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ST Will Luke Have A Child? If So, Where's Mom?

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by jedijax, May 12, 2014.

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  1. T-R-

    T-R- Chosen One star 5

    Aug 13, 2003
    Well, since GL said the SW Saga is the Skywalker Saga and the story of a family, I don't see why have OT offspring in the ST DOESN'T make sense.

    Besides, everyone knows why he thinks it's ok for the Solos to have a daughter but not Luke. If Luke has a son it challenges his preference for Boyega to be the central character. The reason he thinks it's ok for a Solo daughter is because he thinks they can be an item.
  2. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    I can definitely understand those who want Luke to have a kid. I actually do too. If he doesn't however, that will be okay to me. If they do, I'd like a great story that fits into the entire saga (and as I've said, substantial exploration into Luke's relationship with the mother in a classy way or a way that puts interesting twists into the story).

    but yeah, it would feel empty if he doesn' would also open up to more relationships if he doesn't so it goes both ways I suppose
  3. JediKnightWax

    JediKnightWax Jedi Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    The Skywalker family must live on! Leia's just going to have a bunch of Solos.
    ForgottennJedi1986 and T-R- like this.
  4. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014

    I think Luke´s kid was definitely on the Lucas early drafts. I´m 100% sure he wanted the whole saga to feature three generations of Skywalkers. Now, if Luke ends up with no offspring, and Boyega character is the new hero, I will think this is because Lucasfilm wants to "restart" the saga, and focus on a whole new group of characters. I´ve always said after Disney bought Lucasfilm the ST no longer was the conlusion of the saga, but just a continuation, if not a new beginning.

    I can certanly see what T-R- says about people not wanting a new Skywalker. Some fans just love Boyega and want him to be the absolute focus. The main lead, of course a Jedi, the new Luke, and a large etc. But the thing is we could perfectly have a new trilogy that linked with the OT and the PT, featuring a new group of heroes but related to the original group. The formula of a Skywalker kid, a Solo girl and a new comer is the one that I like the most becuase it features new characters, but at the same time relates them to the other two trilogies.

    I say more, Abrams could give the Skywalkers a new meaning, with a new galactic crisis being what makes a new Skywalker emerge and save the galaxy. It would give the famaily an iconic feel. A bloodline of heroes.

    But right now, I have to give credit to the people climing the odds favour Boyega being the new Luke, and the trio being him, Ridley and Isaac, probably with Serkis being the new Chewie. It would be sad because the character I was expecting to see the most (Ben Skywalker type) would probably be much less central than what I was expecting.
  5. Twwwon

    Twwwon Jedi Padawan

    May 7, 2014
    GL's said so much contradictory stuff on the overall "story" of the Saga over the years that we can't infer based off what he said.

    And I don't understand your second point. There are plenty of reasons why someone would want Luke to have a daughter instead of a son. People have wanted that since before Boyega was cast.
  6. ChildOfWinds

    ChildOfWinds Chosen One star 6

    Apr 7, 2001
    How does it open up to more relationships if Luke doesn't have a kid? I would think it would be the exact opposite. There would be fewer possibilities for relationships, especially in future films and books if Luke doesn't have a kid.

    tWWON, I think what the other poster meant was the Solos having a daughter while Luke had NO son and NO daughter. While I would prefer a son for Luke to carry on the Skywalker name, I wouldn't mind if he had a daughter either. I want Luke to have a kid. Some people just don't seem to get that. They say it's fine if Han and Leia have a kid, because Leia is a Skywalker too. I KNOW that. But Leia's and Han' kid isn't LUKE'S. It's not Anakin's offspring that's vital to me. It's Luke's. I don't even like Anakin.
  7. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014

    I agree with what you say, and I think most of the people will agree on the logic behind Luke getting married or having a child. But right now what goes against Luke´s kid theory is what we know for sure. We know for sure Boyega and Ridley are part of the lead trio. And we knoe for sure there´s another cast member that is part of the trio but we don´t who he is right now.

    We can speculate about that third member. Gleeson seems to be a perfect fit for the Skywalker kid role. But if he is the son of Luke, why was he billed almost last one on the cast announcement? Then, regarding the trio, we know every casting call talked about a late teens girl, a early 20s boy and a late 20s male. But what if the late 20s was Driver, and the villain will play a large role and he was the one they were looking for? If Boyega and Ridley are Jedis, I doubt as other members that the third trio member is a Jedi as well. And that seems to favour Isaac being part of the trio. And he was billed fourth on the cast reveal.

