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What are you listening to now/What was the last CD you bought?

Discussion in 'FanForce Community' started by TheBoogieMan, Oct 17, 2005.

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  1. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    I thought I'd combine two popular topics into one.

    What was the last CD you bought?


    What are you listening to now?

    Personally, the last CD I bought was Mingus Ah Um - Charles Mingus and the song I'm listening to at the moment is Real Love - The Beatles
  2. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    Last CD I bought was Guns N' Roses - Use your illusion II as it was on sale.

    And I am listening to Metallica - and justice for all.
  3. Jedi_Dajuan

    Jedi_Dajuan Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 30, 2002
    Currently I'm listening to the noises of the food area at my Univ, but when on the home computer I listen to my Battlestar Galactica CD almost non-stop. I bought the soundtracks from the miniseries and season one about a month ago. Damn good music.
  4. MacCaffrey

    MacCaffrey VIP star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 25, 2000
    The latest Nickelback "All the right Reasons"! Very good! :D

    Radio. Comedy! :D
  5. Happy Ninja

    Happy Ninja Jedi Knight star 6

    Mar 20, 2000
    Right now, I'm listening to Mundian To Bach Ke by PC Panjabi (With this track, think Punjabi music mixed with the theme of Knight Rider). [face_dancing]

    It's on the compliation CD Maximum Bass...a pretty cool CD to listen to when cruising around the streets with the volume on your car stereo turned up far too loud! :D

    I obtained it yesterday. [face_mischief]
  6. Skiara

    Skiara ~• RSA FFC •~ star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 5, 2002
    I can't remember which was the last CD I bought, because it is too long ago.

    Normally I hear music from the radio like now. ;) :)
  7. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    Just bought the CD "A Rush Of Blood to the Head" by Coldplay and I bought X & Y off of iTunes. So I'm listening to Coldplay. Great stuff. Surprisingly, I'm not listening to Apocalyptica... BTW, you should all check out Apocalyptica. They are phenomenal. My favorite band ever.
  8. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001

    [face_laugh] [face_shame_on_you]

    Yep, I love Coldplay. I have to say though, that X & Y was generally a dissapointment. Nowhere near as good as A Rush of Blood. Still, it is pretty darn good. I absolutely love Twisted Logic
  9. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    I bought X & Y off of iTunes. You're right, it doesn't hold a candle to Rush of Blood. I do like Speed of Sound though. That song made me buy the CD. ;) Wish there was more of that in there.
  10. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    Yeah. Speed of Sound, Twisted Logic, Low and What If? are the only songs that I really like on the album.

    Every song on A Rush of Blood was brilliant.
  11. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    I think my favorite song off of Rush of Blood is either Clocks or The Scientist.

    But you're right, every song on there is good.
  12. WhiteLadyofRohan

    WhiteLadyofRohan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 14, 2005

    Last CD I bought was "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson. Yes, I'm a fan!

    What am I listening to right now? Liz Phair's "Why Can't I?" After that, I'm gonna listen to Santana, then Sheryl Crow, DHT, Missy Eliot...

    I like variety. :)
  13. Darth_Mysterious

    Darth_Mysterious Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 1, 2004
    Currently listening to Shack HMS Fable.
  14. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001

    Yeah, I was thinking the only song that is average is "In My Place". I just doesn't catch me. My favourites would have to be "God Put a Smile On Your Face" and "Politik".

    Right now, I'm listening to Al Green - Let's Stay Together. :cool:
  15. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    I'm listening to the Gettysburg movie score. Great stuff.:cool:
  16. LordDarthUmbrus

    LordDarthUmbrus Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 24, 2004
    "Made of Stone" by The Stone Roses
    A song about car crashes can't be all bad.
  17. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    Hmm... I'm running through every copy of 'Summertime' I have. It's a great song, but I can't pick the best version!
  18. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    Metallica: One

    *smacks OPPM*
  19. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    Ya. OPPM must die.

    Currently listening to G. Love and Special Sauce's greatest hits. So fun... just bizarre white-boy roots/blues rap.
  20. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    Anything but rap and pop for me.

    Listening to the song Letting the Cables Sleep (Apocalyptica Remix).
  21. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    Isn't Coldplay pop though?

    I try not to restrict myself by genres. If it is good music, it is good music.
  22. LordDarthDevaious

    LordDarthDevaious Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 25, 2005
    Last CD I purchased was Green Day American Idiot

    Listening to Beethoven's Last Night by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
  23. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    Currently listening to the Triplets of Belleville OST.

    Just wonderful. The film is brilliant too. If you get the chance, just see it!
  24. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    I would call them alternative, and some of their songs rock. By pop, I mean stuff like spears, backstreet boys, anyone from American Idol, etc. And rap IMO just isn't music at all.
  25. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    Ah, yes, fair enough. Pop is a stupid genre name anyway, almost as bad as "alternative" and "world". WTH?!?

    Rap *is* music. I used to hate it just as much as you seem to, but it has good and bad proponents, just like other genres. It's just that the bad proponents tend to get much of the spotlight and airplay.
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