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Beyond - Legends Beyond the Saga The Wonderful Life of Mara Jade

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by madman007, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Told you it was soon. Chapter 6 is here finally!
    The Wonderful Life Of Mara Jade
    Chapter 6 – Illusion Of Memory
    "Well, I'm glad you learned something from my Academy after all these years," said Luke Skywalker.

    Mara stared at her husband before she could comprehend speech. How long had it been since she had seen him? She didn’t know. She didn’t know many things at this point. What she did know was that she was no longer in the presence of Rey and her students. She was in another medical room and sitting on a bed. She felt something on her head. She reached up with her fingers to touch it. It was another baacta bandage on her head.

    “You had a nasty head wound. I didn’t have time to put you in a Jedi healing trance because you were already unconscious.”

    Head injury. In this timeline as well. She slowly found her voice. “Was I in a coma?”

    “A coma? No, you were only out for a few hours. You just woke up minutes ago.”

    “In this reality, anyway.”

    “In this reality? Mara, are you all right? You seem confused.”

    She had to tell him. Of all the people she could tell, it would be Luke. He would understand. He understood the trip to Earth after she died. She was now bouncing between realities again on a whim. She would have to tell him.

    But she couldn’t. She remembered when after she told him ten years ago there was a slight hesitancy of belief on his part. They never spoke about it since. Regardless, he deserved an explanation for her confusion. She kept as close to the truth as she could, For now.

    “I…. I don’t remember. How did I hit my head? I don’t remember being brought in here.”

    “It’s all right, Mara. You were unconscious. And memory loss is expected with a head injury. You were attacked on a shuttle.”

    “A shuttle? Attacked?”

    “Yes, you were in a shuttle here on Seria in search of Orin Mott. He actually snuck aboard your shuttle. He said he tried to attack you while you were piloting. There was a struggle, and you must have hit your head before you were ejected out of the open cargo door and landed in the ocean. Thank the maker it wasn’t over land. We did manage to catch up to Orin and arrest him.”

    “Uh…who is Orin?”

    Luke raised his eyebrows. “Orin Mott. My, you must have really hit your head hard. You’ve known that name for a better part of a year. You really don’t remember what happened to him?”

    “No! I’m sorry, Luke, but I don’t!”

    “It’s all right, Mara. You may have blocked out the memory. We can try a Jedi meditation to bring back your memory later. You were so depressed for the past several months. Anyone would be. Especially after what happened.”

    “After what happened?”

    “Why don’t you get out of that bed and sit here by the table, and I’ll explain it. I’ll get you some caf.”

    “I don’t want caf! I want to know what happened!”

    “All right. Calm down. I should tell you that you won’t like it.”

    “I should tell you how I hate that phrase coming from you. Spill it!”

    Luke gave a look like he had been found guilty of something. He then nodded and said, “Very well. About eight months ago we were tracking a rogue member of the Fariu Pirate gang. He went on a terrorist spree planting bombs everywhere in the galaxy. Many had died. We had inside information where he would go next on—”

    This time, Mara could witness the change. It wasn’t like a scene fade as if in a HoloFilm. There were no wavy lines as if in a dream. The scene simply changed in an instant as if someone flipped a switch. Luke was gone. As was the med room. She was now standing. And before her were Rey and her students.

    “No! He was about to tell me! Not now!”

    “Mara?” Rey asked.

    “Was that part of the passive calm you were just talking about?” the student Barad asked. "Because that last sentence was far from calm and passive.”

    Sensing something was wrong, Rey moved closer to Mara and asked, “You were in the alternate reality again, weren’t you?”

    Mara gave her a wry look. “What gave it away?”

    “Only the fact that your disposition changed in an instant.”

    “An instant? How long was I out?”

    “You weren’t. You didn’t faint or seemed flustered at all. You talked about calm and passive, and you cried out your next sentence.”

    Mara thought back during her time with Luke. “I was there for at least ten minutes. The switch. It’s happening quicker now. Almost seamless.”

    Seeing that her students were still standing around them, Rey addressed them, “Could you give us some time to recuperate? Take a break for a few moments, please. Thank you.”

    The students complied and dispersed to their individual paths, leaving Rey and Mara alone. Rey took a moment before asking Mara, “What happened there?”

    “Luke. I was with Luke. He’s still alive in my world. He managed to tell me there was an incident on a shuttle I was piloting over the seas of Seria. There was a scuffle with someone who snuck aboard. He tried to fight me while I was piloting.”

    “Not very smart.”

    “Right? But he did. I hit my head somehow and fell out and landed in the ocean unconscious.”

    “Just like you did here,” Rey uttered.

    Mara nodded. “Luke said they caught up to him and arrested him. Orin Mott.”

    “Who is that?”

    “I don’t know. Luke mentioned his name as if I’d already known it. I told him I don’t remember. He told me of another incident that involved Orin about eight months before.”

    “What was it?”

    “I have no clue. That’s right when the switch happened, and I was back here. Luke disappeared right in front of me. Replaced with you and your students.”

    “Oh, that has to be frustrating.”

    “We’ve passed frustrating a few parsecs back.” Mara breathed out hard. “I need to find more about this Orin Mott. Do you have a computer terminal here?”

    “Yes, it’s at the main hut.”

    “Does it have a high security clearance?”

    “We can access the HoloNet. How high of clearance do you need?”

    “High enough to access the old Imperial database. Specifically, those with extensive profiles of galaxy citizens.”

    “The Imperials did that?”

    “Whenever they could. I’m sure the First Order did the same. Their check on people who may cause trouble.”

    “Truthfully, I’m not sure if ours can access that. I know the ins and outs of ship mechanics, but I’m not that good at slicing.”

    “Don’t worry about it.” Mara’s thoughts perked. “Is the Falcon still here?”

    “It should be. Chewie and Poe are still unloading supplies.”

    Mara already began to head toward the makeshift spaceport. “I know Han had extremely high clearance on the Falcon’s computer. Not exactly legal. I’m betting the Han in this world did the same.”

    Rey followed Mara to the spaceport and then to the Millennium Falcon. Chewie and Poe were indeed carrying supplies out of the ship. Poe just finished placing a large container on top of another container when he saw Mara and Rey heading towards them.

    “Hey gals!”

    “Gals?” Rey asked.

    “Girls?” Poe tried to look innocent.

    Mara quipped, “I am several decades old. I’ve outgrown the ‘girl’ title.”

    “Sorry. I was just using Chewie’s term.”

    Nearby, Chewbacca growled angrily.

    Poe shot back. “No, that term has several translations in Basic.”

    Chewie growled again.

    Rey suggested, “I think you had better quit before you’re suddenly unable to walk forever,”

    “Good idea. What can I do you for you fine women?”

    Mara answered, “I need access to the Imperial database through the Falcon’s computer.”

    Poe laughed. “And I would like a million credits to fall from the sky. Are you crazy?”

    Mara shrugged. “Jury’s still out. Doesn’t the computer have extremely high clearance?”

    “It does, but not for impenetrable Imperial files. Our best slicers couldn’t get into those.”

    Mara grinned widely. “What if I told you there may be a way for me to get in.?”

    “I would say I’d be in your debt.”

    “Let’s go then.”

