I certainly did it on purpose, but I only (and always) had characters in "Acts of War" refer to him as "Soon Baytes." See, the thing was, Sue Rostoni would go through my scripts and if, for instance, I had a character refer to Yoda as just plain "Yoda," she would change it to "Master Yoda." So, I introduced a completely unimportant tertiary Jedi character named Soon Baytes, hoping that she would be going through the script, come across the character, and change him to "Master Baytes," and I could say "gotcha!" and then change the character's name to something more suitable. Unfortunately, she never requested the change, and the character went into canon, a not-so-witty time bomb waiting to be triggered. A lot of readers tumbled to it, and finally Haden Blackman felt he needed to release the tension in "Obsession."
My least favorite: Lumpy. Hahaha... poor kid. Garm Bel Iblis (though I guess that isn't EU... and neither is Lumpy, if you wanna be exact) Saba Sebatyne- It's a total tongue twister for me... Ysanne Isard Zsinj Pretty much all Twi'lek names like Daeshara'cor and Orn Free Taa
Not the name of a specific person, but a group who play music: A jizz band. That just seems ... wrong.
Thank you, Mr. Stradley, for making comic-reading Star Wars fans chuckle and giggle like Beavis and Butthead.
"Darth Tyrannus, meet your new assistants, Darths Anarchus, Democratus, Oligarchus, and Theocratus." - Lord Roger of Sith-Minions-For-Hire, Ltd. Every pseudo-Latin Sith name ever used.
Drub Mckumb from Children of the Jedi And not EU but Droopy McCool from RotJ. I dont know if its stupid or one of the most awesome names ever!
Yeah what were they thinking?? I have another one: Dorsk 81 Yeah. And what about Qui Gon Jinn?? Or Obi-Wan Kenobi for that matter? "Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time." How bizarre.
(Karohalva has Greek relatives) Forgive me while I go bang my head against the wall... KAROHALVA, YOU STUPID, STUPID IDIOT!!!
I had fun in The Paradise Snare by having one of Han Solo's aliases be "Jenos Idanian," who specialized in dealing with stolen ancient artifacts. My Bantam editor never spotted it, but Sue Rostoni did. She thought it was funny, too, and let it stay in. She even let me keep Jenos's line (relating to the artifact he was attempting to fence) that "It should be in a museum..." -Ann C. Crispin
i cant believe it took me 5 readings of Ann's post to understand why that was funny *hits head off desk* Vereor