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Index The All New Beta Readers Index - Need a beta? Want to beta? Come on In!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Beta Index, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Beta Index

    Beta Index Jedi Padawan

    Sep 29, 2015
    Welcome to the all new Beta Readers Index

    Are you looking for a beta? Are you willing to beta for someone else This is the place for you!

    What is a beta reader?
    A beta is someone who goes over your story before you post it for everyone to read. A beta can be as in-depth or as casual as you both want to make it. They can simply help with grammar/spelling if that's all you are looking for, or they can also help with plot, pacing, characterization, help you brain storm, etc. This thread is to help you find that relationship as a writer or as someone who is willing to help others out. If that applies to you, keep reading!

    I'm willing to be a beta:

    Great! If you would like to be listed as a beta in this thread please fill out the "Beta Reader Form" below, post it here in the thread and you'll be posted in the index.

    Please take a look at the stories/Authors that need a beta and see if you would be willing to help that person out, sometimes people feel uncomfortable PMing someone to ask for help, so if you see something you'd like to help with, send them a PM!

    If at any time you no longer want to be a beta, please let the sock know so we can take you off the list. You can always fill out the form again when you would like to be a beta again.

    I would like a beta:

    Check out the index in the next few posts, see if there is someone that has similar interests to your story(s) and PM them. Don't be shy, they've volunteered in this thread for a reason.

    You can also fill out the "Need A Beta Form" below and post it in this thread, someone may PM you and state they'd like to beta your story.

    If you've posted the "Need a Beta" form and you've since gotten a beta(s) and you no longer need one for that post, please edit that post saying so.


    Yes, you can fill out both forms, but please put them in separate posts to make it easier to keep track of.

    Beta Reader Form:
    If willing to do multiple Eras, please fill out the second and third (Era and area of interest) question for each era, but keep them in the same post. See example below.
    Examples of what types of info are in parentheses.

    User name:
    Area of Interest:
    (KOTOR, EU, NJO, OT, PT, AU, OCs, Ships, pilots, AU etc.)
    Strong points: (Humor, Angst, drama, action, adventure, mush, romance, military, etc.)
    Focus of Correction Areas: (Grammar, plot, characterization, pacing, continuity etc.)
    Word Limit:
    Other Info:

    Example of multi Era form:
    User name: Writer1
    Era: Before
    Area of Interest: KOTOR, Pre-Saga, AU
    Era: Saga
    Area of Interest: Han/Leia, pilots, AU, PT, OT,
    Strong points: Humor, Angst, drama, action, adventure, military
    Focus of Correction Areas: Grammar, plot, characterization
    Word Limit: Up to 5,000 words at a time.
    Other Info: Willing to be full time beta reader for author, 2 to 3 day turn around.

    Need a Beta Form:
    Examples of what type of info in parentheses

    Story Type:
    (AU, OCs, Romance, mush, angst, military, etc.)
    Length: (Word count, one-shot, multi-chapter, etc.)
    Type of Beta intervention wanted:
    (Grammar, pacing, plot development, sounding board, pacing, etc)
    Other info: (Wanting beta for just this story, wanting full time beta, anything else you think they should know.)

    - - -

    People Currently Looking for a Beta:

    January 17, 2018:
    Sequel Trilogy
    Story Type: Crossover (Sequel Trilogy x Metroid), AU, Eventual Romance, Action-ish, F/F, M/M)
    Length: Unknown at this time, but definitely going to be 15+ chapters)
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  2. Beta Index

    Beta Index Jedi Padawan

    Sep 29, 2015
    Before the Saga
    Please click on the Beta's name to take you to their post with all their info.

    User name: A Blind Prophet
    Era: Any
    Area of Interest: I've mainly written in the old legends, but I'm getting caught up and am interested in learning about nu-canon. But again, pretty much any.