    Poe called over to Chewie who was still carrying items out. “Hey, Chewie, let’s take a break. We don’t have that much left. Mara here wants to use the computer to hack into the Imperial files.” Chewie barked. “I know, right?” Poe then motioned to Mara and said, “Come on in.”

    They all entered the Falcon and reached the terminal in the main area. Poe approached it and with a flourish of his hand he presented the chair to Mara. “Be my guest. And good luck.”

    She sat down as she said, “You don’t need luck if you have enough skill.” She immediately started typing at the terminal. A few moments later the Imperial/First Order insignia appeared on screen.

    “This is as far as anyone has reached,” mentioned Poe.

    “Then let’s try this,” Mara said as she typed in several Aurubesh characters. The terminal sat thinking while they all looked on in anticipation.

    Poe looked at what Mara typed and repeated it. “Hapspir, Barrini, Corbolan, Triaxis? What is that?”

    “My old Imperial recognition code as the Emperor’s Hand. It allowed me access to highly classified files in the Imperial database. At least it did in my universe. It also forced high-ranked officers to stop what they were doing and assist me. That code meant I was associated with Palpatine. I’m assuming I don’t have to tell you what happens if you failed to comply with him.” Their silence was all the answer that was needed.

    The screen changed to a login site that also showed the Imperial and First Order insignias. A blinking cursor was at the top awaiting instructions.

    Rey exclaimed, “You’re in.”

    “Hot damn, you’re in!” Poe added.

    Mara simply froze as she stared at the screen.

    Rey uttered, “Mara? Are you all right? I feel that you’re confused again.”

    “It worked,” Mara whispered.

    “Yes, it did,” Poe replied.

    “I don’t exist here. But it worked. That means someone somewhere was given this same recognition code. Another Emperor’s Hand.”

    Poe tried pushing her. “Yeah, that’s fine. The fact is that it did work. Damn, what I could find out in there.” He paused and said, “Guess I should have asked before what is it that you wanted to find in here.”

    Mara mentally shook herself out of her question and back to the mission. “A name.” She started typing again.

    Poe looked. “Orin Mott? Who is he?”

    “It’s the name that Luke gave me.”

    “Luke? When?”

    Rey explained to Poe, “She travelled back to her reality earlier.”

    “Oh. Well, that explains it.”

    Mara ignored them while she looked through Orin’s profile. “Orin Mott. Born 17 ABY on Berasom. He’s a little younger than Luke. Head Mining Administrator.”

    “Berasom,” Poe repeated. “Is that in the Outer Rim?”

    Mara confirmed. “Yes. Just past the Vesper Cluster. Known for mining iradium ore.”

    Chewbacca started a long series of grunts and whines. Poe translated. “He says it’s for medical supplies. He had Han used to smuggle it out of there to systems that needed it.”

    Mara scoffed. “Because it was Imperial owned. Once again, they were too greedy to share with the galaxy without a high price.” Mara kept reading. “He has a daughter. Oh, his wife died after giving birth.”

    Rey uttered, “Oh that’s tragic. Do you think that could be the incident that Luke spoke of?”

    “No. It happened ten years ago. That’s the age of the daughter. Orin has a history of hard work and loyalty to the mines. He started working there at age twelve. Worked his way up. He was never late for work. Hardly ever took off. No incidences. No criminal activity. Doesn’t even look like he ever left Berasom. An average man.”

    “Were you expecting a high crime boss?” Poe asked.

    “I don’t know what I was expecting. Why would he attack me?”

    “He attacked you? When—oh, in your world.”

    “Actually, that is the problem. Whatever did happen that made him attack me, it happened in my reality, not this one. No matter how much research I do here, it does me no good because it happened there. In this world, Orin Mott doesn’t look like he could hurt a fly. In mine, he could be a monster.”

    Rey asked, “Would our personalities change between different realities?”

    Mara uttered, “An interesting question. Add it to the pile of unanswered questions to all of this.”

    Rey reflected, “I’m not an authority on multiple universes, but it seems to me that our personalities wouldn’t change. Our situations would. Given different circumstances we would act differently with each one. Nothing may have happened to Orin here, but something did happen there that made him attack you.”

    Mara raised her brow. “Rey, that was very profound.”

    “Thanks. Come to think of it, I did experience a small glimpse of a different universe through the Force once. I saw an image of myself as a Dark Side user. Same me, but much angrier.” She spoke directly to Mara. “Why don’t you try meditating in the Force.”

    “You know I’ve tried that and came up with nothing.”

    “But you focused on what happened to you specifically. You already know that. Or some of it. Why not try focusing on Orin Mott?”

    Mara shrugged. “Worth a try.”

    “Excellent. We’ll leave you to it in your quarters.”

    Poe said, “Before you leave, could you leave this screen up? Maybe forever? I’d like to get into some of those files myself now that we’re in.”

    Mara said, “I saved the security parameters to the login data.” She lifted herself out of the seat.

    “Thank you so very much!” Poe now sat before the terminal and started entering keys.

    Before she left the room, she looked around at the grime covered chaos that dominated the area. “One thing’s for certain. The Falcon’s personality never changes.”

    Mara’s quarters, thirty minutes later

    Mara first grabbed a bite to eat before she began meditating. She started her breathing technique to immerse herself in the Force. She formed an image of Orin Mott based on a holopic on his profile. Close-cropped dark blonde hair with rough skin courtesy of years working deep in the ore mines. She sensed there was a sweet sincerity about him. Why did he attack her?

    She concentrated deeper in the Force. There was a faint sense of the pain of tragedy. The wife died in childbirth. There was a ten-year-old daughter. She found it strange that she could not conjure an image of her. Not even a name. She dived even deeper in the Force. She was to the point where nothing else existed beside the Force and herself. She had not been this deep in the Force for quite some time. Something compelled her to open her eyes.

    There was nothing. Blackness surrounded her. She could not see anything in front of her face. She looked down at herself. She could not even see her arms. There was another mystery. She was no longer in the Force. She felt wide awake. She was no longer meditating. This was happening for real. What was this? The darkness should have been foreign to her. There was an eerie sense of familiarity about it. Had she experienced this before?

    “Hello!” she tried to call out. Another mystery. Her voice did not reverb. It didn’t echo. It sounded flat as if she were in a soundproof room. She stood up and started walking. There was no visible floor, yet she was walking on…something.

    A spot of white light appeared before her from an unknown source. Under the light was a small girl. She had light blonde hair and wore a simple beige tunic. She looked at Mara with the sweetest smile.

    “Hi,” Mara called out to her.

    “You must be Mara Jade,” the girl’s high-pitched voice stated.

    “Yes. How do you know my name?”

    “She said you would be here. She told me all about you. C’mon, I’ll take you to her.” The girl beckoned with a gesture by her hand.

    Mara approached her with hesitancy, then with curiosity. “Who are you taking me to?”

    “Oh, she’ll tell you. She knows everything. She certainly remembers you.”

    “I met her before?”

    “Sure. You’ll see. Take my hand.”

    Mara complied and they started walking. As they walked, the spot of light followed them along their path. Mara still could not see where they were going. Her feet going forward did not feel like they were hitting solid ground. It felt more like she was floating above the surface. It was there and not there at the same time. Once again, Mara felt the sense that she had experienced this in the past. This has to be a dream, she thought.

