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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Have uppdated my post about Organisations


    Anedon I was thinking of having a group of athenar trading with some people. Do you think there is something that they would be interested in getting more then other things?
  2. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Gamiel Well I'm not sure if the Athenar would really want that much of other races. I think a little trade is possible though. I think the Athenar aren't intersted in food or technology from other races. Maybe they could search for rare materials though, or savaged Athenar artifacts they trading partners found.
    I think recovering their lost tech is very imporant to them.
    Gamiel likes this.
  3. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012

    Here is some fanon, mostly planets, regarding the Lahara sector. I would like to thanks divapilot Ewok Poet Kurisan Katana_Sundancer mavjade @Kahara whiskers Mistress_Renata OridgeTridge Goodwood Anedon and Chyntuck & Sith-I-5 (who I have not the space to tage) for inspiration and help :)

    As usually I am glad for any questions or suggestions people have.


    * the Lahara sector is a political sector, not a geographical one, with that means that all the planets in the sector are parts of the Republic and planets that may be geographically near, or even between, Lahara sector planets are not part of Lahara sector it if they are not parts of the Republic. This means that the map of the Lahara sector given in the The Essential Atlas is more along the line of guidelines than how the sector actually looks.

    * the sector's capital world is Getjiro, where the Sector Senate meet. See below for more information.

    * The main belief in the Lahara sector is a combination of Force faith, ancestor worship and the Space Gods (with a focus on the gods with nature or agricultural aspects).

    * When it became clear that the Empire would fall the current moff of the Lahara sector, Roman Fjodorovitj Ungern fon Sjternberg, decided to consolidate his forces around a few system instead of trying to controlling the whole sector. This, together with that the moffate have not (openly) attacked or subverted Republic space or protectorates, has made it possible for fon Sjternberg to keep his holdings. By the time of YJK so is a cold war going on between the Republic and fon Sjternberg’s moffate.

    * My fanonpost regarding Organisations of note in the Lahara Sector can also be of interest

    * in the Lahara Sector all the planets that are either geographically, culturally an/or politically close to the Lahara Sector but are not part of the Lahara sector (nor any other of the Republic's political sectors) are collectively known as the "the near abroad". In New Republic times so are planets that are part of fon Sjternberg’s moffate considered to be part of the "near abroad". The "near abroad" worlds has their own fanon post.


    TIMELINE (Waltonian calendar)
    958 The Declaration of the new Republic (in post-Imperial time often known as the old Republic)
    1000 A Mandalorian war-party attack Kebolar, taking everything they want, killing the population and bombing all settlements. For hundreds of years the planet is considered illfortuned and no new colonists move to settle on it.
    1556 The Emerald Lama cult poison large amount of meat exported from Kenklucky leading to thousands of people killed.
    1558 After nearly two years hard work the leadership of Emerald Lama cult and most of its lesser members are apprehended by Republic law-enforcement.
    1807 Pirate admiral Kabai Skywalker is killed in personal battle against one Kit Walker (who to this day is considered a mystery), and his fleet smashed by a collation force led by admiral Palm Moonhunter.
    1955 The Iron Tether, a Space Rescue Corps patrol cutter, was attacked by Separatist extremists while on a routine patrol mission of the Cowl Crucible on the border of the Lahara sector, prompting a Jedi task force led by Master Darrin Arkanian to be dispatched to the area.
    1955 The Lahara sector declare itself a part of the separatist moment.
    1955 The Clone Wars start with the First Battle of Geonosis.
    1955 The Mirgoshir campaign
    1957 After the Republics forceful removal of the humans on Qiilura (in later 1956 and earlier 1957) are the Qiilurans transported to Kebolar where the Republic had already established farms for the unwilling colonists.
    1958 Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Sheev Palpatine declares himself Emperor and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire.
    1975 The Battle of Chabosh
    1975 The Alliance to Restore the Republic relocate their headquarter from an asteroid in the Chrellis system to the planet Brigia, in the Tion Hegemony.
    1977 The Empire declare planet Agamar guilty of the crime of sedation. As punishment and a warning to others the town of Tondatha on Agamar was bombed from the map.
    1981 (ABY 4) At the battle of Endor Emperor Palpatine is killed aboard the second Death Star shortly before its destruction. In the Lahara sector, as well as in the rest of the Empire spontaneous celebrations and revolts against the system break out.
    1983 After the fall of Coruscant Roman fon Sjternberg, the moff of the Lahara sector, decided to consolidate his forces around a few system instead of trying to controlling the whole sector, leaving the rest of the sector for the Republic, pirates and neo-Separatists to fight over.






    Amarna: An agriworld known for its martial tradition. This has its origin in times of old when Amarna’s settlers was regularly raided by pirates, warlord and others who thought they did not need to pay for the food Amarna produced. Because of this it was the duty of every member of the community to take arms and defend what was theirs. It even became so that a youngling was not seen as complete members of the community until they had shed blood in defence of that community.

    In more civilized time this tradition become that younglings shed blood in defence of the Republic by joining the Republic’s navy or self-defence forcers for at least five years. After that time they return as full citizens of Amarna. During the time of the Empire this tradition continued but now they joined the imperial armed forces even if the more chaotic times beginning with the Clone Wars has made many younglings full citizens without having to go off world.
    The settlements on Amarna are usually small, most of them village or town sized.
    Is part of fon Sjternberg’s moffate by the time of YJK.


