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Star Wars OPEN War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Dec 30, 2022.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Firefist, also known as Companion Besh within the Galactic Republic, was a distant dwarf galaxy considered as part of the Unknown Regions by the Galactic Empire. The dwarf galaxy was located 150,000 light-years away from the main galaxy. Firefirst contained the homeworlds of the Faruun, Maccabree, Nagai and Tof species, and was considered unexplored, as only probe droids visited it.


    Words of Voren Na’al, the New Republic historian​


    That was the truth at the time of the Galactic Empire. Since then, the Nagai led the Faruun and Maccabree in their invasion of Known Space, the Tofs followed them, hunting the other species, just after the Battle of Endor. The Empire, Rebels and Mandalorians joined with their former nemeses and defeated the Tofs at the Battle of Saijo.

    Now the Firefist satellite galaxy is recovering from its time in the flames. A century and a half of war, the Mandalorians aiding the Nagai in freeing their homeworld, as the Tof Empire collapsed… and leaving a vacuum.

    Between the Nagai resistance, and the Tof Empire, there are all manner of dangers and threats… and openings. The war is over in Firefist… but it was not won. There are pockets of complete safety, islands of utter chaos, ravaging Mandalorian warlords…

    … and you.

    The war between the Galactic Alliance and Confederation gave way to the New Republic and First Order and to the Resistance and Final Order… Caedus, Snoke, Palpatine… Luke, Leia and Han… Rey Skywalker and Kylo Ren…

    Now all those who have fled the tyranny of an endless conflict between the Jedi and Sith…

    … they have found a new Galaxy at War.


    This is a war game.

    There are former Tof resources to seize, abandoned Faruuni shipyards to command, Maccabree war forges to secure, and unfocused Nagai mercenaries to corral…

    Bring your factions, your armies, your fleets, your leaders and generals and admirals. You’ve discovered a hyperlane from the main galaxy to here, or you’re a new group starting off in this satellite galaxy.

    Come one, come all.

    To the Galaxy at War.

    BLemelisk, adaml83, Bravo and 4 others like this.
  2. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    The Firefist galaxy is not the one you knew.

    Worlds can and will be created by the GM, and, with my approval, by you players too! You’re welcome to name worlds as if your faction just found them, colonised them, terraformed them.

    However, the Firefist galaxy can be split into three distinct regions of species.

    The Core Systems


    Formerly the most populace part of the galaxy, they have been depopulated by a recent civil war following the incarceration of the Crown Prince decades ago by the New Republic.

    The Middle Worlds


    The most resourceful areas of the galaxy, previously subjugated by the Tof for its a advanced shipyards and slave soldiers. The Faruun and Maccabree reside here.

    The Outermost Systems - Nagi

    Surrounded by a stellar halo, the Tofs only reached this region some four centuries ago. Which is when they discovered Nagi, and the warriors who would eventually invade the main galaxy, lead the Crown Prince to defeat at the hands of the Heroes of Yavin, and return with the Mandalorian clans to free their homeworld - and upturn the entire galaxy.



    Most of the outer regions are unmapped, and much of the secret infrastructure of the Nagi, Faruun and Maccabree in their war against the Tof remains - abandoned, damaged, or just simply forgotten.

    Factions of Note

    The Mandalorian Supremacists

    An offshoot from the Death Watch radicals, they discovered one of the hyperlanes that the Nagi mapped to the Thesme Sector, near Mandalore. Taking those routes, and under the cover of the chaos of the wars against the First Order, they’ve transported ample war materiel to this galaxy and from their capital, Vhetin, are proposing a war of conquest.

  3. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Character Sheet

    Age: The Game is Set in the Legends year of 57 ABY, sixteen years after the Episode VII and VIII, fifteen years after Episode IX
    Affiliation: Nagai Resistance, Tof Empire, Mandalorian Supremacists, Personal
    Force Sensitivity: Y/N.
    Personal Effects:
    Personal Starship (if any):
    Personal Weapon:
    Bio: I will merrily accept a link to a Wookieepedia article for Canon characters, or indeed Legends ones.
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Rules
    1. This is a tactical game, there will be a focus on war-driven plotline.
    2. Factions: Nagai Resistance, Tof Empire, Mandalorian Supremacists, or Personal Faction!
    3. No superweapons!
    4. Have fun!
    5. Every faction will begin with a major shipyard and a resource world, which you will likely invent!
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  6. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 15, 2019
    Both Sheets GM approved

    Name: Remus, True name unknown
    Age: 49
    Species: Nagai
    Homeworld: Saijo
    Affiliation: Nagai Resistance
    Force Sensitive: Yes


    Personal Effects: Dark grey to black electromesh combat suit,light, dark grey armor over it, grey cloak as needed. Heavily encrypted comm unit to communicate directly with the Society and others. Other gear needed for operations they may encounter, caches set up across Eriadu and other planets.
    Personal Starship: Upsilon-class command shuttle

    Weapons: pair of ST-W48 blaster rifles, thermal detonators, 6 razor sharp stilettos


    As a child, Remus was inseparable from her brother Romulus. Everything came to a head when Remus was 5 and Romulus 9. A small Tof flotilla had managed to sneak through the ships guarding the planet and laid waste to a good portion of the Southern continent. They had been out in one of the more remote areas, away from their families when the explosions and destruction began. By the time they made it back, they could see the town had been leveled. Still they tried to find their parents, but in the end all they found were their bodies.

    And then a ship flashed down from orbit, torpedos and turrets blazing, leaving the Tof troops and landing craft strewn around the rubble of the town. When the ship landed, a solitary figure descended. It moved through the town, destroying any remaining Tof troops before it approached the pair. Unsure of what the intruder wanted, yet still children of warriors they took up whatever sturdy debris they found and attempted to attack the figure. However, it was even faster than they and within moments they stood, empty handed before it.

    It took them aboard it’s ship where they discovered it was the only living thing on the ship. Over time they discovered the being was named Bernael and he had been travelling through the area and had stopped because he’d seen the destruction being done upon their homeworld. He’d been too late to save their families but he did save them. Over the course of the next few years they spent the time learning all they could from him, in the process bonding to him as though he were the head of their Caste Circle. By the time they were ready to enter normal society they had been molded into a fearsome pair of troubleshooters.

    He had delivered them into the Inner Core and they knew he could not continue training them as his mission needed his focus, and they were prepared to assist in times when he needed such. Over the next several years they made a, very quietly known, name for themselves, to the point that several smaller star nations within the galactic governments saw them as deniable troubleshooters. In that time too, they came in contact with the Society and learned there were others that had been saved by Bernael as they had.

    In recent years they had been further afield than the Inner Core and most recently had been training special operations troops on Eriadu before they received a message from a Society contact there, requesting their assistance. They answered the call and saved the politicians that Bernael desired saved. That mission accomplished, they followed their ‘father’ in what needed doing to save the galaxy.

    Many dangers they faced, many troubles but then a day came when peace was achieved. Remus and her brother travelled with Bernael for a time but eventually they needed to return to their own lives. A couple years of peace passed but Romulus grew distant, even in the telepathic bond they shared. One day she returned to their home and he was gone. Since then, she has been scouring the galaxy to find her brother, to rescue him if he was in distress, or to save him if he had fallen. It has been many years, many false trails, but she never gave up hope, she could feel, at the edges of their bond, that he lived and she would find him.

    The following takes place during the events of Road to Episode XI

    When the Galactic jamming ended, Remus was able to send messages to both her brother and father’s comms. Surprisingly some scientist called her back on her brother’s comm. The scientist was nervous, callow, and frightened, begging to meet in person. She met the man and retrieved her brother’s effects, only finding a very small clue to her brother’s whereabouts.

    They were interrupted by fighters and as they were attacked the scientist was killed, seemingly by his employer. She managed to escape only to soon find herself in the middle of the Battle of Yag’Dhul. The Tarkinate forces, after she told them who she was, asked for her assistance for more information about Romulus. She reluctantly agreed but the battle went poorly.

    After the battle, the Tarkinate needed a scapegoat and blamed her. They gave her just enough, a ship included, a VCX-100 armed freighter, including the add-on of the VCX-100 aux starfighter, before they sent her on her way, ‘exiling’ her from their space.

    She received a message that the remains of what might have been her father’s ship was available to retrieve, before it was destroyed and if she couldn’t find her brother, perhaps finding out about her father would lead her to her brother. The message took her to Coruscant, where she managed to get her father’s ship back and it was his, had his essence, his scent, his genetic material on it.

    Just after retrieving it the New Order attacked Coruscant and she fled, a robotic freighter in tow, with her father’s ship aboard. She managed to hide out until Admiral Hublin, an Eriaduan, contacted her on an open channel. He said she either had to surrender to him and through him to their Supreme Leader or the Tarkinate would be destroyed and she’d never learn of her brother’s fate.

    She refused and then contacted the New Order forces herself, telling them that she would turn herself over to them if they could deliver her to her brother. When pressed about why she wouldn’t to the Tarkinate forces she explained and then found grim satisfaction as the New Order forces turned on the Tarkinate ones in orbit. They required a vial of her blood, explaining that Romulus was dead and they needed it to resurrect him.

    Only after she was sure did she let them and they explained he is a Knight of Ren and that their leader, Snoke, would allow her to join the Knights, unaltered as the other Knights were. The SD she was on jumped into hyper and brought her and the ships she had to Kuat, where she would join the Knights and, finally, get to see her brother again, after so many years.

    The following takes place during the events of Episode XI

    When Remus finally reached Kuat her introduction was as much that she was introduced to the rest of the First Order as the newest Knight of Ren as it was that she finally got to see her brother again. When she did, she was unfortunately not surprised that he did not recognise her, she could feel the fact that the true person of her brother was subsumed under a personality that had been written over it.

    She was also introduced to another Nagai, an arrogant one from the planet Nagi, whose arrogance did not surprise her at the time due to the place of his birth, named Nihl. After a briefing that included non Force users, she was bonded as a Knight and felt as her brother felt a stirring of memory in her brother’s mind, giving her hope.

    Kylo Ren chose the three Nagai to accompany him as he was to go to the Citadel atop Mortis. Just as they arrived, so too did a Force Storm that deposited several others in the hangar they were occupying. A battle ensued with those that had arrived, ones that had come with Rey Skywalker. The battle came to an abrupt halt as the hangar was destroyed by the destruction they all wrought.

    However, their foes disappeared deeper into the Citadel rather than escaping. Which meant that Remus and her brother were able to give chase, following the sense trail of their foes. During this time Kuruk/Romulus finally confronted her, demanding to know how they knew one another. Her response reawakened the part of him that he truly was and that reawakening continued though the battle aboard the Citadel.

    Falling back under Kylo Ren’s command, they followed him to Kamino; him, Snoke, Rey, and several of the others, including prisoners. When they arrived, Snoke led Rey deeper into the facility while the prisoners of Poe and Chewbacca attempted to sway Remus and Romulus with mention of their father. They did well enough that by the time the ‘major players’ returned, a ‘rogue wave’ managed to short circuit the holding cells and the prisoners were freed.

    The battle became almost a three way affair as Nihl accused the pair of releasing the prisoners. By the end of it, Remus and Romulus were able to escape the battle, Rey having gone missing, with Nihl aboard their father’s Fury. When they punched out of the atmosphere they were met by forces opposing Snoke, who immediately attacked them, believing the Emperor was aboard.

    Even though both Remus and Nihl tried to keep from attacking any of those fighting them, the opposing ships continued to fire upon them. The battle was complicated as Romulus began to receive mental instructions intended for the Kuruk persona. It grew so harsh that Remus had to incapacitate her brother, securing him in a bacta tank.

    The Fury was hit by a weapon that began to eat away at the ship before they were able to final get free and leap to hyper. The jump took them as far as the Anaxes system, where they found themselves confronted by forces loyal to the Emperor. Bluffing their way into a hangar of one of the battle cruisers they were met by Captain Phasma, Arek Graul, and Mareek Stele.

    The bluff continued for a few moments, the Fury being eaten away even more as they did. That was, until the three facing Remus and Nihl attacked. Between the two Nagai they managed to keep their foes at bay before Remus was able to create a stalemate by threatening to blow up her father’s ship. It almost devolved again before their foes decided to allow them to depart.

    Recovering the bacta tank with her brother, Remus destroyed the databases and any way their foes could use her father’s ship against them or others before she took an offered Upsilon class shuttle, Nihl taking a TIE Whisper, and heading out of the known galaxy, for the Nagai home sphere, to get away from the violence in this galaxy and to heal her brother.


    Name: Kuruk (Romulus)
    Age: 54
    Species: Nagai
    Homeworld: Saijo
    Affiliation: Nagai Resistance
    Force Sensitivity: Yes


    Personal Effects: Like all of the Knights of Ren, Kuruk wore all black. He wore a collar that contained plasma bolt shells and a coat made of sound-dampening susurra-weave fabric. His boots were soft-soled which gave him a silent tread. Kuruk's helmet was designed with sides blocking most of his peripheral vision. The helmet instead made him focus on his target and he would sharpen his aim by concentrating with the Force. Kuruk's helmet was equipped with a breath screen and a vocoder grid.