    “It isn’t a dream, Mara,” the girl said.

    “Hey, you know my name. What is yours?”

    “My name is Aja. I haven’t been here for long. Of course, time doesn’t matter here anyway. I’ll be on my own journey soon. She just needed me to fetch you.”

    “Whomever she is.”

    “Don’t worry. You’ll remember her. Remember to remember. Remember?” Aja chuckled.

    Somewhere in the back of Mara’s mind, that phrase sparked a memory.
    Remember to remember.

    There was another spot of light shining down ahead of them. It was larger with an object under it. A wooden park bench stood amongst the blackness. There was a female figure sitting in it with her back to them. Mara and Aja went around to the front of the bench. Mara could see the woman.

    She was in her mid-twenties. She had a waif-like thinness wearing a black halter top and black pants. Her skin was as pale white as the light shining down on them. A black umbrella sat unfolded upright next to her on the bench. Then there was the medallion. The medallion. It was silver on a black chain around her neck that reached just below her bosom.

    A decade of memories flooded Mara’s mind. Memories of Earth. Mobile, Alabama. Mary Jane Skyler. She entered Mary’s mind after Mara died. She remembered asking for help to understand her situation. This woman visited her there. She had many names. One in particular. Mara did remember.

    “Death,” Mara called out.

    “Hi, sweetie. We meet again. Actually, you can still call me Didi. The unofficial title.”

    “Why am I here? Again?”

    “Oh, Hun, we need to have a talk.”


    Last edited: Nov 7, 2024
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Mara with Luke and getting a name and following clues. Where is she now?
    Love the talk between Rey, Poe and Mara
    madman007 likes this.
  3. study888

    study888 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 16, 1999
    Looking forward to more.
    madman007 likes this.
  4. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    You are a very good writer, and your dialogue is extremely engaging!
    I've probably said in a dozen different threads I'm a sucker for fish out of temporal water stories, and the bridge between legends and canon is not one commonly crossed, at least not for those who acknowledge it exists.
    Your combat is also very well written and fluid. I am wondering if you meant Juyo where you put Vaapad, but that is more a curiosity than a complaint.
    madman007 likes this.
  5. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Thank you so much. I've been told great things about my dialogue before, so it must be true.
    Unlike the Fandom Menace, I acknowledge the Canon that Disney established. Don't look now, but they borrowed much from Legends (it's still EU to me).
    I remember looking up the lightsaber styles many times and have used the names in other stories. What I found out was that Vaapad is Form 7 for the Jedi and Juyo is the same Form but for the Sith. Even more aggressive and destructive if you can imagine that. I figure that since Master Windu was mentioned in this story, I referred it to Vaapad.
    Thanks for the praise and keep reading. The next chapter will be coming soon!
    ConservativeJedi321 likes this.
  6. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Fair enough, I just brought it up cause most source's I know of treat Vaapad as being more closely tied to Mace Windu's inner circle and I'm not aware of any that state Juyo is exclusive to the Sith (Though certainly favored by them compared to the Jedi). I think you just confused me when you connected Vaapad to Palpatine.
    Your answer makes sense enough.

    I do love how you have bridged the gap while being respectful to both, speaking as someone who very much is a sequel skeptic one of my favorite parts so far is when Mara pretty much says "Yes that sounds like the Luke I know." when referring to the Sequel version of him.

    Looking forward to the next chapter!
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
    madman007 likes this.
  7. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    I have Chapter 7 written. Now it's a question of typing and editing. I figure this next long chapter will be the last plus an Epilogue to end this story.
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  8. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Hey all. I'm almost done with this. I only have a short Epilogue to go.
    I will warn you that you may have to get the tissues out. I try not to be maudlin but sometimes it's necessary.
    Enjoy and review as you see fit!


    The Wonderful Life Of Mara Jade
    Chapter 7: Choices


    Mara had met her before.

    On Earth in Alabama. She was in the body of Mary Jane Skyler. Mara was so confused then. She had been taken down by a poison given to her by her own nephew, Jacen. She faded away but woke up in a new body on a new planetary system and galaxy. Mara needed answers. She received them in the most unorthodox way.

    The physical embodiment of an anthropomorphic being known as Death. Although, she preferred to be known as Didi. She came to help Mara understand how she did not meld into the Force after her death, Instead, she was placed in the body of a woman who had been in a coma. In turn, Mara helped Mary Jane Skyler out of the come to discover that it was induced by a powerful sedative. The case was eventually solved. Yet Mara was still inside Mary’s mind. Mara had found a way to convince her mind that she was back in her own reality. One in which she was alive. There were differences to her new reality, but at least she was back with the people she loved. Mara had been living in that new reality for ten years.

    So, why was Death here before her now in this blackness? Mara figured it had to do with her current leaping into different realities where Mara did and did not exist.

    “Very good reasoning, Mara,” Didi…Death, cheered.

    “I forgot you can hear everything.”

    Didi winked. “Omniscient. Look it up. And that blackness as you call it happens to be my home. The Sunless Lands. What fun times we had here. Not so much fun this time. You really got yourself into a pickle, Mara Jade.”

    “You mean how I was placed in a world where I don’t exist?”

    “Yes, but let’s not get ahead just yet. Let’s wind the clocks back a year in your timeline.”

    “Luke said it was about eight months.”

    “Sure. Anyway, you were after this nasty terrorist of a man who killed all of these people.”

    “Luke said it was a member of the Fariu Pirates.”

    Didi put her hands on her hips. “Would you like to tell this story, or shall I continue? I’m sure you don’t know much.”

    “You’re right. Sorry. That is as far as I know.”

    “No, that’s as far as you want to remember. Anyway, big bad guy plants bombs. Killed many. Which, by the way, was a headache for me those days. On one of these planets, or systems as you call them, the terrorist plants a bomb in a dwelling. You get everyone out and you and Luke diffuse it. But wait, there’s more! There was another hidden bomb. Not everyone got out.”

    The blonde girl next to Mara named Aja became excited as if she were waiting to be called on in a classroom.

    Didi told her, “Not yet, hun. Let’s let Mara think on it first.”

    Mara had listened to Didi’s words intently. She processed that the place where the terrorist planted the bomb in the dwelling was on Berasom. If not everyone survived…but Aja was here…with Death….

    “Oh, kriff,” Mara uttered.

    Aja said directly, “I think she knows now.”

    Mara bypassed a feeling of shock to look at Aja. “You died. That’s why you’re here.” Aja nodded. “That’s why Orin Mott was angry at me. He was your father.”

    “I was sad to leave daddy. He lost both his wife and daughter now. He has to be so lonely.”

    “I’m…I’m so sorry.” Mara managed to cry out.

    “Don’t be. I know it wasn’t your fault. Daddy believed it was, but I don’t. You told everyone to leave our building. When you turned off the bomb, you told us it was safe. I was so excited that I ran back in before anyone else. That’s when the second bomb went off. Everything wasn’t so safe after that.”

    “He blamed me for your death. That’s why he followed me after that. Revenge for his daughter. That’s why he attacked me on the shuttle.”

    Aja walked up close to Mara and placed her hand gently on her arm. “I don’t blame you. It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know there was a second bomb.”

