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Beyond - Legends Chill: A Dark Romance one-poster

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Trickster_Jaina_Fel, Mar 12, 2005.

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  1. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
    By Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    : He's the only real thing.

    What you need to know: Takes place five years after ?Darkest Knight? (YJK); Zekk never turned back from the Dark side and is now known as Lord Onyx; Brakiss declared himself Emperor a few years ago; Jaina and the Jedi have been fighting this Empire for a while; Jaina and Jacen were captured by the Empire.
    Author?s Note: This is officially an AU of my monster trilogy ?Always? (more specifically, it?s an AU of the first book, Return of the Jedi), but it goes off course at the very beginning, so you don?t need to have read that.

    It?s Jacen?s death, and then?when the storm implodes around her, and everything is silent?it all aches and kills and shrieks, and she is so tired of caring. Hasn?t it been five years of unabated grief and anger and pain? All that?s left now are the parents she hasn?t seen in?ages.

    And this bone-deep weariness. It never goes away, anymore.

    She doesn?t feel anything, now, because everything (Jacen?sdeadOhmyForcewhywhyWHY?) hurts too much to feel. (AniUncaLukeKypJasa.) She could swear, up and down, right, left and centre, to all the stars in the heavens, that it would kill her if she started feeling again.

    Do the guards dig their nails into her skin as they drag her away? She can?t tell. Once the Imperial Palace was feared, her nightmare prison, but now she barely notices it. Everything is just so cold, and so far away?

    She should be trying to escape. She isn?t; the thought never even crosses her mind.

    Ache. Emptiness. Void.

    None of it is real. Nothing is; nothing ever will be, again.

    Only vaguely does she realize that the guards have taken her up, out of the dungeon (away from Jacen, where she should be, oh, Jasa, JasaJasaJasaJasa), and into a far more luxurious setting. Then, into Onyx?s quarters, where everything screams of the Darkest Knight.

    Onyx. Once Zekk. For the first time since Jacen?s death (ohForceohForceohForce), her heart beats. Then stops again.

    He isn?t here. And Onyx is not Zekk.

    Zekk. Green eyes dancing, laughing, luring; lips quirking, smirking, grinning; voice gentle, teasing, playful.

    Never. Again.


    The guards must have left, because now she is alone (in the end, she is always alone); the room is silent, except for the sound of the breathing that a dead person (JasaI) doesn?t need.

    In. Out. In. Out.

    It is so tedious to breathe, and it hurts her ears. Why does her body insist on pretending it is alive?

    (HelpmesavemeIcan?tbreathe Jasa?sdead twinbrotherotherhalf.)

    A chill, a tingling feeling.

    ?Hello, Solo.?

    He doesn?t call her Jaina, and for that she has both regret and relief. He will never call her Jaina?but he knows her, better than anyone else, now. (ShouldhavediedwithJacen.)

    Onyx-no-longer-Zekk is real.

    Ebony hands smooth over her shoulders, down her arms (feel that), and a chin rests on her shoulder. Silk hair meets her cheek; leather-muscle presses from behind.

    He doesn?t say anything, for once, and she knows he understands.

    She turns (it isn?t Zekk, can?t love him, don?tdon?tdon?t), and raises her lips to receive his venom kiss.

    Heart: Beat. Beat.

    Onyx is not Zekk.

    Zekk was (is?) friendlovetrustwarmthgreeneyes.

    Onyx?Onyx is coldjadedarkelectricitymaybesomewhereZekk.

    But everyone she can trust is gonedeadleft, and he is all she has now.

    Connection. Feeling.

    Sometimes, when the passion momentarily diminishes, and she lies in his arms, his lips brush her hair, and she is warm.

    When they finally kill him, Brakiss dies, so quick, so easy. (Snap-hiss-buzz.) She watches, removed, cold. Always cold. Should she feel victorious? Pleased? This emperor killed Jacen and her Uncle Luke. But it means nothing to her now. If it did, she would shatter into
  2. NenYim

    NenYim Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 6, 2004
    Really cool. I like the way you decribe everything in words all mixed to adds a darker tone to the story. :) Sequel definetly!
  3. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
    I like the way you decribe everything in words all mixed to adds a darker tone to the story.

