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Star Wars CLOSED Turning Point - The Betrayal of Darth Revan

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Oct 15, 2019.

  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yula made her Force signature seem weaker than it was. She wanted to appear nonthreatening, biding her time until the opportunity presented itself to be proactive again.
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  2. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Cassus Fett

    There were plenty of Mandalorians out in the Unknowns. The clans had retreated into their territories outside of Republic space - that space to the west of the Perlemian Trade Route, their unity collapsing without a Manda’lor.

    Cassus Fett knew a secret though.

    One he’d kept for all his years as the right hand man of the most powerful Mandalorian in the clans’ history.

    It was the reason he was out here traipsing the space between stars, trying to figure out how the Empire of Revan fit into matters. Well, the Empire of Malak, even.

    But he didn’t expect to locate an escape pod in the middle of nowhere. An unfamiliar design, too, which piqued his interest. Bringing his troop carrier up to the pod, he drew it in and stepped down to prepare to shoot whatever was inside.


    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence (we can combo, of course, or single)
    IC: Darth Igrol


    The interrogation had not yet started to Zeseem and Yula when Atin-Kot was dragged back to the prison area, and Igrol indicated that the prisoners should be left be.

    The warden looked at his comlink and sneered, but he had directed his expression at the Jedi. “It seems my Master wants your Taung friend to be an example. Worse will happen to you, trust me.”

    He spun and left them to it. They were in separate cells, but could speak to each other and plan.

    Igrol watched on the cameras until the Jedi inevitably flashed them offline.

    TAG: @WarmAyesha_SweetNyota, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto (all for you to combo)
    darthbernael likes this.
  3. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Shysa Cadera

    Shysa was startled awake as she felt the escape pod being hooked up to a larger ship. At least that's what she hoped it was. She tilted her head up, but didn't feel as if sge had much energy to move.

    "Hello?" Shysa gently asked, almost a whisper. She was sure this was a dream on her way to the inevitable eternity.

    The man didn't expect to find a young woman, and Cassus Fett hesitated. "Who are you, and why shouldn't I just space you right now?" He eyed her robes. They were a mess, but he was sure under it all... his alarm flooded the Force and his certainty to fire began to emerge as he pointed his blaster -

    "I'm Shysa Cadera." Shysa looked up at the man and seemed more alert. So this isn't a dream? "I wouldn't space me just yet. The Sith already tried to do that and it didn't work out too well for them."

    She glanced at his blaster, and frowned. "I don't have any weapons. You're a Mandalorian, aren't you?"

    "The Sith?" He hesitated.

    "I'm Cassus Fett," he said with some certainty - as if she should know that name.

    The right-hand man of the most powerful warlord in the galaxy surely warranted some acknowledgement.

    Shysa nodded and leaned her head back. "Yes. They took us right out of hyperspace." She felt like a coward still, but didn't tell Fett that.

    "I think so? You're s famous Mandalorian." Shysa told him. "A great warrior."

    "Well that's one way of putting it. The majority of the galaxy thinks I'm a mass-murderer, so thanks for the compliment, kid." He returned his blaster to its holster. "So you ran into the Sith? Bad times. Even the Unknowns aren't safe anymore."

    He hesitated. Now what in blast was he going to do with her?

    "Cadera, eh? Any relation to Clan Cadera?"

    Shysa smiled wearily. "No problem." She frowned a little at his next comment. "Yes. My father is Fridolf Cadera. At least...that's what I was told."

    She gave him an uncertain look. "I was supposed to be on my way to Courscant...but if I could detour on the way. I mean, do you know him at all? My father?"

    Cassus nodded. “I’ve met him. He was opposed to the Wars, one of the few clans who was… he didn’t like what was happening to the warrior traditions.”

    “Coruscant isn’t a good idea at the moment. Malak has declared his intention to invade the Core Worlds, and Sith fleets just left Corellia.” This was true; he’d caught as much when he last checked the HoloNet. “There is only that Bastila woman who people reckon can stop him. The one whose battle meditation let the Jedi kill Revan.”

    "Bastila is a good Jedi. One of the best."Shysa praised. She frowned a little, thankful that her father opposed the war. "Do you know where he might be now?"

    And then she added, "And If I can't go to Courscant, could you take me with you?"

    Cassus hesitated. "I'm not exactly flavour of the month since Malachor V, kid, but sure, I can get you as far as Concord Dawn, where the Cadera's are usually holed up." He sounded annoyed that he was being put upon. "But don't be surprised if my dropping you off doesn't earn you brownie points."

    "You do know some of the things I did in the Wars, right?"

    "Thank you." Shysa replied. She paused at his next question. "No. But what would that matter to them? You saved their daughters life." She pointed out.

    Cassus shook his head. "Never let it be said that I was as naive as you are right now. But if I want to rebuild the clans, I'll have to start somewhere." With a sigh, he turned to the cockpit. "Come on, kid. Let's take you home."

    He glanced over his shoulder. "Galley is that way." He pointed, as he headed on.

    "I could convince them I bet." Shysa answered definitely. "It would be a good start." She paused. "And I might be a little naive, but that's not a bad thing. Maybe that will win them over."

    She followed Cassus onto his ship and looked towards the galley after her pointed it out to her. "Thank you." She felt the rumble of hyperspace and made her way to get food.

    I can convince them.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Cassus Fett
    Concord Dawn, Mandalore Sector

    The old stomping ground had seen better days.

    He could see that as his ship arrived; in orbit there were several shredded Mandalorian ships, and not a single Republic Hammerhead wreck or Jedi StarSaber evident in the debris. This had been in-fighting, common place in the years since Mandalore had died and Revan had taken the Mask with him.

    Devastating, as Cassus had expected. He'd tried, indeed, so had Mandalore the Unknown, the Taung who claimed he had been deposed by a Sith pretender... but nobody listened to Taung anymore. Their species had been crippled by the Mandalorian Wars; within a generation or three the clans would be full of many other species, with not a Taung in sight.

    Cassus knew that, too.

    He didn't allow these thoughts to emerge as he steered him and Shysa to the surface.

    Concord Dawn was a agricultural world; good soil, kark all metals.

    But that was fine, because even a warrior race needed farmers. He hadn't said much else as they threaded their way across the Sith frontline. It was complicated because Darth Malak had just led an attack on Taris, apparently, and had blockaded the world because Bastila Shan had gone to ground.

    He didn't care, but he knew that the precious Jedi was liked by Shysa so he didn't tell her that the Republic's last hope was probably dead.

    Instead he explained where the Cadera's were usually living.

    It was, of course, the Fett family homestead, the one Cassus had moved his clan from.

    He quietly seethed, and put down his ship.

    Checking the charge on his weapons for the sixtieth time, he looked back at Shysa.

    "You ready, kid?"

    He palmed the ramp, and it went down, revealing a farm.

    Already the Force told her that there was family here.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence (single)

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @darthbernael (bump and continue combo, please)
    darthbernael likes this.
  5. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Shysa Cadera
    Concord Dawn, Mandalore Sector

    Shysa felt nervous, the closer they got to Concord Dawn. Watched Cassus Fett without, she hoped him knowing. He was the first real Mandalorian she had met really. She wondered if all Mandalorians were like him.

    She could sense he was angry, although she didn't know how deep in ran or why. Instead Shysa fixed herself up; tried to look presentable. She watched as they passed broken ships in the atmosphere, and was surprised to see the surface of Concord Dawn was farmland. I guess even Mandalorians need farmers.

    Shysa kept close to Cassus Fett as the ramp was lowered, and smoothed out her clothing. She looked up at him at his question, and frowned. "I don't know. I feel strange, like I can't quite believe this is happening." She reached out with the force and could tell there was family here, although she had no idea if it was both her parents. Shysa swallowed hard. "Should we..." She motioned her hand towards the farmstead. "...or do you need a minute? You seem angry."

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  6. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Combo with @Mitth_Fisto and @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    IC Atin-Kot, Zeseem, Yula

    Atin-Kot slumped to the floor of the cage they had thrust him into. His simple sentence to Zeseem had spoken volumes. He had to play this right, all their lives depended upon him. Eah had faced their own fears, their own darknesses before and his still lurked deep inside, locked away as his own ‘Master’ was. Whispers could be heard but he lacked the ability as of yet to respond. The Sith Lord had power and he knew the man would lord over him the ability to return his Force ability until the last moment.

    Turning one crusted eye toward Zeseem he looked over the man and his own injuries from having been transported here. ”There isss a chanccce here, my friend. Even asss my jailer I hoped you remained my friend. And remembered what wasss told to you in the Councccil chambersss. We ssshould dissscusss it asss we ssseem to be not going anywhere.” he ground up, panting between every few words as though to get his breath back.

    Yula remained vigilant and poised for action, as she absorbed the exchange between Dunkel and Atin-Kot. He was a cipher to her Force sensitivity, and an enigma as well. She still could not decide if he had been treated unfairly or not. The rest of the team, however, had been prejudged, in her opinion, but now was now the time to become preoccupied with the peculiar motivations of the Council.

    Seeing them now alone Zeseem raised a hand and closed his eyes. Focusing on a ball in his hand that was not really there, feeling the Force flow and compress, align to his will, and then with the release blast the listening and observing devices in the room. . .and possibly the next rooms over. He was still working on the control aspect of this ability.

