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Those Threads You'd Like to Post in

Discussion in 'Archive: Big Brother Strikes Back' started by solojones, May 12, 2003.

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  1. JediPrincessKas

    JediPrincessKas Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 9, 2002
    I don't think we're boring. Not at all. I have a good time posting in here with you guys. :D And I know not everyone is going to like us, or the BB game, and that's ok. I shall just ignore them and their negative comments. :)
  2. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    Heh...I find it incredibly odd--and ironic--and amusing--that certain people out there in JCC land hate us and find us so boring...and that this game is an "exercise in futility"...yet, they make a thread to talk about us? If I could give two ****s about something, I sure as hell don't talk about it. I have better things to do with my time...but that's just me...good ole rational me... ;)

    no, and I'm kinda miffed about the whole thing. I mean, the point of the game is to restrict certain members to a single forum, yet they are freely allowed to post in any forum using socks, and VIP socks at that.

    I've only posted outside of the BB Forum once...and it was part of our I'm not sure where you get this from, malkie...we've only posted outside of said forum if it was part of a task... :)

    The game's not fun this time 'cause people always quit instead of being voted out :p

    JGM is the only person to quit thus far, Adam... :p

    Originally I wanted to participate in this BB but after seeing how bad this one turned out, I'm glad I was rejected :D

    Heh. Gee...thanks...

    The BB is crap, let it die and stop filling up the YJCC with pointless advertisment threads.

    Sounds like someone's app. was rejected... ;) :p

    It would have been a little more interesting had they incoporated more JCers in the forum and stopped with all those lame tasks. Personally, the forum looks like a mess and can be a bit confusing at times.

    Hmmm...I'm pretty sure the last BB game was pretty much the same exact way...with the "lame" tasks and all...and how is the forum confusing? Seems pretty straight-forward to me...//shrugs// ?[face_plain]

    Not to mention the housemates "tasks" take about 4 hours to read. How the hell are we supposed to vote when the updates would take that much time to read? Not many of us have that kind of patience.

    I doubt they take that long to read...

    Nah. I was interested the first time around, but now I don't even bother.

    It would probably be a lot more readable/watchable if there was some backstabbing and deceit going on. That's what makes the TV show interesting. Everybody in the form is so damn nice to each other, which gets boring after a while. I mean, even now, the people from the first game's posts to each other look something like this:

    "So-and-so,(always using the real name, never the screen name) you are an amazing person. Thank you so much for posting in this thread, as you have made my life better from it. Will you have my baby?"

    But isn't the point of backstabbing just do it behind someones's back? Same with deceit? ?[face_plain]

    Certainly if it was going-on, it wouldn't be posted for all to see, now would it? When you see that in the TV shows, they're saying all of that stuff while the other person is out of the room... ;) :)

    And what's wrong with all of us getting along? Oh yeah...I's "cool" to be disrespectful and trollish towards others here at the good ole JC...sorry...heh... [face_blush]

    Honestly people, gag me.

    Ok! :D

    //stuffs a sock drenched in gasoline down Darth_Goofy's throat//

    How's that? Better? Good...


    I personally don't give a damn about it in the first place. IMO, restricting oneself to just one forum on a messageboard seems to defeat the purpose of even coming to said messageboard in the first place.

    My's not like we're locked in here for the end of's only for 3 months! That's nothin' as far as I'm concerned... ;)

    Yes, I have two good friends in there [face_love]


    Hi there, Jenny...//tosses a Pabst// [face_love]

    Oi! I have been wondering why little people are coming in, asking us to watch the Big Brother forum. It really does anoy me, but, I ignore it.

    If you ignore it, why post in that thread? Hmmm...? ?[face_plain] :p

    I say we leave them in there as long as it takes them to realize no one cares.

  3. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002 no means did I (nor will I) take it personal, cb. Just simply answering the questions made by our adoring "fans"... ;) :)

    "YJCC liking the BB experience is by far secondary to you enjoying the BB experience."


    Very well said. I couldn't have said it better myself. :)
  4. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    It sure is... [face_love]

    It sure is... ;)
  5. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    I sure wish that I could post in the BYS thread...because if I could, I'd say....

