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Combining the Eras: A Time Travel Index and Discussion Thread -- Important Note on pg 6!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Idrelle_Miocovani, Aug 11, 2005.

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  1. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005

    ?Mysterious thing, time. Powerful? and when meddled with, dangerous.?

    Indeed, Professor Dumbledore is correct. Time is mysterious -- as is time travel. (Yes, it's not a Star Wars quote, but I couldn't think of any time travel Star Wars quotes besides Yoda's "Always in motion, the future is" which is only half time travel-ish. Anyways... :p)

    Fan fiction authors of the GFFA seem to be captivated by the idea of time travel ? hurtling characters from one era into another. It is a fun way to solve mysteries, save heroes from tragic fates (*cough* Anakin *cough*) and, ultimately, confuse and manipulate your characters to the point of hysterical amusement.

    Welcome to the Time Travel Index and Discussion Thread. Here you will find various fics dealing with time travel as well as various discussions focusing on all things related to time travel (*duh!* :p). This idea was a fun one that I thought of when I noticed that there are a lot of time travel fics on the boards ? especially in The Saga.

    Come in and stay a bit; discuss time travel, bring plot bunnies, new ideas ? anything goes really ? and have fun!

    If you have any ideas you want to add to this thread, please contact me. And if you want to make any art to support the time travel index (and we need lots and lots of support!), please PM as well.

    VaderLVR64 gave me kind permission to make this index.

    [i]To submit a story to the index, please PM it to me (Idrelle_Miocovani) using the following format:[/i]

    [b]Title:[/b] (please provide the link but DO NOT hyperlink)
    [b]Author(s):[/b] (please provide the link to your profile(s), but DO NOT hyperlink)
    [b]Status:[/b] (Complete, WIP or abandoned?)
    [b]Genre:[/b] *
    [b]Era the fic starts in:[/b] (where your time traveling characters come from)
    [b]Era the fic goes to:[/b] (where your time traveling characters go to)
    [b]Time Travelers:[/b] (names of the characters who time travel)
    [b]Characters:[/b] (all other main characters who do not time travel)
    [b]Summary:[/b] *

    I am currently looking for fics for the index and I know where to find them, but I won't be listing them here without your permission, so please send them to me!


    If you see a fic listed here who's status as changed, please PM as soon as possible!

  2. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005

    Title: Blurred Present
    Author(s): Durhelediel
    Status: In Progress
    Genre: Angst
    Era the fic starts in: Post-ROTJ
    Era the fic goes to: Pre-TPM
    Time Travelers: Luke Skywalker
    Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Summary: Through a fluke in time, Luke becomes trapped in the past. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon have to try to help him find his way back before the Force rectifies its mistake by having Luke become nonexistant. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon comes up missing. Can Obi-Wan find his master and get Luke back to the present before it's too late?


    Title: Redemption
    Author: Marnie
    Status: Complete
    Era the fic starts in: Prequel Trilogy
    Era the fic goes to: Pre-TPM
    Time Travelers: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
    Characters: Yoda, Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn
    Summary: Obi and Ani travel to the past to kill Dooku, but shoot Qui-Gon by mistake.

    **Note: This story is on the Classic Board!
  3. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005

    Title: Anakin & Anakin
    Author(s): Dev_Binks
    Status: In Progress
    Genre: General, Romance
    Era the fic starts in: NJO
    Era the fic goes to: Prequel Trilogy
    Time Travelers: Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker, probably the other people in Rogue Planet
    Summary: Tahiri and Anakin find themselves tossed back to three years post TPM, and get caught up in the events of Rogue Planet.


    Title: This Time Around
    Author(s): Idrelle_Miocovani
    Status: In Progress
    Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
    Era the fic starts in: post-NJO
    Era the fic goes to: Prequel Trilogy
    Time Travelers: Jaina Solo and Kyp Durron
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Palpatine
    Summary: Jaina and Kyp travel into the past on a mission. They must save Anakin from the dark side or the Galaxy will be doomed for destruction.


    Title: Repercussions of Time
    Author: ZaraValinor
    Status: Complete
    Genre: Drama
    The Era the fic starts in: Prequel Trilogy, but deals with events from NJO
    The Era the fic goes to: Prequel Triology.
    Time Travelers: Ben Skywalker
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala Skywalker, and Palpatine
    Summary: Ben Skywalker, hoping to change a doomed present and future, goes back to the time of his grandfather to bring him back to the light twenty-yeas sooner so that his terrible time might be changed.


