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Gaming What was the last videogame you beat?

Discussion in 'Community' started by Siths_Revenge, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Moll

    Moll Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2016
    What Remains of Edith Finch (indirectly as I watched someone play it).

    It was a very strange game, but also captivating. I really enjoyed the story, and thought that the part with Lewis was particularly good.

    It was very short, and that was one of the reasons I did not want to buy it as £15 for under 2 hours of gameplay felt too steep. Even after experiencing the game, I still think that price tag is too much for what you get, even if it is an interesting game.
    Life likes this.
  2. Moll

    Moll Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2016
    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    This was my second play through, although a fantastic game, I did not enjoy it as much the second time like I did Tomb Raider 2013. After the replay, TR 2013 definarley takes the lead. I still enjoyed the game though, a decent story and a cool location and Jacob is great. I am all ready for Shadow of the Tomb Raider now, can't wait! :D
    Ahsoka's Tano likes this.

    JEDI-SOLO Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 12, 2002
    Halo 5 and Titanfall 2 before that recently.
  4. Gamma626

    Gamma626 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 6, 2014
    Spider-man. Tears were shed, laughs were had. A big ol' smile on my face the entire game. Absolutely loved it. Working on wrapping up some side stuff to get my platinum!
    Life and heels1785 like this.
  5. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    inFAMOUS, Hero and Evil playthroughs.

    The second run went a lot faster, likely due to my better handling of the controls.

    Found the Hero powers much more satisfying this time around, the grenade and shockwave upgrades were much more to my pleasing.

    Enjoyed the game a lot, my favourite in the series. The urban environment is just great, and I love the slow unravelling of the conspiracy plots, which were partially dropped in the second game. The main Villain's a lot more interesting too.

    I also played inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood, in the middle of my inFAMOUS 2 Hero playthrough. I won't be replaying it, since there's no alternate Karma paths. It's short but sweet, and the flying power is a lot of fun. Kind of wish the DLC had been a bit more impactful, the vampire plot feels kinda throwaway.
    Life and heels1785 like this.
  6. Gamma626

    Gamma626 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 6, 2014
    Got my platinum in Spider-man. Possibly my favorite game of all time so far. An incredible experience, even if getting 100% had some repetition.
    Sebulba-X, Life and heels1785 like this.
  7. Moll

    Moll Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2016
    Lego Incredibles

    Just finished the story, gonna go back and collect all the minikits. It was an awesome game, the addition of the other Pixar characters were so cool, was not expecting it. Overall, it is probably one of the best Lego games I have ever played, very enjoyable. :)

    Edit: Was pleasantly surprised to find an additional level at the end of the credits which was really cool!
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2018
    Life and heels1785 like this.
  8. themoth

    themoth Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 5, 2015
    Spidey PS4. Sensational.
  9. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    inFAMOUS 2, Hero and Evil playthroughs.

    Again, much preferred the Hero powers this time, but Evil wasn't as bad as in I1. The plot feels a bit less effective at times, with a bunch of narmy scenes relating to the karma choices, but the overall narrative is solid, and at least the two karmic paths are decently different in this game.

    Also played Qube Director's Cut, which I got free on PS+ this month. Was quite a decent puzzle game, very similar in aesthetic to Portal. I liked the minimal story, and it had some nice ambiguity. I will admit I had to resort to a walkthrough more than not in the second half, as I just couldn't do most of the timed puzzles, or ones where you keep having to reset everything.

    Lots of interesting mechanics though, and I'd reccomend it to any puzzle game fans.
    Life likes this.
  10. Reynar_Tedros

    Reynar_Tedros Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 3, 2006
    Spider-Man. Not nearly as smitten with this one as most others seem to be. It's a middling 7/10 game with a great story that propels it forward. Creeping around above enemies and stealthily webbing them up is a lot of fun, but the moment to moment gameplay gets pretty tedious, and the game loves to force you to do things that just aren't fun. But it's incredibly gorgeous, and I spent a ton of time in photo mode (I'll be posting quite a bit in the screenshot thread soon). The story is really well written and acted, with characters that are deftly realized. Just wish the game itself was as good.
  11. Esh-kha

    Esh-kha Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 16, 2018
    GTA Vice City,
  12. Jedi Knight88

    Jedi Knight88 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2018
    KOTOR for the 155th time okay I have a problem.
    Moll likes this.
  13. Moll

    Moll Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2016
    Shadow of the Tomb Raider

    This game was pretty good, I liked it a lot more that Rise of the Tomb Raider but it was not as good at Tomb Raider 2013, imo.

    I really liked the new photo mode, it was awesome to finally take pictures of the beautiful settings, the location was beautiful so it was easy to take some nice images. I liked the fact that the costumes included the old Lara Croft all pixelated with these huge breasts! [face_laugh] I also enjoyed the addition of underwater world, where you are able to actually explore underwater, although those eels and pirahnas ade me jump!

    I was not as keen on the having to press the rectangle pad in the middle of the controller to get the documents to play, whilst in the other games, it was automatic. Also, when some artifacts were found, and Lara talked about them, it was just a plain piece of paper when it would have been nice to actually have the picture being described, just felt a little lazy.

