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Victoria. BC What have you been drinking???

Discussion in 'Canada Discussion Boards' started by Rani Veko, Feb 26, 2003.

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  1. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000
    Step 1: Look at your computer desk surface. Right now.

    Step 2: Take note of any containers, cups, bottles, or glasses and their (drinkable)contents.

    Step 3: Take a sip. (I dare ya!) (This of course, applies to drinkable beverages.)

    Step 4: Post! Tell us whether you liked it or not, and why.

    (Another fun idea from the people who brought you...that other fun know the one. Shhhh!)

    - Rani
  2. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000
    I'm currently drinking Mott's Clamato Extra-Spicy, straight out of the 945mL bottle. (Admittedly a rather unrefined way to consume an upper middle-class beverage, but then hey, it works for Evian. :)

    Now, it's not so spicy that most people can't drink it, but it definately has that black pepper/tobasco slow burn that stays with you for several minutes after you drink it. Not something I'd reach for every day at the 7-11, but as a once-in-a-while thing or as a mixer, it works quite nicely.

    - Rani
  3. Shara_82

    Shara_82 Administrator Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 10, 2001
    Sorry guys, couldn't resist - this topic looked like too much fun. :D

    Step 1: Look at your computer desk surface. Right now.

    *looks*. There's a computer, paper, a phone, more paper, an annoyed co-worker, more paper..

    Step 2: Take note of any containers, cups, bottles, or glasses and their (drinkable)contents.

    Ooh, I see one! It's tall and green and looks remarkably like a water bottle!

    Step 3: Take a sip. (I dare ya!) (This of course, applies to drinkable beverages.)

    *cough* *choke* *splutter*

    Step 4: Post! Tell us whether you liked it or not, and why.

    I do believe I've found a water bottle full of...water! It's cold, almost tasteless, and certainly quenches the thirst. Thanks, water bottle! :D

  4. _Derisa_Ollamhin_

    _Derisa_Ollamhin_ Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    Hee! That was great, Shara!

    I'm just sitting down to dinner (pathetic, I know, eating at the pooter, but hey. :) )I had a Big Gulp earlier today (I was parched from work), and in the morass of the kitchen, the cup was the nearest empty thing I could grab to pour myself some milk so I could take some ibuprofen, since my back is twingey. So I have a Big Gulp cup, bendy straws and all, half-full of milk, with a faint overtaste of Vanilla Coke.

    It's not bad, actually. I will have to do some experimenting to come up with the exact ratio for the best flavour vs. effervescence, (I love the scientific method!) but I could get into this combo. :)

    Great topic, Rani! Keep 'em coming! :)

  5. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000
    Leaving the apperatif of Extra-Spicy Mott's Clamato behind, I have now moved on to a refreshing 355mL can of Coca-Cola Classique.

    Aaahhh, November 02 was indeed a good month. Vaguely nutty carbonation, with the slightest hint of Ontario tapwater, and a sweet essence of caramel colouring to rot not only the strongest of teeth, but the innards as well.

    It should be noted that this particular can bears the proud emblem of Les Canadiens de Montreal (the Montreal Canadians for those of you who may be hockey impaired), however I do not believe it has affected the robust bouquet of this fine product whatsoever.

    - Rani
  6. Sionnach_Dearg

    Sionnach_Dearg Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 16, 2002
    Looking around my computer desk, I see Burned CD's, burned CD's and indeed more of the same! Not a drinkable beveridge in sight! Nooooooo!!!!!

    I have just remembered that indeed I have not had anything to drink in hours and am now massively thirsty! Thanks for reminding me to rehydrate!

    Insanity Rules!!
  7. CrazyMike

    CrazyMike Former Mod & RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 4, 2000
    My wife drinks this frozen concoction and I
    do not know if it has a name. She takes two
    heaping scoops of vanilla ice and puts it into a tall chilled beer mug. She then pours
    sprite along with a shot of something else :)
    and it tastes pretty good !!!
  8. Admiral_Thrawn60

    Admiral_Thrawn60 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jul 8, 2000
    Step 1: Look at your computer desk surface. Right now.