    "I remember. Say what you need to say." He said with a weak grin towards him.

    Atin-Kot wearily pulled himself up to a more comfortable position, groaning slightly. He couldn’t feel what Zeseem had done but suspected that the other had attempted to reduce the odds that the Sith heard or saw what they were discussing. ”The universsse offersss usss many choicccesss. The Balanccce can ssstill ssspeak to me even if I cannot act on it asss I ssshould for now.”

    He took several breaths, shifting to relieve the ache of having hit the bulkhead. ”If we follow the sssame path asss Revan once did, it will guide usss ssso we do not fully lossse ourssselvesss.” He slumped again, for a moment. ”That future you sssaw might be changed, if we can do asss it recommendsss.” he finished, the pain of his injuries evident in his tone.

    Yula noticed what Zeseem had done and felt the subtle shift in the nuances from Atin-Kot. She caught the eye of Dunkel in a silent question, asking if this discussion was one she needed to be party to.

    Zeseem tilted his head, listening. Yula was quiet but he could hardly hold that against her. Shaking his head-tendrils he tried to get a better feel for the one the Council had stripped and what he was suggesting. "What is the path you hear?" he finally asked.

    Aten-Kot looked up, his one swollen eye not really focusing well. ”They’re going to kill usss if we don’t, at leassst appear to go along with them. The Ssssith Lord sssaysss if we become asss he isss then we live. Sssso we mussst appear to become ssssith to sssurvive. I don’t mean that we give up who, what we are but appear to accept that path.” He managed to get the words out before he pulled himself up to a seated position, head bowing in weariness and apparent worry that the others wouldn’t agree.

    Yula said, "That's a dangerous balance, because how do you avoid becoming the thing you pretnd to be and lose sight of your true self? They would doubtless have ways to pierce a façade." She sighed. "But I cannot suggest an alternative."

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @TheSilentInfluence, @Mitth_Fisto
  7. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    Approved by GM.


    Name: Ciara (Pronounced Keer-a)
    Age: 17
    Bio: Ciara was adopted by Fridolf and Astrid shortly after Shysa was sent to the Jedi Order. She had wandered away, gotten lost from her first family; although Astrid and Fridolf suspected she was actually an off-world slave that had been brought to Mandalore; they took to her at once. The child being bright, and picking up Mando'a rather quickly due to her young age. As she grew Ciara would often ask about the girl named Shysa that her parents talked about in whispers. When she was old enough, they told her about her 'little' sister, and how they had to protect both the clan and Shysa from the growing war.

    As the oldest, Ciara is expected to be a warrior worthy of respect, and she takes the Resol'nare seriously. She doesn't want to disappoint her parents.


    Name: Reeve
    Age: 11
    Bio: Reeve was the next child that was adopted by Fridolf and Astrid. He was the son of close friends in their Clan, but after his parents got sick, and unfortunately passed away; Reeve has been in the care of his new guardians. He is a mischievous child that is always up to something, but is also loyal to his family. Reeve also loves to bug his older sister Ciara to no end, whether it be about suitors or the way she trains. He is closer to Astrid then he is Fridolf, who has a habit of letting him get away with a bit more sometimes, so long as it's harmless.


    Name: Mehri Fett
    Age: 16
    Bio: Mehri Fett is a prisoner of the Cadera Clan in all but name. Since the war ended she has been kept on Concord Dawn, unsure what her next days will look like. Although she is gracious, diplomatic and happy to be alive, do not mistake this for a passive personality. She was raised to do what she must to survive and is a capable warrior when she needs to be.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Darth Igrol
    Kaas System

    Threading through secret hyperlanes through the Empire of Darth Malak, the Harrower prototype made it to the capital of the True Sith Empire in short order. His mission complete, Darth Igrol directed the Harrower to the capital while he headed to his estate on Drommund Fels. He submitted his report to the Emperor's Hand, and opened up the comlink, encrypted heavily between himself and Darth Xedrix and Darth Nyriss.

    "Here's the data."

    He closed the line, and left his other Dark Councillors to attend his estate and they would discuss what to do next.

    Capital City

    The Imperial Guard took command of the Harrower.

    A detachment of the fanatical armoured warriors relieved the crew of their charge, and loudly clanked down the ships corridors to take the Jedi into custody.

    They served the Sith Emperor directly, after all.

    [​IMG] #

    They stepped into the hold and deactivated the prison cells.

    A stern looking man addressed Atin-Kot, Zeseem and Yula.

    "Come with us."

    The guards turned, revealing several dozen more behind them, leading all the way to the shuttle.

    The hangar bay opened to show them where they were.


    The very capital of a Sith Empire - those symbols did not match that of the Empire they had fought to capture Darth Revan.

    Where were they?

    There was an oppressive, horrific darkness present, which even the Force-blind Atin-Kot would sense.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha (single)
    IC: Cassus Fett

    Former Fett Homestead

    He paid no attention to her worries.

    Indeed, Shysa worrying for him incensed Cassus Fett even further, and he marched to the door of his old home, a blaster in one hand, and knocked on the door. Hard.

    "What is it?"

    A male voice; grumbling.

    It was Fridolf.

    When he opened the door, he immediately recognized Cassus, who punched him in the face -

    His nose bloodied, Fridolf tackled him to the ground -

    This was going about as well as could be expected.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence
  9. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Atin-Kot
    Drommund Kaas

    Even before the Imperial Guard arrived Atin-Kot had a feeling where the ship the Sith Lord had seized them in was headed. When those red armoured forms came into the prison area his one working eye closed for a moment as a sigh escaped his lips. Turning his head toward Zeseem, ”Welcome to the heart of the real Sssith Empire, beyond the one that Revan built.” he whispered.

    He slowly pushed himself to his feet as the leader stepped forward, "Come with us."

    Stepping forward, he glanced at Zeseem and Yula, hoping they didn’t try anything silly, that they were contemplating what he‘d suggested. He knew others that had worn such armour as the men before them, years ago. Those men had made sure that the Revanchrists had stayed aboard their craft, at the edge of the space of this Empire, while Revan and Alek were taken to the heart of the Empire, only to return as the Sith Lords they had become.

    Moving at the best pace he could, over exaggerating his injuries slightly so the pace was slower, they reached the open hangar bay. He shivered slightly as even he felt the darkness of the place. As they had walked there he considered why these particular troops had come to retrieve them and as he took in the sight outside the bay his belief as to why firmed up more.

    The Imperial Guard hadn’t told them that they were being taken to the Emperor but the Guard were the personal vassals and troops of the Emperor. They were not sent to do things that the Emperor hadn’t personally approved. He kept his thoughts to himself, although he wouldn’t be surprised if, at least, one of the Guard was specifically tasked to monitor their thoughts to see how they reacted where they were.

    Glancing over to the leader of the Imperial Guard, ”The Emperor?” he asked, coughing and spitting a small gobbet of blood onto the floor of the hangar.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @TheSilentInfluence, @Mitth_Fisto
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yula was not surprised at the group of armed toughs that surrounded them. She figured they were going to be taken to some high-ranking officiate. The feeling of darkness that permeated the entire environment was like an oppressive fog. She fought to keep it at bay. She must keep vigilant.
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  11. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    Combo with our GM @Sinrebirth

    IC: Shysa Cadera
    Concord Dawn

    Shysa was startled, not only because Cassus Fett had started a fight with the man but because she didn't know if this was normal.

    "Stop it! Stop fighting!" Shysa shouted, running up to them. "You're both crazy!" She grabbed the back of the other Mandalorian and tried to pull him off Cassus, but he was too heavy.

    Instead Shysa stood back and frowned. She didn't want to use the force, but there was no one else around. She flicked her hand at them, trying to literally force them to separate to opposite ends-

    Cassus tumbled back, and looked at Shysa with an expression of anger that carried through his helmeted face. “Jedi?”

    He drew his blaster even as her father used the distraction to kick the blaster out of his hand and round another kick at his helmet -

    Cassus went down, and there was a blaster click -

    Her mother was pointing weapon at her; her expression was one of a frown. Of a mysterious recognition.

    Shysa scrambled back, she had just been trying to stop the fight and didn't think of the consequences. She watched as Fridolf kicked the blaster out of Cassus's hand and then dropped him with a kick-

    Before Shysa heard another blaster and felt it aimed at her before she saw it. She raised her hands, unsure and nervous. "Don't shoot! I'm not you're enemy. I'm Shysa!"

    The two of Renn stopped, and Cassus sat up, taking off his helmet to check his face. “Ow.”

    “Shysa?” Her mother put the blaster to her side.

    “Mom?” A trio of different faces turned leaned around the doorway. Shysa would have to face the very real fact that they’d had more children.

    Shysa kicked the dirt. "Um...hello?" She replied shyly. She looked at the woman and realised that she was probably her mother. Hopefully. "Are you Astrid? Because I was told you amd Fridolf were my parents..."

    She glanced at the faces around the doorway and her heart lurched as her face fell. They had more children?

    Cassus looked at one of the girls, devastated. “You survived?”

    His eyes looked at Fridolf. “You kept my daughter from me?

    It was becoming very messy, but Astrid stepped over, her hands on two of the children’s as she stepped forward. “Yes,” her words tumbled from her mouth. “I’m your mother. And these are your siblings.”