    Axos: See my post on Planets of the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads


    Beelzebub: The planet Beelzebub gets its name from an ancient, no-longer worshiped demon-god who was also known as ‘Lord of the flies’, a fitting name for a planet whose native life forms are all, from the minutest to the most gigantic, insects based and flies are something that colonists finds everywhere.
    Exports mainly foodstuff made from the native fauna.


    Beshaar: a hot world made up by mostly desert and semi-deserts. People have carved out great trenches which they have covered with glass to create massive greenhouses. The culture resemble later Edo-period Japan, if much more social flexible and lacking in warrior traditions.


    The Bumi system: a star system lacking any planets, instead surround by a humongous asteroid field. The Bumi system was originally colonized by asteroid miners, in time they turned hollowed out asteroids into homes, gardens, factories and other things. As time went on ship docks was established across the system, first only for repairs or shipbreaking but in time shipbuilding companies established a presence in the Bumi system. By the time of Palpatine so was all major shipbuilding companies represented in the Bumi system with at least repair docks, if not full construction jards.
    It is also an open secret that many pirates come to Bumi to break or refit captured ships.


    Chabosh; “was the home of a small Rebel base wiped out by the Empire's Captain Harsh aboard the Star Destroyer Cauldron during the Battle of Chabosh.” “The governor of the planet Chabosh was overturned by a Rebel uprising, after which the revolutionaries garrisoned themselves behind strong defensive planetary shields.” ”In response to the uprising, the Imperials blockaded the planet with a large fleet. Due to the strong shields, the Imperials assaulted the rebels on the ground.”


    Chiomalla: an agri world produsing food based on plankton-like life. It’s a shallow water world, whose sea is so rich in plankton-like life that it's best described as slime. When the plankton bloom reaches the height of its life cycle, it is siphoned off into huge fermentation tanks or processing plants of unimaginable size. Crane-like structures rearing dozens of kilometres into the upper atmosphere pump the processed contents of these vats to waiting transportation vessels.
    The people of Chiomalla (mostly green and tan skinned humans) are considered notoriously dull and dull-witted.


    Djörenrött: Like many other worlds in the Lahara sector, Djörenrött exports agricultural products, mostly meat and leather, but the way the animals are farmed has been liked to “meat factories”; constantly dancing on the edge of the Republic’s animal welfare laws. The products from Djörenrött also have unusually high concentrations of growth hormones, antibiotics and similar (all just within what the Republic allows), but they are the cheapest meat found in the Lahara sector.

    Many worlds have banned the import of agricultural products from Djörenrött as a way to protest against the animal treatment and/or the amount of chemicals in the meat, but too many still find the cheap prices that Djörenrött offer too good to not to import from them.


    Eno danga: a rocky word of half deserts, canyon systems and salty inland seas. Was once a thriving mining colony but the miners moved on three centuries BP, leaving their cities to turn into ruin, and only hardy subsistence farmers lived on Eno danga. This changed when Lahara sector’s (then) moff decided to make the planet the main training ground and depot for the part of the Imperial army raised in the sector. Eno danga‘s was also used whenever some new kind of weapon or transport needed testing.
    Is part of fon Sjternberg’s moffate by the time of YJK.


    Getjiro: the capital world of the Lahara sector, where the Sector Senate meet.
    In a sector known for its high amount of foodstuff producing planets it is in a way fitting that it’s capital world is concerned with the specialise in preparing and serving food. They say that everybody on Getjiro is a food critic and even the street food vendors are better then most planets' star chefs.


    Gondagali: “the first planet attacked with the MS-19 shield buster, during the time of the New Republic.


    Fabricius: like most agriworlds in the Lahara sector Fabricius’ farming methods are mostly automatized giving most of the population, and especially the landlord oligarchy lots of free time. Free time that many fill with going to, or watching on viewscreens, the circus where animals – both trained and wild, many cybernetic and/or chemically enhanced – fight each other to the amusement of the crowd. This kind of entertainment did go against the Republic’s animal welfare laws but Fabricius was able to just pay the fees or bury the charges in layers of bureaucracy red tape. After the raise of the Empire, Fabricius was able to make themselves an exception to those laws when it come to the use of animals in circus games and was even able to get the right to use prisoners sentenced to death as participants in the games.

    Fabricius moon is mostly covered in shipyards, many that was turned over to the Republic during the Clone Wars, the Empire never returned them.
    Became part of fon Sjternberg’s moffate after the Empire’s fall.
    Culturally inspired by Rom the decadent


    Hazzard; The lands planet Hazzard is divided into duchies; ruled by a two chambers diet, one made up by the dukes another made up by representatives of the guilds, unions, oligarch families, grand academies, etc.; the head of state is known as the ‘arch-duke’ and is chosen from one of the duke families by a majority vote (involving both chambers); the arch-duke has his position until death, abdicates or a large majority vote from both chambers.
    Most duchies have tolls regarding ‘luxury items’ (what count as ‘luxury items’ are up to the ruling duke and his people but alcohol is usually among them), this create a lucrative market for smugglers. By tradition do the people of Hazzard prefer wheeled transportation and using speeders is just seen as plain wrong.
    Culturally inspired by ‘Dukes of Hazzard’, ‘Smokey and the Bandit’ and ‘Robin Hood


    Hyksos: a warm nightworld covered by jungle and rain forest where virtually all life exhibits bioluminescent qualities in various shades of blue, purple and green.
    Colonised by aphriels (albino near-arkanians) and umbaran whose clothing and architecture is Golden Horde-ish.
    Hyksos’ known for its wyvern riding warrior-poets and exports mostly bioluminescent plants and paints.


