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Fantasy CLOSED The Saga of the Ryujin

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Shadowsun, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Delsanra Taenya Helestina
    Zalzabar's Dinning Room, How Rude!

    Zalzabar was smiling, waiting for responses from the others when suddenly there was an intense feeling that made Delsanra's eyes opened wide. Her magical enchatments warmed against her skin. The twin doors suddenly broke into thick flames that turned the doors to ask. Even as Delsanra was standing, grabbing her cloak, two people, male and female entered. If they broke past Zalzabar's enchantments, they had to be powerful indeed. As she moved towards Zalzabar, the other end of the room crashed, as a gaping mouth shown wide. A ryujin perhaps? The man was huge. over 7 feet. All the intruders were drappped in red. when he spoke, the bloodlust was there.

    The demon ryujin let out another blood-curdling screech, it brought those at the table to their knees, a strong desire to clasp their hands over their ears overcoming them all, preventing them from reacting to Roger's or the unnamed female Crimson Knight's initially movements.
    The giant man moved to slice Creatus in two, but by the time the blade fell, the boy was no longer there, having been teleported. He was now near VeritasHe then moved to attack Rebecca.The female then teleported, and Delsanra swore softly as she moved her back against the wall.

    The crazy female appeared behind Audacia, killing him. Zalzabar winced still shocked at the attack within his own walls. Then suddenly, Zalzabar let out a yell, arching his body to unleash a large bolt of lightning towards the red ryujin. Lightning crackled around him in a seemingly random display. The screech of the ryujin stopped as lightning pierced into it creating several large burn marks into it, lightning coursing throughout its body. He continued this barrage as he yelled to Esenma.

    "Esenma, Veritas! Hold off the other two! Everyone else exit through the door behind me!"

    Delsanra knew that not all would head his words. As a matter of fact, the orc, who had been blown against the wall, was already moving in the wrong direction. Anaxagore was in full blown attack mode, having split himself into 3 clones.

    The third clone vaulted over the table, smoothly landing next to Veritas and Cretaus, even as it looked to Taella, Ne’tar and Delsanra, its armored head swiveling to see if there were any other dangers unaccounted for, its flame imbued Dark Sword held in a guarding position.

    “To the exit.” He declared in no uncertain terms. “I will guard the rear.” Delsanra had begun to cast a spell, holding it, unless she truly needed it. While she would rather fight, the fact that it was Zalzabar's home, she had no knowledge of the other enchantments around her, and that any spell she could cast at the moment, could possibly hurt the others, she held her spell at the ready. Instead, she waved towards the young man Creatus to hurry and join them.
    Hopefully, the exit would lead to someplace either of refuge or escape.

    Sadly to wait until the last moment could cause the area to become a kill zone. She waited, just long enough to see that Creatus was following, and any others before she turned and headed for the exit.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422, @Shadowsun, @greyjedi125, @Darth_Elu, @Kurisan, @Mitth_Fisto, @The Jedi in the Pumas
  2. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Rebecca Dragon
    Time to fight

    Rebecca's blood was burning, the flames in her blood were growing stronger the longer she waited the more it grew. The pain was managed for now, she could control her blood. She would not lash out at her allies. But she would need to kill soon, something had to die by her hand. Then there was a flare, her blood began to sear her insides, heat began to rise from her armor as a gout of flame engulfed the large doors turning them to ash. In a flash her blade was out and she was in her fighting stance. Laying eyes on the two figures entering she was already in motion, already within striking distance of them when a terrible roar forced her to step back her head ringing, but her blood, her blood still burned inside her. It burned like the sun, it needed to be cooled.

    She recovered just in time to get her blade up to parry the hulking form in red. There was something in his eyes, a blood red color that made her burn hotter. He was distracted by Anaxagore who had multiplied in the blink of an eye. This gave Rebecca time to quickly take advantage of the situation forcing the man to fight three aggressors all at once. Which he seemed to handle with the greatest of ease, but all it took was on slip.

    As the clone was dispatched and the Protector sent sailing across the space it was just the two of them. His size did not scare her, his blood red eyes did not deter her. He was her foe now, she had all rights to kill him. Her blood was an inferno in her body, she could almost feel her skin glowing with the heat.

    He offered his challenge.

    She did not waste breath in answering it with words. She lunged right at him with a quick thrust to his chest that she slyly turned into slash at his leg, picking up a trick from her previous sparring partner.

    She could feel it in her blood, this man was different, but not. Though that mattered little to her as her blood was calling out for blood.

    Calls to retreat, to fall back were quickly lost to her. All she could see was her foe, and how she would cut him down.

    TAG: @Ktala @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Kurisan @Mitth_Fisto @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Darth_Elu, Mitth_Fisto, Ktala and 3 others like this.
  3. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Roger the Red
    Time to die little one....

    He could hear it. The soft thumping of their hearts beating. The blood rushing through their tiny veins. His eyes glistened once more as Rebecca parried his overhead swing, the massive weight bearing down. His arms coursing, veins bulging, his strength enduring. There was something to this girl, something familiar. He growled once more as he brought his arms around again to strike from the left side.

    The Laughing Butcher made her own move, thrusting forward to his chest, deftly he brought his sword round, trying to deflect the strike. Which he would of done so if it was not for the human warrior's quick adjust at the end, coupled with a large bird carcass making a headlong way into Roger's head. She brought he sword down into his leg slicing several inches into it, blood spraying forth.

    Roger let out a cry of pain, jumping back from her as best he could. Blood. It continued to flow down the side of his leg.

    The sweet nectar they both craved, pouring outward on the floor.

    The gash was deep and gnarly but the crimson knight had endured worse. He brought his hand down to his leg, soaking it in the red juices. Roger smeared his face with the red fluid, a look of mixed satisfaction and annoyance present as he did so.

    He brought his sword back up, taking a leap toward Rebecca, bringing his sword down, with his left hand, in a direct path to cleave her head off. At the same time he gripped another dagger with his right, trying to shank the human warrior. His attacks a symphony of destruction. He needed this, he wanted this. His skin seemingly steaming, his eyes bloodshot.

    She had to die.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @Mitth_Fisto @ anyoneelse

    IC: Elizabeth the Fire Witch

    Silly Orc

    Elizabeth was too distracted trying to find Esenma to notice the pudding bowl make a headlong way towards her. Landing squarely in the back of her head, she slowly turned to find the perpetrator. Her eyes locked with Ne'tars a deep annoyance present within them.

    "You would throw food at a ladies head? How dare you!" She gave another cackle as she snapped her fingers, a small fireball forming above her palm. She brought her two hands together, the fire ball growing smaller, hotter, whiter, denser, increasing in intensity. It hummed, almost as it were singing and then she unleashed it, a red jet of plasma cascading from her fingertips and toward the dining table, instantly igniting the wooden furniture. Those that were still there would have to move or else be enveloped in flame.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu (Kaynus not Cretaus) @Mitth_Fisto @Kurisan @The Jedi in the Pumas (mentioned not at the dining table)
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
  4. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    The Great Hall, Zalzabar’s Castle

    Taella sensed the approach of evil magic too late. Something in the castle walls was dampening her sensitivity, along with her great distance from the forests. Before she knew it, the massive doors to the hall were on fire, and then the red knights appeared.

    The Wood Elf sprang from her seat, her bow instantly in her hands.

    Then the demon dragon crashed through the chimney. Taella glanced up, feeling claustrophobic under the cracking ceiling.

    Zalzabar reacted. "Esenma, Veritas! Hold off the other two! Everyone else exit through the door behind me!"

    Chaos erupted. Lightning blasts and searing flames exploded all around. Mighty blades clashed. The Dragonkin all seemed to multiply into mirror images of themselves. It was difficult to tell what was illusion and what was real. Wind Elementals grew into existence, their vortices further threatening to tear apart the castle from the inside. The booms of magical energies hurling and clashing across the hall were deafening to Taella.

    Something that looked like Anaxagore, but much bigger, clad in dark armour, came close to her and repeated the bellowed order to retreat. Taella glanced to Delsanra. The sorceress had placed her back against the wall, and looked like she was conjuring her own magic defense.

    The Wood Elf regarded the massive wrestling titans around her, unsure whom she could shoot, or what her arrows could achieve.

