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Story [Crossover- Avengers/Wallander] Crossing Two Realities

Discussion in 'Non Star Wars Fan Fiction' started by Moonspun Dragon, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Moonspun Dragon

    Moonspun Dragon Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2011
    Rating: T
    Genre: Drama
    Words: 779
    Characters: Magnus, Loki
    Summary: Magnus is sent to a seemingly abandoned house, but he will find more than he ever thought possible.
    A/N: I know the summary sucks, so sorry. [face_blush] I was inspired when I saw a GIF set on tumblr and it wouldn't get out of my head. Anyway, enjoy. :D
    Disclaimer: I own nothing

    Crossing Two Realities

    Magnus stared at the house with a feeling of trepidation forming in the pit of his stomach. This feeling alone, telling him that something wasn’t right.
    Earlier, people were calling the station complaining about odd noises coming from a supposedly empty house that sat on the corner at the far end of their street. Magnus came to call the house the neighborhood’s local “Creepy House on the Corner.” Wallander was not amused. He demonstrated it by sending Magnus to check it out. So, here he was.
    Magnus took a deep breath, shoving his trepidation down, then got out of his car. When he reached the porch, he dropped his hand to his holstered gun on his hip as the trepidation bloomed into foreboding. The front door was open.
    Without knocking, he slipped inside and hesitated, listening for any movement. When there was no sound, he took a few more steps and paused, again listening. In the room to his right, he heard a muffled yelp.
    Acting on instinct, Magnus swung around the doorjamb, drawing his gun at the same time, and aimed it inside the room. It took his mind a few seconds to process what he was saw. He froze.
    The room looked like any other normal living room, except for the fact that there were heavy black curtains covering the picture window to his left, the various debris of an abandoned house, and the vague scaffold- like structure in the center of the room. Tied to this scaffold- like structure was a man with long black hair, who had his back turned towards Magnus and gave no sign of realizing he wasn’t alone. Both his wrists had, obviously been tied to the structure, but the man had managed to free his right hand and was, currently, trying to free his left. Magnus took a step closer, but as he did, his sight picked up a figure lying against the wall underneath the window on his left. He came closer to see what it was, then recoiled in shock and a little horror.
    The figure was another man, though this one was obviously dead. He had burn marks all over his exposed skin, his bones looked like they had been shattered, and there was a small knife protruding from the neck. The thing that kept Magnus’s attention, however, was the smell, rather the lack of it. Since the body had been burned, the scent of burning flesh should have been strong. There wasn’t one.
    Magnus tore his gaze away from the corpse and was reminded of the other man in the room. He had, apparently, just freed himself completely and collapsed to the floor when his legs couldn’t hold his weight. Magnus still couldn’t see the man’s face, but something about him wasn’t quite right.
    The man wore strange clothes; they could have been very fine if they weren’t so torn and tattered. They reminded him of something foreign nobility would wear. He could see wounds that were still bleeding through the holes in the green material. Even injured, he got the impression that this man was dangerous.
    “Sir, are you-?” Magnus’s words died in his throat as the man snapped his head in his direction.
    The sudden movement startled Magnus. He raised his gun which he had lowered earlier, and aimed it at the man. He froze in shock. His feeling of foreboding exploded into wrongness as he and the strange man stared at each other.
    The strange man looked almost exactly like Magnus. There were very minor differences, of course, but their face was the same. If the other man’s hair was short, blonde, and curly, and if he had more color in his skin, then he could pass as Magnus himself.
    How is this possible? Magnus thought.
    He started to back toward the living room door without realizing it. He stumbled into the door which finally broke his stare on the other man. He turned and stumbled out of the house.
    It took a few minutes before Magnus could collect himself enough to make a call.
    “Kurt? It’s Magnus. I’m at the house you sent me and I think you need to get over here.”
    “Why? Are you alright?”
    “I’m fine. Just get over here!” Magnus snapped, then ended the call.
    He knew Wallander will not be happy when he showed up, but he couldn’t really bring himself to care at the moment.
    Are you alright? Kurt had asked. No. He wasn’t. He didn’t know if he ever would be again.
    Magnus finally pocketed his phone, then headed back inside. He needed to get some answers before Kurt arrived.

    A/N: I'm sorry if Magnus seems OOC. There wasn't a whole lot of material to go on... so, yeah. [face_dunno]
    Please let me know if you liked it, or thought it was so horrible that I should just burn all traces of it. :p
  2. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Oooh, very interesting. [face_thinking] I don't know much about Wallander except that Tom Hiddleston is in it :p, but yikes - you definitely had eerie, creepy mood going here. I can only imagine his surprise at meeting his look-alike, especially in Loki. [face_worried]

    I know this says 'end', but I wouldn't mind seeing more. My curiosity is piqued. =D=
    Moonspun Dragon likes this.