  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

Tragedy in San Fransico

Discussion in 'Archive: Lafayette, LA' started by JEDI-SOLO, Oct 26, 2003.

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    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    My fellow Fan Force memebers if you would please go to the Pacific Forum and read The Loss of a Hero Thread.

    Chanel, a fellow CR died recently. She was only 23 yrs old with a daughter.

    Please go there and type something in honor of a fellow Star Wars fan and let your prayers be with her family.
  2. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Thanks JEDI-SOLO. Your represent us well in placing this thread.

    I will pay my respects in The Loss of a Hero thread :(
  3. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I agree with Ja-Den Cloudia. Supporting the love ones of a FanForce member during an emotional time of need is a positive thing. I propose we continue this discussion in this thread. This will help avoid duplication and catalog everyone's efforts.

    Ja-Den Cloudia, I want to help and support your efforts. Could you get more details. I.e. mailing address, point of contact's name, name of child involved?

    Remember, Pay-Pal is always an option. You may have to guide the grandmother through the process of setting up an account.
  4. Ja-De-Cloudia

    Ja-De-Cloudia Jedi Youngling

    Mar 13, 2002
    Hey Guys,

    The person I contacted was Jedi_Tenken, he is Co-Cr of San Francisco FanForce. His name is Ming Pan, and his email addy is . He sent me an email ,which I'll send to Swamp to forward to y'all, that basically said we can send our stuff to them to auction, or we can do it ourselves. I'll go ahead with whatever you guys think is appropriate. The address he gave me is:
    2074 48th Ave, San Francisco, Ca 94116.

    The little girl's name is Angelica, and her Grandmother is Eva.
    Here is a link that goes into more detail about Angelica's situation.

    Distress Signal for Angelica

    They seem to be a real tight knit group up their, and I hope that this little drive we got going will help do the same for us. They say Chanel, recently brought a bunch of different groups together before her passing. It seems that she still is. :)

    I'll be on aim and msn all daylong, my aim is burningsprite and my msn is , feel free to add me.

  5. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I want to do the right thing, but I don't know the people involved. I am a single dad taking care of my 13 yr. old daughter. I know her mother sometimes probably calls me names like loser, creep, and down right scoundral. I absolutly don't think is is true, and Amber would agree, I am sure.

    Really, how do we know the dad is a jerk :confused:
  6. Ja-De-Cloudia

    Ja-De-Cloudia Jedi Youngling

    Mar 13, 2002
    I agree with SwampSurfer I was raised by my single father. However, I don't believe they are assuming. They all have known Chanel very well, as well as her Mother and daughter. However, if you feel the money we donate be more appropriate as a college fund, we can do that as well.
  7. Ja-De-Cloudia

    Ja-De-Cloudia Jedi Youngling

    Mar 13, 2002
    Howdy folks,

    I just finished reading an email from Ming Pan. I had asked him to give us some more information about the situation. What he told me made me feel pretty icky. So I'll give you the general jist of it.

    "Currently the situation is getting quite nasty. Angelica is kinda caught in the middle of a war that will quite literally decide her entire furture. This is because Angelica's biological "father" has
    choosen now to come in to the picture and take her away from the only family she knows which is Chanel's side. So right now Chanel's mother (Angelica's Grandmother) is trying to get custody of the child away
    from the "sperm donor" a guy named Alberto. This guy has a history of violence, gang affiliations, and didn't give a damn about Chanel or Angelica for the last 5 years." That alone is reason enough to me to help them in their cause. However, he goes further into detail about the circumstances surrounding Angelica's conception, and Alberto's family tree. I'll send the email to anyone who wants it, but let's just say its nothing I care to share in the forum. What it boils down to is this. The father is probably taking the little girl for his own financial gain, as she as a fair amount of money set aside for her care. I can attest that there are people who are not above doing this as I was in a similiar situation as a child. You can PM me, since I figured out how to do that now, or you can mail me at if you'd like the whole sordid details.

    PS: How do I edit posts?
  8. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I trust your judgment in this matter. I would like to help. Also, thanks for looking into the matter futher. I feel more comfortable helping out in light of this information.

    I have a suggestion and will PM you immediately, with my plan.
  9. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
  10. Jedi_Tenken

    Jedi_Tenken Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2000
    Hey everyone of Fan Force Acadiana,
    I found your link in the letter Swampsufer posted and figured it was past due to post here. On behalf of the rest of SF Fan Force and of Chanel's family we want to thank you guys for all your doing, and have done. We've gotten a lot of posts and offers to help from other Fan Forces closer to home but you guys have above and beyond this call to action and espcially given the distance you guys are from us. Someday in the near future I do hope we will meet under happier circumstances and we can thank you all personally. I know that Chanel would have be honored to have met you all! You guys are awesome! May the Force be with us! :)
  11. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    No luck here. At our last meeting no one came forward with any donations. I have a check, to send & will wait to hear from anyone else for a week, then call this a bust.

    Until next time, May the Force be with you all.
  12. Jedi_Tenken

    Jedi_Tenken Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2000
    That's too bad, no worries though. The holidays are a drain for everyone but we raised nearly $1500 at our benefit concert over the weekend. Thanks for trying though and hopefulyl we'll see you guys at ComiCon! :)

    Oh and I'll give you guys an update on the current situation. About a week and a half ago Alberto took Angelica for his weekend visitation for 3 hours. He however, decided to keep her. In his wapred mind he thought it was ok... Overall, this was pretty much kidnapping but they gave Angelica up once the police got invovled and took her back home. This guy is a few stars shy of a galaxy and now the judge is pissed. The final court date will be in Januaury and we are expecting that because of this inccident that Eva (Angelica's grandmother) will get full custody. For no that is it and Angelica is safe and sound with her real family and extended family as well with SF Fan Force. :)
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