    The children looked concerned, worried even; there was a clear resemblance. Mandalorians were not concerned by blood relatives, but any child would instantly worry about that connection.

    Shysa glanced at Cassus and Fridolf, curious. Did they take his daughter? She looked back at her mother; looked at the two siblings. One was younger, a boy and the other, a girl; looked older.

    "It's nice to meet you." Shysa greeted, and she almost bowed. "I'm sorry for intruding. It's a long story..." She looked at Cassus again. "But you should know he saved my life."

    The family softened slightly; Cassus replied coldly. “Well you should know this family in particular ruined my life after Malachor V. I could have united the clans under me with their support.”

    Shysa frowned. "So why did you bring me back here then? You knew who I was, minus the force sensitivity." She shrugged. "You could have killed me. But the reality is you didn't." She paused. "Why did you do it?"

    Cassus twisted his lips. "Maybe I wanted to shoot you in front of your parents."

    Shysa gave him an odd look. "No. I don't think you're that kind of person." She told him. "And I'm not going to use the force to figure it out. What's the real reason?"

    “Because I wanted my daughter back and I was going to trade.” Cassus said it stoically.

    Shysa turned to her parents. "Is this a Mamdalorian thing?" She sounded confused. Did they kidnap her?

    "They lost the Mandalorian War, so we get to be Mheri's caretakers until otherwise." The boy, with messy hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes looked at Shysa. Her brother. "I'm Reeve." He says, grinning. "I can't believe I have another sister to bug."

    "It's a sub-treaty thing. The Jedi wanted to keep track of me, the great war criminal," Cassus said, but Reeve interrupted.

    "So they handed over my daughter and my ancestral home." Cassus glared at Fridolf and Astrid.

    Fridolf sighed. "Let's sit down and eat. We're all family, basically, and it's been years now. Mheri deserves to know both of her fathers."

    Shysa frowned a little because it sounded like slavery. But her stomach rumbled at the mention of food, and she made a mental note to ask her parents about this treaty thing.

    She jumped a bit when Reeve grabbed her hand and all but started to pull her inside the house. "What-"

    "Come on. You can sit with me." Reeve insisted and Shysa tried not to pull away, because she wasn't used to this....affection. Instead, she glanced back at her parents; not knowing if this was okay-

    Cassus growled. “Fine.” His gaze didn’t soften for Mehri. He wanted her back, but was it the principle, or about what was best for her?

    He glanced at Shysa, and at the Reeve. Narrowed his eyes. “Give her space, you.”

    Fridolf chuckled slightly as Astrid rolled her eyes a little. “Let them sit together, there’s no harm to it.”

    Mehri looked at her blood father, both terrified and in awe of him… and also kept sliding glances at Shysa. “Can I sit between Shysa and Cassus?”

    Cassus’s face flinched. He was just Cassus. Not father or dad - but how could he be. He couldn’t blame her.

    His gaze focused on Fridolf.

    He could only blame him.

    Shysa sneaked a glance at Mheri as she listened. Saw Cassus flinch as she didn't acknowledge Cassus as her father. He's hurt. Cassus really wants her to remember her.

    She glanced at him as Mhrri asked to sit between her and him and felt a little warm. "I'm okay with that." She replied quietly, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her own ear.

    She slid next to Shysa, blushing crimson, and Cassus sat next to her, interpreting her embarrassment as about him. Who wouldn’t?

    As Astrid settled with the others on the opposite end of the table - which would seat four on either side - Cassus cleared his throat. “Do you remember me, Mehri? It’s been four years, I know.”

    Shysa shifted in her seat and glanced at Mheri, not sure what to say. She didn't usually talk to people her age. At least, back on Dantooine. Were Mandalorians different?

    She seems nice. But I kind of feel bad for her father. Mheri doesn't really know him, does she?

    And then she glanced at her parents. Wondered what they were really like.

    “Let’s focus on food for now,” Fridolf offered, as Mehri looked uncomfortable. Cassus was crestfallen, but nodded and accepted a bowl of food. In short order the table was full of glasses and plates and Astrid called out. “Can you help me with this, Shysa?”

    Cassus was focused on his food and listening to Fridolf recount the farms issues and ask for advice. Cassus was softening, and he simply nodded to Shysa - if she even asked for permission, that is.

    Shysa relaced a little as Fridolf redirected the conversation to food, and perked up. Everything smells so good a.d different. She glanced up as Astrid asked for her help, and was already starting to stand with an "excuse me" when Cassus nodded to her.

    She didn't really need his permission, but Shysa wondered if he was warming up just a bit; to the family around them. She walked over to her mother, and looked at her.

    "What can I do to help?" Shysa asked, and realized maybe she should have ended that with mom or the Mandalorian equivalent, but she felt awkward doing so.

    Buir is the word you’re looking for,” he said gently, assuming she didn’t know the vernacular. “If you could carry these out,” she indicated a pair of bowls with salad within.

    “But I just wanted to check in on you, without Cassus right there.” She hesitated. “Are you okay? I heard the war is going badly, I hope you managed to avoid most of it.”

    "Buir." Shysa repeated carefully, and then she smiled at her mother. She grabbed the bowls her mother indicated and balanced them carefully as she asked her about the war.

    "No...not really." Shysa admitted. "I've fought in the war. I was part of the strike team that went after Revan. The order was ready to expel us when we came back." Shysa told her mother. She should know the truth. In case the Jedi come looking for me.

    Astrid’s eyebrows raised a little. “You helped kill Revan? Hate to tell you this, but Malak is worse. He just burned down Taris to get to one Jedi Knight. The Republic’s reeling and preparing for a Core invasion. Even Manaan is letting the Sith maintain forces there. Even stalwart Republic allies are playing both sides against each other just to survive - and we all know Corellia and Duro joined up after Revan saved them from, well, us.”

    Indeed he did.

    Revan’s first major victory was saving Duro from the Mandalorians, stopping them escaping with a supply of war materiel and blunting the very tip of the clans invasion of the Core. From there he drove them back - at immense cost - at Dxun, at Taris, at Althir, until the Battle of Malachor V.

    He was a hero of the Republic - which is why so many officers, warships and star systems had committed to him when Coruscant and the Senate and even the Jedi Council had bungled their defence. The reclaimed territories of the Republic - the revanchist worlds - had swiftly sided with Revan and Malak even though they returned from the Unknowns as Dark Lords of the Sith.

    Of course, the Republic had been told by the Jedi that Revan was dead - the galaxy knew nothing of the erasure of his mind and had hoped the death of Revan would divide the Sith Council. It hadn’t happened; and Malak was more brutal a Sith than Revan, who at least was tactical in his approaches to war - Malak just burned it all down.

    Shysa frowned, and had a sinking feeling in her stomach. "What are you talking about?" She whispered. "What do you mean Taris burned down?" She gave her mother a confused look at what she said next. Did she and father fight in the wars too?

    "Did you fight in the wars too Buir?" Shysa asked, "Against the Jedi?"

    “Malak just bombed it from orbit, millions are dead. The surface has been devastated.” Astrid said. “And no, I didn’t fight. We refused. The clans aren’t supposed to be galactic conquerors. We’re warriors; we have honour, we aren’t monsters.”

    Her tone was tight as if she wanted to provide examples. But Cassus had masterminded several atrocities and she didn’t want to colour Shysa’s view of him.

    Shysa nodded, and swallowed hard. "That's horrible." She looked at her mother, conflicted. "I'm glad you didn't fight the Jedi. But um...why did you give me to them?"

    What she was really asking was, do you still care about me?

    "Because of the hatred for Force users here... if they knew about you, you would have been given to Demagol, or the Mandalorian Knights... neither were what we wanted for you." Astrid's gaze went far off, as if experiencing a terrible memory. Her eyes watered. "It was an awful day."

    Shysa felt her mother's fear in the force and didn't reply for a few moments. She didn't want to pry too much, although from the sound of Astrid's voice it wasn't a pleasant memory. Instead, she placed the salad bowls down, and carefully approached her mother.

    Should i....should I hug her?

    Shysa wasn't sure, because hugging wasn't something Jedi do. But she could try to give it a shot. She encircled her arms around her mother, feeling awkward; and hugged her.

    "I'm sorry."

    "Why are you sorry?" Astrid said, toughening up. "I can't imagine it was easy being brought up by the Jedi. Especially not with their new no attachments spiel. I remember when the Jedi Grandmaster had a boyfriend. She suddenly grows up and bans love?"

    A snort.

    Shysa stepped away, embarrassed. She had only been trying to comfort her mother. Steels herself because it wasn't easy growing up with the Jedi.

    "I'm just sorry you lost me. I could sense how upset you were, about what happened even if I don't know very much."

    She looked at her mother. "I kept to myself mostly. Jedi Padawan's aren't taught a lot about things outside of the Jedi Order. They do it to protect us from things that could turn us to the dark side like love and family. I don't know what having a family is like, and the Jedi tried to expel me already so-"

    Shysa hesitated. "The Jedi Council was sending me to Courscant for re-training along with other Jedi when we were attacked by a Sith Lord. He let me go, and I was floating around in an escape pod when Cassus found me and brought me here."

    "They tried to expel you? For what?" Astrid was professionally and personally infuriated. Her daughter - expelled?!

