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Social The Social Party - Version 3

Discussion in 'FanForce Community' started by Morgaine, Sep 11, 2002.

  1. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
    I'm partial to the older horror movies.and it's around Halloween when they are on TV more often. To me, these new ones are crap. Since The Blair Witch Project, they really went down the toilet IMO. Of course there is a cable channel that just recently became part of our package that shows nothing but bad horror movies and TV shows. This Halloween, there is a Doctor Who marathon for what they are calling Wholloween. :p
  2. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009

    So dusty in here.
  3. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    Yup yup! And there was me hoping you clean up a bit while I'm gone. :p
    BookExogorth and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  4. BultarSwan

    BultarSwan Founder: Grand Rapids, MI FF star 10

    Jul 5, 2003
  5. BookExogorth

    BookExogorth Force Ghost star 4

    May 4, 2017
    I like parties!
    *looks around, wondering where everyone went, and what went on here*
    Well, if all else fails, there is hot chocolate.
  6. Rodrigo Alves

    Rodrigo Alves Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 9, 2015
    Hello! I've been away for a long time, has this social party replaced the CCC?
    Pensivia and Darth Gangrenous like this.
  7. BookExogorth

    BookExogorth Force Ghost star 4

    May 4, 2017
    No clue.
    *sips hot chocolate*
    Rodrigo Alves likes this.
  8. Rodrigo Alves

    Rodrigo Alves Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 9, 2015
  9. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    The social party never replaced anything. It was there from almost the beginning. :D
    It has just takes a break here and there. ;)
    Jedi Knight Fett and Pensivia like this.
  10. Rodrigo Alves

    Rodrigo Alves Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 9, 2015
    See? I told you, Skiara is the best person alive =)
    Pensivia and Darth Gangrenous like this.
  11. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    You make me blushing... [face_blush]
  12. Princess Peachy

    Princess Peachy Jedi Youngling

    Jul 14, 2017
    Am I too late for the pool party?
  13. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
    It's never too late. :D
  14. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
  15. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    What Gangrenous said, but it has slowed down. So... if you know more FanForcer, feel free to invite them. :D
  16. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    What Gangrenous said, but it has slowed down. So... if you know more FanForcer, feel free to invite them. :D
  17. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    What Gangrenous said, but it has slowed down. So... if you know more FanForcer, feel free to invite them. :D
  18. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    What Gangrenous said, but it has slowed down. So... if you know more FanForcer, feel free to invite them. :D
  19. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    What Gangrenous said, but it has slowed down. So... if you know more FanForcer, feel free to invite them. :D
  20. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    What Gangrenous said, but it has slowed down. So... if you know more FanForcer, feel free to invite them. :D
  21. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
    Six posts in a row? [face_shame_on_you] :p
  22. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
    Six posts in a row? [face_shame_on_you] :p
    BookExogorth likes this.
  23. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    I just wanted to highlight the invitation to come here. :p

    (Ok, it was the typical board error...

    Ok, ok, I just needed to up my postcount. [face_blush]

    [face_lying] )

    Edit: Atm the app I'm using seems to work not the way it used to. That creates the tons of double posts. [face_plain]

    Edit: Needed to delete three more posts of mine just because of this hiccup.
  24. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
    Even on my laptop it does that.
  25. Rodrigo Alves

    Rodrigo Alves Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 9, 2015
    Halloooooooooooooooo people!! let's get this party started
    Bring me some chips and party hats!
    Pensivia and Darth Gangrenous like this.
  26. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    Started? I partied too long. Need some rest first. ;)
    Darth Gangrenous likes this.
  27. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    Started? I partied too long. Need some rest first. ;)
    Darth Gangrenous likes this.
  28. Pensivia

    Pensivia Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 24, 2013
    I'm up for a thread party!:D
    Skiara and Darth Gangrenous like this.