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Tim Zahn coming to a bookstore near you!

Discussion in 'Archive: Cleveland, OH' started by DelReyPublicity, Nov 19, 2003.

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  1. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Hey guys, you'll never guess who showed up...Don!

    We had a really good time at Joseph-Beth tonight:

    Kim and Cindy (along with members of Ohio Garrison) were part of the honor guard for Mr Zahn. Zahn talked about Survivor's Quest...and his other SW novels. Everyone got plenty of books/figures signed. And Eric won a SW t-shirt in the Joseph Beth raffle drawing.

    Cindy and I presented Zahn with the HONORARY JEDI MASTER award, and he even sported the JKOC t-shirt for pictures. But I have the greatest bragging rights of all...Zahn used "Wynonna" (my lightsaber), so that means Cindy is not allowed to break her agan!

    And believe me...we all took ALOT of pictures!!! Looks like Emily has some work to do.
  2. DonC

    DonC Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2001
    I figured out why I got lost. Two reasons: 1. My sister gives directions like Candace does. "Go here, turn left. Go here again, turn left again." Thanks, sis. :p

    2. I followed her directions, literally. She said to turn left on Shaker Rd. Well, since Lee Rd. doesn't have any "X road 500ft. ahead" sign, I was straining to see what each road was as I drove past it. Oh, yeah, all the street signs were on the other end of the street. So I'm trying to read these small signs and watch the road ahead of me at the same time. After turning around for a couple false alarms, I find it. Well, my diections said turn left. So I did. And drove and drove. Eventually I hit Pepper Pike. The hell with it, I said. I'm turning around and going home. So I turn around and am about 5 minutes back toward Lee Rd. when it hits me- my directions to turn left were for when I was coming from the south. Since I passed the road and turned around, I was now coming from the north. I should have turned right.

    Then, to make my life even more hellish, the Shaker Rd./Warrensville Rd. intersection is closed, and there are no detour signs. So I'm driving through these ritzy mansions looking for a left turn back onto Shaker that isn't closed. Finally find one and get to the bookstore.

    It took me an hour.

    I had a lot of fun meeting Zahn and all the new people. DWH was nice, as was her friend Liz (who has to join). As was Talon Squad Leader (I still wanna see that ID, Kevin ;) ).

    Kim's new Mara costume looked awesome and Bret's helmet was very cool.

    And, another plus, I didn't get lost on the way home. Only took 20 minutes.

    Oh, yeah, if anyone would like to email me a pic of me with Mr. Zahn, please PM me. I'll give you an email address. It's different than the one in my profile. I'd also like a group pic or 2. Thanks.
  3. starwarschick14

    starwarschick14 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 19, 2002
    I'm happy to hear that it went well. I really, really wish I could have been there. :(
  4. Talon Squad Leader

    Talon Squad Leader Former Manager star 5

    Dec 22, 1999
    ID-schmi-D, as old as I am you don't need ID. ;)

    <- check that date out baby - '99, see Brian??
  5. Talon Squad Leader

    Talon Squad Leader Former Manager star 5

    Dec 22, 1999
    Anyway, it was nice to meet everyone! I had such a great time; all of you are so warm and accomodating! I cannot wait to see how some of the pictures turn out, and definitely cannot wait for the next meeting at Summit Mall...heck if all goes this well I should be able to attend most of the meetings in some way or another.

    Oh and Brian, can we get something on that website soon? *snicker*
  6. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    In true Random style, gotta babble on randomly:

    Despite not reading much EU, I had a great time. (Notice how my question really didn't pertain to EU at all, when everyone else was asking about it, hehe) Timothy Zahn is a great guy. Really cool. I had an awesome time meeting a bunch of you; Lisa, Liz, and Kevin. Plus the 501st guys were really nice in person too. (Except for when they freaked out Mary and Kim when they spoke a little bluntly about some Natalie Portman photos. Even I was a little shocked they actually said that) I hope a bunch of new people continue to check out our boards and decide to join. So many nice fans showed up for this thing. I felt I really cleaned up: got Zahn's sig and pics with him, I love my t-shirt, that Yoda drawing and phrase are awesome. Plus DVR finally paid me too, hehe. (Now if I can just get my Animatrix back from Cindy ;)) Finally, I have some pics that turned out really well. Others, however, weren't that great and turned out pretty blurry because the people taking them moved the camera mid-picture.

