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Amph One Thread To Rule Them All: The Rings of Power, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings & Middle-earth films

Discussion in 'Community' started by -Courtney-, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. Lugija

    Lugija Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2009
    That bird is going to be so sorry.
  2. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Excellent. Is there more? Like from the moment the nose blows out the gold?
  3. Arawn_Fenn

    Arawn_Fenn Chosen One star 7

    Jul 2, 2004
    That's all I have right now...
  4. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    That's when the movie ends.
  5. Deputy Rick Grimes

    Deputy Rick Grimes Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Sep 3, 2012
    That is when the movie ends, and i swear Smaug was blue, when i saw his nostril
  6. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    I never saw blue, just red and brown.
  7. Deputy Rick Grimes

    Deputy Rick Grimes Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Sep 3, 2012
    I saw blue, weird i know
  8. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    looked a bit purple to me just a little bit
  9. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Having a good look at that, it has a very good look of reality. I just don't want a too cartoony/cgi silly thing.
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  10. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    I was impressed with what they showed at the end. Wasn't really sure at the beginning of the movie. Just looked like a fireball with wings. I might be delusional since I saw it pretty late at night and didn't have much sleep the night before and found almost everything funny.
  11. Arawn_Fenn

    Arawn_Fenn Chosen One star 7

    Jul 2, 2004
    You don't really see much of Smaug during the attack on Dale. I think that was intentional.
  12. Deputy Rick Grimes

    Deputy Rick Grimes Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Sep 3, 2012
    Yea, PJ didn't want to spoil the surprise
  13. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Okay makes sense. When I saw it I was thinking 'what'? Made no sense. Now it does. Thanks
  14. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    I seem to remember him looking purple at the end when he was lying in the gold, but I could be remembering wrong. I don't really like the ending anyway. It's a pretty cliche "to be continued" thing; FotR and TTT did it a bit more low-key.
    darthcaedus1138 and Bacon164 like this.
  15. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    I liked it. I was thinking 'Oh poo, The Dragon has awoken'.
    NYCitygurl likes this.
  16. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    Was that really something we were unsure of?
  17. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Oh I am quite giddy over not actually seeing full blown Smaug. It's a great film tease.

    Am I bad for having thought Smaug was pronounced 'smog' rather than 'smowg'?
  18. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    I have 3 books to get through right now, but I may just break down and finally read The Hobbit after all these years. It may get me in the mindset for the final Thomas Covenat book due out in 2013.
  19. Kiki-Gonn

    Kiki-Gonn Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 26, 2001
    No, you're bad for not having read the books.
  20. _Catherine_

    _Catherine_ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 16, 2007
  21. Rebel_Padawan

    Rebel_Padawan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 11, 2003
    So after about a 20 minute delay to get the projector working and the first 2 minutes of Ian Holm's dialogue being a bit soft until they turned the volume up I quite enjoyed The Hobbit!

    I was also surprised to discover that I was a watching a 48fps session as I had not expected to.
  22. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    Saw the movie today with my cousins!!!

    Very, very good! A lot more vibrant colors and a more artistic/fantasy atmosphere than the LOTR films too, but I liked it.

    I saw it in 2D, and the only thing that didn't seem to convert well was the beginning with Dale and Erebor, which seemed slightly dizzying and th details in the gold seemed blurred. Otherwise it was great. And I really did like seeing Dale (not what I expected at all! definitely distinct from Bree/Rohan/Gondor) and the Lonely Mountain.

    Definitely slower-paced, but I liked most of the additions and changes, and I'm the kind of fan that liked all that we got. Bag-End was maybe just a tad too long, but other than that, nothing dragged (and just a minute after I thought Bag End was too long, it ended).

    I really liked the Trolls and Goblins too. They showed a different kind of villain, that's not totally evil. I even felt a little bad for them. And those scenes were very true to the book, keeping with the more light-hearted atmosphere.

    Azog the Pale Orc definitely helped make it into more of a story rather than just a sequence of events, which was needed since this was split into 3 movies. Without him this movie wouldn't have been able to stand on its own as well.

    I like the changes with the Dwarves/Elves, it blends much better with LOTR now, and I think Tolkien would approve of that change too.

    Also, with the chase, I think Gandalf just led them west back into the Lone-lands near Weathertop to find the secret passage (which is why Thorin was so puzzled about where Gandalf was taking them) and they spent much longer going through the passage. Or maybe they were in those plains that are between the Trollshaws and the Ettenmoors. Either way, it's not too big of a deal.

    Gollum is amazing as always. Such a good character. Despicable, horrifying, disgusting, pathetic, insane... yet you still pity him and feel compassionate for him. (And the CGI is even better now!)

    Oh and I never believed Thorin was dead. Everyone obviously looked concerned over him, and Gandalf did revive him like how he revived Pippin.His wounds didn't look too bad either.

    A question... so did Saruman convene the Council with Elrond and Galadriel, and not tell Gandalf? And why did he have a council, when he was trying to convince them to not do anything?
  23. darthcaedus1138

    darthcaedus1138 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 13, 2007
    Holy crap.

    I went to see the movie in 3D 48 fps last night. And let me say.

    I don't use the words train wreck lightly. But that's what this was. It was TERRIBLE.

    Almost every scene looked like it was on a slight fast forward. All of the problems I was expecting weren't really there, but instead I got a movie that seemed like it was being played faster. It ruined most of the little moments that Martin Freeman had, because instead of letting it breathe it just went SO FAST. Goblin-town looked like a video game. Literally. It looked like someone else was playing the Hobbit video game, and I was watching. And quick cuts looked absolutely horrid. The 3D was great (I'm not sure whether it was the 48 fps or the 3D, but the background to Rivendell looked very cardboard cutouty. Didn't notice it until this viewing.

    I was expecting a hyper-real movie that would take me out of the fantasy world because of the video-look and super-realism. I didn't see that though. The movie didn't objectively look any better, any crisper, sharper, clearer or more informationy. It just looked like somebody had kept their fingers on the fast forward button. I have nothing bad to say about the 3D though. That was fine.
  24. Everton

    Everton Chosen One star 10

    Jul 18, 2003
    Smaug will appear red, I'm sure. A nostril, and the area around an eye, these are areas that I would not expect to be the reddest areas of his body. Even there, though, the most abundant pigment appears to be red. Shades of it.
  25. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    He did seem blue around the nostril in the gold pile.