    "Well...for fighting Revan." Shysa admitted. "I fought back so that made them think I was my Jedi material. But I wasn't going to lay down and die."

    “Spoonbending at their finest. They throw their weight against the Sith now they’re here, refuse to against us, until Revan.” Astrid finished with her bowl. “‘These aren’t the Sith. They don’t get it; these are just Jedi who fell. Sooner they get that into their heads the sooner we’ll stop having wars like this.”

    “I know the Jedi call it the Second Sith War, but the rest of us call it the Jedi Civil War. There’s no morality left in the Council.” A sniff.

    “Honey, are you getting angry at the Jedi again? I told you they’re about to lose the war and we’ll be done with it,” called Fridolf.

    “I reckon there aren’t even five hundred Jedi left now,” opined Cassus.

    “Weren’t there like tens of thousands fifty years ago?” Fridolf replied.

    It did make one wonder how Shysa would feel with all this anti-Jedi sentiment. But that was when Cassus’ daughter tugged at Shysa’s sleeve as she left the room. Boundaries had broken down now - Cassus and Fridolf and even Astrid were complaining about the Jedi and Republic like old friends.

    Shysa didn't really have much to say as they debated the Jedi and Sith, she wondered if what they said was really true. But their really aren't too many left. We certainly didn't have much at the enclave on Datooine.

    Shysa sighed and turned to Mehri when she left room and she got up quickly to follow. I don't need to be around for this.

    Mehri wanted to speak to the girl who had been swapped for her. She often wondered if Shysa had a better life than hers, on rustic Concord Dawn. She was certainly prettier than her.

    The young Mandalorian hesitated on that thought and segued into a topic before she blushed. “So did Cassus adopt you?”

    "No. He didn't do anything like that. Just saved my life." Shysa admitted with a shrug. She looked at Mheri. "Jedi aren't allowed to have families." Shysa explained.

    "Are you worried Cassus doesn't care about his own daughter?" Shysa gave her a curious look. "Because he seemed pretty upset you were still here."

    Mehri looked down. "Blood isn't everything, especially for Mandalorians. It means you get adopted pretty quickly, but it also means whoever birthed you isn't that important. It kinda cuts both ways, y'know?"

    "So why can't Jedi have families? Can't you get married, either?"

    She sounded pensive. "You know what marriage is, right?"

    Shysa frowned a little and shook her head, feeling stupid. She had never heard of marriage before. "No. Is that some kind of Mandalorian thing too?"

    She quickly added, "Jedi aren't supposed to form attachments to anyone."

    Mehri nodded, a little eager. “Marriage is like a legal contract and commitment to one person. It’s basically declaring to the world that you love that person and they love you back. On some worlds they celebrate a marriage for days with a party!”

    “It sounds amazing to be honest, to love someone so much!”

    Shysa felt her heart skip a beat. "That does sound pretty nice." She admitted. She tilted her head and looked at Mheri. "So you want to get married?"

    “Definitely! I want to have someone who has my back like that - wouldn’t you?” Mehri said, smiling, before thinking. “But then I hear that Jedi have an incredible bond with their Master. What was yours like?”

    As befitted a young mind, it leapt to a new topic as it occurred to them.

    Shysa blushed. "Sure maybe. I've never thought about it before." She admitted, and then paused at her question. "Actually I didn't know her that well. I only just became a Padawan before they tried to expel me." She shrugged. "Now I have to do re-training."

    "Oh wow," Mehri said, eyes dazzled. "You must have done something super bad to get expelled! My buir is always saying I'll be kicked out of school if I kept at my beha-viour." She elongated the word, mocking her mother. "What was it like, being a Jedi? Did you do anything amazing?" Her eyes widened even more. "Can you show me?"

    Shysa felt offended. "No. I didn't!" She told her quickly. "It wasn't my fault." Shysa stopped and looked at Mheri. Sighed. "I guess I could show you something." Shysa admitted. "I could make you float-"

    But then Shysa hesitated, because she wasn't sure if Mheri would be okay with something like that.

    Mehri clapped. "Please! I want to float!"

    Shysa let out a slow breath. "Alright." She lifted her hand focused, drawing on the force to make Mehri levitated a few feet off the floor-

    "SHYSA!" Cassus thundered from the kitchen doorway.

    Shysa startled and dropped Mehri as Cassus shouted at her. She moved forward once she realised once she had done and threw her arms out to catch Mehri, praying to the force she was fast enough-

    She was, but Cassus was still annoyed.

    "Jetii powers are not for showing off, and if you intend to stay in Mandalorian Space, you can't afford to be casually using them. It has to stay a secret, Shysa."

    Fridolf nodded, coming to join at the sight of the commotion. "Cassus is right. The Jedi are hated here, Shysa. Not just a little, but a lot. It will take years for people to realise that we needed to lose to find our warrior roots again."

    "Our honour," Cassus said, drily. "Didn't win us the war when Exar Kun led us."

    "Let's not," came Fridolf's wife ."Let's just return to the table, eat, and forget auretiise politics."

    Shysa let out a sigh of relief, and helped Mehri to stand before she turned at looked at Cassus. Felt her face grow warm because she was embarrassed.

    But he was right wasn't he? The Mandalorian's hated Jedi.

    "I'm sorry." Shysa apologised and ducked her head. "It won't happen again."

    Cassus blew out a breath and stepped to her, hands on her shoulders. He dropped to her level, eyes meeting. "You wanna stay, I take it, then?"

    Mehri tried not to look happy about that.

    Shysa looked unsure. "I do. But I don't know if I can abandon the way I was raised. I can't stop being a Jedi." She paused, frowned. "And the Jedi Order will come looking eventually." She looked at her parents. "I don't need yo put my parents through that again."

    They hesitated. "Now, now," Cassus said, parenting. "You've just got here, and I can't see the Jedi getting their act together for years, even if they win."

    "They always win," Fridolf said, somewhat glumly. "They've won for the last twenty millennia as the guardians of the Republic."

    "Yeah, yeah, I know," Cassus grumbled.

    Mehri looked positively alarmed by the idea of Shysa leaving.

    "Let's eat," her mother stressed. "Sit down, relax, and have a break. We can figure this out in the morning."

    Shysa felt reassured, and tried to sme at Cassus. "I guess so." She paused and looked at Mehri, noting her alarm. "It's like my buir says; we can figure it out in the morning."

    She tried not to worry about the uncertainty that the future held. No point worrying yet. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth

    darthbernael and Sinrebirth like this.
  12. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Zeseem Dha'tra
    Arriving Somewhere New

    When the time finally came, it appeared a group very fond of the color red came loudly to where they were being kept. When they stepped into the hold and deactivated the prison cells. Atin-Kot said something about welcome to the true Sith Empire. Perfect, what was wrong with the one he already knew?

    A stern looking man addressed Atin-Kot, Zeseem and Yula. "Come with us." was all he said.

    Zeseem made no fuss except to gesture, "My cane?" he asked softly, meekly, as he affected a limp. Actually he didn't have to affect much of his stance as he was stiff at finally standing.

    Then the guards turned, revealing several dozen more behind them, leading all the way to the shuttle.

    When the hangar bay opened to show them where they were, Zeseem was impressed. This was not only dark, it was impressively so. Although he could not tell what it was. Was this a sith teaching place? Like Koriban? Those symbols did not match that of the Empire they had fought to capture Darth Revan, perhaps they were this worlds teaching schools symbol?

    He could only imagine that was what it was, for where else could be so grand and have such an oppressive, horrific darkness present. Only he heard the whisper from the one telling them to play along. Emperor? Wasn't that what Revan was? Had been?

    TAG: @Sinrebirth , @darthbernael, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    darthbernael likes this.
  13. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Cassus Fett

    The rest of the meal was literally normal family moments.

    The youngsters were youngsters, the teens were teens, the adults were adults.

    Good food, good alcohol, good company - once Cassus thawed, of course.

    When the day was over, Cassus stood up. "I need to get going. You'll work it out, Shysa. Mehri, your Dad has my comm code, if you wanna talk. I'll swing back when I'm sure I won't bring any heat here."

    The family was somewhat surprised he was simply done.

    "Are you sure?" Fridolf said. "The Jedi are too busy to hunt down Mandalorians."

    "I know, but they'll probably win, and then business will be back to normal." A shrug. "It's not as if the clans profit regardless who rules. Exar Kun bled us, and I'm about eighty percent sure the Sith got to Mandalore somehow. Attacking the Republic, sure, it was a big plan, but it wasn't smart. Not after we'd spent years succeeding in the Unknowns and against the Hutts. I want to know why he did it."

    He looked at Shysa. "If you want to come with me and find out what's out there in the Unknowns one day, when you've had a bit of time to grow up, I'll take you with me. Or you, Mehri."

    Mehri nodded, slowly.

    Cassus looked back at Shysa. "Alright?"

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence
    IC: Darkness

    The Throne Room

    The Imperial Guard regaled the prisoners with the tale of their Emperor as they progressed into the Citadel.

    It was oppressive, the pressure of the dark side.

    So condensed was it, that the Force users who could still sense such things would not find a slither of light.

    It was a place that even Balance could not see within.

    Even the Father himself could not peer.