    “I should have known,” Mara grunted through gritted teeth.

    “You can’t save everyone.”

    Mara suddenly looked down at the blonde girl with teary eyes. She had heard that phrase before. She herself had spoken it.

    Aja went on. “I know you try. I know how you felt after it happened. Didi showed me. You were so sad for a long time. Daddy didn’t understand. He was in too much pain and anger. He shouldn’t have gone after you. You shouldn’t be in pain either..”

    “There’s not much you can do about it now, can you?”

    “Yes there is. Mara. I forgive you.” Aja reached in to wrap her arms around Mara’s waist. Mara placed a hand on her on the girl’s head and kissed it.

    Didi finally spoke to tell Aja, “Honey, it’s time to go now.”

    Aja parted from Mara. “I have to go now. Didi said I’m ready for my new adventure.” She started walking backwards away from them. She began to step forward out of the light shining from above. Before she completely disappeared into the darkness, Aja turned around. She said to Mara, “When you see my daddy, tell him I’m all right, and I’ll be watching over him forever.” Aja turned again and slowly faded away into the blackness.

    For a long moment, Mara and Didi were silent. Finally, Mara moved to sit on the bench with her and said, “You know that I have questions. And I know you will be evasive about them.”

    “Not this time, dear. I’m going to be straight with you at what you’ve been doing. Even if you don’t even realize how.”

    “Then let’s begin. Why can’t I remember what happened to Aja? I’m only just remembering you since I’ve been in here.”

    “I’m usually unforgettable. Sometimes a few do remember. There’s not many who get multiple visits from me in one lifetime. As far as your lack of memory of the incident, that was something you did yourself. You were in such a state that you repressed your memory of it. Your mind forced you into believing you were in an alternate realm of existence.”

    “One where I didn’t exist.”

    “Correct. Why deal with your grief and despair when you can be in a world where you can start over without repercussions?”

    Mara replied, “There were repercussions.”

    “Yes. Your unannounced trips between worlds.”

    “Were you behind that?”

    “No. You were.”


    “Actually, my brothers and I have a few theories. Your mind couldn’t decide if it wanted you to be in a world where you existed or not. You seem to have a unique ability, Mara Jade. You can travel between different planes of reality at your command. There are very few species who can do that. None of them human. The one species from Gallifrey is nearly extinct because their home world died. In your case, however, I think your ability is a byproduct of what you did on Earth.”

    “I convinced myself that I was in my galaxy. One where Ben didn’t forget the blade that I placed a tracker on. I knew he was coming to me on Hapes and I didn’t follow Jacen to Kavan. And I didn’t die.”

    “Your travel to that realm was done out of survival. You wanted to live. This time, you wanted to escape.”

    “I would never choose that.”

    “Not consciously. You were so depressed by the guilt of killing Aja that you shut down. Not one of your loved ones could shake you out of it. Not Luke. Not Ben. Your mind chose for you.” Didi sighed. “Through all of my existence I have been fascinated by the human mind. That’s why every so often I take a moment to interact with humans. It was on one of those trips where I invented this persona.” She gestured her hand in a wave at herself. “The human mind can convince its owner into believing almost anything.”

    “Like visiting a world where they don’t exist.”

    “Exactly. You are your own George Bailey.”


    “Oh, sorry. An Earth-based motion picture. It’s a story of a man who is kind and moral but his dreams have been dashed because of his own virtues. He gets into serious trouble that wasn’t his fault but takes responsibility for it anyway. Sound familiar? He is so full of despair that he contemplates taking his own life. He’s saved from doing so by being given a gift. He is shown a world where he doesn’t exist. He sees the people whom he loved end up being alone. Some weren’t there because he wasn’t there. He saw the differences of what would happen if his generosity wasn’t there to save them. The domino effect of his absence was too great. And he decided to live despite the consequences. Turned out, his friends and family ended up saving him in every way possible.”

    Didi paused before she said, “It’s such a sweet story. And popular. It shows how one life affects so many others. Take away one life and the outcomes are altered.”

    Mara nodded. “I don’t think I could ever be so down as to end my own life. And I don’t consider myself exactly moral.”

    “Eh, you were a bit shaky on the moral high ground in your beginning. You certainly balanced it out later.”

    “Thanks. I also can’t see myself getting that depressed anyway. You would think Luke or Ben could get me out of it.”

    “On that note, there’s something I can show you.”

    “You can do that?” Off of Didi’s wry look at her, Mara said, “Of course you can. Where are we going?”

    “Physically, not far. Remember, we can go anywhere in the Sunless Lands.”

    Immediately after they stood, the scene instantly changed. The darkness became brighter. Images formed into the walls of a room. A bed had appeared before them with a figure laying in it under the covers. Mara recognized the room. It was her own bedroom. The figure in the bed was herself. She wasn’t sleeping. She was staring with eyes open at the ceiling.

    The standing Mara whispered, “So that’s me depressed. I sure remember that feeling.”

    Didi gave that wry look at her again and said, “You know you don’t have to whisper. You are not here. She can’t hear you.” She chuckled. “You literally can’t hear yourself at the moment.”


    “When did you remember the feeling?”

    Mara sighed. “It was after the Emperor died. I was alone. No one knew who I was. I lost the ability to use the Force. My anonymity became my downfall. They put me in a mental hospital. That went on for months before I was let go. I never wanted to experience that again.”

    “You didn’t. You were no longer alone with Luke and family.” The sound of a door swishing open was heard. “Speak of the devil,” said Didi.

    Luke Skywalker entered the room and proceeded to sit on the edge of the bed beside the laying Mara. He called out to her. “You have to eat something, Mara.”

    “Not hungry.”

    “You’ve been cooped up in this room for almost two weeks now.”

    “Your observation skills never cease to amaze me, Skywalker.”

    “Stop it. Your walls in the Force are up. You have to get out of this and—”

    “Don’t say it! ‘You have to move on.’ It’s not your fault.’ ‘You didn’t know Bristen planted a second Bombassi triggered bomb.’ I’ve heard it all too many times over the past week, Luke. I’m tired of hearing it.”

    “You can’t keep dwelling on this. At some point you do have to move on.”

    She finally lifted her head up from the pillow and asked, “How quick did you move on after you blew up the Death Star and killed thousands? Those were people who were just doing their jobs.”

    “Jobs in service of the Empire. I’m not going to argue that difference with you.”

    “Of course. What are thousands of lives carrying out evil plans to that of one innocent girl?” She flopped her head back on the pillow. “I told her it was safe. After we diffused the bomb, I said it was safe. She was so excited to go back into her home. By the time Bristen hinted there was another bomb, it was too late. Now Orin Mott lost a daughter.”

    “Mara, stop this! It is not your fault. It was Bristen who planted the bombs.”

    “Yes. Bombs with an S! I should have known.”

    “Think about it, Mara. Look how close the second bomb detonated so soon after we diffused the first one. He set it up that way. You have to stop this. You are making yourself crazy.”

    “I already feel crazy. I can’t keep going, Luke.”

    “You can.”

    “This is the hardest I felt in a long time. When I was hit with the Vong poison, it was directed at me. I could handle it and I took care of it because I controlled the healing. This is—”

    “Out of your control.”

