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Rogue One The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares

Discussion in 'Anthology' started by ISSD Executor, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Bacbacca

    Bacbacca Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 26, 2011
    Oh yeah, gotta give it credit that we saw the Y-wings in action again. X-wing are always hugging all the screen time.
    Jedi Merkurian , Jim Smith and Sarge like this.
  2. cloneCommando1138

    cloneCommando1138 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 16, 2005
    I did rewatch it. You don't actually see the Y-wing drop it, you see the bomb coming in and then the Y-wing flying away after (I'm not debating that it was a Y-wing bomb).

    On scarif, you had an entire flight of Y-wings conducting a bombing run in SPACE, which I thought was cooler
  3. moreorless12

    moreorless12 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 4, 2016
    If your really looking to sub divide SW into its traditional action sequences I would say go with...

    Land Battles

    1.Hoth - ESB
    2.Scarif - RO
    3.Jabba's Sail Barge - ROTJ
    4,Jedha Streetfight - RO
    5.Endor - ROTJ
    6.Eadu - RO

    Space Battles

    1.Endor - ROTJ
    2.Yavin - ANH
    3.Scarfif - RO
    4.Corusant - ROTS
    5.Sentry Ties - ANH
    6.SKB - TFA


    1.Asteroid Belt - ESB
    2.Falcon Escape - TFA
    3.Pod Race - TPM
    4.Speeder Bikes - ROTJ
    5.Jedha Shockwave Escape - RO
    6.Tie Escape - TFA


    1.Luke vs Vader on Bispin - ESB
    2.Luke vs Vader on DS2 - ROTJ
    3.Maul vs Qui Gon & Obi Wan - TPM
    4.Kylo vs Rey and Finn - TFA
    5.Obi Wan vs Jango - AOTC
    6.Anakin vs Obi Wan - ROTS
  4. Jester J Binks

    Jester J Binks Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 19, 2016
    Definitely something to consider when comparing all the big battle scenes.

    I would say the point of the outcome being in doubt came when the shield closed and Bodhi had to figure out an alternative to the original plan. If you had to compare the ground battle to a previous SW, it starts out as the Gungan battle. They were basically the diversion so the main goal could be achieved with less obstacles.

    But then it became more than a diversion. Partly because the rebel space fleet, while trying to help, actually created a monkey wrench.
    Sarge likes this.
  5. ewoksimon

    ewoksimon Chosen One star 5

    Oct 26, 2009
    True, but for me there was never a point in which it felt like the Rebels were on the cusp of failure. Yes, obstacles and roadblocks were there, but there was never a moment where the situation felt impossible. Perhaps the closest thing to it was the arrival of the AT-ACTs, but then the X-Wings and U-Wing flying in seemed to level the playing field fairly quickly again.
  6. timmoishere

    timmoishere Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 2, 2007
    K2 getting shot repeatedly had that effect on me, as did Chirrut, Bodhi, and Baze all dying in rapid succession. But apart from Baze, each one of them made a tiny bit of progress towards the overall goal just before dying.
    Jedi Merkurian likes this.
  7. moreorless12

    moreorless12 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 4, 2016
    Although really escaping with the plans was always going to be a massive longshot, not only is the shield gate heavily defended but Krennic would almost certainly have ordered it to be closed anyway if he feared they might escape with the DS plans.
  8. dan1210

    dan1210 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 27, 2015
    Seems the x wing pilots got a lot better by the time we get to a new hope, as they could avoid the turbo lasers! :)
    Jedi Merkurian likes this.
  9. moreorless12

    moreorless12 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 4, 2016
    You could argue that the turret on Eadu was designed more for anti fighter work where as the turrets on the Deathstar were larger and designed to target larger ships that the Empire viewed as the only real threat to it.

    I did always think that ANH should have had at least one of the Rebels shot down by the turrets in the trench though. Maybe just tough to visualise with the FX tech on offer at the time?
  10. I know

    I know Jedi Knight star 3

    May 4, 2014
    "They're so small they are evading our Turbolasers"
    "We'll have to destroy them ship to ship. Get the crews to their fighters"
    whostheBossk likes this.
  11. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    I think the attack on Scarif was (forgive me) a crash course for the rebel pilots on how to take evasive action.
    PCCViking likes this.
  12. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    It absolutely was a military objective.

    The entire political infrastructure of Attack of the Clones, as mentioned in the opening crawl, is based on the notion that the Separatists have become a serious threat to the safety and soundness of the Republic. They are taxing the limited Jedi force. The debate rages on in the Senate over whether to fund and deploy a Republic Army.

    The battle of Geonosis is far more than a rescue mission. Neither the Jedi nor the Republic would've sent in that kind of power for a simple rescue mission. It's the opening battle of the Clone Wars, the Republic's official answer to the Separatist threat.

    It's probably best you speak for yourself, even "some". "We" implies that there weren't many people satisfied with the PT saber duels. I for one very much was. I loved TFA, but it's saber duel isn't a massive highlight for me, and I enjoyed several saber duels in the PT more, and not just from a technical POV.