    Then she remembered Cretaus, the other side of the table. She realized the best good she could do here was to make sure he got out safely. This was a battle between Dragonkin, akin to an earthquake in its scale.

    Taella sprang onto a table and leapt to the other side of the hall, somersaulting to avoid a stray burst of searing flames, then cartwheeling upon landing, to dodge falling masonry.

    She landed beside Cretaus and held out a hand.

    “Come with me!” she said, her chest rising and falling with her efforts and the intense emotion of the moment.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @Shadowsun
    Darth_Elu, Mitth_Fisto, Ktala and 3 others like this.
  5. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Fighting Back

    First blood was hers, his blood stained her blade. Wiping it off with her gauntlet she smeared her own face with it feeling it cool on her face. Though it took longer than normal, as if his blood was heated beyond that of a mortal being. But she had proven he could be hurt that he could be injured. As he lunged forward she moved just the same moving into his swing catching his blade forte to forte, the strongest parts of their blades. Her body was turned letting most of his dagger just scrape along her breast plate, but it did find purchase. Sliding into the smallest of gaps it cut across her sides not hitting any of her organs but sliding across her ribs.

    She grit her teeth into a broad smile, a slight laugh leaving her lips as she slid her blade back a bit and pushed her blade down in an attempt to drive her point into his chest while keeping his sword pinned.

    This was a maneuver her father had taught her, one of the Master Strokes of the Essatia style, a style passed down from master to student, not written anywhere a secretive style taught only to a few. It was not her normal style, this attack was far removed from her Flower of Battle but this fight required it. She never asked where her father learned this style, though she feared he wouldn't say. He never spoke much of his history, other than his love for Rebecca's mother. Her blood trickled down her side dripping slowly onto the floor as she pressed on, attempting to skewer her opponent, to end this fight quickly with only a few strikes.

    TAG: @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @anyone else
  6. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    -Zalzabar's Castle


    Esenma chuckled softly as the fire surrounded her and spun around her with a wave of her hand, never standing a chance of contacting her skin. She could barely feel the heat of the young one's fire. Her elementals stood no such luck and were erased by the attack. They would be back. As long as she had breath in her body, Esenma Skydragon controlled the wind. It was her's. All of it was her's. She inhaled aggressively, the heated air from the fire attack entering her lungs along with all the air in her immediate surroundings. Her cheeks expanding to a comparatively disproportional size, Esenma placed a fist to her mouth and whistled.

    It would start out like a whistle. Then a loud *WOOSH* sound. And a chorus of more of the second sound in rapid succession.

    The concussive blasts that exploded from her mouth, aimed at the Fire Ryujin were invisible to the eye, only becoming visible upon impact. The impact radius were the sizes of a large Orc head with the power enough to break armor and crush bone. Typically, Esenma would not use deadly magic, but this was to protect the young ones. The future of Regnum. She would be damned if she would let their light be snuffed out so soon. They had love to find, babies to make, and long lives to live. Any individual determined to stop that would find an even more determined and naughty Elder Ryujin ready to protect her group's futures.

    Cretaus' will.

    Anaxagore's strength.

    Ne'Tar bravery.

    Delsanra's magical prowess.

    She will not let their lives be cut short. The future of Regnum was going to be built by them. Old Zalzy's castle was already damaged, Esenma saw no sense in letting it remain intact just to protect a couple of naughty Haugun's ryujins. Her offhand began to wave as the stone hearts of her former Wind elementals began to dance and bounce on the floor. As long as she had breath in her body, they would always be back. This time...She'd raise them to their true size.

    She just needed one more stone from her bag.

    "NE'TAR, DEAR!" She yelled with her cheeks full of hot air. "Would you fetch another stone from my bag?" The bag was slumped on her waist, flopping around her buttocks. What could she say? Even in dangerous situations, there was always time for a bit of friskiness.

    Tag: @Mitth_Fisto @greyjedi125 @Shadowsun @Ktala @Darth_Elu @Kurisan
  7. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Anaxagore
    Still seeing Red, Zalzabar’s Castle

    The impact against the far wall had been thunderous and dramatic. Several decorative ornaments had fallen down because of it and a visible crack was left on the wall. Anaxagore rose to his feet immediately, not wasting a second in a vulnerable position. Inside his helmet, he flicked his tongue as he tasted his own blood.

    The adept ryujin chuckled incredulously.

    He had not been expecting to get hit that hard. Still, he remained undaunted.

    His Dark Armor had absorbed most of the impact force Red Roger’s blow had delivered, and yet still, he could feel the throbbing pain near his upper chest area and slightly to the left, right under his collar bone. Anaxagore rolled his shoulder and heard a faint ‘crack’ sound, followed by the soothing feeling of relief.

    A quick spot recon told him all he needed to know. Two of his clones were gone, he’d felt their defeat as well as learned from them. His remaining ‘ryukin’ was with
    Taella, Delsanra and Cretaus. It seemed they were just about to make an exit from the battle.


    It was getting way too dangerous inside the Feast Hall.

    Lady Esenma was still ‘dancing’ with the Pyro-Witch and Zalzabar continued to assert his dominance over the ‘Demon-ryujin’. This was also good, except that no one was gaining any real ground or advantage. Prolonging combat could prove risky, which meant they had to end things as quickly as possible.

    Looking at Ne’tar, he chuckled. Distractions were actually quite useful in battle, Anaxagore observed. The orc was smart and brave. But what of Kaynus?

    Before he could find an answer, a thunderous 'CLANG' caused by the clash of steel against steel, caught his undivided attention, which was followed by an impressive sight.

    Rebecca had pinned Red Roger's weapon in a sword-lock, more over, her face was painted red. With Blood. Roger’s blood.

    Though at first glance he could ‘hardly’ believe it, Anaxagore dispelled all thoughts which did not pertain to the present engagement. Once again he wreathed himself in purple fire and 'willed' his sword to ‘follow’ him.

    “Kaio-Ken…” He whispered, activating an enhancement technique which increased all his physical attributes. A reddish aura flashed and superimposed itself upon his purple flame, mixing with it. “Duo!” He added, doubling the effectivity of his enhancement.

    Without a word, he caused his gauntlet covered fists to burst with purple-red flames which took the shape of dragon claws.

    Methodically, he began to advance towards the Red giant of a man, each step was faster than the last. Roger was very vulnerable in his current position and quite open to a strike that would certainly put a meter-wide cavity into his mid-section. Anaxagore's Dragon Fist strike could easily pulverize a five ton boulder. It would be interesting to see what it would do to this man.

    Besides, once Red Roger understood the danger, would he risk reacting? Rebecca would instantly exploit such an opportunity and likely cut him in half where he stood.

    'You won’t get away with it.' Anaxagore thought darkly, his eyes narrowing to slits inside his helmet.

    'Not with what you did to Dominus. I swear it!'

    In an instant, Anaxagore was upon him, striking at Red Roger's open flank, fully intent of putting his fist through him. He watched intently to move with Rebecca, should things suddenly change.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @galactic-vagabond422 ( @Darth_Elu, @Mitth_Fisto, @Ktala, @Kurisan, @The Jedi in the Pumas ) Hurry up Kaynus, before there’s nothing left :p
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
  8. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Ne'tar
    Zalzabar's Castle - Where we did not start the fight. . . or the fire

    Ne'tar heard the Red Woman response, turning as he hefted the punch bowl he saw her eyes and murderous intent and a bit of silly nature. "You would throw food at a ladies head? How dare you!" She gave another cackle as she snapped her fingers, a small fireball forming above her palm.

    Ne'tar quickly unloaded the punch bowl at the pretty lizard as she brought her two hands together, the fire ball get smaller, Ne'tar not sure she know what she doing. Then Ne'tar glance around and notice it seemed more intense as well as change color. It hummed, almost as it were singing - Ne'tar reminded of tales of witches. Humming no good sign, did not Ne'tar hum before he provoke this? A red jet of plasma cascading from her fingertips and toward the dining table, instantly igniting the wooden furniture. Ne'tar was still standing on that! He wanted to jump to the beg red giant but saw that was busy with two already. Ne'tar had to jump away toward pretty lizard that was being charred by lightning.