    Ianto: gas giant with hundreds of floating gas mining cities that filtrated precious gases from the atmospeare. The filtration system has to routinely be cleaned from air-plankton, the dead air-plankton is then used as fertileness for the many gardens and farms that dot the mining cities.


    Ibrix: a planet where the tidal force makes 90% of the water on the world shift from one side of the planet to the other, almost completely covering that side with water. In this ten year process people either live permanently on the few mountains high enough to not be drowned by the water or awashed by tsunamis; as nomads that cultivate the rich soil that the ocean leave after it has moved on for a time and then move before the ocean once again swallow the land; or on ship-cities floating on the back of the ocean never moving to far forward or too far back to be stranded.
    The great mystery of Ibrix is that its moon is too small to create the tidal force that affects the planets ocean. It is actually an ancient artefact hidden deep beneath the planet’s surface that creates the tidal force.
    Colonized by rodians and nalroni.
    * Have appeared in @Sith-I-5 's Vacation on Ibrix


    Ineni: a high gravity waterworld colonized by ugnaughts and mrlssi who farm Sargassum like sea weed (think the old DuckTales episode 'Bermuda Triangle Tangle') from floating platform-factory-towns with artificial lower gravity.


    Jätteburgare: On the world of Jätteburgare walk AT-AT tall behemoths, herded by gigantic bipedal mechas equipped with electro-prods and tentacle whips capable to be noticed by the thick-skinned meat-beasts. Each of the mechas is the home of a crew-clan that pilot the herder-mecha and keep it in function.
    During the Clone Wars the Separatists confiscated some of the herder-mechas and turned them into gigantic warmachins. Without those herder-mechas, which was lost during the war, the people of Jätteburgare has been unable to take care of as many animals as before the Clone Wars, thereby lessening the amount of meat they can export. The great cost for creating new herder-mechas has made it impossible to replace the lost ones faster than one new mechas every tenth-twentieth year.


    Kenklucky: an agri-world known for its large amount avian based mega-fauna, many of which are the base for foodstuff exported to other parts of the galaxy. Beside the mega-avian bred for food do Kenklucky have many species of riding-fowls (used for the planets many fowl racing events, the most famous being the Kenklucky Derby).
    The people of Kenklucky (mostly humans and bimms) is known for being courtesy, friendly and wellspoken. Many of them have an interest in cooking and/or theatre.
    * Kenklucky is highly base on Kentucky, both Antebellum era and current, if a more idealized and parodied version of it (so no slaves), with giant hens used both for food and riding.


    Killian: a world covered by one worldspanning landmass, broken by seven great inland seas, the land is mostly made up by swampland, rainforest and woodlands. Killian is most well-known for its great wyrms, which is seldom seen less than ten meters long and with the largest seen being an ancient beast of nearly hundred meters. They have no fear of sentient lifeforms and usually hide in the rivers and swampland, often striking from surprise and swallowing their prey whole. But it is not their dangerus nature that have made the Killian wyrm famous, it is their taste. The wyrm have possibly the finest tasting meat in the sector and the older a beat the better it tastes. Complicating things is that the wyrm has to be hunted without blasters or poison since those makes large amount of the wyrm’s flesh lose much of its taste.


    Koa Moa: Southern sea-ish. Joined the Separatist with the rest of the sector but when the Corporate Alliance begun to mine diamonds (which the Koa Moa’s crust in unusually rich with) without caring for the environment they rebelled against the separatists.
    Known for their many juice fruits. Export mostly products based on their fruits and small quantities of high-quality diamonds.
    * as for now mostly inspired by the old school pop-cultural ideas of the South Sea (as seen in tiki-bars and some Donald Duck comics)
    * have appeared in @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha 's "On the Brink of Something Special"


    The Kuei system: a very large system made up by dozens of planets and hundreds of moons of which a majority are living worlds. The system is ruled by a collation of houses (often mistaken for noble families) who ritually duel each outer, using mechas, over honour and land. Because only each nation’s heartland truly belong to that nation all other territory in the system can be bartered to other nations or won in one of the earlier mentioned duels. Colonized by zabraks


    Kuvira: Gigantic thick hardwood trees cover large portions of the surface with a dense undergrowth of lesser trees. Any area of cleared forest has to be constantly used or weeded to prevent the forest from retaking it.
    Export fruit and fruit based foodstuff.
    Colonized by ho’din and wookiees.


    Livegna: this agri-world was reprimanded by the old Republic when it was revealed that the land-oligarchy had through countless generations take away the rights of the farmers and workers of Livegna until they were in practise was the lowest form of serf in all but name. Feeling insulted by the Republic for placing restrictions on them for breaking the Republic’s laws they were under and unwilling to give their people the rights that was theirs (and thereby losing the restrictions) they joined the Separatist.