  7. Jedi_BMack

    Jedi_BMack Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2002
    *mumbles, kicks things*

  8. R2-Z0

    R2-Z0 Jedi Youngling

    Mar 3, 2003
    HOOOO BOY!! hey boss, you donn look to happy over there man. just calm down, take a breath, go kick an E-wing or something like that... you gonna bust up the bookstore and they'll never invite us back...

    sheesh, sorry guys... can't take the boss anywhere...

  9. Talon Squad Leader

    Talon Squad Leader Former Manager star 5

    Dec 22, 1999
    I dunno about you guys, but those freaking 501st stormies just kind of freaked me out when I noticed several with their "blank" stares eyeing me least the time I was asleep during the talk! (yeah, I fell asleep when Zahn was asking questions, at least according to Jade-Walker there...
  10. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002

    I thought it was cool how the 501 guys would patrol the place while Zahn was speaking. :D

    It was a fun time over all. :D

    Time for me to go to bed.

    Later. ;)
  11. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Kim's new Mara costume looked awesome
    No doubt...Kim you looked awesome as mara!

    those freaking 501st stormies just kind of freaked me out when I noticed several with their "blank" stares eyeing me over
    The funny thing is...after the first couple hours at Celebration II, being eye-to-eye with a Stormtrooper seems "normal"

    <- check that date out baby - '99
    Talon...good to meet you in person (finally) Since you're one of the members of the OLD Cleveland boards (as opposed to this NJO of sorts) and one of the oldest users here...shouldn't your icon be Jedi Master Ikrit? ;)

    I ran out of business cards talking to people...I only brought like 20 of them! :D Hopefully we'll be getting alot of people registering here and coming out to the Feb 21st meeting! Nice to meet all the new people (and potential newbies) at this event.

    My favorite was the kid (in jedi robe) who waved his hand and said: "you don't need to know my age"...good call kid!

    EDIT: Stupid IM is down..i'm sure everyone is online right now! When you get your digital pictures together...e-mail them to either myself of Emily (if you know my MSN e-mail...go ahead and use that)
  12. DRD-1812

    DRD-1812 Jedi Youngling

    Apr 1, 2003
    {{whistles the 1812 overture}}
    With all the flashbulbs going off at the Zahn event...I figured this was appropriate music for the occasion! ;)

    Too bad Bret didn't have that on his MP3 player :D
  13. Coyote850

    Coyote850 Jedi Youngling

    Jan 29, 2004
    You Jedi aren't so bad after all. :) The 501st had a great time. Is Tim Zahn great or what? I think he enjoyed it as much as we did. I really enjoyed all the joking going on when we were having our pictures taken. Hey Liz got the batteries in that camera yet? [face_laugh]
    Great meeting you all, hope we can do it again soon.

  14. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Just sent a bunch o' pics to Geoff.
  15. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    I really enjoyed all the joking going on when we were having our pictures taken
    You'll enjoy hanging out with us Cleveland jedi...we put the "fun" back in disFUNctional! ;)

    We gotta bring you guys to All-Ohio Fanforce Cookout next year...the name may need some tweeking, but you gotta meeet C-bus, Toledo, Dayton, and Cincy!

