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FF:QLD know what sucks?

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by NeecH, Feb 20, 2005.

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  1. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    Update on the sickly one: Still getting hot and cold,headaches and am tired and sore. Been reading more about adult chicken pox and it all seems to be going as it should be, although worried about the fact that many adults that get hospitalised with this. Perhaps too much googling.Face is so sore and bumpy it hurts to smile or frown and laying down on sores is hard no matter what position. I'm scared I'm going to be like this for much longer than the kid was sick. Although if he felt anything like I feel, then I'm so proud of his bravery. Just felt like crying this morning just becasue I looked and felt so bad. SO I'm vainer than I thought too, am worried about scars and such although feel verified that I'm sooky because I am actually quite sick. So that's the bad news.

    Also here to say that anyone who hasn't had chicken pox and is all grown up, should get tested for immunity and then get a vaccination if not immune. Side effects possible from vaccination, but all in all, I wouldn't be wanting anyone I like to be feeling like this. And so ends the public community message.

    Also sucks: that the weather is beautiful and I can't really go enjoy it anywhere, or see my Mum on her Birthday.

    S: they're repaeting episodes of Location, Location, location that I've already seen!..DON'T THEY KNOW I NEED ENTERTAINING WITH REAL ESTATE PROGRAMS!
  2. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    I'm really sorry to hear you have chicken pox! They are horrible as a child, I have heard that as an its much worse. [:D] I hope they pass quickly, but don't scratch!! Bi Carbonate of soda baths and Pinetarsol (stinks like heck) in your bath too.....but they both work. I do agree, vaccination is the way to go, got both my kids done before it was compulsory and it was the best thing I did. My kids were fine when all around them were sick...worth it.
  3. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Hugs for you Kalahan! Adult Chicken Pox is one of the worst things that you can get, please be careful!

    I gave my step-mum chicken pox when I was a kid (go me!) and she ended up in hospital with it. As long as you have people looking after you, then you should be okay (and I can always drop around after school one day).

    Hugs to you again, and again!

  4. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    Eeep! So sorry for you Kahlan! I ended up with chicken pox 3 times as a kid - apparently immunity didn't take the first two, my sisters both had it twice as well.

    *hugs* for what it's worth, hope you get well soon [:D]

    EDIT: Now for my own YKWS :p after nearly 5 years of pain free joints my arthritis decides to pick now to act up. I'm hoping it's just the change in weather that has it upset.
  5. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    Ws today - Went down to one of the local cafes and ordered Fettucini Bolognaise - it wasn't bad, until I started noticing the bits of finely shredded metal. Also they gave me spaghetti instead of fettucini, but that's neither here nor there when you're eating what seems to be steel wool.

    At least the young girl was nice enough to refund the meal though and was going to tell the chef straight away - but I can't say I'm not dubious about eating there again.
  6. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Watch your own health too! Thats terrible! :eek:
  7. ImperialCourtessan

    ImperialCourtessan Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 10, 2005
    Chicken Pox is TEH POX! I had the vaccination and still caught it at 24! And that was from sleeping in a room TWO WEEKS after a little girl with CP had stayed there.... CP is highly virulent stuff!

    Make sure you get your Liver/kidneys checked afterwards, all sorts of swelling/nastiness possibly lurking behind!

    Adults will suffer worse than kids and because of age we dont spring back as readily as the littlies do! NOT Fair!


  8. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    Really, thankyou for your thoughts everyone. Was nice to know others were watching out for me.

    This is about day 10 and I'm doing okay now. Most spots have healed or are healing and apart from tiredness and headaches, I feel much more like myself. Had my family over for the past couple of hours which was lovely and made me feel a part of the world again. A trip to woolies this morning was good too. Just looks like I've had bad acne now, although it feels weird to me to be out anywhere without make-up normally, so this lack of make up thing is getting old.

    All in all I feel very lucky..a few days of really quite sick and itchy, followed by a week of sore, tired and grumpy. I'm being careful to monitor any minor medical things I have over the next little while, but hopefully I'm over teh worst of it. I'm jinxed now aren't in hosptial next week. LOL No my usual cynism was worsened this week but I'm getting some of that optimism back. Here's to feeling good :)

    WS: is having a kid parent-to- parent changeover whilst my family is here..the awkwardness, the weirdness, the trying to remmeber what I had to pass on to him. It's not so bad, but I'll never get used to it. And then the kid leaves, and it's just me again.

    AS: Mum left the majority of her mud birthday cake here..and I already put on a kilo sitting around here eating in the last week..I mean, I don't HAVE to eat it. Will though.
  9. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    Cake is meant to be eaten. So while I understand the statement, to have your cake and eat it to, the premise of the analogy is more than a little silly.
  10. Magnus_Darcrider

    Magnus_Darcrider Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 24, 2005
    There's a whole cake decorating industry that would prefer you to look at cake rather than eat and thereby destroy their creation. I suspect the statement only applies to them :p

    Be seeing you,

    Magnus Darcrider
  11. General Cargin

    General Cargin Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 15, 1999
    Actually, the original saying was something along the lines of "you can't eat your cake and have it too" - the inverse of what is commonly said in the proverb. The original way makes more sense - once you eat it, you no longer have it, so you can't eat your cake and have it too.
  12. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    Semantics wise that makes sense.
    I still don't see why people would want to leave a cake sitting around though.