    Malakut: See my post on Planets of the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads


    Marahu: a planet of lush, if dark and foreboding forests nestling between table mountains formed by relentless and violent volcanic activity. Much of the world’s landmass is divided between numerous, densely forested islands, many formed from the tops of sub-oceanic volcanoes that are notorious for erupting at any time. Thus Marahu is made up by primordial forests crossed by rivers of searing lava and seas boiling with sub-oceanic volcanism. The planets capital city is Saint-Denis which lay on one of the stable areas.
    The people of Marahu are tough, resourceful and very much a product of their world’s environment. Knowing the plantations from which they make their living could be consumed in a wave of molten rock with little warning, the populace rarely settles in one place overlong, generally moving on every generation or so.
    Has New Zeeland-ish, green-parts-of-Australia-ish feeling. Use of accents from those parts are not a must but suggested.


    Mnar: a desert world with lakes and inland seas doting its brown-orange, purple, pink surface, most gathered at the northern pool. Mnar is also known as the Pink Gate to Lahara, because it is the first planet in the Lahara sector that appear if you follow the Braxant run from the Hydian way.
    The native people on Mnar (mostly myke) can roughly be divide into three groups after their way of life: those who live as nomads in the desert, moving from oasis to oasis; those who live by farming and fishing near the lakes and inland seas; and those who live in the cities. All three groups are in turn divided into great family units, usually called tribes, but at the same time a tribe can be represented in more than one way of life and it is not usual that membership in a tribe change because of marriage or adoption. A tribe can also change its lifestyle depending upon outside circumstances, f.ex. a nomadic tribe could move into the city or became farmers in times when the oasis they live by dry out.


    Oorn Tchis: “an Outer Rim planet near Agamar. It was a small, Human-inhabited rural world best known for exporting colorful fabrics and a rare ore used in guidance system design. It joined the Separatists in 22 BBY, and eventually became part of the Empire.”


    Pelekay: A tropical waterworld with many island with sandy beaches. The population is mainly karkarodon and green humans.
    Inspired by the South sea islands (right now mostly Hawaii (or at least as presented in Lilo & Stich)) and costal Japan (as presented in mangas).
    People from Pelekay are known as Pelek/s


    Satarla: See my post on Planets of the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads


    Savalat: A mountain planet with only minimal level surfaces anywhere. The whole world is wind-swept peaks and precipitous valleys. From space Savalat have a very "wrinkly" appearance from being literally blanketed in mountains. Colonised by twi’leks, humans and Nalroni
    Export agricultural products, mainly vegetable oils and animal based grease.
    Has a French/Italian countryside during the 19th and 20th century kind of feeling.


    Sigma 14D: A 0.5 G desert moon, with a just breathable atmosphere. Notable only by the 100 m tall statue of an unknown Jedi that was carved out in some unknown age. There exist a handful of subsistence farmer-colonists on the moon, who uses greenhouses to cultivate food.

    Technically not part of the Lahara sector but is a Republic protectorate under the administration of the Lahara sector's administration.


    Snorkalt: An waterworld going through an ice age. Exports fish and krill based products. Colonised by pyn'gani


    Suyin: Colonised by devarons who mainly live of the beasts that are herded across the great prairies and tundra on the planet’s three continents. Export meat, milk, hides, leather and leatherworks.


    Tembarong: The resting place for the remains of the Saint Tabbas and the end of the ‘Seven steps of Saint Tabbas’ pilgrim trail. Main exports are foodstuff, products based on bamboo and items of religious nature. Culture is Tibetan-ish.


    Terrenon: a world of great glaciers, tundra, taiga, tempered forests and cold seas. Most of Terrenons people live in stone houses with slate roofs, often near or around defensive towers or castles. Why the towers and castles exist and why they are always prepared to be used as place of refuge is something outsiders find strange.
    The terrench originate from Polus but has long ago become their own people, with their own culture and tradition. They are superstitious and often suspicions against stranger even if they threat them with full honour. They have great respect for Jedi and others who stand against darkness.
    Sometime before the terrench come to Terrenon another culture existed there that built stone circles, raised monoliths and carved out great caverns. They are called the First Ones by the terrench. No one knows why or where they disappeared but the few archaeological studies of their remains have found ancient lightsabre marks on some of their stone works…
    Most of the terrench stay away from the works by the First Ones, even if a few of the castles and towers was built on the stone circles.
    Mainly export scrimshaw and woodwork art and small quantities of the best whale meat, oil and blubbery in the sector.


    Thutmosis: a hot world covered in thick rain forests, steaming swamps and shallow inland seas where even the sap of the most innocuous looking plant is corrosive: burning skin and quickly dulling any blade used to hack a path. Its main export is a range of natural chemicals used in expensive perfumes, medicines and aphrodisiacs. Animal life is mostly saurian- or insect-like (non larger than a rhino).
    Colonised by korunnai (who now call themselves balaway/-ies), trandoshans and zabraks who have fully adapted to the world.
    The chitin of the insects is mostly immune against the corrosive effect of the plants sap, the natives therefore use the chitin from the larger insects to make cutting instruments and protections.


    Tilley: An agri-world with a tragic history, during the Banite Sith War it was attacked by Sith forces who bombarded it with a combination of meteorites and their own damaged ships when they realised they could not hold it. The cataclysm was believed to have killed of the whole population. 500 years later it was revealed that some of the population had survived in great underground complexes which had been connected and expanded during what the natives call the Dark Time. They had returned to the surface after half a millennia when they thought it not just an survivable endower but also a gainful one.
    Now a-day the Tilleians have turned much of their recovered planet’s surface into farmland but they themselves still live in the underground-complexes. A large majority of the people actually suffer from a combination of fear of the open sky and fear of areas where you can’t see an end of the land. This fear is often kept in control by - while outside - wearing fully enclosing suits, moving in groups and being inside enclosed transports. Most of their farming is done from inside large farming machines.