    At one point, I got trapped in a challenge tomb, so I had to go back to the point I was at 2 hours prior, which was a pain. The fast travel was not working and there was no alternative way out, was really frustrating.

    This game felt very much like a mix between Assassin's Creed Origins in style, with the missions and location, and Uncharted 4 in the gameplay.

    Overall, it was pretty good, I enjoyed playing it for the most part.

    1. Tomb Raider 2013
    2. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
    3. Rise of the Tomb Raider
    Life, Ahsoka's Tano and heels1785 like this.
  14. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    I wasn't too crazy about her outfits in Rise; they were all pretty much the same. Is it true that there's a lot more variety of outfits in Shadow? I've only seen some preliminary gameplay.
  15. Moll

    Moll Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2016
    Yeah, there are quite a lot of a selection, more than Rise. It was fun being able to swap out outfits.
    Ahsoka's Tano likes this.
  16. Life

    Life Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 4, 2012
    Infamous: Second Son
    I like Cole McGrath's power set from the first two games better than Delsin Rowe's here, probably down to the simple fact that Cole could project a shield in front of him that made him feel almost invincible charging towards enemies, and it presented such a satisfying balance between defence and attack with the electrical bolts. Here, you don't really have any defensive powers, but you have an extensive array of evasive ones, which feels less satisfying to me. That's not to say that you don't feel powerful here. Between the Neon powers' speed sprinting and the invisibility cloak of the Video powers (yes, it is as absurd as it sounds), you can quite literally run circles around your enemies. And you have a much vaster set of powers at your disposal as well. You also become more mobile in this game towards the latter half than you ever were in the previous entries, which makes traversal both quicker and more fun.

    Delsin has more personality than the empty vessel Cole ever had, but I don't find him any more likeable as a result. And all secondary characters have archetypal roles; although that is probably par for the course considering the game's comic book inspiration. The overall story makes about as much sense as Cole's did, I suppose. It works as a bare minimum and is engaging enough to see you through, but I hardly think it would have any motivating effect were you to find the gameplay itself boring.

    At the time of this writing, Marvel's Spider-Man has rendered this game obsolete on all fronts, but I had enough fun with it to still recommend it if you find it in the bargain bin for £10 or less.
    darkspine10 and heels1785 like this.
  17. Moll

    Moll Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2016
    Q.U.B.E Director's Cut

    I really enjoyed this game, the puzzles were great, not too hard yet not too easy. The story was good and I liked the music, when there was actually any playing ;) Rate this as one of the best puzzle games I have played :)
  18. Moll

    Moll Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2016
    The Room: Old Sins

    I love The Room series and this game was not a disappointment. I loved the puzzles and the "location". I felt the story was a lot easier to follow in this one compared to the previous three.
  19. Dannik Jerriko

    Dannik Jerriko Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 12, 2017
    Recently finished Mafia 3 deluxe edition. The gameplay is very repetitive, but it's all good fun and the storyline is great. I played through all three DLCs and really enjoyed them.

    Faster, Baby is by far the strongest of the DLCs and adds a new area to the game. Stones Unturned was a fun romp and more of a military shooter. Sign of the Times is probably the least enjoyable of the DLCs, but it did make for an interesting departure in gameplay, as Clay searches for clues to uncover a mysterious racist cult.

    I can't say that this is a great game, but it was a lot of fun and kept me entertained for many hours.
  20. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    "Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow". Though that was back in August.
  21. Gamma626

    Gamma626 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 6, 2014
    Finished a couple games since my last post of Spider-man.

    1. Shadow of the Tomb raider. Easily the best story in the series, but it's got a LOT wrong with it. The Croft edition is an absolute rip-off. You can't wear most outfits for 80% of the games content in paititi. Exploring there is incredibly frustrating, and there's barely any combat the entire game, making the upgrades and weapon variety fee entirely useless. Climbing is also far glitchier than that CD games.

    2. Assassin's Creed Origins. Got the platinum on it in about ten days. I beat it once before on the Xbox. There still a crap ton, plus both DLC's, for me to do!

    3. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Final Mix. Finally, after so many years, I actually beat the first KH. I rushed through to get the "don't die" and "don't change your equipment" trophies. Going through all the side content now before going through CoM, 2, and BBS.

    Speaking of...

    4. KH 0.2 a Fragmentary Passage. Not bad. Not much to say. Only a couple hours of content here.
    Ramza and darkspine10 like this.
  22. bizzbizz

    bizzbizz Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2015
    Assassins creed odyssey really enjoyed it
  23. Chancellor Yoda

    Chancellor Yoda Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2014
    Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2

    Just finished this for the first and despite having to get used to the old school mechanics I can see why its considered one of the best Star Wars games, certainly one of my favorites now.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2018
    Life likes this.
  24. ronifer

    ronifer Jedi Youngling

    Oct 8, 2018
    Assassin's Creed III. I really enjoyed the gameplay and story
  25. Chancellor Yoda

    Chancellor Yoda Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2014
    Clive Barker's Undying

    A underrated little horror shooter that has an excellent combination of atmospheric lovecraftian horror and satisfying shooting mechanics.