    No sooner Ne'tar do that than Elder Lady call him to get rock. . .from rump pouch? Ne'tar no think that sound right. Ne'tar pick up one of broken stones from chimney and throw toward her. "Ne'tar get you rock!" he shout as he once more looks around. Many things go on and be going. Ne'tar not sure what to do next. Table in flames. Scary lady of them he no sure where appear be next. Ne'tar took out sword and wait. Most Ne'tar could do, Ne'tar try to attack and Ne'tar get in way of lightning. Try other, get in way of fire swords and bloody face. Try the other. . .Ne'tar sure Ne'tar get burned. Actually Ne'tar not sure if he about to be anyway.

    Ne'tar stand ready, move toward door, but also mean move toward fire Lady with pudding head.

    TAG: @ Everybody
  9. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    OOC: …….my turn……. :bluesaber:

    Kaynus Allbright & Cretaus IC:
    ~Where There’s A Fire~

    Moving back to his original spot at the table after seeing everyone else doing the same, Cretaus looked toward Ne’tar and Esenma as they were the last to pitch in their agreement to Zalzabar’s grand quest.

    Kaynus merely smirked as he waited for them to affirm their intentions as well. More future followers or trash to be discarded when appropriate when things were all said and done.

    But that was not to be. Fate had other plans.

    An intense aura, at first passionate, then almost painful like their blood was beginning to boil was felt among everyone in the chamber. To say it was not natural was to put it lightly. Cretaus blinked and then grasped at his chest, letting out a heavy breath.

    What was this feeling? It hurt…

    Kaynus furrowed his brow, just barely resisting the urge to grasp his chest as well. Confusion only lasted for a moment however, before recognition began to bloom. His eyes widened.

    No, it couldn’t be!

    That was when the twin doors burst into flame, rapidly reduced to ash. Two figure emerged through the smoke, all confident and hungry for blood. Kaynus immediately pushed away from the table, taken by surprise. Why were they here!?

    Cretaus meanwhile managed to finally let go of his chest as the doors burned and merely stared, wide eyed at the figures. What was going on?

    That was when the dragon thing crashed through the ceiling and onto the floor nearby, a leg that looked frighteningly familiar hung from its mouth. That couldn’t be, could it…?

    “I have to admit I was certainly hoping it would be at least some trouble to get in here.”

    They noticed the head held aloft in the man’s right hand. Dominus!

    “No…” whispered Cretaus in shock. While he still didn’t quite know what he felt about the man after everything that had transpired, he clearly didn’t deserve this. And he had been kind at the end…

    Kaynus could only stare.

    “I expected more of a fight from the Captain of the Knights of Illusion, but perhaps to be expected from a meager clone…”

    Cretaus’ eyes flashed.

    “Come, come now dear Roger, plenty of blood here for you to spill.”

    “Yes…blood…time to die…”

    Then came the screech from the evil dragon twisted into a demon. Letting out a yell of both pain and surprise, Kaynus clapped his hands to his ears and fell to his knees, his eyes squeezing tightly shut. The pain in his head was unbearable!! Just what was that thing doing!?

    Cretaus was in much the same shape, his hands immediately falling over his ears and letting out a strangled yell, but before he could fully drop to his knees…his eyes widened yet again. This time in true terror as he froze in place.

    The tall man, Roger evidently, had suddenly appeared before him. His eyes were glowing an ominous red. Like the worst kind of creatures you heard about in horror stories. His ridiculously large sword was held up in an overhead swing, one that was reminiscent of Dominus during the Test of Power…but far, far more deadly.

    He had no intention of merely ‘testing’.

    The blade came down. Cretaus could only stare up at the weapon. There was no time to react. No time to think. No time—

    Stumbling in place, he suddenly found himself standing a ways away and next to Veritas who had used some magic to save his life an instant before he had lost it. This angered the giant of a man, but thankfully he turned to fight another instead.


    Be careful!! the boy screamed in his head, his voice lost for a moment due to all the disorientation and sudden fear.

    “Oh boys, so eager to rush into things.”

    And then in another flash…Audacia was dead as well.

    “No more illusions…”

    Cretaus could only turn his head back and forth quickly, flabbergasted with what was happening before his very eyes. Kaynus still on his knees and writhing in pain from the dragon’s screech.

    Dominus and Audacia were both dead! How did this happen!?

    Lightning began to crackle as Zalzabar roared to life at last. His anger now roused like a great tempest brought to bare.

    Esenma, Veritas! Hold off the other two! Everyone else exit through the door behind me!”

    Then lightning streaked out and struck the enemy dragon, the screeching stopping immediately and the battle beginning in earnest.

    Madness erupted in the dining hall. It was the only fitting description.

    Two wind elementals, brought forth again by Esenma, were summoned into existence; their deadly gusts already destroying the chamber further. Wind blades were formed and just like that, the Elder Ryujin had engaged the woman enemy.

    Anaxagore was now moving into action, splitting into multiple clones much like the Illusion Knight Captain could once do, and began mainly focusing on Roger the Red. One however hopped near to Veritas, who had not yet jumped after Roger himself, and Cretaus.

    “To the exit. I will guard the rear.”

    Cretaus blinked and backed away a couple steps, but then hesitated again. Was it all right to just leave now like this? His gaze panned the room in just an instant, taking all the carnage in, processing the fury and insanity of battle.

    What exactly could he do in this situation?


    Kaynus meanwhile was beginning to stagger to his feet, having felt that sound blast particularly keenly. He shook his head, as if clearing the remnants of it off while Anaxagore and Rebecca were engaged in a savage struggle against Roger not far away.

    His eyes narrowed.

    The ‘great protector’ was blown back and against a wall. How pitiful! He couldn’t even do anything! First blood was finally drawn in that fight just a moment after, Rebecca having taken advantage of the many opportunities given to her from Anaxagore.

    At least she could hit her foe!

    Some kind of chant was just barely heard over the ruckus and Kaynus turned to look over to see the orc jump back onto the table and begin throwing plates and utensils at their enemies. Did the fool think this was some kind of food fight?

    Tch! Orcs.

    Delsanra herself had maneuvered herself carefully towards the exit mentioned and was waving toward the teenager to hurry up and join her. Kaynus paid her no mind.

    It was time he made his entrance known!

    Taella jumped onto the table, ran down it, and leapt into a somersault then cartwheel toward the exit as well…seconds before the female Crimson Knight bathed the whole furniture in flame. Who knew what Ne’tar did, but Kaynus hopped back quickly and away from it, a look of irritation seemingly cementing itself on the man’s face.

    “Come with me!”

    Cretaus looked over at the offered hand of Taella. He supposed he had had enough invitations by now and realized his own powerlessness in this situation…there was no choice. Retreat it was!

    Taking Taella’s hand, he ran with her toward Delsanra, being covered by the Clone Anaxagore while Veritas finally launched into the fray as Zalzabar had ordered, no longer worried about the boy’s safety.

    Cretaus flew as fast as he could with his new companions. If there was ever a moment to run for his life. THIS WAS IT!

    His eyes caught onto something as he ran, even with one hand now in the grasp of another, he bent down and scooped up a loosened book. It looked important and if everything was destroyed in here…well, perhaps Zalzabar would appreciate even one little thing being saved. He knew he would, in his shoes.

    NE’TAR, DEAR! Would you fetch another stone from my bag?”

    Kaynus glanced quickly over toward Esenma and let out a quick sigh of frustration before launching himself in her direction. There was no time for the orc to react, it was likely he had to avoid the burning table by jumping on the opposite side of it. He himself was closer to the Elder Ryujin since he hadn’t managed to actually act yet. Actually, a chimney stone came sailing past and toward her from the orc’s direction. That wasn’t what she had meant!! Orcs…

    But that was now in the past. It was all about movement now. For the time being, they were now allies, so he would assist. Plus…she had acknowledged his status as saviour earlier. One should always protect their followers!

    Moving fast, he came over and slid at the end to avoid any further fire spells and came to a stand right behind the woman.

    “Forget the orc! I’m here!” he yelled while launching his hand into the bag.

    He was rather conscious of its current placement, but he paid no further thought than that because now was simply not the time. Feeling the shape of the stone amidst who knew what else was in there, he pulled it out and tossed it up for the woman to catch.