    User name: Cowgirl Jedi 1701
    Era: Most familiar with movies, but interested in others
    Area Of Interest: (KOTOR, EU, NJO, OT, PT, AU, OCs, Ships, pilots, AU etc.) See above

    User name: garrastar58
    Era: Before (KOTOR), Saga
    Area of Interest: KOTOR, EU, OT, PT, CW - I love clones!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  3. Beta Index

    Beta Index Jedi Padawan

    Sep 29, 2015
    The Saga - Currently classified as anything within the PT/OT/ST
    Please click on the Beta's name to go to their post with the full info.

    User name: A Blind Prophet
    Era: Any
    Area of Interest: I've mainly written in the old legends, but I'm getting caught up and am interested in learning about nu-canon. But again, pretty much any.

    User name: Cowgirl Jedi 1701
    Era: Most familiar with movies, but interested in others
    Area Of Interest: (KOTOR, EU, NJO, OT, PT, AU, OCs, Ships, pilots, AU etc.) See above

    User name: divapilot
    Era: Saga, Beyond - Legends, Saga ST
    Area of Interest: shipping, especially L/M, H/L. OCs. Not strong with A/P.

    User name: Ewok Poet
    Era: Saga and Nu-Canon stuff (big fan of Darth Vader comics here!)
    Area of Interest: Aliens. Ewoks in particular, but I love all kinds of aliens, alien culture, alien plots. Also, anything Corellian Sector.

    User name: garrastar58
    Era: Before (KOTOR), Saga
    Area of Interest: KOTOR, EU, OT, PT, CW - I love clones!

    User name: WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    Era: Saga & Beyond.
    Area of Interest: Anything taking place during ANH through Legends but cutting off at the end of NJO. I like AUs a lot! And OCs rule!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  4. Beta Index

    Beta Index Jedi Padawan

    Sep 29, 2015
    Beyond the Saga - Including Legends (the old EU) and anything that takes place post ST.
    Please click on the beta's name to take you to their post with their full info.

    User name: A Blind Prophet
    Era: Any
    Area of Interest: I've mainly written in the old legends, but I'm getting caught up and am interested in learning about nu-canon. But again, pretty much any.

    User name: Cowgirl Jedi 1701
    Era: Most familiar with movies, but interested in others
    Area Of Interest: (KOTOR, EU, NJO, OT, PT, AU, OCs, Ships, pilots, AU etc.) See above

    User name: divapilot
    Era: Saga, Beyond - Legends, Saga ST
    Area of Interest: shipping, especially L/M, H/L. OCs. Not strong with A/P.

    User name: WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    Era: Saga & Beyond.
    Area of Interest: Anything taking place during ANH through Legends but cutting off at the end of NJO. I like AUs a lot! And OCs rule!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  5. Admiral Volshe

    Admiral Volshe Chosen One star 10

    Sep 2, 2012
    User name: Admiral Volshe
    Era: Before, Saga
    Area of Interest: Pretty much anything before the OT/ST intertrilogy. (So before the end of ROTJ).
    Strong points: Military, action, battles, drama, the Empire, AUs, pilots, Padmé, Old Republic era, starfighters/capital ships (etc.), Naboo.
    Focus of Correction Areas: Grammar, characterisation, dialogue, flow, plot.
    Word Limit: None. But have realistic expectations of how long it will take to beta a huge epic.
    Other Info: I would like to take a look before I completely submit to betaing a story. So PM me a snippet first so I know I am comfortable with it!! :)
  6. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    User name: Nyota's Heart
    Era: Saga & Beyond.
    Area of Interest: Anything taking place during ANH through Legends but cutting off at the end of NJO. I like AUs a lot! And OCs rule!
    Strong points: Introspection, character growth, dialogue.
    Focus of Correction Areas: Grammar, characterisation, dialogue.
    Word Limit: None. I am a sponge with can't wait to read-itis. So I can take more than one chunk at a time, particularly over the weekend.
    Other Info: Please start a conversation with your story idea and rough outline. I will not read fics involving same-gender pairings.
    Jedi Sarabel and mavjade like this.
  7. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    User name: Ewok Poet
    Era: Saga and Nu-Canon stuff (big fan of Darth Vader comics here!)
    Area of Interest: Aliens. Ewoks in particular, but I love all kinds of aliens, alien culture, alien plots. Also, anything Corellian Sector.
    Strong points: Help with worldbuilding, overall believability (if that's a word) of the plot, I can tell you if it's cheesy or nonsensical.
    Focus of Correction Areas: Artistry in general. As a non-native speaker, I may not catch all stylistic errors, but I can proof-read pretty well, I'm learning from the best and willing to learn more.
    Word Limit: I have concentration issues, so if it's longer, it may take more time.
    Other Info: I'm a LGBTQ person, a grey asexual and I'm more than willing to read LGBTQ stuff as long as it's not outright porn. If you want to spew rainbows and write flamboyant stereotypes, I'm afraid I'll have to say no.
  8. Shira A'dola