    Tofari: a tranquil world of outstanding natural beauty with only a few spots of harsh environments. Beside its environment so is the planet probably most famous for the culture of its native human population, the tofar. The tofar are famous for their ability to please all the senses and take care of the body, both their own and others. Spas, masseurs, saunas, bathhouses, establishments for food and drink and similar can be found everywhere on Tofari.
    The tofar have dark hair and their skin goes from bronze to dark golden-brown. It’s said that there are no slender tofar and that its probably true; they range in body from plump too fat but the body below the fat is more often than not well trained. They take pride in their physical skills – mostly within the areas of dancing, oil wrestling, surfing, and spear- and swordsmanship – but take greater pride in their cooking arts. Their greatest gastro-alchemists are sought by the rich and powerful all over the galaxy and their secret knowledge the dream of many bothan culinary spies.


    Valorum: See my post on Planets of the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
  4. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Gamiel - what is the difference between a blue planet and a black planet?

    Ibrix looks like it is ripe for additions:

    A rite of passage for the best surfers, once a decade.

    Ibrix welcomes supervillains and mad scientists; just bring a freeze ray.

    Something to do with water smugglers, eg. the Rampa Rapids.

    Someone who constructs colony structures for hostile landscapes, gets to test new designs against a hemisphere worth of water turning up in a day.

    How does the water switch places? Violently, or a slow, barely noticeable flood, like tide rising on a long flat beach?
    Gamiel likes this.
  5. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I am not certain I follow where did I mention


    If anybody want to do a fic involving any of this you are welcome.

    I was thinking that it moved faster then running person, so once it was upon you you could not outrun it, possibly outdrive it. In my minds eye I had what happens around 5.50 in the video below but that is possibly a bit to fast.

  6. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Ah, don't worry. While trying to quote two of the examples, I see that the blue ones, eg. Oorn Tchis, is a hyperlink to SW Wiki, while the following black one, Pelekay, is just black text.

    Horn Station The wider galaxy beyond Lahara, particularly its male humanoids, are often surprised to hear that it is a real place, often associating the name to a sexual aid drug.

    A common insult to its natives, therefore, is to "Suck a bag of horns!"

    A pharmaceutical company moved its headquarters to Horn Station, citing tax reasons; but is often accused of doing so because of its "related" medicinal product.
    Gamiel likes this.
  7. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Ewok Poet, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  8. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Serenity (planet)

    (Not complete. More information will be added as development continues.)

    Gravity: 1.05 Gs

    Location: On the boundary between the Mid Rim and Outer Rim, west of the Correllian Trade Spine.

    Climate: Mostly tropical, sub-tropical, and warm temperate with relatively small areas of arctic and sub-arctic in the polar latitudes.

    Geography: Serenity has a land/water ratio of approximately 1/3 land to 2/3 water. There are five major continents plus the thousands of islands comprising the Melahiitian Archipelago sprawling across the Great Southern Ocean of Serenity's Western Hemisphere. The northern half of the Western Hemisphere is home to the continents of Amora and Floridaé, separate landmasses connected by a narrow isthmus known simply as The Bridge. In the Eastern Hemisphere, the continents of Togara and Angulum occupy a single landmass, the fault line between them marked by Serenity's largest mountain range, called The Divide. The fifth continent is Arborea, so named because, from space, it's shape vaguely resembles that of a tree.

    Inhabitants: Although it is highly hospitable to sentient life, Serenity possesses no true native sentients. From a certain point of view, however, the sentient population of Serenity could be considered natives by virtue of the fact that Serenity has been inhabited by sentients for several centuries. About 2/3 of Serenity's population is Human, with the other 1/3 being 1/4 Nautolan, 1/8 Gungan, and 1/2 Twi'lek, while the remaining 3/8 is made up of a variety of other Non-Human species.

    History: The first group of settlers to colonize Serenity were led by a man named Andrian Myke. A tough but fair leader, his efforts contributed greatly to the success of this first colony. This led to Andrian, and its feminine variant Andriana, becoming a common name, and to the practice of granting individuals who made valuable contributions to the community the title of "Myke", or in the case of a female, "Mykette" (Example: Myke Jon Lastname, or Mykette Jill Lastname) (Inspired by Gamiel's siggy)

    Martial tradition/Weapons: Serenitans don't generally look for trouble, but when trouble finds them they don't back down from it, standing their ground and fighting to the last man if necessary. Policemen wear helmets and Levkar vests as part of their uniforms. The most popular weapons are projectile firearms, blasters, and knives of various sorts, but with enough creativity, nearly anything can be used as a weapon.

    Flora and Fauna: Dooka (a larger cousin of the mooka), kresher (sharklike aquatic creature), Halcyon sea serpent (eel-like sea creature), nerf. More information about the dooka, Halcyon sea serpent, and kresher will be forthcoming in a future fanon post. More information about the nerf can be found on the Wook.