    They were utterly alone in their skin; only their eyes and ears would allow Zeseem, Atin-Kot and Yula to acknowledge each other.

    "The Sith Emperor was once Lord Vitiate, a Sith who had ruled his homeworld for a century - from the age of fourteen. Recognised and anointed a Darth by Marka Ragnos, our Lord stepped in to lead the Sith species and human slave refugees from Korriban as the Jedi and Republic performed their genocide. It was he who foresaw a world hidden in our very own space, lost to us millennia ago, as a refuge within the old Empire."

    The guard indicated out one of the massive windows they passed to this world.

    "Drommund Kaas is where our new Empire came to fruition in the aftermath of the so-called Great Hyperspace War," he named an event a thousand years past, when the Sith were thought destroyed. The red-armoured man continued on into the Citadel, a troop of similarly imposing guards behind and before them - six each. "In the shadows of your Republic, who barely managed to explore half of the worlds of the old Empire, we built anew, and sent ships into the so-called Unknown Regions."

    "We built our shadow empire for a thousand years, and allowed it to be usurped by your Darth Revan, and the Mandalorians before him. It was the Emperor who directed them to invade your precious Republic. A secret kept from the Empire, the twelve Dark Lords - that we would return to 'Known Space' and enact our long revenge, after his majestic millennium of rule."

    The Imperial Guard had been given permission to tell them everything.

    A terrifying observation, if they realised.

    The darkness grew deeper, stronger, as if their minds were on the edge of breaking.

    They would have a flash of understanding.

    Before he was the Sith Emperor.

    Before he was Vitiate.

    He was a young Sith boy; red-skinned - a bastard, fathered by a Sith Lord in an affair with a low-born woman.

    Potent, yes, but moreso when the child's eyes turned Black.

    When he was possessed.

    The Darkness that took the boy acquired it's own name.


    They knew the truth; that a great and impossible Darkness; one of the original Six Darknesses, it had acquired form and shape and a name.

    And power unrivalled.


    "Welcome, Jedi."

    His voice antagonised their very souls; not just attacking their ears, shaking their bones, and chilling their nerves.

    They had faced Darth Revan a few days before.

    But this was supremely more powerful.

    Monstrously so, an evil so deep it was a black hole within the Force.

    A void consuming their sense of self.

    The Imperial Guard had left.

    "You know that this Empire is not the one you have faced."

    He spoke with a hundred voices, all angry, all brittle, all looming.

    It was as if daggers were being driven into their minds.

    Jagged nails across their skin.

    "You know that I am more terrible than any nightmare you have faced."

    A dull grin.

    He had no emotions.

    None whatsoever.

    "You know that you are mine."

    They would have a flash of him.

    Him as he was now.

    Him as he would become.

    Eons of devastation planned and intended and inevitable.







    They were all the Sith Emperor.

    His many guises, here, now, and in the future.

    He was Eternal.

    He was Immortal.

    In none of these visions did they see them surviving this terrible encounter.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Mitth_Fisto (singles)
    darthbernael likes this.
  14. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Shysa Cadera
    Concord Dawn

    As Cassus stood up Shysa followed suite almost as quickly, hands to her side. It had been customary for the Jedi Padawan's to stand up whenever a Knight or Master entered or left the room.

    Reeve turned to look at his sister and started laughing. "What are you doing?" He abruptly stood up and saluted Cassus, "Reporting for Duty General!" He said, still laughing.

    Shysa looked like she wanted to hit him.

    "Would you sit down you little idiot." Ciara snapped at Reeve, "It's probably a Jedi thing. A sign of respect." She looked at Cassus. "Excuse my brother, he doesn't have much common sense."

    "I have more than you." Reeve argued back, sticking out his tongue.

    Shysa looked at Cassus, ignoring Ciara and Reeve's arguing. "I might take you up on going to the unknown regions one day." She wasn't so sure things would work out, but she was willing to try for his sake. "Good luck." Shysa said, and nodded at him.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  15. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Atin Kot
    Introductions, Pain

    The deeper the group walked into the Citadel on Drommund Kaas the more everything closed upon the group as they were led by the Imperial Guard toward a destination that Atin Kot suspected was the Emperor himself. He didn’t need to be able to use or fully sense the Force to feel that. He could see his companions as their anxiety and nerves grew frazzled, as they felt what had to be Darkness closing in.

    The leader of the Guard began to regale them with the story of the Sith, these Sith in particular. It was about their early history first, and how they came to be here. Much of it was information that Revan had told the Revanchrists over the years. But pure, unfiltered, the information somehow felt heavier, more filled with the power of the Sith. A voice, as though from a deep distance reached his mind, ’One of the Six Darknessess….’ The voice was so faint and became fainter the deeper he walked into the Citadel.

    And then the sense of presence began to fill them, the voice had been right. It was proud of it’s own history, it’s past, and what it had become and created. It even allowed it’s true self to be felt and that agreed with the distant whisper, one of the Six Darknesses, not the First Darkness but a piece of that, given form and purpose, in the galaxy, tasked to take hosts and bring Darkness to the galaxy.

    That was when Atin Kot felt the presence suddenly coalesce before them, finding themselves standing before a dark throne.

    "Welcome, Jedi."

    "You know that this Empire is not the one you have faced."

    "You know that I am more terrible than any nightmare you have faced."

    "You know that you are mine."

    Every word chilled, not to the bone but to his very soul. It grated across his form and essence like razorwire over a nerve. This was Darkness that had taken a being, rewired it, took it and molded it into what sat before them. And it had them in it’s very claws. He could feel, even without the Force see, visions of the Emperor in various forms, ones that were all him, in different guises, eras, moods even.

    There was no need to tremble, the Emperor could feel their every fear, every pain, and was playing a tune of them already, to rebuild them as his, as he had said. Instead he laughed, he did not know whether or if he would survive the encounter here. He raised his gaze, taking in the form in the seat. ”Revan, Alek, they never ssstood a chanccce againssst you, did they?” he asked.

    ”None of usss isss strong enough to ssstand againsssst you either. Which meansss that whether we ssstruggle or fight your commandsss we will ssstill be forced to do your will.” He paused, ”I believe though, that you prefer usss to ssstruggle.”

    He bowed his head, trying to retain a sense of self as the Emperor’s will was not truly attacking his but simply so overwhelming that it was pressing against his self so much that it was hard to hold onto. Glancing at his companions, he looked up at the Emperor once more, ”Asss you gave Revan and Alek no choiccce I sssee no other choiccce but to follow your will, Emperor, you jusssst have too much power, especially here, at the heart of your realm, to fight you.”

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @TheSilentInfluence, @Mitth_Fisto
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  16. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yula felt tugged and smothered all at once by a maelstrom of darkness. She had never thought to encounter such a thing... didn't know if she could erect barriers of stillness and calm and steel. She tried to send one final thought to Bastila: We have met our match.
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  17. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Zeseem Dha'tra
    Arriving into Darkness

    The Imperial Guard regaled the prisoners with the tale of their Emperor as they progressed into the Citadel. Zeseem had no choice but to follow along with the others. The pressure of the dark side growing stronger with every step, and the light was a memory he could not find.

    Not even could he see his companions, only by sight and smell with the odd sound every now and then could he tell they were there. "The Sith Emperor was once Lord Vitiate, a Sith who had ruled his homeworld for a century - from the age of fourteen. Recognised and anointed a Darth by Marka Ragnos, our Lord stepped in to lead the Sith species and human slave refugees from Korriban as the Jedi and Republic performed their genocide. It was he who foresaw a world hidden in our very own space, lost to us millennia ago, as a refuge within the old Empire."

    The guard indicated out one of the massive windows they passed to this world.

    "Drommund Kaas is where our new Empire came to fruition in the aftermath of the so-called Great Hyperspace War," he named an event a thousand years past, when the Sith were thought destroyed. The red-armoured man continued on into the Citadel, a troop of similarly imposing guards behind and before them - six each. "In the shadows of your Republic, who barely managed to explore half of the worlds of the old Empire, we built anew, and sent ships into the so-called Unknown Regions."

    "We built our shadow empire for a thousand years, and allowed it to be usurped by your Darth Revan, and the Mandalorians before him. It was the Emperor who directed them to invade your precious Republic. A secret kept from the Empire, the twelve Dark Lords - that we would return to 'Known Space' and enact our long revenge, after his majestic millennium of rule."

    It was a nice history lesson, but without a datapad Zeseem doubted he could ever properly reproduce the knowledge to add to the temples archives. Let alone warn anyone. Already this felt like the darkest depths of the ocean trenches where light was a lost memory and the air was so thin, and the water was so cold. So cold.

    Shivering he felt a glimmer of understanding. Before he was the Sith Emperor. Before he was Vitiate. He was a young Sith boy; red-skinned - a bastard, fathered by a Sith Lord in an affair with a low-born woman.

    Potent, yes, but moreso when the child's eyes turned Black. When he was possessed. The Darkness that took the boy acquired it's own name. Tenebrae.

    They knew the truth; that a great and impossible Darkness; one of the original Six Darknesses, it had acquired form and shape and a name.

    And power unrivalled.

    "Welcome, Jedi."

    It was an old legend that was never to supposed to have been more than a warning story, a historical account of evil. Yet here it was, or so imposed itself to be upon them. Only Zeseem could not shake from his mind that this was, in fact, not a lie.

