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Saga Unpopular Star Wars opinions!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by Feelicks, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Theron Solo

    Theron Solo Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 31, 2012
    The first death season was crazy because she was actually in real pain. I watched a making of jaws special once and she broke her ribs or bruised them during that scene. They had ropes on both sides of her with 2 guys pulling, and they pulled to hard. Crazy
  2. Placeholder

    Placeholder Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 30, 2013
    I was just watching that on TCM yesterday!
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  3. Darth Droid

    Darth Droid Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 4, 2013
    The political parts of the prequels were fascinating.
    Episode I isn't that bad (it's the only prequel to not be CGI'd to death)
    The Ewoks in ROTJ aren't annoying
    Hand of Thrawn is only ok
  4. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Smokey and the Bandit is an awesome movie!
  5. RogueZero

    RogueZero Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 17, 2009
    The Ewoks are great.
    John Williams' scores for all six movies, while consistently amazing, isn't as good as his Superman: The Movie themes.


    That's about it. Most of my SW opinions are pretty popular and constant, like the prequels were disappointing, the SE changes on the whole suck, the Thrawn Trilogy is awesome, ESB is the best SW movie, etc...
  6. Son of a Bith

    Son of a Bith Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 28, 2013
    I'm not sure I agree that the Superman themes are better, but they do make me cry sometimes ;-)
  7. MOC Vober Dand

    MOC Vober Dand Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 6, 2004
    Superman themes are fantastic.
  8. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 20, 2005
    CGI'ed to death. Is that like Clubbed To Death?

  9. The Laserbrain

    The Laserbrain Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 10, 2013
    The addition of Vader's "No!" aboard the DS2 makes perfect sense.
  10. butlerd

    butlerd Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 31, 2008
    The Ewoks never really bothered me that much and their assistance in defeating the Imperial troops on Endor never struck me as being that far-fetched. After all, there were Rebel fighters there, the Imperial troops were unable to get reinforcements as most Imperials were engaged in a pitched space battle around the Death Star II, and there are plenty of real world examples of technologically advanced countries fighting and losing wars against low-tech freedom fighters using guerrilla tactics (ie Vietnam and Afghanistan). Granted, the Ewok scenes aren't my favourite part of ROTJ (plus, Wookies would've been better) but they aren't the bane of my existence like they are for some people.

    One unanswered question about the battle of Endor however: What happened to the large AT-AT that delivered Luke to Vader? Too big and clunky to use in fighting the Ewoks and Rebels? Wasn't able to get there in time?

    Also,I don't know that it is unpopular opinion but TESB was a very dark and creepy movie. The scenes with the cave on Dagobah, the Carbon Freeze chamber, and most of the Vader-Luke duel were all very suspenseful. There was a pervasive feeling of dread and gloom through the whole movie. I remember how Darth Vader scared me since I was a child, specifically with how menacing he was in this film. I used to get scared going to bed at night with a poster of Vader in the Carbon Freezing chamber on my wall. It is, however, still probably the most flawless of all of the movies.
    Iron_lord likes this.
  11. butlerd

    butlerd Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 31, 2008
    I agree about many of the SE changes except for maybe the ending of ROTJ and changing the Emperor in TESB to Ian McDiarmid (though I wish they would have left the dialogue unchanged). Most of the changes were either superfluous or unnecessarily altered the pacing of various scenes (Vader returning to his SD from Cloud City comes to mind)
  12. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 26X Wacky Wednesday/23x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Apparently one of the computer games- Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron- answers this.

    From Wookieepedia (AT-ATs)

    At least one AT-AT patrolled the garrison base on the forest moon of Endor, but had no impact on the battle there, as AT-ATs were limited in their range by the dense foliage of the moon. As a result, smaller vehicles such as All Terrain Scout Transports saw far more use. An AT-AT was originally going to be used in the Battle of Endor, but it ended up becoming crippled by Renegade Squadron, resulting in portions of the Galactic Empire trying to fix it.
    Emperor Ferus likes this.
  13. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    Slave I is not a cool ship. It's just ugly. Ditto for the B wing, which is also a highly impractical design.
    AshiusX likes this.
  14. butlerd

    butlerd Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 31, 2008
    I thought that the B-wing looked cool but, aside from one brief scene in ROTJ, we don't really get to see it much. Maybe we will see it in the new movies
  15. Darth Palpadious

    Darth Palpadious Jedi Master star 3

    May 31, 2013
    Slave I is absolutely mad. Why on Earth you would deliberately rotate your ship so it loses all its aerodynamic qualities is beyond me. Plus it has real trouble with the asteroid field in AOTC because of what a great big target it is for moving objects. Terrible concept.
    Sarge likes this.
  16. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 26X Wacky Wednesday/23x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Aerodynamic qualities are irrelevant in space- since, no atmosphere.