    Spaceship design: Serenity produces one make of spaceship, called the Firefly. A practical, utilitarian vessel, the Firefly, like the Correllian YT-1300, is often perceived by the galaxy at large to be a "hunk of junk". It is, however, a very tough, serviceable ship, which when appropriately maintained, will remain spaceworthy for decades. One of the more popular models of the Firefly is the V-12.
    (Borrowed from the TV show Firefly)
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
  9. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Finally watched that tsunami vid of yours to demonstrate Ibrix. Wow, that is pretty harrowing. I had always pictures tidal waves as high waves that were either lower or higher than the sea wall, but that...that was just the full weight of the ocean coming in, and reinforcing itself till it came over the wall.
  10. Gahmah Raan

    Gahmah Raan Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 2, 2015
    Added two more species to Species of Valkor's Forceless Collective, and these two are Archfiend species: the Cranaquia (Hydrojus) and the Golubrum (Belluzub). Also added some extra bits regarding Force-sensitive Planara Manos.

    Adding later ones might be a little difficult since some of them are meant to be one-of-a-kind eldritch abominations such as Stythanyx and Xixixix.
    Gamiel and Ewok Poet like this.
  11. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013
    Alright. So my first fanon entry is all part of my story "Cosmonaut" found here:

    This fanon entry is all about the armed forces of the communist interplanetary government called the Soviet Union of Planetary Republics. They are called the Red Army and the Soviet Navy. Here's a flag I created below:


    Now on with the forces.

    Soviet Navy

    Li-13 Dart-class Starfighter


    This small fighter was one of the first starfighters used by the Soviet Navy's fighter arm. Very nimble and armed with two laser cannons, the Li-13 "Dart" relied on its speed, maneuverability, small size, and ample shielding for its size to secure air and space superiority against other enemy starfighters.

    Me-41 Panther-class Starfighter


    This fighter was another design to the Soviet Navy' fighter arm which provided heavier armament, shielding, and armor to trade off speed. Armed with a devastating pack of four laser cannons in the nose and a provision of proton torpedoes, the "Panther" and its later "Panthira" variants made up the heavier fighters of the navy.

    B-0 Moth-class Bomber


    This is the main high-speed bomber of the Soviet Navy. It was armed with a single laser cannon, but carried a heavy load of proton bombs and an excellent combination of heavy armor and shielding which makes this craft almost impossible to destroy with starfighter cannons. Janko likened this aircraft to the Russian Il-2 back home.

    Komet-class multipurpose battlecruiser


    Based off of the infamous Me-163 rocket fighter back on Earth, this capital ship was a supersized version to fulfill the many roles required in a combat starship. The Komet battlecruiser was well armed, packing sixteen heavy turbolaser turrets on the top and bottom of the wings and 125 point defense laser cannons placed throughout the ship. A diagram of general weapons placements is shown below:


    The left wing of the battlecruiser contains the hanger for the ship's complement of fighters and bombers. A standard complement in a Komet-class cruiser holds a flight of sixteen "Moth" bombers and 50 "Dart" and/or "Panther" fighters. The right wing contains the ground assault staging area, where the Red Army's armor and transports are kept until planetary landing. The standard garrison of a Komet cruiser is 5,000 troops and 250 heavy tanks, tank destroyers, and scout tanks (covered in the Red Army section). The main propulsion systems of the ship is kept in the back, where the original rocket fighter kept its engine. The cruiser boasts a Class 1 hyperdrive with a Class 14 backup. The fuselage has everything else required for the crew and garrison, such as quarters, a mess hall, and other areas. A diagram is shown below:


    On a last note, the holes where in the rocket fighter held the MK 108s are now the exitpoint for the starfighters and transports (corresponding to their side of the ship)

    Zeppelin-class star frigate


    This capital ship, serving as an escort to supply lines and ground assaults as well as planetary defense, was inspired by the airships built on Earth by Germany during World War I. Its lack of a satisfactory fighter defense (only 24 fighters per ship) was made up with its heavy firepower. The frigate is heavier armed than the Komet-class, having 36 heavy turbolasers and 100 point defense laser cannons. The four main engines were coupled with a Class 1 hyperdrive (Class 15 backup), and were nimble for their size. A diagram of the ship's layout is below:


    Zagreb-class assault ship


    The lightest armed capital ship in the Navy, the Zagreb-class assault ship was primarily designed as a vessel for planetary invasion, not for ship-to-ship combat. Despite this, the Zagreb was armed with four heavy turbolaser cannons, one medium laser cannon on the nose, and 25 point defense cannons. Its garrison, however, is great. 20,000 troops and 1000 armored vehicles is nothing to laugh at. However, if left undefended, a single dedicated capital ship can rip them apart. Below, a diagram of the ship is provided:


    Tito-class troop assault lander and Terra-class vehicle landing craft


    (I know, its the First Order's troop landing craft, but I'm re purposing it for the Soviet Navy)

    This is the main ship to deploy troops on hostile worlds. It, and its larger variant for tank deployment, is unarmed. A Tito lander can carry 24 troops while a Terra lander carries one heavy tank, two scout tanks, or one tank destroyer.

    Red Army

    Panzer 8 Heavy Hovertank


    This hovertank, derived from an experimental design by the Germans, is the main battle tank for the Red Army. Armed with one heavy turbolaser cannon and one medium coaxial laser cannon, this tank was adept at fighting enemy armor as well as supporting troops with its repeating blaster in the hull. The repulsorlifts allow the tank to travel at 40 km/h, almost four times faster than its tracked counterpart the Germans developed.