    The Imperial Guard had left. Somewhen during all this.

    "You know that this Empire is not the one you have faced."

    He spoke with a hundred voices, all angry, all brittle, all looming.

    It was as if daggers were being driven into their minds.

    Jagged nails across their skin.

    "You know that I am more terrible than any nightmare you have faced."

    A dull grin.

    "You know that you are mine."

    They would have a flash of him.

    Him as he was now.

    Him as he would become.

    Eons of devastation planned and intended and inevitable.

    They were all the Sith Emperor.

    His many guises, here, now, and in the future.

    He was Eternal.

    He was Immortal.

    In none of these visions did they see them surviving this terrible encounter. Zeseem took small comfort in that. "Yes." he softly whispered, in a strained voice that did not believe in itself to even speak.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: The Sith Emperor
    His Inner Sanctum

    On some level, Tenebrae potentially understood that he has been possessed as a child, that his twisted, pain filled existence was unholy and heretical.

    But he didn’t care.

    The Sith had embraced his identity as Darth Vitiate, and further the messianic figure of the Sith Emperor. He would take on other selfs and forms and propagate without end.

    He was endless.

    He was in possession of a Darkness which had taken a millennium to grow within this form. The Emperor’s body was the dark side perfected. A simple Chosen One would be nothing to his depths. Adas, the Prime, Xendor, and a dozen others could not match to his strength.

    And so he simply took it all, ignored their banal words, and crushed the three who stood before him. Atin-Kot, Zeseem, Yula - even the latters desperate plea to Bastila was smothered.

    They would be taken away.



    But in more ways than one.

    The Darkness wanted to know everything about the Jedi Order it intended to crush.

    About the Revan that he had sent to conquer the Republic and had broken from his control.

    About the Balance that the Taung had once been tied to.

    About the Temple that Zeseem had trained at.

    About the Padawan rites and entry points into the lowest levels of the Order.

    He wanted it all.

    And so… he kept them around.

    He extended their lives to an impossible extent with his monstrous machines.

    He filled their bodies with unimaginable pain in exchange for their longevity.

    He severed them the Force, and then returned it to them, only to take it away.

    He kept them in a secret place in the Unknowns.




    And they stayed in that dark, dark place.

    For years.

    How did they cope?

    Did they?

    Did they go mad?

    Did they cease to think or feel?

    What happened to them?

    How did they respond to this torment?

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    IC: Cassus Fett

    Six years later, Concord Dawn

    They were proven right, eventually.

    The Sith did lose.

    It took the deaths of several Dark Lords of the Sith, but the Sith Empire finally imploded.

    Revan returned and slew Darth Malak; the Jedi Order collapsed; the Triumvirate rose up; the Exile returned and completed the destruction of Malachor V and the Trayus Academy; the Mandalorians of Dxun raised a new Mand’alor - the Preserver.

    And Cassus Fett returned to Concord Dawn to see how Shysa had settled in; to bring word of the Preservation of the Mandalorian ways.

    The family dynamic on the Fett farm had changed in those intervening six years. They were one big collection of people, yes, but not all of them were children now, some had been emancipated themselves and cut parental ties…

    … but they were all there when Cassus sent word he was coming home.

    Of course, it was also six years with no word of her former comrades, with the news of the death of Master Vash; with Bastila Shan and a handful of new Jedi now driving to re-establish the Order.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence (combo)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    darthbernael and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  19. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Atin-Kot
    Delusions and Illusions[/b]

    They would be taken away.



    But in more ways than one.

    The Darkness wanted to know everything about the Jedi Order it intended to crush.

    About the Revan that he had sent to conquer the Republic and had broken from his control.

    About the Balance that the Taung had once been tied to.

    About the Temple that Zeseem had trained at.

    About the Padawan rites and entry points into the lowest levels of the Order.

    He wanted it all.

    And so… he kept them around.

    He extended their lives to an impossible extent with his monstrous machines.

    He filled their bodies with unimaginable pain in exchange for their longevity.

    He severed them from the Force, and then returned it to them, only to take it away.

    He kept them in a secret place in the Unknowns.




    And they stayed in that dark, dark place.

    For years.

    Pain...existence is pain.

    Pain...existence has been pain.

    Pain...existence will be pain.

    Nerves fried, were rebuilt, fried again. An unending cycle as Darkness whispered, as it tried to strip secrets from the cortex.

    A name was one of the first things lost. He knew what he was, that he was perhaps the last of his kind but beyond that, there was nothing.

    A mask with a pair of sabers crossing before it, purple and red, would sometimes fill his mind, then fade.

    The mask would sometimes speak to him but the words made no sense. Images of meeting the figure behind the mask as they walked, spoke, fought side by side.

    From time to time Darkness would gnash it’s teeth, in his mind as it came against a wall of swirling greys.

    Occasionally the walls would bow, occasionally break but the mass of pain knew that whatever the grey was it was only allowing the least important memories behind those walls to be taken and the pained thing burned even more for it.

    It had no idea how long it suffered. Eventually Darkness had to try new tacks as pain too long used turned to pleasure, became a boon companion. There was, after all, only so many times one could fry a nerve before it became simply another part of existence.

    When Darkness attempted to expose it to the void to make it lose itself in the darkness of the void it laughed, it had seen blood, death, pain, torment, had served it out, had protected from it. The void had nothing to the memories of those days that could tempt his sanity.

    When the Darkness put it in a space no bigger than it was it laughed, even as it choked as the breathable atmosphere was removed. The laughter did become wild but what creature would not stretch it’s sanity in such a space?

    It was a breath of fresh air as the Force was restored to it, even if it was used as yet another way to cause it pain. But, unlike the others it thought it remembered had come with it, it had already had the Force stripped away once so when it happened again, it mattered little to the ball of pain.

    As time passed the sheer amount of pain and terror morphed into something else, something that it could never have counted on...boredom. Just as pain becomes something that one grows accustomed to if it is in the sheer volume and over such a long period, so too become torture.

    It knew its apathy to the pain, to the torment, frustrated Darkness, but honestly, that was Darkness’s fault itself. It ached, no doubt, it feared, but still, it became as blasé as what it would be fed the next day. All that remained was to wonder how long it would remain in this state, that was the true terror in the end.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @TheSilentInfluence, @Mitth_Fisto
    Sinrebirth and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  20. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Shysa Cadera
    Concord Dawn, Six Years Later

    Shysa liked to think she had grown into a capable warrior, a capable Mandalorian that knew her creed; the Resol'nare by heart. She had gotten to know her siblings, Ciara and Reeve rather well during the six years she had remained on Concord Dawn. Sometimes and and Reeve went hunting together. Fighting those who the clan deemed unworthy (sometimes fighting other member's of the for fun). They called it hunting because of Ciara, who had told her younger siblings that they looked like hunters when the first time they wore war paint and armour together.


    Shysa had also managed to hide her force sensitivity to the point that most people thought she could be a little odd, but understood the land and the stars the way some people only dreamed of it.

    As she waited for Cassus Fett to arrive, she wondered how much the Mandalorian had changed in the last six years. She had liked him well enough owed him her life and admired how he took her under his wing, if only briefly. Had brought her back to her parents.

    She also thought briefly of Mheri Fett. Shysa considered her one of her closest friends, and she was far more of a warrior then Shysa was. She figured she took after Cassus that way, her biological father. She shifted on her feet and glanced over at Mheri standing a few feet away.


    "You're very obvious you know." Reeve spoke up from beside her. He glanced at his sister and grinned.


    "I don't know what your talking about."Shysa responded calmly. She's nice to look at though.

    "Huh. Okay." Reeve looked skeptical. "Well, I imagine Cassus would rather have you as a daughter in law anyway." He told Shysa quietly. "Especially since you gave up your past life." He was referring to her training as a Jedi of course.

    Shysa felt a pang of guilt. She hadn't thought about Master Vash or even Bastila lately. Although she knew Master Vash had died and Bastila was trying to start a Jedi Order again.

    Cassus settled his ship down - the same beat-up former troop transport he’d had all these years ago. He stepped out, a long cape flowing, his armour now black.

    He had something in his hand, a case, clearly made of beskar. He looked around for Shysa. “Hey, kid.”

    He waved lazily. “The Dark Wars are over, thought I’d let you know. Sith Empire has collapsed for good; Supreme Chancellor Cressa is taking back the Outer Rim; the Jedi Council is setting up again on Coruscant.”

    Shysa grinned when Cassus stepped off his ship. "Hey Cassus!" She greeted him back happily. He looked different. But she figured six years probably did that to a person and wondered what Mheri thought of her father now. He only seems to want to greet me though.

    I've probably changed a lot since then too.

    Shysa paused and then shrugged nonchalantly at Cassus comment about the Chancellor and about the Jedi Order. "Why should I be worried about the Jedi?" She lied. "They don't come out here and just because they are trying to build an order doesn't mean they are going to come after me." Shysa added with a little more confidence.

    "The key word you're looking for is yet sister." Ciara said from behind her.

    "They probably think I'm dead." Shysa countered.

    “I could probably have one of my friends alter the digital copy of the Roll. The survivors don’t know every Jedi after all, though I hear Bastila Shan is a pretty big figure in the Order now. Revan and the Exile, they’ve headed off into the Unknowns. No-one knows why.”