    Title: Always in Motion, the Future Is...
    Author(s): Jadie
    Status: Complete
    Genre: AU
    Era the fic starts in: Post-ROTJ
    Era the fic goes to: Prequels
    Time Travelers: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Palpatine (I don't know if any other characters will appear, since I haven't finished the story)
    Summary: Before they get married, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade must face one last trial - the Past.


    Title: Don't Look Back
    Author: Starshine
    Status: In Progress
    Genre: Action/Adventure, Romance, Drama
    Era the fic starts in: Original Trilogy
    Era the fic goes to: Prequel Trilogy
    Time Travelers: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Palpatine
    Summary: After celebrations on Endor Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca are heading to Coruscant. As they are in hyperspace something happens and they will arrive at Coruscant but not the one they know. They arrive in the middle of Clone Wars. It is dangerous to change the past because the future shall be unsure but maybe they will try, even if it won`t work.


    Title: Sanctuary of Time
    Author(s): AngelofDarkness
    Status: In Progress
    Genre: Drama/Action/Angst
    Era the fic starts in: NJO
    Era the fic goes to: Classic Trilogy
    Time Travelers: Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan
  4. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005

    Title: If
    Author(s): NYCitygurl
    Status: Complete
    Genre: angst
    Era the fic starts in: NJO (Dark Journey)
    Era the fic goes to: NJO (Star by Star)
    Time Travelers: Jaina Solo
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Kyp Durron, Tahiri Veila
    Summary: Jaina is transported from Hapes back to the time before the Myrkr mission, where she has to convince her other self not to go on the mission.


    Title: When Last I Knew You
    Author(s): VaderLVR64
    Status: WIP
    Genre: drama
    Era the fic starts in: Post NJO
    Era the fic goes to: Just prior to the Thrawn Era
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, Mara, Talon Karrde, Luke
    Summary: Ben Skywalker, through one of those odds quirks of fate that seem to stalk the Skywalkers, finds himself meeting his own mother during her days working for Talon Karrde. Chaos, as always, ensues.
    Notes: Written for the ?I Dare You? Challenge


    Title: Joiner
    Author(s): DARTH_MU
    Status: In Progress
    Genre: AU
    Era the Fic Starts In: ESB
    Era the Fic Goes To: Dark Nest
    Time Travelers: Darth Vader, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Mara Jade, Han Solo, Leia Skywalker, Yoda
    Characters: UnuThul, Unu (The Will), Gorog (The Mastermind), ReyaTaat, Taat (The Stoic), Wuluw (The Communicator)
    Summary: In an Alternative Universe, while hunting for Leia Skywalker in the asteroid field after the attack on Echo Base, Darth Vader, along with Thrawn, in the Executor, gets transported into the canon universe in the middle of the Swarm War.
  5. KTfanfic

    KTfanfic Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 16, 2005
    *Raises hand* That's me! Although, at this momet in time, I'm just a reader (hope that's okay). I've had a lot of time travel ideas, but never written any. I do have plans to write one, but it will be a while until it is started.

    Methods of Time Travel ? How Do You Get Your Characters Backwards/Forwards in Time?

    Hmmmm, I've had a million different ideas. Things ranging from spatial distortions to characters just being plucked from their timeline. :D

    I guess it all depends on where you want your time traveling characters to end up and how they encounter the past/future characters.

    But, since I?ve got to pick one, I?ll go with the wormhole. The wormhole is very handy, not only can it send your characters to vast distances, it can send them to different eras. Meaning, you can place your time traveling characters at any place or time.

    The problems with this method is they need a spaceship to use it. Unless they happen to be floating around out in space. They also have to be in space, so they don?t just appear on a planet. This can be a drawback if you want your characters to meet face to face right away.

    Of course, these may not be problems for certain stories. With your imagination you can do anything, even the impossible. It really depends on how, where, and when you want the story to go.

  6. jedi_master326

    jedi_master326 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 12, 2005
    Two possible ideas for time travel:

    -The Force (the thing that could work for everything)

    -Hyperspace (a PT ship makes a hyperspace jump, but there is a malfunction in the modivator, and instead of going across the galaxy, they reappear in the OT, or something like that.)
  7. Nienna_Narmolanya

    Nienna_Narmolanya Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 5, 2005
    I love the concept of time travel, and I've had a plot bunny nipping at my heels that involves it. Yes, time travel and a certain senator from Chandrila. (If confused, glance at bottom line of bio.) ;)

    I'm trying to figure out how to go about doing it, and I'm running up against walls. It takes a lot of planning to pull off a time travel story. That, and creativity.

