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Fanclub X-wing Series Fan Club: Home of the Dancing Gamorrean

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by Jedi-Knight-Corran, Jul 12, 2004.

  1. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
  2. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    Have you seen Come From Away? It's a musical set in Gander Newfoundland when 38 airliners diverted there for a week after 9-11. Things don't get more awesomely Canadian than that. I grew up in eastern Canada and was stuck in Gander with a broken C-130 for a week 3 years after 9-11, so the show really hit home for me, laughing and crying the whole time.
    darthbernael and Vehn like this.
  3. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    Mover and Wombat had a little shout-out to C-130 aircrews today. I need to find out when Mover was at Balad Iraq, I was based there a lot and it might have been me delivering him there.

    Vehn and darthbernael like this.
  4. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    So a germany game studio just released a new Starfighter Game, the other day. That is really trying to get back to the Spirit of the Old Wing Commander and X-Wing games with very handcrafted and script heavy spacebattles, instead of the more randomly generated ones we see in current games. With the story being about the fight against a Space Sect/Cult.

    Its called Chorus and I´ve been following it for quite a while.

    Really wanted to buy it but thought my computer wasn´t good enough for it. But with the release also came a free demo which I tried out just to be sure and it turns out it actually runs smoothly on my system (and thus should on other middle class computers as well).

    Will get the full version of the game later today (and kinda regret having misread the requirments earlier, those extra ship paints they offered for preorder looked really sweet [face_sigh]).

    So if you are like me, and enjoy this type of game, that really became a rarity these days, you might want to give them demo a shot.

    (And no I´m not paid to say any of this. ;) Just hope the game will be a success and we see more like it in the future. )
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
  5. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    I’m glad there are some out there producing that classic space sim type game.

    Not doubt the modding community will try and have a hand at doing a SW conversion of it at some point.
    Vehn, Anedon and darthbernael like this.
  6. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    It's on my wish list. Every time it comes around, tickets sell out before I hear about it. The head of the organization I work for was on one of the planes diverted up there, coming back from a conference in Europe. Stayed there for a week until the borders reopened. I really want to see that show.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
    Vehn, Sarge and darthbernael like this.
  7. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    And here I am waiting for Star Citizen...
    Vehn and darthbernael like this.
  8. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    I'm waiting for Santa!!
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    My Xmas shopping is done so.
  10. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    Oooh, what did you get us?
    Vehn and darthbernael like this.
  11. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    If you have Apple TV, it's available there as a film recorded during a live performance.
    Vehn and darthbernael like this.
  12. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    I don't think these guys made the cut for the Sheep.

  13. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
  14. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Ok that was pretty corny.......... :p Besides, we're way better!
  15. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    Are we, though?

    Are we?
  16. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    @Vehn , did you ever see this early trailer for 1941?

    Vehn and darthbernael like this.
  17. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Sounds like Dan Akroyd played the narrator. He's got that old-timey newsreel voice down pat!
    darthbernael , Vehn and Sarge like this.
  18. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
    Negative @Sarge never seen it but will now! And all I want for Xmas is a game update!
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
    darthbernael likes this.
  19. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Yeah, we are, we don't go on 'fast food runs' in our ships!!
    darthbernael likes this.
  20. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    But we couuuuld... [face_devil]
  21. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    Last one there is buying! [face_devil]

    *kicks in the boosters*


    Vehn and darthbernael like this.
  22. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
  23. Sarge

    Sarge 2x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    "I told him not to push that button."

    Alpha-Red , Vehn and darthbernael like this.
  24. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
    Gives a whole new meaning to "Tornado" :p :p
    darthbernael and Sarge like this.
  25. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003


    Hoping this turns up soon!