    “Can you hold her off a while longer? I have somewhere I need to be!”

    And with that, Kaynus put just a little distance between them and let out a roar that shook the room even more.

    It was time.

    For Power.


    Transforming immediately into his Ryujin form, he let out yet another bellow and launched himself forward like a lightning bolt. There was no time nor room for finesse. It was all about strength.

    Anaxagore had resumed his combat with Roger the Red, who was getting plenty of attention. Esenma continued battling the woman. Ne’tar was in between steps and the others were retreating. Zalzabar fought alone against the other dragon in the room.

    He needed assistance.

    Kaynus smashed into the fiery table, knocking it eschew as if it was nothing, his head turning to launch it in the direction of the combatants dancing all around Roger. But he kept moving forward without slowing. No, he picked up speed the whole time.

    Not once did he slow.

    As he came upon where Zalzabar was engaged, he rushed past him and tucked in his wings to avoid hitting him, then just barreled right into the opposing Crimson Knight who was transformed as well. Smashing into him with the full force of his large bulk and built up speed.

    Kaynus roared ferociously, making the whole side of the room shake as if trying to outdo what his opponent had done earlier while also pushing the other dragon away from him. From here he seamlessly transitioned into already beginning to rear his head back and begin to glow with that awe-inspiring power that even Zalzabar the Great had complimented.


    If he had to bring down this whole castle to prove his might, then he would! This was but the first step in his grand destiny!!

    They will regret everything…


    Tag: TO ARMS, EVERYONE! @Shadowsun @Master Vo'Un'Var @Kurisan @The Jedi in the Pumas @Mitth_Fisto @greyjedi125 @galactic-vagabond422 @Ktala
  10. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The Crimson Knights II

    To say the situation had gotten out of hand would be an understatement. Zalzabar continued to call forth his lightning, pinning the Sound Dragon in place, the bowl of mead Ne’tar had thrown became ignited by the lightning causing severe burns across its head and neck, it cried out in pain, unable to control the sound waves to penetrate their ears.

    Roger was transfixed for a brief moment, the red haze that clouded his mind cleared. That stance, that technique, he had not seen it in quite some time. And then the madness descended once more. He felt the human warrior push down with her blade, keeping his at bay. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the foolish boy who had summoned the clones earlier rushing towards his back. He had little time to react, little time to think, his next movements were pure instinct. With the hand he had held his dagger he let go of the small blade, he brought the front of his arm, padded with leather armor, in contact with Rebecca's bastard sword. The blade slicing slightly into the leather. With his might he pushed it out of the way, toward his right, moving back with his left foot as he did so. Then he brought he swung his left leg toward her, hitting the warrior in the side sending her toppling over.

    He then pivoted round his gaze locking that with Anaxagore’s as he brought his long sword flashing down, mistimed only nicking the side of the adept ryujin’s cheek. The maneuver would force the boy to move, however.

    At the same time this was happening Elizabeth gazed upon the fiery splendor she had summoned, disappointed that no one had been embraced by her flames. It slowly began to dawn on her the crimson knights had severely underestimated the adventurers gathered here, not to mention the elder ryujin were not as weak as they hoped.

    Kaynus had made a grave error by rushing past Zalzabar. Not wanting to electrocute the supposed ‘heir to the three’ Zalzabar ceased his storm of lightning.

    Idiot” He breathed under his breath.

    Now able to move the Sound Dragon reared its head toward the incoming adept ryujin. The dragon of light slammed into the demon ryujin, bringing it to ground. Sonus opened his own maw, his mouth vibrating the air in a piercing column of sound, meeting the bright blast from Kaynus, the two meeting each other in a clash filling the room with a torrent of sound and light, dulling the senses of everyone for a breath moment.

    “You truly are a disappointment aren’t you Kaynus Allbright spoke the Sound Dragon, his words like daggers in Kaynus’ ears. He then let out another focused shriek, piercing Kaynus’ neck. He then gripped white-blue dragon, his claws sinking into his flesh, tossing Kaynus round so Sonus was now on top. He then opened his mouth once more, preparing to finish the ryujin off.

    Elizabeth’s eyes flashed as she noticed Taella, Cretaus, Delsanra, the clone of Anaxagore and Veritas begin to make their escape. Perhaps the whole squad should have come, would of certainly made things easier. She turned a half gaze back to Esenma, giving her a wink as she turned once more into flame darting to the other side of the door.

    “Going somewhere?” She said as Cretaus slammed into her. She gripped the boys face, squeezing his cheeks. Her hand became a flame as she brought it crashing down toward the boy. Yet again Veritas would have to save the him. Throwing a small dagger from his side it landed directly in the fire witches left eye.

    She screamed in horror enraged by the action The Knight of Integrity took. Now free Cretaus would undoubtedly keep running. Vertias slamming into the fire witch, dragging her out of the hallway and yelling for the others to go.

    Delsanra, Taella, Cretaus, and Ne’tar would all be able to do so if they so choose to do so.

    If they did, they would find themselves go down a dark hallway for several meters before coming to a large open room, a trapdoor in the floor. If opened it would reveal the room was suspended above nothing, the icy winds of the outside blasting in. It would require one of them to transform into a ryujin to climb on the others backs in order to escape.

    The fire witch turned once more into flame passing through Veritas and consuming him in flame His sacrifice giving enough time for the four to get away. She then reformed above his charred corpse and glared back over to Esenma, fire enveloping her in a cloak as she boiled with rage, blood flowing down her face.

    She rushed over to elder ryujin, it would be clear at this point that in pure physical combat Elizabeth would be able to kill her.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto @Ktala @Kurisan @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @The Jedi in the Pumas @galactic-vagabond422
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2020
  11. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Delsanra Taenya Helestina
    Good things come to those who wait...

    With so much going on within the chambers, Delsanra decided to stay near the exit in order to make sure the others escaped. It was chaotic but seemed to be staying evil. Delsanra kept her spell at the ready, waiting for a target. She had to be careful not to strike the other nearby.

    Kaynus roared, changing into Ryuijn form, and rushed past Zalzabar. This caused Zalzabar to stop his lighting attack.

    Now able to move the Sound Dragon reared its head toward Kaynus. The dragon of light slammed into the demon ryujin, bringing it to the ground. Sonus opened his own maw, his mouth vibrating the air in a piercing column of sound, meeting the bright blast from Kaynus, the two meeting each other in a clash filling the room with a torrent of sound and light, dulling the senses of everyone for a breath moment.

    The intruder red dragon then opened his mouth once more, preparing to finish the ryujin off.

    Which Delsanra let fly her spell sending a large sharp ice spike right down into the maw of the red beast.

    Delsanra say Cretaus running towards her area, and Delsanra's second spell was at the ready. "Let's go!" she called out to them and she now turned, and headed down the hallway, lit by a small amount of light. It went on for a few
    meters before coming to a large open room, a trapdoor in the floor. Delsanra opened it, and was shocked at what she found. Or exactly, what she did not find. It opened to reveal the room was suspended above nothing, the icy winds of the outside blasting in. It would require one of them to transform into a ryujin to allow the others to escape upon the ryujin's back. Delsanra grinned. "Well, now that's interesting..." she stated, as she listened to the battle raging behind them.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422, @Shadowsun, @greyjedi125, @Darth_Elu, @Kurisan, @Mitth_Fisto, @The Jedi in the Pumas
  12. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Anaxagore
    Battle Rages On

    Anaxagore was forced to change his tactic as Roger the Red managed to untangle himself from Rebecca.

    The giant man brought down his long sword in a flash, cutting the adept ryujin’s cheek in the process, gashing that part of his armor. Ignoring the damage done, Anaxagore caught Roger’s blade with his power imbued gauntlets, his own strength enhanced as it was, and held it in place with both hands.

    “Prepare to bleed….” He hissed through gritted teeth, glaring at Roger. At the same time Anaxagore’s ‘floating’ Great Sword chopped down at an angle, looking to slash his enemy's head clean off.

    Incidentally, Rebecca would also have an opportunity to deal a critical blow to their mutual opponent.

    Meanwhile, Kaynus and the Devil Ryujin entered into a titanic clash, creating a thunderous explosion that shook the entire chamber. Perhaps Zalzabar would join forces with Allbright and avenge himself for the rude intrusion into his castle.