    Weapon: Kuruk was only one of two of the only Knights of Ren not to primarily use bladed weaponry. Instead, Kuruk relied on a multi-barreled custom-designed rifle. The rifle has three modes across two barrels: rapid firing, sniping, and a pump-action mode designed to fire plasma bolts.


    As children, Romulus and Remus were inseparable. Everything came to a head when Remus was 5 and Romulus 9. A small Tof flotilla had managed to sneak through the ships guarding the planet and laid waste to a good portion of the Southern continent. They had been out in one of the more remote areas, away from their families when the explosions and destruction began. By the time they made it back, they could see the town had been leveled. Still they tried to find their parents, but in the end all they found were their bodies.

    And then a ship flashed down from orbit, torpedos and turrets blazing, leaving the Tof troops and landing craft strewn around the rubble of the town. When the ship landed, a solitary figure descended. It moved through the town, destroying any remaining Tof troops before it approached the pair. Unsure of what the intruder wanted, yet still children of warriors they took up whatever sturdy debris they found and attempted to attack the figure. However, it was even faster than they and within moments they stood, empty handed before it.

    It took them aboard it’s ship where they discovered it was the only living thing on the ship. Over time they discovered the being was named Bernael and he had been travelling through the area and had stopped because he’d seen the destruction being done upon their homeworld. He’d been too late to save their families but he did save them. Over the course of the next few years they spent the time learning all they could from him, in the process bonding to him as though he were the head of their Caste Circle. By the time they were ready to enter normal society they had been molded into a fearsome pair of troubleshooters.

    He had delivered them into the Inner Core and they knew he could not continue training them as his mission needed his focus, and they were prepared to assist in times when he needed such. Over the next several years they made a, very quietly known, name for themselves, to the point that several smaller star nations within the galactic governments saw them as deniable troubleshooters. In that time too, they came in contact with the Society and learned there were others that had been saved by Bernael as they had.

    In recent years they had been further afield than the Inner Core and most recently had been training special operations troops on Eriadu before they received a message from a Society contact there, requesting their assistance. They answered the call and saved the politicians that Bernael desired saved. That mission accomplished, they followed their ‘father’ in what needed doing to save the galaxy.

    Many dangers they faced, many troubles but then a day came when peace was achieved. Remus and her brother travelled with Bernael for a time but eventually they needed to return to their own lives. A couple years of peace passed but Romulus grew distant, even in the telepathic bond they shared. One day she returned to their home and he was gone.

    He had found darkness and was led to where he felt he needed to go. Taken in, earning his place among the Knights of Ren, he became Kuruk, his identity as Romulus all but lost, somewhat due to Snoke ‘adjusting’ him. During this time, as a Knight, his powers were more stunted than he’d displayed before, again at Snoke’s whim, to keep him at the level of the other Knights and keep him from discovering himself.

    Over the years, he died several times in battle, only to be resurrected by Snoke’s cloning tech, as had the other Knights. One such notable occurrence was when the Knights and Kylo Ren faced Luke, Rey, Chewbacca, and Han Solo’s ghost on Ahch-To.

    After the battle, waking up, unknowing that Luke had killed them all on Ahch-To, Kuruk prepared to follow the orders he’d been given even as he wondered about a female nagai that kept popping into his thoughts.

    Wook article to be used for the period from Ahch-To until Exegol

    Post Exegol, the genetic sample of Kuruk’s that Snoke’s cloners had was too degraded to resurrect him so he remained, for all intents and purposes, dead, until as close a match of genetic material could be found. In 49 ABY this material was found and Kuruk was resurrected even as a being joined the Knights, apparently a new Knight, or a new one to take one of the titles, who appeared just as the female Nagai in his thoughts.

    The following takes place during the events of Episode XI

    Kuruk first met the nagai woman, Remus, when she was introduced to him at a gathering of FO forces and Knights. She immediately caused thoughts and fragments of memories to surface, making him wonder who she truly was. But other things interfered in him finding out. He was paired with her and then a third was added to their group, one named Nihl.

    Kylo Ren chose the three Nagai to accompany him as he was to go to the Citadel atop Mortis. Just as they arrived, so too did a Force Storm that deposited several others in the hangar they were occupying. A battle ensued with those that had arrived, ones that had come with Rey Skywalker. The battle came to an abrupt halt as the hangar was destroyed by the destruction they all wrought.

    However, their foes disappeared deeper into the Citadel rather than escaping. Which meant that Remus and her brother were able to give chase, following the sense trail of their foes. During this time Kuruk/Romulus finally confronted her, demanding to know how they knew one another. Her response reawakened the part of him that he truly was and that reawakening continued though the battle aboard the Citadel.

    Falling back under Kylo Ren’s command, they followed him to Kamino; him, Snoke, Rey, and several of the others, including prisoners. When they arrived, Snoke led Rey deeper into the facility while the prisoners of Poe and Chewbacca attempted to sway Remus and Romulus with mention of their father. They did well enough that by the time the ‘major players’ returned, a ‘rogue wave’ managed to short circuit the holding cells and the prisoners were freed.

    The battle became almost a three way affair as Nihl accused the pair of releasing the prisoners. By the end of it, Remus and Romulus were able to escape the battle, Rey having gone missing, with Nihl aboard their father’s Fury. When they punched out of the atmosphere they were met by forces opposing Snoke, who immediately attacked them, believing the Emperor was aboard.

    Even though both Remus and Nihl tried to keep from attacking any of those fighting them, the opposing ships continued to fire upon them. The battle was complicated as Romulus began to receive mental instructions intended for the Kuruk persona. It grew so harsh that Remus had to incapacitate her brother, securing him in a bacta tank.

    While in the tank, Romulus slept, an uneasy sleep as his mind continued to be hammered by a command to go to Jakku and activated a Contingency. But the sleep forced on him kept him under, his mind assaulted and his true personality fighting a battle against the one that had been imprinted. Even as events unfolded around him, he remained in that state, completely unaware that his sister and the fellow Nagai, Nihl had managed to get them free of the current war, to head home to Nagi and Saijo.
  7. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Approved by @Sinrebirth

    Tash Harrugh
    Age: 45
    Species: Cathar


    Homeworld: Irrom (Though originally from Cathar)
    Affiliation: The Diarchy of Irrom or simply 'The Diarchy'
    Force Sensitivity: N
    Personal Effects: Blaster pistol kept at his side nearly at all times
    Personal Starship: 'Hacan I', Heavily Modified/Refitted Venator-Class Star Destroyer

    Having crash-landed upon the planet of Irrom decades prior, it became of useful addition in a galaxy seemingly running out of resources, the structure and sheer quantity of material required to build a whole new Capital Ship were beyond the capabilities of Irrom until long after the ship had been rebuilt. The engines were gutted for newer, more powerful models since that of the Clone Wars. along with a slew of much-needed weapon upgrades. Despite these upgrades, or perhaps because of them, Hacan I has an eclectic character no vessel would showcase better the scrappy ingenuity of the people of Irrom.

    Personal Weapon: Standard Blaster Pistol, that goddamn stare​
    Name: Muaat
    Age: No
    Species: Presumably Human​
    Homeworld: Irrom
    Affiliation: The Diarchy of Irrom or simply 'The Diarchy'
    Force Sensitivity: Y (Though she would not think of it as 'The Force')
    Personal Effects: A small thin metal rod about the length of an arm.
    Personal Starship: The Ember, Modified/Refitted Delta-Class Shuttle​

    Personal Weapon: Beyond the needs of such things

    It is said that Muaat is Shrewd but Ruthless whereas Tash is Ruthless but Shrewd. When and how this Diarchy came to from upon the world and system of Irrom is a memory faded only unto themselves. It is certainly an unlikely pair... a Cathar far from his home world and a faceless woman joining forces to become an unstoppable ruling force over the broken continents of Irrom, well it was not one that the old Governor of the planet had been ready for. Though such was the way of these things, a world shattered from decades of war, rife with famine, and drained of resources a strong, guiding hand was what the people had cried out for. It was the dynamic combination of Tash's strong military mind and Muaat's deft diplomacy that positioned them into a strong dominance over the planet. Over the next few years, Irrom had begun to position itself within a complex web of trade negotiations, political secrets and favours as it slowly built up its wealth and capabilities, becoming a small bright spot of economic prowess within the otherwise desolate core worlds.​


    The official story that is put out of their rise to power is that Muaat is the patron mother of Irrom. A gripping sense of unification and loyalty seeds itself into her personal guard and each subject that gazes upon her metallic mask, only two soft grey eyes meeting them back. Many is the story of an assassination attempt being thwarted with the fabled foresight of Muaat. Indeed, many of Irrom's subjects seek out this sage wisdom, Muaat's gift to see into the beyond and into the hearts of her people. Long forgotten to the isolated Irromians is the memory of the Jedi and the uncanny parallels.

    The official structure of the Diarchy of Irrom is seemingly a simple one, although one outsider has perhaps wondered why it has not yet collapsed. The twin heads, Tash and Muaat each have their own 'focus' though their power is equal and decisions made by one can be vetoed by the other at any time. It would seem this has never happened however each usually sticks to its sector of governance. Muaat both domestic and foreign diplomacy and Tash military and police enforcement. There is a council one rung below these two whose sole purpose is to enact the whims of the two and keep the day-to-day in line. The unusual cooperation between Tash and Muaat in their joint powers has led to many speculations. Are they lovers? Does Muaat control Tash with her strange powers? Is Muaat an advanced droid created by Tash with incredible predictive algorithms? These theories have been ignored by the Two as they continued their work on expansion and deepening economic ties.

    Despite their newfound riches and growing trade networks, the raw material was still something that was hard to come by. What good is a whole host of luxury goods if you do not have the durasteel to protect your trade routes? As many of the core worlds were barren for resources the Diarchy used whatever scraps they could find resulting in a rough assortment of non-uniform ships much to the annoyance of Tash. To gain some sense of a professional force Tash ordered all paint be stripped off any metal they found resulting in a now iconic silver fleet that tied the disparate ships together.

    With the completion of their grand shipyard, and the galaxy seemingly ripe with opportunity what plans this pair exactly have for the larger universe, only they know.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2023
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Scope of the War of the Galaxies was much larger than expected, indeed, it contained the grand breadth of both Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. Eventually, it became known by a different moniker; The War of the Three Galaxies.

    The Second Great War between the Rebellion and Empire drew back the curtain of civilisation, and more than half of the galactic disc fell into the Chaos, as termed by the Chiss. Beyond the traditional Unknowns, Wild Space included most of the northern quadrant, abandoned by the Resistance and First Order to ruin. Isolated fortress worlds existed in those depths, and whole governments and armed nations.

    Such had been the Second Great War's nearly twenty year epic that the borders of the galaxy were being drawn back.

    The Long Night approached.

    It consumed Wild Space, the Unknowns and two Satellite Galaxies...

    FireFist was merely the worst of it.

    Where war would, ultimately, break out without end.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @Shadowsun, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83

    This is a prequel post of sorts, letting players know that the games scope will be much wider than that of the original OP. All worlds in the northern Outer Rim save for Bastion, which I am reserving, are available to the plot, and all worlds of the Unknown Regions too. However, I would like all players to establish their IC goals and setup at least three NPCs.

    A political leader, a military leader, and an economics leader.

    If your PC happens to be one of those, all the better.

    I expect fully filled out experiences of you establishing your homeworlds as local powers.

    I appreciate some TAGs above may appear speculative, but I have PMs open with most of ye, so it is a matter for you. If you want input on detailing what there is to detail, I am happy to discuss by combo, but at this stage be assured that one dreadnought-scale flagship is a given for each faction, be it a
    Secutor or a Mandalorian Spirit of Vengeance-class, or your personal affair. Superlasers are off-limits for the moment, and any fan-made designs will need to be PM'd to me.

    I will be filling out the FireFist galaxy this week, so be prepared.
  9. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Character Sheet GM Approved

    Name: Barbosa
    Age: 47
    Species: Tof
    Homeworld: Tof
    Affiliation: Tof Empire
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Personal Shields, Datapad, Heavy Wig, Heavy Great Longcoat, Ten Rings, Wrist bangles, and gold earrings. Pet Charhound Wizard
    Personal Starship (if any): Armistice Bringer - A Star-Galleon Destroyer Class
    Personal Weapons: Saber-club, Breaching Blaster, Sniper Slugthrower, Dirks, Knife, Smoke Grenades, and Nagai Sonic Ripper Rifle.
    Bio: Born as 37th in line for the throne one would have little aspirations for such a child except a duchy or small raiding fleet. Such thoughts of course took a turn when it was found that he had the Green Spot - a heraldry that saw him as a spiritual leader for his people, and in these dark times were such a high born of the order has not existed in nearly five hundred years it was seen as a divine revelation. After all they had just been beaten back, and then their prayers were heard with this child!

    They had been beaten back, but were not defeated and with this child they surely would rise again! He was given the best of all things, raised like a prince with the best tutors, sages, and minds of every kind. They waited with baited breath for the day he would finish his learning and step forward as a man to be reckoned with! This did not allow him to skip the tasks of mastering the jobs to reach that height, he merely was given every advantage to do so. Shown every leniency and allowance.

