid at her knees. She bent down laying a gentle kiss on the cold steel of her blade, her father's blade, almost as cold as his body was that day. Her red paint bore the marks of her tears, salt rivers of insane joy, and deepest sorrow. TAG: @Shadowsun
Thank you to Shadowsun for also letting me control the ol' Knight of Courage a bit! Cretaus IC: ~A Dark Mirror Sometimes Yields Piercing Truth~ Another reacted to his stammering question, his face still red, and got him to turn his head away from the pompous newcomer. It was the first dark haired elven woman he had noticed before, the one with the sultry red lips. She was laughing. Cretaus could only blink and shuffle his feet in the snow a little, still awkward about the whole conversation. “Ah…but no, thank you,” a reassuring if teasing wink was given, “We are here on other business.” Thank the gods, that was reassuring. But then what was that conversation all about? He must have seriously tuned into the wrong moment. Then again, he had been frozen and near death just moments previous so it was natural he’d miss something that would have made the conversation make sense. His brow furrowed. He was still puzzled over how he was suddenly enduring the snowy mountain without issue. But there would be no time to puzzle over it further. The Knight in Yellow finally spoke. “No doubt you have all been wondering what this is?” The man in armor and yellow livery hefted up his left arm, showing off the glowing orb on a chain he had in it. Honestly, Cretaus had been barely able to notice much around him till just a few seconds ago, so no he hadn’t. But the others probably had, yes. “It is not dissimilar to what poachers use to hunt Ryujin.” His eyes widened. So Ryujin were real! And some, if not all, of those around him were….No way! There was just no way! He thought them myths. Legends. Fairy tales. And yet, not only was it evidently truth, but others hunted them? How? Wasn’t that blasphemy!? They were part dragon! The Three could not bear to see such things, right? At least, that’s what he had assumed for years. Plus they were just too strong. Physically and magically. “It prevents Ryujin from transforming into their dragon form, although if you are strong enough you can overcome this.” Oh….oh. That made more sense. But this was a lot to process at the moment. Talk about thrown into the deep end, but he supposed that was to be expected given the situation. The man seemed to motion toward Esenma as he stated it too. So she really was one too? “It also dampens magic, although it affects ryujins’ magic much more so.” Cretaus just stared at the knight, frowning. Quietly listening. What could he contribute to this conversation anyway? “Now for your evaluation. To gain admittance to the castle you must pass three simple tests. The first will be performed by me: Audacia, The Knight of Courage!” As the teen pondered over how this ‘Audacia’ could go around stating something that sounded so corny, he saw the orb being tossed into the air and nearly gasped when it stayed there. Magic. He had a feeling he was going to have to get used to seeing it more often. The man then proceeded to grip his sword firmly, with purpose, and slammed it into the snow. A large crack began to form from the tip of the blade, slicing the whole area in two. The mountain was shaking like something gigantic had struck it! Cretaus did his best to hold his ground, his arms pinwheeling around him, trying his best to keep his balance. “Whoooaaaa!!!” That guy, his name already forgotten, was on the other side of the gap along with some of the others. Cretaus was still next to Esenma however, but she seemed focused on keeping her own balance. A look of concentration seemingly all it took. Then again, she was Ryujin. Who was he? A large ice wall now formed all around them. There was no escape now. How the hell was this happening!? Spikes now came in from the walls, forcing them to hop the gap and rejoin the others, slowly grouping closer to one another. “Uh…um….A-anybody know what the hell is going on?” “Figure it out yourself,” came the cold retort of that newcomer who seemed so full of himself. Cretaus gave him a dirty look, sparing only that second to do so, before staring back at the spiky ice wall around them. That was when the shadow fell on them all. They all knew what was going on, but he had been so focused on the section of wall behind them that he hadn’t been looking. When he spared another glance, he gulped. The knight had grown into a titanic monster! He was as big as the mountain itself! Ok, this was obviously magic now. It was simply too surreal! But h..h…h..h… was he going to fight against a guy that size!? The orb glowed even more intensely from where it was floating, probably having something to do with the wall around them. That was when the ground began to fall out from underneath them. They became separated. They became nothing more than beings in a universe of pain and misery. Torment and agony. Their brains were exploding. Their bones felt like nothing. Their breath was a wisp of what it had been. Their soul hurt. What little strength Cretaus had in his body, was nothing but a laughable concept to anything else. Somewhere the knight’s voice still found them. “You are nothing! You are unworthy! You deserve nothing but painful deaths!” He began to twist. To turn. To contort and go every which way imaginable. The pain. The pain. The pain. The pain. The pain. The pain. The pain. The pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then. It was all gone. A whisper in the mountain’s wind, lost to obscurity. Cretaus barely remembered any of it as it retreated from memory as fast as it appeared. He sat roughly upon the ground, his mind a dizzying mess. Little did he know that the true test had begun. ***** It was dark. Only the black of nothingness surrounded him. Cretaus looked about himself. Nothing. Nothing as far as the eye could see. He heard nothing. Felt nothing. Tasted nothing upon his tongue. Smelled nothing, not even the frozen air of…of…where he had been before anyway? Oh, right. The mountains. He had been on some hare-brained idea about an adventure to save the world. Heh. Right. Him? By the Three, the dragon gods were laughing their scaly hides off most likely. Perhaps it was because of idiots like him that they really turned away from the world. In any event. He had some kind of trial to do now. Wait. It had started already. Ok, it was coming back slowly now. So…why did all that pain stuff suddenly stop? He didn’t understand. Was he dead already? No, no he didn’t think so. Not yet at least. His brow furrowed as he stood up and looked around. It was just nothing everywhere. Exactly what was he supposed to do? Then came the sound of a person in armor moving toward him. It came from behind him! He spun around quickly and watched as the knight from before, Audacia, emerged from the shadows of this terrible place. He was back to normal and did not seem threatening at all. Cretaus backed up a few feet out of instinct, tensed and ready for anything. But Audacia only shook his head calmly. “I’m not here to fight you.” Slowly, so slowly, like a stray cat coming to regard a new owner, he allowed himself to relax. Though his eyes remained ever suspiciously on the man. “Why not? What’s going on?” “The trial of course.” A deep frown. “This is it?” “Yes.” “What about all that crazy stuff from before?” The knight regarded him silently a moment. His eyes visible through his skull helm gave nothing away. Was he going to switch tactics and attack now? Or was Cretaus simply not good enough to do anything to aside from the beginning? “That was just the start.” “Magic…right?” A thoughtful pause from the one in yellow, then a conceding, “Yes, it was. Right now everyone is dealing with their worst fears within their own minds.” “Can Ryujin even feel fear?” “Everyone feels fear. It is an intrinsic part of life. To know no fear is to be dead.” Cretaus thought about that one for a while, then finally gave into a shrug. He motioned aimlessly around him with one arm, his eyes still never leaving the male before him. “Fine. But you still haven’t told me what all this is. Where’s my worst fear, then?” That silent, neutral regarding again, before he moved forward. Cretaus tensed again, only to relax a second time as the man just passed by him. “Follow me a moment.” Blinking, his puzzlement only growing, he followed. It felt like they were traversing a long dungeon hallway somewhere that he couldn’t see or sense at all. Then, finally, the knight stopped. Cretaus stopped beside him, looking at him with raised eyebrows. Apprehension was about him like a cloak. Audacia motioned in front of him. “Look.” He did. And saw a square picture floating in the air. Wait, no. It was a picture, but moving somehow. More magic! What was he up to? Audacia merely nodded toward it in a ‘well, get over there’ gesture. Slowly, Cretaus sidled up to it and when he finally got close enough to really see what it was of, he froze. Not in fear. Just amazement. Then trepidation. Then… Then his heart contracted in a squeeze so tight, he was breathless. It wasn’t even ragged or short. It was gone, stolen from him for a minute. His lungs were afire. His heart just squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. His eyes couldn’t tear away from it. There were two people, a man and a woman, and they were smiling and laughing softly. Their faces were blurry, no longer recognizable. But he knew who they were. A child always knows their parents. It’s instinct. And that baby in the mother’s arms, his mother’s arms? Of course that was him. Who else could it be. It seemed stuck, the moving picture only going so far, showing this little moment in time before starting over again. A tiny window into the past. A past he no longer could actually recall, but here it was. A snowflake of a memory, here and gone again without a care. “W-What is…” he finally managed to say. His voice was weak. So weak. “Look,” Audacia intoned again. His countenance remained as steel as ever, but Cretaus could have sworn there was a slight softness hidden in that word this time. That emotion…Pity. But a detached one. A pity one could not act on, but felt all the same. Another square moving picture had appeared just a few feet away. Slowly, as if in a fog, Cretaus moved toward it. His feet were even more numb than they had been in the snow. His mind, though, his mind was more razor sharp in clarity than it had ever been. Painfully so. This picture showed him as a toddler now. He had no idea where he was in this memory, but it was in the city he had always known. His family had owned a small home evidently, with an oh so tiny lawn out front. Rare to have. His mother (face still blurry) sat on the front step, watching her little son waddle around happily, giggling at the weeds that had begun to spring up in the grass. But she was crying. Why was she crying? “Mother,” Cretaus breathed. His voice trembled now, as breathless as when the memories began. “Why?” Toddler Cretaus kept waddling along, he passed the tombstone that had been allowed to be placed there. It was more ceremonial than anything. Something for remembrance, not for an actual body. It wouldn’t have been allowed. Still, while Cretaus could not see the name from the angle he was given, it spoke volumes. So that was where Father had gone. He always had trouble remembering that fact. It was too long ago. Another picture appeared a little further down. He looked back at Audacia again and saw him just pointing. ‘Look’ he said again without words. Cretaus moved dutifully. There they were, blur-faced mother and son, in the market place. Cretaus’ eyes widened. This….This day. Oh, how he remembered this day. The tears were already on his face before he even registered what he was truly witnessing. The remembering. Oh, the remembering was more painful than anything that had come before back on the mountain. Oh…please. Please just twist my body and break my bones again…please… Five year old Cretaus was bending over and inspecting some apples at the fruit vendor’s stall, smiling and smelling them. A feast to be savored shortly once purchased! The vendor was away for just a moment, talking with another vendor a little further down and thus not watching. Oh…by the Three…Make it…make it stop… LOOK. His own mind this time. It didn’t matter. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. From this view, he could finally see his mother standing behind him like he hadn’t that day. He could finally see the two thugs appearing through the crowd to sneak up behind her, their sound covered by the noise and bustle of the city. LOOK. The hand that clapped around her mouth, her eyes bulging out in surprise and fear. She began to struggle, but the other man’s hands also came around to restrain her. And then they backed away, through a small number of stunned citizens who were too afraid to intervene, and into the nearby alley. They were gone. She was gone. When five year old Cretaus turned around to point at the apple and ask for permission to have the juicy fruit at last….She was just. Gone. “Momma?” He had looked this way. He had looked that way. “Momma?” “Momma! Momma! MOMMA WHERE ARE YOU!?” ‘Momma’ was never seen again. And that was the beginning of his life on the streets. It was one of the days that had never, ever, ever left him. That sudden loss, the not knowing why. The panic. The fear. The despair. The complete and total hopelessness…That day the Dragon Gods had outdone themselves. They had painted a grand blue stroke in their ‘masterpiece’ of life. So complete, his soul felt stained with the pigment. It would never wash out. Another square picture appeared. Cretaus’ feet dragged themselves to it. His legs were lead. He was done with this, but he was nowhere close all the same. This one. Yes. It was just a few days later, during the late evening. He was sitting on the edge of an alleyway, his home already having been taken from him by city officials. What right did he have to it? He was just a snot-nosed little brat with no one left now. Had he known then, what he knew now, he never would have gone in the alleys. He would have stayed to the main roads and risked constant abuse by the guards and drunkards after hours. He had been cold, not like in the mountains, but it had been the worst he had ever felt up to that point. And hungry. The boy had never known hunger before. True hunger. That gnawing ravenous ache in your gut that felt like there was a beast let loose inside, ripping and shredding your innards apart ceaselessly. Trying to sate the unsatiable. Trying to console the unconsolable. There was a stray dog that had been nibbling on a bone with just a little bit of few days’ old meat left on it. As cold as the stone streets. And as filling. A passing guard scared off the mutt as he passed by on his patrol, doing so more absent-mindedly than anything. He only took notice of young Cretaus when the boy took the opportunity now present. The little boy dashed like a madman for the bone, literally diving for it and not caring for the unnecessary scrapes and bruises he got from it. FOOD! No one else could have it! IT WAS FOOD! FINALLY! He began gnawing away at it so savagely, the dog would have been proud. Or even afraid of him. The guard paused, his nose scrunching up in disgust as he looked down it, and he said something that the picture did not reveal before moving on. Didn’t matter, Cretaus spoke it for him out loud. He remembered. He remembered the way that meat had tasted too. His throat filled up with bile, he choked on it, his words echoing the bygone guard hoarsely. “Filthy Sapientis-Spawn.” Another square picture in the black air. Another memory. Then another and another and another, till the whole area was full of them. At that point they were all the same, just in differing shades of gray despondency. A discordant, melancholic note in a song that failed to even begin. Indecency. Incredulity. Prejudice. Pain. Hunger. Humiliation. Fear. Rage. Ruin. Bewilderment. Betrayal. No one by his side. Nothing to claim proudly. Unending despair in a sad parade of one day to the next. All the way up to his treacherous journey, from city to valley. Valley to shore. From sea to island. From island to mainland. From there to the edges of a desert. From the desert fringes to the northern mountains. The cold. That damnable cold. But he no longer knew if he meant the cold within or without. All the way right up to that very moment when the darkness had descended on him here. Cretaus had collapsed to the ground on both of his knees, his head hung low for the time being. He didn’t recall when that happened. He heard Audacia move behind him and after about five minutes of silence, he asked a question. “Do you understand?” He wouldn’t have blamed him if he had expected him not to. Not one bit. Cretaus remained silent for a long time, prompting the Knight of Courage to ask again. “Do you understand?” A halting reply, as if he only just noted the man’s presence and wasn’t sure if he wanted to speak with him. “Why this. Why didn’t you do a nightmare for me, like the others. Make me afraid?” Cretaus’ voice shook. Was it anger or sorrow? It had all blurred together now, he couldn’t tell one thing from another anymore. The knight stared down at him, assessing, then stated flatly (yet a hint of that softness still betraying the corners of his sentence). “You know why.” It was true. He knew why. And he wished he hadn’t. Cretaus nearly choked once more. “Yes…” There was no reason for Cretaus to undergo anything at this stage. There was no need for nightmares. Or fears. Or hyperactive paranoia. No point in terrible horrors lunging for him or unspeakable frights lurking about the edges of his vision. No. His nightmare was his life. He was living one. One that had senselessly begun years ago and robbed him of anything remotely resembling ‘Good.’ It continued to this day. Even now. Even here. Audacia turned and began to walk away. “Then you understand that you are done. There is nothing left for you here. You can —" “No.” Audacia stopped and turned, a question written in his gaze. And the answer was written in Cretaus’ own. “No. I have lived my life at the whims and mercy, or lack of, of others and this world. I have been pushed and pulled. Beaten and mocked. Told to give up or get down, shut up or leave well enough alone. “BUT NOT THIS TIME! For. Once. In. My. Life! I will be the one to decide. I will be the one to...Choose. Where. I. Die.” He had stood up now, his breathing coming fast and with purpose. That clarity he still clung to while it lasted. Like a child who had lost their parents, oh so long ago. “I may die tomorrow. Or maybe even later today. But it will not be here. And it will not be now. You won’t get rid of this “Kid” so easily. Not anymore! NOT WITHOUT MY CONSENT!” Was Cretaus imagining things? Or did he feel like the Knight was smiling faintly? And just like that, the darkness vanished and the cold and wind returned as he found himself once more upon the mountain with the others. But in his heart… A fire now raged. One that still tried to fill the hole it hid away. And his eyes reflected his answer for all of Regnum to see. Tag: Everyone @Shadowsun @Ktala @The Jedi in the Pumas @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var @Kurisan @galactic-vagabond422 @Mitth_Fisto
Shadowsun approved Kaynus Allbright Engulfed in Darkness In an instant, darkness swallowed Kaynus, as the rest of the group disappeared. He was falling, the cold icy air rushing past him as he plummeted to depths unknown. Then, suddenly, he stopped falling. He did not land, he just... appeared. He opened his eyes, and feeling came back to him. He was underwater in an icy cold lake. It was shallow, so he lifted himself up and looked at his surroundings. He stood, shivering from the biting cold. He stared at the structure ahead of him, something clearly built before hand by the unknown. He continued to look around. Nothing but ice and water. He slipped out of the shallow lake and put a foot down on the ice. It was remarkably solid, and seemed to go deep into the earth. He moved forward, slowly and steadily to keep his balanced, towards the structure. After a few minutes, he arrived at the narrow doorway, which stretched up about 30 feet. He narrowed his eyes, peering inside. Nothing. It stretched on for miles in pure darkness. By the three, what has happened? He needed to find a way to get back to Zalzabar's castle. To claim his birthright and rule over the worthy and slaughter the unworthy. He placed one foot towards the pathway. Nothing happened. Then the other, and in an instant he was swept forward, his feet glued to the ground as he sped forward, moving hundreds of miles by the hour. Then, he appeared somewhere else. In a desolate wasteland lit up in flames. His eyes opened wide. He recognized the land, vaguely. It was a shell of the Regnum, reduced to ashes. This must be the dark one's doing... Kaynus thought to himself, looking around in continued shock. No. This voice, it was another. Inside his head, a deep gruff and menacing voice. Behind you, little one. Kaynus turned, his eyes meeting the gaze of a menacing foe. He had a look of familiarity to him, but Kaynus could not place it. He was drawing his blade, engraved with runes of some sort. Who are you? Kaynus asked, not opening his mouth. I am Judgement. I am the Heir. Kaynus shook his head, snarling. "No! I am the heir to the three! This world belongs to me! You've burnt it to the ground!" The man ahead of him through back his head and roared out in laughter, his silver hair gleaming in the firelight. You are weak, Kanus Allbright, Lord of Delusions, and Master of None. Kaynus shook his head, before charging at the man in anger. The silver-haired man laughed, before thrusting the sword forward and plunging it through Kaynus' chest. Kaynus' eyes widened in shock. Blood poured out, sliding down in trickles along the silver blade. The glowing runes grew brighter in intensity. The man had a menacing grin spread across his face, locking eyes with Kaynus', before twisting the blade and snatching it out. His organs spilled out from his chest and dropped to the ground. What..? This is all madness... None of this can be real... The man smiled, before kneeling down to be level with the dying Kaynus. "You have two paths ahead of you, insolent child. I will be sure to kill you in your real world if you choose the wrong one." "I know my path! I am destined for rule! I was born to rule!" The man snarled, before standing and sweeping sideways with the blade. --- Where in the three am I now? Kaynus looked down at his chest. Everything was intact. What in... He looked up, and could not focus his eyes on his surroundings. Everything was distorted. Ahead of him, he recognized the grey-haired man once more. He launched a foot forward, kicking Kaynus to the ground before drawing the engraved sword once more. "When will you learn, miserable scum, that you cannot be a God?" The man rhetorically asked, slamming down the silver blade into Kaynus' leg, slicing it cleanly off. He shrieked out in pain. "What use are you, then, pathetic worm? You have nothing to your name except a foolish and idiotic delusion!" The man roared at Kaynus, thrusting the tip of the sword into Kaynus' chest, puncturing multiple of his internal organs. "You cannot fight!" He added, yelling, stabbing his chest again. "You cannot cast spells!" He continued, stabbing the sword at Kaynus over and over. "You cannot even reach your true form!" He roared out, launching the sword at Kaynus once more, stabbing through his body and lodging the sword in the ground below Kaynus. The grey-haired man sneered at him. "Kaynus Allbright. You are the worst of the Ryujin. You are a stain upon our kind. You are the failed experiment of the Three." Kaynus coughed out a pint-full of blood, spluttering and hawking, in a desperate attempt to speak. "This... isn't real... and nor are you..!" Kaynus mumbled in pain. "Choose your destiny wisely, Kaynus. The Three will not guide you. Only yourself can do such a thing" --- Kaynus hurriedly looked around him. He had returned to the snowy landscape outside of Zalzabar's castle. His wounds had disappeared, and he had returned to the 'normal' world. What..? He looked ahead to the Knight of Courage. "What, in the name of the Three, did you just do?!" Kaynus demanded to know, staring at the Knight and awaiting his answer. TAG: @greyjedi125, @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @Shadowsun, @Ktala
Delsanra Taenya Helestina The test of Courage - Zalzabar's Castle "No doubt you have all been wondering what this is?" Delsanra, surprised to hear the Knight finally speak, turned to watch as he lifted the orb in his left arm as he said this, pausing for a moment. "It is not dissimilar to what poachers use to hunt ryujin." Delsanra kept her face neutral, but she now looked at the thing with loathing. She had heard of such things before, but she had never seen one before. Not a real one. That explained why her magics felt so strange. And why it was mostly her ryujin side that felt the effects more than the other. A horrid thing indeed. "It prevents ryujin from transforming into their dragon form, although if you are strong enough you can overcome this" The yellow knight gestured to Esenma as he said this. Delsanra nodded. It would make sense. "Now for your evaluation", He turned toward the castle, gesturing to the two knights in back. Immediately, Delsanra went on alert. By his worlds, that meant that everything, from here on out could be a trap. She maneuvered her staff, as she moved to follow the others, pulling her hood up on her cloak once more. As they slowly marched forward he continued talking. "To gain admittance to the castle you must pass three simply tests. The first will be performed by me: Audacia, The Knight of Courage!" As he spoke his name he tossed the orb up into the air, where it stayed suspended. He then gripped his sword with both hands and slammed it into the snow. A large crack formed from the tip of the sword, slicing the area in two. The mountain began to quake around them, a large ice wall forming around the group, preventing escape by foot. Spikes then grew from the wall forcing them all together. The entire area was bespoke of magic around her. Then as other things happened, the orb began to glow, and suddenly she was being stuck by fear. Fear so penetrating, that it seemed the reach inside of her, to rip out her very being, as the pain started to envelop her. Delsanra slammed her staff into the ground in front of her. She could hear words being screamed at her now as she clutched her staff, closing her eyes even as the pain wracked her body. "You are nothing! You are unworthy! You deserve nothing but painful deaths!" Delsanra was standing on an icy plane. No one appeared to be nearby. Even with her magic, she felt the bite of the winds and the flurry of snow around her. Then suddenly a form slowly rose from the icy depths. A Kuraokami!! A half-dead demon type thing, that sometimes took the form a flying creature, rose up, laughing darkly. Blue skin, with black scraggly long hair. Long nails. She remembered seeing once before..but where..? "Foolish child! Dont you remember me? I told you I would find you one day. And you are mine now...." Delsara raised her staff, a half sneer on her face, as she worked to push back the rising fear, trying to remember....something. Anything. Why did her brain feel so fuzzy? where... why..? The thing started to slither towards her She remembered a time, so very long ago, when she had snuck into a room she should not have been. She tried to move. Her feet felt like lead weights against the cold snow. she remembered... Suddenly the thing was no longer coming at her. She looked around and suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around her. The fear and panic rose in her once more, as she felt skin that felt wet and slick, and a breath that bore of rotted things... "Mine, girl...", the dank breath grew closer....on the back of her next. Its fetid breath far too close, as arms began to tighten. The room. The books. Remember. Yes, remembered. Remembered the cold. Remembered the warning... remembered.. ..remembers the lie! "NO!" Delsanra yelled out, as she felt the claws digging into her arms. She KNEW this thing.... Deldanra planted her staff, and rolled hard, coming up to a crouch, as she slammed her staff to the ground, after swinging it around her. "Dovahzul arcaniss!!" She called out as she cast her spell. She stayed, crouched hard on the ground, breathing very hard. Her eyes narrowed, as she slowly stood up, suppressing a shudder. Delsanra was no warrior. She was a mage. And she knew magic. Her entire life had been devoted to the studies of the different types of magic. She especially knew of illusions. But by the three, those were the most intense and most powerful illusions she had ever felt before. And the fear. That too was something she knew of but had never been on the receiving end of such a thing before. It had dredged up a true memory. When she was a child, she had snuck into a forbidden room. And one of those things, a Kuraokami was set up as a trap. A guardian to keep people from the tomes. But her Ryujin nature had made the human spell react differently. It had almost killed her. Delsanra squeezed her eyes tight, working to push the effects of the illusions and fear spell away. How lovely. Would have been nice to have a cup of tea first. TAG: @greyjedi125, @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @Shadowsun
The Knight of Integrity Slowly one by one they came out of their illusions. Audacia nodded to himself, impressed at how each of them reacted. The strength of resolve of each of those gathered, it reassured Audacia, confident that these were the right people to accompany Zalzabar. "What, in the name of the Three, did you just do?!" spoke the indignant Kybus. One who was sure would be no end of annoyance. Still his illusion showed great promise. "I am afraid it was quite necessary. You all needed to confront your worst fears. Your nightmares. If you think this was horrific think what Sapientis would do to you if you were captured" He stopped turning back to face the other two Knights who had crossed the bridge. One remained silent and at a distant. A hood obscuring his features, observing the group and the two knights. The other came forward, his demeanor and gait a stark contrast to Audacia. "You aren't freaking them out too much are you, dearest Audacia? And what was that I heard earlier, talk of mating? Oh but where are my manners. I am Veritas, The Knight of Integrity." "Yes thank you Veritas, you'll have your turn just give me a moment." He stopped, a sense of annoyance could be sensed in his words, but not of contempt, more of an old friendship that has accepted each others quirks. He turned back to the eight adventurers. "Reflect on what you saw, and how you felt from that you can grow, become better and more powerful. You will come across many difficulties across your time with Zalzabar. You must always remember. Never give up. The fate of the world is in your hands." Upon the final line Veritas burst out laughing. "Oh dear Audacia, you are always so over dramatic. And forgetful of your manners, you didn't even introduce who we were." He paused looking up at the orb still floating above the group. He made a gesture with his hands, it floated calmly towards him and landed gracefully in his gloved palm. It then dimmed, its light fading away. As it did so the ryujin could feel their power return, now able to transform into their dragon form. Although to do so would be inappropriate. "We are the Knights of Illusion, guardians of Zalzabar's castle. Normally our job is very simple. We kill anyone without an invitation. The master likes his privacy after all" He paused, allowing them to soak in this information. "This next test, or whatever you want to call it will look at your integrity. Before we looked at your fears, your worst nightmares. This will look at who you are. And yes you will be entering an illusion again. Do not fret you will not be tortured this time, so no need to break out the illusion." He spoke softly with a tone of sympathy, he knew all too the magic of Audacia. He also nodded to Delsanra, the only one that had managed to escape using magic. Quite impressive given the circumstances. "Now we should get a move on we don't want to keep ole Zalzy waiting for too long" He clapped his hands together, the orb once again lifted itself up in the air, although this time it did not dampen their magically abilities, merely assist Veritas in his magic. A calm smooth aura washed over each of the adventurers. Like before they were suddenly alone. They felt now pain, no suffering, they felt nothing. They were in a white void, absent of everything. Then they heard Veritas voice, as if whispering into their ear. "Who are you?" Upon these words each of the eight felt themselves lunge forward as if dragged into a new world as they gazed on splendor on their past every good deed, every lie, every transgression. Laid bare in front of them. The last test made them confront their fears, but this one made them confront themselves and what they valued. TAG: @Master Vo'Un'Var @galactic-vagabond422 @Kurisan @Ktala @greyjedi125 @The Jedi in the Pumas @Mitth_Fisto @Darth_Elu OOC: Let me know if you have any questions as usual or want me to look over your post which I did for about half of you last time. (No worries if not needed). This is supposed to look at the core of your character.