    On the other hand, Anaxagore’s Clone had not been close enough to keep the Fire Witch from grabbing Creatus by the face, as he had been guarding the rear of the group. Thankfully, Veritas had been closer and managed to keep the boy from being immolated, thanks to a perfectly aimed dagger thrown into the witch’s eye.

    Her scream confirmed that the Knight’s aim had been true. In that instant, Veritas rushed forward and slammed into Fire Witch, dragging her out of the hallway and yelling for the group to go.

    “I’ll guard the door and make sure no one follows you.” The clone offered a solid nod and took a defensive position, safeguarding Delsanra, Taella, and Cretaus’ passage into the hallway to freedom.

    Once he was sure they were safely away, then the real battle could begin.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @galactic-vagabond422, @Darth_Elu, @Ktala, @Kurisan, @Mitth_Fisto, @The Jedi in the Pumas.
    Darth_Elu and Shadowsun like this.
  13. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    The Great Hall, Zalzabar’s Castle


    Cretaus took her hand and they scrambled across the rapidly disintegrating hall. Dragons and giants traded blows around them. Fire and lightning and sonic blasts shook the walls.

    Cretaus suddenly stopped, breaking the contact between them. Taella halted and glanced around. He was picking up a book.

    Come on! she thought. What can be so important?

    But he was nimble and had scooped it up in no time. They were back on track and dashing side by side now.

    As they reached the doorway, the fire-witch appeared out of thin air and grabbed Cretaus! Taella drew her longdagger and prepared to leap, but Veritas was already there.

    He launched a dagger with pretty good accuracy - for a human - and hit the witch in the eye. The effect was startling. Cretaus escaped again - he had an amazing knack for doing that.

    The doorway beckoned. Delsanra went on through, but Taella hesitated. A giant warrior in dark armour shouted at her but the Wood Elf quickly surveyed the battle.

    Taella had been in battles before, had witnessed mighty powers unleashed; entire regiments of archers loosing volleys of arrows upon one another, formations of cavalry thundering into bloody combat, gigantic beings striding across the quaking landscape, and the thunderbolts of wizards clashing in the sky. As a scout her role was to seek out the critical point on the battlefield, and disrupt the enemy plans.

    It did not matter who brought the greatest or the most warriors to a battlefield; it mattered who brought the greatest or most warriors to the critical point on the battlefield, at the critical time.

    Taella's elven eyes watched the red knight clashing with Anaxagore and Rebecca. A fight in the balance. Similarly, Kaynar and Zalzabar's struggle against the demon dragon appeared poised on a knife edge.

    Esenma's awesome powers - aided by Ne'tar - could not quite find their mark with the fire-witch, who had now recovered from Veritas' dagger and vaporised him in retribution.


    If the fire-witch could be confounded long enough for Esenma to finish her off, then Ne'tar and Esenma could tip the balance in the other fights.

    Taella drew a pair of Jade Lance arrows from her quiver and in an instant had them nocked and her bow pulled taut. She sighted the witch's eyes - one arrow for each. Veritas' sacrifice had given her the clue to the evil sorceress' weakness. The eyes. The magical Jade Lances were powerful enough to topple giants and dragons, as had been proven with the troll.

    Taella exhaled, an island of momentary calm in the chaotic sea of violence around her.

    Then she let the arrows fly...

    TAG: @Shadowsun
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  14. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Side by Side with Dragons

    The warrior kept the pressure on driving her sword closer and closer to her opponent's chest. Her blood was burning in her veins, the rage showed on her face. She wanted this man dead, or she would die trying. It was decreed by her blood. The hall was falling apart around her and she did not care, all she cared about was killing. Her blade was turned to the side her ribcage nearly kicked in by a hard strike to her flanks.

    She was sent flying off her feet, sparks jumping off her armor as she slid on the stone floor. Had she been anyone else, that strike would have sent bits of bone tumbling through her insides. As it stood, she just had a deep bruise that would likely present itself very very soon. That was an issue for later now all she thought about was death, the death of this man.

    His back was turned to her, perfect, he wouldn't see this coming, grabbing her sword she held the grip in one hand, and wrapped her gauntlet around her blade. Fighting through the pain and the weight of her armor she got her feet under her and lunged forward, her blade held like a spear, looking to run her point right through the back of Roger's knee.

    The Bigger they are.

    TAG: @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Ktala @Kurisan @Mitth_Fisto @The Jedi in the Pumas
  15. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    -Zalzabar's Castle

    "Oooohhhh myyy.." Esenma faux-blushed and chuckled when the Young Savior's hands dug into her bag. Kaynus rushed off after tossing her stone to her and interjected himself into the fray between Zalzabar and the Sound Dragon. Many things happened at the same time around the large room, but Esenma kept her eyes on the Fire Ryujin as her hand continued to twirl and twist. Her air bursts missed and the Elder snapped the fingers on her other hand, summoning a protective shroud around her similar to the one she shared with Cretaus out in the cold. This shroud whistled into existence in the form of a visible distortion of the air around Esenma's entire body. It could serve as a form of light armor, but that was not why she had summoned it. The situation was growing dire, rapidly, and with the Knights of Illusion all falling, Zalzabar and Esenma were the last protection between the rest of the group and Haugun's worst.

    Anaxagore and Rebecca were fighting bravely and the hum of Ne'tar's battle song warmed Esenma's heart among the destruction and chaos, death and bloodshed around her. But this was not the place for them to prove themselves; in a failing effort against trained ryujin destroyers. No, there was more for them later. She caught Zalzabar's irritated gaze. He would recognize the drop in atmospheric pressure in the room and Esenma's expansive aura rising and overtaking the room. She would need him to protect the others and, with a smile, she thought about the fact that she, herself, would need help after this next action. Oh to be young and vibrant again!

    The third stone joined the other two as they circled in a wide radius around Esenma. The dagger to the Fire Ryujin's eye from Veritas gave Esenma precious extra seconds that she needed. The stones each became enveloped by gale force winds, like the individual serpent heads, snaking around Esenma. The air went from silent to multiple tornadoes being birthed into existence. They circled around her, destroying parts of the room, peeling the floor up and knocking the furniture about the room as they picked up speed until she was encased within the eye of the storm she had summoned. The Fire ryujin had found her way into the eye, in her rage, but she would not find a way out. She was now with Esenma, separated from the rest of the party by the "body" of the strongest wind elemental in all of Regnum:

    EXALOS the Twister Hydra

    Exalos would continue to grow. They would destroy everything in the castle and soon the castle itself as they expanded to their true towering size that would match the mountains they currently were battling in. This was all dependent on Esenma continuing to live and draw breath. Maybe Elizabeth would have something to say about that...

    If she could speak. The atmospheric pressure drop preempted what Esenma and the Fire Ryujin were currently experiencing: Exalos' center was a vacuum and while Esenma was used to it, her opponent was not. There would be no oxygen for her fire to burn and there would be no oxygen for either of them to breathe. Decades...Centuries of spending her days and nights harnessing her craft and her art and passing it on to her son...There were few beings aside from herself and Derius that could survive the vacuum of Exalos. The Fire Ryujin was not one of those beings. Suffocation would come, her fire impossible, and the open wound in her eye in accordance with the atmospheric drop would cause her vessels and organs to expand. Esenma formed a wind blade from her shroud. It was time to put the child to bed.

    Outside of the eye, Exalos' roared and it's growing diameter began to truly wreak havoc on the castle and the threes heads began lashing out, indiscriminately. The castle began shaking as it began to crumble. Esenma was not sure that she would survive this. She was not sure that poor Ne'tar, or Rebecca, or Anaxagore would survive an unrestrained Exalos, but she had to focus her attention on the Fire Ryujin.

    Oh Zalzy, keep the future safe.

    Tag: @greyjedi125 @Shadowsun @Kurisan @galactic-vagabond422 @Mitth_Fisto @Darth_Elu
    Kurisan, Ktala, greyjedi125 and 3 others like this.
  16. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Ne'tar
    ~Zalzabar's Castle - Ex-Eating Room~

    Ne'tar had tried to do something but Ne'tar now see Ne'tar not good place do anything. Table on fire. Wrong side to help with big red sword fight. Ne'tar having issues with flashing light and sound from two Ryujin, no help there. Ne'tar likely stab ally as enemy. No good. Fire red lady with pudding head was too much fire, Ne'tar no know but could try. . .Ne'tar not get three steps and winds begin.