    ROTMFFLMMFAO @ Yorrick's ESB/BYS Parody!!!

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    //wipes away a tear//

    Man...that was friggin' great! :D

    I hope that I make the next installment...when you get back... ;)

    We're gonna miss ya...see ya in August! :D


    //thinks for a second... you think you could please post this in that thread for me? If so, I'd very much appreciate it! :)

    EDIT: Thanks alot, cb. I appreciate it, man. :)
  6. B'omarr

    B'omarr Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 7, 2000
    You know, for the record. I think I'm boring too. :( Whenever I see myself, I'm always combing my hair or brushing my teeth or putting on make up and silky underwear to try to lure sailors into my deadly web of deceit so I can feast upon their souls.....perhaps I've overshared.
  7. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
  8. Katya Jade

    Katya Jade Administrator Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 19, 2002
    So does this mean we need to actually post all the dirty, nasty, sexy stuff we do in our spin off board?

    I don't really care. I didn't do the BB to please anyone else besides myself. I've gotten to know people in here that I never would have communicated with otherwise and that's the best part. I enjoy reading the tasks because it helps me to get to know you guys better.

    It's a game. On the internet. I find it humorous that people want to complain about it. It would have been fun to have people get involved in it and express some interest but whatever. Their loss.
  9. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    //wipes-away a tear...//

    Beautiful, Kate...absolutely beautiful... :D [face_love]
  10. TheEmperorsHand

    TheEmperorsHand Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 27, 2000
    *sniff* aw Kate, you said it perfectly! So has pretty much everyone else who posted here, too actually. But maybe that's because the people who think we're boring can't post here.... oh well ;) I really have had fun getting to know you all. I mean, I'd hardly ever even talked to any of you before coming in here, so that why I like this game. The fact that people bother to complain about us says something too, though :p
  11. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    It's been cool getting to know you as well, Alison. :) [face_love] thread is getting abit out of control, wouldn't you say? There are mod edits all over the place. It may be time to just let this rest, those of you in that thread. find us boring and don't pay attention to us....(even though I still find it incredibly odd that you're taking this much time out of your busy lives talking about us... ?[face_plain] ) You've made your it's time to just let it be. Yes? Good. ;) :)

    Also...don't you actually have to pay attention to this forum to see and dissect cb's post? Doesn't that entirely defeat the purpose and goal of your little thread? ?[face_plain] Just curious... ;) :)
  12. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    Ooops....Friggin' Gremlins... [face_blush]
  13. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    Oops...Damn Gremlins... [face_blush]
  14. TheEmperorsHand

    TheEmperorsHand Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 27, 2000
    *applause for Sammy*
    :D well put. ;) They should just let it be. So what if they don't care?
    It's kind of sad that there has to be deceit, hate and backstabbing in something for people to be interested in it though...
    *shrug* oh well, I'm done here :p ;)
  15. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002
  16. Katya Jade

    Katya Jade Administrator Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 19, 2002

    I wish someone loved me like that. :(

  17. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002

  18. TheEmperorsHand

    TheEmperorsHand Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 27, 2000
    [face_laugh] that's a good thread, James :p they're all fighting over you!
  19. RidingMyCarousel

    RidingMyCarousel Jedi Master star 6

    Feb 20, 2002
    Now, if only Australia and Texas would fight over me, too. [face_devil]


    ~ James
  20. wstraka5

    wstraka5 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2002
    I think that all the thread in the JCC did was to serve to enhance the popularity of the BBH. Go figure. :p
  21. NarundiJedi

    NarundiJedi Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 8, 2001
    My fanfic. Oh, wait! :eek: I can? [face_mischief] :D :p

    Jae Angel
  22. Katya Jade

    Katya Jade Administrator Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 19, 2002
    This is from Connemara's JCC survey:

    Name: Kate
    Piercings: Ears only (one in each)
    Tattoos: Nope - but I'm planning on getting one
    Hair Color: Brown
    Length: Shoulder length

