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Full Series Governor Pryce

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Darth_Accipiter, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    Not being discussed much is the mysterious Governor of Lothal who was mentioned in passing in season one. Will she play a significant role in Season 3 and beyond? Judging by the trailer, Pryce seems to be the one to call in the blue guy to deal with the rebels prodding Lothal. Will we see Pryce more than we see Thrawn to avoid making the Grand Admiral look incompetent?

  2. Knight of Wren

    Knight of Wren Jedi Knight star 2

    Apr 13, 2016
    I was actually pretty surprised to see her when I first saw the trailer. She's been mentioned a number of times on the show and it's neat to finally see her. Oddly enough though, as soon as I saw her, all I could think of was Irina Spalko from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull... (similar haircut I guess :p)

  3. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    One thing is for sure, they don't need to ask for a pen.

    She seems to use the same square pattern as Tarkin, so she's a Moff obviously, not sure why they do not refer to as Moff ,although Leia referred to Tarkin as a governor. Tarkin had two of those pen-like things. They're also introducing something new with the collar triangles and stuff.
    MandaloreRex2015 likes this.
  4. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 46x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    4 actually - 2 on each side:

    In ROTS, when Tarkin was only a Moff - he had a 5x2 plack.


    Maybe the number of code cylinders marks subdivisions in rank - RoTS Tarkin being the highest-ranked of the "ordinary Moffs" and Pryce (only 2 cylinders, but 6x2 plack) being a low-ranked senior Moff - intermediate between ROTS Tarkin and ANH Tarkin.
    Cushing's Admirer likes this.
  5. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Rebels Imperials sport different uniforms than the movies(PT early style Imperials and OT) as they also have neck collar insignias/rankings :
  6. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 46x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Officers from mid rank (Aresko) to high rank (Kassius Konstantine, Governor Pryce) tend to use the same neck symbols - two triangles, pointing inward:

    Tarkin's are a bit more elaborate (bars, lines) - and Thrawn's point out not in, as well as having adjacent bars:
  7. jamminjedi23

    jamminjedi23 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 19, 2015
    Has it ever been stated why she has been away from Lothal?
  8. Danifae

    Danifae Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 23, 2004
    IIRC, they said Thrawn would be used in a similar way to Vader so it's possible we'll see a lot of Pryce. I reckon she, Konstantine and Titus will probably get offed before the show's end.

    For the sake of fleshing out a long-absent ominous female antagonist and a planetary governor at that, I hope Pryce is a recurring character. Due to her position and seemingly harsh personality (her physical appearance and impression I got from Zare's saga also give that aura), I'm not expecting her to live long as she's likely cannon-fodder.

    I wonder if and when she shuffles off her mortal coil, will we ever see Moff Delian Mors as an antagonist? AFAIK she had a connection to Ryloth, so at some stage she might cross paths with Hera and Cham.
  9. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    Those "pens" are code cylinders. I don't think Pryce is a Moff, they controller larger territories than planets.
  10. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Moff is a rank held by sector governors. Even Grand Moff Tarkin was a governor.
  11. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    Basically it was always explained she was too important to care about most going-ons of Lothal, instead spending a lot of time on Coruscant. We were never really sure if she had any real standing in the Imperial hierarchy or not, but judging be her appearances here, she does indeed have a good amount of clout.

    IDK though, she could be a moff. Though then it doesn't quite make sense why Tarkin would go to Lothal to deal with rebels before her. Perhaps Palpatine was like "you're good, but Tarkin's better" [face_devil]
  12. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    She could run the sector as (IIRC) Lothal is the sector capital
  13. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Maybe Old Sheev had a thing for her or she him.;)

    Her hair also reminds of the old Kenner Death Star figure...

    Commander Wolffe likes this.
  14. Toonimator

    Toonimator Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2006
    Oh, that crazy figure... shown with a picture on the card of a guy wearing giant '70s headphones beneath his Death Star Trooper helmet, who wasn't a Death Star Trooper (let alone a "Death Squad Commander") at all! He was probably in communications or something, and was working in a console nest in the observation room where Tarkin et al watch Alderaan blow up. Kenner seems to have wanted to make the Death Star Troopers seen often in the film guarding doors, fighting with the boys in the Detention Block, but ALSO wanted to touch on Tarkin a bit, giving him a painted-on rank badge with a gray uniform. In the end, he resembles the Console Jockey more, despite those guys having no rank badges, no gloves, no boots... crazy Kenner.

    It's possible that was a bit of the influence in the design of Pryce, tho mostly I think they were inspired by Irina from KOTCS.
  15. vstarvan

    vstarvan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 11, 2013
    It's weird that Governor Pryce has the same rank plaque as Grand Moff Tarkin, since Tarkin had a lower ranking plaque as a regular Moff. Maybe it's a promotion and she's been gone for the first two seasons because managing an oversector is a lot of work?
    Iron_lord likes this.
  16. outerrimjaba

    outerrimjaba Jedi Master star 1

    May 24, 2015
    Is her rank plaque squares smaller than Tarkin's? Aresko and Grint had smaller squares than normal imperial badges, and definitely smaller than Agent Kallus's. Anyways, she's a planetary governor, not sector (moff). As far as I know, Tarkin is the highest ranking imperial until Yavin. Oversector Moff and Member of the Dark Triumvirate, according to official Star Wars website - he and Vader are the emperor's chief enforcers.

    I wonder if Pryce had feelings for Tua...and maybe is mad at Tarkin and Vader for disposing her....could be an interesting subplot.
    DaddlerTheDalek likes this.
  17. Rax

    Rax Jedi Master star 3

    May 1, 2015
    Basically, Tarkin owns a big sector which contains many smaller sectors, governor Pryce owns one of these "smaller sectors" which is the "Lothal system", inside Tarkin's big sector. Tarkin is the neighbourhood leader, Pryce is a house leader that answers to Tarkin.