    "Zalzy?" Ne'tar croaked waving at the man to the cyclone that was forming. Looking for a way to the door he held onto his turban with his free hand. Ne'tar no want loose good turban, have to travel all way back to Xan to get a new one! Crouching slightly Ne'tar make run by edge of growing cyclone, Ne'tar try make it door and leave. Ne'tar saw many others go, Ne'tar suppose now Ne'tar time.

    If only Ne'tar no be blown away by wind, Ne'tar make it! Ne'tar glad not sandstorm yet, that shred flesh from bone if one try as Ne'tar did now. Air clear compare to that. Ne'tar glad small blessings. Now, only if Ne'tar can make it!

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @Shadowsun @Kurisan @galactic-vagabond422 @The Jedi in the Pumas , @Darth_Elu, @Ktala
  17. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    OOC: Apologies for the lackluster post, needed to be quick but couldn’t just NOT post! Lol :p

    Cretaus IC:
    ~High Intensity!~

    Holding hands with Taella, he ran as fast as he could, book now in tow. Yet things were interrupted before they knew it.

    Smashing into a body before him that wasn’t there a second ago, his grip with the elf was broken and he stumbled backwards. He was saved from falling only by the fire woman grabbing his cheeks and pinching him.

    “Going somewhere?”

    “Uhhh...” was all he could get out in response, terrified as he was.

    The hand pulled back, turned into flame, and came down! He squeezed his eyes shut!

    Then there was no blow. Only a scream. Quickly reopening his eyes, he saw Veritas had thrown a knife in her eye and saved him!

    Gaping, the knight grabbed the enemy and pushed her out of the way. Shaking himself, he yelled a “Thank you!” as he ran past and toward Delsanra.

    His eyes flicked over to where Taella had now decided to linger, putting away a dagger and taking out her bow. Her focus was completely on the fight now. But he couldn’t do the same.

    Be safe!

    As he reached the mage elf, she nodded and turned to lead him, just the three of them opting to retreat as it was. The Anaxagore copy being counted in.

    “Let’s go!”

    “Don’t need to tell me twice!” he replied in a yell over the clamor of combat.

    Cretaus continued running with her as they went down hallways.

    “I’ll guard the door and make sure no one follows you.”

    The teen nodded as the clone ryujin man now opted to play defense and so it was just truly Delsanra and him.

    As they came upon a trap door for their escape and the woman threw it open, they found themselves staring only at sky. Cretaus’ eyes widened, something that happened a lot that day, and clutched the book tighter.

    “Well, that’s interesting...”

    Cretaus’ gaze went to the woman. There was really only one thing he could say in this situation.

    “Um...please tell me you can fly.”

    Tag: Delsanra (Taella, Anaxagore Clone, Veritas (RIP), and Elizabeth as well) @Ktala @Shadowsun @Kurisan @greyjedi125

  18. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    OOC: Parts where a combo between myself and @Darth_Elu Thank you!

    Exalos The Twister Hydra

    opponents were skilled, more skilled then he had been expecting, but he had fought against harder and harsher odds before. Anaxagore held his sword, preventing him from slicing further to the adept ryujin’s flesh. At the same time, the floating sword of his and Rebecca were coming in to make their strikes. The Crimson Knight’s blood boiled once more, his skin appeared to be almost steaming, his veins flexing, his eyes bulging and a deep shade of red. He leaned forward, the great sword slicing part of his neck, the blood spurting outward. He snarled and with one quick fluid motion he lifted his sword lifting Anaxagore with it, and swung overhead to the charging Rebecca, slamming Anaxagore into the Laughing Butcher, both crumpling to the ground. It was likely several of their bones had been broken in the process.

    “Such a disappointment” Roger twisted his sword, breaking out of the adept ryujin’s grasp and preparing to impale the two of them.

    The Fire Witch knew in an instant she had made a mistake, she came crashing to the ground, her cloak of flame extinguishing due to the lack of air. She clasped her neck, gagging for air. She held her hand up to Esenma, as if begging her to stop. The pair of twin jade arrows flew across the room, they lodged themselves deeply within her eyes, blinding her completely. She dropped to the ground, trying to scream out in pain but there was air for the sound to be carried.

    Kaynus growled in frustration as his attack had been negated by the Crimson Knight’s own breath attack, sound waves clashing against his light beam and exploding magnificently in their dual cancellation. At least he had him down on the ground!

    “You truly are a disappointment aren’t you Kaynus Allbright…”

    Kaynus’ draconic eyes widened, his nostrils flaring, temper soaring. Before he could retaliate at the dragon knight for his words, another sound shriek was unleashed first and pierced his neck. He tossed his head back in a painful roar, amplified further by him suddenly being gripped by the enemy’s claws next and tossing him around and down to the ground.

    His opponent now dared to grapple on top of him, pinning him down! The enemy’s maw was already open and ready to finish him. He was fast! Faster than he thought, he wouldn’t be able to react in time!

    That was when help arrived out of nowhere.

    First a shard of ice hurled itself from seemingly nowhere, hurtling toward the Sound Dragon's open maw. The dragon felt the vibration's of the air shift as it came towards him, not quite have enough time to change his breath. It proceeded to travel into his mouth, beginning to pierce the inside of his neck before he rumbled the air around it shattering it into tiny pieces that fell down his throat.

    Zalzabar staggered backup, looking towards the helpless Kaynus, his life about to be snuffed out. Zalzabar began to form an ball of lightning in his palms, preparing to strike the demon ryujin, but it would likely severely hurt Kaynus too. There was little time, he just had to act.

    Sonus reared its head, opening the monstrous maw once more, building the sound waves within its mouth to deliver the fatal blow. Then the wind began to shift, swirling into a thunderous hurricane, the likes of which the dragon had never experienced before.

    One of the heads of Exalos came crashing into the Sound Dragon, knocking him cleanly off the Dragon of light, now free to move. Another head slammed into Roger, who was about to kill Rebecca and Anaxagore. Zalzabar dispelled the ball of lightning he had prepared and yelled to Kaynus.

    "We need to save Esenma!"

    First ice came to delay the life-ending assault, but in the end, that was all. Only a delay as Kaynus still couldn’t free himself from the pin that the Crimson Knight had him in. His breath weapon was also clearly not viable against this opponent as well, which he just couldn’t imagine being reality.

    Yet here he was.

    As the attack finally began to come, something amazing happened. The head of a gigantic wind elemental came crashing down on the demon dragon and sent him flying off of him.

    He was free!

    As he moved his large draconic frame, ready to retaliate, he heard Zalzabar instead.

    The Dragon of Light's eyes looked at the man then over across the room where Esenma was trapped inside the body of the giant elemental she apparently had unleashed herself. How reckless!

    …and amazingly powerful, he had to inwardly admit. She was far stronger than he had initially given her credit for.

    “That thing looks quite formidable,” he admitted rather painfully as he shouted back, “I’m not sure I can reach her inside! What did you have in mind?”


    Sonus had brought himself up hovering over Kaynus, now ignoring the ryujin entirely, he opened his maw, letting out a controlled burst of sound waves that shook through to the eye of the storm. He then flung himself though it, scooping the Fire Witch up in his claws, who at this point had passed out, he then swooped by again picking up Roger. Once more the sonic screech could be heard as it made its way out of the collapsed ceiling out of sight.

    The wind quickly closed the gap Sonus had left, now swirling more intensely than before.


    Zalzabar turned his head slightly, Ne'tar had called out his name, the half-orc clutching onto his turban. He made few quick movements, lightning cackling around him. He grabbed the newborn ryujin by the arm, dragging him through the cyclone that was expanding, they were in the thick of it, the stones in the floor beginning to become uprooted.

    "On my command fire your light breath towards my lightning, we need to punch through Ensema's elemental. You then need to grab her and us."

    He then began to build a ball of lightning in his right hand. The harsh winds had only further destroyed the ceiling, making a clear pathway for any dragons to escape. The elder ryujin then looked toward Kaynus.