Rebecca Dragon Integrity Her test of Courage, facing her nightmare was over, the pink streaks of her tears stained her cheeks. She had not shed tears of sorrow in a long while. Looking to the next knight she readied her sword prepared for a fight. The knight introduced himself, a knight of Integrity, a laughable concept to a Mercenary. Her loyalty could be bought, her Integrity was for sale. He explained that they would face an illusion, another trick. Part of her didn't believe in him when he said they would not be tortured. Her past experience with these knights had left a bad taste in her mouth. She didn't feel like going through another hall of horrors. Tentatively she let her guard down narrowing her eyes before she was whisked away, sent to a white void, completely different from the darkness she was left in previously. "Who are you?" Laid out before her were scenes, a shocking few of them. Her mind seemed to be transported into each of them. She looked down to see her legs either side of an armored chest, a man's face beaten in so thoroughly that not even his own mother would recognize him. Her hand reached out, feeling the warm blood that was pooling in what used to be his face. She heard the sounds of combat ringing behind her. As she whipped her head around she witnessed an image burned into her mind. Her father already beaten and bloody with the bodies of half a dozen men at his feet, the ground slicked with their lifeforce. Yet another still stood, a spear in his hands. She turned back to the still corpse below her dipping her hand into the bloody mess that was a man's head. As she covered her face in gore her father shouted in pain. His howl of anguish split the sky and her heart. She had no sound to make, her throat closed with pain. Her eyes watched in horror as her father stood run through with a spear. One hand was wrapped tightly around the shaft of it, and other driving his sword into the man that would dare kill him. Her father fell to his knees ripping the spear point out of him. It was her fault, she was distracted, she was so preoccupied with killing her first sentinet that she didn't notice her own father in danger. She rushed to his side, tears once of joy of her first fighting kill, turned to sorrow. "I'm sorry papa, I'm…" "Little Dragon…" He said as his own blood dibbled from his lips. "Little Dragon listen to me...Please listen…" She quieted letting him say his last words. "I love you very much, this wasn't your fault, this isn't." She shook her head, not even his words could make her not feel guilt. His hand reached up brushing over her red cheek. "My Little Dragon, I don't have much time." He took a pained breath, more crimson spilling from his mouth. "I need you to promise me, promise me you will not let your blood consume you, that you will not give into it...Please promise me." "I promise papa, I promise." "I…" He rubbed his thumb across her cheek, wiping away the tears and blood. "I love you." The next scene was many years later, her laughter ringing out in the stone halls of a castle. The sound of steel bashing against steel filled her ears. A guard fell before her blade, her face already red with the gore of his former friends. All she could see was red, the blood of her enemies. As two more approached her, she charged forth undaunted, quickly running one through and battering the other one back against a door before sliding her blade under his chin and driving it upwards into his skull. As the body slid down the oak door she heard a noise, more enemies. With a heavy boot she kicked the door open seeing movement seeing figures in the room. Swinging her sword with wild abandon she heard the screams of death, the wails of anguish and the feeling of fresh blood splashing against her armor. It was a delight, a feeling she'd craved. Casting her eye around she didn't see anything else moving, nothing living was within her sight. The smile was still on her face as the red cleared from her vision. At her feet, a little boy, his head cleaved, next to him a little girl, her blonde hair matted and red with blood, her own blood from a deep wound through her chest, and over all of them, the headless body of an older woman with no armor or weapons in sight. "By the Three, Rebecca!" She wheeled around to find another mercenary, part of this current contract. "The Kids and Wife weren't part of the deal." He said, his voice breaking. Without a second thought she stepped into his space slipping her blade under his breast plate and up into his heart. He looked at her with wide eyes before slumping against her. With a quick turn of her hips and pull of her arm she let his body drop into the crimson room she had created. More of her comrades rounded the corner finding her over the scene. "What happened?" They asked, she turned to them with anger in her eyes. "He killed the wife and kids, then turned on me to hide his crimes." She gripped her weapon tighter, ready to slay everyone in her path if they didn't believe her. There was a moment for tension, the other armored warriors looked to her then to the room behind her, blood dripping from all their weapons. "Doesn't matter, the lord's locked himself in the study. Come on." She followed behind her jaw set, tears in her eyes. She broke her promise, the solemn vow to her father, his last words to her. The next was a very similar scene, in a maelstrom of blood and carnage, a smile plastered across her face. Bodies fell left and right as her blade swung like a scythe. The battle was won the moment the mercenaries took the field. These inexperienced conscripts were nothing compared to the battle hardened and seasoned veterans. Rebecca was deep into her madness, her blood singing with the death she was causing. The line broke the scared peasants rushing for safety once they realized they were lambs to the slaughter. The few officers that were present attempted to get the rabble back into line but they refused. The Mercs began to run down the fleeing opposition like wolves in a hen house. Rebecca had sighted a smaller figure in loose padded armor that had broken off from the main group. They had distance from her and was faster but she would not be dissuaded. As she closed the figure tripped tumbling to the ground, an armored figure came from the side, an axe at the ready. They were wearing colors of the lord of this land, the lord Rebecca and her fellow sellswords were sent to crush. The armored figure turned his attention to oncoming warrior of blood and steel bringing his axe up. A high chop was blocked, a follow up thrust was likewise knocked away but the Laughing Butcher would not be stopped. She continued her assault striking again and again until she knocked the axe away and drove her blade into the man's hip, dislocating his leg. As the officer dropped to a knee she swung her sword in a wide arc, taking his head cleanly from the cradle of his shoulders. She turned her head to find the person she'd been chasing a young woman, looks as though she'd only seen 15 winters. She scrambled away on her hands and knees away from the terrifying warrior. Said warrior stalked forward leaving red food prints in her wake. "No please, please," the young woman begged, "Please I want to go home, I don't want to die, please, please please." It would've been so easy, so simple to just trust her father's blade into the girl's chest and end this. But the Crimson Blade held her hand, the old promise she'd broken coming back to her mind. There was no need to kill this one, they were no threat, and they certainly were no challenge. Killing them served nothing. This day she would not let her blood consume her. "Run, run home and pray to the three that I never see you again…." The memory faded, and Rebecca returned to reality. Her heart was shaken, being shown her greatest failings. She served no god, she swore fealty to no lord, she held nothing sacred except the memory of her father, and the promise she made to him. Everything else was merely business, just survival. Was this what Zalzabar wanted, a warrior with few scruples, that fought for money and the sheer pleasure of it? That had only one guiding not lose herself completely to her madness, to the curse of her blood. TAG: @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Kurisan @Darth_Elu @The Jedi in the Pumas @Ktala @Mitth_Fisto
[ Approved/edited by @Shadowsun ] Taella The Second Challenge The Knight of Integrity, Veritas, took control of the orb and the second challenge commenced. Taella closed her eyes in anticipation of the disorientating feeling. She was transported somewhere else. A white void. “Who are you?” Veritas’ voice whispered in her ear. She opened her eyes and she was… home, in the deepwood of Loreth. The eternal autumn sun shone from a deep blue sky. Golden leaves carpeted the glades between Elven halls sung from the trunks of mighty oaks. Tranquility. A succession of moments passed. Squabbles. Pranks. Then the fighting against the enemies of the forest: Her running skirmishes with the Orcs. The time she discovered the Lichemaster’s threat, acting without the Glade Council’s approval, but then vindication. She looked to her side and Veritas was there. He seemed vexed. “Your life has been too short to judge. You are precocious and mischievous, but your childishness defends your deeds.” She nodded back. This challenge was far more pleasant. “My conscience is clear.” Veritas said, “To judge your future, then, let us examine more recent events…” He raised the orb in one hand and the forest glade fell away. Taella found herself tumbling down, down, into darkness… Taella gasped. She was lying on her back, at the bottom of a deep pit with sheer walls of dark rock, like a cave. A dim circle of light shone down weakly from far above. She tried to rise but could not. Then she found her wrists and ankles bound with manacles. The manacles were attached to chains, and these led away to the four points of the compass, so that she was stretched out spread-eagle on the cold stone floor. The other ends of the chains were embedded into pillars of rock at the edge of the cave-pit. “What? No…” Taella said, panic rising. Not this again! They promised! The Orcs came, and this time they were all different to one another. They each took a lever to one of the chains and began turning. The twisting began. “It is not real,” Taella called confidently to the circle of light far above. Her legs and arms were stretched out painfully. “It is not real!” she said again, her voice faltering. The Orcs crept towards her. Then a huge ogre with rippling muscles moved between her legs and ripped away her dress. “It’s not real, it’s not real, IT’S NOT REAL!” Taella screamed. “What must I say?” The assault upon her body began. Taella screamed and screamed, and screamed. Others came, joining in the torment. Goblins with wicked hooked tools. A horned beastman grabbed her head to stop her dashing it against the stone. Two Dwarfs appeared at her side, with one of their infernal contraptions. A box with metal wires leading to an iron rod. They placed the rod upon her and wound a handle on the box. It felt like fire had been lit inside her body. Taella bucked and contorted and discovered a new level of torment. More creatures came to line up and take their turn. Through tear-blurred vision, Taella saw something was different about the cave. There were more manacles attached to one far wall, but no-one was imprisoned there. Every beast that came first went to these chains and examined them, as if looking for the prisoner. Disappointed, they came to her instead. Some time passed. Perhaps it was an hour. To Taella it stretched on in an excruciating eternity. Again and again, when she could find breath between her screams, she would sob, “It is not real…” Then Veritas was standing over her, looking down. “Sto… stop… this… please… you… ungggg! … you said… no more…” He said nothing, watching. She noticed the orb dangling from its chain attached to his belt. Then she saw a figure behind him and her heart leapt. It was Delsanra! Her dark cloak was ragged, her red lips smudged. She crept up behind Veritas. Taella pleaded silently for release from her torment. But Delsanra was intent on something else. She was trying to pick the orb and steal it from the Knight! Taella’s eyes flicked to the empty manacles, then back to Delsanra, and suddenly she understood. Delsanra was the missing prisoner. She should be in Taella’s place! All she had to do was alert Veritas to the theft, and their places would be switched. It would be easy – and so much easier because it was Delsanra, the one of whom she was so bitterly jealous. “Not… me… unggg! Do… it… to… aaargh!” NOT ME, DO IT TO HER! her mind screamed in frustration, but she could not get the words out while the torment made her contort and writhe and moan. Veritas suddenly held up a hand and all the creatures ceased. The cruel hands left her body. The ogre stopped what he was doing and looked at the knight. Taella gasped, breathing hard. She saw Delsanra freeze behind the knight. Still he had not noticed her. “You have something to say?” said Veritas, gazing down at Taella. It took the elf several moments to gather herself to be able to speak. DO IT TO HER, NOT ME! SHE IS RIGHT THERE BEHIND YOU! shrieked her mind. But as the moment came, Taella opened her mouth, and locked eyes with Delsanra. Then she shook her head at Veritas and whispered, “No.” As before, the spell broke and the manacles fell away and she soared upwards to the light. Taella found herself lying upon the snow-covered mountain pathway once again. The two knights towered over her – Audacia was beside Veritas. Taella sat up and gathered herself. She once again wore her brief green chemise. She scowled at the knights and hugged herself. “I do not like your tests!” They chuckled. Veritas said, “They are not created for your amusement.” Her eyes flashed with fury and she snapped back, “Are they for your amusement? Does it excite you to see me like that?” The knights fell silent, then. Audacia said, “Do not be insolent, Taella. I warned you this may happen to you again. I asked you if you were prepared to continue. Did you not answer me truthfully?” Taella pouted, refusing to answer. Audacia sighed, “Well, it is done. The test is passed.” “No!” announced Veritas, stepping forward. “I am not satisfied.” The Knight of Integrity’s voice had become much sterner compared with his earlier jovial tone. He was angry about something. “I did not betray Delsanra!” said Taella in a shrill voice. Audacia looked at him, “Veritas, she gave the correct answer?” Veritas pointed an accusing finger at Taella. “This one is clever, sly, tricky. She is no mage, but she understands how the spells work. She knew that keeping her silence was the answer we were looking for, it was not made as some noble sacrifice for her companion.” “That’s not true!” cried Taella. “How could I have known that?” Audacia said, “Veritas, My Brother, she gave the correct answer. What does it matter how she arrived at it?” “I am the Knight of Integrity, and I will NOT be tricked!” “But, I didn’t…” started Taella. “SILENCE!” thundered Veritas. “I will consider this!” He peered closely at Taella and she sensed him looking deep into her soul. She tried to maintain a defiantly innocent visage under the scrutiny. Finally, he straightened. “Alright, I concede you did not know the answer for sure. But, you suspected it. It was a gambit, not a true expression of integrity,” said Veritas. Audacia sighed. “Then what should we do now?” “We repeat the test, for longer,” said Veritas. Taella took a step backwards. “No… please…” “What will that prove?” said Audacia. “We cannot remove the knowledge from her mind.” “After sufficient time of torment, the irrational instincts will override her rational mind – it will drive the knowledge from her. Then we shall see her true answer,” said Veritas. Taella shook her head in horror. Audacia nodded his agreement with the principle. “How long?” “Forty days and forty nights, continuous! She shall be gagged so that she cannot speak until after that time.” Taella fell to her knees. “No…” “That will kill her,” said Audacia. “Such distress will rupture her heart and it will no longer beat!” “Quite possibly.” Veritas folded his arms. “Or, she may descend so deeply into insanity that she cannot be retrieved. It is a risk we will have to take. I will have my truthful answer!” “It is too long,” said Audacia. “I say five nights, and let her have respite in the short daylight hours, so that she may contemplate what begins anew each nightfall.” Veritas turned and glowered at him. “You are not usually one to show such mercy, My Brother. Has this fragile, passionate creature turned even your old head?” Audacia folded his arms and remained silent for a moment. Then he said, “No. But I would not ruin her, either. I counsel five nights.” “Well, I am the Master of this test! And I decide…” Veritas stepped towards Taella. “No… wait, stop!” she shrieked at him. “Not that… anything else… but not that. Let me suffer a hundred sword wounds! Crush my bones with boulders! Drown me in the deepest ocean! Let wild animals rip me asunder! Burn me alive!” Taella sobbed as she tried to come up with ever more terrible fates. “Just… not that. I can’t… Please understand… I just cannot bear it…” “I understand, Taella. You have a choice,” said Veritas. He gestured to the mountain pass behind her, leading away from the Castle. “You need not suffer any more. There is your path.” She nodded, defeated, and wiped the tears from her eyes. She stood shakily and turned to leave, in utter dejection. After only a few paces, she saw a figure beside the path. It was Anaxagore. He gave her a look of genuine concern. “Taella, are you alright? Did you pass the test?” “I…” she faltered. He seemed to understand instantly. “Do not speak of it. There is no shame. There are many Ryujin who could not pass the tests. Please take care, and know you were honoured, invited – you should be proud. We will watch over Cretaus.” She stumbled on a few more paces, then stopped. She shuddered with a great wracking sob, then turned back and walked to Veritas and Audacia. They had not moved at all. She dropped to her knees and bowed her forehead to the ground at their feet. “Cast your spell. I will try again,” she said. They exchanged glances. Veritas said, “Are you sure?” Hot teardrops burned down her cheeks. The snow tingled on her bare legs. She did not know if she would live or die, or fall into madness. She only knew that she would receive no mercy. She would have to try and endure. “I cannot abandon the Ryujin, or Cretaus,” she said. Then her voice fell to a trembling whisper. “Do what must be done…” She closed her eyes and waited. A long moment passed. A hand clamped on her shoulder and she opened her eyes. Veritas knelt before her and his face was close to hers. “Now, you have passed the test...” TAG @Darth_Elu @galactic-vagabond422 @Ktala @The Jedi in the Pumas @greyjedi125 @Mitth_Fisto @Master Vo'Un'Var