    Panzer 2 scout tank


    This tank was designed for reconnaissance, built for speed and maneuverability at the cost of armor and hitting power. Armed with a light cannon (with a provision to arm a medium laser cannon) and a coaxial repeater, this tank was used to report on enemy positions and conduct hit and run attacks.

    88mm Flakbus SPAGG/Tank Destroyer


    This vehicle was originally a mobile anti air cannon primarily for bringing down enemy capital ships landing on a planet, its heavy turbolaser cannon made it ideal for destroying enemy armor. As the Flakbus was lightly armored, it was usually protected with Panzer 8s and Panzer 2s.


    And that's it for now about the armed forces of the SUPR. This post will be updated with more content in the coming months. And next month will see the star systems seen in "Cosmonaut." Thanks for reading.

    Gamiel likes this.
  12. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hello everyone!

    It’s been a bit of time since I’ve been able to do a proper update of this thread, for which I apologize—RL has been rough on me of late. So here goes for now, and of course please let me know if I have left anyone or anything out.

    So first, some general updates and news:

    New Fanon Posts
    Soviet Union of Planetary Republics by Venator88
    Serenity (Planet) by Cowgirl Jedi 1701
    The Lahara Sector by Gamiel
    Threats of the Unknown Regions by Gamiel (already announced before, but this time I actually went and added it to the index)

    New Challenge Entry
    Chyntuck has contributed chapters VI and VII of her story Datacracy to the Fanon Roulette Challenge, and the challenge index has been updated.

    Updates to Posts
    Gamiel has updated his Organisations post.

    I also thought I’d take the opportunity to check in on folks’ progress with this thread’s current challenge: the Fanon AU Challenge (due in just about three weeks, on February 6). How is that coming along so far for people? Any ideas/thoughts/bunnies you would like to share? As usual, if anyone out there is stuck and in need of help, prompts, encouragement, etc., I am glad to assist.

    Finally, I wonder what people would think of starting a new discussion topic, since we haven’t had one for a little while. Any thoughts or suggestions? I’d love to hear them. :)

    Thanks, all!
    Gamiel, Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  13. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Discussion topic: yes, please. Make them monthly or bi-monthly. :)

    Fanon AU challenge: Did not ponder it yet, but I am doing my best to come up with something, especially since it was my idea, in the first place.

    That said, I know that my story for the challenge I had won is not finished, and yes, I do have a couple more chapters in works - the last two months of 2016 were too busy.
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Fanon AU Challenge - good timing. I typed 690 words at work, last night, and printed. I need to re-type that at home.

    I expect that to account for a 1/3 or 1/2 of the story.

    Edit: 18/01/2017 Re-typed 546 words of that.
    Ewok Poet, Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  15. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    It's unlikely that I will be able to contribute to this challenge myself, just because of various other piles-up fic projects and RL reasons, but I sure will look forward to seeing what you folks will come up with! :)
    Ewok Poet and Kahara like this.
  16. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Thank you all for the updates! :)

    On the topic of discussion topics: Ewok Poet, you're right that these should happen more often and more regularly than they currently are, and I'll try to be better about doing so. I'm thinking a monthly schedule, at least to start, with new discussion topics going up on or around the 15th of the month. (OK, today's the 19th, but that counts as "around," oder? :p ) Hope that schedule sounds all right to you all.

    So, in the interest of getting things rolling: here's a little discussion question that reflects a genuine point of curiosity I have about my fellow fanonistas (namely, y'all), and that I thought might make a good "ice breaker" of sorts:

    What draws you to fanon? What do you find particularly compelling and enjoyable about this whole business of enhancing and filling out a preexisting fandom universe with your own creations? Is it the satisfaction of filling in gaps and lacks in canon (and Mists know there are many) that attracts you? The feeling of being part of a creatively minded community of fans? Pure creative pleasure? All of the above? Or something else entirely?

    Discuss, and enjoy! :cool:
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  17. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Well, for me, the reason I started creating fanon is because my plot bunny demanded a specific type of habitat that established canon did not provide.
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  18. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013
    Is there a difference between fanon and AU?
  19. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Well AU diretly contradicts established canon. For example in my fanfic that Jacen survived at the end of Invincible. Fanon however does not diretly contratic the lore, for example the Athenar can exsist as a species with the GFFA without changing the established canon as they never had any direct imoact on the canon storyline.
  20. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013
    Oh. AU is okay here, right?
  21. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    I guess so.
  22. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014

    Yes, certainly! "Fanon" just refers to any sort of fan-created lore, and that lore can be used in either canonical or AU story scenarios.
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  23. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013
    Cool. I can still let everyone know how I will conquer the galaxy and turn it communist :)
  24. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I started working on fanon to fill gaps in the narrative. My first big leap was doing an RPG set in 128 ABY, and I was determined to keep it canon friendly.

    From there I have kept writing games and stories that are canon friendly and abandoning almost immediately any which are not at subsequent revelation.

