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The Last Jedi Discussion Thread - **UNTAGGED SPOILERS WITHIN**

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by mavjade , Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005


    December 9th was the world premiere of The Last Jedi, so as of now there are people who have seen the movie.

    Normally discussion not specifically related to fanfic belongs in the social thread, but since people will be seeing The Last Jedi at different times and we don't want the social thread to be a mass of spoiler tags we've made this thread to discuss the movie while the spoiler period is in effect.

    The spoiler period (as in, the time that discussion of something is considered a spoiler) for movies is 2 weeks, so this thread will remain open until at least December 29th, though it will probably remain open a little longer.

    This thread is only for discussion of The Last Jedi, any other social discussion should remain in the social thread. This is the only place in fanfic you should discuss TLJ until the spoiler period is over. (You may talk about when you are seeing the movie and how many times you've seen it in the normal social thread.) If you want to post a fanfic that has spoilers, please see the FanFic Spoiler Policy for rules on how to post a spoiler story.

    You do NOT need to use spoiler tags in this thread.

    Please remember that everyone is here because they are a Star Wars fan, but opinions on this movie will vary, so be respectful.

    Have fun!
  2. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    First...sadly. :(

    Luke..... :( :( :( :( :(

    Ackbar... :( :(

    But...LUKEEEEEEEE. :( :( :(

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    Kahara and Lady_Misty like this.
  3. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    I've read the spoilers, too, and quite frankly I'm beyond pissed off at this sequel trilogy. They treated the OT heroes like complete crap at the expense of the new characters, raised questions that we'll likely never get answers to (As a side note to JJ Abrams, your "Mystery Box" technique is nothing but a horrendous writing style that raises questions that you and your coworkers OBVIOUSLY don't have the answers to and are there just to have the audience squirming in their seats). And, honestly, even though some of you may have differing opinions (and that's fair), I lost Jaina, Jacen, Jedi Leia, General Han, Lumiya, Ben Skywalker, Mara Jade, and so many others for THIS SHAVIT?!

    Sorry for the rant, all...
    Idrelle_Miocovani and Sith-I-5 like this.
  4. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I am actually on my way back home from the premiere...was not spoiled. The film WAS good, but painful.

    And yeah, unless Snoke regenerates magically, he's got to be the lamest villain in any major franchise. Or the biggest red herring ever. Okay, the latter actually makes sense. XD

    The trailer is so.trollish that I am now rewatching it and laughing out loud. LOL, this is why it's not good to speculate. Some sentences were so cleverly removed from pretty much any context.

    Luke's death was not in vain, or cowardish. On the contrary. It's a...parallel thing. Spiritual. And worthy of every single tear shed. He makes a heroic sacrifice.

    And sorry, bromance fans...Finn is taken.

    whiskers - It's not exactly "shavit", just not what one would expect. I have only a vague knowledge of everything between TTT and the Legacy comics, so I lack credentials for any side-by-side comparison.

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    Lady_Misty and whiskers like this.
  5. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Snoke... What?

    Luke... Rey... All of them seriously, no words.
  6. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    If you liked it, that's perfectly fine, I didn't mean to insinuate otherwise.
  7. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    whiskers - I am not that kind of a person, to go the X vs. Y route...just said that I simply don't know enough to compare. :)

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  8. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Rey is perfectly alive.

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  9. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    No, I'm ticked off and I lashed out, using some words that could insult people for liking it. That's why I apologized.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  10. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    What are you talking about :D Who said anything about dying?
  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I thought you had seen the film too and were messing with 'em lurks. Plus, typing when riding a bus and walking in cold does that to people. I need my caffeine.

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  12. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Well, seems like General Hux has now become the subject of ridicule for some reason. Fandom: prepare to give him another cat!
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  13. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Nah, a cooking show. A cat cooking show. :eek:

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  14. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    Cats that cook or him cooking cats?
    Kahara and Lady_Misty like this.
  15. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Cats cooking him. I dunno, but gizkaspice and I should totes collaborate.