    Do you have the batteries loaded into the camera yet? :D (see Brian...we don't just make fun of you)

    EDIT: Jeez many files did you attach to that e-mail? Like the shirt says...
    "Don't Force it Luke!" :eek:

    EDIT@: Finally opened the e-mail...11,000+KB ...come on man! (you're killing me) A couple of those might be usable...alot of blurry pictures.
  16. Anrev_the_Jedi

    Anrev_the_Jedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 14, 2002
  17. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    No doubt...Kim you looked awesome as mara!
    [face_blush] Thanks guys. :D

    (as opposed to this NJO of sorts)
    [face_shocked] I take offense at being called a part of the NJO. That book series SUCKED! :mad:


    and one of the oldest users here...shouldn't your icon be Jedi Master Ikrit?
    I don't think Kevin's small enough to be Master Ikrit. But it would be funny to see him in the costume. [face_laugh]

    It was nice to meet the 501st. We'll have to hang out again some time.

    *looks at Bret's pics* [face_laugh] I didn't see you try on the Tie helmet, Kev! [face_laugh]

    Great pics, Bret! :D
  18. Coyote850

    Coyote850 Jedi Youngling

    Jan 29, 2004
    Poodoo!!!!! Most of the pics I took with my camera are too blurry, of the 18 I took only 3 are clear. At first I thought it might be the idiot behind the camera (raises hand) but if you guys had the same problem too then maybe it was the lighting at the bookstore. Is there any way to get the pics bigger without them becoming blurry?
  19. Beltayn

    Beltayn Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 21, 2004
    It was nice to finally meet you guys (I think I only actually talked to Bret & Geoff)at the book signing last night. I had a great time :cool:

  20. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Ok...everyone gimme a "YEAH KIM!"
    ((yeah Kim!))
    She's the first person to get a group picture of us (don't know if she's got a JKOC/501st picture) that wasn't dark!

    BTW, anyone...and I mean ANYONE who has a copy of the "ever illusive" DonC with Zahn...send that my way please!!!
  21. skyedancer

    skyedancer Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2002
    Sorry I wasn't able to make it. :( The very short version of why I didn't is that a few weeks ago an irresistable force (a bank of snow) met an immovable object (my snow shovel) and my back is paying for it still. But I was able to join the Akron contingent at Kim's office for pizza. :) I got to meet Kevin and Brian as well as catch up with Kim and Cindy. Welcome, Kevin, to the JKOC. I'm glad you had a good time and hope to see you at future events. And, Brian, good to finally meet you too after sparring with you on these boards for so long. Brian, I'll try to be ready for your sharp sense of humor the next time we meet. [face_mischief] Thank, Jade! ;)
  22. Talon Squad Leader

    Talon Squad Leader Former Manager star 5

    Dec 22, 1999
    That TIE helmet was awesome....hope I can get one someday.

    The group photos are awesome, even if some are burry and a little dark. I bet someone's will turn out perfect.

    skyedander, we wish you could have come! But, if you come to the Feb. 21st meeting it will be okay...that will be just as fun.
  23. Malo-ha

    Malo-ha Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 8, 2003
    I had a great time last night. Hopefully there will be more stuff we can do together.

    I thought it was cool how the 501 guys would patrol the place while Zahn was speaking.

    So did I, I tried to take a picture a couple of times but then they'd move.

    Talon it is a bit disconcerting to talk to the blank helmet. Makes you aware of how much you rely on visual clues when your talking with someone. I guess we'll just have to hang out with them more to get use to it. :)

    I heard the lady at Joeseph Beth tell Zahn that there were about 80 people. I hope they weren't too upset with us for staying an hour and a half past closing.
  24. Talon Squad Leader

    Talon Squad Leader Former Manager star 5

    Dec 22, 1999
    Oh, I forgot to ask....who is Master Ikrit? //newbie
  25. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Makes you aware of how much you rely on visual clues when your talking with someone.
    And she says this on an internet message board... :D

    Jedi Master Ikrit was featured in the Junior Jedi Knight aeries of books:
    Anakin began instruction at his Uncle Luke's Jedi academy at the age of 11. There, he made friends with a precocious nine-year old named Tahiri. The two shared a number of adventures, freeing the spirits of trapped Massassi children from an ancient Sith temple, awakening the ancient Jedi Master Ikrit, and recovering the long lost lightsaber of Obi-Wan Kenobi

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