    After a few moments, she admitted softly, “Yes. I just don’t want to think about it anymore. I want it to go away. I want to go somewhere to disappear from myself.”

    “You don’t mean that.”

    “Don’t I? That poor girl. That poor father.”

    Luke suddenly smirked and told her, “You can’t save everyone.”

    The phrase shook the standing Mara. She herself had said those same words to Luke on Niruan years ago. Aja had said them to her just recently. Along with the realization, a flood of memories returned to her.
    “I remember this now. This conversation. I was lost. Luke tried to bring me back. So many lives lost at the hands of the terrorist, Bristen. The Fariu Pirates ousted him after his disturbing behavior. He was arrested after the Berasom bombing. Orin Mott was still in pain.”
    “Many were. I greeted them all. Including Aja.”

    “Orin’s pain was different. We…I told him his daughter was safe. Bristen made a liar out of me. Orin came after me. Revenge for the loss of his daughter.”

    “Grief acting as anger. Trust me, Mara, I’ve seen it for several millennia.”

    The bedroom dissolved away along with herself and Luke on the bed. The park bench appeared again in darkness with a spot of light over it. Mara and Didi sat back down on it.

    “When Orin came after me from hiding on the shuttle, I could feel him in the Force. I knew he was coming for me. A part of me…. allowed him to attack me. I deserved to be punished for lying to him. He threw me against the shuttle wall and hit my head. I was out but I could feel myself falling out of the shuttle. I kept thinking that I’m done here. For the second time, Death…. you…. were coming for me. Again. This time I welcomed it.”

    Didi explained, “Sorry to burst your bubble, sugar, but you were not on my list that day. I didn’t come for your final journey. When I finally do, we are going to party first. I’ve visited you the most without actually sending you.” She reached down to hold her silver medallion on her necklace. It was a cross with a droplet-shaped loop at the top. “You once asked me what this was. This is my Ankh. It is an ancient symbol for both Life and Death. Rebirth. Mara, most beings are afraid of me when I visit them for their final journey. I am not the end. I am a cycle. Renewing over and over. You seem to manage to find ways to sidestep my path for you and create your own.”

    “I was supposed to be on my final journey on Kavan.”

    “You were a no-show. You went galivanting on Earth with the Southerners. To be fair, that wasn’t done by you. Other forces of nature intervened then. You still ended up in your own galaxy even though it was an alternate time where you lived.”

    “I swear I didn’t plan that.”

    “Subconsciously, your mind chose for you. It’s where you wanted to be.”

    Mara looked down. “And this time, I wanted to be in a world where I didn’t exist.”

    “Not entirely. The memories you retained of your life with Luke and Ben were the cracks in that plan. Your mind kept putting you in that reality to remind you where you belong. My brother, Destiny, had a Hell of a time writing your timeline. You kept changing the rules.”

    “I know. I just kept thinking that little girl no longer has a future.”

    Didi cried, “Hello! Were you listening to me, Galaxy Girl? Life. Death. Rebirth. Aja has been sent on her new journey. She will have a different future. You are punishing yourself for something that is natural and out of your control. What is in your control is where you want to be.”

    “I can decide just like that?”

    “If you want. You could stay with Rey in her world. But it would be one where you would have no contact with either Luke or Ben. I’m sure you would be able to make friends and establish a life in Rey’s world. You would be doing what you asked for in that bedroom. Starting over. It’s up to you.”

    Mara stood. “I’m ready to choose. What do I have to do?”

    Didi stood up in front of Mara. “Well, first close your eyes. Now tap your heels three times and say, ‘There’s no place like home.’

    “Are you serious?”

    “No. Joking. Another Earth movie. And don’t worry about transport. You’re already there.”

    “I would like to tell Rey goodbye. She is an inspiration for the new Jedi.”

    “Doesn’t work that way, dear. She already forgot that you existed. You can still be an inspiration to her though.”

    “All right. I’m ready.”

    “Good. And by the way, Mara. The name of the movie with George Bailey?”


    It’s A Wonderful Life.”

    Mara smiled. “That it is.” She closed her eyes.

    She opened them to a bright light. She was lying on a bed. She looked up. She lifted her head. There was someone there sitting beside the bed. It wasn’t Luke. It was someone young. She focused.


    Since this chapter involves the subject of suicide, if you or anyone is so down that it seems there's no way out (especially after the events here in America this week) please seek help.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
  9. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Loved the discussions with Aja and Didi. =D= LOL! There's no place like home. Let's sing Over the Rainbow too. [face_love]
    earlybird-obi-wan and madman007 like this.
  10. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Touching chapter with Didi and Mara and those references to old movies. Yeah and what happened last week can change earth too. But what we say: stay in your village with your friends and enjoy their company because you cannot change what's happening elsewhere.
    madman007 likes this.
  11. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    I very strongly feel Mara's grief in the fate of Aja.
    The loss of a life so young is a horror I pray I never have to experience personally, as its not something that sits light with me even in fiction.
    But seeing Ben Skywalker at the end lifts my spirits, and I hope she can find some peace through him.
  12. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Behold, the last chapter and Epilogue. I know I said only the Epilogue was left. My muse felt different. I may add some author's notes later on.
    Hope you all enjoyed my little foray back into writing.
    Enjoy and review as you see fit!

    The Wonderful Life of Mara Jade
    Chapter Eight: Second Chances

    There was so much power in the words. It amazed Mara how certain words evoked certain emotions. The sound of that word being spoken to her created an emotion that she had been familiar with for the past eighteen years. She didn’t have to physically see the one who spoke. Alternate timelines didn’t matter. The feelings that the voice evoked were the same. That feeling became real as soon as she acknowledged him.

    She opened her eyes to find her son standing close to the bed that she was lying in. He was wearing a black tunic that mimicked his father’s attire. A feeling of joy erupted from her. “Ben! You don’t know how much it means to hear your voice.”

    “You’ve been hearing it for the past several weeks. This is the first time you’ve acknowledged it.”

    “I know. I’m sorry. I’ve…I’ve been in a rut for a while.”

    “I don’t pretend to know why. Orin Mott. He took half a standard year to stalk you and then attacked you. He was captured after you fell out of the shuttle. He is set to be prosecuted for assaulting you. The charge has more weight since he attacked you. Not many can say they succeeded at doing that.”

    “He didn’t do much. I must have hit my head on the shuttle side wall before I fell into the ocean.”

    Ben scoffed. “Excuses. His attack caused the blow to your head.”

    “Are we going to play Chicken or Egg all day?”

    “Not really. Guess it’s pointless to ask how you feel.”

    “Not great. But better now that you’re here.”

    “Yeah, you’re getting mushy so that means you’re not feeling like yourself.”

    Mara added a playful, “Stop it. I can be emotional when I want to.”

    Ben sat down in the chair next to the bed. “I know. When those emotions come from you, we never know.” Ben paused and said, “We just didn’t know how long you would stay in here. You seemed so depressed for the longest time.”

    “Frankly, I didn’t know either. I felt like I was in a different place. A different time. A place where I didn’t exist.” She wanted to be cautious about revealing she entered an alternate reality. She wasn’t sure how to explain it yet.

    “You really wanted to escape, didn’t you?”

    “Was it that obvious?”