    Cassus had just lied.

    She would know that with the Force.

    “I just wanted to bring you this, is all.” He held out a cube of a Holocron. “It’s blank, I may or may not have snuck it out of the Jedi Temple while it was unoccupied. Something special in there for you, too.”

    Shysa stared hard at Cassus, but didn't voice the fact that she knew he had lied. Instead she took the holocron from him, staring at it curiously. "Thank you. It's a nice gift." She smiled at him. "I appreciate it."

    Shysa looked thoughtful. She wondered what the special thing was. "What do you mean?" She asked.

    He indicated. "Open it up."

    The others were watching intently now, because, well, Cassus Fett was Cassus Fett.

    Inside the Holocron was a fresh Kyber crystal, completely clear.

    It reached for Shysa, and wanted to know her.

    Shysa opened it and her body jerked in suprise. A kyber crystal. She looked up at him in shock. "But why..." Shysa found it hard to speak. "Why would you give me something like this? I'm supposed to be Mandalorian remember? This is dangerous."

    Cassus shrugged as he removed his helmet. "You may not know this, but Mandalore had wanted Force users too. He reckoned it was the only way we could effect real change. The Mandalorian Knights."

    "So, Mandalore the Preserver, he reckons we should keep an eye on that too. Not like, open, public policy and all, because spoonbenders are all fine and dandy for peacekeepers but we're warriors, and even the Preserver knows dabbling with Force Orders is likely to get him a gaggle of Sith, but he wants us to think about it."

    Cassus's eyes went distant. "We need to get ready for whatever comes next, after all." He refocused and spoke quickly, more generally, "there always will be something, after all."

    "And you need to be ready if the Jedi do come for you."

    Shysa looked conflicted but nodded along anyway. She wondered what her parents thought of all this. "I guess. But I still don't feel comfortable with this." She paused. "The last thing I want to do is put anyone in danger by my actions."

    She also felt uneasy about the Jedi coming after her. "The Jedi...will not stop pursuing me if they know I'm alive. They'll try to force me to rejoin the Jedi Order." She hesitated. "I'm not sure I'm Jedi material anymore."

    "Then don't be," Cassus said, shrugging. "Be Mandalorian material. Maybe we should march up to that Jedi Temple and tell them what for. Why live worrying about it?" He hesitated slightly. "Preserver worked with 'em to take out the Sith, I bet he can put in a good word for you, get you an audience."

    Mehri made a noise of concern. Reeve thought it was radical, the idea of telling the Jedi Council to frak off.

    Shysa perked up, because it did seem like a fun idea. She closed her hand over the kyber crystal. "I don't think marching on the Jedi Temple is a good idea. The Republic might try to intervene." She looked thoughtful. "I'd like to meet with Mand'alor." Shysa told Cassus.

    She looked at Mheri. "Can Mheri come with me?" She asked, knowing she felt concerned. She looked at Reeve, wondering if he was enjoying the idea of telling the Jedi to get lost and trying to figure out if he would go too.

    Mehri perked up. "Can I come, please?"

    Cassus glowered at her. "Aren't you an adult now? Tell me you want to come."

    A laugh escaped Mehri. An overly-put-upon gruff voice followed. "Where Shysa goes, I go."

    "Oh do you?" Cassus's eyes flitted back to Shysa, a quip on his tongue.

    Shysa turned to her a grinned. I'm glad Mheri is coming. She exchanged a look with Reeve, who had a knowing smile on his face before turning her attention back to Cassus.

    "And where Mheri goes, I go." Shysa answered back, trying not to break her with Cassus. Can he tell how much I like her?

    Cassus kept staring at his daughter; looked at Mheri, and then back at Shysa.

    "And you?" He said it to Reeve, who didn't realise until Cassus turned to look at him. "Well?"

    Reeve hesitated. "I mean, it's Mand'alor. Of course I want to meet him. He's rebuilt the clans since the Ani'la Akaan, restored our honour."

    "You're not gonna earn yourself a place on my ship by quoting the Preserver's Fan Club, kit." Cassus inclined his head to Shysa. "He coming?"

    Shysa nodded back at Cassus. "If he's coming. He's my brother. We fight together all the time. Hunting." She stressed. She shrugged. "Reeve knows how to take care of himself. He won't be a nuisance."

    Cassus shrugged back. "Alright then."

    He turned to go, replacing his helmet, and then glanced over his shoulder. "Do you need to let the Cadera's know? Or you're good to go? We're on a schedule and all that."

    Ciara looked at Shysa. "I'll let them know. It's not like you've never gone on a mission before."

    Shysa nodded at her sister. "Tell them I'll call them later." She looked at Cassus. "I'm good to go." She assured him. She started to move forward, to follow him-

    "Shysa, you're helmet." Ciara threw the helmet at her, which was a brilliant blue and white. Shysa turned and caught it without even thinking about it and grinned ruefully.

    "Right. I almost forgot." Shysa laughed nervously and Reeve shook his head, looking at Mheri.

    "At least you have a better memory Mheri. Shysa would lose her head if it wasn't attached to her body."

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  21. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Zeseem Dha'tra
    Emperor's Inner Sanctum

    The Sith Emperor simply took them all, ignored their words, and crushed the three who stood before him. Atin-Kot, Zeseem, Yula.

    They were taken away.

    He had said that the Sith Emperor was too powerful for them, that they could not and would not resist their capture by him. Only what was resistance? They were overwhelmed, reduced to unconsciousness. Comatose if you will. Comatose if you don't will.

    Yet it was to be so in more ways than one.

    The Darkness wanted to know everything about the Jedi Order it intended to crush.

    About the Revan that he had sent to conquer the Republic and had broken from his control.

    About the Balance that the Taung had once been tied to.

    About the Temple that Zeseem had trained at.

    About the Padawan rites and entry points into the lowest levels of the Order.

    The Sith Emperor wanted it all.

    And Zeseem was sure despite his prior words that they could not resist, they did so. And so… the Sith Emperor kept them around.

    He extended their lives to an impossible extent with his monstrous machines.

    He filled their bodies with unimaginable pain in exchange for their longevity.

    It was a torture of the nerves of an unending rebirthing fire. Without resisting that fire taken and allowed deep into him was a cleansing one. It made the mind numb and clean and clear.

    He severed them the Force, and then returned it to them, only to take it away.

    That was a horror. It was a blinding only to have new eyes put in again, just to have them ripped out once more. Was this what the Masters had done to Atin-Kot? To others? How had he ever not seen his Master's as monstrous? As for the Sith Emperor how could he not? They were kept in a secret place in the Unknowns.




    And they stayed in that dark, dark place.

    For years.

    The bright points being the odd visitation, the torture.

    Embracing the pain he eventually couldn't remember much else. He knew his fellow cell-mates. He knew he knew things, but he couldn't remember them. He ached for water, to swim. Only that was a silly notion brought on by delirium, childhood a fever dream of such impossible things!

    There was nothing but the stories he imagined, of things like sky. Ocean. Plant.

    He imagined many things, but knew they were not right. They were not real.

    So he never shared them in his torments, his blessed torments.

    The Sith Emperor didn't want the fake stories in his mind. He wanted histories and facts. Zeseem knew facts. He knew histories.

    He just couldn't remember.

    So he waited, and despite needing tortures to end would also desire them not to. They were the most real things, the only real things he knew.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth , @darthbernael, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  22. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yula felt squashed and twisted. She had no sense of the passage of time; it felt like an instant and it felt like eons. She made herself small in the Force, not yielding anything up to the tormenter. She couldn't form coherent thoughts at any rate.
    darthbernael likes this.
  23. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Mandalore the Preserver
    Dxun, Mandalorian camp

    Cassus Fett took them to see Mandalore.

    And by Mandalore, he quite literally meant to him. Apparently Mandalore the Preserver had put in a good word ahead of time, even obtaining approval to travel across Republic space. Not that such permission was needed, because the Senate was so weak that they could hardly say no to the clans, especially not after the Preserver had led the warrior race to assist against Darth Nihilus at the recent Battle of Telos.

    But memories faded fast of good deeds, and slowly for bad ones.

    Which is why Cassus never advertised his whereabouts. They were trading in on the Cadera name to effect a swift movement, and they would find themselves authorised by Onderon control to land on the forest moon of Dxun, and a Basilisk fighter rose up to escort them in - and keep an eye on the half-squad of Republic A-wings that were on patrol.



    In short order they were there.

    He was standing at the bottom of their ramp.


    "What have ya brought for me, Cassus?"

    The Preserver had a wicked looking blaster out, but that was standard with Mandalore.

    Cassus lightly pushed Shysa to speak to the man.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence (combo)
    IC: Arcann


    By later, I mean much later.

    Time passed.

    At some point they would be aware that another joined them, and then was moved on elsewhere.

    They would recognize that it was Revan, but he felt different; not the omnipotent dark, no, but a balancing between the two.

    Even Atin-Kot would feel that much, and indeed Zeseem and Yula would.

    But eventually they heard voices, as they were dropped out of the eternal haze of pain so they could speak.

    Occasionally Vitiate would do that, in his various guises.

    Last time, he had been a refined yet bulky man in white armour; his identity as Valkorion evident.