Delsanra Taenya Helestina The test of Integrity - Zalzabar's Castle Delsanra slowly stood, leaning on her staff as she looked around. It seemed as if the others were also coming out of their own illusions as well, some better than others. The three guards came up to them, speaking between themselves, sometimes rather confusing. She heard Audacia, The Knight of Courage, speak to another who introduced himself as Veritas, The Knight of Integrity. The last knight was silent. "Reflect on what you saw, and how you felt from that you can grow, become better and more powerful. You will come across many difficulties across your time with Zalzabar. You must always remember. Never give up. The fate of the world is in your hands." Upon the final line, Veritas burst out laughing. Oh, a strange group indeed to be sure. Acdacia spoke up then. "We are the Knights of Illusion, guardians of Zalzabar's castle. Normally our job is very simple. We kill anyone without an invitation. The master likes his privacy after all" He paused, and Delsanra could see the truth in the statement. She also noted that her magic was no longer dapened as well. Knights of illusion. Interesting. "This next test, or whatever you want to call it will look at your integrity. Before we looked at your fears, your worst nightmares. This will look at who you are. And yes you will be entering an illusion again. Do not fret you will not be tortured this time, so no need to break out the illusion." He spoke softly with a tone of sympathy, he knew all too the magic of Audacia. He also nodded to Delsanra. "Now we should get a move on we don't want to keep ole Zalzy waiting for too long" He clapped his hands together, the orb once again lifted itself up in the air, although this time it did not dampen their magical abilities. A calm smooth aura washed over Delsanra. Like before she was suddenly alone. Then she heard Veritas voice as if whispering into their ear. "Who are you?" Suddenly, she was no longer in a white void. She felt pulled, and the next image she saw was something she recognized. The Averine Towers!! For as long as she could remember, what she called home. Other images, a place she visited long ago, full of scrolls and books. She still remembered the musty smell the place had. The Acadendum. She smiled. She could always be found in the libraries and studies of such places, reading. Then the picture changed. It was dark. A single candle burned. A room with blood-red walls. Delsanra remembered that room well too. It was a room she had found her way into. Filled with texts. Forbidden. Restricted. Dangerous. She only got a glimpse of one of the books. Only one spell. It didnt seem that dangerous to her. No. It was dangerous. And she decided not to use the spell. But she studied it, trying to figure out how she could use it, to a better benefit. Time passed. Winter. A horrible blizzard. She was away from the towers. She and a group of 6 others had traveled to visit another conclave. They had camped, to shelter until the worst of the storm blew over. Suddenly the sound of horns seemed to come from nowhere, and they were attacked. Delsanra had trouble seeing the enemy, because of the horrible weather. One of the travelers, another mage, cast a spell, and then suddenly the sky cleared around them. Delsanra drew back in growing panic. Whatever these things were, they looked similar to orcs but bigger. Much, much bigger. And more animalistic. As the mage that was clearing the sky spell-casted, one of the creatures went to attack him. A warrior stepped in the way to protect the mage while he was casting, and was stuck by what looked like a huge spiked club. Delsanra looked about. She spell casted an illusion spell, but it seemed to have no effect. Spikes of ice rain down on the creature, and she managed to take down two of them. It was the first time she had ever been forced to kill. Another warrior fell, and the company was drawing smaller by the moment. Seeing that things were not going well, Delsanra transformed into her Ryujin dragon form and roared. What terrified her, was when her roar was answered by another... THOSE THINGS had a Ryujin?!!! Mages learned to fight. The world was not gentle to no one. When you are younger, you learn to fight. As you grow in power, the need to fight was usually lessened. And usually, when in Dragon Form, there was no longer a need, unless it was against another ryujin. Suddenly she found herself face to claws with another beast. It seemed though that something was wrong with it. It was misshapen, and though it had wings and a vaguely dragon-like body, it did not seem quite like a Ryujin. She and it clashed, and she lost sight of the others of her party. This creature didn't speak, didn't have the same feel of a Ryjin. All she got was that it was hungry, and it wanted to make her its latest snack. It clawed and raked at her, and every time she managed to kick it away from her, it came back for more. When she tried to fly, it slammed into her, bringing her back down and slamming her hard against the ground. Delsanra panicked. The sounds from those she traveled with, were getting smaller, and the creature was doing so major damage. She did a spell, and it screamed in rage at her, as she finally managed to do some major damage to it. But it was like it went berzerk, and she blinked. Finding her not in the same spot she had just been, it decided to finish off the rest of her party and streamed down to attack them. Delsanra moved to put herself between it and her friends and was rewarded by a vicious bite, as it clamped down on her shoulder. She screamed, and then, she panicked. She did not want to die here. She did not want to lose any more of her party. Suddenly, it was as if the spell burned itself to her mind, calling for its use. USE IT! I will save you. Nothing else seemed to work. It was the only thing that she could recall... *#$&# @R*^@! Delsanra shook as she saw the replay of what had happened next. The creature let go of her, and she fell hard into the snow. She changed back to her elfin form but was dazed. She remembered hearing screams, as horrible pictures flooded her mind. But the screaming. It didn't stop. She couldn't focus. She was vaguely aware of the large shape she had been fighting, hitting the snow not too far away. She couldn't breathe, and the world seemed to spin. And yet, the screaming was still heard. Her vision went red, and she vaguely remembered someone running towards her. Delsanra saw in the vision the creature that had attacked her, clawed at the ground, and rolled as if trying to bury itself in the snow. Blood started to pour from its nose and eyes. The two people left the party, saw that steam seemed to come from the body. The other creatures fighting, when they saw the creature hit the snow screaming, dropped their weapons, and ran. Delsanra had gone unconscious, but she knew that when she passed out, the screams were still in her ears. But here, she could see what had happened afterward. She saw as what looked like underneath the skin bubbled and boiled, as it had finally gone silent, but still writhing about. She saw the look of horror on the faces of the two survivors, as what was left of the body melted into the snow... Delsanra swallowed hard. She didn't remember any of that. It had taken a long time to recover from that first battle. Even longer for her to want to use magic again. feeling. The spell stood on the edge of darkness. It was a terrifying spell, that had terrified her in its effects. Her teacher worked hard to her understand what had happened when she finally admitted to it. And they never spoke of it again. But, she was disappointed in herself. And she had worked hard to overcome that. The world went white once more. "Who am I?" Delsanra echoed. "I am Delsanra Taenya Helestina. I am Ryujin. I am the daughter of the succor. I am magic. I make no claims to be perfect or to have never done wrong. But I do claim, that from those mistakes I continue to learn and grow. That I commit myself to learn, knowledge, and the light, so that I can keep from falling away from the light. And hopefully, when the times comes, to help protect the light and the realm within." TAG: @greyjedi125, @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @Shadowsun
*OOC: I apologize for the length of this unintentional semi 'fan fic'. It just happened on its own and I did not proof read it. Apologies for all typos. ********************************************************************************* Anaxagore Test of Integrity, Zalzabar’s Castle His grey eyes slowly opened after his hand confirmed that he had not been cleaved in two by the Death Knight’s blade. He let out a long sigh of relief through pursed lips, which was followed by a greater sense of comfort once he saw that all was back to normal, much as if Regnum had actually been saved. “By the Three…” He whispered, a slight smile gracing his features as he inhaled a revitalizing breath and slowly let go. Anaxagore corrected his posture and stood, listening. He did wonder what the others had experienced, but from what he could glean, they had passed their first test, as one did seem a bit shaken, that being Taella. ‘Fallen Star’ wasn’t boasting at the moment, so he must have had an interesting experience. Rebecca had tears smearing the paint on her face, though her expression was seemed to shift between suppressed sorrow and contained rage. The Nameless boy stood a bit straighter, his bearing suggested increased boldness. Interesting, most interesting. But before he could visually examine the others, someone else approached. A second armored Knight, Veritas by name, joined the first, Audacia. Veritas spoke of the Knight’s duty to the Great Zalzabar and how they guardians of the Elder Ryujin’s Castle, how they were task to killed those who were uninvited. Considering the remoteness of Zalzabar’s castle, the inhospitable frigid clime and location - stumbling upon it by pure chance was highly unlikely. The point was well made. And so, the nature of the second test was revealed. Anaxagore scowled at the ‘Inhibitor Orb’ before closing his eyes in anticipation of the test. The Knight clapped his hands together and magic flowed. One query would be heard before Anaxagore felt himself pulled into the great White Void. “Who are you?” ******* To answer that question, the white void would take Anaxagore back to a time many, many moons ago, when he was far younger, yet looking the same. It could be that he was in Ahmoud, or was it Reshan? That was probably not very important. The young adventurer had travelled to a land where he had encountered a warrior tribe, a proud and sun-kissed people he had befriended while passing through. The Village Chief was a large and imposing man, favoring garbs adorned with onyx; and so was the Village Champion, another large man who favored garbs bearing carnelian . The Chief’s Daughter was a young lass of great Beauty, one with long flowing raven hair, skin the color of gold-roasted almonds and eyes like luminescent peridots- but her smile, it would steal the very light from the sun. Anaxagore’s was by contrast pale and smaller, but it soon became clear that he was incredibly skilled when it came to sword play. During his stay, a different warrior would come to test him, each one stronger than the last, fiercer and more skilled. Anaxagore bested them with grace and without boasting, doing his best to befriend those who he’d overcome. It wasn’t long before news reached the Village Chief, the Village Champion and the beautiful daughter. At first, the ‘contests’ were mostly private affairs, engaged in one-on-one. By now, a crowd form as Anaxagore’s reputation grew and others sought to increase their standing by taking him in hopes of being defeating him and consequently be notice by the Mighty Chief, but more importantly, have a chance to best the Village Champion and be granted the beautiful daughter’s hand. It was inconceivable that this young adventurer remained undefeated. What was his secret? Of course, there were rumors, for there would always be rumors, however, the excitement grew as only the best 10 warriors in the village were left before Anaxagore faced the Village champion. At this point, the encounters became extremely fierce and competitive. Swords clashed with ferocious intensity, sending sparks flying as audacious strikes and parries were executed with tremendous exertions. Anaxagore suspected a few of his opponents even attempted to kill him in the process, but he simply danced around them as if he were made of wind. He parried their strongest strikes as if he were a giant and they newborn babes. It was maddening. The top ten warriors were sore losers all, but he was gracious and did not ridicule them. Too many placed their pride on the line instead of merely finding joy in a show of skill. That fact did begin to taint Anaxagore’s experience, for he wished to test himself against the Village Champion. Through it all, the beautiful daughter watched transfixed, sighing and cheering like one who was truly enamored. The Village Chief had taken notice and so had the Village Champion. If this adventurer managed to win against the champion, he would then….No! That could not be allowed to happen. No one was saying it, but all eyes were on the Village Champion. If he were to lose… The Village Chief and Champion made concocted a plan. There would be a feast before the big match as it seemed inevitable. The whole village would be invited. And so, a Feast was made before the day of the event. There was food, dancing, drinking and much merriment. The beautiful daughter was delighted beyond words for the match. She had not come close to the handsome adventurer, the undefeated warrior made of ivory with eyes of steel. She would look on him and smile, blush, look away and look -again and he would be there, smiling back, winking even. It was almost as if n one else was around. The Village Chef and the Village Champion noticed it all, and most likely all of the people. The Champion admired the pale warriors incredible skill, but he also resented his presence as one who might cause him to lose his position in the village- which was something he could not allow to happen. Tradition demanded this. Thankfully, the Village Chief had a plan. The call for a grand toast was made and cups with the rudest wine was passed around. “A toast, to the greatest warrior of our village. May he win tomorrow’s contest.” There was a great cheer that sounded more like a roar as expectations were high. Who indeed was the greatest warrior in the village? The Chief and the Champion watched Anaxagore drink his filled from the cup reserved for honored guests. Their faces, though illuminated only by the fire of torches, spoke of their satisfaction. The next day, the great contest was announced. Everyone was in attendance. A great circle was formed and the Chief and his Beautiful daughter sat in their places of prominence. Of course, the seat belonging to the Village Champion was empty. Within moments a great cheer burst from the multitude that had gathered. It seemed that everyone had come to see the ‘contest of champions’. The two warriors made their appearance, finally. Anaxagore, who was sleek and symmetrical in his proportions, wore his adventurer’s garb of cloth and light leather parts, his two swords, Spatha and Gladius, hung at either side of him, recently polished and inside their sheaths. The dark haired adventure smiled easily and waved at the crowd as he walked with a jovial pep in his step. The Village Champion seemed somber, walking in with his carnelian colored banded leather armor and a massive Halberd in hand. Everyone went quiet as the two stepped into the circle and faced each other. Anaxagore’s playful demeanor changed to one which was unreadable. The Village Champion stared at Anaxagore as if expecting something to happen. The Village Chief nodded and a gong sounded. Even as the sound continued to ring in the air, The Champion moved bringing down the Halberd in a deadly air to split his target in two. Anaxagore mere dodge the vertical attack with a step and pivoted closer. The Champion went for a quick thrust, which missed and immediately transition into a wide horizontal attack. Anaxagore vaulted over it and the crowed ‘oooooooohed;, but the Champion was not done. He pursued his target with a whip of his weapon aimed at cleaving Anaxagore’s feet. The ryujin merely leapt in place and seemed to hang their for a second longer than he should and simultaneously performed an X-Strike with incredible speed. The Village Champion took a step back and looked down. There was a gash in the shape of an ‘X’ on the upper part of his armor. A few inches higher and that could have been his neck. His cheap move at Anaxagore’s feet had left him open. The Village Champion growled and resumed his attack, this time whirling his weapon around him, forcing Anaxagore to back pedal. If he could get the pale warrior to step outside the combat circle… Indeed, Anaxagore back pedaled, but placed his foot against the edge of the circle and blocked the incoming attack with a single Spatha. “Impossible!” The Chief said, almost rising from his seat. The resounding impact and flying sparks caused the crowd to exclaim in surprise, while the Village Champion’s eyes grew wide in disbelief. No one was ever able to stop that move, no one!! The force of it was simply too strong! How could someone smaller even…. In that moment, the Champion lost his focus and Anaxagore exploited the moment. He pulled back with his left weapon, which was still hooked to the Halberd. As expected, the Champion did not ‘let go’ and was pulled towards Anaxagore. In a flash of motion, Gladius was in his right hand, the glinting blade was now mere centimeters from the Champion’s throat. “Yield.” Anaxagore stated flatly, his steely grey eyes looking right into the Champion’s. Everything went still- the moment seemed to stretch for a long time. It was as if the Champion were considering his options in those seconds. Everyone was watching. If he ‘yielded’ he would lose his position as Village Champion and all the perks that came with it. If he did something ‘else’……. Glaring down at Anaxagore, he simply roared in frustration and let go his weapon, but did not say the words. The Champion simply turned on his heel and marched away, past the crowd, past the chief and past the beautiful daughter. The crowd thundered with excitement at the outcome. The Chief looked pained as he tried to look ‘happy’, however, his beautiful daughter ran towards Anaxgore, smiling joyously and embraced him, then kissed him on the cheek despite herself. They both blushed and laughed, as they were