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Why do i feel like a ****?

Discussion in 'Archive: Hounslow UK' started by MRA, Dec 2, 2002.

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  1. MRA

    MRA Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 20, 2002
    I got a funny email from my sister and decided to forward it on. Thing is, I like this girl who recently started a new job and forwarded it to her. I got an email back saying that chain mail is banned and that security had been notifyed.

    If that weren't enough, the title of the email was "blow job".

    Why do I feel like a ****?
  2. Ramble_Boba

    Ramble_Boba Jedi Master star 5

    May 13, 2002

    Oh dear, you messed that one up!
  3. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000

    //starts dancing
  4. Ebenezer_TK_Scrooge

    Ebenezer_TK_Scrooge Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 3, 2002
    Why do i feel like a ****?

    Dont most young and fit men want it?

    Try a brothel.
  5. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    //enters stage left with 2 drums and a symbol.
  6. Ebenezer_TK_Scrooge

    Ebenezer_TK_Scrooge Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 3, 2002
    *waits to be entertained*
  7. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    [entertainment mode] did ya here about the tk421 sock that came into the Hounslow thread and didn't get my [inset sound here] reference?
    [/entertainment mode]

  8. Ebenezer_TK_Scrooge

    Ebenezer_TK_Scrooge Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 3, 2002
    No? Why? What happened to him?

    *leans over in anticipation at the answer*

    *it suddenly hits him*

    you mean YER the back up band? :eek:

    *looks at audience, shocked*

    ***BA BOOM TISSSSHHHH!!!!***
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