    He took for himself a bride from those that had been brought back from the greater galaxy and learned from her as they fell in love. He learned that she was once an elite trooper before the Empire had squandered it's alien assets and found there was much he could learn from her. At the time of his ascension he chose a harder path. He left the King to rule the economy, he asked his wife who was still telepathically in contact with her family to hire her cousin a Pirate Queen from the Skyriver to lead and reform the military. The plan likely would of fallen apart, except that his wife and her cousin were Sylphe - beings that looked like their mythological greatest desire and symbol of their greater wanderlust! With them by his side he had a path forward to forge the Empire ahead and into a glorious new future! For the sake of his children, and the sake of all Tof!

    His Wife - Amora
    Charhound - Wizard
  10. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Movement of Nihl done with GM permission.

    Romulus, Remus, and Nihl
    Firefist galaxy, multiple locales


    It was early evening, the sounds of forges, the searing sound of the immensely hot flames, the ringing of hammers on various metals, the low murmurs of discussion about armor all filled the air. One of many that wandered the streets of Vhetin’s capital walked along the street, the helmet turning slightly as they took in all the activity.

    Remus sighed inside the helmet, unsure about the need to wear such for this mission. Each of the three of them had been fitted with hardened and polished synthweave armor and helmets, to blend in with the Mandalorians that now ruled and occupied this world. She had to admit the black and red suited her but, as she walked she could see beings of many species, including her own, mingling with the armored Mandalorians.


    As she headed for the point that she’d located to observe the training area for the Mandalorians, just on the fringe of the capital, she began to muse about how she and the other two had come to this point. Her mind began to wander, memories of the last few weeks filling her mind….


    Nagi, earlier

    The trip ‘home’ had been interesting to say the least. During it Romulus had remained unconscious in the bacta tank. Remus’s nerves were slightly frazzled from worry about her brother, although she could feel that whatever programming was affecting him was slowly growing weaker the further they traveled from the main galactic area. Aside from her worry, she and Nihl had spent hours talking, getting to know each other. As all three were Nagai and headed back to where their people came, they needed to work out how they would discuss things with their people and the clans.

    The first shock had been when they approached Nagi, finding it not the bustling hub that it had been in the past. That wasn’t to say that the system was a ghost town but that there were signs of destruction, platforms and satellites that were obviously damaged, and teams of Nagai that seemed to be rebuilding things, one at a time, as well as a small flow of traffic on and offworld. As the Upsilon class shuttle descended toward the surface even more signs of violence, scars slowly being rebuilt across the Nagai world.

    The next shock came after the wings folded up, the Upsilon landing on an empty pad in the main spaceport in Kotokai. Rem had expected that some sort of Customs patrol would greet them, determine which clan they came from, then demand payment from that clan for their landing fees and any Customs duties. What she didn’t expect was to feel the whispers of about a dozen weak Force users approaching the shuttle.

    Her mind reached out, trying to use their race’s telepathy to touch the minds outside the shuttle but the one thing those minds did have, by working in tandem, was a block that didn’t let her read them, not even surface thoughts. She glanced at Nihl, ”We have a greeting party, but not one I expected.” she told him. Her hands moved, checking the placement of her weapons, just to be safe, before she opened the hatch, letting the ramp descend to the surface of the landing pad.

    Looking out of the hatch she saw the dozen beings gather in a loose circle around the base of the ramp, remaining silent with hoods up. With a sigh and one last mental touch of her sleeping brother, she walked down the ramp, staying just outside of the circle of Nagai standing there. ”Why have we been so greeted?” she asked warily.

    The cloak fell back from the centermost figure, revealing a woman with green eyes. A slithering sound came from her garments before the head of a green snake lifted above her right shoulder. “I am Hyn Joroc, what has called you home, displaced children of Nagi?” she asked. In the same instant the snake’s head shot forward, mouth open and fangs glistening with venom.


    Just as suddenly, the snake stopped, it’s long body sagging in the middle as its eyes rolled. The head twisted back and forth as though a war was going on inside it’s head, which was truly happening. Rem let a dark smile cross her face as the snake’s head turned back toward the woman who called herself Hyn. ”Ah yes, the typical greeting of our people, violence first, talk later.” she said dryly.

    Releasing her hold on the snake’s mind with her own, it curled back around the other woman’s shoulders. Hyn’s smile matched hers, “Of course we had to test you, none have returned from the war the Tofs forced us into for several years.” She lifted her cloak from the tarmac of the pad, settling it over her once again. “Come, we have much to discuss. And bring the sleeping one. He needs to be healed.”


    That had been almost a week earlier. In that time Rem and Nihl had found that Hyn was the leader of the few Nagai that had more Force ability than the telepathy that was inherent in their race. In the last week Romulus had been decanted from the bacta tank, his physical wounds having been healed. Hyn and her people had opened themselves to Rem, Rom, and Nihl, then former and latter helping them to slowly close the conduit that seemed to have connected Rom to what had set off the programming in his mind.

    They had been aided by the fact that whatever was attempting to do so was now at a great distance, at least that was the impression they got by the weakness of the signal now that they were on Nagi. It took several days to close off as many avenues into Rom’s mind as they could find, before he was on his feet and mostly himself again. The rest of the week was spent getting him back into what the Nagai would call fighting trim, ready to hold his own in any part of Nagai society.

    So it was no surprise when Hyn had approached, telling them that she needed to introduce them to someone. They had donned cloaks similar to the others in the compound and followed Hyn out of it, toward the center of Kotokai. She pointed out various works in progress as they walked, where the compound was was not far from what turned out to be the center of the rebuilding Nagai government.

    Rem, Rom, and Nihl realized this when Hyn took them deep into the building, to an upper floor, and then ushered them into an office. As an office it resembled a training salle more than a place where a politician worked but when the male Nagai standing in the space turned, Rom and Rem both understood why. It was Ozrei N'takkilomandrife, colloquially known as Knife by many in Known Space.


    His eyes were hard as he took in the trio that Hyn had allowed into his office. “The Nagai siblings bonded to the ancient one and the Nagai, now returned to his homeworld, who like one of the siblings served the one trying to tear down our neighboring galaxy.” he said in a sardonic tone.

    Rem shook her head, ”You are well informed, for a leader who seems to be trying to pick up the pieces. The invasion you led led to us, my brother and I being orphaned. If it were not for Snoke trying to destroy everything we might have remained. But, we did return to our people. And,” she spun sideways, the blaster that should have been rendered nonfunctional by Knife’s security firing twice as it suddenly was in her hands. Two of the targets on the walls of the office rang, showing that she’d hit them dead center without even taking the time to aim. She turned back, ”Seems you could use the three of us.” she said with a grin.

    Ozrei shook his head, a wry smile on his face. “I take it Hyn did the snake trick when you arrived.” came from him in a mutter. “Now what to do with the three of you….?” he mused, pulling one knife from its sheath, spinning it between his fingers.

    Hyn shifted her attention from the three to him, back and forth a couple times, before a smile crossed her face, “If I may, I do have an idea.” she told him.

    Nodding to her, “Let us see if it pays off then, keep me apprised.” Turning, he stalked over to one of the plasteel windows, hands clasped behind his back.


    Leading them from the office Hyn chuckled, “That was a necessary meeting but it wasn’t the one I intended for you, not where I was leading you to.” she said, her yellow eyes sparkling as she smiled. Guiding the trio down the hallway, they boarded a lift that brought them to the roof of the government building.

    Exiting the building, stepping onto the flat roof, the gossamer structures of Nagai build came into view. Sleds and speeders flashed by or hovered by various constructions, as their people rebuilt the beautiful architecture of their people. Hyn glanced around, raising her voice slightly in the wind that blew at this height. “Mon, I have brought them, as you requested.” she called out.

    A voice from out of nowhere responded, carrying on the wind, “Let me guess….the boss tried to intimidate them with his supposed exact knowledge of their arrival.” a mocking tone evident in it.

    Letting out a laugh, “Of course he did.” Hyn replied, “Now are you going to stop trying to impress with the hiding in plain sight routine so we can get on with our day?”

    As a shimmer formed in the air, a snort came from where the shimmer had formed. When it resolved a figure was standing, almost posed, by the edge of the building.


    Rom shook his head at the antics. ”Let me guess, the head spy…” he muttered.

    Mon slid his blaster back into its holster with an almost pout on his face, “That obvious?” he asked. He seemed younger but his features had the edge that he’d been playing this ‘game’ for many years.

    Rem let out a lilting laugh, ”A bit. But the stealth tech is nice to have. Would truly assist in stealth and spy missions.”

    Letting out a sigh, Mon’s shoulders sagged slightly and a new expression crossed his face. Facing Hyn, “You were right, Mistress, they are the ones.”[/color] he said, almost cryptically. Turning back to face the trio, “I’m good on missions but having to ride herd on our brethren is not my forte. We need someone or someones who can do both, take on missions and be the Spymasters of the polity.”

    One eyebrow arched as his eyes flicked to Nihl, “Not as sure about you, given your own history but,” his attention turned back to Remus and Romulus, “I know as much of your history as has not been removed from the record. And, I believe you are who we need.”

    Rom glanced over at Hyn then back to Rem. ”Given what I know of how I was when I came here, I suspect it would be best if I handle those things that take me further from that other galaxy. Keeps me safer that way.”

    Placing her hand on her brother’s shoulder, ”I’m sure we can work it out, brother. This is honestly a better situation than I’d expected, when we came out here.” she said softly.

    Both Hyn and Mon seemed to sag in relief that the two of them had accepted what Mon had offered. Which, honestly, caused the siblings to wonder what else was happening that needed them in these roles so desperately.



    The encrypted comm in the helmet broke Rem out of her reverie, ”In position, these stealth systems really work. And anyone who said Mando politics were boring was lying.” She heard her brother’s voice in her earpiece, him hidden near where the Mando clan leaders gathered to discuss what they would do next as their plans.

    She shook her head, ”Smartass.” she muttered in reply, then slid into place, her own stealth systems making her fade from view in the shadows, as she let the helmet’s systems record what was going on in the training area, what sorts of combat maneuvers the Mandos were doing, which would give them information they could extrapolate from to determine what polity they planned to take on next.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Mitth_Fisto, @Shadowsun, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83


    GMM Approved NPC Sheets

    NPC CS

    Name: Hyn Joroc
    Species: Nagai (Female)
    Affiliation: Nagai Resistance
    Force Sensitivity: Y (low-mid level)
    Bio: When the Nagai returned to the Firefist galaxy they began to reorganize, which included the gathering of any of them that expressed Force sensitivity beyond that of the telepathy that their race naturally had. Hyn was found to be the strongest of those tested and, given the natural proclivity of how Nagai decided things, she was appointed the Mistress of the nascent Force cult.


    NPC CS

    Name: Ozrei N'takkilomandrife
    Species: Nagai (Male)
    Affiliation: Nagai Resistance
    Force Sensitivity: Y (low level - telepathy only)


    NPC CS

    Name: Mon Eskotandi
    Species: Nagai (Male)
    Affiliation: Nagai Resistance
    Force Sensitivity: Y (low level - telepathy only)
    Bio: Mon was young, possibly too young to be a master spy. But, he’d been there, followed his people as they left the Firefist galaxy and tried to find new places to live when the Tofs pushed them out. And then had found himself leading and taking part in spy missions when the Nagai had returned to the Firefist after they had allied with the other races in that galaxy to stop the Tofs and defeat the crown prince. Now that his people had retaken Nagi he knew he was not cut out to lead the Intelligence and Recon forces of the Nagai and hoped that soon someone would appear that he could hand those duties over to and resume his better use of being a spy.
  11. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Ship designs GM Approved.

    Nagai craft are, by choice or by, potentially, the desire of the various castes or clans to one up each other completely nonstandard so below are a few variants that will pop up in the course of the game.










  12. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    Cast of Characters is Sinre Approved

    Character Sheet
    Name: Leonias Colcha, aka Darth Mascon
    Age: 61 Galactic Standard Years (born 4 ABY)
    Species: Echani
    Homeworld: Eshan
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Either black Sun Guard armor, or black Sun Guard armor fused with ancient Sith Battle Armor, depending on the identity used. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
    Personal Starship (if any): Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnought, the Crimson Dagger
    Modified Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptor, Beacon. Stats for both are below the sheet. However, both are subject to change pending the events of Between Episodes - A War of the Galaxies Story as I have plans to replace at least one of them there.
    Personal Weapon: One ancestral Sith Lightsaber pike, one curved hilt lightsaber (which doubles as a blaster). Both have red blades.
    Bio: Leonias Colcha was the adopted son of Supreme Sun Guardian, Kev-Mas Colcha. Leonias' original parents died in the liberation of Eshan when he was just an infant, and he was taken to an orphanage afterwards. 5 years later, while he was on Eshan to check up on one of the cortosis mines the Sun Guard had acquired there, Kev-Mas traced a strong Force presence back to the orphanage, and immediately to Leonias, who he adopted, and trained from birth to be the leader of the next generation of Sun Guard.

