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Saga Hurt (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan AU) Part Two 2.26

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by LuvEwan, Jan 17, 2006.

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  1. LuvEwan

    LuvEwan Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 24, 2002

    Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me. The title is taken from the song Hurt, written by Nine Inch Nails, sung by Johnny Cash. Written in response to the Qui-Gon Jinn: Maverick of the Living Force Picture Challenge. Next section to come in the next few days.

    Qui-Gon Jinn has had one too many run-ins with the Council and is living alone. Then Obi-Wan shows up one day.


    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything

    What have I become
    My sweetest friend
    Everyone I know goes away
    In the end
    And you could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt

    I wear this crown of thorns
    Upon my liar's chair
    Full of broken thoughts
    I cannot repair
    Beneath the stains of time
    The feelings disappear
    You are someone else
    I am still right here

    If I could start again
    A million miles away
    I would keep myself
    I would find a way.
    ?Nine Inch Nails


    Part One

    The bones of the tree shuddered in the wind. The wind itself carried the pale hue of frost, so that Qui-Gon Jinn could watch the path it took through the dark, stripped forest. He heard the low whistle of the air, as though the earth had splintered open to release a guttural gust of breath. A moment later, the shoot of steam from the teakettle joined the softer sound, and the man forced himself to turn from the scene.

    He moved to the small stove, and poured a mug full of brew. Bringing the heated lip to his own, he paused, inhaling the rejuvenating scent of the strong dregs. Of all the varieties he had had the opportunity to sample over the years, only sapir was truly to his taste. He was grateful that even here, at the cusp of utter wilderness, it was available to him. Despite the memories a swallow conjured, Qui-Gon continued to crave the bold, warm flavor.

    After a few shallow sips, he walked into the living room. There was little space between the walls, but it was enough for him. He could fit his armchair and deeply scratched side table, as well as the soft, brown rug he had been presented as a welcoming gift by his nearest neighbor (who was, admittedly, a mere dot on the horizon). The glow rods flooded the area in amber tones, and easily lit the pages of his books, so he could forgive their occasional flicker. The window, barely ever covered by the mahogany-colored drapes, revealed the expanse of winter birthed a few hours before.

    He set the mug on the scuffed tabletop, and drifted to the framed image of burgeoning snowfall. One hand against his hip, the other vaguely exploring the depths of a graying beard, Qui-Gon wondered if his adventurous scamp of a friend would make it back before the brunt of the storm hit. For belonging to such a skittering, uptight breed of fur-lizard as the oagga, this particular reptilian acquaintance was quite daring. Darting out into the midst of a raging white whirlwind was not something even the formerly renowned maverick Qui-Gon Jinn would willingly attempt.

    A little tingle of apprehension wriggled between two of his ribs, and he frowned. It would be heartbreaking if the little oagga were lost to the tender mercies of Rohaira?s harshest season, before he had even been named.

    A silly thought, the man admonished himself, smirking, As though the demon creature would care about such a thing.

    Still, he would feel better once he caught sight of the half-hairy, half-scaled body as it scurried up the hill towards the cabin. He became miserably attached to every animal that crept its way through the door. He had patched more gashes and set more broken bones in his years here than he could count. Birds, felines, everything imaginable. Sometimes they lingered, but they never stayed.

    And he always had to remind his battered spirit it was better that they went on their way. Wild creatures were never meant to be tamed. The great Boruz spider cou
  2. kenobiwanobi

    kenobiwanobi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 26, 2005
    That was wonderful I love the song and I loved your fic! Great job!!!=D= PM me with updates please.
  3. Arwen-Jade_Kenobi

    Arwen-Jade_Kenobi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 9, 2002
    Love both the Nine Inch Nails version and the Johnny Cash version and I loved this fic! Can't wait for the next part!
  4. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler of Fun & Games star 9 Staff Member Manager

    Jul 7, 2000
    Holy Sith! I just love the cover art LE, so perfect for them at this time.

    Loved this the first time around and found a bit that somehow didn't catch my eye then,

    The spoon fell from suddenly slack fingers, and stew splattered from the tile across to the rug. Qui-Gon wasn?t so certain he wouldn?t be following suit.

    Talk about shocked. I love that the sight of Obi-Wan would produce such a reaction. I'm looking so forward to finding out why OBi-Wan is there, and much more I hope.

    Might I ask for a PM when you update? Please. Pretty please... with chocolate on top? :D :D
  5. Kestrel_Kenobi

    Kestrel_Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 26, 2005
    Wonderful LuvEwan- I look forward to more.
  6. GavinStrife

    GavinStrife Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 15, 2005
    Good stuff :) I like it!

    I'm also a fan of the song, hehe
  7. Sara_Kenobi

    Sara_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Sep 21, 2000
    Beautifully descriptive. I look forward to reading the rest. :)
  8. SakuraTsukikage

    SakuraTsukikage Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 24, 2005
    This is really great. Descriptive and atmospheric. Your writing style makes it seem very real. I look forward to more!
  9. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    OH, jumps for joy. I'm so glad you are continuing this. I loved it but wanted more. Now I'm getting it! Hurray!
  10. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I absolutely cannot wait for more!