    YKWS -
    Handwaving. You would think in a nice technical profession I'm in we'd be above that and use, you know maths, science, numbers. Apparently not.
  13. Magnus_Darcrider

    Magnus_Darcrider Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 24, 2005
    Why am I seeing experiments with Schrödinger's Cake? :p

    Yikes Loz, that's kinda terrifying.

    Be seeing you,

    Magnus Darcrider
  14. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    Ws today... Goddamn Telstra (As per the usual, no offense intended IC). Bloody unhelpful. Doesn't matter that I've been liasing with them for months RE the account here at work, I can't access any information RE this bill today because I'm not authorised to. But she couldn't tell me who was authorised to deal with this bill because you know what? I'm not bloody authorised to access that information! ARGH. I need a drink. :mad:
  15. Murder_Sandwhich

    Murder_Sandwhich Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 7, 2004
    Here at work we have to deal with a lot of people irate with teletra. At least at a retail level, they mess dissatisfied people around as much as they can. For example, if a teletra customer wants to bring their post-paid number to virgin, we need their account number at teletra. If they don't have a bill, we'll tell them to run over to teletra and get their acc number from them. But lately, they've been giving out wrong numbers, to delay the port because when somebody comes to the register, it only meeks that they're cancelling their service. When it doesn't go thru, they lump the blame on us.

    I've been hoping this was just human error, but it's been happening far too frequently, of late. 3 and vodafone do it aswell, which makes my life even harder.
  16. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    Ugh, that's no good Sammich.
  17. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    In my varying IT experience, this is what I can tell you about Telstra: their business stuff is great. We use them at work, and it's all happy-happy shiny-shiny. They give us great deals, stuff works flawlessly, and if we have a problem they race to fix it.

    Telstra's CONSUMER stuff on the other hand... Eesh. It's barely an exaggeration to say that when I was in computer retail I heard a new horror story about Bigpond almost every day of the week. Their products are lousy, their prices are daylight robbery, and their tech/customer support is so bad it's basically non-existent. This has been my own personal experience, plus that of many, many customers I've spoken with. They're the worst ISP in the country, and they're also the most expensive. I'm convinced that the only reason non-business customers use them at all is that they're not technically inclined and honestly believe that because they have a Telstra phone line, they have to get internet through them as well.

    The telecommunications infrastructure in this country is really fraked up, and a big part of the blame for that rests with Telstra.
  18. HappyBob

    HappyBob Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 7, 2002
    In their defence, they probably didn't kidnap the crew of the Marie Celeste.
    Otherwise, agreed.
  19. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    Ws today, or at least dampens the evening somewhat:

    I guess I won't have time to have a final hurrah, projector night before being ousted from the house. [face_tired] I knew I'd be getting out of the house soon, but apparently the kids would like me out before their wedding - That gives me about three weeks, or something close to that.

    I suppose the core part of the suckiness is that I just really, really fraking hate moving house. It messes with me too much.

    Ah well, good thing we're spending the weekend blowing up people, else I might go crazy or something 8-} heheheh.
  20. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Moving does definitely suck, Morgan. I've done it way too many times in my life and know that quite well. Let me know if you need any help, I'd be happy to lend a hand or a vehicle to the cause.
  21. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    Seconded. Happy to help
  22. morgan-aleghieri

    morgan-aleghieri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 2006
    Thanks guys - it should all be good I hope. Dad's offered the use of the ute, and I don't really have that much "big" stuff to move (although saying that, there's probably more than I realise).
  23. HappyBob

    HappyBob Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 7, 2002
    It's getting a bit silly now, but on the off-chance you grossly underestimated the haul and need a fourth vehicle: I'm happy to contribute another to The Cause.

    From what I've heard, It's probably unreasonable to wish a painless move. But I hope it goes as well as these things can be expected to go.
  24. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    WS: trying to find a physio with an appointment when you can't move your head.

    Neck stuffed up yesterday, as it did about a year ago. Found a lovely physio however who unfortunately gave advise beginning with "at your age". I'm aware of my age. But he was good and logical. See what Gym does though..well I'm blaming gym for tightening my upper back which cuased my neck t0 overcompensate and then go...actually..crack!

    I'm grumpy, keep gettig over one thing and onto another crap thing it seems. And I went to bed at 830 pm, which of course wakes me at 5am. Sensing some feeling-sorry-for-myself ness. YES!

    Nieces birthday tonight. I won't be able to help decorate so well, won't be able to dance, not even sure how I'll go taking photos which is my job. Stupid neck. World. EVERYTHING!

    ..feels better now :p
  25. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    Kahlan, if you are at home all day, I could duck home during my lunch break and lend you my awesome large heat pack that seems made for necks.

    The other thing is that going to the gym you neet to stretch twice. Once after you get warmed up, the other when you stop. And you need to stetch slowly - especially if you've been using any form of weights. Stretch fast and you will RIP your poor muscles. Trust me, you don't want to be doing that. TBH in my experience, as good as some physios are, they like to recommend stengthing muscles without giving patients a proper routine to do so - including stretching (twice!).
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