    Thank you :D

    Sequel definetly!

    I have the idea, so I probably's just writing it ;)

  4. DathomiranAuthor

    DathomiranAuthor Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 18, 2005
    Wow, that's so powerful. Beautiful writing. Very profound and touching. Very creative style--Jaina's rush of thoughts, strung together with no spaces, is very well expressed. Awesome!
    DA :D
  5. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
    Wow, that's so powerful. Beautiful writing. Very profound and touching.

    Thanks [face_blush] [face_blush] :D

    Very creative style--Jaina's rush of thoughts, strung together with no spaces, is very well expressed.

    I'm glad the style experimentat turned out :)

  6. angel_gidget

    angel_gidget Jedi Master star 1

    Apr 16, 2004
    *snaps fingers to indicate beatnick-style applause* Awesome man, aaawwweessooommee! NO realy! I especially liked to way you broke into heartfeelingrandomemotions to show what was going on in her head.
  7. KnightJaina

    KnightJaina Jedi Master star 1

    Apr 24, 2004
    Awesome! I love the stream-of-consciousness feel to it....that really emphasizes Jaina's confusion. Wonderful, wonderful!

    -K. Jaina
  8. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    Considering I loved the first one...

    This, with the darker overtones, the confusion, and complete abandon... goes way beyond that.

    *chuckle* Trickster, you might just have to do an AU to your own AU!
  9. Jedi_Bubbles

    Jedi_Bubbles Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 18, 2004
    *blinks* Wow... That was darker than RotJ. It was the 'what if' version, I guess.

    GREAT JOB!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!
  10. Myria

    Myria Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 1, 2004
  11. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
    angel_gidget: Awesome man, aaawwweessooommee! NO realy! I especially liked to way you broke into heartfeelingrandomemotions to show what was going on in her head.

    Thanks! :D

    KnightJaina: I'm really glad you enjoyed it--particularly the was a blast to write :D

    JM: Considering I loved the first one...

    *remembers the beginning of RotJ* Egads... :p Repress, repress, repress...

    This, with the darker overtones, the confusion, and complete abandon... goes way beyond that.

    [face_blush] thanks :)

    *chuckle* Trickster, you might just have to do an AU to your own AU!

    Blagh! No...I draw a line after a sequel to thsi. RotJ already has its trilogy, and its future/would-be spin-offs, and I'm only *just* finishing the last book of said trilogy :p

    But thanks :D :p ;)

    Bubbles: *blinks* Wow... That was darker than RotJ. It was the 'what if' version, I guess.

    Definitely darker, definitely 'what if'--there are no similarities to RotJ! *laughs* Except that Jaina and Zekk get some form or another :p But in "Always", there's redemption coming out of the woodworks--here...well... *points at it* :p

    GREAT JOB!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!

    Thanks [face_blush]

    Myria: Please a sequel?

    I'll try to get that up sometime during spring break :)


  12. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
  13. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    *is knocked over with a feather* :eek: :eek:

    Wow. That was very very impressive, even for you, Erin. The way you melded images and thoughts together was fantastic. And the darkness had me shivering. And you've given me a very dark plot bunny. Mind if I do a spin-off of this (sometime in the far far far far off future...) Bravo! =D=

    LtJS @};-

    EDIT: Well, not a spin-off, per say, but more of a borrowing of your idea. It might end up a spin-off though. Anyway, pretty pretty pretty please? [face_praying]
  14. Neo-Paladin

    Neo-Paladin Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 10, 2004
    Well it has the N-P seal of approval :p
    The style was different from what I typically see here, so that was neat. It certainly helped set the story mood.
  15. RK_Striker_JK_5

    RK_Striker_JK_5 Force Ghost star 7

    Jul 2, 2003
    What did I think???

    Day-um, that was kick-butt!

    The little interruptions with Jaina's emotions were cool, and the whole thing was disjointed-like how Jaina must've been. ANd Empress? Hmm...
  16. Leia

    Leia Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Aug 8, 1998
    I love it when authors experiment with style! This fic is spectacular, TJF! @};- @};- @};-

    Onyx. Once Zekk. For the first time since Jacen?s death (ohForceohForceohForce), her heart beats. Then stops again.

