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Challenge Rewrite_Challenge_Thread: Voting Underway

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Rewrite_Challenge_Thread, Oct 16, 2012.

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  1. Rewrite_Challenge_Thread

    Rewrite_Challenge_Thread Jedi Youngling

    Oct 16, 2012
    Welcome to the all-new, reformed and all-encompassing Official Write/Rewrite Challenge Thread. Many of you may remember this challenge in one of its original forms: The OT Write/Rewrite Challenge, started by JedImasterbac, the PT Write/Rewrite Challenge and the Official Write/Rewrite challenge thread. After much consideration , we have decided and been mod-approved to combine those challenges together under a sock to make things a little less cluttered and easier for the new boards.

    The challenges will be the same as before, taking a scene from the SW movies and rewriting it or creating an all new scene from the gaps the movies didn?t fill in. How are we working in Beyond, you may ask? Simple, the scenes will be chosen from the EU books or we may have you create an all-new one set in between the books.

    Your hostess are: Kelia and DarthIshtar

    The Rules:

    1. A new challenge will be posted on Mondays. Please post your response in the official response thread. A link will be provided along with the challenge. You will have 7 days to post a response.

    2. Please refrain from posting your reply outside the official response thread until the winner of that round is announced. The reason we ask this is because it is much easier for people to vote when all of the responses are in one place.

    3. Voting will begin the morning after the deadline to post a response. Anyone is allowed to vote. You do not have to be a participant in the challenge to do so. And if you are a participant, you may also vote, but do not vote for yourself. Also, please do not ask anyone else to vote for you. That takes the fun out of a friendly competition and we want this to be fun for all.

    4. Voting will be via PM only. You may submit 1 vote to either DarthIstar or myself within the voting timeframe.

    The Winner (The best part of all) :D

    Will receive one week of colors [face_dancing] [face_dancing] [face_dancing]

    A new challenge will be posted after the winner?s color?s have expired.

    If anyone has any suggestions, please PM myself or DarthIshtar. We are open to all ideas :)

    [face_good_luck] [face_good_luck] [face_good_luck] [face_good_luck]

  2. Rewrite_Challenge_Thread

    Rewrite_Challenge_Thread Jedi Youngling

    Oct 16, 2012
    Nope, it’s not Monday but it is time for a new Challenge! :D

    Halloween is just around the corner so your challenge, should you be brave enough to accept, is to write a scary, spooky, evil, creepy or downright terrifying little story to fit with the season. [face_skull][face_skull]

    Characters and genre are all up to you

    If you’d like to do humor, that’s fine as well, just have some kind of spooky element in the story.

    Entries are due one week from today: October 23 at midnight board time.

    Please post your entries here:]Rewrite[/url] Challenge Thread

    Good luck and have fun!!
  3. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Let me make sure I understand. Before we would post our story in the proper era and then link it to the challenge thread. Are you saying you are going to create a new thread for each weekly challenge and participants will post their story there in its entirely? Or are we posting our story in this thread.? Then after voting we can take our story and then post it in the proper era?

    Did we ever get a winner from the last challenge that occured prior to the move?
  4. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Sorry for the confusion Jedi_Lover.

    All challenges and responses will be posted in this thread. Responses for the challenge are limited to one post. If you wish to continue the story, that will be done on the Fan Fiction board after the current challenge is over. Two weeks at the most.

    After voting is finished, that is when you can post your story on the Fan Fiction board. We only do this to keep all the responses in one spot so the voters don't have to go searching for the replies before casting their vote.

    Last challenge, let me check with Ish, as she hosted that one.
  5. CmdrMitthrawnuruodo

    CmdrMitthrawnuruodo Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 1, 2000
    Ooo Halloween theme. *rubs hands* Time for some character abuse. Muahahahaha
  6. CmdrMitthrawnuruodo

    CmdrMitthrawnuruodo Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 1, 2000
    Sorry for the double post, but I do have a question.

    Does it have to be tied in with a book/movie to qualify? Cause the idea I have would be set years before Phantom in the EU but uses characters from TPM and AotC and has no tie in with anything, though I could squeeze such a tie in if necessary.
  7. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    No tie in is necessary.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I just post it here?

    Vader meets Halloween

    New parts
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: after ROTS
    Characters: Darth Vader and Darth Sidious
    Genre: rewrite
    Summary: for the Halloween challenge.

    Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by G.L.

    Darth Vader had entered his meditation sphere.
    The medical droid had attached the tubes, another had lifted mask and helmet and the dark lord had closed his eyes.


    Darth Vader opened his eyes and recognised the environment. “What are you doing?”

    A droid appendage with a deathly pale leg appeared in his vision.

    “New limbs apprentice.”

    “Where did you find those?”

    “The Jedi you killed was still useful. I found her in her precious library, could preserve the parts I needed and hurried you to my centre.”

    “I am a man.”

    “You are mine.”


    ‘Sawing sounds?’ Soon it was clear “Owwww!!!”

    “Pain is your strength Vader.”

    “AAAAHHHH.” Vader passed out only to wake moments later, or were those moments?

