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RPR Archive sw rpg weaponry. (stats hard to find variety)

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource Archive' started by IcePirate, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. IcePirate

    IcePirate Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 13, 2005
    hey, i couldn't find this so i was wondering if it was even out there.

    some friends of mine are in a sw rpg and one of the characters was given a "blaster shotgun". but the gm didn't have the stats for it and couldn't find it.

    its a d20 game.

    it wasn't specified what type of blaster shotty it was. i was wondering if there were stats available on any energy-based shotgun. and if there was more than one, if i could get the stats on those as well.

    i'll leave this open to other types of weapons that people are frustrated on finding the stats to.

    for now... i go sleepy.
  2. Pheonix_Rising

    Pheonix_Rising Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 17, 2005
    PM sent for Greff-Timms Industrial Type A Pulse-Wave Rifle

    Little more than a large version of the pulse-wave blaster. The pulse-wave rifle was a museum piece long before the rise of the Empire. While smaller blasters may still be found far from the routes of galactic commerce. Pulse-wave rifles often come from raiding the tombs of adventures of bygone eras, and as such they tend to draw the attention of local governments. The pulse-wave rifle is long and heavy, and its effectiveness drops at ranges longer than a few tens of meters.
  3. LightWarden

    LightWarden Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 11, 2001
    That's not the weapon you're looking for. There's a weapon somewhere that functions as something of a shotgun, losing damage dice as the range increases. I just am trying to remember where I saw it.

    For future reference...

    Edit: I now know why I couldn't find them, there were never any official rules for it. I do remember reading a thread about it though.
  4. IcePirate

    IcePirate Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 13, 2005
    what are your feelings on a espo riot gun?
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