    "NOW!" Zalzabar let out his lightning, send it directly toward where Esenma had stood.

    Kaynus watched as Zalzabar grabbed Ne’tar, while noticing a twinge of pain coming from his neck. He knew he was going to be feeling that later, only the excitement of the fight was keeping him from noticing it in full.

    “FINE!” He yelled in agreement over the prevailing winds.

    His neck reared back, though not quite as far as usual, and charged his light breath quickly. The moment the signal came, he fired and let it merge with Zalzabar’s own attack as directed.

    His dragon legs tensed as he prepared to sweep up the elders and orc immediately after it punched through.

    Beyond that, it was all a matter of flight speed. All up to him.

    The combined attack was a dazzling display of lightning and light, merging to become one powerful attack that ripped though the swirling monstrosity that was Esenma's elemental. Now with a open path way, if even for a few brief moments, Kaynus flew, in one claw grabbing Zalzabar and Ne'tar and then diving into eye of the storm to grab Esenma. The pathway closed behind him.

    Zalzabar closed his eyes, for a brief moment they were now in the eye of the storm. He could sense the faint aura of Anaxagore lying on the floor. "OVER THERE KAYNUS!" Once more the two let out their burst of energy, clearing a hole just above the two swordsmen. With his free claw Kaynus secured Anaxagore and Rebecca, and then let out one last bright breath of light, piercing the sky. Flying out above the castle.

    Delsanra, Taella and Cretaus had made their way to the other room, the wind hurtling through the small hatch. It was also evident that it had turned nightfall since the group had been inside. The castle was crumbling around them, the elemental now reaching about halfway down the hallway they had came. They would feel the room tilt, losing its structural integrity. It would me a mere matter of seconds before the whole room would come crashing into the valley below, which would likely kill them all.

    The Sound Dragon hovered to the side of the castle, howling at the greater wind hydra that was quickly destroying the castle, let out a pulse, trying to detect the group. One of the heads of the massive elemental came swinging once more to the dragon, narrowly missing the demon ryujin. It unfurled its wings giving one last sonic screech before disappearing into the night.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @galactic-vagabond422 @Kurisan @Ktala @Mitth_Fisto @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
  19. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Delsanra Taenya Helestina
    Off we go!

    Cretaus’ gaze went to Delsanra. There was really only one thing he could say in this situation.

    “Um...please tell me you can fly.”

    Delsanra looked up, smiling. "Quite well, actually. In any form. Just wait...then jump, once I change." Delsanra looked out once more. It was dark now. But that didnt matter. THe howling above them from the upper chambers was growing louder now. The castle was crumbling around them, Then suddenly, the room tilted, losing its structural integrity.

    "That our cue!" qwipped Delsanra as she leapped out thru the opening, her cloak flapping behind her. With a laugh, her cloak seemed to elongage, and change, as she took on her form of a white dragon her wings spred wide. The howling winds were deafining, and using her magics, Delsanra moved her body close to the opening, making the drop from the opening as small as she could. She spread her wings wide hovering. As she did, she quickly cast a small illusion spell, in case anyone else was looking for them.

    "Best hurry!" she called out to Cretaus and Taella, as she prayed that the others had found their own way out. The castle would not be here much longer. Once they were on, she would sprial away from the building, but keep looking in case Rebecca and any other non-fliers had made it down, and search the skies for the others.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @galactic-vagabond422 @Kurisan @Ktala @Mitth_Fisto @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Darth_Elu, greyjedi125 and Shadowsun like this.
  20. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Anaxagore
    More to learn…

    The enemy was strong, fast and unassailable. The Dark Armored ryujin was a capable warrior. Had he not stopped his enemy’s sword with his own ‘hands’? Yet, Roger the Red would prove to be a foe unlike any he had faced before.

    Anaxagore was surprised when Roger hefted him while he yet held-on to the giant’s sword, and slammed him with crushing force into Rebecca’s armored form; even while managing to keep his head and only suffer a gash from Anaxagore's ‘floating Great Sword’, thanks to an exceedingly clever maneuver.

    On instinct, Anaxagore let his body go limp to 'minimize' the force of the impact. Due to training, he held on to Roger’s Sword, fully intent on preventing the blood thirsty giant from impaling them. But the impact of the crash had been great indeed, which caused him to weaken his grip and the Red giant to retrieve his sword.

    Every fiber in his being yearned to combat the Red monster, even as he gritted his teeth, fighting to shake off the stunning sensation. He hated that his head swam, eve as he saw stars; his shoulder felt dislocated and he’d probably cracked a collar bone as well. Blinding pain stabbed at him, like a bolt of lightning, but that did not matter. He had to get up, or there would be no getting up afterward. Anaxagore groaned aloud, but he could not hear himself for the roaring winds that now rushed all around them.

    The floor under him vibrated, then bucked, as a deafening roar grew louder, But it wasn’t the Red giant that roared, but now lifted his sword and made ready to finish the job. A far more terrible creature loomed behind and high above Roger. A living funnel of coiling, tempestuous air, prepared to strike them just now. Completely acting on instinct, Anaxagore turned his body to shield ‘Rebecca’; his 'warrior's pride' stinging at his perceived defeat at the hands of his Red Adversary.

    There was a titanic detonation somewhere, which caused the floor to heave and fall, then begin to tremble apart. Anaxagore felt something massive smash against the side of his face with tremendous force.

    The ringing in his ear combined with the agonizing spike caused him to lose his focus and then his consciousness. He slumped down onto the floor as the winds grew more powerful in intensity. The structural integrity of the castle was compromised and everything would be coming loose. Anaxagore would not be aware that the one being who saved him from the void, would be one Kaynus Allbright.

    But for now, there was solace in unconsciousness.

    The world was coming down all around them. Fire. Wind. Blood. Lightning and Fury.

    All in all, it wasn’t a bad time to dream.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu ( @galactic-vagabond422, @Ktala, @Kurisan, @Mitth_Fisto, @The Jedi in the Pumas )
  21. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Cretaus IC:
    ~What the Three is happening right now!?~

    Cretaus noticed Taella come running down the hall right then to join them as Delsanra looked up at him with a smile on her face. Not a hint of fear showed on her. The courage and the simple look of a light smile defying all the insanity and danger around it was, to put it simply…cool.

    And insanely attractive.

    …seriously, what is with these women in this group….AND NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!

    “Quite well, actually. In any form. Just wait…then jump, once I change.”

    The teen blinked, now with his head back on straight only to get slightly confused again, though he had a feeling where this was going.

    “Oh…uh, right.”

    Then the room began to tilt, the crumbling all around them increasing in both speed and intensity. The whole castle was coming down! …There went his chance at actually sleeping inside a castle for once.

    His own panic once more rising, he began to slip as the floor tilted, his hands grasping at the edges of the square opening that was their only escape.

    “That’s our cue!”

    Delsanra leaped through the opening and began to change, confirming Cretaus’ suspicions just a few seconds ago. She was most definitely one of the ryujin of the group! Her white form unveiling itself splendidly and Cretaus would have allowed himself a moment to admire her grandeur if he had the time.

    Castle around him told him that just wasn’t going to be now!

    “Best hurry!”

    Cretaus gulped and nodded to Taella, as if to say ‘you first.’ The moment she did, he was only an instant behind her. Just barely scrabbling up to get a better hold and then throw himself unceremoniously through the opening.

    How did one come to land on and ride a dragon anyway?

    With an 'oof!' Cretaus came to spectacularly belly flop on Delsanra’s back right behind Taella. That was going to leave a mark, both in body and spirit… Still his hands clutched tightly onto the scales just as the ryujin began spiraling away from the destroyed fortress.

    “What now!?” he did his best to shout over the wind.

    The boy could only hope the others were safe and somehow had escaped the enemy and the destruction.

    Tag: Delsanra & Taella @Ktala @Kurisan @Shadowsun
  22. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Ne'tar
    ~Zalzabar Crumbling Castle~

    Zalzabar grab Ne'tar by arm, dragging through cyclone that get bigger! Pretty strong weak old guy. The stones in floor begin uproot, air was beat rock!