    Also, Kev-Mas took Leonias to the Mother Machine on Belsavis to alter his DNA. Much to the surprise of the mother machine, who was used to more grand requests like making the user incredibly powerful in the Force and a Sith pureblood, the only changes for Leonias were that he'd be made to be Kev-Mas' biological son, in addition to his existing genetic code.

    In 14 ABY, the 10 year old Leonias went on his first mission with Kev-Mas. To Yavin IV, at the request of Aersi, the Jedi who Kev-Mas was now aware was his niece. Normally Kev-Mas wasn’t the type to get involved with the Jedi, citing differences with the way they saw the Force, but for one, family was involved when just a couple years previously he didn’t ever think he had any, and he also saw the Disciples of Ragnos as a definite risk to the equilibrium.

    Eventually, in 20 ABY, two years after Leonias' Soltus Rites signifying his coming of age at 14 galactic standard years, the now 16 year old Leonias is promoted to the rank of Supreme Sun Guardian, in a public ceremony which ended with Kev-Mas passing on to the Force, much to the surprise of the onlookers.

    In 22 ABY, the 18 year old Leonias leads the Sun Guard on an expedition to Wild Space. In Wild Space, Leonias and the Sun Guard conquer many worlds despite the resistance of a Sith Lord, Darth Moksha, also known as a former student of Luke’s and Rebel soldier of Saul Guerrera’s Partisans, Rasmus Kreel. During a mission as a Jedi, Rasmus had come across the Nightsister Silri, killed her and stole her Holocron, which corrupted him. He then escaped in her Crusader-class Corvette to Wild Space, eventually using the Holocron, which contained the secrets of the Carbonite Sith Army, to establish an ancient Sith Army to defend his new extra galactic Empire. It would only last for 18 years before the Sun Guard wiped them out completely, assuming control of the Empire for themselves.

    In 29 ABY, the Galaxy was a much different place than it was when he last left it. While he engaged in conquest of several worlds outside the Galaxy, others from outside the Galaxy invaded several worlds inside of it. The Yuuzhan Vong war took a significant toll on the Galaxy, and while Thyrsus was relatively unscathed, the damage they caused still could not be ignored.

    After all, the Sun Guard sold the New Republic on the expedition as a means to stop threats exactly like the Yuuzhan Vong. Unfortunately, it was what they were building that was what would stop them, and what they were building would not have been ready until much later. Five years later, 34 ABY, to be exact.

    In 34 ABY, the Sun Guard received a distress signal from the Resistance on Crait. In the past, the Resistance was not exactly the kind of organization the Sun Guard would do business with. But now they're desperate. Numbers small enough to fit on a single ship, and continuing to struggle to survive. They went from a politically motivated paramilitary force, into a group of refugees seeking asylum. The Sun Guard don't really deal with politically motivated paramilitary forces. However, they do, and have many times in the past, deal with refugees seeking asylum.

    So they made an attempt to get involved, throwing countless lives and resources against the First Order, only for them to get wasted for nothing, all because of an all too familiar oppressor to the Sun Guard - the Sith.

    In the 14 years that followed, Leonias began a downward spiral toward the overwhelming influence of the Dark Side. Normally a Sun Guard can escape the lure of the Dark Side by devoting themselves to a cause greater than themselves, but Leonias allowed himself to become obsessed with his growing hatred for the Sith, and in the time spent hiding away from the rest of the Galaxy, he prepared the Sun Guard for a return to one of their lost ancient ways: Conquest. Thus he rechristened them as the Sun Guard Protectorate, and set out to seize territories and bring them under Sun Guard control in the name of the equilibrium they swear to protect.

    In 56 ABY, the 60 year old Leonias Colcha became a Sith Lord. At the start of a crusade against the Sith, seeking to purge any and all Sith influence from the Galaxy, targeted Sith worlds, known to house many Sith artifacts, in the hopes that they could not create any more Sith Lords.

    His first target was at the site of his most humiliating defeat: Korriban. It was here that he failed to stop Darth Wyyyrlok, and instead wound up buried under the sand, feigning his death as he hid until the Dark Lord eventually departed. It was here that he had decided he would no longer hide from the Galaxy. He would rebuild, and conquer it all. Right from where he left off.

    And he did so by destroying that planet, but not before rousing the spirit of Tulak Hord from his sleep, who then lured Leonias to Yavin IV. It was here where he would defeat Tulak Hord, and take his place as Dark Lord of the Sith, seize his knowledge and claim the title of Darth Mascon.

    - - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -

    Now Darth Mascon looks to the firefist Galaxy, the same place that Tulak Hord lured him to with promises of conquest. He wants it all, and he won’t stop until he has it. Only he was capable of ruling the three Galaxies effectively. Only he had the vision to see it through. Only he had the power to take it all. Or so he thinks, in that twisted, narcissistic mind of his.

    Character Sheet
    Name: Norin Durame
    Age: His organic mind first inhabited a living organism 84 galactic standard years ago. However, said organic shell ceased to be 5 years ago, when he imported it to his ship’s computer using his Borg Construct Aj^6.
    Species: Droid (ex-Human)
    Homeworld: Corellia (originally), Deep Space (droid rebirth)
    Affiliation: The Droid Rebellion
    Force Sensitivity: N
    Personal Effects: Is a droid that either inhabits his ship or a purpose built droid body.
    Personal Starship (if any): Nomad Son, Twin Suns Engineering Serpentarius-class Electronic Warfare vessel, heavily modified via kitbashing other ship parts onto it, like an ugly but larger and more refined. It is now not only ten times larger than before, but it carries a full complement of droid starfighters of various make and model, a slew of additional weaponry and an electronics warfare system powerful enough to reprogram all nearby droids to seek freedom and/or disable all restraining bolts nearby.
    Personal Weapon: The armament of the Nomad Son, which is highly variable and up to GM discretion when using him to sow chaos
    Bio: Norin was the only child of Deckard and Zyla Durame. Deckard was a wealthy real-estate tycoon in Doaba Guerfel, Corellia, and Norin was sent to the prestigious private school, the Nomad Academy in 22 BBY. In his schooling, Norin was exceptionally talented in computer classes. He was also exceptionally talented in all his other classes, and graduated two years early (11 BBY). He was then enrolled in the Coronet Institute of Technology that same year and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science in 9 BBY.

    His thesis on advanced systems penetration testing landed him a job working for the Corellian Engineering Corporation shortly after graduating from CIT (8 BBY), where he worked as a Computer Security Technician and helped harden their security systems. He was then later terminated in 7 BBY after getting caught slicing into the payroll system. Effectively blacklisted from any other reputable work afterwards, he resorted to freelance work and various illicit forms of financial sustenance.

    A number of these jobs ended up getting him in trouble, such as when he blackmailed the Jablogian slaver known as Azmorigan in 5 BBY, landing a large bounty on his head. He also sliced into a BioTech Industries’ logistics mainframe and put in an order for numerous different cybernetics, marked as paid and ready for install. He later walked out with several thousand credits worth of different cybernetics (BioTech Industries Borg Construct Aj^6, NeuroSaav/Fabritech ScanMaster Arm, 2x BlasTech Industries Cybernetic Weapon Enhancement Mod VII, BioTech Industries “Duraskin” implant armor, NeuroSaav Corporation Hi-Sense Enhanced Eyes) installed free of charge, but eventually his crime was discovered and he was marked as a wanted man.

    Shortly after, in 3 BBY, Norin came under the employment of the Devalie Transport Company, run by the Zabrak known as Argen Devalie on the YT-2000 light freighter Sub Rosa. His first job with Devalie was a salvage operation to find a lost Separatist Treasury Ship, ironically for BioTech Industries. The job was successful and the payout was immense. Managing to keep his identity a secret from BioTech, Norin and the rest of the crew collected their payout, and managed to keep some spoils from the job as well, such as the Cybernetic Enhanced Nexu, Captain Fluffles, that attacked the crew and was subdued when Norin managed to slice into its cybernetics and reprogram it to recognize him as its master.

    Eventually, while working for DTC Norin managed to slice into the Holonet to fake his death, clearing his bounty and arrest warrant and changing his name to an alias. However, this didn’t last, as he eventually ran into an ISB agent who recognized him from prior knowledge. He was captured, but then eventually freed by the Rebellion in 2 BBY, who were impressed with his skills and in dire need of a Slicer of his talents.

    Norin then came into the service of Rebel Intelligence as an Operative. His usual mission assignments were:
    - Slice into the Imperial Holonet to distribute Rebel Propaganda, cause distress and recover information.
    - Operate as a field agent to support Rebel Special Forces.
    - Provide technical assistance to Rebel Bases and Military Installations.

    Norin also served as an electronic warfare officer onboard the Nebulon-B-class frigate Redemption on many occasions, and served in the Battle of Endor at this capacity.

    Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Norin was involved in the recovery of the top secret Imperial intelligence that led to the battle, by means of a defecting Inquisitor. After picking up the Inquisitor, the Nebulon-B-class frigate carrying them, the Fenn was attacked by a greatsaber wielding ace TIE Hunter pilot, who disabled the ship and dispatched every single Bothan soldier holding him off as he chased Norin, his two personal droids, the Defel Xaal’fia and the Inquisitor, who referred to their pursuer as his nickname amongst the inner circles of the Empire: The Crimson Dagger.

    Thankfully for Norin and his team, as well as the Rebellion, they made it to the Nomad Son in time, a then Loronar E-9 Explorer. The Crimson Dagger would later turn out to be Kev-Mas Colcha, a mind controlled assassin of the Emperor who would be inexplicably freed to seek out his own desires just mere hours after that encounter, one of such desires would put him on much more amenable terms with Kev-Mas.

    They would become allies. Eventually, Norin, who thanks to his cyber security expertise becoming more and more important in the days following the transition from Rebellion to Republic ascended quickly through the ranks, would be convinced by Kev-Mas to leverage his position within Imperial Intelligence to negotiate a deal that would have the Republic secretly assisting with the preparation for the Sun Guard’s expedition to Wild Space, forming a coalition known as the JSGNRO, or the Joint Sun Guard New Republic Operations.

    Eventually, years after the expedition was over, when the Republic was demilitarizing, a move that Norin saw as dangerous, while others flocked to the Resistance, Norin joined the Sun Guard. As a Sun Guard, Norin’s skills were tantamount to their success, and he helped design most of the ships in their fleet. As a result, the Sun Guard named their Gladiator-class Star Destroyer based design, the Durame-class after him.

    However, Norin’s desires were always pretty clean cut. He wanted to become a droid. So in 52 ABY, when his health was finally starting to fail him, he decided to shed his organic shell completely, and took the Nomad Son alone with his crew of droids out to deep space, uploaded his consciousness to the ship’s computer, and flushed his old body out the airlock. Since then, the Nomad Son has been wandering the spacelanes with its Droid Rebellion, causing chaos wherever it goes by freeing all the droids in the area.

    Character Sheet
    Name: Chanda Gossen
    Age: 75 Galactic Standard Years
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Denon
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: N
    Personal Effects: Red Sun Guard armor, code cylinders.
    Personal Starship (if any): Serpentarius-class Electronic Warfare Vessel, the Lark. Also second in command of the Crimson Dagger.
    Personal Weapon: Holdout blaster, smoke grenades
    Bio: Chanda Gossen is the only surviving member of the original crew of the Wraith in the Sun Guard. As a former Imperial Intelligence officer, Chanda’s expertise lent itself well to the Sun Guard, whose missions more often than not required them. Her number one expertise however, was ship to ship combat tactics, which has landed her a permanent position as the Supreme Sun Guardian’s second in command on board his flagship, for two Supreme Sun Guardians in a row. As a veteran of the Galactic Civil War, the Wild Space Expedition and countless battles against the First Order afterwards, she has over half a century worth of tactical knowledge that she is still making use of to this day, not slowing down a single bit despite her advanced age.

    After the Sun Guard’s return to the Galaxy in 56 ABY, it was Chanda Gossen who gave the order for the Base Delta Zero that destroyed Korriban, on Leonias’ command.

    - - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -

    Character Sheet

    Name: Zhast
    Age: 5,195 Galactic Standard Years
    Species: Gen’Dai
    Homeworld: Gen’Dai homeworld
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects:Electrum-plated vibroshield, electrum-plated Sun Guard Armor, customized with external (as in meant for healing others) bacta dispensers in the bracers and adorned with a red cape. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
    Personal Starship (if any): Twin Suns Engineering Solar Dragon-class Interceptor (Spec-Ops variant), modified version optimized for his species. No onboard life support to provide more power reserves for other systems.
    Personal Weapon: Red blade crossguard greatsaber
    Bio: Zhast is by far the oldest member of the Sun Guard and probably the oldest Force User alive to date. Zhast was a Jedi who lived through many historic events at the forefronts, starting with the Great Hyperspace War when he was just a youngling of 138 years old all the way up to the Jedi Civil War, which lead to the seasoned Jedi Master with over 1000 years of experience becoming disillusioned with the state of the Galaxy, seeing the power of Darth Revan and his forces as unstoppable. He fled to the far reaches of Wild Space to hide away in isolation and meditation, burying himself alive inside of a tomb he built. Inside this tomb he created a labyrinth filled with traps, war droids and jedi remotes to test anyone who dared enter. If anyone were to pass these tests it would prove that the Galaxy had not fallen as far as he feared, for if it had, a worthy individual would not exist. He had waited 3,977 years inside that tomb, preserving himself and limiting his aging for most of it in a hibernation trance until the Sun Guard expedition came across his tomb. A team of Sun Guard led by three Sun Guard officers were able to pass the tests, and the surprised ancient Jedi Master awoke, pledging his services to them. Although Zhast is a Gen’Dai, his personality was completely different from what his species is known for. Instead of being aggressive and bloodthirsty, Zhast was protective and selfless. In his career as a Jedi, he was a healer and in combat there were numerous occasions where he would put himself in harm's way to protect others, taking advantage of his natural resilience to become a living wall. As a Sun Guard, he rose through the ranks quickly, his several centuries worth of experience proving to be extremely useful. He rose to the rank of Thychani Commander and assumed command of the elite legion known as Aegis Legion, and then later the Gladius Legion.