    I see it as a traditional rocketship- it takes off the way it flies- vertically.
    Emperor Ferus likes this.
  17. Darth Palpadious

    Darth Palpadious Jedi Master star 3

    May 31, 2013
    Fair enough, but that still doesn't explain why it makes itself a bigger target than it needs to be. Especially considering the Fetts are very prone to getting involved in those kind of scrapes, and could surely do with a ship that isn't quite so visible in any case for espionage purposes?
  18. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    Every take off we see on film is in atmosphere, where aerodynamic qualities are very relevant. Admittedly, SW aerodynamics are at best vague approximations of real world aerodynamics, but Slave I is about as streamlined as a parachute. And, as Darth Palpadious pointed out, its cross-sectional area as a target is huge. Since most attacks come from forward or behind, simply rotating the flight path attitude by 90 degrees would make it much harder to hit.

    But it would still be ugly as sin.
  19. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 26X Wacky Wednesday/23x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    The Falcon doesn't have any wings or "lifting body" surfaces either- yet it can still fly- thanks to repulsorlifts.
    Emperor Ferus likes this.
  20. only one kenobi

    only one kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 18, 2012
    So...whatever Star Wars is about, it isn't about conservation. Unlimited Power!!!
    Emperor Ferus, kainee and Sarge like this.
  21. Dasan

    Dasan Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 7, 2013
    Boba Fett is overrated. The only thing he ever does is successfully hide in a pile of trash and follow the Falcon at a safe distance to Cloud City, after which he takes the gang into custody while standing safely behind the biggest, baddest nerfherder in the Galaxy - Darth Vadar - and finally dies at the hands of a blind and slightly overweight Han Solo.

    There. I wrote it. Sure, we all loved our Boba Fett action figures as kids and the stories we created with them, but in no way does that make anything he did in those movies deserving of his reputation.
  22. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    At least the Falcon points forward to minimize the drag as much as possible for a lousy aerodynamic design. Slave I doesn't even do that much.
    Emperor Ferus likes this.
  23. Randwulf Crescentmoon

    Randwulf Crescentmoon Jedi Master star 4

    May 25, 2013
    I don't think that Boba Fett is overrated. When he made his character debut in Empire Strikes Back (later I think they added him into A New Hope too) he was standing beside some of the most fierce bounty hunters in the galaxy-Bossk and IG-88 among them-and he bested them in capturing the priority at the time, the Falcon and its' captain. He didn't just hide amongst the trash and follow Han, he also kept up with arguably the greatest pilot in the Star Wars Universe and that's nothing to sneeze at, so to speak. I mean Han had just outsmarted the hundreds, if not thousands of people on a Star Destroyer, and Boba Fett outsmarted that's pretty impressive. As for the fall into the Sarlaac pit, he was caught off guard. Even the most capable warriors in the Star Wars Universe have this happen to them. Han had been caught and put into carbonite, Luke had his hand cut off, Vader was defeated by Luke (who was still relatively new to the Force), etc. In a lot of ways, Boba Fett is as much key a character as Lando Calrissian, someone who was intended as a side-character but became a primary one instead.

    As for the ship designs, I don't know about the aerodynamics and all of that, but I thought they were extremely creative in their designs.

    From my perspective, the only problem there was with the Boba Fett character was that he turned out to be a clone. This, imo, diminished his mystique and uniqueness.
    Garrett Atkins, Darth Pwn and Hando like this.
  24. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    CGI Yoda looks ridiculous when he fights. Like a spastic frog crossed with the Tasmanian Devil. Which would be fine in a Saturday morning cartoon, but not in a live-action movie striving for realism, or at least believability.
  25. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    I'm not sure the "CGI" qualification is needed. If anything, Puppet Yoda fighting would probably look even worse.

    I'm also not sure how unpopular an opinion that is. A lot of people I've met, including some PT fans, seem to think that Yoda fighting looked silly.