    “It’s understandable. None of us knew what to think. You were so unresponsive for the longest time. And then you weren’t.”

    “After Orin started following me. I felt so responsible for his daughter’s death.”

    Ben shook his head. “You still think it’s your fault. Typical you.”

    “Can you blame me? I told Orin that his daughter was safe.”

    “But it was Bristen who set two bombs. It was Orin’s daughter who ran back into the building. You were just saying what you thought was true. Now who’s playing Chicken or the egg? So, no, I don’t blame you.”

    “And I spent several months doing just that. Seeing you does help. You don’t know how much it means to me seeing and hearing you.”

    “Finally. Dad and I spent countless hours in here and you hardly ever spoke back.”

    “I’m sorry. I never meant to alienate the two of you. I still wanted to be with my family.”

    “Too bad. With you gone meant that I had dibs on the Jade Shadow.” He gave a grin that reminded her of his father’s.

    “You touch my ship, and you won’t be walking.”

    “And she’s back!”

    “Not sure if I’m totally back. I had a lot of time to reflect on my family. I couldn’t just leave what took me several lifetimes to build. I couldn’t tear down my life over one girl who lost her life.” She paused to look into his eyes. “So here I am. My son is in front of me. Alive. Orin Mott can’t say that.”

    “Because he had a daughter not a son.”

    “Please quit with the Skywalker attempts at jokes right now.”

    “Sorry. Carry on.”

    “Orin’s daughter is gone. His wife is gone too. He can’t hold them anymore. But I can hold my son and husband. For several months I thought of how unfair that was. Death of loved ones never bothered me in the past. Not until I had loved ones of my own who I care about.”

    After a pause, Ben stated, “Wow, mom. You’ve gotten deep in your old age.”

    Mara remarked, “It’s not the years, kid, it’s the mileage.”

    “Unfortunately, Orin Mott has years of detainment to think about his lost family.”

    Mara considered. “What’s his status now?”

    Ben answered, “His arraignment was the other day. His trial is set for next week.”

    “Here on Coruscant?”

    “Yeah, he’s staying at the luxurious Justice Center. Why?”

    “You might think this is strange. I want to talk to him.”

    Coruscant Galactic Court of Justice

    Mara took a speeder to the Justice Center. She had to convince Ben that she needed to do this alone. She needed to talk to Orin. She also had to assure her son that she wouldn’t take out revenge that would leave Orin Mott as a bloody pulp. That was the old Mara Jade. Violence was the last thing on her mind. She remembered a message she had to give Orin Mott.

    It was commonplace to see Mara Jade Skywalker enter the Justice Center. Many had greeted her with a “hello” or with a simple wave. That cheerfulness dissipated as soon as she reached the floor of the Prosecutor Offices. To see Mara Jade show up at a place where a man was soon to be convicted of stalking and attacking her created an uncomfortable sense of future violence. Mara began to resent that she created those violent tendencies from her past.

    She reached the office of the prosecutor who was dealing with Orin’s case. Naya Woors. Mara had worked with Naya in the past. Despite her Theelin heritage, Naya was a hard-nosed prosecutor. Mara had more than once been surprised at Naya’s determination to get convictions on perpetrators whose evidence against them seemed thin. She called Naya ahead of time and explained to her that her meeting with Orin Mott may seem abnormal, but necessary.

    Mara greeted Naya’s human female assistant. “Mara Jade to see Naya Woors.”

    “Go right in, Mrs. Skywalker. She’s waiting for you.”

    Naya’s door was already open, and Mara walked in. Naya was sitting at her desk busy reading a datapad. Mara always was impressed seeing the stunning azure-skinned Theelin with a dark purple mane of hair on her head and down her back. A court prosecutor was hardly the usual profession for her species. Naya did have an artistic background growing up in the form of musical ability. She decided to pursue different areas of her talents.

    Naya raised her head. “Mara! Shut the door please. Thanks. Glad you could come by so quickly.”

    “I didn’t want to waste any time.”

    Naya shook her head. “Typical Mara Jade. No formalities.”

    “I assume you followed my request.”

    “Yes. Orin Mott is being held in the Detention area one floor down. I have a room set up for us.”

    “Us? I would rather speak to him alone.”

    “Mara, by Galactic law I have to be present. Anything he says at this point can be added to the information at his trial. And….I can’t be responsible for, shall we say, damages that he sustains before his trial.”

    Mara sighed. “I wish I could be rid of assumptions of violence where I’m concerned. It won’t be like that. Not anymore.”

    “Good to hear.”

    “May I ask what the charges are against him?”

    “Criminal harassment for stalking you for months. And then the big one. Assault of a New Republic Officer.”

    “What kind of time is he looking at?”

    “Upon a guilty plea, which I’m sure he’ll get, the harassment is only months. The Assault is usually up to five years. But, because it’s you, that can be up to thirty.”

    Mara scoffed. “He’s in his forties now. He won’t last. Why more because of me?”

    “He attacked a Jedi Master.”

    “Because I told him something that wasn’t true.”

    Naya’s voice hushed. “Because of his daughter. So tragic. That whole incident across the board.”

    “Has Brestin the terrorist been brought up on charges?”

    “Oh yes. But I can’t prosecute him. A prosecutor from the Fariu Pirates is in charge.”

    Mara nodded. “Yeah, they don’t want him to get away.”

    “He’s already scheduled for transport to Desolation Alley by the end of the week.”

    “Where he will meet with an unfortunate ‘accident’.”

    “Knowing the Fariu, I’m sure he’ll have some ‘rehabilitation’ before that accident.” Naya took a moment to tell Mara to sit down and then proceeded. “Look, Mara, I know you have something to say to Orin. You’ve already said it’s not violent, so I’m at a loss as to what.”

    “I simply want to ease his mind.”

    Naya looked at Mara as if studying her. “You know the charges against him are all based on his actions towards you. He went after no one else. He followed you at his own expense. Took out a lot of his savings.”

    “Savings I’m sure he intended for him and his daughter,” Mara reflected.

    “Mara, am I getting the impression that you don’t want to go forward with this? May I remind you that he did injure you.”

    “He forced my head into a shuttle wall, and I fell out into water. In the past I wouldn’t hesitate. Because of what he lost, I’m not sure.”

    “So, what do you want to do?”

    “I’d like to speak to him.”

    Galactic Court of Justice Detention floor

    Orin Mott sat alone in a square cell in front of a table. Binders were wrapped around his wrists that were in turn attached by a chain to a metal clip set in the table. He sat motionless with a blank stare. Mara could only see him on the screen outside of the room, but she could feel so many emotions from him. The primary one was regret. His expression was empty, but his eyes were filled with sorrow. It was a sorrow that Mara was thankful she did not know. He was dressed in the Court’s prisoner uniform of a beige one-piece jumper. She could still see sweat on his balding head of hair. His appearance looked so unassuming. How did this man manage to attack her? She knew that grief could supply an enormous amount of sudden strength.
    Naya compromised with Mara by staying outside the cell, yet she still would listen in. Mara entered the cell holding a cup of caf. She sat down on the chair at the opposite side of the table from Orin. She placed the cup in front of him.

    Mara said, “I have been told by many over the years that the supplemental caf served on the detention level tastes like bantha fodder. This caf is from the offices upstairs.”