surrounded by the jubilant crowd around them. The Chief rose from his seat, frowning and marched himself to his abode. Later that evening, Anaxagore was informed that as the new Village Champion, he was first in line to ask for the Beautiful Daughter’s hand- Peridot. It was rumored that Carnelian already had, but had received no response. But that Chief Onyx was hopeful that his daughter would come around. As an outsider, that information was kept from him, but as the New Champion, he had the right to know. In the following days, Anaxagore and Peridot spent most of their time together, laughing and playing. No one had seen or head from the former Champion, Carnelian, and Chief Onyx simply watched the developments from afar. No one else came to challenge the mysterious outsider. The question now in everyone’s mind was, would he stay? And so they continued, in their unspoken courtship. On tis day, Anaxagore had gone to lake some distance away from the village, and while enjoying nature, decided to go for a swim. little did he know that he had been followed and was soon joined the Peridot, who had never seen him thus and the same was true for him. Th two giggled and playfully splashed at each other, tugging and pulling a leg, then an arm, getting closer and closer. Slowly the drew nearer in silence and did kiss. The moment was like magic. Together, they moved towards the grass and lay next to each other, saying nothing with words, but letting their bareness speak of their exposure and vulnerability to each other. Peridot would steal a kiss and then another. Anaxagor would respond with a smile, and after a moment- he would get up suddenly and then frown. Something was wrong. His eyes opened wide and he suddenly knew. Bare as he was, he jumped up and flipped backwards, as he felt an invading sensation spread through his with body, as if a bonfire threatened to consume him. Peridot rose, confused and then her eyes grew wide at what she beheld. Anaxagore’s shape began to change and stretch in unimaginable ways right before her eyes. He looked as if he were in pain. Then he unfurled and grew in size, his shape completely changing. He became a dragon like being, with shining scales the color of graphite grey and accents of luminescent azure blue. Peridot felt afraid, but was also transfixed by the sight. That was until he began to change again. Anaxagore’s graphite colored scales darkened to the color of midnight, his accents turned a dark purple color and his majestic look became more menacing. Anaxagore let out an awful roar and peridot screamed and screamed like she never screamed before! She was frozen in place and could only scream in horror, until a weapon streaked through the air and struck the ryujin on the side of his chest, sending it tumbling uncontrollably on the grassy lawn. “Peridot!!” a voice called out. The beautiful daughter turned towards the voice, tears streaming down her eyes and her face a mask of fear. Her eyes fell on Carnelian. It was his weapon that had struck Anaxagore down. He had brought down a ryujin! The former Champion came to Peridot’s ‘rescue’, as she quickly scrambled for her clothes and moved away from the dragon. How could this have happened? How could they gave been so blind? Of course, she hadn’t questioned Carnelian’s convenient appearance as she ran back to the village. Carnelian arrived not to long after her with the wounded and naked Anaxagore being dragged by an arm, even as he bled liberally. “You…poisoned me….*cough*” The ryujin said with labored breaths as he was being dragged. “You deceived us.” Carnelian countered.” “Decided you? How…?” “By pretending to be human.” “I was always myself…you…*cough*…simply never… asked….” “I have defeated you, now I am the Champion again.” There was outrage, brought about mostly by all the other warriors that had been ‘bested’. In the end, Anaxagore was placed in a cage, located at the ‘combat circle’ while a final decision was made by Chief Onyx regarding his fate. He was naked, wounded and on display, much to Peridot’s horror. “But Papa, he’s a ryujin…..” Peridot pleaded while inside their abode. “I will hear no more!” Chief Onyx bellowed, standing his ground against his beloved daughter, which was something he really did. The ryujin had bested and shamed all his proud warriors and nearly stolen away with only daughter to likely visit untold horrors upon her. It needed to be punished for its transgressions. “Carnelian, please!” she turned to plead with the reinstated Champion. Unsurprisingly he was a mute on the matter and did nothing to counter the Chief’s decision. His humiliation had been the greatest of all, despite now knowing that his move could be block and he needed to find an answer for that. “I’ll give you my hand if you let him go!” Peridot cried. Carnelian looked at the Chief, hope coming to his eyes. If that was the price for him to…. The Chief was shaking his head ‘no’. Carnelian huffed and looked into space, which caused Peridot to run out of their abode crying. “What will you do with the ryujin chief….?” Carnelian asked after several moments of silence. “Well, they are worth quite a lot I am told.” Chief Onyx mused. Carnelian did not feel too thrilled at that. The poison was meant to weaken his opponent who he suspected might be using magic to enhance himself, not fully knowing he was a ryujin. He had been afraid to lose his position, despite being a proud warrior. His claim that he defeated a ryujin was in truth, a hollow, a lie, a deception. Anaxagore had spoken true. He had been himself all along. Just then, a scout burst through the door, his expression completely horrified. “Chief! Chief!!” The scout barked almost wildly. “What is it?” “Lizard men!! A Legion of Lizard men!!” He almost shrieked. “Don’t just stand there! Sound the alarm!!!” The scout disappeared through the door faster than when he had arrived. “I’ll get my Spear, you get your Halberd and together we’ll rally all our warriors!! We will finish this!” Chief Onyx declared. Carnelian pounded his chest with a massive fist and began to move. “The women and children must go to safety, where is Peridot!!?” ****** Outside, clashed between warriors and lizard men had already begun. Villagers ran for their lives, fleeing to safety or to their deaths. Homes were beginning to burn. A distraught Peridot made it to the ‘Combat Circle’ and to Anaxagore’s cage. She gasped horrified that there were arrows in him, arrows from her village. Someone had been using him as target practice. For a second, she thought he might be dead, but somehow, he found the strength to look up and look at her. Peridot ran two him, eyes filled with tears, crying liberally at the horrific turn of events. “I’m sorry….” She whispered as she knelt next to him. “I’m so sorry.” More screams were heard in the distance and shouting from men joining the fight. For a second she seemed uncertain at what she would do, then her tears stopped and her own warrior’s determination flowed. A hand gesture and a word of command caused the lock on the cage to snap off. In an instant she was inside, medicinal pouch in hand, rubbing a healing salve on his wounds as she chanted words of ‘salubrity’. Peridot’s chants became more intense as she continued to rub the salve, but nothing seemed to be happening. Screams from the clashes were becoming more pronounced by the moment, yet she continued. “Please, please, please…..” A purple glint shone in Anaxagore’s eyes, then his salve, mixed with his blood and Peridot’s magic began to work at an accelerated rate. His wounds were closing and his strength was returning. Amazed, at what was occurring, Peridot stepped out of the cage. No sooner and she done so, than Anaxagore transformed into his Black Dragon form, destroying the cage in the process. “What have you done!!??” Carnelian yelled at her. Peridot looked up as Anaxagore took to the night sky and roared, then swooped down at the advancing lizard men. A literal stream of purple fire fell on them, consuming them in the process. Several lizard men suddenly appeared and rushed at Carnelian and Peridot. The Village Champion whirled his Halberd around in a wide arc with all his might, while Peridot yelped and tried to move out of the sudden clash. Carnelian was uncertain if he could fell all three lizard men with one stroke, but was surprised to see his weapon suddenly became suffused in purple flame. Not only did he strike the three lizard men that came at him, his blow was powerful enough to knock down the other two behind them. “By the Three!!!” A massive shout of warriors rang into the night as weapons all around became imbued in Anaxagore’s boon. The battle lasted well into the night, but the Legion of Lizard men was repelled and sent back to whence they had come. A great many wounded warriors were brought to the ‘combat circle’ where Peridot worked tirelessly to heal them. She stop cold when Chief Onyx was brought there, several spears sticking out of his chest. “Father, no……” She sobbed almost broken by the sight. Carnelian walked over and a nearby warrior shook his head, having no confidence that their wounded chief would make it ’till morning. Peridot fell on her Father and began to cry unconsolably. In that moment a roar was heard in the sky and the flapping of massive leathery wings were heard, before a single figure landed gracefully. Warrior’s parted to allow Anaxagore to pass. Tenderly, he placed a hand on Peridot’s shoulder, then bent to whisper in her ear. The girl stopped crying, dried her tears and shook her head in agreement. Sniffling, she made ready with her medicial bag, which had been refilled several times already. With a nod, Anaxagore instructed Carnelian to remove the spears from the dying Chief. In a moment Anaxagore used a fingernail to cut his wrist and poured his blood in the Chief wounds while Peridot applied her salve and chanted words of healing. Some that were gathered watched in silence, while others offered prayers. This went on for sometime. Moments passed and many began to move away, some busying themselves with the collecting of the dead, others with putting out fires and beginning some kind of cleaning effort. None were strangers to war, death or tragedies. It was a part of their story. If their chief died, Carnelian would become the new chief, and Peridot quite likely his mate- as it was in tended by tradition. However, this day, a ryujin walked among them. Truth be told, the chief did not posses the biology of a ryujin, but between his daughter’s healing salve, her magics and Anaxagore’s blood as a catalyst…well, his wounds began to close, slowly, but steadily. When the wounds were closed, Anaxagore allowed Peridot to apply salve to the gash on his wrist. She looked up at him and regarded his face for the first time since the last time they were together in the lake. She’d smiled at him, but yet he seemed somehow sad. Peridot opened her mouth to say something, but heard her Father cough. “Papa!!” She exclaimed with immeasurable joy as she turn to hug the large man. This time tears of joy streamed down her face and her smile did steal the light from the sun. She had never felt happier in her life. The beautiful daughter turned her lovely head to thank….. No one. He had moved off so silently while everyone’s attention was on the revived Chief. Peridot tried to peer into the darkness to see if she could see him, but her Father’s large hand bade her look at him, so she turned and smiled at her Father, and silently thanked the handsome and noble adventurer….no, the ryujin who had graced their remote and near forgotten village. Tag: @Shadowsun, @Ktala, @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @galactic-vagabond422 , @The Jedi in the Pumas ,@Mitth_Fisto ,@Master Vo'Un'Var
Cretaus IC: ~Battles of Illusion~ The boy from the streets continued to stand his ground in the ice and snow of the mountains, watching Audacia with that fierce look of resolve as another spoke up. It was the self-absorbed guy. Naturally. “What, in the name of the Three, did you just do?!” For once, he sympathized to an extent. Except it had been made rather clear to him what had occurred, though he had no idea what he had gone through since they had all been separated within the illusions. “I am afraid it was quite necessary. You all needed to confront your worst fears. Your nightmares. If you think this was horrific think what Sapientis would do to you if you were captured.” Honestly, the thought had never really crossed his mind. Sapientis and all these grand enemies and threats were far beyond someone like him. He just came on the prospect of adventure, glory, and riches. It would appear though that Sapientis himself was involved in whatever they were being tested for. That was not exactly a thrilling prospect. But he had only just found his determination to move forward, he wouldn’t lose it now! With a nod, one of the other knights came over to Audacia, speaking out for the first time himself. “You aren’t freaking them out too much are you, dearest Audacia? And what was that I heard earlier, talk of mating? Oh but where are my manners. I am Veritas, the Knight of Integrity.” Another knight, another title. And another reminder of that awkward conversation from before. “Yes thank you Veritas, you’ll have your turn just give a moment. Reflect on what you saw, and how you felt from that you can grow, become better and more powerful. You will come across many difficulties across your time with Zalzabar. You must always remember. Never give up. The fate of the world is in your hands.” Cretaus intended to let those words sink in and resonate within himself, there was no way he’d forget it even if he wanted to, but Veritas’ laughter stole his concentration away from that. “Oh dear Audacia, you are always so over dramatic. And forgetful of your manners, you didn’t even introduce who we were.” He just watched quietly as Veritas retrieved the magic orb that now dimmed in his palm and prepared to introduce themselves collectively. “We are the Knights of Illusion, guardians of Zalzabar’s castle. Normally our job is very simple. We kill anyone without an invitation. The master likes his privacy after all.” Cretaus did his best to hide his momentary fidgeting in the snow. Technically speaking, he did not have an invitation. He just…procured one for himself, in a manner of speaking. Then again, Audacia likely saw that in his illusion before, but did nothing…? Or was that not truly Audacia at all then? Illusions hurt his head, he decided. Though he had to admit it would be damn useful if he could do it himself! “This next test, or whatever you want to call it will look at your integrity. Before we looked at your fears, your worst nightmares. This will look at who you are. And yes you will be entering an illusion again.” He nearly groaned. “Do not fret you will not be tortured this time, so no need to break out the illusion. Now we should get a move on we don’t want to keep ole Zalzy waiting for too long.” Ole Zalzy? He could talk of the guy like that? Well, Cretaus supposed he wasn’t around to hear anyway. His attention sharpened once more though when Veritas clapped his hands and the magic orb floated into the air a second time. He could only raise his eyebrow and look about himself as the calm aura washed over him. “Who are you?” ***** And suddenly, Cretaus was back. He was back there. In that space with the magical floating pictures that moved, except the void around him was white now instead of black. Looking about the area, he didn’t notice Veritas accompanying him into the illusion like Audacia had in the last one. So that was new at least. However, there was still a bit of a problem. “So what am I supposed to do this time?” Sighing, he trudged back over to the pictures. Last time he had to watch and reflect. At this point, he assumed he had to watch them a second time, though he wasn’t sure what that would accomplish. They had already done their job, he figured. That was when the pictures all started sliding into one formless mass, now towering over him. Cretaus froze as he stared up at the thing and backed away a couple of steps. Um, what was going on? Test of Integrity, right? And he was no warrior…Looking around frantically, he tried to identify a place to run to or something to fight with. There was nothing. Of course not, this place wasn’t even real. Letting out a small swear, he only stared up at the thing again, watching it as it finally starting shrinking…and shrinking…and shrinking; until it was about the same height as himself and begin to slowly coalesce into a humanoid shape. Cretaus’ expression was one of incredulity. What was this thing? “From one point, to another, and yet to the end,” it suddenly burbled out. The teen could only stare at it, dumbfounded. “Every tale has its beginning, foundational and true…but is yours now a chapter still meanderingly progressing or so swift and sure; have reach-ed its zenith and so comes the so sad, so sorry, so long; but the end?” “What the hell are you?” The thing seemed to finally pause a moment as it took in his words, but instead of answering, it replied: “We know why you are, but now we must know… “Who you are now?” And so it came to be that the humanoid blob suddenly turned into a person. Cretaus’ face hardened instantly. It was that nameless guard from before, when he was five. Rewatching that memory vividly had returned an old hatred for the man he didn’t even know. Cretaus’ hands clenched into fists, the skin paling from the force he exerted into them. “Tell me, Spawn of Sapientis,” he spat with that old derision still as fresh on his tongue as it had been the day he first said the phrase, “Why do you even bother flattering yourself by embarking on this ‘adventure.’” It took him everything he had not to launch himself at the man, but he noted the sword that had been created to be at his side and wasn’t sure if these illusions could still kill him. Also, it was an illusion to begin with. The hatred was there, but he was desperately trying to remind himself that this wasn’t the actual man. He would have aged noticeably for starters! But hatred was a wild, irrational thing and cared for logic not. “To rid myself of filth like you,” he returned vehemently. “So, you journey to gain power to exact vengeance upon all of us who did you wrong?” the man sneered back. “So typical. I guess gutter trash can have childish dreams too, after all. You will never claim revenge, boy. You’ll come back only to be greeted by my blade. It hungers to keep these streets pure, you know.” Cretaus let out a long, angry breath sounding much like steam from a boiling pot; his body shaking from barely restrained rage. His eyes still stared at this bigoted guard, yet his focus was nearly gone. The anger was so much his actual vision was getting blurry. “NO,” he countered. “No?” “I journeyed away from