    First Grade Teacher's Name: Can't remember - I'm too old.
    Last Word You Said: Thanks
    Last Thing You Laughed At: Rhett
    Last Time You Cried: Last Friday

    Last Book You Read: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - The Series
    Last Movie You Saw: Princess Bride
    Last Movie You Saw On the Big Screen: Matrix Reloaded
    Last Show You Watched on T.V.: Fantasy Island - yes it's on TVLand
    Last Song You Heard: God of Wonders
    Last Thing You had to Drink: Water
    Last Thing You Ate: Raspberry Jello
    Last Time You Showered: This morning
    Last Time You Smiled: About 5 minutes ago
    Last Time You Laughed: About 10 minutes ago
    Last Person You Hugged: Hubby
    Last Person You Talked to Online: B, Nerf, jobo, Dani, Rhett, Jim, Jeffro, Urk
    Last Person You Called: Someone for work
    Last Person That Called You: Church member
    Last Person You Talked to On the Phone: See above
    Last CD You Bought: Matrix Reloaded soundtrack
    Last CD You Listened To: Praise compilation

    DO YOU...
    Smoke: No
    Do Drugs: No
    Drink: No
    Sleep With Stuffed Animals: No
    Have a Crush: Maybe
    Have a Dream that Keeps Coming Back: Yes
    Play an Instrument: Not for awhile - Piano
    Read the Newspaper: Yes
    Have Gay and Lesbian Friends: Yes
    Believe in Miracles: Yes
    Consider Yourself Tolerant: Yes
    Consider Police a Friend or Foe: Friend
    Like the Taste of Alcohol: Yes
    Believe in Magic: No
    Pray: Yes
    Go to Church: Yes
    Have any Secrets: Not really
    Have any Pets: No :(
    Go to or Plan to Attend College: Done, thank goodness
    Hate Yourself: Sometimes
    Wish on Stars: No
    Like Your Handwriting: Yes
    Believe in Witches: No
    Believe in Ghosts: No
    Believe in Santa: No
    Believe in the Easter Bunny: No
    Believe in the Tooth Fairy: No
    Have a Second Family: Yes - in-laws
    Trust Others Easily: No - trust is earned
    Sing in the Shower: No
    Believe in Online Dating: If it works for you, great
    Wish You Could Live Somewhere Else: Maybe Phoenix
    Think About Suicide: Never
    Like Cleaning: Yes - therapeutic
    Like Roller Coasters: Love em
    Write in Cursive or Print: A little of both
    Carry a Donor Card: Yep - it's on my license

    How Many Coats and Jackets Do You Own: 5
    Do You Wear a Watch: When it works
    Favorite Pants Color: Is khaki a color?
    Most Expensive Item of Clothing: Cocktail dress
    Most Treasured: My sister's sorority sweatshirt

    Long Distance Relationships: Don't advocate them, but if they work, great
    Using Someone: Never
    Killing People: Depends
    Smoking: No
    Doing Drugs: No
    Premarital Sex: No
    Driving Drunk: Why is this even a question?
    Gay/Lesbian Relationships: My beliefs don't support them, but I don't hate people who are gay or in gay relationships. I have a very close friend who's gay. It's not my place to judge others.
    Soap Operas: I'm neutral. I used to watch them.

    what is your career going to be: Mommy
    where are you going to live: CA or Phoenix
    how many kids do you want: 2 or 3
    what kind of car will you drive: Doesn't matter as long as it's safe and reliable

    current clothes: Khaki's, t-shirt and tennies
    current annoyance: None
    current smell: None
    current longing: Chocolate
    current desktop picture: Compilation
  23. B'omarr

    B'omarr Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 7, 2000
    I'll bite. I've got nothing else to do.

    Name: John
    Piercings: No
    Tattoos: Two girls eating fire on my left shoulder
    Hair Color: Brown-blond
    Length: Almost a mullet

    First Grade Teacher's Name: Mrs. Penn
    Last Word You Said: Hi
    Last Thing You Laughed At: Hmmm, maybe something I read in 'Ulysseys'.
    Last Time You Cried: 1999.