    He slowly received the cup in his hand and said grudgingly, “Thank you.” He sipped it but did not say anything else.

    “You’re probably wondering what I’m doing here.”

    “The thought had occurred to me. How are you doing?”

    “I’m fine.”

    “The wound on your head has healed nicely. It's only been merely days.”

    “Benefits of Jedi healing.”

    Orin grunted. “Wish I had that. I used to get so many scrapes in the South Mine. The passageway to Site B was only a half-meter tall. Had to crawl on my knees to get to the quarry site.”

    “I take it you’ll no longer experience that.”

    He smirked. “Such a nice way to say I was forced into retirement.”

    “Orin, I’m sorry.”

    He chuckled. “You’re sorry? I’m the one who chased you around the galaxy and then assaulted you. Dipped into our—my savings to do it. I had to buy an old shuttle. Damned thing barely ran in hyperspace. Thought I was going to be scattered to pieces.” He paused before he continued in a scruffy voice. “I’m the one who should say sorry to you. The fact is, I’ve spent days here trying to figure out how. Then you show up here. I was so angry. I never acted that way before. I actually attacked a Master Jedi. What was I thinking?”

    “You weren’t thinking. Your anger took over your emotions. Jedi have been known to do that too.”

    “I don’t know much about the Jedi. They’re a mystery to me. All I know is that my anger has turned to shame since I’ve been here.”

    Mara leaned closer to him. “You shouldn’t feel ashamed.” She hesitated but said eventually, “Aya would understand.”

    Orin suddenly shut his eyes tight. He barked, “How would you know? You didn’t know her.”

    Mara proceeded with caution. She hardly ever spoke about the Force to non-users because there was so much more to explain. She felt that she needed to with Orin. “I’m going to tell you something. It is going to sound strange and incredible. It doesn’t make it any less true.”

    “Is it a Jedi thing?”

    “Well…yes. It’s important. It will explain why I came here to talk to you.” Orin gave her a wordless nod indicating her to continue. “After you attacked me and I fell into the ocean, I was unconscious for several hours.” Yet it felt like months in an alternate reality she thought to herself. “In that time, I had a vision. Jedi sometimes have those. We can see hints of a possible future or a past. We can also see a vision of a world that doesn’t exist.”
    “What are you getting at?”

    Mara breathed and revealed, “I saw Aja. In my vision.”

    Orin jerked back and snapped, “What?”

    “I saw Aja. I spoke to her. She spoke to me.”

    Orin snapped again, “Get out of here! I don’t want to hear your Jedi nonsense!”

    “No, Orin, it’s true. Please understand.”

    Orin ejected out of the chair, but the table chain attached to his binders didn’t let him go far. “No! Leave! Now!”

    Mara was frantic in trying to find a way for Orin to believe her. She reached into the Force for possible ways. An image of Aja formed in her mind. She was wearing the pink tunic she wore when she saw her. There was something else that she didn't notice before. Until now. It was hanging around her neck. “A necklace!”


    “Aja was wearing a necklace. No, a pendant. It had a symbol on it.”

    Orin sat back down in the chair. He spoke in disbelief, “That was her mother’s. A holopic of her mother is inside of it. Aja always kept it underneath her tunic. She hardly ever took it out. It wasn’t out that night. How did you know about it? You couldn't have seen it.”

    “I guess you won’t believe me when I tell you the Force showed it to me just now.” Orin shook his head. “Didn’t think so.”

    “Why did you mention it?”

    “I had to make you believe. I needed proof. I did speak to Aja in my vision. She spoke to me.”

    In a calmer yet shaky voice, Orin asked, “Wh…what did she say?”

    “She told me that it wasn’t my fault. It was the terrorist, Bristen.”


    “The pirate who set off all those bombs across the galaxy. He killed hundreds, not just Aja.”

    “You said she was safe. You said you diffused the bomb.”

    “I know. We diffused one bomb. Bristen set up a second one in your building. He never did that with the other bombs. He probably knew I was coming. That doesn't matter. We—I didn’t know. I was wrong to say that she was safe.”
    Orin sat silent for a moment before he replied, “No. You were only saying what you thought was true at the time. Aja took off back into the building. You couldn’t stop her in time. When that bomb went off…something set me off. My anger was towards you. You said she was safe. She wasn’t safe.” Orin’s emotions grew into remorse. “Now she’s gone. Her mother is gone. I am alone now.”

    “Orin, listen to me. There was more in my vision. Aja gave me a message to give to you.”

    “A message? From my Aja?”


    “What did she say?”

    Mara beathed deep. “She told me to tell you that she is all right. She is on her next journey. And that she will be watching over you forever.”

    “Well…that was nice. Just like her mother. Always so sensible.”

    “That’s why I’m sorry, Orin. I’m sorry for you. Your grief turned to anger, and you lashed out at who you thought created it. The anger took over. It happens to the best of us.”

    “Jedi too?”

    “Especially Jedi. Anger dominated one of the greatest Jedi to ever to live.”

    Orin nodded in agreement. “Your husband Luke.”

    “Close. His father, Anakin.” When Orin shook his head with no knowledge of the name. Mara supplied with, “Darth Vader. Same guy.”

    Orin raised his eyebrows. “Oh my.”

    “Yeah, you think your family has problems.” She immediately regretted her remark and said, “I’m sorry. That was insensitive. Of course you suffered. Hundreds did at the hands of Bristen.”

    “I’ll be thinking of Aja and those others after I’m incarcerated.”

    Mara considered something and she called out to the room. “Naya, could you come in here a moment?”

    Skywalker Home

    Mara left Naya at her office and returned home to be greeted by her husband and her son. Luke looked at her with anxious nervousness. “Anything wrong, Luke?”

    “I was just seeing how you were after visiting Orin Mott at the Justice Center.”

    Mara sneered. “You mean you were seeing how Orin was after my visit to him. Sometimes I don’t even have to read you in the Force, Master Jedi.”

    “There was a time when I would have been worried about Orin.”

    “You still are worried. You don’t have to be. He’s fine. Other than being in grief for the rest of his life.”

    “Guess I could never hide my emotions with you. Truly, is everything good? His trial is next week, right?”

    Mara flopped down on their living room sofa. Ben followed her and sat down in the chair next to the sofa. Luke sat next to his wife. Mara replied, “Not anymore.”

    Ben blurted out, “What? Why not?”

    “Because my son, I dropped all the charges against him.”

    “Are you kidding? This man knocked you out. He stalked you across the galaxy for months. What about justice, mom?”

    “Orin Mott will never have justice, son. No amount of time in prison will correct that.”

    “His actions demand punishment, mom.”

    “He is already living in punishment. He has no one. No job. No family. He has a better chance to regain both outside of a jail cell. I saw no point in punishing him even more. The charges were based on me. Once I dropped them he was free to go.”

    “Free in name only,” uttered Luke.

    "Yes," Mara uttered.

    “Fine,” Ben said finally. “If you thought it was for the best.”

    “I did.”

    Knowing that was Mara’s signal to end the discussion, Ben asked, “Why don’t I get dinner set up.”

    Mara sighed, “Why don’t we order something in. I don’t feel like cooking anything.”