    “Lord Vader rise!”

    Darth Vader opened his eyes. The pain was gone. He looked down. His quite useful prosthetic limbs were replaced by old legs. He moved his hands. They were old and frail, veins visible under the thin skin and small.
    He stood up, gingerly and unsteady and saw. Even his face was replaced. Even the life-support. A golden torso was now his. A face was framed with dark curly long hair. “Aoooh” And he stopped a moment, disgusted of the high female voice and began to shriek “AAAWWWW NOOOOH”

    Wobbly legs didn’t support him and he was falling down.

    KELIA likes this.
  9. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    TITLE: The First Grandchild
    Author: Jedi_Lover
    Timeframe: Swarm Wars
    Characters: Han, Leia, Jaina, Cilghal and OC
    Genre: Rewrite
    Summary: For the Halloween Challenge. Write something scary, spooky, evil, creepy or downright terrifying to fit with the season.
    Disclaimer: Do I really have to tell you I don’t own Star Wars?

    (After reading this guess what movie I bought and watched last week. lol!)

    Coruscant: 36 ABY

    Han and Leia Solo lingered outside the Jedi Temple medical facility waiting for the Jedi healer Cilghal to update them on their daughter’s condition.

    “What’s taking them so long?” Han complained as he paced around the waiting room. “It’s bad enough that Jaina had to be in neural therapy for the last few months to repair her brain from the mess made by the Killik pheromones and Gold Membrosia, but now she’s having seizures!” Han dropped down in a waiting room couch and buried his head in his hands. Leia sat down next to her husband and put a gentle hand on his knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

    “It’ll be alright Han,” she reassured him. “Cilghal is the best Jedi healer. Jaina’s in good hands.”

    As if on cue the Mon Calamari healer exited the Temple emergency room. Leia was never good at picking up facial clues from Cilghal’s species, but with the Force she could feel shock radiating off the healer. Leia immediately stood up. “What’s wrong?”

    Cilghal turned to toward the door she just came from and then back to the Solo’s. “I uhhh…”

    Leia’s heart sank. She never had knows Cilghal to be at a loss for words. It must be bad.

    The healer straightened up and Leia could feel her steeling herself for the upcoming conversation. “This is most unexpected and I don’t know why we didn’t detect Jaina’s medical condition earlier…but she’s pregnant.”

    Leia could feel disbelief and anger flooding from Han. “I am going to kill Zeke!” he growled. “That son-of-a-sith took advantage of my little girl. They told me about going to the Harem Cave for the Killik Dawn Rumble, but he said he was too drunk on Membrosia to have done anything. I am going to kill that poodoo eating crunchbug.”

    Leia tried to calm her husband down. “Han, you can kill him later or have a blaster-wedding if you want. I’m more concerned about the seizures.” Leia turned back to Cilghal for an explanation.

    “I think the child was affected by the Killik pheromones it absorbed from the placenta. It’s possible it may have a hive mind and as the baby matures it is causing interference with Jaina’s synaptic connections. I don’t know how this will affect Jaina for the duration of the pregnancy. We may have to put her in an induced coma, or…or we may have to do something with the fetus.” Cilghal averted her eyes from Leia.

    Leia’s eyes went wide. “You mean abort our grandchild?” The word came out almost as a sob.

    “That will only occur if there is a danger to Jaina’s life. I am dedicated to sustaining life.” Cilghal assured the former princess. “Right now I am having my assistant to set up the ultrasound equipment. We haven’t gotten fully operational since our recent move to the rebuilt temple.”

    A young female rushed out of the Emergency Room looking pale and shaken. “Master Cilghal, you’re needed immediately.”

    Cilghal rushed back to the emergency room. Leia and Han didn’t ask for permission, but followed the healer into the treatment room.

    “She started hemorrhaging,” the young human healer said nervously, “but what I saw on the ultrasound was more distressing.”

    “What is it?” Cilghal asked. The technician flipped a switch and a hologram image of the sonogram popped up above a projector. Cilghal stared at it silently and then cocked her head to one side and then the other. Her eyes blinked rapidly in a gesture that Leia recognized as confusion. Cilghal pointed to an indistinct blob moving above the projector. “Is that what I think it is?”

    The assistant looked queasy. “Yes, teeth.”

    The Emergency room was silent for a long pause before Cilghal burst into a frenzy of activity. “Prep her for an emergency C-Section.” Cilghal turned to Leia and Han. “You don’t want to see this.”

    Leia shook her head in frustration. “That’s my daughter. What’s wrong?”

    “No time to explain. You daughter is dying.” Cilghal picked Jaina up and unceremoniously moved her on the operating table. The Assistant had an injector to her neck within seconds and an IV line in her arm. The healers quickly wiped disinfectant over her abdomen and did a quick but precise cut. As Cilghal spread open the incision, the younger female healer turned away. Cilghal, the experienced Master healer had no hesitation. She quickly snatched out the fetus.

    As the baby writhing in Cilghal’s webbed hands, Leia stepped back in shock. What Cilghal held was not a human fetus, but a white tubular mass wriggling around like a snake. On one end was a pincher like appendage and the other end was two black, deeply inset eyes sitting over a wide maw filled with bloody razor sharp teeth.