    Last Book You Read: A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
    Last Movie You Saw: Cowboy Bebop
    Last Movie You Saw On the Big Screen: Hukl
    Last Show You Watched on T.V.: Late Night w/ Conan Obriean
    Last Song You Heard: Running to stand Still - U2
    Last Thing You had to Drink: Water
    Last Thing You Ate: Granola bar
    Last Time You Showered: This morning
    Last Time You Smiled: When I was watching Conan, unless you count fake, polie smiles.
    Last Time You Laughed: At the Ulysses thing, 3 hours ago
    Last Person You Hugged: Wife
    Last Person You Talked to Online: No one talks to me :( I guess Shorty.
    Last Person You Called: Someone for work
    Last Person That Called You: Someone for work..
    Last Person You Talked to On the Phone: See above
    Last CD You Bought: Pete Yorn
    Last CD You Listened To: U2's "Joshua Tree"

    DO YOU...
    Smoke: No
    Do Drugs: No
    Drink: Yes
    Sleep With Stuffed Animals: No
    Have a Crush: No
    Have a Dream that Keeps Coming Back: Yes
    Play an Instrument: I can make lots of noises like Bobby McFerrin
    Read the Newspaper: Online
    Have Gay and Lesbian Friends: Yes
    Believe in Miracles: If by 'miracle' you mean 'holy intervention' then no
    Consider Yourself Tolerant: I try
    Consider Police a Friend or Foe: Friend
    Like the Taste of Alcohol: Yes
    Believe in Magic: No
    Pray: No
    Go to Church: No
    Have any Secrets: Yes
    Have any Pets: Yes, a fat cat
    Go to or Plan to Attend College: Done. I'd like to go back
    Hate Yourself: Sometimes
    Wish on Stars: Yes
    Like Your Handwriting: No
    Believe in Witches: No
    Believe in Ghosts: Yes
    Believe in Santa: I'd like to.
    Believe in the Easter Bunny: No
    Believe in the Tooth Fairy: Hopefully I won't be losing any more teeth for a while
    Have a Second Family: Yes - in-laws
    Trust Others Easily: No
    Sing in the Shower: Loudly
    Believe in Online Dating: No
    Wish You Could Live Somewhere Else: All the time. Somewhere with a real winter
    Think About Suicide: ....yes
    Like Cleaning: No.
    Like Roller Coasters: Except for the ones you go backwards on. Those really throw me for a loop ( ;) )
    Write in Cursive or Print: Print. No one can read my cursive.
    Carry a Donor Card: I think so.

    How Many Coats and Jackets Do You Own: 1, this is Texas.
    Do You Wear a Watch: No.
    Favorite Pants Color: Blue, I suppose
    Most Expensive Item of Clothing: A suit that I imagine was the sytle Teddy Roosevelt wore.
    Most Treasured: I have a favorite shirt I call "wondershirt". What is the secret of its power?

    Long Distance Relationships: I don't think they work, at least in my expierience
    Using Someone: No
    Killing People: No.
    Smoking: It's your body
    Doing Drugs: see above
    Premarital Sex: Depends on the person.
    Driving Drunk: No. Why would anyone be for it?
    Gay/Lesbian Relationships: For, I guess. My sundial only points north, but I don't care about others.
    Soap Operas: Never seen one.

    what is your career going to be: I'm out of college and working and I still don't know what I want my career to be
    where are you going to live: Don't know. Wherever I am, is where I'll be.
    How many kids do you want: 2 or 3
    what kind of car will you drive: I don't know, a Honda?

    current clothes: khaki's, cheap Polo shirt knockoff, sketchers (I'm at work)
    current annoyance: my bladder is full
    current smell: recycled air
    current longing: salsa
    current desktop picture: A blue screen
    current favorite music artist: Supergrass
    current worry: I guess getting fired.
    current hate: littering
    current favorite article of clothing: my socks. They're comfortable.
    story behind your username: It's my favorite SW action figure
    I am happiest
  24. Katya Jade

    Katya Jade Administrator Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 19, 2002
    Tattoos: Two girls eating fire on my left shoulder