    Of course now I work on a fanon which merges both Legends and Canon...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Ewok Poet, Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  25. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Criminal Organisations

    A interstellar crime organisation that originated on the former mining colony turned shadowport known as Smugglers moon (not to be confused with Nar Shaddaa, which is also known as Smugglers moon). 87 quickly grove in the chaos that followed the death of Black Sun’s underlord Prince Xizor and the destruction of his Coruscant palace, with the lose of all the priceless information that he kept there. In the time of YJK so did 87 control the largest part of the illegal ryll trade, mostly thanks to an secret alliance with the Diversity Alliance but also to a well kept secret – it is possible to find ryll on the planet Zagwe [will be described in a future fanon post] and 87 controls all the secret mining of it, even if it is relatively small-scale.
    After the fall of the Diversity Alliance so did 87 lose some of its influence on the ryll market but was still the larges.

    87 has its origins in the twi’lek ghetto in Smugglers moon and even if they accept other species so is the majority of its members twi’leks and if you want to really get any where in the hierarchy you need to have lekku.

    Their colours are eighty-seven in all manner of different numerals and/or languages written on their clouting or tattooed on their skin. Most members cover their bodies in such tattoos. When 87's "diplomats" want to appear more civilizes do they often dress in clouting resembling traditional twi'lek patriarch clouting, this gose for both genders.

    They have a presence on Ryloth, Savalat, Smugglers moon, Zagwe, [TBC]


    Cannibal Sun
    [nothing yet]


    Carrion Queens
    [nothing yet]


    The Dead-March Defilers
    Specialise in having their bases in swamp-like territories and deal with protecting racket, sea & river piracy, shipjacking, drug farming, trafficking in slaves and drugs (mostly of the organic variation), poaching, arranging illegal big-game hunts, [TBC]

    The Dead-March Defilers colours are brown with accessories in green and/or red. They prefer using sturdy equipment that can endure dirt, mud and water and often use more primitive equipment if more advanced once can’t stand their preferred environment.

    They are infamous for their brutality, terror tactics, and their ability use the swamps and waterways.

    The Defilers have a presence on Nim Drovis, Rodia, Thutmosis, Marahu, [TBC] among other planets.


    A cyborg gang that specialise in tech, preferably cybernetic- and high-tech – stealing, smuggling, illegally manufacturing it, industrial espionage, ripping – but they also do piracy, shipjacking, protecting racket, smuggling, drug trafficking and [TBC].

    Their colours are black with dark blue highlights, cybernetics are common and should be visible, often chromed or gunmetal-grey. Most of them dress in tight fitting body suits that incorporate lots of different technology or in Kuati business attire. Of some reason do many of HiveNet’s “diplomats” dress as telbun but fully in black.
    HiveNet only accept people with an understanding of technology and, at least, some kind of cybernetic implant as full members.

    They have a large presence on Kuat and a notable one on many world in the Kuat sector. They can also be found in the Kuei system [TBC]


    Jade Lotus
    [Work in progress]
    The largest criminal organisation in the Lahara sector, which leader, the green human Black-Pink-Fish Mountain-Entrance, is the underlord of the sector.

    Their mon is a stylised green lotus flower

    They have a large presence on Pelekay and on [TBC]
    [All members of importance should be women]


    Lazenby’s Specters
    Specialise in tech, preferably high-tech – stealing, smuggling, illegally manufacturing it, industrial espionage – but they also do piracy, shipjacking, protecting racket, smuggling of non-tech and [TBC]. They also hire out their smuggling, piracy and shipjacking operations for other to use. They actively hunt people who do organized smuggling, piracy or shipjacking in areas they control; both to prevent others from taking part of their profit and to prevent the authority to take an interest in the crimes going on in their areas. As criminal organisations that see no problem with killing people if they became to irritating go, so are the Specters among the better since they like things orderly, actually protect people that pay them and prefer long time investment to quick profit.

    Their colours are yellow and many of them dress in tight fitting body suits that incorporate lots of different technology or in Balmorran’s uniform like suits.
    Lazenby’s Specters only accept people with an understanding of technology as members.

    They have a large presence on Balmorran and a notable one on many of the near-Balmorran worlds. They can also be found in the Kuei system [TBC]


    Raygorn’s Roughnecks
    [Work in progress]

    All Roughnecks are well trained and muscular, many use drugs and cybernetic to bulk up even more (they have a tendency for testosterone overload). Most members dress similar to the members of Lord Humungus’s gang (Mad Max 2) but in shades of red.

    They have a presence on Djörenrött, [TBC]


    Scarlet Reavers
    [Work in progress]
    [All members of importance should be women]

    Their colours are white tops with red shoes and accessories (scarfs, headbands, belts, etc.); pants can be in any colour but should not be red or white. Jackets, coats and capes should be white but can have red markings. Hair should be white, silver or blond. Members are expected to care about their appearance and many go for a sexy look.


    The Unwashed Brotherhood
    The Unwashed Brotherhood, or the Enlightened Brotherhood of the Crescent Moon as they call themselves, is more of a religious cult then a “normal” organised crime that’s led by a self-proclaimed prophet called ‘the Lord Prophet’ by his followers and ‘Smelly Bob’ by everybody else.

    Their colours are rust brown and they are often hooded. Most of them wear black masks while ‘Smelly Bob’ wear a grinning crescent-moon mask in dirty gold.

    Their mon is a crescent moon with a smiling face.

    There is some talk about Smelly Bob and his bobetts (what Bob’s high underlings have become known as) actually having some of that supernatural powers he claims to have

    They have a presence on Beelzebub, Look on Our Works ye Mighty and Despair, [TBC]


    Creators comment: Will edit in links in the near future
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2019
    Kahara likes this.