    So, honestly, you know I´d love as much as you do to see Luke´s kid as the central role. But right now I´m less optimistic about it being likely.
  8. ChildOfWinds

    ChildOfWinds Chosen One star 6

    Apr 7, 2001
    While I would love for Luke's son to have the central role in the st, I want Luke to have a kid regardless, so I wouldn't mind so much if he plays a supporting role in this new trilogy, as long as he is portrayed as a good, heroic character, and not one who falls to the dark side. I don't want Luke to be childless. Luke drew the short straw in the OT, with Leia being a princess and Luke being a farmer, and with Leia getting a love interest and Luke being alone. I want Luke to know the personal joy of a family just like Leia, and I want to be able to enjoy future stories with Luke's offspring as Han and Leia fans will be able to do. I don't understand why so many people seem to be fine with Luke not only having no family, but no Jedi Order as well. They also seem to be just fine with Luke showing up for a few minutes at the end of episode 7 while Han is front and center for the whole film . What' s with all this disregard/dislike for Luke?
  9. Claire1976

    Claire1976 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 20, 2013
    Totally understand where you're coming from with this, and as a Han and Leia fan I have been similarly worried that they will be overlooked and end up with no kids in the movie and the writers favouring new unrelated characters. I'm not bothered who the leads are, but I don't want my fav characters to end up with no family, as that seems the natural progression of their relationship. Yes, it looks very likely that Daisy Ridley is playing their daughter, but until it's official there's always going to be that little shred of doubt in my mind.

    And I don't want Luke left out either. Would love to see him with a family, and of course the Skywalker name SHOULD be passed on. It seems crazy for Luke to be the last Skywalker. I think Gleeson probably IS Luke's son, but we just don't know. I'd certainly like to think so.

    I'm excited about all the new characters that aren't related to the big three, but I just don't want the next generation of Skywalkers and Solos forgotten about. That seems like such a wasted opportunity.
  10. Twwwon

    Twwwon Jedi Padawan

    May 7, 2014
    Agreed. But there is value in the Big 3 passing down their knowledge to unrelated youngsters who then save the galaxy with it. That way, Star Wars keeps the "you can do anything" vibe and doesn't become "you're only important if you are a Skywalker or Solo".

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
    Yanksfan and thisguyisnotajedi like this.
  11. Claire1976

    Claire1976 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 20, 2013
    Quite, and there's absolutely no reason why this movie can't do BOTH. Have the unrelated heroes AND the children of the Big 3.
  12. Twwwon

    Twwwon Jedi Padawan

    May 7, 2014
    Which is what I think they are doing. I believe the general consensus is that Boyega's character is not related to any of the Big 3 and is a major character, where's Ridley is probably related to Leia and Han, or at least the Skywalker family in general.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  13. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    Without a doubt, Gleeson's character is the most puzzling. We can all assume that Boyega is a main character, will be a Jedi, and is not related to the Big3. We can all pretty much assume that Daisy will be the daughter of Han & Leia no matter how much they will try to drag out the mystery. No Khan's here.

    Driver could be a Solo kid but probably not. Hate to say it, but he's too awkward to be a Solo kid. Isaac is just too plain old.

    But Gleeson could be anything. He could be Luke's kid. He could be related to Obi-Wan. With the right hair dye, I suppose he could be son of Solo. It's interesting because I have story ideas but Gleeson, who TOTALLY has a SW look to me, is the hardest to place in terms of roles.
    Claire1976 likes this.
  14. appleseed

    appleseed Chosen One star 5

    Dec 5, 2002
    No, it doesn't. Boyega could be Luke's biological son. I doubt it, but he could be. We don't know.
    Gerdschroder likes this.
  15. EntechednReformatted

    EntechednReformatted Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 17, 2009
    A couple of very speculative thoughts:

    If Luke does have a kid, then I'd think that kid would ultimately be the main character of the ST. Because it's SW, I'd also expect the main character of the sequel trilogy to undergo a version of the hero's journey. That journey classically starts with the call to adventure, where the hero is given the chance to abandon his mundane life for a life of adventure. Question: how do you give the son or daughter of the Jedi Grandmaster (for simplicity, I'll just call him or her <Lukespawn>) a mundane life to escape?

    Also, one of the central conceits of the films is the sense of history repeating itself down through the generations. How might this play out with Luke's kid? What parallels could you construct between the lives of Anakin, Luke, and <Lukespawn>?

    One immediately obvious parallel would be the absent father. Everyone knows SW is about the Skywalker family, but we shouldn't forget that these family relationships are ... complicated ... in the extreme. I'd expect these complications to continue.