    Qui-Gon?s voice, when it came, was a frail husk. ?I never told you where? I mean, I-I never thought I?d?I?d see you again.? Gingerly, and with the feeling of floating, his fingers brushed against a bristled chin. At once, he located the telltale trait that confirmed his quivering hopes. His thumb raked across a small dimple below the man?s bottom lip. His broken laugh was more a sob, ?Good Force, Obi-Wan, come here!?

    He brought his arms around the quiet figure, burying his face in a shoulder. He squeezed his former apprentice, and when he realized anew whom he held, he squeezed tighter. So close, he could smell the faraway mist of ocean; hear the breath as it left the still mouth. Every detail was a treasure, and he gathered them all to him, pressing his eyelids shut against the approach of new tears.

    ?Oh, I?ve missed you,? He choked, fighting the thickness welling up in his throat, ?I?ve missed you so much.?

    This had me tearing up! This is so beautiful, and so powerful. WOW! :eek: =D=

  11. MegumiFuu

    MegumiFuu Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 6, 2003
    Lovely post, as always but so many questions come to mind after reading this! Why is Qui-Gon out in the middle of nowhere? Why didn't he tell Obi-Wan where he was? What's wrong with Obi-Wan? I can't wait to find out.
  12. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004

    This is very interesting=D=

    So many questions:confused:

    Why did Qui-Gon leave the order?

    What is he doing a cold planet called Rohaira?

    Where has Obi-wan been all the time?

    Did he finish Obi-wans training ?

    Did he abandon Obi-wan?

    Why didn't he tell Obi-wan where he was?

    Why has Obi-wan come to him now?

    Poor Obi-wan so tired?

    OK, OK I will wait and maybe I will get some answers
    along the way:D

    Could you PM me please [face_praying]

  13. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    I am hooked and anxiously await more. That was a lovely reunion - pass the tissues please.

  14. Star_Drifter

    Star_Drifter Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2005
    He had patched more gashes and set more broken bones in his years here than he could count. Birds, felines, everything imaginable. Sometimes they lingered, but they never stayed.

    And he always had to remind his battered spirit it was better that they went on their way. Wild creatures were never meant to be tamed. The great Boruz spider could not be pried from its wood perch, the exotic, winged Gerp thrived only in the open sky. And rebellious spirits shaped by the Tatooine sands could not be asked to streamline their minds, and forget the things that bound them to their past.

    Nor, as it turned out, could an incurably unorthodox Jedi Master remain in an Order that refused to tolerate him.

    :eek: How could the Jedi Order refuse to tolerate Qui-Gon?

    What is going on behind these stark images that has caused Obi-Wan to seek his former Master out? [face_thinking]

    It is going to be very interesting to find out the answers... :)

    Psst, Qui-Gon! Give him a hug for me! [face_batting]

  15. Magenta_Moonshadow

    Magenta_Moonshadow Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 14, 2005
    More! More! More!=D= =D=
  16. LuvEwan

    LuvEwan Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 24, 2002
  17. LuvEwan

    LuvEwan Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 24, 2002
    I'm trying to post a new part, but it's not going through. :mad:
  18. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    Do you need help?
  19. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    Oh how could I have missed this before!? Truly breathtaking, gorgeous prose, m'dear. =D= Especially love how Qui-Gon realized he was getting tired because of old age and not just the lack of stress -- poor man has had a hard, long life. Beautiful.. =D=
  20. LuvEwan

    LuvEwan Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 24, 2002
    Ha ha! Success! [face_dancing]

    Individual replies later. I didn't want to make the post bigger, in case it decided not to work again. But thanks to everyone who reviewed. [face_love]

    Part Two

    For a moment, Qui-Gon was still, thinking of how many nights under a dim, clouded sky he had wished for an end to his loneliness. Certainly he could have trekked into one of the villages, and found a shopkeeper or an old-timer sitting on a gnarled bench, or just a stroller walking down the simple, white-powdered paths. There was always someone to talk to, if one were determined.

    But his patience had withered here, and he did not want to waste time learning to know strangers again. Not when there were people like Obi-Wan, who he knew as well as he could truly know anyone.

    His hand fell to lie across a faintly flushed cheek. The whiskers continued to strike him as unfamiliar as they scraped the flesh of his palm. In his memories, Obi-Wan?s face was smooth, kindling that rare childhood softness, despite the brevity of his actual childhood. His gaze roamed to the sealed eyes, and he was disappointed and grateful for the absence of their dry stare.

    An unhappy little voice imbedded in the coils of his brain whispered that there was a chance Obi-Wan was a stranger now, too. His face had changed, and he barely spoke.

    Qui-Gon easily countered the cruel hypothesis with the poignancy of his former protégé?s head pressed against his heart. They were both different, in ways large and insignificant, but the core of their relationship was there, in the way an apprentice could lean on his Master when the snow was blinding and the world was dark.