    Okay, no more OT.

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  16. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
  17. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    What else didn't I say? Oh yes, Phasma dies in fire. And there's a point where Chewie roasts a bird on campfire underneath the Falcon on Ahch-To and the Porgs look at him with this fearful sqeaks coming out of their beaks. Now...I do hope that he didn't eat one of them. [face_rofl]

    And yeah, trying to give this thread a light note after I cried the heck out after the film...because, frankly, the TFA thread went into too much 'splaining, industry analysing and such...and we all need to chill' and enjoy life. That said, some pics from the Belgrade premiere coming up. :D
    Kahara likes this.
  18. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Is it certain that Phasma dies? Wasn´t she supposed to be the new Boba Fett?
    Kahara likes this.
  19. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Pretty sure she'll be back--she's a survivalist and escape artist.
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  20. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I'm still unsure, given how violent it looked like. But who knows?

    Kylo was very sneaky when he said that Rey killed Snoke to Hux.

    Another thing that was HILARIOUS: In the transmission at the beginning, Poe trolls Hux and keeps on calling him "Hugs". [face_laugh]

    So, yeah, me and my, me and my, me and my friends!

  21. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Do you think the script writers read that one hilarious crackfic about Millicent?!

    Aaah! Industry lurkers! Run! Hide! [Face_laugh]
    Kahara, Lady_Misty and Ewok Poet like this.
  22. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Aaaahhhh....... [face_love]:_|[face_love]

    Okay, so I only cried 4 times:
    Early on when Leia was on the screen, I can't remember the specific moment now
    R2 showing Luke the 'Help me Obi-wan Kenobi' vid
    Luke to Leia: "Nobody is really ever gone"
    And then Luke, of course.

    It was such a fitting death. I always wanted him to go out in a blaze of glory, and he did, even if it wasn't exactly the way I thought it would be. I'm of course sad, and him seeing the twin suns right before made me sob, but it hit the right note for me. It needed to happen. I felt that way after seeing him disappear and then it just doubled as Rey said she felt peace. And just because he's dead doesn't mean we won't see him again.

    The biggest shock to me was Yoda. I didn't see him coming and I LOVED it.

    Oh yeah, that was so great! I laughed so, so hard.
    Kahara, Chyntuck and Ewok Poet like this.
  23. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Okay, so, I just got back and I have a bit of a headache (ugh, why is 3D a thing) so this is going to be everywhere and I've probably forgotten a bunch).

    First off, NO ONE CAN SEPARATE A MAN FROM THE LOVE HE HAS FOR HIS DROID. Seriously, I think my favourite scene was the Luke and R2 bit, but also the Poe and BB-8 reunion was hysterical (as was the Poe and Hux transmission opening scene - I laughed so hard - and Luke chucking the lightsaber over his back).

    Okay, so, Luke's death. WOW. I kinda had it spoiled for me that Luke dies, but it was kinda one of those "grain of salt" things so I didn't completely believe it till I saw it myself. His whole arc warmed my heart and I loved his scene with Leia (and the nods to Han) and the final showdown of epicness. But then he becomes one with the Force, at peace and on his own terms and it's just exactly how I always wanted Luke to go. It was gutsy to have him die in the middle of the trilogy but his death itself was just so beautiful and so RIGHT. I may have shed a tear. Though, this is Star Wars. I won't be mad (or surprised) if Mark Hamill is back as a Force Ghost in 9.

    Ummm. What else? Snoke's death completely caught me off guard but I totally cheered!

    I love Rose. I knew I would (so much so that I may have based a West Wing OC... named Rosamie/Rose, kinda a bit on Kelly-Marie Tran's appearance). I still shamelessly ship Poe/Finn.

    Re: Rey's parentage. What a fake-out. Wow! I was so convinced she was going to be Luke's kid, and if this was 2 years ago, I would be so pissed. But, maybe because my fandom and fanfic interests have diverged elsewhere, but I'm really okay with her coming from no where (and I laughed so hard at that line too). Certainly opens up (or just kinda pokes) at the muse.