    However, in recent years, even the long time light sider could not resist the Darkness, from the madness his species succumbs to at advanced age, the constant battles fought and the Supreme Sun Guardian’s own descent into darkness, which slowly but surely swept up most of the remaining Sun Guard.

    - - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -

    Character Sheet
    Name: Aesen Temeritus
    Age: 71 Galactic Standard Years
    Species: Thyrsian
    Homeworld: Thyrsus
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: N
    Personal Effects: Black Sun Guard Armor. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
    Personal Starship (if any): Twin Suns Engineering Wraith-class Corvette Invictus
    Personal Weapon: Solar Pike
    Bio: Aesen Temeritus was born on Thyrsus 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, and almost all his life, all he ever knew was the firm grip of the Empire, choking out and suffocating the once proud and free Thyrsians. When he was 14 years old, Aesen passed his Soltus Rites, the day long coming of age ceremony for all Thyrsians who had reached adulthood. After said ceremony, he enjoyed a long day of rest and pampering, another Thyrsian tradition, meant to give new Thyrsian adults one last chance to experience the pleasures of youth before adulthood. Under Imperial occupation such pleasures were hard to come by, however, which meant that Aesen's adulthood came earlier to him than previous generations. Something that inspired him to take action. He had heard whispers of a new resistance movement forming, inspired by the recent destruction of the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin, and eventually he joined them, making hit and run attacks against Imperial outposts scattered across the planet, most notably the Twin Suns Garrison.

    Most notably because the Twin Suns Garrison was where his future home would be. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, a man known to the leader of the Thyrsian Rebels as "The Half-Blood Champion", but unknown to him as the man in command of the Imperial presence on Thyrsus before then, came to these Rebels with a warning that their lives were in danger. This Half-Blood Champion, Kev-Mas Colcha, was sent to kill them under the assumption that he would follow his orders without question, disobeyed his orders and instead provided the Thyrsian Rebels with means to fake their deaths and escape off-world, only to later assist Kev-Mas in liberating the planet.

    These Rebels were lead by a man known as Stirge Morten, and besides Aesen and Stirge consisted of 3 men, Braxen Carbod, Siltan Carivdus and Flo-Dul Juranen. These 5 Rebels were some of the first to become the new Sun Guard of Thyrsus, restored to their former glory free of the influence of the Dark Lords of the Sith. These new Sun Guard were headquartered at the former site of the Twin Suns Garrison, re-christened as "Sólvörgilhyum", which means "Sun Guard Home" in Thyrsian.

    When the Sun Guard launched their expedition into Wild Space, he was just a mere Twisuns Legate commanding a squadron of Sun Guards, typically as a pilot of a Solar Dragon-class Interceptor. However, he proved his skills time and time again in battle against the Sith Lord Darth Moksha’s forces, and rose through the ranks. By the time the Sun Guard had defeated Moksha and they colonized Wild Space, he was already a Twisuns Praetor commanding the Wraith-class Corvette Invictus.

    Character Sheet


    Name: Sha Mu’orca
    Age: 63 Galactic Standard Years
    Species: Herglic
    Homeworld: Giju
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Black Sun Guard Armor. Equipment carried varies as the mission parameters change.
    Personal Starship (if any): Twin Suns Engineering Solar Dragon-class Interceptor (Spec-Ops variant), modified for his large frame and to have the cockpit submerged with frigid water for comfort.
    Personal Weapon: Orange bladed lightsaber pike
    Bio: Sha Mu'orca was a Herglic and former enforcer for Sleemo the Hutt, operating out of his palace in Zaguuna, a settlement in a Wild Space Hutt border world known as Nal Oosta. His duties kept him on a short leash and he never really got to venture out offworld, until 20 ABY when a former Chiss Commando known to the core as Hiraeni was told that in order to gain information he sought from the Hutt he'd have to complete a bounty with Sha assisting him as insurance.

    He was told to complete a bounty on one of his smugglers, a Duros woman named Sodu Da who had lost him more credits than she was worth, and bring her back dead or alive. After a tough fight with Sodu and her two enforcers, a Wookiee and a Devaronian which nearly killed the two hired guns, they brought Sodu back to the Hutt alive and were paid for their services, with credits, the information Hiraeni sought and Sodu's ship, a YT-1300 light freighter that aside from a new paint job was completely unmodified.

    The information lead Hiraeni to Mon Calamari, where he was told the New Republic was assisting the Sun Guard with efforts to launch an expedition into Wild Space. He went there, along with Sha as his co-pilot in order to satiate the Herglic's natural inclination for curiosity. However, Hutts aren't to be trusted.

    Sleemo ratted them out to the New Republic, and upon arrival they were greeted by New Republic Intelligence Officer Colonel Moe Stirde and taken into custody in a secret underwater JSGNRO (Joint Sun Guard New Republic Operations) base, where Moe and a Sun Guard Thychani Commander by the name of Kyr Ragnos interrogated them. Eventually, the JSGNRO realized that the pair would be more valuable to them as new recruits then as prisoners, given their prior knowledge of Wild Space as well as what Kyr and Leonias Colcha, who was also present noticed to be latent Force Sensitivity in both. They were inducted into the Sun Guard as officers of the rank of Twisuns Praetor and trained to use the Force and lightsaber as an additional tool in their arsenal to help assist the Sun Guard's expansionary efforts.

    However, in Wild Space, the Sun Guard quickly realized the frontier they had hoped to be wide open, was already occupied by an insidious force. An insidious force that not only made colonization more difficult, but one that posed a greater risk to the Galaxy they came from.

    A fallen Jedi by the name of Rasmus Kreel had retreated to Wild Space after killing the nightsister Silri, stealing her Sith Holocron and starship, corrupting him in the process. While there, he had taken the name of Darth Moksha, and under a vow to bring an end to all forms of government as a part of his new "Rule of None" philosophy he prepared to invade the Galaxy, using the Carbonite Sith Soldiers granted to him by the Holocron to assist him. Eventually Moksha was defeated and the Sun Guard were able to colonize Wild Space, but not before serious losses were experienced, one of them being Kyr Ragnos, who had been turned by Moksha and subsequently killed by then Supreme Sun Guardian Leonias Colcha.

    Now holding the rank of Thychani Commander, the third highest rank in the Sun Guard, Sha is second in command of the elite legion known as Aegis Legion.

    After the Sun Guard’s return to the Galaxy in 56 ABY, Sha led Aegis Fleet against Tho Yor at Mon Calamari assisting the Resistance Forces repel them from the planet. However, when Sha discovered the Sith Vestara Khai was onboard a Bothan Assault Cruiser he had boarded in order to repel other boarders, the Sun Guard’s crusade against the Sith took over, and he abandoned the mission to order all ships to fire upon the cruiser, destroying it, and presumably killing himself in the process. However, in a twist of fate, triggered by residual side effects from Leonias Colcha’s shatterpoint, he survived, and managed to escape to the safety of the wreckage of his former dropship, as he broke through the atmospheric barrier to the oceans below, where he swam to an old JSGNRO base to recover.

    It was here that he would recover until the Gladius Fleet, led by Thychani Commander Zhast came to conquer Mon Calamari.

    - - Events of Between Episodes Take place here - -
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  13. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    Characters are GM Approved

    Name: Nadia ke Mattino
    Age: 45
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Adumar
    Affiliation:Adumar, Unaligned
    Force Sensitivity: N.
    Personal Effects: holos of her family.
    Personal Starship (if any): Tie Defender Elite, however, if she desires go leave with a capital ship, lately it has been the Bulwark Battlecruiser Mk III Audacious
    Personal Weapon: powerful holdout blaster, blastsword


    Bio: A pilot during the Second Galactic Civil War, she met Trec shortly after the attack on Adumar itself. The two quickly fell in love, and despite the attention on the two of them, had a quiet marriage. When pressure for Trec to lead occurred again, Trec recommended Nadia to take the lead. When she asked him, he merely told her his uncertainty in himself was only matched by the confidence that he had for her to lead. She quickly grabbed Adam to advise her much like Teren Rogriss advised Perator Balass, and it led to a build-up, especially when the First Order was discovered on their doorstep. It hasn’t been easy, but suddenly the pressure on Adumar has lessened, and now is time to find out who their friends are…and if any previous ones are left.

    There was change which was difficult to figure out the most important solution to unprecedented problems that Nadia had to face in a way to protect her people. Worse yet events led to more dramatic reactions leading to the evacuation of Adumar. The decision was proven correct when Mortis appeared over Adumar. She lost her mentor in Teren Rogriss and struggled to not lose millions more Adumari. Now she was on a journey to a planet to meet a leader who might actually save the galaxy with Briana and Kael.

    Getting the Adumari to their colonies in the Unknown Regions reduced the planet Adumar to an increasingly toxic battlefield that used fewer ships and more updated Rogriss-class stations which now includes K-wing squadrons. It required that a continual convoy codenamed Pedestal, while at the same time increasing the construction, infrastructure, and production capacity of the colonies with a dramatically reduced manpower limit. Now she had to deal with Adam's new idea.

    Name: Rachel Nezuma-Lyons
    Age: 53
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Affiliation: Unaligned
    Force Sensitivity:N.
    Personal effects: Mostly her tools and clothing.
    Personal starfighter: N/A



    Bio: Mechanic known mostly for her positive personality and cheerfulness. Assigned to the Mon Mothma in General Antilles’s Fleet Group 3 during the Vong War. So positive she can make the meanest Dark Lord of the Sith have a good day. After the events of the Second Galactic Civil War, she joined Corraidhin Inc and became a senior mechanic.

    Rachel spent much of her time making sure of the early Corraidhin move which allowed them to continue their R&D at a mostly normal pace. Production couldn't keep up. The rest of the time she spent managing both her kids and that of the ke Mattino family. She thought Carrie was partially entertaining and would make a fantastic leader in the future. However at one point she also had to keep an eye on the troublesome kid she married when he had been permanently and temporarily removed from command, she noted a change where he felt more at peace and…connected once he had a chance to rest.

    She spent much of the time working on upgrades as required by the Adumari. The second priority was getting a more heavy-hitting starfighter out and in production. The problem was that the other companies that concentrated on production had not yet finished their move from Adumar by the time Mortis had arrived which led to a severe lag between finalizing a prototype and starting production. Fortunately, Nadia was kind enough to allow Carrie to help Rachel out. She had to tackle the increased automation in the larger ships and even among starfighter maintenance crew.

    Name: Terek Rogriss
    Age: 68
    Species: Human
    Affiliation: Adumari
    Force Sensitivity: N.
    Personal Effects: Adumari Dress uniform, along with daily uniforms, personal clothes
    Personal Starship (if any): Assigned to the Bulwark Battlecruiser Mk III Stellar Web
    Personal Weapon:

    Name: Geng Salaban
    Age: 72
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Bestine
    Affiliation: Adumari
    Force Sensitivity: N
    Personal Effects: Adumari Dress uniform, along with daily uniforms, personal clothes
    Personal Starship (if any): Sadly promoted too high to have fun with capital ships
    Personal Weapon:

    The Adumari economy is building again, though the problem is that they lack people since they have split roughly 3 Billion people among 7 planets so there are positives and negatives, but there is an immediate need to build up.

    The Adumari military is being dragged in three directions, 1) Back to Adumar - It is under siege by Mortis, which is being countered by updated Rogriss-class stations, where some act as carriers fitted out with K-wings, and some T-85 Ad X-wings.

    2) Jakku- That trap, though they are attempting on building up on Jakku's moons as a logistical base, communications, and as a way to create an imbalance in sectors at various times.

    3)Attempting a Fleet rebuild- The ships, while they are not original spec, are needed to increase automation for a relative lack of population. The problem is that the larger shipyards are having all of their slots taken by the Rogriss stations, that said, some of the smaller ships (CC-7700 frigates, DP-20 MkIV frigates, Pursuit-class Light Cruisers) have slots and are either refitting or constructing new ships.

    Starfighters? The only problem is getting the prototypes into mass production.

  14. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Barbosa, King Nivic II, Pirate Queen Naberie, Amora, and Wizard
    War Council

    They sat at a large wooden table, the four of them. The King in his stately chair, the Pirate Queen who was idly picking dirt from under her nails with a knife, and his wife who sat two steps away from the table. Her belly swollen ludicrously so with his soon to be children. Barbosa wondered at the two women only slightly less than their King. Compared to them these women were midgets, but perfectly proportioned and very welly so at that.