    Grand Moff - Governors of "priority sectors" also called an "Oversector".
    Oversector - "an area of space that contained several planetarysectors and was headed by a Grand Moff. Those Grand Moffs were responsible for maintaining control beneath them, keeping the Moffs—or sector governors—in line."
    Moff - "a rank held by sectorgovernors of the Galactic Empire."
    Sector - Just the word "sector" doesen't tell you much, but the word refers to something called "Planetary sector", the way oversectors are "Priority sectors". In "my" oversector explonation, you see that I mentioned that it contains "planetary sectors", which is this.
    DaddlerTheDalek likes this.
  18. vstarvan

    vstarvan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 11, 2013
    Not quite. The Lothal system is, well, a system. All the planets that orbit Lothal's star are part of the system. The Garel system is another nearby system to the Lothal system. Both systems (along with many others) are contained in the same sector, the Lothal sector. If systems were cities, then sectors would be counties. If deemed necessary, some sectors might be grouped together into an oversector. Continuing the analogy, oversectors would be states.

    Governor Pryce could've been governor of either the Lothal system or the Lothal sector. If she's a sector governor there's a possibility of her being a Moff (which would be rare considering there are presumably hundreds of sectors and only 20 Moffs). Tarkin is a Grand Moff. He's in charge of an oversector containing multiple sectors. He's often referred to as "governor of the Outer Rim", so its safe to assume his oversector is made up of a good portion of Outer Rim sectors. His oversector seems to exist primarily so he can have better control over all the sectors relevant to the Death Star's construction. Two sectors that we know are under Tarkin's jurisdiction are the Arkanis sector (where the Death Star is being built), and the Lothal sector (Kyber crystal mining).

    What's interesting is that Pryce has the exact same rank plaque as Tarkin. Its not the rank of a Moff, Moffs only have two yellow boxes on their plaques. So here's what I think might he going on:
    The Rebel insurgency around Lothal and the neighboring sectors is getting way out of hand. Tarkin is too busy building the Death Star to deal with them, so after season 2 a new Oversector is created in the region and Pryce is put in charge. In the trailer we even see Tarkin all like "It's your problem now, whatcha gonna do about it?" and she decides to pull the Thrawn card.
    Commander Wolffe likes this.
  19. DaddlerTheDalek

    DaddlerTheDalek Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2014
    Pryce's design could be a nod to Spalko.
    Master_Rebado likes this.
  20. Rax

    Rax Jedi Master star 3

    May 1, 2015

    Yes, I suspect that Tarkin put her in charge because she does infact wear the grand moff plaque. Now that I think of it, it makes full sense, Tarkin needs to work on the death star, he leaves his entire oversector to the planetary sector's governor because she and grand admiral Thrawn needs to work together to defeat the rebels while Tarkin isn't present, Thrawn alone acting in Tarkin's system probably wouldn't work unless the acting grand moff is with him. You may also be right in saying that the lothal system is just a system in a sector-- what I said about that in my post was the only thing which I just "thought of" and didn't search on as a fact. You're probably right about that.
    outerrimjaba likes this.
  21. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 46x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Her being "acting grand moff" might explain the plack - maybe the lack of cylinders is the indication that the rank is temporary rather than permanent.
    Commander Wolffe likes this.
  22. Rax

    Rax Jedi Master star 3

    May 1, 2015

    Yes, I really doubt that Tarkin just handed his oversector away (Yes, even if he also had the deathstar, he'll make time for two jobs), and rather making her acting grand moff. The rebel troubles started and is going on around her sector, so if the rebels goes further, she has to get access and such to the other planetary systems by being acting grand moff. Probably, there is also a disadvantage for Thrawn to come and take care of the rebels without having the actual leader of the entire sector around.
    outerrimjaba likes this.
  23. vstarvan

    vstarvan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 11, 2013
    I think you misunderstood what I meant. I don't think Tarkin hands his oversector over to Pryce, I'm saying a new separate oversector is formed to deal with the Rebellion. Some sectors that used to be part of Tarkin's are moved into this new oversector, like Lothal.
  24. outerrimjaba

    outerrimjaba Jedi Master star 1

    May 24, 2015
    To build DS1 and marshall the resources for it Tarkin had to be mobile when there was a logistical issue or threat to the logistics. His oversector rank probably came to bear when he needed resources from other sectors.

    Once the DS1 was complete, his oversector governance became the replacement of the Senate.

    His hyperdrive planet destroyer parked itself outside of a core world...and his rank even furthered...he effectively became the legislative, military and judicial branch of the Empire.

    ANH made a modern political point that there is a need of separation of powers. 2 billion Alderaanians were probably under a different moff over a core world sector...I'm sure he filed a post mortem complaint against Tarkin.

    I doubt Tarkin bothered the Emperor with his decision to set course for Alderaan...Vader had to puzzle it out that he was going to use it to extract info from Leia. Nothing was said when just casually uttered the infamy, "Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready. " Vader just stayed mute and played bodyguard holding the princess back off of him.

    Palpatine's new order would've been a Darwinian power struggle between moffs on ambiguous lines of authority, but with an overshadowing menacing autonomy given to Tarkin - who could create priorty sectors maybe temporary promotions.

    Tarkin became the king of the Veermok pride (sector governors)...and the Death Star was his Carrion Spike.
  25. CoolyFett

    CoolyFett Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 3, 2003
    Hopefully she is a good character. Need more women on the empire side of things.