    Shira A'dola Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 4, 2012
    User name: Shira A'dola
    Era: Pretty much anything
    Area of Interest: Again, pretty much anything
    Strong points: AU's, world-building, plot credibility, alien culture and species, action, drama
    Focus of Correction Areas: Grammar and spelling, characterisation, dialogue, flow, plot.
    Word Limit: None. But please keep in mind that the longer your story is, the longer it'll take for me to beta.
    Other Info: I'll read almost anything, including same-gender relationships, but I will not read anything explicitly sexual. I'd like a short summary and/or a short snip of your story before I agree to beta please :)
  9. Beta Index

    Beta Index Jedi Padawan

    Sep 29, 2015
    Index has been updated.

    Thanks to the volunteers so far!
  10. metophlus

    metophlus Jedi Padawan star 2

    Jun 30, 2015
    User name: metophlus
    Era: Before, Saga
    Area of Interest: KotOR AU, Saga AU; Female leads, lesbian romances
    Strong points: I can help you write pretty sentences.
    Focus of Correction Areas: Basic mistakes in every aspect of a story.
    Word Limit: 500 to 3,000 words per chapter.
    Other Info: n/a
    Admiral Volshe and mavjade like this.
  11. gaarastar58

    gaarastar58 Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 19, 2010
    User name: Gaarastar
    Era: KOTOR and Saga
    Area of Interest: KOTOR, EU, OT, PT, CW - I love clones!
    Strong points: Drama, military, character (firm believer in "character is plot")
    Focus of Correction Areas: Characterisation, realistic dialogue, editing tips, anything and everything.
    Word Limit: Sensible limits.
    Other Info: I'll give you honest feedback and have a lot of experience critiquing writing of all kinds. I look for good characters in the pieces I beta.
  12. pregnantpadme

    pregnantpadme Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 25, 2004
    User name: pregnantpadme
    Era: Saga, Beyond - Legends
    Area of Interest: Saga movies, What was EU (now Legends)
    Era: Padme/Anakin - Rey, or Padme/Anikan through J&J's marriage
    Area of Interest: I've spent most of my time in the 'EU' and beyond, but really it's ideas and good writing that I love. I can't imagine I'd be of much help to anyone writing KOTOR because I simply don't know that end of the universe.
    Strong points: Banter, overall psychology behind character actions, overall story structure, dialogue, clarity of read.
    Focus of Correction Areas: Plot, overall consistency in story structure, characterization, a plan...
    Word Limit: I'd hate to impose that kind of restraint on creativity, so lets talk first
    Other Info: This is a hobby, and I have a career and two kids, so I can't make bold blanket commitments, what I can do is try to build relationships
  13. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    User name: divapilot

    Era: Saga, Beyond - legends, Saga-ST (ep VII)

    Area of Interest: 'shipping, especially L/M, H/L. OCs. Not strong with A/P. I don't know any KOTOR or Before characters or events, so I can only help with generalized things such as dialogue and character development. I don't know much about the Clone Wars or anything military.