    One way to solve this would be for Luke and <Lukespawn> to simply not know about each other. That would allow <Lukespawn> to be living in relative obscurity somewhere, ready for the call to adventure and a classical hero's journey.

    In fact, you could even put <Lukespawn> on Tatooine. (Another good parallel.) A lot of people have been arguing over whether Jedi ought to be having children. I don't know if it's occurred to many people that Luke was plenty old enough to have conceived a child he didn't know about before he ever left Tatooine. Of course, that would put <Lukespawn> in his or her mid thirties by Ep VII.

    Following this line of reasoning, I'm going to make a wild prediction here: Adam Driver will play Luke's son.

    That's enough madness for one post.
    Trebor Sabreon and Yanksfan like this.
  16. ChildOfWinds

    ChildOfWinds Chosen One star 6

    Apr 7, 2001
    EntechednReformatted, :
    Maybe Luke's kid didn't want to be a Jedi at first? Maybe he feared the powers knowing what happened to his grandfather and only realizes he needs to learn to use his abilities in this trilogy?

    It would be nice to see a good father /son relationship in the Skywalker family for once.

    Interesting idea, but I really doubt it. If some people think it would be difficult to explain a son and a dead wife in episode VII, how do you explain a "surprise" kid ? And who would be the mother? But I really don't think this is possible because this is a Disney family film. Obviously, if Luke had a kid when he was a teenager, he wasn't married. I find it difficult to believe that Disney would want to go that route. Plus, Driver looks NOTHING like Luke.

    CLaire: Thank you! I appreciated your post about wanting Luke to have a family too!
  17. T-R-

    T-R- Chosen One star 5

    Aug 13, 2003
    He could be, and I wouldn't have a problem with that (see my thread of actresses for Luke's wife to see that I suggested actresses of color for the role), however, the current rumors are that he plays an unrelated character who is not a Jedi or padawan at the start of VII.

    As far as Luke and his kid, the parallel to Anakin-Luke that I want to see is NOT the absent father. I want to see a Skywalker son with a GOOD and PRESENT father, something we didn't see with Anakin or Luke. Let's show a healthy father-son relationship for ONCE.
  18. Claire1976

    Claire1976 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 20, 2013
    T-R-, totally agree. I'm tired of movies that pull the broken family or absent father card. It doesn't have to be that way to make an interesting story. And SW has already had enough broken families, so let's just have something NORMAL for a change.
  19. Darth_Lilapso

    Darth_Lilapso Jedi Master star 1

    Jun 25, 2007
    If the Camie theory is incorrect then maybe Lucas or Kasdan meant the Force is the love of Luke's life. But the Force manifests itself in flesh. Perhaps one of the female Imperial Inquisitors (or the rumoured 'Jedi Hunters') saw the light (pun intended) and turned her back on the Sith devoted cult. Luke is pretty good at being a redeemer. She and Luke became a couple. Granted this reads much like the old EU's Mara Jade. Who knows maybe the new trilogy is a cherry picked alternative time-line. Some of the old EU might be 'repurposed'. But I doubt it will be an alternative universe version of Mara least not in name. Think of this new character as a indirect composite mix of the old EU's Lumiya and Jade. Yet the new character is neither, but serves the NEW expanded universe and Disney produced SW films in a similar way. Still I think the Camie theory is more in line with Lucas's intentions.
  20. Claire1976

    Claire1976 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 20, 2013
    Apologies if I've recently missed something obvious, but where has all the Camie business come from? Why are people speculating Luke ends up with her? If Lucas always intended her to be important, why didn't he add her scenes back into the special edition of ANH? Or the Blu-ray release?
    aleja2 likes this.
  21. Yanksfan

    Yanksfan Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2000
    I thought I more or less read through this thread, but I'm utterly confused: who's Camie?

    *suddenly feels like she fell down the rabbit hole and landed in place where she knows nothing about SW*

    What's going on? What are people talking about? *fights rising panic* Someone please explain The Force to me again….
    anakinfansince1983 likes this.
  22. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 26X Wacky Wednesday/23x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  23. Yanksfan

    Yanksfan Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2000

    Ahhh, the one cut from ANH! Okay, gotcha….
    Iron_lord likes this.
  24. Revanfan1

    Revanfan1 Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 3, 2013
    That's how I read this post the first time. :p
    Darth_Corvus and Yanksfan like this.
  25. Darth_Corvus

    Darth_Corvus Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 17, 2010
    Wow wouldn't that be fun. Imagine the surprise: Mara Jade confirmed. But why is she in her mid twenties? Isn't she Luke's wife? Nah, that's Camie. She is a totally unrelated villain.
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