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Beyond - Legends Lest Ye Be Judged--Vader war crimes trial--Voted Best All-Around, thanks!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by DarthIshtar, Jun 18, 2005.

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  1. laurethiel1138

    laurethiel1138 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 6, 2003

    I just found your story again.

    I love it.

    Please PM me when you update?


    Lauré :)
  2. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Thanks, laurethiel.
  3. Sethathoryunet

    Sethathoryunet Jedi Master star 1

    May 8, 2004
    Awww come on, stop teasing [face_batting]
    In the next post, does Han find out? [face_praying]

    BTW I tried to vote for your story Ish, but they didn't accept it.
    I'm a little confused as to how you're supposed to vote, 'cause I followed the
    But then this is an American site, no? [face_devil] [face_devil]
  4. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Thanks for trying to vote for this, but it was started 8 days after eligibility ended. That's why it wasn't accepted.
  5. amidalachick

    amidalachick Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 3, 2003
    Awww, poor Leia. :(

    You can always count on Han to lighten the mood, though. :p Great post!
  6. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Thanks. Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, but unfortunately, the internet was completely screwy and then the computer kept freezing. But our techie came this morning to save the day.
  7. jdavidchadwick

    jdavidchadwick Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    Poor Leia.

    This is really good, I say. Huzzah!
  8. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Yay, thanks.
  9. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Okay, I'm a wicked bad chica. I haven't been able to get to this yet because I've been working on two other things and now, I'm leaving in an hour for the night and won't be home until 1 a.m. I'm going to put lots of goodies in the next post as a result.
  10. YodaKenobi

    YodaKenobi Former TFN Books Staff star 6 VIP

    May 27, 2003
    Sorry, I've fallen behind [face_blush]

    It changed everything and you left me with a crazy urge to chase after you or take a long jump off that bridge.
    If Han hadn't been willing to hold me without needing to know why, I might have.

    I will never watch that scene the same way again now :p

    She did not, however, recognize the man until the eyes flickered open.


    Good posts, Ish :D I was very surprised that Vader was still alive, I hadn't seen that coming :p I thought Leia's reaction was right-on. And I love the way she's suspicious of Luke because of it all. Will be interesting to see what happens now that Han and the others are there and what they'll do with Vader.

    Anyway, nice work :)
  11. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I'm glad you won't watch that scene the same way again. That's kind of my aim in half my fanfic. Leia's reaction was pretty much based on Splinter of the Mind's Eye, where she's firing her guts out at Vader. I love her reaction afterwards--"Oh, darn"--when she misses.
  12. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Darn, will not post on this tonight, either. I swear, tomorrow I'll have 30 pages of post.
  13. RebelPrincess

    RebelPrincess Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 6, 2001
    Darn, will not post on this tonight, either. I swear, tomorrow I'll have 30 pages of post.

    We are going to hold you to that promise, you know... :p
  14. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I'll do my best.
  15. Siaynoqsbride

    Siaynoqsbride Jedi Master star 4

    May 17, 2005
    And I'll be waiting here (im)patiently. :p
  16. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    LOL, sounds good.
  17. Sethathoryunet

    Sethathoryunet Jedi Master star 1

    May 8, 2004
    Well, I'm one happy little vegemite! :mad: NOT!!!!

    I have no job, no college, which equals = no money!!!! :_|

    On the other hand, I'm living the bohemian lifestyle! :p
    Music, dance, and one very interesting young man . . . [face_devil]

    Alright, I'm okay now. Totally understand about the computer thingy Ish.
    We're currently downloading who knows what from Microsoft to fix some problems.
    [face_thinking] :oops:

    *dances around board in sheer exhilaration*
    :* Kisses for all!! :*
  18. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Ack, I was going to have the night off to do this tonight, but I have a major migraine and was going to the city to hang out by myself, but when i got on the bus, telling the driver that I needed to go to North Temple, he waited until I had paid and taken my seat before he said "Oh, by the way, we don't go that far after 7:30. It just changed." Luckily, Dana hadn't left the parking lot yet, so she was good enough to drag me back to her house, then drove me home. So, therefore, it's 11:15 p.m. and I'm just sitting down to write. I'm sorry for the mess, but while waiting for dinner, I got some good work on the next post.
  19. RebelPrincess

    RebelPrincess Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 6, 2001
    Ugh, a migraine? I get them too. *Sends some Excedrin Migraine painkillers*

    I'll be waiting for the post :) :)
  20. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Thanks for the Excedrin. I'm sitting here with a big bag of frozen rice on my head.
  21. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Will be posting several shorter segments instead of the massive, torturous block. First one coming in about 15 minutes.
  22. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    "You seem to be in a bit of a hurry," Rieekan greeted her with a frown and a kiss on the forehead. "Is everything all right?"