    I know I'm forgetting a ton of stuff, but I do want to say, before I go crawl into bed, Carrie Fisher was amazing. Her acting was lovely and her role in the movie so fitting. It makes me so sad that her talent and love for the fans is no longer with us, but her last appearance is something to be celebrated. Love that they gave her a tribute in the credits.

    I really appreciated Billy Lourd's role as Kaydel expanded and hope we see more of her in 9.

    Not sure if I loved the over-arching plot (whole tracking and running away), but it's the other things I loved.

    Quick prediction for 9: there will be a significant time jump (like I'm saying like 5-10 years) between 8 and 9.
  24. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Reviewer Extraordinaire star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Okay. So, Mr Chyn and I thought it was brilliant. Going by the number of standing ovations the film got, so did our friends and the whole movie theatre.

    The recurring comedy-tragedy-plot twist pattern was amazingly well handled and the opening scene set the tone for that so very well. We were immediately drawn into the story. Some characters that were barely sketched out in TFA got much-needed development (Poe, I'm looking at you and – incidentally – drooling, but never mind that), and to me THIS WAS LEIA (not that poor ersatz we got in TFA, which was IMO one of the weakest aspects of that film). Adam Driver is a truly great actor. So is Daisy Ridley, but she'd already had her chance to shine in TFA.

    We loved the running joke with the porgs; Mr Chyn is now under strict instructions to get me a porg plushie for Christmas.

    The one subplot that came across as quite unnecessary was that long detour through Canto Bight, but it was a great way to flesh out Rose and I certainly hope DJ will be back to double-cross people in episode 9.

    There were some truly amazing visuals and I was really excited about the fact that they borrowed from a variety of genres – for instance in Leia's non-death scene, where we switch from grandiose space battle to inner turmoil to a sequence straight out of a fairy tale.

    I loved the way Hux was developed here. I thought that making him the butt of jokes was a smart way to show that, as creepy as he is, he's still just a tinpot dictator. Also, they gave him better, more Imperial sideburns this time :p

    There was a loooooooooooooot of BB-8. My only complaint on that front is that there could have been more :D

    Other bits and pieces I loved: Snoke's unceremonious death and the ensuing battle between Rey/Kylo and the pretorian guards; YOOOODAAAAA!!!!; Poe's mutiny and the fact that it's Leia shooting him (oh gosh that was perfect); the scene with the multiple Reys; the Rashomon factor in the Ben becoming Kylo backstory; and so on and so forth.

    And, coming to the meat: Luke. Oh Luke. Such a fantastic character arc. From grumpy old hermit to "okay I'll do some of it" (squee factor for Artoo here) to I'm the badassest Jedi you've ever seen to that amazing death scene, on his own terms and without ever leaving his island... that was all beyond fantabulous. Also, a new Star Wars meme is born. People will be brushing dust off their shoulder for years to come [face_laugh]

    I'm realising as I type this that so many characters get spectacular growth during this movie. That's a real tour de force and it's very, very smart storytelling.

    I need to see it a second time (and third, and fourth) but I'll probably be back in this thread well before I even look at the cinema schedules.
    Gamiel, Kahara and Lady_Misty like this.
  25. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    NO WAY. I TAKE THE CREDIT. Hux the cook shorts existed while the movie was still being filmed. :eek: But yeah, the word games in those were all about "cute hunks", ducks' pizzle and the like.

    Rian Johnson, I want to have a word with you. I'm pretty sure that we can settle this with the right amount of Pepsi Max. :p

    The more I think about that one, the more I wonder if, by "gone" he meant that he'll be coming back as a Force ghost OR that he would never be "gone" from Ahch-To while he's performing his one last heroic deed.

    ....yes, to all this.

    More later. On the (in)famous unanswered questions.
    Kahara likes this.
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