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Lit List of interspecies hybrid-offspring in the EU

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Keeper_of_Swords, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    I was wondering yesterday if there are any more hybrid offspring from different humanoid species in the EU.

    In the clone wars animation there were children of a twilek and human clone and the children had traits of both species.

    Are there more examples of these offspring in the Expanded Universe? Do they have specific names? (according to the species of their parents) Also, are they fertile?

    Thank you
  2. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Weren't those clarified as not the children of that clone, but someone else?
  3. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    Aren't most Theelins by the time of the films part human?

    And Farfalla -- isn't that guy half-Bothan now?

    They were retconned out as being children of the clone...

    ...only to be made children of another human.:p
  4. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    That was what I was thinking of.

    Not sure where Farfalla's hooves come from- maybe he's half Bothan, half Something Else, which is not human at all.
  5. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    Yeah, I think the Bothan thing is new -- from the Warfare book I guess?

    Alas he wasn't a Sephi. Retconning every pointy-earred species as a Sephi appears to have gone the way of muppet Yoda and bellbottoms.
  6. Rogue_Follower

    Rogue_Follower Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 12, 2003
    Yeah the Bothan thing was from Warfare (McEwok, I'm looking at you...)

    Theelin-human hybrids are the most common, with Shug Ninx being the first EU appearance and Rystall being the first film appearance. There were a few others in the PT.

    Edit: How could I forget Sith-human hybrids? Also, thanks to TCW, humans and Zabrak are... somewhat compatible.
    TheRedBlade likes this.
  7. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Posters above said.............Weren't those clarified as not the children of that clone, but someone else?​
    They were retconned out as being children of the clone...

    ...only to be made children of another human

    I had the impression that they were the kids of the clone and the twilek as they had features which were both twilek and particular colour and shorter head appendages if i am not mistaken....

    Can anyone elaborate on this please?

    (Also, thanks for the info so far, quite interesting)
  8. Rogue_Follower

    Rogue_Follower Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 12, 2003
    The girl, Shaeeah, has mottled blue-peach skin and normal looking head tails.


    Nothing about her is out of the ordinary for a Twi'lek. The color mixing could be the result of having Twi'lek parents of two different colors. Notably, her mother, Suu, is bright pink, so perhaps the father was blue (if Twi'lek genetics even work that way, which is a whole other can of worms...)

    The boy, Jek, is pale, with short headtails.


    Nothing about him is out of the ordinary for a Twi'lek. Flesh-toned Twi'leks have been around since the beginning, and have been featured in the Clone Wars as well. His short lekku are clearly due to his young age, because we know that lekku grow with age.

    The reason the kids are not Cut Lawquane's is because the timeline simply does not work. Cut deserted the Clone Army after the Battle of Geonosis. He met Suu after he deserted. The episode is set in the first year of the war. The kids are roughly three and four years old. QED, he is not their father.

    Someone must have missed that fact when they were writing a description of the family, and made the kids into human-Twi'lek hybrids. That was a stupid mistake, but apparently we're stuck with it now, because Everything Is Canon And We Can Never Admit A Mistake.

    Maybe Suu has a thing for humans. I donno.
    RC-1991, K'Kruhk, Gorefiend and 2 others like this.
  9. FatSmel

    FatSmel Jedi Knight star 3

    Sep 23, 2012
    that's ridiculous, half twi'lek, half human?
    TCW just gets stupider and stupider

    And Farfalla half Bothan???? wtf i hope you guys are trolling
  10. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004
    Nep, though it is never made clear what his other half is, though the author commentary hints at a Sith experiment (I personaly would favor Theelin), which would not be the first time after all Human/Sith, Human/Zabrak (thx again TCW [face_sigh]) are also created using Dark Side Alchemy.
  11. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    now guys we are forgetting something here... McEwok never clarified which half of Farfalla was the Bothan one! :p maybe the hooves are not the Bothan half after all :p since I remember seeing Borsk Fey'lyas feet in a Thrawn trilogy comic. no hooves there. Besides.. I still favor the believe that Farfalla was fully furr covered when born and only liked to shave his upper torso... for the girls. 8)
    Barriss_Coffee likes this.
  12. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004
    His Hooves is why I actually assumed he has Theelin blood
    CeiranHarmony likes this.
  13. Rogue_Follower

    Rogue_Follower Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 12, 2003
    Honestly, I'd prefer that Farfalla and his ilk just be a species of fauns. Boom. Done. No retcons needed. Star Wars already has sentient cats, dogs, slugs, beetles, spiders, praying mantises, otters, whales, seals, polar bears, horses, and camels. Plus, on the mythological side, it has dragons, elves, and centaurs. So fauns are hardly the weirdest or most "fantasy" element in Star Wars.

    Incidentally, something I'd never noticed before: there's a female member of the species on Farfalla's ship.
    CeiranHarmony likes this.
  14. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004
    But... but... but... Fauns just like Druids are stupid [face_not_talking] unlike real AD&D hero characters that will not stop from burning down a whole forest because it causes more trouble than its worth. :-BI am actually more curious about what race Farfallas envoy is.
  15. QuentinGeorge

    QuentinGeorge Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 12, 2003
    I'm just no sure what making Farfalla "part-Bothan" was supposed to solve, since he doesn't look at all like a Bothan.
  16. FatSmel

    FatSmel Jedi Knight star 3

    Sep 23, 2012
    It doesn't solve anything. It just sounds stupid.

    Why can't he just be his own species
  17. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    only because his mom had had a Bothan lover once all assume that was his father... does not have to be the case.. she had many lovers. There was that one Drall for once.. or her 3 days on Zeltron with a Lepi, a Neti and several Squibs...
    FatSmel likes this.
  18. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    but since this is the interspecies topic...

    Zabrak-Human hyprids... as per TCW and Chee they result in offspring that male side is like pure Zabrak and female side is like paleskinned humans with higher foreheads.

    Now the EU gave us horned females too as well as normal looking non-pale females who have or do not have Zabrak ancestry. So here my educated guess: Depending on how many generations of Zabrak-ing around we see, the crossbred kids have different degrees of their ancestry showing.

    f.e. if females only do it with Zabrak males... the female kids few generations down will have horns too one day with Zabrak genes getting more prominent. if the Zabrak part is reduced by several generations of non-Zabrak fathers, the skin gets less pale, the forehead less high..

    so to speak, Mother Talzin was of more Zabrakmingling ancestry than the other less high forehead witches. (stupid I know but it works at least). and Singing Mountain clan got Zabrak too as per The Last Jedi, even crossbreds but not all are, merely some witches with others pure human (thank God for that. or the authors!). :)
  19. Zeta1127

    Zeta1127 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 2, 2012
    Both Human/Zabrak and Human/Twi'lek hybrids don't exist.
    CeiranHarmony likes this.

    COMPNOR Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Aug 19, 2003
    Anybody have any muffin stumps they need to get rid of?
  21. Zorrixor

    Zorrixor Chosen One star 6

    Sep 8, 2004
    Because saying he was the offspring of a Human-Centaur pairing was way, way, way too risky for PG13.
    CeiranHarmony likes this.
  22. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    be glad the NJO killed Lusa in time before Raynar got her pregnant... or was she already... we'll never know!
  23. CeiranHarmony

    CeiranHarmony Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 10, 2004
    From a certain point of view... you are correct. ;)
    Zeta1127 likes this.
  24. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Thanks for the info rogue-follower (and everyone else :)
  25. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    I am going to pretend that half-bothan is just a nickname for the species, referring to them having both human and goat features.