    I agree that wormholes are awesome, but now that you mention the Force... Oh no! Plot bunnies! They're coming! [face_worried] :_|

    This is a good idea for a thread! Since I don't have a lot of time to spend reading SW fanfic anymore, I haven't had a chance to browse the boards for time travel stories. This index will get them all in one place! (And make my life easier.) :D
  8. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    When writing the beginning of my time travel fic, I payed very close attention to the way my characters got from post-NJO to ROTS time. I didn't want their travel to be an accident when travelling through hyperspace. I wanted them to know where they were going, how they were going to get there, why they had to go and what they had to do. Therefore, I fell back to using the Force and created a huge plot bunny as well as time travel theory.

    Although I have only written one time travel fic so far (and it's in progress), I have been planning to do others. I've considered a massive time machine or portals on weird planets. But so far, my favourite method is the Force. Unfortunately, that means that no non-Force-sensitives can time travel.

    Let's try to think of unusual methods of time travel, for the sake of it! ::grins::
  9. jedi_master326

    jedi_master326 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 12, 2005
    *See my above post, for 2 methods of time-travel, including one for non-Force users*
  10. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    Yes, I see it jedi_master362, but I meant no time travel for non-Force sensitives when using my favourite method. Actually, I'm not too fond of hyperspace time travel, but that's just my opinion.
  11. jedi_master326

    jedi_master326 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 12, 2005
    Eh. Whatever works for you.:)

  12. KTfanfic

    KTfanfic Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 16, 2005
    There's also the time machine method. :)

  13. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I've had a time travel bunny sniffing at the edges of my garden for months now. But I told that bunny to get away from me! [face_shame_on_you]
  14. Nienna_Narmolanya

    Nienna_Narmolanya Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 5, 2005
    Well, in Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home, in order to travel back to the 20th century the Enterprise sling-shots around a sun at maximum warp speed... I guess that's sort of similar to the hyperspace thing, only sling-shotting is intentional.

    And yes, I am a Star Trek fan as well. Please don't flame me! [face_worried]
  15. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    Laura, you would never be flamed! Flaming is bad! Flaming is not allowed!
  16. jedi_master326

    jedi_master326 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 12, 2005
    [face_devil] *Flames everyone on the boards*[face_laugh] ;)

  17. Nienna_Narmolanya

    Nienna_Narmolanya Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 5, 2005
    Laura, you would never be flamed! Flaming is bad! Flaming is not allowed!

    :) I know. It just seems like Star Wars fans are expected to hate Star Trek. I love them both. Why can't everyone just get along?! ;)

    [face_shame_on_you] Naughty, naughty, naughty. Shame on you. :D ;)
  18. Dev_Binks

    Dev_Binks Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 7, 2003
    Preferably we could always get a longneck. :p

    And I have my timetravel fic, which Idrelle should be posting soon enough. To get 'em to go back I used hyperspace and a Vong created blackhole, see they get pulled in, but because of the hyperdrive they only hit the edges. Or something, I know it should be they would go forward, but whatever. :p
  19. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    Oh, Dan! You are evil, flaming everyone on the boards... :p

    Laura -- I think there are a lot of Star Wars fans who also love Star Trek out there. I've never really had the chance to experience Star Trek, So I can't say too much.

    Dev -- a Vong created blackhole... I think you're the only one so far who has done that!

    And now. A drum roll...

    We have the first fic in the index! Anakin & Anakin by Dev_Binks!


    Okay, I admit, I'm a little crazy right now. :p
  20. Dev_Binks

    Dev_Binks Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 7, 2003
    Yes, and much more plausible than my original one. :p

    And I'm so proud, my wittle baby's the first one here! :p Oh and I like Star Trek too. ;)
  21. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    The Trekkies are uniting in the thread! Oh my!

    :p Not that that's a bad thing.

    The index has been updated again; with my fic "This Time Around."
  22. Dev_Binks

    Dev_Binks Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 7, 2003
    Woo-hoo, finally somewhere to keep all of the time travel fics together!!![face_dancing]

    Oh and want any help with it?
  23. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    Hmmm... maybe. You could go searching for time travel fics that I'm not aware of! But for right now, I'm fine. If I get a surplus, I'll ask you to help me. Thanks, Dev! :)

    Oh, and I added NYCitygurl's fic to the Beyond the Saga part. :)
  24. Dev_Binks

    Dev_Binks Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 7, 2003
    Aye aye, Ma'am! *salutes and runs off*

    Would you consider the OT bunch going to 1930's era time travel?
  25. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    This is a lovely idea :)

    For mind I just had a Jaina have some sort of weird rage-induced combustion that transposted her back in time and was never fully explained 8-}
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