    Strong points: I can help you with consistency, dialogue, character development, scene movements, descriptions. Although I tend toward writing romance and exploring personal relationships between characters, I have written action, introspection, humor, and horror.

    Focus of Correction Areas: I am an excellent grammarian. I will catch all your errors. I am also good at helping you to smooth out the edges of your story.

    Word Limit: I don't have word limits, but it is easier for me to get back to you if you don't send me a novel. I am ridiculously busy at certain times of the year and will not be able to get back to you right away because of RL, but otherwise I try to get back to you within a day or so after you send me your work.

    Other Info: I prefer to work through emails, using Word documents. I can also work on Google docs.
  14. tallie_tachi

    tallie_tachi Jedi Knight

    Jan 6, 2008
    Need a beta...​
    Era: The Saga, mostly PT
    Story Type: (OC/Obi-Wan Romance-ish, mush, angst, action/drama)
    Length: over 100,000 but need to break up somehow
    Summary: A parallel story of a Senator and a Jedi...the way it should've been.
    Type of Beta intervention wanted: Pacing, plot/character development, sounding board
    Other info: Wanting beta for just this story, since it's my only one right now​

    Ewok Poet and mavjade like this.
  15. Darth Osnil

    Darth Osnil Jedi Knight star 4

    Sep 29, 2016
    In need of a Beta
    Era: Right after ROTS, with some elements based off of SWTORStory Type: AU
    Length: Hopefully multi-chapter
    Summary: Mace Windu is rescued by the unlikeliest people imaginable. A mission to save the Miraluka from the Empire ensues.
    Type of Beta intervention wanted: pretty much anything, though grammar, pacing, and plot development are important.
    Other info: I don't know when I'll be finished between chapters-probably when I perfect the original.
  16. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    User name: Cowgirl Jedi 1701
    Era: Most familiar with the movies
    Area of Interest: (KOTOR, EU, NJO, OT, PT, AU, OCs, Ships, pilots, AU etc.) See above
    Strong points: (Humor, Angst, drama, action, adventure, mush, romance, military, etc.) Humor, Stuff about people and their feelings.
    Focus of Correction Areas: (Grammar, plot, characterization, pacing, continuity etc.) I'm pretty good with spelling, I can offer ideas if you're fighting Darth Writer's Block, and I can point out if something doesn't make sense. And maybe other stuff.
    Word Limit: I love to read, but it might take me longer to get back to you on longer stuff, because of Darth Real Life
    Other Info: I won't read stories that center on same gender romantic relationships.
  17. Beta Index

    Beta Index Jedi Padawan

    Sep 29, 2015
    Beta Index updated.
    FYI - I've removed anyone who hasn't logged on in six months or more.
    I've also added a "People looking for a beta" section to the first post. I've you've posted that you are looking for a beta and you've found one, please post so in this thread so I can keep it updated.

    Anyone interested in helping tallie_tachi or Darth Osnil with their beta needs??
  18. A Blind Prophet

    A Blind Prophet Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 25, 2016
    User name: A Blind Prophet
    Era: Any
    Area of Interest: I've mainly written in the old legends, but I'm getting caught up and am interested in learning about nu-canon. But again, pretty much any.
    Strong points: Humor, action, drama, angst, character development, OCs (long history in the RPF) feelsy things, bouncing ideas/sounding board/plot development, alternative approaches when stuck with writers block, probably more that I'm just not thinking of.
    Focus of Correction Areas: (Grammar, plot, characterization, pacing, continuity etc.) Characterization, flow of ones writing, bouncing ideas/sounding board/plot development, decent with legends continuity, can help get through writers block with ideas or potentially different approaches
    Word Limit: I can probably work about anything in, it just may take longer depending on the length.
    Other Info: Will consider same sex relationships but want some explanation concerning what's going on. Would prefer not to go too dark, but depending on the reasons for it can. Stories related to following through on suicide is a no go. If interested in my services, simply send me a PM, my inbox is always open.