    But now, there were three young children.


    Arcann and Thexan

    They were playing at a table in a dark room - a room that the three of them were suspended within.

    A secret place, that somehow, as children were want to, they had found.

    They were clearly prodigies; they'd just created a lightsaber with a brilliant yellow blade; a crystal that denoted service.



    Their younger sister chimed in.

    "Arcann, Thexan, what do you suppose they are?"

    The twins looked up and saw the three as they were part released from the crystal they had been submerged within; a giant kyber crystal had been grown around them, hanging down in the black room. Their faces would be free, breath returned to them as the stasis field released their eyes and mouth and senses -

    "Vaylin what did you do?" Arcann called out -

    "It wasn't me, you were touching things!"

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

  24. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Shysa Cadera

    To say she was nervous was an understatement. Shysa tried to appear calm, but she was scared to meet the leader of the Mandalorian's. She fidgeted in her seat until they reached Dxun, and stayed close to Cassus as Mand'alor appeared at the bottom of the ship's ramp.

    Before Cassus greeted Mand'alor and pushed her towards him.

    Shysa stumbled a bit as she was pushed forward towards Mand'alor before she managed to steady herself. She stared up at the man, more intimidating in person then in holo-vids and found herself a little tongue tied.

    "I'm Shysa Cadera Mand'alor. I've come to ask for you're help."

    "Help?" He almost guffawed, and took a step forward, slapping her on the shoulder.

    Cassus tensed, but this was how the Preserver was; a soldier, friend to all, firm in his views of right and wrong.

    "What can I do for you, Shysa Cadera?"

    Shysa startled a bit, because at first she thought she was in trouble, before she relaxed and smiled at him. "The Jedi are after me. I want to speak with them to get them to leave me alone."

    "The Jedi, eh? Are you a spoonbender too, then?" He lowered his face slightly to peer at her.

    "I was. But I left that life. I ass born Mandalorian. I'll be Mandalorian before a spoon bender." Shysa looked at Mand'alor. "I want them to leave me alone."

    "Do you now," he said, amused. "Spoonbenders used to do whatever they wanted, on account of there being so many of 'em. Now, they're a more humble bunch."

    "Says you," jibed Cassus. "I hear Bastila is still as blunt as ever."

    "Falling to the dark and coming back again will do that to ya," the Preserver said. "But she owes me, and I need to make pretty clear that Dxun is left alone. We Mandalorians, we'll move on if we want, but only if. I'm not being petitioned by the Onderonians to give back their moon." His tone grew grim. "We died for this place, and we fought for it."

    He was sermonising, and stopped himself. "Is that what you want, Mandalorian?" He looked at her, pointedly. "For me to walk with you up to the new Jedi Council and tell 'em that you're well 'ard?"

    Shysa watched him carefully, realizing he had as much to figure out with the Jedi as she did. Although, Mand'alor had more to consider. She looked at Cassus as he mentioned Bastila, and frowned a little; nervous.

    "You know Bastila?" Shysa asked curiously. "I fought Revan with her. Years ago." She paused. "I want to tell the Jedi Council that I have no interest in returning to the Jedi Order. If you have things to speak with them about Mand'alor, then I won't get in you're way. But it would be nice to not have to face them alone."

    Mandalore canted his head slightly. "So you fought Revan with her."

    He shrugged. "Well, I was going anyway."

    He looked to Cassus. "You gonna come? I'd rather you didn't, being a war criminal and all."

    Cassus bristled, but said nothing. Of course, there was Shysa's friend too, and the Preserver noticed them at last...

    Shysa nodded. "Yes Mand'alor." She looked at Cassus. "I agree. You don't need to get arrested." She looked back at her brother Reeve.

    "You should stay with Cassus so the Jedi don't get their claws in you too."

    Reeve bristled. “I should be with you. What if Mandalore isn’t enough?”

    Cassus clipped him over the back of the head. “Smart thing to say.”

    From the floor, Reeve turned. “We did lose the Great War, y’know. Mandalore was killed by Revan.”

    “Yeah but I was friends with Revan,” Mandalore sank to his knees to Reeve’s level. “You think the new Jedi Council will just get rid of me?”

    He looked at Shysa. “Who is this bum and is he coming with us to Coruscant?”

    "Reeve!" Shysa snapped at him. "I don't want you to get hurt. That's why I want you to stay back. It's not that I don't think you're capable of handling a Jedi." She paused. "But you need to understand that this is dangerous."

    She sighed sharply and looked at Mheri. Because even if it was dangerous she still wanted her to come-

    -and then then look back at Mand'alor to answer his question. "He's my brother. Reeve gets pretty protective sometimes. I'm sorry if he offended you, but we do everything together when it comes to fighting. Along with Mheri of course-" She added, twisting a hand behind herself.

    Mheri stepped forward. “Reeve is all helmet, no head, sometimes,” she said, quoting the old Mandalorian proverb in Basic instead of the mother tongue.

    Mandalore guffawed as Reeve stiffened. “I like that.” He stood, yanking Reeve up. “But loose lips are gonna upset the Jedi. Especially Mical. So keep your mouth shut, or I’ll regret bringing you; got it?”

    Reeve nodded, quietly. Cassus shook his head. Mandalore looked to Mehri. “You can come too, sure. Cassus’ daughter won’t earn the eye of the Council.”

    Cassus stiffened that time. “I pay attention, Vhett,” Mandalore said coolly. “But the Sith used you before, I don’t want the Jedi doing it to me.” He made a noise of aggression, a grumble in the back of his throat. “We’re not spoons.”

    He nodded to Shysa. “Which is why I’m all for making sure the New Jedi Order knows where we stand, now, not later. I may have been friends with Revan and Bastila, and Meetra too,” he said, naming a Jedi exiled after the Battle of Malachor V who was known to be the woman who killed Darth Traya, “but I’m not a friend of the Order. They’ll have to earn that.”

    “And I doubt they will,” he said. “They’ll cozy up to the Republic, and the Senate will turn them back into their spoons.” Mandalore turned to his ship, that self-same Basilisk fighter which had escorted them in, which had seats for three within it. “So we go in, say our piece, and go back to mostly ignoring each other. That’s what I want, and that’s what we’re gonna get.”

    He looked the three younger Mandalorians. “Got it?”

    "Yes Mand'lor." Shysa snapped to attention. "I don't want to stay there for any longer then necessary anyway." She glanced a Reeve, glad he was coming and hoping he really would keep his mouth shut for once. And then at Mheri. Hoping the Jedi wouldn't think twice about her and try to use her to unsteady Shysa when they spoke to her. They would definitely sense her feelings for her. Shysa knew that.

    She paused, "Mand'alor?" She asked curiously, nervously. "Will we permitted to bring weapons to defend ourselves?" In case they try to force me to stay?

    "Of course," the Preserver said with a guffaw. "The Jedi will be more suspicious if we turn up without weapons, trust me."

    He guffawed.

    "No weapons."

    He looked to Cassus.

    "What did you teach this girl?"

    The Fett was silent on that.

    Not much.

    Mandalore headed up the ramp, still laughing.

    Shysa blushed from embarrassment. She looked at Cassus, and hoped she knew he hadn't meant to embarrass him.

    "Sorry." Shysa said quickly as Mand'alor left.

    I just don't want to start another war.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  25. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Grandmaster Mical
    Coruscant, Jedi Temple



    The Jedi Grandmaster was present in the Council chambers waiting for them.

    They'd been allowed to Coruscant, the immense city planet, without much notice.

    There were few Hammerhead-class cruisers on standby, very few, but Republic Supreme Commander and Admiral Onasi simply let Mandalore the Preserver by without much more than a coded exchange. The man had chuckled in his helmet. "Big wigs don't want the embarrassment of me being around, of course."

    But then they'd been given direct landing coordinates for the Jedi Temple itself, and not a single A-wing was redeployed to ensure they did.

    They couldn't even offer an official escort.

    "No surprise," Reeve said drily. "Republic didn't win the last war."

    "Nope, they didn't," Mandalore said. "The Sith collapsed."

    He gestured vaguely. "Once upon a time, you'd have seen Inexpungible-class command ships, Leviathan-class warships, and Centurion-class battlecruisers among those Hammerhead's. But the command ships were destroyed in the Mandalorian Wars, and the others, they left with the Revanchist Jedi and became the Sith." He absently called up images of the old designs.

    None of them would look anything like the capital ship which had kidnapped Shysa and the others - Atin-Kot, Zeseem, Yula. All three had been lost just after Revan was captured by the Jedi Order - by them and Bastila - and not seen again.

    A shrug from Mandalore.

    "Now the Republic is too weak to do much, but the Empire is gone, and that's that."

    They landed, but there was no Jedi to greet them, merely a fluttering leaf in the wind.

    Mandalore sighed. "Here we go."

    The leaf levitated, guiding them into the Jedi Temple, into the turbolift, where it settled to the floor, and Mehri prodded it with a foot.

    Then the doors parted, revealing a set of closed double doors.

    Mical stood there. "Canderous," he said in greeting. "And who are your young charges?"

    The man had a Force certainty that would remind Shysa of Master Tokarre, all those years ago.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence, and nudge for @Mitth_Fisto, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha and @darthbernael
    Mitth_Fisto and darthbernael like this.