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Resource New Recommendations Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Kahara , Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    Since there seems to be some demand for fic recommendations over in the Looking for Fics thread, I asked if we could reopen the old Fan Fiction Recommendation Service (the original thread can be seen here: Mavjade suggested that I start a new one, so here we are.

    The way this will hopefully work: Somebody posts a request (ex: "does anyone know a good fanfic about this character/AU/time period/whatever you wish.") Then anybody on the boards who wants to can recommend some stories about that subject.

    There are just two rules that mavjade has asked me to include.

    1. No offsite linking. You can mention title and author of a story that only exists in complete form offsite (with the truncation issue, I suspect this may happen a lot.) Just don't link to it in your post.

    2. While you can recommend your own fic if it fits within the request, please do not use this thread to pimp your fics. If the only fics you ever recommend are your own, you may be asked to stop recommending fics.

    Other than that, just stay within the TOS (no indecent bantha on droid action, etc., etc.; stories should be within the same ratings as here) and have fun.

    Recommendations will be infrequently compiled by me at the top of the thread.
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  2. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    Reserved for recc listings.
  3. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    Reserved for recc listings.
  4. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    DAMN! And I already bought him the pimptacular clothes and bling.


    Thanks for opening a new thread.

    I wondered if anybody knows a L/M story that takes place during Choices of One time frame? I know of one, but that one has some gross Palpatine/Mara stuff in it. I am looking for a non-creepy L/M story.
  5. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    If you're interested, there are two by DarkJediJade called Consequences and it's sequel, Alliances. The first picks up near the end of Choices of One and goes AU from there.
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  6. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I wonder if those are the stories where Mara is both Palpatine and Luke's lover? I just cannot stomach Palpatine with....anyone. [face_sick]

  7. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Not sure. I had them recommended to me not long ago but have yet to actually read them. I feel the same way about Palpatine. Yuck!
  8. taramidala

    taramidala Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 18, 1999
    It's the same author, but different stories. IIRC one of them hooks Isard up with Janson.
  9. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Hazel has one called Crossing Paths. It doesn't really take place during CoO, but chapter 1 does. It can be found here (truncated of course) and on FF.N

    Great idea for a thread guys. I know I'll be using it.
  10. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    Just wanted to re-post the pic. [face_laugh][face_laugh][face_laugh][face_laugh][face_laugh]
  11. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    Oh dear. :eek:

  12. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    Okay, I've got a request. Does anyone know of some good fanfiction with Corran Horn? Most of the stories I remember are old and unreadable thanks to the truncation.
  13. Rau_Fang

    Rau_Fang Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 28, 2005
    I have a request too:

    Does anybody know of any fics that explore the theme of fate v free will in regards to Prophecy and the Force?

    I've got a plot bunny and I want to see what others have done with the topic.

    Thx, ya'll!
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_rofl] about Palps and Mara -- that is one gag!me pairing :p Rau_Fang - I don't go into Before Saga much, but there seemed to be a fic with the word Whills in it that dealt with prophecy and some such. [face_thinking] Your story, especially if it takes place during the Saga or Beyond, will really be interesting -- because of rebuilding the Jedi from the ground back up :cool:


    Does anyone know of any super duper L/M fics that take place after VOTF up to SQ, and hopefully includes the wedding and/or honeymoon? [face_dancing]
  15. Rau_Fang

    Rau_Fang Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 28, 2005
    Thanks Nyota's Heart! I didn't realize that you had answered. I'll look out for the whills in the Before Saga!
    Nyota's Heart likes this.
  16. YodaKenobi

    YodaKenobi Former TFN Books Staff star 6 VIP

    May 27, 2003
  17. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I didn't know we were allowed to change other people's quotes to make them look sick and twisted.
  18. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    This thread is for people requesting/recommending fics, not for misquoting each other to make a joke. Let's keep it on topic.
  19. imperator 277

    imperator 277 Jedi Youngling

    Nov 2, 2013
    A good crossover is HP/SW. Some ideas: Harry falls through the veil in the DoM and ends up in the SW universe. He meets the Solo's and Skywalkers, after some hesitation, and because his magic also qualifies as force potential, decides to join the Jedi Praxeum to train as a Jedi and has awesome adventures. Harry/Jaina Pairing. Hope someone considers it!
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  20. DarkJediJade

    DarkJediJade Jedi Youngling

    Dec 12, 2014
    Apologies for bumping an old post, but I just stumbled across this when I went to link someone a fic. Seeing this made me smile at being recced and laugh at the reactions. Consequences/Alliances (and the hopefully soon to be posted final part Balance if my muse revives a bit more) isn't the Mara/Palpy fic. That would be Fragments. Both are by me though. There is some Palpy/Isard in them however, especially the beginning of Alliances. It's more implied than spelled out however. I don't ever get very graphic or detailed on my fanfic account as a rule, but if Palpy/anyone is disturbing to you, fair warning. Sorry to those I've traumatized with my shipping. It's a lonely ship but someone's gotta sail it. :p
    JediMaster_Jen and Kahara like this.
  21. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Anyone have some good Rogue or Wraith Squadron stories?
  22. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    I personally don't know of any specifically about Rogue or Wraith Squadron, but as Wedge is heavily involved in both, I'll recommend Up in Flames by Thumper09. It's Wedge's diary from his parents' death to the day he decides to join the Rebellion; it is extremely well-written, adds some good depth to Wedge's character, and it won Best Canon Interpretation (Before/Saga) in the 2014 awards.
  23. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    It's hard to find anything X-wingy and un-truncated on the boards that you haven't already commented on, Force Smuggler. :p But I do remember a story on the AO3 archive by sabarte, titled Old Sins (I can PM you the link if you're unfamiliar with searching that site.) It's an AU where Asajj Ventress joins Wraith Squadron. Well-written and reminded me of the books; the AU of a different team member is pretty seamless. I liked it a lot.
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  24. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Darn. Was afraid of that. Hmm.............. Might try it out. I've been on the site before. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
    Kahara likes this.
  25. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Do any know of any...

    good fics with Tyber Zann and/or the Zann Consortium?

    fics that take place on Balmorra, Munto Codru, Metellos or Kiffu in the movies era?