    -OK. I see a lot of crap that shouldn't be here. Ooh, a penny!

    Step 2: Take note of any containers, cups, bottles, or glasses and their (drinkable)contents.

    -There's a tall glass

    Step 3: Take a sip. (I dare ya!) (This of course, applies to drinkable beverages.)

    -It's empty.

    Step 4: Post! Tell us whether you liked it or not, and why.

    -I feel unsatisfied.
  9. Shara_82

    Shara_82 Administrator Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 10, 2001
    Step 1: Look at your computer desk surface. Right now.

    Ooh, there's less paper this time! And the annoying co-worker is surprisingly quiet. I wonder if that's because they're off sick?

    Step 2: Take note of any containers, cups, bottles, or glasses and their (drinkable)contents.

    Hey, there's a weird purple one with a lid! Who would have thought?

    Step 3: Take a sip. (I dare ya!) (This of course, applies to drinkable beverages.)

    OK, OK, I'll drink. It's certainly liquidy, so I'd imagine I'd be able to drink it. I'll have to take the lid off first, though...

    Step 4: Post! Tell us whether you liked it or not, and why.

    EW! I just drank a lava lamp! I'm pressing charges, Rani. :(
  10. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Take a number, Shara, I'll be with you in a bit! ;)

    Silly person, I said drinkable contents! [face_laugh]

    - Rani
  11. Shara_82

    Shara_82 Administrator Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 10, 2001
    It was liquid - it was drinkable. You never said it had to be not poisonous. ;)
  12. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000

    Does that really have to be specified??? Whatever happened to basic survival instincts, hmmm? :p

    proceeds to put "Mr. Yuck" poison warning stickers on any bottles of rubbing alcohol, liquid paper, bleach, urine samples, insect repellants, gasoline, nail polish remover, Ontario tapwater, liquid fertilizer, or anything else non-drinkable within Shara's reach, thus saving the Aussie RSA from herself.

    Whew, I thought my childproofing days were going to be much fewer when my daughter turned four and started preschool, but nooooo! :)

    - Rani
  13. Shara_82

    Shara_82 Administrator Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 10, 2001
    Step 1: Look at your computer desk surface. Right now.

    Darn it! The annoying co-worker is back. And so is all the paper. But there's also a teddy bear here now. He says his name is Hayden McBear. He's telling me to slack off work.

    Step 2: Take note of any containers, cups, bottles, or glasses and their (drinkable)contents.

    Hey, what do you know? There's a white cup with milky brown stuff in it!

    Step 3: Take a sip. (I dare ya!) (This of course, applies to drinkable beverages.)

    *passes out*

    Step 4: Post! Tell us whether you liked it or not, and why.

    That coffee must have been a week old. And it had a solid centimetre of sugar in the bottom. *sob* I wanted my caffeine hit. :(
  14. Gesh_Bomil

    Gesh_Bomil Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 24, 2002
    Step 1: Look at your computer desk surface. Right now.

    Yup...paperwork, paperwork and...wait, wait...paperwork.

    Step 2: Take note of any containers, cups, bottles, or glasses and their (drinkable)contents.

    Water, water everywhere.

    Step 3: Take a sip. (I dare ya!) (This of course, applies to drinkable beverages.)

    Yup, tastes like water. Made from the sea (Like fish and plankton and protein from the sea...who said this line and in what movie)

    Step 4: Post! Tell us whether you liked it or not, and why.

    Yup, tastes good. I have been drinking a drink that i get whenever i'm in the area that you cannot get at home. It's called Pocari Sweat. Weird name but it's just like those Gatorade things except freasher and less sugar. The name is cool too and i'm sure they have a website, it's from Japan.

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