that place, to get away from you people! I had to do something otherwise I’d spend all of my days just being stuck with you! Fading like some ghost. Never again!” The guard took a step closer. It was almost like Cretaus’ rage intensified five-fold with that movement. “Stuck with us? Boy. We felt stuck with you! What use were you? You smelled like goblin waste.” Cretaus growled with the most primal of angers as the man took another step toward him. “You still look like goblin waste.” The man continued forward slowly, undaunted by the ferocity and rising bloodlust radiating outward from the boy. Indeed, it appeared he almost found it amusing. “Your words speak of fantasies and idle hopes too unrealistic for the likes of you,” his eyes glinted as they looked down at the teenager, “A little orphaned runt of goblin waste who has no business even drawing breath.” “S-Stay where you are. Don’t come any closer, you….you sonuva…” “Or what exactly?” came that condescension again, the guard’s lips curling into an even uglier sneer as he was nearly upon Cretaus now, “I’m wearing armor, with a weapon, and have been trained to take care of walking problems like you. What? Are you going to pound on my chest plate with those puny hands?” The guard stood right in front of him now, his acrid breath puffing into the boy’s upturned face. It smelled of Bacco plant and liquor. It nearly made him want to vomit, but he held his ground, blood now trickling down his palms to mark the ground below him in scarlet dots. He felt those red trails pooling down, and red was all he practically saw looking into this man’s face. “Well? I’m sure you’ve got more to say…waste.” Cretaus’ hand shot out, faster than an arrow, faster than he even thought his reflexes were before; the fingers found purchase around the man’s unprotected throat. The armor didn’t cover everything and judging by the man’s expression, he hadn’t thought Cretaus would do anything at all. “I left you. All of you behind. The least you could do is the same. What do you have against me!?” The guard didn’t answer as his senses returned to him, his eyes going cold, his sneer frozen in place, hand hovering over the hilt of his sword. Not that Cretaus noticed that last one, so focused was he on the man’s face and his neck now in his grip. “You dare grab me, but only barely begin to choke? You are weak. And worthless. I thought you were full of conviction, but I guess that’s a fraud. Just like your pathetic excuse of a life.” Cretaus began to squeeze just a little harder, his whole body shaking. Somehow the guard seemed unfazed, though the marks from his fingers were showing upon his skin. “Yeah, go on. Show me. Why don’t you just get your revenge, hm? I dare you. Squeeze the life out of me, you little cur, just try.” They stood that way for a seemingly long time, a boy with his hand around a man’s neck. The man with his hand on the hilt of his sword, the blade slowly and noiselessly making its way out of the sheath. And then… Cretaus dropped his hand, the blood from where his fingernails bit into his palms leaving a small smear of red around the guard’s neck. “Because…” he replied, his anger still very much there but his voice dropping to a deadly whisper. “Because?” echoed the guard, blade now halfway out of its sheath and ready to slash the teen in half with one stroke. Cretaus rubbed an arm across his face, trying to restore clarity to himself and keep his arm busy from doing anything else. “You’re just not worth it.” The guard froze. His eyes were almost comically wide as he stared at the teenager in front of him. His whole face betrayed the fact that he was having trouble registering that this garbage had just said that to him. “I have other things I could be doing,” Cretaus continued, “Better things. Like actually have a life. See the world. Learn some stuff.” The boy dropped his gaze, giving a lethal opening to the person before him. “I don’t know. I don’t even know what other things there are out there! I could be someone helpful! Or maybe strike it rich and actually assist those who aren’t. Or become strong, maybe, and I don’t know…protect people. Even no-good asses like yourself!” He glared back up and ahead of him. “At the end of the day, you’re nothing but a thorn. A misguided, disgusting memory. And from here on out, like I said before, I’m choosing my path, not your scorn.” Cretaus blinked. The guard was gone. Not just from in front of him, but anywhere. He was just…gone. He gave a small, humorless laugh. Oh, right. He had forgotten for a moment. Illusions. Sighing, he just stared above at the white sky that matched the white everywhere else in this place of pretend. He was choosing his path now, yes. Cretaus didn’t know if he was a good person yet, or if maybe he would become another bad one…he sincerely hoped not. All he knew was that it was his own decision from now on. “Wherever that may lead me…” he whispered to no one in particular, barely registering the fact that he was once more on the mountain. The silence of the white around him, now the snow rather than a void, remained the same. Tag: Everyone @Shadowsun @The Jedi in the Pumas @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var @Kurisan @Ktala @galactic-vagabond422 @Mitth_Fisto
IC: Ne'tar Trial of Integrity Ne'tar stood there, feeling the real tears upon his cheeks as the others all faced the knight. Big Showy one seemed most perturbed, but little not-gnome seemed the most improved. Good on little thing! Only Ne'tar not so sure of self at end of all, Ne'tar felt like he had eaten bad 'Shrooms again. The new Knight in Yellow came and talked of new test, better test for it allowed magic back! Yippee. Now if Ne'tar knew some he might of felt better, only Ne'tar not really know much. Shaman charge too much, and Ne'tar not made of money before he left village. Maybe after this Ne'tar go back, learn a spell? Already had money, but Ne'tar not do what he left for yet. What good go back to learn when hadn't learned or seen what left for? Well!?! Ne'tar no know answer either. Very troubling. Sighing he ignored the bickering Knights and their words of death and illusions. Those two like old married couple, actually Ne'tar not know. Ne'tar no judge! Looking away Ne'tar looked at the snowy plains until suddenly everything was white, Ne'tar pretty sure no blizzard came, and Ne'tar no float before. . .although floating was pretty comfortable. Ne'tar could just relax. Ne'tar supported everywhere by floating! Ne'tar need learn this! Best bed ever! Just as Ne'tar was about to fall asleep and hopefully cure that little tired Ne'tar felt when he arrived - silly new Yellow Knight had to ask who he was. Did Ne'tar forget? Yes, Ne'tar forgot. Very embarressing. "I'm Ne'tar, sorry, Ne'tar forgot new Yellow Knights name!" he shouted as he felt himself being flung away. Until images came again. He was a child. There was Mother! He was suckling so hard! "Momma always say, 'Ne'tar. You good eater. No fussy over what I give.' Always so. Best quality in child after obedient." he stated with a firm nod as views of him at the dinner table and other places danced forward. He never complained if dinner burnt, if breakfast under-cooked Philacha liver, or if have same thing five days in row and two days with obvious stall crud to eat. Ne'tar was proud of Mother, with no Father she had to be everything! Ne'tar then saw the terrible dance of childhood. Picked on by other kids. Line down back of hut row to fight Ne'tar. Ne'tar so little, but as it did terrible dance Ne'tar got stronger. Never told Mother what was happening, how other children, boy and girls beat him up, just say 'clumsy' or 'played in stalls of large lizard mounts'. One day Ne'tar not come home beat up, Ne'tar last long enough rest of line gave up! Went to other games! Ne'tar even got picked on kick the skull team. First round! Ne'tar finally Orc, no longer seen as half. Ne'tar still felt half though. Story not end though it kept jumping back and forths. For as dumb Ryujin raided desert as Orc raided Orc and Humans within - this not conclude yet. Ne'tar then saw a memory he want to leave. Memory played anyway. Ne'tar so happy, Ne'tar got job to clean lizard mount stables, get pay and sword lessons! Momma no longer be only one bringing meat to table! As Ne'tar may be able, but not as good hunter as Momma. She taught him many times, took on many hunts. She was out, so to celebrate and give Momma big feast Ne'tar got spear and human sword with odd letters and went out to hunt Philacha. Good food and sell plates to other Orcs to buy Momma gift. He hunt for two days, track beast. There it was. Just as then by the sparse grass on rough earth. Two were there, but Ne'tar knew which would run and Ne'tar made pit. Hard work take all day. Philacha happy no go away, he happy too when scared them and one ran into pit. As one crawled out Ne'tar gave killing stabs, other stamp but soon leave and Ne'tar clean kill. Drag back good bits on largest plate as sled across desert. Leave no use bits for Kurrukh so they let him leave no issue. Too busy enjoying easy meal to care Ne'tar take plate covered sled with good food hidden inside. Momma taught Ne'tar trick, worked good! Ne'tar no want what came next though. Ne'tar struggled, but floating and no magic big lessons he had no way. Ne'tar trapped as memory jumped. Ne'tar saw self punch bad news Orc flat. They say Momma survived raid on humans, but they scatter after. Then they no lead humans back. Orc smart. Only Momma's group no have mounts nor carry much loot, stopped to hunt Philacha. Had same idea as Ne'tar! Only they say Momma taken by Kurrukh before they succeed in hunt, despite numbers meaning they hunt without traps as Ne'tar had. Kurrukh no wait for 'soft mommas' gift, Kurrukh pack took Momma they said. Ne'tar saw fire on armor, saw scratches from battle. Ne'tar had first fit that day. Hurt every returning Orc that had been with Momma that day, for they failed her. He failed her. Ne'tar lucky in little dragon form Ne'tar no kill them. Ne'tar felt that most of all when realized what fit meant. Ne'tar poppa dragon mix breed! He Ryujin, likely. Explain how one not Orc ever impress Momma. Still, Ne'tar strongest now in village, only want to clean pens until traders came. Ne'tar know some call him 'giant lizard mount boy', never to face, but he heard. What good is strength and changing as Ne'tar did if he not use it not to get for village? Ne'tar not for as he had no control it, and what if Ne'tar had gone with Momma? Ne'tar could of saved Momma with fit. Then there was flickering candle. Ne'tar see bad memory pass, but Ne'tar face yet wet. Ne'tar not sure if ever believe story of Orcs. Not sure if ever could believe anything. Ne'tar heard merchants outside, after he hide after a fit as they leave desert Xan. One talk of them selling Ne'tar to Black Market. One say too risky, drain Orc of blood and just sell that on market. Other talk of sell Ne'tar to a King that wants Ryujin, no know why but coin good he say. Easier trick stupid Orc if take to city and get guards at night. Others sound like agree with laughing as they drink around campfire, thinking silly stupid Orc hide in woods. Silly stupid killed them all that night. Took stuff and sold in small village what he no keep. Travel ever since. Memories should end. Yes? TAG: Everyone @Shadowsun @The Jedi in the Pumas @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var @Kurisan @Ktala @galactic-vagabond422 @Darth_Elu
Esenma -Integrity, Who Are You? "Who am I?" Esenma chuckled and felt the wind rushing past her. The jolting forward through space and time. She closed her eyes as the magical energy rose around her. It smelled of...fresh snow in the warm sun and... Newborn Derius' hair as she washed it for the first time and... The breath of the former King of the North rolling over her lips and skin and... The burning away of Nezzarellium's skin the first time he transformed into the serpent... She raised a hand without opening her eyes. The memories over her lifetime did not need to be seen for them to be recognized. Touch and smell. Her fingertips tingled with... The smoothness of Nezzarellium and Derius' hands as she led them to her school and... The rolling winds and clouds of a sky torn asunder by the eruption of her Elder Dragon Form and... Lightning and blood beneath her claws... "That's quite simple, Veritas." She responded quietly as the air around her pulsed and she could feel the jolt of wind returning in the opposite direction. She returned to the bridge shortly after, eyes still closed until she felt herself settled back from whence she came. "I have been many things over my life. A mother, a protector, a deviant, a teacher, a Keeper for a King, a mistress....But these are just titles, dear. Even my name, Esenma, is just a title, like the Daughter of Caelum or Ryujin as a mere race. Who am I?" She chuckled quietly and folded her arms across her chest confidently. "I am here, for now, and in the future I will be elsewhere. And when the final page of my life is turned, I will be what those who remain remember me as. Nothing more and nothing less, my dear." Tag: All
Kaynus Allbright Engulfed in Light Who are you? you... you... you... you... The words echoed in Kaynus' ears over and over. Bouncing around inside his brain as a blinding white light overtook his vision. He felt his feet lift on the ground, and he began to float midair, bobbing around like a buoy in the water, surrounded by the brightest white light. The was suddenly a sound, which sounded as though someone was taking a deep breath in, but it was deafening. It grew louder and louder, pounding at Kaynus' eardrums until he couldn't take it anymore. He screamed and then... Silence. A black dot appeared ahead of him, growing larger and larger until the two colours were swept up together. A blade appeared from above, stirring the white and black together rapidly. Kaynus was swept along with the growing whirlpool. He spun round in circles faster and faster, until the white burst into thousands and thousands of stars, throwing themselves across the black canvas, creating infinite space. Who are you, Kaynus Allbright? "...Me?" He was able to stand. There was no solid ground beneath him, but somehow he was able to stand. He stepped forward, and as he planted his foot down it sent out ripples across the stars, like raindrops falling into a puddle. He felt so calm. Everything was understood, and yet nothing was. "I am Kaynus Allbright." he spoke aloud into the stars. But who is Kaynus Allbright? the voice echoed out in reply. Kaynus stood there a moment in thought. "I suppose I am the Dragon of the Stars. Nothing more, nothing less." But did you not call yourself heir to the Gods? Heir to the Gods..? Kaynus shook his head, as a sharp pain was felt beneath his skull. "Argh... No... Wait..." The stars disappeared, along with the blackness, and Kaynus was in a clearing in a forest. A man stood before him, a small smirk on his face. "You again..." Kaynus said aloud in realization. He did not feel angry, nor confused. He simply felt impartial. "Me again." the man before him said. "You've got a long path ahead of you, Kaynus Allbright." Kaynus sat down on a nearby moss-covered boulder. The man sat opposite him on a similar object. "I never got to know who you were." Kaynus asked the man. "In time, you will. But first, you must learn patience. Swallow that lion's pride of yours." the man lectured. Kaynus shrugged. "It's not you, Kaynus. Look at you now. This is the integrity test. It's who you are." Kaynus stopped his thought and listened. A loud rumbling could be heard from further in the forest. He turned, and saw a great beast rise from the trees. "That Dragon consumes you, Kaynus. Without it, you are nothing. Learn to control it. You're keeping all your eggs in one basket..." the man said, shaking his head. Kaynus shook his head again. He's tricking you, Kaynus. Kaynus turned again, and placed the growling voice in his head. Another... thing... had appeared behind him. He wants you to subdue your power! He wants you to become weak. Kaynus nodded slowly, before the man hissed out. "Listen to that beast, and you will destroy yourself. You are consumed by chaos, Kaynus. Learn to control it, and you will be powerful and in control. Lose control, and you become the beast." The man repeated an earlier sentence, which now seemed so long ago. "You have two paths ahead of you, Kaynus Allbright. Choose wisely." Tag: @Shadowsun, everyone else
The Knight of Power Part One Again slowly each adventurer came out of their illusions. Veritas nodded with approval as each one did, seemingly pleased with the results he had seen. "Very good, very good indeed" Veritas turned to Audacia, patting him on the back. "Well my dear Audacia seems they only have one 'test' left...oh I do prefer the term evaluation it makes far more sense" Audacia sighed in response, used to the unending speech that Veritas spewed forth. "We've discussed this Veritas, 'evaluation of courage' doesn't quite have the same ring to it as 'test of courage' or 'test of integrity'. Besides we are wasting their timing and the master's" Audacia motioned for the final knight as he said the final line. The knight wandered on over from the bridge. "Ah we wouldn't want to keep ole Zalzy waiting" Veritas seemingly chuckled as the said this, knowing it annoyed Audacia. "Silence Veritas!" The curt and blunt response came from the final knight. Veritas promptly closed his mouth muttering a 'yes sir' His features obscured in his large cowl, a thin sword stuck to his side. His large yellow cape, flowing to either side of him in a majestic manner. The two other knights stood at attention, turning to face toward each other, allowing the last yellow knight to walk through. "I am Dominus, Leader of the Knights of Illusion and the Knight of Power" "The last few 'tests' were not that. The only real test you have had thus far was getting to this place of nowhere. Those last two were to merely understand you better for the master" Dominus' tone was not harsh and cold like Audacia but not warm and bubbly like Veritas. It was a middle ground, projecting authority and power. He began to walk to the group, surveying them all, he looked to Ensema first, gazing into her majestic eyes. "Lady Ensema, it is pleasant to see you again, I'm afraid you still need to undergo these tests, our apologies for inconveniencing an elder Ryujin and friend of Zalzabar." Dominus nodded his head in a bow as he said this. He turned back to the rest of the group surveying them. He inspected each of them, nodding as he inspected the three adept ryujin. He turned toward the wood elf, surveying her for a moment longer before nodding once more. "Good, very good you all seem very capable" He spoke as he viewed the half orc and the mercenary. Finally he turned to Cretaus. Two red dots appeared to lit up in the darkness underneath his hood. He marched over to Cretaus, grabbing him by the collar. "I know you two are soft, but really this human boy? I doubt he could even hold a sword." He turned his head slightly as he said this, speaking to the other two knights. The contempt in his voice clear. Surprisingly it was Audacia who came to Cretaus' aid "Sir! Let the boy go, he showed great promise during my test, he has potential despite his...appearance" Dominus snarled as he threw the boy back to the ground. "Well regardless you will all be tested the same." He marched back over to the other two knights, and turned back to face the eight gathered. He snapped his fingers and eight copies of himself shifted out from him standing by him, four on each side. Then he made a motion with his hands, moving them upward and then to the side, as if spreading apart sand. The snowy platform they all stood on began to shift, growing larger. Each of the clones flew across the snow, like wraiths, to one of the eight travelers. "Let's see what you can do" His tone brutal and boomed throughout the area. As he spoke this each clone moved like synchronized swimmers each raising their right hand and motioning toward each person. It was as if they were say show me what you've got. Then the original Dominus spoke again. "We want to know what you are capable of, show us everything you've got, we want to know what Power you wield." His words once again, resonating through the mountain side, a distant rumble could be heard, an avalanche perhaps? Each fake knight stood before them, poised and ready for whatever attack they had in mind. TAG: @Master Vo'Un'Var @galactic-vagabond422 @greyjedi125 @Mitth_Fisto @Ktala @Kurisan @The Jedi in the Pumas @Darth_Elu