    And, he persisted, just in case the voice was not satisfied, Obi-Wan slumbered there on his bed, without a trace of anxiety in his body.

    This stirred a desire to stay at the unconscious Jedi?s side, and watch all the subtle twitches and listen to all the quiet sighs that detailed his sleep. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon?s irksome senses alerted him to the spilled stew soaking into the carpet, and the remainder that still sat on the low fire of the burner.

    He ran his fingers down Obi-Wan?s jaw, drew the thick duvet around him, and went reluctantly to the kitchen.


    When he returned, he discovered that his visitor had not moved, mouth in the same solemn line and form identically cocooned in the shelter of the downy, brown fabric. However, it was unlikely he would remain there in a state of perfect motionlessness for the night?s duration. Tenderly, he bent and collected Obi-Wan in his arms, disconcerted by how light the burden was as he moved to the top of the bed. Qui-Gon lowered him to the pillows, and watched him shift a moment before settling.

    He smiled, overwhelmed by contentment, despite the pain seeping into his heart.


    He had been able to inform the Council and his friends without much difficulty. It had been emotionally trying, but he endured, he survived, he knew that the wounds would heal.

    But he feared that the person behind this door would not be understanding or accepting. The anguish wrought would be devastating in its permanence. Qui-Gon took a breath, and rapped his knuckles gently against buffed steel.

    The expression on Obi-Wan?s lightly bearded face proved that the young man already knew the purpose of his old Master?s visit. His eyes were shadowed and tired, reminding Qui-Gon of that gaze Obi-Wan would fix on him during disagreements. Gods, but they used to argue, their differences utterly pronounced, like a sun and moon in combat, the clash of sky and earth.

    This would be different, he predicted with a frown, because there was no resolution. He could not sway. ?Obi-Wan,? He started softly, ?May I come in??

    Obi-Wan released a slow, measured breath. ?Anything you wish to say, you can say now, where you stand.?

    It was the first blow, and Qui-Gon felt it slam into his chest with bruising force. Centering himself, he continued, ?I..I don?t know what you?ve heard??

    ?I?ve heard you?re abandoning the Jedi.? Obi-Wan state
  21. SakuraTsukikage

    SakuraTsukikage Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 24, 2005
    Wow. Um, wow.

    What I like about this is how real it feels, even though it's an AU. There's a quiet realism to Qui-Gon's thoughts and feelings that draws me in to the story entirely.

    But his patience had withered here, and he did not want to waste time learning to know strangers again. Not when there were people like Obi-Wan, who he knew as well as he could truly know anyone.

    That was one of the parts that just struck me as being very real. I love the warmth and history, painful though it might be, you've given to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship in this story, and I love the way Qui-Gon seems older, more run-down, more tired, but still Qui-Gon.

    in the way an apprentice could lean on his Master when the snow was blinding and the world was dark.

    That was just lovely phrasing.

    Obi-Wan slumbered there on his bed, without a trace of anxiety in his body

    [face_love] [face_love] I love that Obi-Wan is so relaxed, and I love that that's what reassures Qui-Gon.

    disconcerted by how light the burden was

    Now I'm worried. Obi-Wan hardly talks, has lost weight, and is utterly exhausted? What's going on? [face_worried]

    What a flashback that was. Wow. Very painful, especially as I can see the situation from both their points of view.

    You've definitely got me hooked.
  22. AngryWarrior

    AngryWarrior Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 15, 2005
    You have me hooked line and sinker. Please post more soon. I'm developing an idea of why Obi-Wan is there but for now keeping my thoughts to myself.
  23. Arwen-Jade_Kenobi

    Arwen-Jade_Kenobi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 9, 2002
    Yeah after that discussion why is Obi out here now? Perhaps to make amends? Or was it something else? Hmm...

    Awesome work as usual, by the way *thumbs up* You've got me hooked and more soon!
  24. Dragonlady

    Dragonlady Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 1, 2005
    I've thought about this story many times since the first post, and the second post vastly exceeded my gigantic expectations. And there are still so many questions unanswered! I can't wait for more, and I'd be very grateful if you'd PM me when you next update.
  25. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    As always, I adore your work, the language, the emotional depth, the sheer beauty of it. But I want to know what's going on. Anakin has left and it sounds as if Qui-Gon trained him - for how long? To knighthood or not so long?

    Qui-Gon fighting with the Council is a given! It's one of his better traits. But their thickheadedness destroyed the Jedi in ROTS... an AU might just be the same.

    And this...
    ?Perhaps,? Obi-Wan conceded, fingers coming to rest on the doorframe, ?But I?d rather be among my drowning friends, joining with the Force as they do. Good-bye, Qui-Gon. I?? His head dropped for a moment, ?I hope you live the way you?ve always wanted to.?
    Does he think that he was just a burden all those years?

    Why is Obi-Wan there????

    Great job. Looking forward eagarly to more.
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