    Cilghal looked around for a place to put the grub-like alien, but the creature quickly spun its head around and sunk its teeth into the Mon Calamari. She immediately dropped the angry monstrosity. The alien screamed as a blaster shot echoed through the Emergency Room.

    Han walked up to the creature blaster still trained on it. He looked over to Cilghal fear and anger burning in his eyes. “Save my daughter!”

    The two healers pulled themselves out of their momentary stupor and began emergency procedures on the Jedi Knight.

    Han wandered over to the wall and leaned heavily against it. Leia could see unshed tears in his eyes as he holstered his weapon. Leia came up and hugged him. “Han…oh Han.”

    The smuggler shrugged his wife away as he stalked toward the ER doors. “Han where are you going?”

    He turned around and glared at his wife. Leia stomach clenched. She had never seen this look of murderous rage on Han before and the emotions that he projected were homicidal in their intensity.

    “I’m going to the Falcon, buy as much insecticide that the cargo hold will carry and carpet bomb the entire kriff’n colony. I have had too much taken from me during the Vong War. I’m not going to lose another child because the Alliance and the Jedi want to play nice with the Killiks. Sometimes the enemy only understands the words from a blaster. Sometimes, genocide is the answer.” With that said he stalked off. Leia was ready to go after him, but she hesitated. Jaina needed her…and deep inside a part of her thought Han was right.
    KELIA likes this.
  10. Rewrite_Challenge_Thread

    Rewrite_Challenge_Thread Jedi Youngling

    Oct 16, 2012
    The deadline for submissions has passed.

    Voting will now begin.



    Voting is open to everyone. One vote per person and voting will end midnight board time on Monday, October 29.

    Please PM your vote to this sock, Kelia or DarthIshtar.

    The winner will be announced Tuesday morning. :D
  11. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Votes are already trickling in. Keep them coming and great job on the challenge!
  12. Rewrite_Challenge_Thread

    Rewrite_Challenge_Thread Jedi Youngling

    Oct 16, 2012
    [face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin]Congrats to Jedi_Lover, who is inaugurating this thread's new set of challenges as this challenge's winner. [face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin][face_pumpkin]
  13. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Woot! That is my first win ever! Thanks everybody!@};-
  14. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Congrats Jedi_Lover!!
  15. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Congrats Jedi_Lover
  16. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
    Good going, Jedi_Lover =D=
  17. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Thanks everybody![:D] I liked your story also Earlybird-Obi-Wan. Now that was a good reason for Vader to yell "Noooooooo!"
  18. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Do we get a new challenge this week?
  19. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
    *nudge* yeah, inquiring minds want to know.
  20. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Coming up soon, a new challenge! Keep checking back in. I hope to have it up by the end of the week.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  21. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
    Yay! [face_dancing]

    Hehe, little things make me happy. :D
  22. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Good, I just finished my Christmas Fanfic exchange story.
  23. Rewrite_Challenge_Thread

    Rewrite_Challenge_Thread Jedi Youngling

    Oct 16, 2012
    Even in space operas, there are holidays. Your challenge is to write about the observance of one of those holidays. Maybe it's Chewbacca and the Ewoks sharing an Arbor Day. Maybe it's the mid-Rebellion Fete Week. Maybe it's Empire Day the year after the Senate was dissolved. Go crazy!

    Challenge to end December 22nd.
    Alexis_Wingstar likes this.
  24. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: CLWRS weeks before the battle of Azure
    Characters: Obi-Wan and Siri
    Genre: rewrite
    Summary: for the .

    Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by G.L. and the mouse


    It was snowing.
    Two Jedi – friends – were watching that snow.
    It was expected snow.
    On Coruscant – a planet with weather control – it snowed only when the controllers planned that snow and snow for New Years Eve was.
    But for the two Jedi it was the celebration of New Years Eve and something else.

    The snow had the two remembering fond moments and funny ones.

    It had snowed on a birthday, leading to a lot of fun.

    “You and those initiates; you let them pepper you with snowballs.”

    “And you were the starter of this Mrs. Tachi. You slipped the first snowball between my tunics and obi. You encouraged the initiates to gather the snow to make snowballs.”

    “It was funny to see you turning red. Your hair began to match your face. And it was oh so sweet to wipe you dry after the snow and fun and…”

    “Kiss me. That was sweet. And the Force agreed just like it did when you were the one to help me to regain my strength after Jabiim.”

    “It did and we have a bond of love, a bond of the soul, just like that stubborn guy told us when we were there to say goodbye when he left with the training group to go to Lingala.”

    “He will recover there and find a new future. You are mine Tachi.”

    “Yes Kenobi.”

    Hands encircled a waist.
    Lips moved.
    A deep kiss followed and two Jedi winked with their eyes when the snow continued to fall.
    Life was good for them on this evening.
    The war was for this eternal moment far away.
    Snow gave everything a soft edge, made things pure and white.
    Love bonded the two Jedi.

  25. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Any new challenges coming up?
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