    Implied in the tone was the chastisement that the dawn of victory was no time to be having panic attacks, but as was typical with Rieekan, he didn't even let that show in his face, much less voice the opinion. Having grown up with this man a near-permanent resident of the Palace, however, she didn't need him to do so.

    Luke had confused her, Han had inspired a sense of relief, but Rieekan simply made her homesick for all things familiar and just.

    I want to go home, Carlist.

    Han was watching her closely, knowing that she might well admit to Rieekan things that he would never hear from her own lips and hoping that the four words that he had used to conclude his thought would force her to give some explanations.

    Those four words, however, were Rieekan's only reliable way of leaving the invitation to impart of her experience open. It would be easy to hastily claim that she was fine, but she rarely took the easy way out.

    Luke was watching her as well, brow furrowed, eyes haunted already by the terror of what she had not yet done. His reasons for fearing her answer were both a galaxy apart and too closely related for comfort to Han's motivations.

    Wedge and Chewie seemed to be taking things in stride, as expected. Wookiees were known for their violent tendencies, but Leia had come to recognize that the old excuse of "only when provoked" seemed to actually hold true for Han's personal upholstery. Wedge was simply experienced enough in dealing with Imperial surrenders and charged situations to be trusted with this sort of operation.

    She had chosen those she could trust to do the right thing because she had no idea if her heart knew what the right thing to do was at this moment.

    "No," was her simple response after an inordinate amount of hesitation.

    You're upholding and sustaining both the law and the spirit of justice. Why are you even wondering if you're becoming your own enemy?

    His hand squeezed her shoulder gently. "Should we go inside to change that?"

    She shook her head rather sharply, arms still pressed to her abdomen. "You need some warning," she explained. "It's more than I got, but it's what needs to be said."

    She caught Luke's half-guilty, half-apologetic expression, but could not summon the energy to return it, only acknowledged it with an inclination of the head.

    "We have no time for our sorrows, Commander."

    "Out with it," Han encouraged, moving to her side and sliding an arm around her waist.

    Inexplicably, this gesture of affection inspired a bout of violent trembling instead of the relief that she had expected to experience. Han, in the past, might have withdrawn at this reaction, but recognized instead the need to be held.

    "Take your time," Wedge counseled helpfully. "Maybe, if Luke can..."

    "This is something she needs to say," Luke interrupted quietly. "I won't stop her."

    "Good idea," Han laughed. "Most people who interrupt Her Eloquence don't live long enough to tell the tale."

    "Vicious rumors," Leia responded with a smile that surprised herself.

    "Ah," Han sighed. "Now I recognize you. What's going on?"

    She stepped back, pivoting to face all of them, but the gesture put her immediately into the defense stance that she?d been taught as a girl.

    No one?s going to ambush you, except your own emotions.

    She brought her leg forward, instead adopting the at-ease pose of a soldier giving a debriefing. Her arms remained folded across her chest, the only sign that she was on the defense.

    ?Carlist and Wedge,? she began quietly, ?you haven?t heard any of this, so I?ll beg the others? indulgence in repeating myself.?

    ?Fair enough,? Han interjected.

    Please, just let me get through this without having time to think about what I have to say. It will be easier if I act on instinct.

    ?I am adopted,? she stated. ?Bail and Breha Organa had been unable for many years to have children, so when a
  23. GreatOne

    GreatOne Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 22, 2003
    Ack! I think I'd run the opposite direction, as fast as possible! :eek:
  24. Siaynoqsbride

    Siaynoqsbride Jedi Master star 4

    May 17, 2005
    Well, they all took it pretty well... except for Luke.

    Luke looked as though she?d just spit-roasted an Ewok.

    Great update! They don't trust Vader yet. I am not suprised, and anxiously await the next installment.

  25. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    No, they don't trust Vader and if they do, there'll be some better reasons for it than taking Luke's word for it. I liked the line about spit-roasting an ewok.
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