Rebecca Dragon Test of Power Rebecca stood in the cold more tears than she'd shed in years freezing on her cheek. She had passed their tests, two of them, now was time for the last. The last knight marched forward the other two showing deference. The Mercenary knew of command structures and telling who was in command. This knight exuded it, authority. When he spoke, her shoulders straightened just a little. This knight commanded respect, with just his voice. Rebecca looked right back at the figure as it appraised her. When the red eyes lit up she stood to the side letting the armored knight lift the boy off his feet. She made no move to intervene. There would be little dissension from the warrior. The boy could likely barely wield a blade, could barely defend himself. It wasn't an issue for her, she was not his minder, she'd done enough escort quests to know when it was her problem. It wasn't. If the boy survived than he had heart and he could learn on his own. If he didn't then he wasn't strong enough and wouldn't have been able to handle the rigors of this life. It was cut and dry, some people just weren't made for this work. Though she wouldn't pass judgment, she would wait to see. A smile grew on her lips as she watched eight figures appear before her, one of them lining up with her. Finally a test she could face without fear, a test made for her. Her knight challenged her and she obliged. Rushing across the snow and bringing her blade down in a fast hard overhead chop. It was easily blocked but, she quickly pulled the blade back into a thrust aimed at the knight's chest. Again it was parried, and again she didn't stop, with a quick flick of the blade she turned it in a circle over her head and bright it back down in a chop at the left shoulder of the knight. The sequence continued, Rebecca never stopping moving in, never stopping her onslaught. The sound of steel hitting steel reverberated through the mountains. With his strike the vibrations flowed from her sword and into her heart. That fire in her chest was burning hotter and hotter. The smile grew even broader. The knight took a step back thrusting his blade forward, Rebecca knocked it violently to the side, but was not swinging wildly. For all the power she had, it was very controlled. Her arms never seemed to become crossed, she never seemed to leave herself open for counter attack. It showed signs of training, of years of education in the blade. Her style, known to those that cared, as the Flower of Battle, a South Osatian style. As she brought her blade back the pommel over her shoulder, the point of her blade directed at her opponent, a perfect stance of the window, she thrust it forward. Rightfully it was parried down which she turned her wrist again carrying the momentum into another slash at the shoulder dropping into the stance of the middle iron door, the pommel at her hip, and blade angled down. It was a moment the knight thrust once again, and again she knocked it away and brought a downward slash at his knee. He slid his leg out of harm's way and lunged in another thrust that did strike her, finding a gap in the armor and piercing through her shoulder, the shining blade protruded out the other side of her body stained red with her blood. There was no shout of pain or anguish, only laughter. Pain, real pain, a cold blade put through her shoulder only made her giggle. Still laughing she stepped into him, pushing herself further onto the sword sticking out of her shoulder. Her voice echoed through the mountains, her eyes burning with a fire now unrestrained. Grinning through unimaginable pain she halfsworded, wrapping her gauntlet around her blade and driving it down with both hands towards the Knight of Power's knee again. He rightly blocked the attack, but it was a trick. With his blade pressed against her gauntlet, she loosened her grip on the blade letting the point slide right in behind his knee. Using the sword as a lever she pressed her blade against the back of his knee forcing the great knight to kneel before she pulled hard, taking the knee out completely. With lightning speed she brought her blade up and then down in a quick thrust that slammed the pommel of her sword into the face, or where the face should be, of her opponent. With the knight dazed she let go of the sharpened blade with her off hand and drove her point into the gap in the armor at the base of the neck. Blood spurt out of the wound and up her blade. Pulling her blade out more blood flowed, her laughter reaching a fever pitch as she wiped her hand over her bloodied blade and covered her face in the still warm gore. All at once her breath left her chest, her soul felt as though it was about to leave her body and her knees felt just a little weak. The flame in her heart, that had been burning away inside her cooled, her breaths were deep, ones of relief. Her laughter trailed off and she just had this look in her eyes, a glassy eyed gaze of someone coming down from the greatest feeling in their lives. With her face covered in the clarat of the knight she turned to see if she could fight some more, to feel this relief once again...she needed it. TAG: @Master Vo'Un'Var @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Mitth_Fisto @Ktala @Kurisan @The Jedi in the Pumas @Darth_Elu
[Approved/combo with @Shadowsun ] Taella The Final Challenge Veritas’ spell faded and Taella returned to the mountain path before the bridge. She saw the others there. She felt shaken and abashed by her experiences and kept a little distance. She tried not to look at Delsanra or Anaxagore, or Ne’tar. Though it had been illusion, it had felt all too real to her. She did give a sly glance toward the boy Cretaus, wondering… The hawk alighted next to her with a squawk. She turned to him and frowned. “If you’re planning on hanging around, I suppose I had better give you a name.” He clicked a question with his beak. She shrugged. “It’s what we use to call one another. I’m Taella. How about Gwythen? He was a mighty Elven hero whose horn could rouse bravery in all allies – and instil fear his prey.” The hawk decided he liked that very much, but he asked another question. Taella shook her head. “I will be fine, Gwythen. It’s just that the tests of the knights leave me… tired.” Taella’s attention was seized by the third knight crossing the bridge. The mighty warrior scrutinized them all in turn, and she felt his gaze linger upon her a little longer. Then he went for the boy Cretaus. "I know you two are soft, but really this human boy? I doubt he could even hold a sword." Audacia said, "Sir! Let the boy go, he showed great promise during my test, he has potential despite his...appearance." Taella silently watched this exchange between the knights. She wondered what Cretaus’s challenges could have been, what torment he had suffered. Dominus proceeded to issue his challenge: The Test of Power. He snapped his fingers and mirror images of the same great warrior appeared. The snowy platform they all stood on began to shift beneath their feet, growing larger. Each of the knights flew across the snow, like wraiths, to one of the eight travelers. Taella took a ready stance and exhaled as her knight confronted her. She felt the thrill rush through her body, taking in his great height and strength, the mighty sword and armour. "Let's see what you can do!" his voice boomed. The words seemed to shake the mountains themselves. A distant rumble could be heard, an avalanche perhaps? Taella looked up to witness a massive wall of snow gushing down the mountainside towards her. The scale was impossible. She looked over the edge of the path into the precipice below. The ground shook. She took a deep breath, then leapt. Down, down she tumbled into darkness, the avalanche crashing down above her, until she was consumed and silence replaced the crescendo. Then she found herself in a familiar cave pit. “I have something special for you, Taella of Loreth,” boomed the voice, reverberating from the rock walls. “You have managed to soften the heart of Audacia and infuriate the jovial Knight of Integrity, but I shall not let you compromise me!” Taella felt her panic rise at the familiar surroundings, but this time she was not bound, and she had her Elven dagger and longbow. She could not see the knight, and tried to decide where the echoes of his voice came from. “Here is your freedom, Wood Elf! Do you have the power to take it?” boomed Dominus. She spotted the opening in the far wall, a tunnel entrance. A deeper darkness in the gloom, but there was a pinprick of light at its end. The voice seemed to echo from beyond. From the edges of the cave, almost as if melting from the rocks themselves, creatures appeared. Orcs, goblins, ogres. They crept towards her, cackling. Taella was not about to let herself become surrounded and overwhelmed. She burst into a sprint towards the tunnel entrance. A goblin tried to intercept her. She twirled and gifted him with a slash across the chest. The creature screamed and recoiled and then she was past and into the tunnel. Next she came out upon a wide apron of rock. It was still darkness. She looked up to see she was within a deep cavern. Sheer cliffs climbed up on three sides. The crude voices of more enemies reached her pointed ears and she glanced right. A mob of brutal orcs advanced upon her. Beyond them, the cavern turned and continued. Taella unslung her bow from her shoulders and reached for her quiver. She chose a particular arrow that she had woven from several long, flexible twigs from a sapling. She nocked the missile then let it fly. As soon as it left her bow, the enchanted arrow glowed amber and split into three dozen separate magical darts. The hail of missiles buzzed like hornets before burying themselves into chests, eyes, stomachs. The orcs fell, grunting, wheezing, bleeding. Taella opened her legs into a sprint once more, leaping as dying hands grasped to try and catch her. The cavern narrowed and next it was but a tunnel again. Her elven eyes pierced the gloom as she ran. Always, the voices of enraged goblins and orcs chased her, as if a great horde were gathering in her wake. Taella skidded to a halt. A massive beast blocked her way. There was no way she could vault or twirl past this one; the troll’s bulk filled the tunnel to its height and width. The beast had to hunch to fit in! It stomped toward her, swinging a club as big as a tree trunk. Taella stood her ground and reached for her bow and quiver once more. This time she chose an arrow carved with a thicker shaft, with a tip forged from pure jadestone. She sighted this one more carefully, then released. The arcane bodkin glowed with emerald magic, and slammed into the forehead of the beast. Forged to break through the hardest armour, the bodkin smashed through even the thick skull of the troll. Its eyes closed and it crashed to the floor like a felled tree. Taella scrambled up and over the monster and squeezed through to the open tunnel beyond. Next she came out to a massive underground space, much like the mountain pass that led to Zalzabar’s castle, but the sky above was encased with dark rock and the precipice below led to bottomless blackness. A bridge carved of stone here, too, connected each side of the steep valley sides. Taella spotted the light at the far end of the bridge. And Dominus waited at the centre of the bridge. Her face set in a scowl of determination, Taella advanced onto the bridge. Dominus took up his broadsword and greatshield and faced her. The elf plucked an amber hail arrow and nocked it in an instant. She fired and the swarm of arrows buzzed toward Dominus. The knight raised his greatshield and a golden glow seemed to exude from its edges. Not one missile could break through its protection. Taella frowned then reached for the jade lance. She walked slowly now, not eager to close the distance between them, and sighted carefully. She released the missile and it surged towards the knight’s helm. Again his shield blocked its path and the arrow clattered away harmlessly. The shield; it is enchanted dragonscale, realised Taella. They came face to face. She looked back over her shoulder and saw a massive horde of goblins, orcs, ogres and trolls had gathered at the end of the bridge from which she had arrived. There was no going back that way. Taella shouldered her bow and took out her longdagger. She surveyed the knight. His stature had grown to twice her height. She settled her stance and studied the armour. “Enough of this procrastination!” yelled Dominus and he charged. The broadsword whistled horizontally and Taella rolled under the mighty blow. She came up on one knee then slashed at his flank. Her blade was turned by the armour. Dominus grunted and swivelled for another swing. Taella sprang to her feet and leapt back. She could not avoid the broadsword’s diagonal chop but brought her own weapon up to parry. She barely diverted the powerful blow and the impact jolted up her arms. She staggered back a step and Dominus followed up with a reverse swing. Again Taella could only divert the strike – there was too much weight and power behind it. She fell backwards. Dominus rained down an overhead strike but she rolled on the ground and it struck the rock bridge with a clang. Taella sprang to her feet and the dance continued. The pattern became predictable. She was quicker and more nimble than the knight, but could not defeat his armour. And the punishing return strikes from the broadsword physically threw her backwards each time. A muscular arm encircled her waist from behind. “Got her!” yelled a triumphant orc, to a whoop of victory from the horde. He began dragging her back to the mob. Taella twisted desperately and jerked back her elbow into his face. She heard the crack of bone as it caught his hooked nose. The orc howled and dropped her. Taella glanced behind. The knight had forced her back to within ten paces of them. The baying mob seemed to be waiting for his order, at the mouth of the bridge. Her temporary captor now crept back to his mates holding his face. Taella looked back to the knight. She could not defeat him, and the confines of the bridge width made it impossible to outmaneuver. She looked over the edge and the thought came to her. Why be confined? She leapt off the edge of the bridge, to a roar of furious incredulity from the knight. As she plummeted into the bottomless chasm below, she twisted and pulled her bow once more. Then she plucked an arrow embroidered with silvery strands. As she fired the arrow it trailed a silver gossamer line behind it, and Taella grabbed hold of this. The arrow struck near the centre of the bridge underside, locking tight into a crevice. Taella now had a silver rope on which to swing, and her downward momentum turned upwards. She swung toward the far end of the bridge, and the light beyond. A new roar reached her ears and she looked back to Dominus. He was no longer Dominus. Taella gasped. Before her eyes, the knight transformed into a massive, powerful, golden-scaled dragon. He is Ryujin! The dragon opened mighty wings and launched from the bridge down toward her. It opened massive jaws. A geyser of golden flames chased her through the darkness. The fire engulfed her gossamer rope and the silvery line perished. Taella plummeted once more. The dragon folded its wings and dived after her. Its bursts of fiery breath lit up the darkness and Taella saw the chasm narrowing below, walls of rock on each side. The dragon grabbed for her, once, twice, but she used the sides of the chasm to push off and control her descent, avoiding its clutches. Down, down they went. The howling wind of the fall in her ears, Taella reached again for a silver gossamer arrow. She fired and it struck true into a crevice so she could arrest her momentum and swing safely to a perch on the side of the chasm. The dragon opened its wings and similarly halted its dive. With mighty beats to hold it steady, the dragon – Dominus – regarded her. Taella looked down. They had almost reached the floor of the chasm. Stony banks were either side of a deep underground river that had cut its way beneath the mountains for eternity. She could no longer see the light above. The dragon attacked, opening its jaws and exhaling a fiery howl. Taella let go her perch and dropped to the riverbank below. She turned and tried a jade lance arrow; it ricocheted from its scales. The dragon chased her and reached with its claws. She scrambled away then turned and let fly an amber hail. Though several stuck in its belly, the darts hardly troubled the dragon as little more than stings. Taella became desperate. I cannot defeat him as a knight, let alone as a dragon! Then she saw something in the water. She had thought it a reflection at first, but as the fire dimmed from the dragon’s latest attack, it lingered. A silvery light under the water. She looked at the end of the chasm. The rock wall had closed again over the water, it continued deeper underground. Maybe there was the way out? The dragon stomped toward her, seething, smoke pouring from its nostrils. Taella shouldered