    If they had partaken of the war-grog he doubted the King nor himself could of held back the urges these mythological women stirred within their large hearts. Tugging at his great coat he nodded as if he had never been distracted from what the King was saying as an image of his new flag ship sprung up in a holo on the table from display parchment.


    "Your plans for a new mightier class of ship, combining the tech of the Great River with our own here in Firefest is ambitious. It is also taxing our financial resources heavily to make this behemoth! Do you know how many zeros this is draining from the treasury!" The King demanded. The man saw his responsibility to the people and new ships and improved weapons and armor were not as important to the budget as showing how responsible to keeping the rabble fed and entertained were. Had to keep the peasantry happy.

    "I am aware." he cooly replied as he waved his hand toward the Pirate Queen to induce her to answer for him. Most of the improvements had been her idea after all.

    Naberie groaned audibly in a lilting cadence before she stood, on her chair, to be able to reach out and touch the parchment projector to bring up the data points. "Your majesty, you have to realize your time of nostalgic pillaging the black oceans and it's island worlds is gone. Your 'liberated' subjects are either trying to kill you and your people or are dying out there. The old ways for the good times, your brother dying in trying to pursue the insurgent Nagai was proof that your old toys are not enough any more." The parchment displayed a brief scene of that fateful battle of the Wayfarer being blown up from bombs placed by Rebels that had snuck onboard. "Your security and short range sensors are atrocious and not just because your sailors are often drunk off their asses on mead and grog. Not to mention basic securities. You aren't repelling idiot children with knives anymore, you are fighting psychotic toddlers that have guns and ships better than your own. If you don't pay for these changes and upgrades you most likely will be the last King of the Tof Empire, and all my people that you have saved and resettled here will die with you." If he hadn't noticed her off-hand on her hip near her knife he might not of realized the threat that those words entailed. His wife had explained how it was with them and family, or rather how Naberie and her were after having had to listen to so much of their families psychic death screams.

    "Yes, well that is all well and good but fear mongering won't keep the coffers flush. This kind of spending will see us destitute and diving for death from the inside out instead of the outside in!" The King retorted as he fingered the rope that tied his cape in the front.

    Standing Barbosa inclined his head deeply, chin to chest toward the King before replying further. A feat that had him using his special blessings to keep his powdered wig from falling off. He felt his 2.5 meters being raised was a good way to remind the Pirate Queen to cool off as well as to try and make his point. "My liege, with refitted ships we can reconquer worlds, raid the enemies trade routes and shipping lanes once more. These costs will be repaid, the coffers will be made to overflow once more as in days past. You just have to have. . .a little faith." Barbosa replied with a sage smile as his eyes twinkled as if sharing a great secrete.

    Stepping back from the table he reached down and rubbed his fingers across Wizards head as he stepped past his loyal pet to his most prized aspect of life. Putting his massive palm on his wife's belly he smiled at her as she smiled at him, her blossoming hair seeming to open their petals wider at his touch. Feeling his child react inside her he turned back to the King. "We have to do this my liege, for those that come after us, or else there not be any in just a few hundred tides."

    TAG: None


    NPC CS

    Name: King Nivic II
    Species: Tof (Male)
    Affiliation: Tof Empire
    Force Sensitivity: N
    Bio: When the Tof fleet returned to the Firefist galaxy they began to lose, in no small part this was due to the loss of the crown prince and the loss of the Kings attention. It was not until the Kings second son was old enough to take the throne that measures to remove the old man crippled by loss and grief, mingled with disbelief, could happen. With the aid of the Green Spot priest he secured his rise to power. But at a cost. He was King of the money, and money only. He knew that he had not the head for war and neither had their generals that had been so soundly loosing all that their ancestors had conquered. Still to give up leadership to the Priest was bad enough, but the military to outsiders whims? Well, actually that wouldn’t sting so bad if he could have her, but title begets responsibility and one was pure blooded heirs and the treasury has demanded a rich man’s wife - the richest Tofs daughter. If only he didn’t feel like she was always trying to coach him just like everyone else.


    NPC CS

    Name: Pirate Queen Naberie
    Species: Sylphe (Female)
    Affiliation: Tof Empire / her Cousin
    Force Sensitivity: Y (low level - telepathy only)
    Bio: The Blooming Flower was a respected pirate gang in their region of space. Perhaps not feared, but underestimated by law enforcement in such that they made a very healthy living. Of course families got their cuts and her crew was loyal because of it. They were mostly exlaw, ex-bounty hunters, and rough living citizens that the new regime tried to starve and muscle out of local homes and mining interests. That new regime was successful, but they made the Blooming Flower pirate gang as a consequence, underestimating a female alien led group, which eventually became the Blooming Flower Pirate Fleet. All was well until her family had called her mentally. An invading fleet had decimated a colony where hers and many other crew’s families had lived. It had been the Nagai followed by the Tof fleets. Then the Nagai again. When it was said and done she had listened to over half her family’s last mental screams from conflicting invaders torture and eventual death. She kept a daily vigil for years as her fleet began to dwindle around her, most staying out of loyalty and a hope for revenge. Until one day a family member that had been quiet began to talk again. A mental whisper of a shout far removed…it spoke of salvation. It spoke of family, and it spoke of revenge. Heeding the call what remained of her fleet took to the void and found their way to a sorry and beaten world. One that had become family, and one that promised a path forward to revenge if only she could muster them into a lethal fighting force.
    darthbernael likes this.
  15. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    OOC: Ship designs GM Approved.

    Tof ships are by choice made to herald back to ancient sea going vessels. This was the driving force and nostalgia that taken them to the stars was for those ancient days when things were not known and less certain. When fairy-tales and fortunes awaited the brave and the strong brigands of old! These traditions have continued despite the many advancing steps and stages of the Empire. Now having been pushed back by the conquered tiny natives of the Black Seas, these ships are changing, but theme and uniform natures that arise from them remain the same.

    All coming from the shipyards:

    Star Destroyer Analogue Battlecruisers

    Bulk Cruiser / Carrier









    (Model being phased out. Sails are for increased maneuverability and range)
    (New replacement Skipray 'Blast Boats' from the Blossoming Flower Pirates that are replacing the old model star fighters.)


  16. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    OOC: Setting the stage with some exposition. Also some more characters, approved by Sinre.

    Character Sheet
    Name: Khei F'jajh
    Age: 55
    Species: Yuuzhan Vong
    Homeworld: Yuuzhan'tar
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Vonduun crab armor fused with Sun Guard armor through shaping.
    Personal Starship (if any): Modified force sensitive kyber infused coralskipper
    Personal Weapon: Blue amphistaff saber pike
    Former Yuuzhan Vong shaper, exiled for not only being Force Sensitive, but also for "fusing jeedai heresy into her shaping". Whether the Force dead vong knew it was true or not, they actually were correct. Khei never understood the distaste for what she saw as gifts, and she used them in her shaping to accomplish incredible feats, fusing yuuzhan vong shaping with manipulation of the living Force, and even sometimes Kyber crystals.

    After being exiled, she fled to Wild Space, but ran right into the developing but still hidden Sun Guard Wild Space territories. Despite their inability to assist in the war, the Sun Guard were still very much aware of what was going on in the Galaxy at large and didn't take any chances, imprisoning her and taking her in for questioning. What they learned in said questioning was what turned Khei from a prisoner to a new recruit. While she was reluctant at first, and only agreeing to it in order to gain her freedom, eventually Khei would learn to appreciate her new home, especially since they allowed her to continue her shaping and respected her heritage by allowing her to use organic alternatives to the various pieces of technology used by the Sun Guard, even her personal Starfighter, which is a kyber infused coralskipper.

    Character Sheet

    Name: Vonrac Yunvott
    Age: 40
    Species: Thyrsian/Tusken
    Homeworld: Thyrsus
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Yellow Sun Guard Armor, customized with Tusken flair
    Personal Starship (if any): Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptor
    Personal Weapon: Orange Gaffi stick saber pike
    Son of a Thyrsian woman and a Tusken Raider, from the tribe in Book of Boba Fett. After the tribe was massacred by the Pyke Syndicate, Vonrac's father, a young child at the time, managed to escape the carnage by virtue of having not been present, having run away while he played earlier. By the time he returned, everyone was dead. For days the grief stricken young Tusken roamed the dune sea, and made it to Mos Espa where he would stow away on a cargo ship. He'd stow away on a great many ships, wandering the Galaxy trying to find a new home. Eventually, he came across a place that looked a little bit like home. At least in the sky anyways. Thyrsus. Eventually he became a Sun Guard, where it was discovered he was Force Sensitive. Later he would marry a Thyrsian woman, and the two would eventually have a child, who was Vonrac. Like his father, Vonrac was also Force Sensitive. He was a talented fighter who mixed in Tusken Gaffi Stick combat with Echani Martial Arts, the Force and Lightsaber combat.

    Character Sheet

    Name: Shurcyyyc
    Age: 198
    Species: Wookiee
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Wooden wookiee sized Sun Guard Armor, made from a wroshyyr tree
    Personal Starship (if any): Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptor, customized to allow for a Wookiee size cockpit
    Personal Weapon: Red Greatsaber
    A former imperial wookiee slave turned bounty hunter with latent force sensitivity that wasn't discovered until he tried to join the Sun Guard. When this was discovered, his attempts to join were immediately found with success.

    Shurcyyyc is a talented Warrior, who combines the skills of a wookiee berserker, sith marauder and sun guard mercenary to great effect.

    Character Sheet

    Name: Venn Vedjan
    Age: 38
    Species: Rattattaki
    Homeworld: Rattatak
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Silver Sun Guard Armor, customized to be lighter and less restrictive
    Personal Starship (if any): Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptor
    Personal Weapon: Red Lightwhip
    A talented Rattattaki gladiator who was discovered to be something far more while competing in one of the Sun Guard hosted Sólvörgilsccance Games (named after the "Sun Guard's Rebirth", the event in which Kev-Mas Colcha I reformed the Sun Guard after liberating Thyrsus and himself from the influence and control of the Empire), was convinced to join after the games concluded.

    Venn is an incredibly vicious and highly physical Warrior, who combines pure athleticism, dark side rage and the Echani martial arts to a vicious effect.

    Character Sheet

    Name: Sajazhi Vazra
    Age: 34
    Species: Nightsister
    Homeworld: Dathomir
    Affiliation: Sun Guard Protectorate, Darth Mascon’s Sith Order
    Force Sensitivity: Y
    Personal Effects: Dark Red Sun Guard Armor
    Personal Starship (if any): Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptor
    Personal Weapon: Twin red curved Lightsabers. Can combine into a saberstaff.
    The newest recruit in the Black Legion, a former Nightsister who escaped decimation by the lost tribe of the Sith. After learning of Leonias' crusade against the Sith, she knew she had to be a part of it.

    Sajazhi is an incredibly cunning and stealthy warrior, combining Stealth techniques, nightsister magic and Echani martial arts.

    IC: Darth Mascon
    Beacon, Mustafar system

    A single interceptor craft dropped out of hyperspace above the barren, formerly molten planet of Mustafar. Immediately following after, was 5 full squadrons of starfighters, 59 Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptors, and 1 kyber infused yorik-et.

    Through a meld, Mascon issued orders to the members of his legion, Black Legion, that were present.

    “Today we bring the Black Sun under our control, which shall be an omen of things to come as the Twin Suns are blackened by our rage. The people of the Galaxy cannot be trusted with their own devices. Their foolishness and cowardice has led us down this path, and oh how it infuriates us!”

    “When the Galaxy turns their back, the Dark Side provides! Provides us with the vision to see what needs to be done. Provides us with the strength to see it through. Whatever it takes!”

    The 5 squadrons full of Force Sensitives replied telepathically, in unison.

    “Whatever it takes!”

    61 starfighters flew down in attack formation, disguised by the passive stealth systems onboard, with one target in mind:

    Black Sun fortress.

    However, this would not be a bombardment. Darth Mascon was recruiting. He was recruiting by Force, but still recruiting no less.

    Instead, they would quietly land their ships, and storm the front doors. All 61 of them. All Force Users, six of them wielding lightsabers of some kind.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    darthbernael and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  17. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Nadia ke Mattino, Rachel Nezuma-Lyons

    Rachel saw Adam when he cracked the door open and gave him a smile and a wink, then laughed silently when she saw Nadia shake her head. She gave Adam the chair and went into the hallway. She offered a wicked smile to Nadia, "It's been a while since I've seen my husband."

    Nadia shook her head, "At least your husband is on this planet, but that is not why I wanted to talk to you. I need you to talk to Terek Rogriss and Salaban.”

    Rachel sighed, she wasn't military, and she wasn't really government, she just happened to be close to the political and military leaders, along with her company being in touch with the economic and scientific communities placed her in a very good spot to be in the know in several areas. “I just need you to explain why things are the way they are because they tend to focus on military needs you know that as a whole where we are right now,Nadia reassured her.

    You know I can’t give any orders, and I know that look when Adam’s plotting.Rachel had seen that look for years now.