    He isn?t here. And Onyx is not Zekk.

    Zekk. Green eyes dancing, laughing, luring; lips quirking, smirking, grinning; voice gentle, teasing, playful.

    Never. Again.

    Simply awesome. [face_love]

    I'd love to quote a bunch more lines, but then I'd be practically reproducing the whole thing, so I'll stop. ;)

    Thank you so much for sharing, TJF! [:D]
  17. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler & Former Mod star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 7, 2000
    Wow!! That is a vivid little viggie. You really project her emotions, intense and deep to the point of having adifficulty with stepping away from them once done reading. The first couple of paragraphs had coaxed tears but by the end I felt as cold and empty as Jaina herself.

    I love when reading stirs the emotions like that! :) :)
  18. Jaina-Solo-1

    Jaina-Solo-1 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 21, 2005
    Wow, that was great! Please write a sequal!
  19. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
    Lt: Wow. That was very very impressive, even for you, Erin. The way you melded images and thoughts together was fantastic.

    [face_blush] Thanks

    And you've given me a very dark plot bunny. Mind if I do a spin-off of this (sometime in the far far far far off future...)

    Sure! Let me know when you start :D

    Neo-Paladin: The style was different from what I typically see here, so that was neat. It certainly helped set the story mood.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

    Leia: I love it when authors experiment with style! This fic is spectacular, TJF!

    Aw, shucks [face_blush]

    Thank you so much for sharing, TJF!

    Thanks for reviewing ;)

    Healer_Leona: You really project her emotions, intense and deep to the point of having adifficulty with stepping away from them once done reading. The first couple of paragraphs had coaxed tears but by the end I felt as cold and empty as Jaina herself.

    Wow, that's the best compliment you could have given me [face_blush] :D

    I love when reading stirs the emotions like that!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Thanks for reviewing!

    Jaina-Solo-1: Thanks! It's on my to-do list :)

  20. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    Sure! Let me know when you start grin
    I'll do my best, though I'll probably forget by the time I actually get around towards writing it :p

    LtJS @};-
  21. Jaded_Girl

    Jaded_Girl Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 9, 2001
    Oh, I LOVE this. Now I want to go reread "Return of the Jedi"! :D

    I really liked her disjointed, jumbled impressions. It was highly effective. These images and impressions beating rapidly against her mind like birds wings only to draw back and disappear into the cold, into the void, into the numb.... these gasps of her previous consciousness- her former self- breaking the surface oh-so briefly before being submerged again before they even have a chance to fully form, and certainly before they can make any lasting impress on her current self... *sighs* *shivers* Excellent.
  22. Draconarius

    Draconarius Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 27, 2005
    Sithspit that was GOOD! Loved it. Absoluteyl loved it! The style was very effective. A sequel would be absolutely great (an entire fic, perhaps? Just a suggestion).
  23. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
    Lt: well, just try... :p

    Jaded_Girl: Now I want to go reread "Return of the Jedi"! grin

    I won't discourage you from it ;)

    I really liked her disjointed, jumbled impressions. It was highly effective. These images and impressions beating rapidly against her mind like birds wings only to draw back and disappear into the cold, into the void, into the numb.... these gasps of her previous consciousness- her former self- breaking the surface oh-so briefly before being submerged again before they even have a chance to fully form, and certainly before they can make any lasting impress on her current self... *sighs* *shivers* Excellent.

    Thanks [face_blush] [face_blush]

    Draconarius: Sithspit that was GOOD! Loved it. Absoluteyl loved it!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed it :D

    A sequel would be absolutely great (an entire fic, perhaps? Just a suggestion).

    Lol, I would love to write an entire fic...but I think I'd exhaust myself completely :p Phew, that wouldn't be easy writing... And the sequel, I think, will be coming due to popular demand *pleasantly surprised* :)

  24. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    This was exquisite in its starkness. Every single word worked and was necessary, yet there were no extraneous words that distracted from the tight feel of this! Gorgeous! =D=
  25. Trickster_Jaina_Fel

    Trickster_Jaina_Fel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2002
    Thanks so much! [face_blush] I'm really glad you and everyone enjoyed it :D

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