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Speculation What will they where? The fashion of E:VII

Discussion in 'Archive: Disney Era Films' started by fishtailsam, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. MrFantastic74

    MrFantastic74 Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 4, 2010
    In descending order of importance for me, here are my hopes for what the Jedi wear:

    1. Anything but "Tatooine settler" robes. The PT made it such that everyone on Tatooine in Ep IV looked like a Jedi, even that weird looking alien who bought Luke's speeder. Also, the PT Jedi cloaks were too ridiculously large.

    2. Something new to the films. Perhaps something like the outfits in SWTOR, which combine more intricate looking robes with pieces of armour. They look more like "knights" than monks. Although, they do go a little overboard with the armour in some cases.

    3.Something like Luke's outfit in ROTJ. It's how I imagined the Jedi to appear for 16 years after 1983. His cloak was the perfect size and shape, and the black outfit was simple, yet dignified.
  2. fishtailsam

    fishtailsam Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 30, 2003
    I would totally dig some armor mixed in. Just as long as they don't look like the space Marines from warhammer 40K.
  3. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Every single character will wear the Slave Leia Outfit. Thus it has been decreed.
    DarthRelaxus likes this.


    Jun 8, 2002
    I'm no english teacher, but damn, people, we need to learn how to spell.
    spoooooky and DarthRelaxus like this.
  5. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    I'm an English major and Writing minor, and I'm slowly losing brain cells from looking at this title. I also have to be extra careful when I'm typing because spell check is not working.
    DarthRelaxus and Panakas_Dawg like this.
  6. DarthKreVass

    DarthKreVass Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 27, 2008
    So let it be written, so shall it be done!
    DarthRelaxus likes this.
  7. Panakas_Dawg

    Panakas_Dawg Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 29, 2004
  8. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Hopefully no one will sport these:

  9. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
    Another Wednesday night at the Cat Club in San Francisco...

    That woman looks like she needs to pee really badly, BTW.
  10. CT-867-5309

    CT-867-5309 Chosen One star 7

    Jan 5, 2011
    I'm hoping at least one person does, Darth Hammer or whoever.
    leiamoody likes this.
  11. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 1, 2012

  12. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Darth Vaderetta. Goes well with my theory that Palpatine has an evil twin sister named Palpatinna.
  13. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 26X Wacky Wednesday/23x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    While not quite as overt, one of the wedding dresses offered to Mara in Union did look very Vaderish- due to a rise in popularity of "Imperial chic" after the peace treaty. It was rejected: "The bride doesn't want to look like the father of the groom."
  14. krtmd

    krtmd Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 5, 2012
    Isn't this Eddie Izzard's costume for his Death Star cafeteria routine?
  15. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
  16. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
    By the way, if you haven't seen it, check out Phill Jupitus' routine about TPM, where he suggests that Obi-Wan Kenobi should've been played by Eddie Izzard:

  17. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2012
  18. ThatWanFromStewjon

    ThatWanFromStewjon Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 8, 2012
    The costumes in the PT and OT are not that different.

    The PT concentrates on the "civilised" part of society - the royalty, politicians and Jedi.

    The OT concentrates on the outsiders - Tattoine and the Rebels.

    But if you watch carefully you see both styles in the movies - the citizens of Naboo and the Coruscant residents during the Zam Wessil chase wear OT style clothes and Mon Mothma and Palpatine's entourage wear PT style robes.

    I think the ST will have a mix like we see in TCW - not as basic as the OT and not as aristocratic as the PT.

    I, too, hope Trisha Biggar is brought back.

    Or someone with a great imagination.

    The costumes of the ST need to be just as outstanding as the the previous trilogies.

    I think the last thing any of us want are the costumes of the Battlestar Galactica remake or Caprica.
  19. fishtailsam

    fishtailsam Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 30, 2003
    I would have to disagree. The PT had some serious budget for costumes. And some serious talent making some BeAuTiFuL costumes.

    The OT, had like 55 military uniforms, 55 peasant garbs; a big white sheet, and a roll of duck tape. (I'm pretty sure Harison Ford wore his own clothes, just like Aunt Beru did)

    I would love to see the costume dept from the PT tackle an all new style for the ST.
    Episode Swag and Echo-07 like this.
  20. Jeff Vader

    Jeff Vader Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 6, 2012
    Skin tight white lycra and at least one disco scene with one of those sparkly rope things a la Buck Rogers In The 25th Century
    Panakas_Dawg likes this.
  21. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    For Jedi: I loved in Union how they were all dressed traditionally but with a little more color. I'm hoping for something like that with a mix of something we haven't seen.

    theonesith likes this.
  22. Darth Vito

    Darth Vito Jedi Padawan

    Dec 1, 2012
    I'd like to see more variation than the basic brown and tan peasant Jedi garb of the PT. Make them sleeker and more "modern". Luke's outfit from ROTJ would be a good starting point. The Jedi absolutely still need to wear robes, and I think a lot of black and darker colors would be good. I'd love to see all different colors of lightsabers... orange, yellow, green, blue, turquoise, purple... still reserve the red for Sith though. I also feel like the long Padawan braid could be replaced by something else.
  23. Echo-07

    Echo-07 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2012
    I disagree with a couple things. I don't want to see a rainbow of lightsabers. I thought it was really cool and special that Mace Windu had a rare pruple lightsaber. Also, I didn't mind the Jedi braid. Too much change is a bad thing and IF Luke resurrects the Jedi Order and gets married and has kids at least give the Padawans crew cuts, short tails and braids dammit! :p
    Episode Swag likes this.
  24. Roberto Calrissian

    Roberto Calrissian Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 26, 2012
    Just go Darth Maul wear all black
  25. DarthRelaxus

    DarthRelaxus Chosen One star 5

    Apr 23, 2007