    "On my command fire your light breath towards my lightning, we need to punch through Ensema's elemental. You then need to grab her and us."

    Uh. . .Ne'tar no breath nothing! Ne'tar already say this though, but then with squint squint Ne'tar notice large flashy dragon! Make sense! He breath light! However one light. . .eh, magic magik. Ne'tar shrug at that while try and move along. "NOW!" Zalzabar let out his lightning, send it directly toward where Esenma had stood.

    Bright dragon fired it merge with Zalzabar’s own attack. Plan work so far, whatever that was.

    Ne'tar close eyes, all was noise and bright flashy. Ne'tar feel claw foot grab Ne'tar and elder Zalzy. Ne'tar have trouble breathing a moment, but Ne'tar no open eyes. Hear others yell, no say Ne'tar name so Ne'tar just try and hold onto turban. Then, Ne'tar feel something like stone. . .maybe big book hit Ne'tar in great Tallus split. Ne'tar clench catch between legs, but Ne'tar loose hand on Turban!

    Ne'tar scream. "NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" No do Ne'tar any good, but Ne'tar swear the wind screeched back.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu , @greyjedi125 , @galactic-vagabond422 , @Kurisan , @Ktala , @Shadowsun , @The Jedi in the Pumas
  23. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Rebecca Dragon
    Not Done Yet

    All Rebecca sees is red, the bright clarate that sprayed forth from Roger's neck, all she felt was pain, the weight of Anaxagore above her, pain radiating out from her arm, her chest. But pain was nothing to her, she just laughed crawling forward on her one good arm still holding her sword in her hand. Roger raised his blade to end both her and the noble protector. She looked up a cut on her head spilling blood covering her with more of her blood than his. Her maniacal laugher rang out, echoing in her and Roger's ears. She would not go quietly into death; she would laugh in the face of it. Holding her blade tightly she lashed out at his legs looking to give him one last memory of the woman that would not go quietly.

    A roaring wind swallowed the sound of her laughter but she watched as a whirlwind caught Roger in the chest sending him flying back. Sensing her moment Rebecca forced herself to get up, her side burned, her arm trobbed with pain but she wouldn't listen. Even with the added weight of Anaxagore on her back she got her feet under her, starting to lift both of their broken armored forms off the ground. Roger would die, he had to die, someone had to die. She could taste her own blood and it nearly scorched her tongue. Her breath warped the air with it's heat, the cold air around her turning it into thick clouds of steam.

    Death, that was what was in her eyes, death, hers or his, someone had to die.

    She was almost to her feet when the ceiling caved in, rubble falling onto the pair. The red faced warrior 's knees crumpled under the weight, her body falling prone underneath the stones. But she was still moving, still fighting to get up. Her blood would not allow her to give up, a body lay infront of her, it must be slain. More laughter as drops of her own blood flew from her mouth.

    She was so close, he was right there, Roger's body was there, all she needed to do was raise up her blade. Gritting her teeth she tried but her arm was pinned by Anaxagore and the rubble. He was right there, death, his blood, it would be hers...Her blood burned hotter and hotter, so close yet so far away.

    "NO!" She bellowed as she was scooped up by a dragon's talon. "NO NO NO NO NO!" Her shouts were loud ringing out in the cold mountain air. She needed to kill, she needed this release.

    She needed to kill...and at this point almost anyone would do.

    TAG: @Shadowsun @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2020
  24. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    An Unlikely Meeting


    The darkness consumed the lonely mountain top. Jagged spikes formed along the low mountain, a mix of snow, rock and grass strew around for miles. These were the wildlands of Haugun, the north most point, away from the beating heart beat of the fledgling empire's dominion. It stood close to the coastline, nay it was a cliff facing toward their new found ally over the sea. It was this place where Derius, Witchking of Taetus had been invited to. A natural neutral ground for the two parties. In a small glassy clearing stood three figures. Each carrying themselves with a grand weight, it would be clear to Derius that these were all ryujin and extremely powerful mages. The stood in a line, facing toward the coastline.

    Once Derius arrived the outside figures would step forward, the right figure making a declaration to the King of the Northern Realm. His voice boomed through the cliff, cold and harsh, like a bitter wind.

    "Presenting Solis Kayne of the Winter Isles, Hand to the King, Keeper of the Sun, The Lich King of Winter and Disciple of the Void!"

    The two figures than bowed toward each other as the central figure stepped forward, clearly the Solis Kayne they had spoken of. He have a hand gesture for them to rise, they then resumed a standing position, facing back outward to Derius.

    From left to right:
    August Bile, Right hand of the Sun
    Lord Solis Kayne of the Winter Isles, Keeper of the Sun
    Ulfric Mordenheim, Left hand of the Sun
    Derius would of heard rumors of these three, his hellhounds proving useful once again. The elite of the elite. The Winter Court of Haugun. Far, far more powerful than then the Crimson Knights, they served at the pleasure of their King; Malum Dragonson. Who was noticeably absent from this meeting.

    Indeed both men new what this meeting was discuss the new found alliance between their two kingdoms and perhaps more importantly the coming invasion of Athas, both parties eager to achieve this objective. It would remain to be seen who would initiate the discussion. There was a sense of unease in the air, an unspoken tension radiating between Solis and Derius. How could it not? The amount of power these four individuals wielded would be enough to extinguish entire armies.

    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas @Master Vo'Un'Var (Please now post your guest character sheets in this thread and in the Journal and then follow with a reply)
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2020
  25. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    OOC: Returning for a fairly short guest role :D
    An Unlikely Meeting

    Lord Solis Kayne stepped forward, the dull hollow thud of his metal boots twisting up into ornate greaves echoing out as his cold mask met the eye of Derius. The wind crooned in the silent landscape. There was a moment of simple silence as Solis stared at Derius. He liked this one. He could smell his power, and that was something that pleased Solis.

    They both knew their purpose here. Solis, standing on behalf of his king, Malum Dragonson, was fully aware of the irritation Athas had caused. But with Derius, they would crack open the shell of Athas to reveal the soft insides, ripe for devouring. Zalzabar and the coastline defence would fall under this immense combined pressure.

    Solis reached a hand out, stretching his fingers and facing his palm upwards as a silver goblet materialized in his hand, filled to the brim with a foaming icy liquid. The famous brew of Haugun, each drop worth the price of a vial of an Elder Ryujin's blood.

    "I extend this to you, Derius of Taetus, in good faith of our new alliance." Solis' hollow voice boomed out. A smile grew on his face, though none could see. This new treaty... excited him. A feeling that ran deep into his bones. Things were moving. The goblet sat snugly in his hand as he waited for Derius to take it. He would have been made aware of this ritual. An ancient tradition that the Winter Court had upheld for centuries.

    "May this agreement bring us great fortune and victory."

    His two lieutenants dropped to one knee, as was custom in this land, and waited for Derius to take the goblet and drink. The wheel had began to turn, and soon, it would be too fast for anyone to stop.

    @Shadowsun @The Jedi in the Pumas


    Character Sheet

    Name: Solis Kayne
    Age: 410
    Race: Human
    Sword of the Winter Court, Armour of the Winter Court, Mask of the Winter Court, Crown of the Winter Court
    Class: Elder/ Master of Light and Dark Manipulation
    Personality: Politically savvy, cruel, cold, arrogant, insanely confident
    Bio: Solis Kayne, Lord of the Winter Isles and Hand to the King, Dragonson. He is married to another Ryujin, whom he keeps in complete privacy and her identity is unknown to any soul.

    Solis Kayne was nearly a Crimson Knight, before Dragonson noticed him and chose him for his political skill. Solis Kayne still holds close ties to the Crimson Knights.

    Lord Kayne's two generals, August Bile and Ulfric Mordenheim, are his closest allies and his bodyguard. He is never seen without them, as he is considered to be one of the most hated beings in Regnum, coming close to Malum Dragonson and even the Legendary Sapientis. He is a powerful mage, claiming the title "The Lich King of Winter" and was trained under the most powerful dark mages of Regnum. He is human, holds no heirs and is 410 years old, extending his typical human age through dark magic and his Ryujin blood. His army is a mixture of the living in the dead, compromising solely of human-ryujin/pure human bodies. He considers other races, especially orcs and elves inferior.