    Really?! You find out something new every day! ;)
  25. JediPrincessKas

    JediPrincessKas Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 9, 2002
    I've got the time. Why not? :)

    Name: Kasey
    Piercings: 2 in each ear
    Tattoos: None
    Hair Color: Brown
    Length: Short

    First Grade Teacher's Name: Mrs. Hardy
    Last Word You Said: khaki
    Last Thing You Laughed At: Squinty O'Gayhat. :D
    Last Time You Cried: Monday

    Last Book You Read: I'm in the middle of the first book of the New Jedi Order series, Vector Prime.
    Last Movie You Saw: The Three Amigos
    Last Movie You Saw On the Big Screen: Finding Nemo
    Last Show You Watched on T.V.: The Price Is Right
    Last Song You Heard: "Open Arms" by Journey
    Last Thing You had to Drink: Coke
    Last Thing You Ate: A miniature Twix
    Last Time You Showered: This morning
    Last Time You Smiled: A few minutes ago
    Last Time You Laughed: A few minutes ago
    Last Person You Hugged: My mom
    Last Person You Talked to Online: Adam
    Last Person You Called: Adam
    Last Person That Called You: My mom
    Last Person You Talked to On the Phone: My mom
    Last CD You Bought: Oh geez! It's been forever since I've gotten a cd. Um...I think it was the American Idol: Season 2 greatest hits, for my sister's birthday. :)
    Last CD You Listened To: Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

    DO YOU...
    Smoke: No
    Do Drugs: No
    Drink: No
    Sleep With Stuffed Animals: One. [face_blush]
    Have a Crush: Yep
    Have a Dream that Keeps Coming Back: No
    Play an Instrument: Piano
    Read the Newspaper: No
    Have Gay and Lesbian Friends: Yes
    Believe in Miracles: Yes
    Consider Yourself Tolerant: For the most part
    Consider Police a Friend or Foe: Friend. Except for the one who gave me a ticket. :mad:
    Like the Taste of Alcohol: Well, I don't have much experience here, but from what I've tasted, yes.
    Believe in Magic: In a young girl's heart...
    Pray: Yes
    Go to Church: No
    Have any Secrets: Yes
    Have any Pets: Yes - A poodle named Kelsey
    Go to or Plan to Attend College: Yes. Am in college now.
    Hate Yourself: Sometimes
    Wish on Stars: Every now & then
    Like Your Handwriting: Yes
    Believe in Witches: No
    Believe in Ghosts: Yes
    Believe in Santa: No
    Believe in the Easter Bunny: No
    Believe in the Tooth Fairy: No
    Have a Second Family: Yes. My best friends's family
    Trust Others Easily: No
    Sing in the Shower: Only when I'm home alone. :D
    Believe in Online Dating: No. :(
    Wish You Could Live Somewhere Else: Yes
    Think About Suicide: No way
    Like Cleaning: Heck no
    Like Roller Coasters: Yes! :D
    Write in Cursive or Print: Print
    Carry a Donor Card: No. But when I get my license renewed, I will be a donor, and I will then.

    How Many Coats and Jackets Do You Own: 3
    Do You Wear a Watch: Yep
    Favorite Pants Color: Denim? I wear jeans a lot
    Most Expensive Item of Clothing: My prom dress. :p
    Most Treasured: Um...I don't really treasure any of my clothing

    Long Distance Relationships: Well, neither really. If they work for you, great! But they usually don't end up too well. :(
    Using Someone: No way
    Killing People: Not really
    Smoking: No
    Doing Drugs: No
    Premarital Sex: No (Unless you're like, 30 years old and still haven't...ya know. Then I would give the OK. :p )
    Driving Drunk: Nope. Never
    Gay/Lesbian Relationships: Well, it's not my thing, but I'm not going to judge other people on their decisions.
    Soap Operas: Neutral. I've never watched 'em.

    what is your career going to be: I have no idea whatsoever
    where are you going to live: Florida, Georgia, or Tennessee. :)
    how many kids do you want: 2
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