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Arena Pro Wrestling Discussion

Discussion in 'Community' started by wild_karrde, Jul 10, 2001.

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  1. V-2

    V-2 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2012
    Judging from his freakish proportions he doesn't do much running or leg work and basically just lifts weights all day while injecting copious amounts of steroids. He'll probably be dead in 10-15 years.

    Quality entertainment value in the meantime though, eh.

    DANNASUK Force Ghost star 7

    Nov 1, 2012
    Dean Ambrose is just awesome; enjoying his feud with Rollins. This is what the WWE should be doing to build stars.
    Darth_Smeagol and Juliet316 like this.
  3. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    I was thinking the same thing about building up his upper body and I'd wager he doesn't run the ring the way Jericho has since before his first return. The same thing happens with the Rock, but then, Lesnar has had health issues in the past.
  4. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
  5. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
    Hogan will be on RAW tonight.
  6. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010[/spoiler]

    I think, at least for my personal opinion on Orton, this is the sort of thing that has hurt his drawing power and appeal. Randy Orton could have been the actual face of WWE, but it seems as though WWE has no real idea what to do with him. Back when he first started coming on strong with Evolution and made the face turn after beating Benoit for the WHC, they had a great character and athlete everyone wanted to see. He made a heel turn and I for one ate it up. Then he went face again and was still enjoyable, until they just drove it into the ground and ruined the character. Fans called for a heel turn and it took forever(due to his suspensions I understand he was featured less, but they could have still done a bit more with him, plus the weird split legged jumps, awkward shadow boxing in the ring, and the WWE '12 roster reveal event didn't help him any) and they dropped the ball by waiting so long, and because they waited so long when the heel turn was done again I couldn't buy into it after the first month or so. Now if this ends up happening, it just shows how lost WWE may be on how to properly handle Orton.
  7. V-2

    V-2 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2012
    Orton is a great wrestler (and spectacular botcher) but I think he needs a break from WWE. Same goes for most of the top card performers and at least half of the mid card too.

    Raw review: **** me the women wrestlers in this promotion are abysmal. ****ing hell now it's Cena vs Orton again... LOL the Daniel Bryan chants at the end. I might just be deaf to it by now but I swear they didn't mention 9.99 for the first hour. The vibrator in the briefcase was funny. I have a vague memory of the Miz, also Hogan in pink selling t-shirts... I think other things may have happened, but I can't remember.
  8. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
    Me friend of mine off the boards noticed a 'Thank You Rollins" chant when he curbstomped Cena into the briefcase.

    Edit: Also apparently a lot of CM Punk signs were confinscated last night.
  9. V-2

    V-2 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2012
    The only vaguely interesting sign I saw was for a tobacconist's website.

    I saw one on TNA a couple of weeks ago that said "TNA NETWORK IS ONLY $9.98".
  10. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
  11. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
    It was on a Chicago morning show (on a rather well - known channel that broadcasts nationally), she would not have gotten out of that building alive if she'd said Punk was never coming back.
  12. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
    True. Still, given how much McMahon's like to make money and money can be made off of a CM Punk return, the idea will always be in their book, even if it's on the last page. :p

    On an unrelated note, I'm going to go see Fozzy in NYC this weekend and go VIP, so I'll be hanging with Y2J and the rest of the band before the show.
    Juliet316 likes this.
  13. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
    Have fun and remember: We want pics!
  14. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
    There will definitely be pics. Hopefully I'll be able to record a conversation, too.
  15. DarthMane2

    DarthMane2 Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Austin announced he's training for comeback on his podcast.

    Could it mean a possible Austin vs Lesnar match at mania, if reigns isn't up to par?
  16. DarthMane2

    DarthMane2 Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Austin announced he's training for comeback on his podcast.

    Could it mean a possible Austin vs Lesnar match at mania, if reigns isn't up to par?
  17. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
    Such huge news you announced it twice!:D

    I'm hoping his neck can hold up. I am disappoint we are likely not going to get Punk vs. Austin.
    DarthMane2 likes this.
  18. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
  19. V-2

    V-2 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2012
    Such a great gimmick. o_O
  20. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
  21. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
    The Fozzy show was awesome. Those guys are really cool to hang with too. Got to have a quick little conversation with all the guys, and Jericho remembered me from the first time we met which was cool.

    After all the autographs they pulled everyone into the room for a group photo.

    Then My girlfriend and I got a picture with them.

    It was a really good show and Fozzy knows how to perform and entertain. Jericho is the definition of a performer. My lasting memories of the show will be of Y2J looking over the crowd with the most appreciative smile on his face, and Jericho holding a "which side is louder" contest, and after the second time looking at the other side and pointing at us while mouthing "They're louder."

    Some other pictures from the show.

    Frank T. and Juliet316 like this.
  22. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001

    Not sure if it'd be wise. Lesnar is a bit sloppy and it wouldn't due for him to screw up Austin's neck.
    Juliet316 likes this.
  23. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Chosen One star 10

    Apr 27, 2005
    This. I want Lesnar nowhere near Austin precisely because of the neck issues.
  24. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
    I have a feeling if Austin is coming back, it's to do a program with Sting first and foremost. Sting has said on record in the past his interest would be to wrestle The Rock, Stone Cold, and Undertaker and not really do much with the newer talent. This just may be a precursor to such a thing happening within the next two years.
    DarthMane2 likes this.
  25. DarthMane2

    DarthMane2 Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Possible. Still, I'd love to see him get a real run with the belt one more time. Something legitimate, and not something just to hold for someone else. Like Rock did for Cena. A good run with the belt could also help to get the next generation of top stars over.
  26. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
    I worry about that though. Sure, with Stone Cold you're probably getting(or I would hope) someone who's going to be mostly full-time, but is he just coming back to be Cena fodder? I would hope not but anymore you just never know.

    If he were to come back for the purpose of putting over anyone, my hopes is for Seth Rollins or Dean Ambrose. They seem to be this generations Rock and Stone Cold in terms of talent and personality that can explode in popularity, and they both have the same feel of charisma to me. If they did bring him back for real run with a title with the purpose of handing the torch to the next generation then those two should be top candidates.
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