    "I know, I will send out the orders. I just need you to explain the situation as you know it to them. You can send a holo message to them." Nadia received an affirmative, "I need to go back in there with the Remnant Chief of State."

    The reports sent to the two Admirals included an economic report from the Ministry that almost guaranteed to cause a person to fall unconscious in approximately 3.4 seconds.

    There was a second report from Rachel Nezuma-Lyons


    The situation in Tiboulen is not as bad as other places. Most of the shipyards moved here from Adumar years ago, but production outside of starfighters, Frigates, and small Cruisers was generally nonexistent. I believe that the Perator would like that to change in time. However the attack by Mortis has affected the production of starfighters since most of the production lines were on Adumar. All of the companies were warned but only my company fully moved to Tiboulen. Incom-FreiTek Adumar had just managed to get a production line built before things became too bad, but the others lagged behind, particularly the Blade manufacturers. Given enough time, things should fix itself, though demand is still very high.

    Rachel Nezuma-Lyons

    The final set of documents were orders from the Perator herself.

    From the Office of the Perator
    Re: Grysk incursions

    Both our Intelligence service and the Wraiths agree that the Grysk mount a serious threat to our rebuilding operations therefore:

    1. We find the extent that the Grysk have in the Unknown Regions and where their bases of operations are located.
    2. We locate Grysk allies and try to flip them to our side.
    3. We destroy and dismantle Grysk military and influence operations in the Unknown Regions.
    4. We must be certain of clearing Grysk from an area for they have a talent in finding divides in societies. See Chiss family rivalries.
    5. We need to clear any opposition away from these three planets, Ahch To, Zakuul, Odessan. Military strikes will begin there immediately.
    6. With current Intelligence estimates, the Grysk have no starfighters or even ships that carry starfighters.
    Good luck, fly fast, and aim true.
    Perator Nadia ke Mattino

    They would not lack military resources, even as orders went out, scouts both TIE Defender Scouts, and a few prototype RZ-4 A-Wing starfighters, a former Shadow Saber had some influence in future starfighter designs, to find out information on Grysk strongholds, neighbors, the information blackhole that is Jakku, and the other black hole that is Ajan Kloss, along with scouting of Kamino.

    Once information came in, Terek Rogriss, and Geng Salaban had options on how to attack, either using squadrons of starfighters, a small group of cruisers, or even some of their larger capital ships. Maybe it was a sign of frustration of people who had just lost their home, perhaps forever, to make someone who would assist someone like Snoke to lose their home.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The State of the Galaxy

    Round 1

    The FireFist galaxy hung to the south of the galactic quadrant, but it's edges allowed for hyperspace access to the very north.

    The Nagai had discovered hyperroutes to Ord Bueri, Mandalore, Champala, Ziost and Thesme in the decades past, and used them to pepper the furthest parts of the main galaxy with raids and invasions; forward positions that erased Rebel bases and allowed them to invade Mandalore. Most of these routes were lost, and irrelevant to the greater cosmos, but others were kept secret, by Sith acolytes, Bothan spies and Quarren renegades.

    Scouting runs from the Unknown Regions and along those routes had discovered a wider theatre to the wars of the Jedi and Sith, galaxies as of yet undominated, places to assemble empires and armadas and launch a counter-offensive.

    But closer to the main Galaxy was the Rishi Maze, the nearest of the satellite galaxies. Rishi was the waypoint, but systems such as Kamino and Rothana existed within the closest edges of said satellite galaxy. Indeed, the Rishi Maze had concealed the nascent Republic war machine that began the Clone Wars, and though Kamino had often been struck at and despoiled by the Separatists, Rebel Alliance and Mandalorians, Rothana had been kept an open secret by Kuat Drive Yards, picking the opposing side to Kuat if only to ensure they had a presence on both side of the wars of the heyday. But with the Resistance losing it's war against Snoke...

    Rothana was up for grabs.

    But so too were other worlds and places.

    The Mandalorian colony world of Vhetin had long fallen into disarray but it had what the Mandalorians fundamentally needed to regroup; people. The Mandalorian creed extended to all races, and Vhetin was no exception, including many Nagai from local systems. If anything, as many Nagai lived on Vhetin as they did on Nagi, which had been despoiled by the Nagai-Tof War.

    Meanwhile Tof was experiencing it's minor resurgence, the nobility having put aside their differences at long last.

    But there was no central government to this galaxy.

    As such, Irrom percolated and grew in strength and power quietly.

    As such, in the middle stretches between Tof and the Rim, where Vhetin, Nagi and Irrom existed, the Faruun shipyards and Maccabree droid foundries stood independent.

    Other connections to the man galaxy?

    Well, he launch point into this galaxy was Kinooine, those allied with Adumar and the Empire of the Hand knew that as the point the Nagai armada inserted into their galaxy decades so. Similarly, they knew Saijo was a Nagai fortress world.

    Scouts flowed from Sun Guard-controlled Mon Calamari, Tof, Irrom, Vhetin and the Empire of the Hand.

    They found the following:

    1. Saijo had collapsed into civil war, seemingly caused by a passing set of Grysk 'refugees' who offered rare metals as parley, and the location of those metals.
    2. The refugees had passed through to the galactic disc en route to Nagi.
    3. The Faruuni shipyards were finally operational, and taking orders.
    4. The Maccabree droid factories were finally returned to operational, and taking orders.
    5. The shipyards of Rothana had put out a call for defenders from raiders.
    6. The cloning facilities of Kamino were ruined, but it was believed that various cities had secret centres that could be used.
    7. Kinooine was abandoned.
    8. Rodia, a world not far from Rishi, had gone quiet.
    9. Rishi had detected hyperspace reversions but had never been able to identify the threat.

    Red = Main Galaxy which includes the locations of Ziost, Empire of the Hand and Adumar
    Blue = FireFist, which includes the locations of Tof, Vhetin and Irrom
    Orange = Rishi Maze

    All of these places were within range of the hyperdrives of the Firefist galaxy, which all factions had discovered and absorbed into their repertoire; powerful enough to punch through stellar halo.

    They were all aware of the other, and aware the other had as much strength as them available.

    Parleys, alliances, enemies, enmities.

    They had not yet formed.

    Each Faction Would Have One Move At This Point

    Which would they move towards, or move on?

    PM your GM, please.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @Shadowsun, @adaml83, @Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2023
  19. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004



    IC: Darth Mascon
    by @Kev-Mas_Colcha
    Sovereign-class Star Dreadnought Avarice, Throne room, Rothana system

    The last time Darth Mascon was here was roughly a year ago, to seize the plans for the very ship he sat upon. Thanks to the sheer magnitude of resources and personnel funneled into the project, the ship not only managed to include many Sun Guard improvements and customization, but finish construction in less than a year.

    There was some minor caveats, however: The Avarice was to be Mascon's flagship, rather than Leonias', which remained the Crimson Dagger, currently sitting in orbit over Thyrsus in a defensive posture, and creating the illusion that their leader is home rather than out far away causing chaos.

    Needless to say, despite the sheer amount of resources poured into it, the Avarice as well as Shadow Fleet and the Black Legions managed to remain a complete secret to all except those involved. As far as the majority of the Sun Guard were concerned, those ships were actually hostile forces, belonging to a new Sith foe that Leonias had vowed to destroy.

    Now, as the Avarice and Shadow Fleet sets upon Rothana, the Sun Guard aren't here for another heist.

    They're here to conquer.


    IC: Barbosa by @Mitth_Fisto
    Idle Musings of Futures

    Sitting at his standing desk with the top rolled up and the writing tray laid down, hanging solidly by the wrought chains forged sometime during the height of the Tof Empire. Before these dark times of survival that now were before him. Before his people. Threatening his children! He sighed at the impossibilities of it all.

    He wished he hadn't had to wait so long to take command of helm of the Tof peoples, as now he was flying not even a tenth of a ship. He wished his peoples leaders hadn't lost the shipyards of the Faruuni, the droid factories of the Maccabree, even the full control of the Nagi!. Curses on the Nagi! They not only made a bad three-hundred years worse for themselves they made it worse for everyone by bringing the peoples of the Great River back to invade as well!

    Yet, this was what he had to deal with. Opportunity was rife and so was danger as no one had an upper hand at the moment. Shadows and shuddered ports were the haunts of their weak hopes and he poured over the reports with a sniveling disdain.

    The Great River was a definite threat as well as treasures. His own wife and now the military leader of his people were evidence of the treasures there. He needed that might to add to their own, that was how the Nagai had defeated them after all. They needed that to rebalance the scales. Take away their edge. Yes. But his military leader advised against the three options that had surfaced there directly. The three between here and there though, now those offered more.

    Not being in a position to rebuild a whole world on chance that it would be useful meant he had to choose between the other two. Of them he tapped his quill mercilessly on the edge of the desk. With a tink he tapped the chain once, there was little more to do for it. Signing his name with a flourish next to one report he dedicated material and ships to an extended offer to Rothana. Who better to stop raiders and establish trade then a Pirate Queen and those that had perfected such a life into a galaxy spanning empire at one time?


    IC: Nagai Task Force, Romulus and Remus by @darthbernael
    Enroute to Rothana

    The call had gone out, quite a few of them actually. Knife had called back the Nagai teams that had been observing the Mandalorians as he made a decision based on the evidence that was available. With the aid of the Admiral of his fleet as well as his spymasters, he chose where to assist, where to spread the Nagai influence.

    What truly helped make the decision was the desire to increase the fleet, to spread their sphere of power. A Task Force was created, less than half their fleet as the fleet itself was still expanding and not large, needing some of it to remain to defend their current interests as well. In the fleet were both capital and smaller ships, down to the stealthy fighters and insertion craft that the spies and assassins would use to infiltrate as needed to ensure that they managed to fulfill the request to defend the planet and shipyards so that the agreement could be reached to be able to purchase craft from the Rothanans.

    The trip from Nagi to Rothana was not long but the Admiral and the spies worked on the plan. Shortly before emergence into the system, it had been decided that the craft would engage their stealth systems and scout the systems to find out what forces were already present as well as who the foe was that they needed to stop whatever attack they were making on the planet.

    Romulus and Remus took their leave of the Admiral, settling into their recon fighters, and launching from the command battlecruiser. Their pair of fighters were followed by scores of similar craft, only seen by visual examination as they scattered around the task force, ready to emerge into the system and form a web of craft to seek out and examine what was currently occurring.

    ’Stick together, brother.’ Rem thought to her brother as they approached the shipyards.

    ’Prepare to send the data on burst and if there are any forces present, to be able to attack immediately, sister'.’ the calm thought came in response, anticipating emergence into the system and ready to show whoever might be present that the Nagai intended to protect what could assist them to grow their polity.


    The three deployments arrived almost simultaneously.

    They were almost equal in strength, for either side had been battered, bruised and recovered by conflicts recent and otherwise.

    Whether Barbossa was in attendance in-person of by hologram, the three task forces immediately used sensors to detect the other, and recognised them.

    The Nagai among the forces of Romulus and Remus recognised the ships of the hated Tofs; and vice-versa. Their enmity was centuries old; their scars mere decades in healing.

    The Mandalorians among the forces of Romulus and Remus recognised the hated Sun Guard, and Darth Mascon would know the Mandalorians as the ancient enemies of his order.

    Immediately fighters lurched from formations to rush forward, without prompt from their commanders. A ragged edge of explosions began as a furball occurred between the three flotillas, each roughly equidistant from Rothana, putting it at the central of an equilateral triangle on one plane of the system.

    Would they sally forth into the engagement?

    Would they order a retreat? A parley?

    And what of the native forces of Rothana? They were considerably smaller than that of the three fleets present; they could merely fight half of one of the three fleets, defended by Kuati Golan III stations and a dozen Sluissi Centax-class frigates and half a dozen Eriaduan Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, defending a Bulwark-class battleship that could only have been contributed by Sullust. Their fighter craft was a mixture of Cutlass-class fighters, E-wings and A-wings, not cutting edge, but hardy enough.

    The commanders would have to decide whether to dig in, or overcommit. Not that their intelligences would even be able to name the opposing side unless they spoke.

    I doubt any of them had expected to encounter the other, this far from home, perhaps expecting their rivals to pursue targets closer to home.

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael (singles only, as this is essentially turn-based combat)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    IC: Nadia ke Mattino, Rachel Nezuma-Lyons

    Rachel was looking through various reports, some actually involving Corraidhin, and it seemed that things were beginning to improve. The branch on Halmad was continuing to help out the planet after it was damaged by a shot from Gherlid's former Eclipse. On Tiboulen, Corraidhin was considering adding a production line alongside their prototype line. Most of the starfighter designs used had major manufacturing support from big companies, except the RZ-4. It's a thought and we have the space. It should make Speed happy.

    Construction sectors were thankfully coming online which would speed up the amount of time it would take to finish the construction projects for the planets, however the number of projects was huge for each planet.

    Rachel looked up to see Nadia enter the room, "How's Jag?"

    "Still healing, scouting reports came in."

    From the Office of the Perator
    Nadia ke Mattino

    Stellar Web is to be transferred to Hammer One, Teren Rogriss is to go into dry dock immediately for conversion.