    Era: Any honestly, my ideas span far more than really fits in a single era.
    Story Type: AU, OCs, Canon Characters, Legends Characters Humor, Angst, Drama, Character Exploration, Crossovers potentially, umm... really about anything honestly, depending on the idea.
    Length: Severely varies, but I rarely right actual stories that are shorter than 2k words. My current diaries aren't pushing 1k per post most of the time though, so depends. Have some ideas for multi-part things that I'm wanting to work on, but for right now mainly One-shots/diaries
    Summary: Not really any one thing right now, honestly. Just looking for more of a longer term kinda help.
    Type of Beta intervention wanted: (Grammar (I read a lot, but I know things like comma placement can be pretty bad on my end), sounding board for ideas, plot development help potentially, characterization, anything constructive to help me improve honestly.
    Other info: I'm really looking for a full time beta honestly, who's open to really weird ideas at times, and just enjoys talking some as i'm a pretty talkative guy. If interested feel free to send me a PM.
    mavjade and Findswoman like this.
  19. Phasmus

    Phasmus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 14, 2018
    In need of a Beta...

    Era: Sequel Trilogy
    Story Type: Crossover (Sequel Trilogy x Metroid), AU, Eventual Romance, Action-ish, F/F, M/M)
    Length: Unknown at this time, but definitely going to be 15+ chapters)
    Summary: To Be Announced
    Type of Beta intervention wanted: I can spell really well, but proper punctuation is a weakness of mine so any prospective beta should be strong in that area. Beta should also be able to give gentle, yet constructive, criticism and able to offer assistance/suggestions on plot pacing and development, characterization and scene enviroment.
    Other info: Seeking beta only for this story at the moment. Beta MUST -- and this is imperative -- be comfortable/have experience in writing F/F and/or M/M romance and have considerate knowledge of the "Metroid" video game franchise and its protagonist, Samus Aran and her history. Beta should also be familiar with Captain Phasma's backstory and post TFA exploits via the "Star Wars: Captain Phasma" comics

    EDIT: As per JC's TOS, I've edited my initalpost to exclude any potential sexual content in my story
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  20. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    @Phasmus - Welcome to fanfic here on the JCF! I just want to make sure you know that anything posted on these forums must be "family friendly" which means sex can only be hinted at, nothing explicit. Please make sure to check out our FAQ for the full rules, but HERE is the post that goes to the sexual depictions.

    What many authors here do is just take out any sexual scenes and post the stories without them. Though I've not really seen any recently, people have also done PM chapters where a reader must explicitly request to receive the chapter via PM and attest that they are over 18 (and telling readers of these chapters must be minimal), so that is an option as well.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
  21. Phasmus

    Phasmus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 14, 2018
    Oh yes, absolutely. In fact, I will most likely post two different versions of the fic once it is finished -- one only hints at sex, which will be posted here, and a more explicit version that will be posted to sites like AO3. This way, readers will have the option of reading a version they prefer. I hope this is doable? :)
    mavjade likes this.
  22. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Yup, but you're only allowed to give out links in PM to those who want it. No actual links to anything that breaks the TOS.
  23. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    EP is right, you can't publicly post a link to anything that has material that is against our rules, so giving the link to someone would have to follow the same rules as PMing the chapter.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  24. Phasmus

    Phasmus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 14, 2018
    Understood. I have edited my original beta-seeker post to comply with the TOS. :)
    mavjade likes this.
  25. Beta Index

    Beta Index Jedi Padawan

    Sep 29, 2015
    I've removed anyone from the index that hasn't logged on in six months or more. If anyone has been remove previously and would like to be added back, please do a new beta post. And as always, if you are willing to beta for someone or need a beta, please feel free to post.

    Does anyone want to have a discussion on betas to keep this thread a little more active where people will see it and maybe use it more? I was thinking to start off with: As a writer, what are you looking for in a good beta reader?
    Sith-I-5 and Ewok Poet like this.