    Ben replied, “I wouldn’t have let you anyway. You need your rest.”

    “Ugh, the last thing I need right now is rest. I’ve rested long enough.”

    After Ben left the room, Luke started looking at her intensely.

    She felt his gaze both in the Force and physically. “What is it, Luke?”

    “Your mind is on something.”

    “My mind is always on something.”

    “No, this is deeper than usual. And more specific. Your mind went somewhere at the mention of resting long enough. You were only out a few hours after we found you on the Seria shores. Were you out longer?”

    Mara couldn’t hide things from Luke for very long. Eventually, she would have to reveal her secrets. “I…it felt much longer. In my vision.”

    “You had a vision while you were out?”

    “Of sorts. I’m not sure. It felt so real.”

    “What did you see?”

    Mara paused but continued. “I was in a place….where I don’t exist.”

    She could feel Luke’s hesitation. “Are you sure? How could you tell?”

    “Because I was told that you had died. Or at least joined the Force. You abandoned the Force. You left everyone to become a hermit. Han and Leia had perished, too.”

    “And Ben?”

    “You never met me. You never married. So Ben didn’t exist either.” Mara added as a positive afterthought. “Chewie was alive though.”

    “Interesting. You were in a place where your past was erased or non-existent. You really do want to escape.”

    “Funny, that’s what Ben said to me, too.”

    “It’s that obvious.”

    Mara sat up next to him. “But I didn’t escape. I’m not sure if it was real or not. I met people there. People who aren’t in this reality, I don’t think.”

    “Who were they?”

    Mara thought she could list off the names quickly. She had to think hard now. “I think one was named…Rey? And the other was Poe, I think.”

    “This sounds like more than a vision. This sounds like something similar to what you experienced ten years ago. What was that place called? Herth?”

    “Earth. I thought that it seemed familiar. That time I was placed there by...someone or something in the Force. This time it was all my own doing. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that I chose to come back to my family.”

    “Yet, the thought of escaping your past mistakes occurred to you.”

    Mara thought a moment and replied truthfully, “At one point, yes. All of my past faults would be erased. I could start over fresh. Then I thought of my accomplishments. The people who were involved in the life I built. Some events didn’t happen because I wasn’t there. Some people didn’t exist because I wasn't there. It’s strange how one person can affect so many others. If any of my actions did not happen, that would dishonor those who they affected. Good and bad, my actions defined me. They make me who I am. I can’t escape that. Why would I want to?”

    “Why, indeed?”

    Ben reentered the room to announce, “I ordered some ronto burgers from the Greasy Grind. Should be here soon.”

    “The Greasy Grind. To Hell with our healthy diet,” Mara said.

    Ben sat back down on the chair. “What’s the point of living without a good ronto burger?”

    “I can’t say that I object,” emitted Luke.

    “See? Dad approves.”

    “Then so do I.” As her husband and son continued their banter, Mara looked at both of them. She made the right decision. She would no longer be alone. She really did have a wonderful life. Just like George Bailey. She suddenly wondered where she pulled that name. She couldn’t find it in her memory.

    It didn’t matter. She was home.


    In another galaxy, far, far away…

    Rey swerved to avoid a strike from Raena. She made an about face with her golden blade extended out to meet Raena’s next strike towards hers. Her blade clashed with Raena’s blue blade. They were face to face with each other before Raena gave a flash of a smile. Suddenly, Raena raised her blade as if in defeat. Rey watched her closely. To Rey’s surprise, Raena managed to meld into the background and disappear. Rey was dumbfounded.

    “Raena? Raena, where did you go?”

    No answer.

    Rey turned in circles with her blade held out in anticipation. She could see no hint of Raena. There was a sudden appearance of mist that surrounded her. As soon as she turned again, she received a flash of blue and Raena’s blade came down inches in front of her face before Rey could block the strike. Within seconds, the mist vanished and Raena appeared again before her. Rey told her, “Very impressive. Excellent use of stealth technique. When did you learn Force Projection?"

    "I've been perfecting it over the years."

    I couldn’t see you through your vision.”

    Raena answered, “Maybe you shouldn’t see with your eyes. Your eyes can only interpret what they see. They're not part of your emotions. They can deceive you. You have to feel in the Force by being calm and passive.”

    “Excellent advice. The student becomes the teacher. Where did you learn that? I don’t remember reading that in the Jedi Texts.”

    “Actually, I’m not sure. It seems to go along with the Jedi doctrine, though.”

    “That it does. Very inspiring, Raena, wherever you learned it. Keep up the good work. You'll be a Jedi in no time.”

    The End.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Nice to see Mara and Luke and Ben together in this reality. And touching to see her go and visit Orin Mott and telling him about Aja. It is as it should be.
    The epilogue is where she doesn't excist at all in another galaxy far far away.
    A great story
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Super banter and warm family feels. Mara's decision about Orin is a very compelling one and very true. He is living in perpetual punishment that goes beyond literal confinement.

  15. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Finally got around to catching up on this, and I actually reread a bit and once again I want to say how genuinely impressed I am at the sheer level of respect you have maintained for both continuities in this story. "The Skywalker Remark" stands out to me in how it wasn't done half-hazardly but as a chance for a good character moment and growth from Rey.

    Chapter Eight: Second Chances

    Ben is back! Yay!
    Heh. "The charge has more weight since he attacked you. Not many can say they succeeded at doing that.”- That brought a chuckle.
    Naturally it's only just ever bad luck. Only way to take down a Skywalker, crashing their ship. (Yes even a Skywalker by marriage) [face_mischief]
    Chicken and egg all day! [face_laugh][face_chicken]
    Ben's not big on his mom being mushy. Can't blame him.
    The emotional trauma she faced is a lot worse than the physical trauma, and I don't blame her.

    Ben calling dibs on the Jade Shadow is cheeky as heck. That's one bold kid. Especially when his moms a retired assassin.

    At a certain point I have to wander if he WANTS to get assaulted. That "Skywalker brand humor" can only get you so far when you're talking about a dead kid.

    Good on Mara for keeping a level head, especially when she goes to confront Orin.
    It's good she has sympathy for him. The best antagonists are those we can understand as humans
    He clearly has his regrets, which may be his saving grace here. His emotions had cooled before she arrived, but naturally flare again when she brings up his daughter. I'd probably have a very similar reaction. But he listens in the end, and that's what matters most.
    I can hear his voice, and Mara's so clearly here. It's like you are painting a picture, and it's an emotional one too.

    This man is not a criminal, not a monster. Just a grieving father who acted out in a moment of passion. I'm happy Mara dropped the charges. He doesn't deserve to die in prison.

    Luke is very observant. But given this is Mara, I'd expect nothing less.

    The epilogue is fascinating, like a vacuum where she was there and not there all at once.

    A WONDERFULLY crafted story. Well done @madman007! =D=
    earlybird-obi-wan and madman007 like this.
  16. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Out of all your praise, I hold this one close. I went back and forth several times to include or not include that epilogue. Like you said, it both connects and disconnects Mara's presence. Was she really there or was she just an inspiration? That's where the reader decides. So, I left it in. Glad I did. Thank you so much for the feedback.

    Thanks to all who posted feedback. It was much needed after I stopped writing for the longest time. [:D]
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025