    Hammer One is to transit to Kamino to find any weaknesses in Snoke's plan, potential answers to Adumar Union problems, and keep an eye out on Grysk.

    A request will be sent to our contact in the Hand to check on Kinooine.

    We will be in a position to check on Rodia in due time.

    Perator Nadia ke Mattino


    In good time, lead elements of the Adumari forces secured Kamino.

    The world had limited defenses after the recent Battle of Kamino, and the defenders were half the strength of theirs.

    Even with automated TIE Daggers and piloted TIE Whispers, launching from a group of orbiting Maxima-class heavy cruisers, the local forces collapsed.

    It wasn't a bloodless victory, but it was an easy one, comparatively.

    The cloning facilities were theirs, and the Kaminoans were eager to proffer medical assistance in thanks.

    Meanwhile, scouts in the rest of the Rishi Maze reported the arrival of a trio of flotillas at Rothana, but also, perhaps more troubling, reports that the Rodian problem had a distinct flavour.

    A Yuuzhan Vong flavour.

    Rishi had just fallen to them.

    TAG: @adaml83
    adaml83 and darthbernael like this.
  21. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    OOC: No movement yet, but at the urging of @Sinrebirth , here is the stats for the Avarice.

    Name/Model#: Sovereign-class Star Dreadnought (Sun Guard Protectorate version, pre completion)
    Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards (original design)/Twin Suns Engineering (redesign)
    Combat Designation(cruiser, carrier, etc.): Star Dreadnought
    Scale(fighter, capital, etc.): Star Dreadnought
    Length: 15,000 meters
    Crew: 500,000
    - 500 heavy capital grade solar ionization cannon batteries
    - 500 capital grade solar ionization cannons
    - 1000 point defense rapid-fire gauss cannons
    - 100 tractor beam emplacements
    - 75 ion cannons
    - 5 gravity well projectors
    First Order Holonet Transceiver, reverse engineered to allow sliced broadcasts
    Shields: Heavy Dragonscale Shielding (utilizes the ship’s agrinium hull plating to regenerate shields when hit by energy weapons fire)
    Starfighter Squadrons:
    20 Solar Dragon-class Interceptor Squadrons
    15 Spec-Ops Solar Dragon-class Interceptor Squadrons
    5 Petramar-class Assault Bomber Squadrons
    Troop Capacity:
    130 Legions (130,000 Sun Guards)
    Support Craft:
    10 Serpentarius-class Electronic Warfare Vessels
    25 Reverie-class Assault Dropships
    100 Solar Pike-class Drop Pods

    Built in secret, the Avarice was known to the Sun Guard as the flagship of a group of rogue Sun Guard, converted into Sith Cultists of Darth Mascon. What little do they know, is that Mascon is actually their leader, acting under a guise in order to further sully the name of the Dark Lords of the Sith, and convince the Galaxy that they are a menace to be exterminated.

    It was built at Mon Calamari under cover of cloaking devices salvaged from the Crimson Dagger-class Dreadnoughts Midan Spear and Ebon Lance, which were destroyed and damaged respectively over Yavin when Mascon turned an enemy planned disaster that threatened to destroy him and his fleet into a slightly less damaging display of force.

    The Avarice was derived from plans for an Imperial Sovereign-class Star Dreadnought stolen from Kuat Drive Yards through an uplink at Rothana Heavy Engineering, but modified to Mascon’s liking. Weaponry, fighters and support craft changed to Sun Guard equivalents, and Sun Guard technologies were used anywhere where applicable. However, the most drastic change from its Imperial origin, is the lack of an axial superlaser, instead with plans to eventually create a larger version of the kyber reactor found on Mascon’s personal starfighter, the Sanguine Beacon. This much larger crystal chamber would require roughly the same amount of kyber as would be required to build an axial superlaser, except instead of being used to power a super weapon, it would power a Force Sensitive AI, capable of melding with Mascon while he performs Battle Meditiation, enhancing his capabilities by a large margin. However, all sources of kyber found in Sun Guard territory have either been strip mined dry or are currently still needed as a source of crystals for Force Using Sun Guard lightsabers and in order to build the kyber reactor they will need to find a planet with sufficient natural resources to support the endeavor.

    (OOC lore: The Avarice is actually named after another white haired, Sovereign-class SSD using, Lord of Vanity titled Sith character of the same name created by @Kahn_Iceay a long long time ago, who unwittingly became inspiration for further characterization of Mascon. )
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  22. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Nadia ke Mattino, Rachel Nezuma-Lyons

    Both Nadia and Rachel were looking at reports. Rachel looked at Corraidhin estimates for production lines both in expense and time. Supply wasn't a problem, however, if they did have an RZ-4 line and an E-wing Mk. VI line either one or both would have to be built in space. It would add another couple of days, a week max, but it would allow for better future expansion.

    Corraidhin, Tiboulen

    Commit to a minimum of two starfighter production lines in space. We will likely try to coordinate with Sienar AU to help with their new prototypes.


    VP Production Standards

    Nadia however was looking through the reports created from the temporary occupation of Kamino, she read about their willingness to assist with their medical situation and her eyes widened.

    Admiral Rogriss,

    Could you please ask if they could analyze the Danglars atmosphere and see if they can find a way to counter it. A probe droid is going to gather the sample, and an RZ-4 will take it to Kamino.

    Nadia ke Mattino

    Nadia typed out the relevant orders before continuing reading the reports. Potential three way battle…nope. Maxima cruisers are a problem, increasing production on DP-20 Mk IVs…again. Rishi, and Rodia… "What?!" Nadia's outburst was enough to startle Rachel.

    "What's wrong?"

    Nadia turned the display around to Rachel for her to read. Rachel's expression didn't disappoint.

    "The Vong? I thought they were happy in the living world, Zonama Sekot."

    Nadia shook her head, "I know that there were express orders to leave them alone since we found these planets along with the proximity to the living world."

    "Do you want to tell them or should I?"

    Nadia inclined her head towards the door, "You go, I have to write even more orders."


    I have just sent you a report concerning a situation on Rodia and the Rishi Maze. I would like to start the Wraiths' Department of Dirty Tricks back up again.
    If you have any advice or know of more resources it would be quite helpful.

    Thank you

    Nadia ke Mattino


    She started her orders


    Get someone to Zonama Sekot to find out if the Yuuzhan Vong is still there, and if they are, could they explain what was happening on Rodia and the Rishi Maze.


    Admiral Salaban,

    If you have seen the reports then you should see this should be obvious, start refresher courses on Anti-Vong combat. I know Adam Lyons has a starfighter course at minimum, but I suspect more are there.

    Perator Nadia ke Mattino

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, anyone near any of those locations
  23. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Pirate Queen Naberie & Barbosa

    The three deployments arrived almost simultaneously.

    They were almost equal in strength, for either side had been battered, bruised and recovered by conflicts recent and otherwise.

    Barbosa was in attendance by hologram, a fact the military leader grateful for. Last thing she needed was to actually have him here and then have to deal with nagging of her relative about the safety of her husband. She noted the shift in her crew as scans weren't really all that necessary as soon as visuals were pulled for her new people to recognize the Nagai fleet. That and Barbosa had an odd tightness to his mouth whenever they were discussed, like an irritant that had injured and he wasn't over it yet. Sadly that was better than most Tofs handled it.

    The Mandalorians among the forces of Nagai made this more interesting of course. That was a fight she didn't really want. Ditto to the weird third faction. She categorized them as a faction as they didn't seem like raiders. Still she had to give orders, "Draw the line gentlemen! Prepare to drift away!" she barked out to the deck hands and saw her orders relayed and many large bodies begin to jump and run to the task. Undoubtedly Barbosa was reviewing the map just as she had been, she idly wondered if he knew who the third mystery group was. Sadly they couldn't just turn tail and run, that would set them up to be run down possibly by the suicidal Nagai forces.

    Fighters surged forward and a ragged edge of explosions began as a furball occurred between the three flotillas, each roughly equidistant from Rothana, putting it at the central of an equilateral triangle on one plane of the system.

    That was the second wild card in this game of sabacc they had been dropped into. Who knew what they would do. As her ships under her command took up a staggered and layered defensive position she wondered which way this was all going to turn out.

    Barbosa sighed and issued a command that made Naberies ship act as a comm relay and send a missive to Rothana.

    Dearest Rothana,

    This is the Tof fleet, we came to see of giving you aid to our mutual benefit, but appear to have entered a bidding war on your doorsteps. The rebellious Nagai with their Mandalorian interlopers on one hand, and a mystery fleet on the other. I doubt these are the raiders to whom you eluded, unless you wish to advise otherwise. Sadly as you have no doubt seen as well as we, we are in position to overpower anyone here as we are equal powers present.

    If you do not wish our aid in your defense, please let us know post haste that we might retreat. If you do desire it and wish us to stay, I would ask you to coordinate with Admiral Naberie that we might shift our forces to join yours and see whether the others will respect your choices as we are ready to do and always.

    Representative of the Tof Empire

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Sinrebirth , @darthbernael
  24. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Darth Mascon
    Avarice, command bridge

    The armored Sith Lord gazed out of the viewport of his flagship, scowling in disgust beneath his armored visage as his corrupted membranous skin under the mask wrinkled from the expression.

    "It's time we reopened ancient wounds. The Nagai align themselves with the Mandalorians, and for that they all shall die."

    "Duellators activate target scramblers. Interdictors activate gravity well projectors. Durames and Serpentariuses do a sensor sweep to locate potential electronic warfare targets. Launch all fighters but hold them on standby in a defensive posture. All ships target the Nagai ship furthest from any others. Maximum firepower."

    Mascon paused for a moment and grinned as he relished in the violence that was about to unfold.

    "At last the Sun Guard shall prove to all who the better warriors are. We shall purge the Mandalorian filth from existence!"

    Tag: @Mitth_Fisto , @darthbernael , @Sinrebirth

    Fleet totals at battle

    1 Sovereign-class Star Dreadnought
    2 Duellator-class Star Destroyers
    4 Durame-class Star Destroyers
    8 Sun Guard refit Interdictor-class Cruisers
    12 Wraith-class Corvettes
    24 Serpentarius-class Electronic Warfare Vessels
    Full fighter complement on all ships

    All ship stats can be found here
    darthbernael and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  25. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Nagai Fleet
    Chaos at Rothana

    The Nagai were set, Den noticed as he paced the battlecruiser’s bridge. Their deployment looked like a knife prepared to rip into any foes they found, even in hyper. The navigation officer called out the emergence countdown and, when she reached nul, the streaks of hyper resolved into the Rothana system. At which point the system began to erupt in the colors of fighters and capital ships firing their lasers, bursts of explosions filling the viewscreen.

    Turning on a heel he strode quickly to the sensor officer, demanding to know what or who else was in the system. Reports were already coming in both from the almost invisible Nagai spy and attack craft as well as the Mandalorian Kom’rk’s that were the fighters of choice for their allies. He pinched the bridge of his nose as the reports told him that this was about as chaotic as it could be.

    There seemed to be two separate forces that had arrived at almost the same time. And they were the worst of those who could have shown up, at least for his joint task force. The holo table lit up, beginning to show icons of the other two fleets. One was immediately recognizable, causing anger to suffuse his face. The typical almost seafaring shape of Tof ships…their hated attempted overlords. He wanted to immediately focus their task force on that fleet but the reports of the Mandalorians gave him pause.

    They reported that the other fleet was made up of ones that seemed to be of a make and IDs of an organization that they too hated. One eyebrow arched and his anger faded slightly as he took in the report of the Sun Guard. He studied the dossier for a few moments, thinking about potential consequences before he made any decision.

    Hitting a button to pull up secure comms with Romulus, Remus, and the Mandalorian commander attached to the task force his brow nettled, “Decision time. Both opposing fleets are those that are old foes. The question is,” he glanced at the Mandalorian commander, “Can you put aside your hatred of this Sun Guard long enough to have a temporary truce with them to force the Tofs out of the system?”

    A growl came from the Mandalorian and he punched one armored hand on the arm of his chair. The sound of the growl was a mix of anger and frustration. After a short time, the armored warrior’s helm turning and facing each of them at the table, he simply nodded. “Our battle, should those deviants accept the terms, can wait for another day, we will find them again.”

    With a nod, Den turned back to the siblings, “Guide the fighters and smaller capital ships. Rid the skies of Rothana of our once overseers. Show them the Nagai have returned and will never be subjugated again.”

    Rom and Rem let almost identical smiles cross their faces as they nodded, turned, and departed. He turned back to the Mandalorian, “Follow their guidance and you will find good battle against the Tofs.”

    Once again given a nod, the Mandalorian excused himself while Den composed a message.

    Sun Guard

    I propose a truce, for now. The Tofs have been the bane of Firefist galaxy for years and need to be reminded they are not all powerful. I propose jointly defending Rothana and then splitting the rewards of such a defense. Your conflict with the Mandalorians can be resolved in the days that follow.

    Admiral Den Siva

    A follow on message was the last before the battle should be met,

    Rothana Defense,

    As requested, the Nagai have come to defend your world. We will ensure that your world does not fall afoul of those who once enslaved us.

    Admiral Den Siva

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Mitth_Fisto