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Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by Killer Ewok, Apr 30, 2001.

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  1. Teknobabel

    Teknobabel Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 4, 2000
    I think i'll go find my steel caps shall I?
  2. Stunt_Monkey

    Stunt_Monkey Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 10, 2001
    Anyone got anything stronger?
  3. Pigalek

    Pigalek Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2001
    titanium caps?
  4. Teknobabel

    Teknobabel Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 4, 2000
    steel caps with razor blades on?
  5. Pigalek

    Pigalek Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2001
    which ever
  6. Ki-Bara-Mundi

    Ki-Bara-Mundi Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2000
    Titanium caps with steel razor blades. How's that?
  7. Already-Turned

    Already-Turned Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 13, 2001, ok?!

    How bout them penguins eh?
    Funny little buggers aren't they, eh, eh?
  8. The_Barman

    The_Barman Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 25, 2001
    sounds painful where can i purchase a pair?
  9. Killer Ewok

    Killer Ewok Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 23, 1999
    Yeah . . . penguins. Ain't they cool?
  10. The_Barman

    The_Barman Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 25, 2001
    *shoves KE into a duffel bag with the peguin*
  11. Already-Turned

    Already-Turned Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 13, 2001
    Starts a gambling agency; BAT (Bet with Already Turned)

    Ok we have 10 to 1 odds on the penguin, whose in?
  12. The_Barman

    The_Barman Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 25, 2001
    I'll bet with the ewok
  13. Ki-Bara-Mundi

    Ki-Bara-Mundi Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2000
    I bet that we'll never get rid of the ewok.
  14. Killer Ewok

    Killer Ewok Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 23, 1999
    I'll take that bet! :D
  15. Pigalek

    Pigalek Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2001
    I'll raise you
  16. Pigalek

    Pigalek Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2001
    ARGGGGH Double posts kill! maim! destroy! NOW!
  17. Killer Ewok

    Killer Ewok Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 23, 1999
    Please put me down.
  18. Sith-Gecko

    Sith-Gecko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 26, 2001
    Okay: You're a short, hairy, smelly, annoying teddy bear.

    That enough of a put-down? ;)
  19. Already-Turned

    Already-Turned Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 13, 2001
    Actually that reminds of something I did whilst being a complete alcholic last year.

    For reasons that don't need explaining I was totally totalled at about by about midday (a stupid bet, we'd been drinking since about 8:00 AM!) and I was not feeling to well, and decided to go for a walk down the street.

    Another bet came up, the conditions of which were to find the most harmless and inofensive looking person walking down the street, stand in front of them and make a pistol shape with my hands, point the "hand- gun" at their face, yell "bang!" and then say "Mercy killing, mate" and walk away without explanation. So I did, won $30 and felt like a right ****er. The look on that poor old lady's face.......

    sorry, sorry.

    isn't annoying when you get mugged on a walk down memory lane?

  20. Pigalek

    Pigalek Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2001
    Heh heh sounds like something I'd do
  21. Killer Ewok

    Killer Ewok Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 23, 1999
    HEY! You stole my idea! ;)
  22. Pigalek

    Pigalek Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2001
    No I didn't! I merely......borrowed it.......yes thats it....... and now for my plan to take over the wo................
    *looks abouts*
    you all saw nothing! NOTHING I TELL YOU!
    *vanishes in puff of invisable smoke taking all alcohol with her* [face_devil]
    I'm just borrowing it honest!
  23. Sith-Gecko

    Sith-Gecko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 26, 2001
  24. Killer Ewok

    Killer Ewok Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 23, 1999
    Yep. You're absolutely right. Couldn't have said it better!
  25. Pigalek

    Pigalek Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2001
    *hides in the ceiling and starts drinking all the alcohol*
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