her bow and dived into the icy river. She kicked down and turned. She found the source of the light. It seemed to be a crack in the wall of rocks. She felt the pull of the current. Yes, the river was flowing out through that crack! She swam toward it. A surge in the waters around her and Taella turned. The dragon had dived in after her. Its fire was no use here, but it could swim well and it powered toward her. Taella kicked for her life, propelling herself toward the crack. As she neared it, she became aware there was a tunnel leading to it, bored through the rock by the passing of eons, cone-shaped with the crack at the narrow end. She swam through the tunnel. She dared not pause to check how close the dragon was behind her. She reached the crack. She could see clearly the light beyond, it was like sunlight filtering from above into the water! But the gap was smaller than she had realized from a distance. It would be a squeeze even for her. Her lungs were beginning to burn. Soon she would need to breathe. A claw scraped her back. Taella turned in horror. The dragon was right behind her. It reached again but could not quite catch her. The narrowing underwater tunnel prevented its bulk from getting to her. Her eyes widened as it struggled and wriggled, forcing itself deeper toward her. She turned and tried to force herself through the crack. The edges of the rock pinched her like great teeth. The flow of water slowed and she realized the dragon was blocking the river as it similarly forced itself deeper into the tunnel in its efforts to grab her. Her lungs burned. Breathe! came nature’s command. She took off her weapons and slipped through the crack, wriggling little by little, first her head and shoulders, then her waist. Finally she was through and kicked up towards the light. Breathe! her lungs were on fire. Her head broke the surface and she sucked in great gasps of beautiful clean air. There was no sign of the dragon. She had made it! Exhausted, she paddled across to a side and dragged herself up the shallow incline onto a grassy bank. There she lay, panting, looking up at the sky. She sat up. This place was like a peaceful forest glade, with trees and ferns and the sparkling river. Then Dominus was there, looking down upon her. He was a knight again, his face unreadable behind the visor. Veritas and Audacia flanked him, one on each side, and they appeared sombre. Taella started with alarm, reaching for her weapons once more. Dominus opened a hand. “The test is finished,” he announced. Taella was almost afraid to ask. “And... did I pass?” Dominus looked first to Audacia then Veritas. He returned his gaze to the elf. “We believe self-reflection can be of value at times. Why don’t you tell me?” Taella sighed. “I could not defeat you as a knight, let alone a dragon.” “And yet, here we are,” Dominus gestured around the glade. “My challenge to you was to claim your freedom, was it not?” Taella looked at the knight, understanding dawning. “I found another way…” “Correct,” said Dominus. “Taella, you are not a mighty warrior like Rebecca or Ne’tar. Nor are you a mage, nor can you claim the potency of a Ryujin. Your power is in your cunning and your fieldcraft. Your magic is in the arrows you create. Your skill is the ability to always find a way.” Taella grinned. “You mean… ?” “Yes,” said Dominus. “The expedition will need a pathfinder. You have proven your courage, your integrity, and now your power. Zalzabar is looking forward to meeting you…” TAG: everyone
An adventurous combo with the Great Dragon himself, @Shadowsun *********************************************************** IC: Anaxagore Test of Power Steely grey eyes took the measure of the Knight of Power, Dominus. Anaxagore had objected to the Knight’s judgement of the Nameless Boy, but was pleased that Knight Audacia had come to his aid before he could voice his opinion. Dominus had contradicted himself, perhaps unknowingly, as he stated that getting to Zalzabar’s Castle was a test unto itself- therefore, it was a worthy testament of everyone who made it. Everyone from and Elder Ryujin to a mere human boy. This was why Anaxagore knew to remain ever cautious and every vigilant: Power had the tendency to make one ‘blind’. It was with these things in mind that he took measured steps towards the one who he now faced; the one who's visage was hidden inside a raised cowl, his form covered in armor, wore a large yellow cape and a long sword. Anaxagore could even smell magic pouring from the Knight. Dominus. “You wish to see what I can do?” The dark haired ryujin inquired, though it was more of a statement. “You wish me to display my willingness to defend Regnum from the Cataclysm Sapientis will bring? To show it off like some cheap bauble?” Anaxagore’s expression darkened, as he set his feet apart, adopting a balanced stance, his hands and arms were loose at his side, his blades just inches from his fingertips. “Become my enemy and I will gladly show you what I would do.” His tone left no room for misinterpretation. He was ready. The clone of Dominus remained stern and harsh upon Anaxagore's retort. In his tone could be heard an almost mocking tone. "Perhaps you do not understand Anaxagore...power is the only thing that can stop Sapientis. Power is what separates the kings from peasants, it is the great arbiter of world. Determining what is just and what is evil. I am not your enemy...but I am your opponent." Upon the word 'opponent' Dominus unsheathed his sword, bringing upward and clasping it with both hands. A red aura began to formulate around him, Anaxagore would be able to tell he was enhancing his strength, making him many times stronger than a human male. He then charged forward, bringing the sword swinging to Anaxagore's left side. As he charged forward the snow turned to ice underneath his feet, rushed forward creating a platform of ice that Anaxagore was standing on, making his position less stable. Seeing Dominus enhance his own strength, Anaxagore took both his curved blades and released a fierce warrior’s yell. He was immediately enveloped by a purple aura, which increased his Strength, Dexterity and Stamina to his Dragon form equivalent. His two swords came together and were also enveloped in purple fire, which caused them to grow and combine into a single great sword. As Dominus charged forward, Anaxagore continued to yell, the fire around him darkening and hardening into dark armor. The now armored ryujin stabbed the ice and released a pulse of energy that would destroy the surrounding ground, creating an unstable platform for both himself and Dominus. However, Anaxagore would have no trouble, as his enhanced dexterity easily compensated for any irregularity. The same would be true for Dominus only ‘if’ the Knight had done the same. At the moment the Knight of Power reached striking range, Anaxagore did a full spin and performed a torquing swing upward, fully intending to parry or disarm his opponent’s left sided attack, while his weapon continued unimpeded, slicing at his open’s shoulder or neck, and placing him in a position where he could not easily block the strike. Anaxagore parried the left sided attack from Dominus, his own attack slicing into Dominus shoulder. Blood spewed forth, flying into Anaxagore's face. "Excellent seems you are decent with a sword. Let us take this up a notch" Dominus jumped backwards as he said this, the wound quickly healing itself automatically, stitching itself back together with some unknown passive magically ability. "And you made that terrain more difficult for your opponent good, very good. You possess great power Anaxagore...but is it enough to stop Sapientis I wonder." Dominus thrust his sword forward, his movements faster than before as if he was merely testing the ryujin before. Before Anaxagore could even move or react he would feel a small prick in his left shoulder. Dominus snarled "You need to be faster, little ryujin" He swung again with his sword, this time striking toward his right leg. Anaxagore had jumped after Dominus as soon as the Knight took a leap backwards, but Dominus remained just outside striking range as he seemed to heal the wound he’d received - then in between a blink of an eye, there was a strike from the Knight- faster than the ryujin had expected. True to his warrior code, Anaxagore made no sound, but only grimaced once he felt the piercing nick to his shoulder, which drew blood and caused pain, though it did not reduce his combat capability. At least not yet. Anaxagore did wonder if the technique Dominus had used was a ‘phantom strike’, since it had wounded the flesh beneath the armor, without even scratching the imbedded pauldron that covered it. Still, there was a curious dynamic at play which the dark haired ryujin noticed. So, it was tit-for-tat, shoulder for shoulder? Did Dominus’ sphere of influence also extend to that of ‘Retribution’, which Anaxagore had solemnly adopted for himself? That - of course- was a question for another time. Keen grey eyes spied a quick movement, which the ryujin reflexively reacted to with blurring speed. Anaxagore’s weapon trailed ‘after images’ as he swung his great sword, once again, to parry the strike to his leg, then used the impact to rotate in the opposite direction, while charging the counter-strike do deliver a powerful horizontal slash which also shot forth a mighty arc of Darkfire, which was powerful enough to cleave a gash several meters deep into the side of a mountain. As the motion ended, the ryujin landed with a crack of thunder, as he slammed down into the ice, once again destabilizing the ground to keep his enemy from gaining purchase. "You think me foolish enough to think I would face Sapientis alone?" Anaxagore queried aloud, amid the cacophony of cracking ice. Dominus' yes narrowed as Anaxagore parried his strike. His focus redoubling, he eyes moved, as if in slow motion as the strike from Darkfire came to his torso. Dominus the red eyes glinted once more as the strike entered into his side. He then collapsed, his torso and legs disconnected laying on the ice. As Anaxagore landed on the ice he would come to see the two pieces of Dominus strewn across the ground, seemingly lifeless. "I must say Anaxagore, you are beginning to impress me." The head of Dominus continued to speak, as his legs stood up, strands of blood and muscle leapt out from both halves connecting to each other as the torso was launched back. "Indeed, none of us could defeat Sapientis alone. For he commands true power. But tell me young one, you are capable with the sword...but are you capable in the way of the dragon?" The Knight of Power paused, his head tilted as he began to grow in size. A deep thunderous growl could be heard as his cloack transformed into scales, his hood into a head, a gaping maw protruding out of it. Dominus had been concealing before, but now it was clear, he was a ryujin. A mighty raw escaped Dominus lips, the red aura continued to glow even in dragon form, a new hunger formed in his eyes. He wanted blood and he was going to get it. His mouth opened as intense yellow fire shot out of his mouth toward Anaxagore. "Show me! Show me your true power!" He bellowed once more as another jet of yellow fire hurtled its way toward the adept ryujin. Dominus would not be the only one impressed. Anaxogore’s grey eyes peered from behind his helmet as he regarded the Knight of Power knit himself back together after being literally cut in half, then transform into a fearsome brass dragon. The transition was a wonder to behold, since Anaxagore had not seen many other dragon transformations, even for one as well traveled as himself. Anaxagore leapt high into the air, narrowly avoiding the gout of yellow fire as it impacted on the floor where he had been standing. Instantly, he went into a back flip, even as his form shimmered, pulsed and in a flash, he unfurled into his true dragon form, covered in hardened scales of midnight. Anaxagore let out a mighty roar, as dark fire began to engulf him. “I am Anaxagore, follower of ’The Three’, sworn protector of Regnum.” He declared in a loud and mighty voice, his heart of purple bursting with energy. “It is true that Sapientis was met with Power, but it wasn’t Power alone that won that day. ‘The Three’ acted as ‘One’ and rallied a multitude of ‘Champions’ to act as one with them. The secret to defeating Sapientis was UNITY!! Anaxagore opened his maw, which blazed with dark fire, and suddenly a bright purple beam of fury blasted forth. Arcs of lighting coruscated all around the dark dragon as the skies churned with darkened clouds and thunder surrounded him- lightning struck him, bathed him, galvanized him, as the ether itself lent him power. It was both a beautiful and terrifying sight. What indeed could survive such an onslaught- one which could wipe out an entire city from existence. Too bulky to now dodge Anaxagore's attacks Dominus bathed himself in the dark ryujin's dark fire. His scales at first shone brilliantly before charring and flaking off. Dominus raised his head to the heavens letting out a terrible roar as he was stripped of his armor. He then unfurled his wings, propelling himself in the air out of the fire. He then hovered, grimacing above the those gathered. His scales slowly forming back into place and then in time it was as if he had never been damaged whatsoever. He spun in a dive, falling into Anaxagore as he clawed into the adept ryujin's chest, the pain would be intense. He then open his maw, as if to bite off Anaxagore's head. "Perhap's Anaxagore it was unity, but it was unity of the three most powerful beings, not low life, worthless ryujin." Another torment of yellow fire released itself from Dominus mouth, bathing Anaxagore's neck in brass fire. Dominus was faster than anticipated once he was airborne. Anaxagore attempted to dodge the brass dragon, but was caught by the mighty dive and slammed down painfully against the icy ground, powerful claws pierced his scaled chest, sending lances of pain into him. Anaxagore's initial shove did not even budge the Mighty Dominus who exploited his leverage and position of advantage, speaking his words of condescension. "Then you must be a worthless low life ryujin as well...." The adept managed to retort before his face and neck were assaulted with brass fire, which burned off his armored layer and sizzled the flesh underneath. Young Anaxagore roared at the pain inflicted by the assault, but was hardly dissuaded by it. Unlike Dominus, Anaxagore's healing ability was already 'compromised' as it held back the lethal poison that turned his dark silver scales black. His ryujin blood inherently enhances magical effects, therefore, the magical poison that was supposed to debilitate him became fatal, causing a change in the appearance of his dragon form. Conversely, healing potions would have greater effects, but his own regenerative abilities were taxed, as they kept him alive and prevented him from succumbing to the lethal poison that coursed through him. Even with his skin still smoking, Anaxagore looked up, the seared flesh on his neck exposed, his face ruined, yet it was hard to tell if he was grimacing or grinning. "If I fail, it's not for lack of trying- I don't give up, just because my foe seems unassailable." In a blink, Anaxagore reverted to human size and slipped through Dominu's claws, while bounding to one side. Immediately, he summoned his dark fire armor and great sword, then leapt high in the air- in that instant, there seemed to be a dozen armored 'Anaxagores', all swinging simultaneously, all with imbued blades, intent on beheading the seemingly 'unassailable' foe. Without a head, Dominus would not be able to regenerate. This principle was true for nearly all living and unliving creatures. Dominus' eyes grew wide confused for a moment as to where the adept ryujin had disappeared. He then felt a thousand cuts slice through his neck. He roared, rolling in an attempt to rid himself of the annoying pest, but to no avail. Anaxagore tore deeper into the brass dragon's neck with every slice, the head coming clean off. The dragon's might head fell to the ground, its mouth opening once more as if to speak, but no sound escaped his lips. The true Dominus strode over to the triumphant Anaxagore, his presence calmer than before. He knelt down by the corpse of the dragon, his hand outstretched as it shifted back into him, after doing so he stood back up and faced the young ryujin. "Consider me impressed. You show great power young one, to see an adept ryujin manipulate the weather..." He paused, looking up as the snow fell on his hood. "I wish you well on your quest." And with that he marched back off to the other two knights, surveying the remaining fights. Anaxagore fell to one knee, his dark armor disappearing in a flash and his great sword reverting to his two scimitars. His breathing was laboured and he was well glad that the encounter was concluded. The young ryujin turned his head, his neck and face were blistered and his hair burnt off in patched by the attack he had suffered, ye still, though he grimaced in a clear of indication of pain from the burns, he did not betray the agony of his wounds. He simply witnessed the brass dragon’s head in near silent reverence. He observed and marveled as Dominus simply re-absorbed his draconic essence and approached him, at which point Anaxagore rose to his feat and saluted with a fist pound to his chest. With a graceful motion, he offered a respectful bow to Dominus, knowing full well that the Knight of Power had not gone ‘all out’ during their encounter, but found his ‘performance’ adequate to the challenge. “Thank you, Dominus, you honor me with you words. I merely drew from the Great Caelum’s blessing.” He said in reference to Dominus mention of the ‘weather.’ ‘For indeed, our Blood Enhances….’ The remembered words echoed inside his mind. No more needed to be said as the Knight of Power moved to join his companions. Following that example, Anaxogore did the same. The dark haired warrior walked near the armored female warrior, Rebecca and offered her a solid nod. She seemed more ‘herself’ after this test than the last one. His steps then took him to the female elf. “Suilon, Taella…” Anaxagore greeted in elvish. “ I hope I said that correctly." The young ryujin spoke with his characteristic charm despite the blistered ruin that dominated his face and neck. “I’m sorry to trouble you, but do you know any healing spells, or have any healing agents in your possession? I’d gladly trade you if you do.” He intoned in a hopeful tone. “I’m Anaxagore, by the way. Looks like the Great Zalzabar has one grand adventure planned for us.” As he waited for the lovely elf to answer, the adept ryujin spared a glance to see how the others were fairing. Tag: @Kurisan, @galactic-vagabond422, @Shadowsun *( @Darth_Elu for story purposes )