    People having a different opinion than you is "comical"? Interesting.

    I'm missing the punchline. Care to elaborate?
  13. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    I enjoyed the Battle of Scariff a lot more than the Battle of Geonosis. I posted long ago why the AOTC clone war battle was bad. In fact the only thing in that movie that was good was the investigation scenes, but everything else was forgettable for me. Now, the novelization of the movie is another animal. That was good. Scariif was different than what we had seen before and as we move on with Disney star wars, its what I am hoping for. The new and different. The space battle wasn't that grand as compared to ROTJ or ROTS, but it was bold. It was interlaced with the ground battle and the atmospheric battle. That's something that we really haven't seen in live action movie star wars. The Hoth Battle came close, but it was only the rebels that used snowspeeders.
    Sarge likes this.
  14. MrElculver2424

    MrElculver2424 Jedi Master star 4

    May 11, 2014
    I haven't thought this out enough to rank them myself, but I absolutely loved the Battle of Scarif. It's a really beautiful planet unlike anything we've seen in Star Wars before. We had desert planets, forest planets, a city on a gas planet, ice/snow planets, hilly planets, but never a tropical paradise like Scarif. I loved it.
    Jim Smith, Iron_lord , Avnar and 4 others like this.
  15. Kez-Iban

    Kez-Iban Jedi Master star 2

    Sep 4, 2012
    Just watched the blu-ray yesterday, my third time watching the movie overall, and I think this movie just gets better with each viewing! Anyway, thinking about the battle of Scarif, I think it's pretty obvious that all surviving ground troops, both Imperial and Rebel, died due to the Death Star blast, but I'm wondering if some of the fighter pilots could have survived? It seems like once the Death Star fired, anyone who already had their ship in the air would have got out of there as quickly as possible. With the shield down, it should have been easy enough the escape the planet and make it back to Yavin.
    Overall, I think Scarif might be the best battle in the Star Wars movies, as well as the most realistic since the main characters suffered just as hard as the common foot soldiers.
  16. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    I'm reasonably certain Red Leader and Gold Leader survived. Or were you just referring to the pilots who were flying ground support on the other side of the shield gate? I suppose that's possible, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  17. Kez-Iban

    Kez-Iban Jedi Master star 2

    Sep 4, 2012
    I'm just talking about the pilots who were doing ground support. When Jyn is adjusting the dish on the tower, there are still dogfights happening all around her. When Jyn and Cassian are on the beach around the time of the Death Star blast, I don't recall seeing any star fighter battles going on. Where did they go?
  18. redxavier

    redxavier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 23, 2003
    If I could change just small thing in the Battle of Scarif, I'd just cut down on the number of TIEs that get launched from the shield base. It's an excessive amount and isn't necessary.
    Snafu55 likes this.
  19. BadAcrobat

    BadAcrobat Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 20, 2015
    1. Hoth - Absolutely fantastic. One of my all time favorite Star Wars sequences. Watching those At-At's appear for the first time at the movies as a kid was mesmerizing!
    2. Yavin - Brilliant stuff - the original and best fight against a big space station. See above about witnessing it as a young kid at the movies. ANH was the first time I ever went to a movie, with my dad age 8. Game changing.
    3. Scariff - Wonderful addition to a long list of great battles.
    4. Starkiller Base - Ok, Ok, so it was ships against a very big space station part 3. But it was better than the Battle of Endor - just!
    5. Endor - pretty good, and a great way to end the original trilogy. My only beef with this was that I think it should have been Han piloting the Falcon (with Lando down on the surface)

    The rest - Coruscant, meh! Geonosis, meh! Naboo - errr, awful!
  20. Jim Smith

    Jim Smith Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 5, 2017

    I love the Y-Wings! :D And it was so cool that they got to do more in Rogue One than they did in A New Hope! :D
    whostheBossk likes this.
  21. Jim Smith

    Jim Smith Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 5, 2017

    They all got shot down obviously. The battle was winding down.
  22. Binary_Sunset

    Binary_Sunset Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 28, 2000
    1. The battle over the Death Star in the 1977 Star Wars is my favorite film battle ever. The heroism of the rebel pilots and the perfection of the editing always impress me.

    2. The battle on Scarif in Rogue One is awesome. It feels more realistic than any other Star Wars battle. Each of the main characters getting killed is emotional for me.

    3. The battle on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back is always fun. The Hoth section of the movie is my favorite part of ESB.

    And that's it. I didn't like the other five battles mentioned in the opening post.
  23. themoth

    themoth Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 5, 2015
    Scariff gets better every time I see it.
    Rogue One is a Star Wars Battlefront fan's dream.
  24. TheBarbarian

    TheBarbarian Jedi Youngling

    Apr 9, 2017
    I really enjoyed the Scarif my opinion it saved the film. Easily the best in the series.
  25. Gigoran Monk

    Gigoran Monk Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 2, 2016
    On both an epic and intimate scale (in terms of the human drama at play) it's by far the best battle in the entire series, IMO.